5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 11

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ohiominnie said:
WTG, JARED!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE the "stealing base" smilie!! Will definitely show Sledge when he gets out of bed.
Wait.....it's 11:15.....maybe I should go see if he's alive in there!!

And Jared's team wears RED, too!
haha it took me a few minutes to figure out what smile you were referring to! THe one with the batter was the only the caught my eye, I didnt even see the other!@
Not the best picture...my camera was not behaving (or maybe the photographer was bad)....

I was getting clearer shots by shooting behind the fence than I was if I placed the camera lens through the fence. :confused3 Kevin? John? Mark?
dzneprincess said:
woohoo At this time next week I will be in Atlantic City !!!!!

Well, if you planned on going to a casino, you're in luck....they've re-opened them. Closed them down while the local gov't settled a budget dispute. Dummies.

I love it!!!!! Too cute I gotta save that one!!!!!!!HAHA really I will hve no time for the casino (maybe a little)..My flight does not get into AC until like 1130pm Sat night. The concert is Sun at 8pm( more like 9 the way she starts late) and then I have an O-GOD-O'clock flight home on Monday morning.....
justmestace said:
I was getting clearer shots by shooting behind the fence than I was if I placed the camera lens through the fence. :confused3 Kevin? John? Mark?

Well I'm none of the above but I can offer a suggestion. Does your camera have an auto focus? It might be focusing on something other than Jared thus making Jared blurry. Mark taught me a trick with my camera to hold down the button part way to get in focus. It brings up a focus box and I make sure my subject is in that box. Then click it the rest of the way down. Hope that helps.
Amazing, some of the smilies they have out there! If we looked hard enough, we'd probably find ourselves......


Me at the ballgames

Me at home....
WDWLVR said:
Well I'm none of the above but I can offer a suggestion. Does your camera have an auto focus? It might be focusing on something other than Jared thus making Jared blurry. Mark taught me a trick with my camera to hold down the button part way to get in focus. It brings up a focus box and I make sure my subject is in that box. Then click it the rest of the way down. Hope that helps.

There are an awful lot of things for it to focus on. I snapped one of him just taking off from 3rd, to steal home, and it ended up actually kind of cool. Made him look like The Flash!

I'll try what you/Mark said. My other camera has a setting for sports...but that wasn't working any better the other night.
Maybe it IS the operator!

U-T.O.P. with Mary!

pixiedust: :tinker: pdfg
Hey....the 11 night Southern Caribbean cruise has TONS of empty rooms...just in case anyone is interested.

It'll be interesting if it doesn't fill up....I've never been on a ship that had so many empty rooms.

Imagine the UPGRADES they'll be giving out!!!
justmestace said:
Hey....the 11 night Southern Caribbean cruise has TONS of empty rooms...just in case anyone is interested.
I'd love to, but there are these things called 'vacation days' that I don't have any of this year. We're trying to figure out where to go on vacation next year. It will probably be in the camper and within a day's drive of home (read 'frugal' vacation). The OC planner in me is going crazy without anything to plan for now. Can't wait for the 2008 dates to come out. I booked our double scoop on my birthday in 2004. Can't believe it's been that long ago!
justmestace said:
Hey....the 11 night Southern Caribbean cruise has TONS of empty rooms...just in case anyone is interested.

It'll be interesting if it doesn't fill up....I've never been on a ship that had so many empty rooms.

Imagine the UPGRADES they'll be giving out!!!

Are you hoping for one? :lmao:
TiggerInNY said:
WELL.....AJ didn't make it all night. He was in the middle and Augie, like I said before, was snoring so AJ couldn't sleep so he came inside. Smart boy if you ask me. We're supposed to go camping in the NEW tent that Dad bought (it's a 2-roomer) but what am I supposed to do when he starts and doesn't stop snoring? Sleeping in the mini-van is looking good. Just got through with breakfast. Pancakes and bacon. MMmmmmm good. Now I have to clean it up. Guess I better get going.

Pack two tents. Yours and theirs!!
justmestace said:
Better that than fighting over the same guy. I just wish Orlando had a little more meat on his bones. Don't like 'em too skinny.

T.O.P. !!

pixiedust: :tinker: pdfg

I guess that rules me out....and here I thought we had a future!! :rotfl2:
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