4/29/06 Eastern Magic...We're Going!!!!!

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If the Lions ever went to the Super Bowl Julie knows that I would be there no matter what. (she knows it won't happen in my lifetime so I think she just lets me feel good) The place that we were talking about is in Sandusky OH, but now Cedar Point is opening one right next to it, so here is a link to both of them.


or this is the one for Great Bear Lodge


Take a look and we can always talk more.

Geeezzz, can't a girl even go to Target???

I had a very busy morning...I got two girls up, brushed their hair (not fun!), fed them breakfast, made their lunches and sent them out the door to the bus, fed breakfast to number three, changed her diaper a few times (she either poops out hard little rabbit terds that make her cry or she has the runs - no happy poop medium!), read the paper, drank my coffee, watched the opening monologue on Regis & Kelly, showered, went to Target, met Tom for a yummy sushi lunch and now finally I am able to catch up on all of my reading!!!

Does anyone know why Target has the most awesome stuff but you can't get out the door for under a hundred bucks???

Apparently Lindsey (8 1/2) didn't like the Halloween costume that I already bought so there I was picking through the rack at Target looking for the one that she really wanted (a rock star). According to Tom she is starting to think for herself and he thinks I have a problem with that! She's only 8 1/2...I still have another 10 years worth of thinking to do for her, right?!?!

I am so excited that my little thread is already to page three and we still have 556 days to go...can you even imagine how many pages we might end up with!!! I love that Patty is getting involved...I only with our lame friends would join in!

I'm with you BTJ on the reunion thing...a post 04/pre 06 reunion is definitely in order! And an indoor water park is just the thing that us midwesterners & northeasterners need in the middle of the winter!!!
I can't believe this we are 550 some days away, and I am addicted. I had a second so I did some calculations.

Baltimore to Sandusky 6 hours 50 minutes 422.82 miles

Philadelphia to Sandusky 7 hours 46 minutes 480.68 miles

Syracuse to Sandusky 6 hours 19 minutes 395.97 miles

Lansing to Sandusky 2 hours 59 minutes 178.86 miles

These are Mapquest times and miles and are not totally accurate, remember back for the last cruise it said it should have taken us over 20 hours and we made it in 17. To be fair though I also checked into a distance that would be a little more equal.

Baltimore to Pittsburgh 4 hours 2 minutes 248 miles

Philadelphia to Pittsburgh 4 hours 58 minutes 305 miles

Syracuse to Pittsburgh 5 hours 27 minutes 360 miles

Lansing to Pittsburgh 5 hours 38 minutes 349 miles

I am not sure of anything like an indoor water park in Pittsburg, but I sure someone could find something.

Just had a second on my hands and since nobody had posted I thought I would put in a little filler.


:sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1: :sad1:

I come out to play and everyone else has to go in...did the streetlights come on or something???
If you want my 2 cents worth, not a huge fan of waterparks. It always amazes me that people who go(most) look like they can't afford a bath, but seem to be able to afford the ticket.....

Anway, HGp says he will take 2 pickets to Titsburg! Pittsburgh is a really fun town. They have Station Square, and believe it or not, fun places to go.. My sister lives in Pittsburgh.....the only problem with Pittsburgh is that Ketchup Witch lives there!!! Perhaps by then, we won't have to keep seeing her wretched face on TV any more....

Off to each my weight watchers popcorn that I have been obsessing over all day. 555 days and 14 lbs to go. That is only really .025 pounds a day. I can do that!!!

Have a great afternoon, catch up with you tonight.
Ok Ok... All work and no play makes bowtie a tired bowtie. :bounce:

Well we made it to sandusky in 6 hours. That was without kids though.

Not sure what's in Pittsburg, except that team. But if there are cool things to do hey I'm up. Be great to parade around in my Ravens gear! Anything in Cleveland? They like Ravens fans there too.

Julie, finally back from her galavanting around town. Sushi lunch with Tom huh?? So that's what you guys call it up in MI. :duck: I know what you mean about target. While I don't regularly shop there (since i don't regularly shop), JenLynn does, and I never see a credit card charge for under $100 from target.

And Tom... Did you really use Lions and Superbowl in the same sentence. :rotfl: Sorry... had to take that shot.

I am having trouble with the camera man... Gonna have to find a bigger bat. Stand by.
PhillyJen, what do you mean you don't like waterparks? Where alse can you see guys in wife beaters and speedos, big women in bikinis, people with hair in places where they shouldn't have hair, and lots and lots of tattoos, all in the same place??? What's not to love???

:jumping1: :jumping1:
Joe, Pat, Pango, looking for some help here, where are you guys when a brother is in need?:confused:

I did find a link to what PhillyJen was talking about.


Looks pretty cool, and I guy that I work with is from the Burgh and says you need to stay downtown and that Station Square is the place to be.

Hey Tom, i couldn't get the Station Square link to work!?:scratchin

Oh Julie ... it sounds like you had such a lovely day and i am so jealous!!! Shopping at Target and lunch with the hubby .... what a day!! I spent my day locked in a room with 29 crazed 8-year olds!!!!! :teacher: (kinda reminds me of when BowTie and Camera Chris get together :laughing: )

Hey Jeff ... It is nice to hear from you!!! You know that i am going to be devestated if we can't swing joining ya'll on this cruise. :sad1:

GO RAVENS!!!! :cheer2:



I have fixed the link, so it should work now.
That picture is scary, but HGP is pretty sure that is a scanned document, how 1990's!

Ok- so I just went back to read the thread from the beginning and I was hoping that when I finished, there'd be a new post from someone, anyone.......

Helllooooooooo-Patty, Mike,......I am thinking about sending my hubby an email from the other side of the room. That would be pretty tacky! He has been glued to this #$%^&^$ @#%^$@# #$^#@! baseball game for WAY TOO LONG!!!!

Well, we have school picture day tomorrow, so I'd better go wash and iron something!

I was thinking, we need to start a webpage like Three Circles, or ask Jason to let us post on his site for our cruise....now that I am allowed to post our pictures on the internet.

OK- going to fill a few orders tonight. Check to see if Talbots kids still has their huge sale and off to bed.....

Tom thanks for the call... I will be needing your help big time!!!

Man this thread is nuts already... we are going to scare any newbies away. Then again, that would mean a ship all to our selves. :crazy:

Station square looks like a cool place, but it doesn't seem to have much for kids. Adults weekend trip maybe??? Either way.. we need to all get together... Tough going in to the holiday season (can you believe its so close).

I am having major problems with the crew and am not sure I can close the deal :hyper2: . It will kill me not to go with you all... I can't imagine going the week before... I won't have any fun knowing the crew will be on the same ship just a few days later... It just won't be the same. Ahhh well if it is ment to be it will be.

500 some days to work on it until then BowTie Joe out. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

BowTie turns ?? years old Sunday... and it's not looking like a happy one. :sad:

How can we not go??? Look how happy we all are!!! pirate:
Good Morning Cruisers!!!

I am heading out to school in just a little bit but wanted to post before i left so no one would put an MIA accouncement out for me!:wave2:

Even if we can't join you on the cruise (say it ain't so!), we would love to get together to see everyone .... so if we can make it work that would be great .. Pittsburgh, Ohio, whatever.

Have a great day all!!

I really don't give a hoot, what you have to do to convince your Photographing friend, what I don't think you understand is this is a non-nogotiable thing. The Western cruise does not exist in your world, if I need to step in I will, but you might want to persuade Chris yourself before I get involved. :duck:

I don't do well with no, I am in sales, no just means that you haven't thought about it long enough, or I haven't presented it in a way that is acceptable for you. You are turning me into a telemarketer, by making me follow up with constant phone calls, and that is not a form of sales that I am comfortable with. Don't make me bring in my manager (the Queen) to close this deal.

Book the darn cruise Joseph, JenLynn cut him off until he books the cruise.

Good morning all!! Another raining day in MD. We may be able to put a site together, but it's not looking good for us to join you. Another person in our group wants a casino.:confused: Tom Tom teach me how to sell this please!

Ahhh, it breaks the heart, but if we don't make it we will be there in spirit! You guys can drunk dial me collect :crazy:

Rest assured I am working very hard on this deal.

But I am curious....

Where is Pango???

You all are NUTTY BIRDS!!!! I am psyched to be among such luminaries for a cruise!!! (No, really)

I'm on it too! Can I join your paaaarttay?

It will be me - my husband (both of us will be 35 and 34 respectively) and our son who will be 4 and my daughter who is in womb at the moment but will be 15 months or so.

I am a sicko planner - so I will be here often.

:crazy: :wave:
Welcome castlegazer!!! Yeah this crowd is just a little off. :bounce: :Pinkbounc :jester: :crazy:

Guess you may have guessed by now, but we all crusied together this passed May. Hopefully, with some luck we will be joining you this time round as well. But if not... Just watch for pirate Tom. He is the rink leader this time round!
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