30 pounds by Oct, who's with me??


DIS Veteran
May 27, 2006
Hey diser's! October 2012 vacation planned and of course I want to be 30 pounds lighter. Started my plan on Monday and as motivated as I am..... dieting is not easy. I am doing atkins and as a nurse I know its not the best choice but I need results to keep my motivation. I plan to do only the 2-3 week induction and then slowly add my carbs without the sugar. I have been working out 4-5 days a week committed since March/2012. exercise without dieting, I lost 5pounds. Since monday I have "lost" 6 pounds. I know its probably more water weight but its exactly what I need to keep me focused on my goal.

sorry for the story, but as with anything successful, we all need some supporters and those who are in the same boat that can experience the same battle. so who is with me? I have 3 months 3 weeks before we leave and I think.... No, I know I will find the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow.. Besides, we have FREE DINING!!!!! LOL:grouphug:
I feel like I do this to myself every year. We go on the DCL and rebook and I say that I don't want to be in the same place I was... and I always am. We leave the Friday before Thanksgiving and I would love to be lighter... 30lbs would be wonderful and I think very accomplishable. I'm with ya! Support is so important and I'd be happy to be there for you. :hug:
It can be done and once you start losing the weight the better you feel. Just don't stop working out, it helps keep you losing weight even if you have a bad day dieting.
My wife is currently on a get fit and lose weight drive, she has been doing a dvd called 30 day shred and plans to move onto a 6 weeks ab's workout once she has finished that :)

She is currently on day 22 of the 30 day shred and if doing fantasticly, it's a hard work out but it really seems to get results. It's one of Jillian Michaels work outs dvd's, i think she's one of the excercise people on the biggest looser.

She is aiming to go from a size 14 to a size 10 by the start of november :)
I'm in! I just dropped 20lbs in the last 2 weeks.... albee it I gave birth! :lmao: So I guess that doesn't really count!

My goal is to be down the other 30 by the end of Oct so I am TOTALLY with you. I'm doing Weight Watchers which seems to be working .... at least for the past 3 days that I have been doing it. ;) I'm nursing so I get quite a few points... but I still am struggling with the "need" for chocolate.
Im IN :) i JUST pulled out all my old weight watchers stuff from 2009...im actually 20lbs lighter now so I feel like I can do any thing :)
I was very excited when I seen this post :) we are planning a thanksgiving trip this year...and I planned on starting my weight watchers tomorrow..so yes Im in:goodvibes
That is exactly my goals as well! We leave October 2 - and I would love to be 30 pounds lighter! I have so far lost 24 since Feb/Mar. I have 30 Day Shred - haven't tried it yet - but no time like the present!
Thanks everyone! I am glad I am not alone!! I also have the 30 day shred, have not opened it yet. I do zumba, zumba toning, body rhythms core class, turbo jam, butts and guts. consistantly. I wish I would of taken my measurements because I dont see the results like I would hope. I started atkins on Monday with my husband, of course I have lost 6 pounds in 5 days but he has lost 9.:guilty: but good for him. I am hoping that atkins will jump start something:thumbsup2 thank you everyone I look forward to hearing your successes and positive thoughts and vibes to keep us all going.

so my positive thought for the week is
" Don't give up trying":grouphug:
I will join in here, I need to lose way more than 30 pounds but I am going to break it up into 10 pound increments. I started on Wednesday with the Eat to Live program. I had seen Dr. Fuhrman on Dr. Oz with a 7 day crash diet. So I ordered the eat to live book and have read it cover to cover. It promotes more of a vegetarian lifestyle. Which is fine for me because I don't really care for meat or chicken. I do like turkey but I could live without it. I haven't worked out but my hubby is having foot surgery this week, so I can leave DD home with him and get back to the gym. We aren't going to disney this year, I start nursing school in the fall, and I really want to lose 30 pounds by Sept 6, when school starts. Good Luck everyone and I will keep checking in.:cool1:
We are going back to Dis in March 2013. DH and I lost before we went on our first trip. Both were down 50 lbs. He gained it all back i gained half back. We went on vacation and came home and basically quit dieting and going to the gym. Now we are going to low carb and hit the gym again. Our schedule changed so that became a big excuse not to go to the gym. So I am in on this for sure.
Count me in! We will be going the week before Thanksgiving and I too have 30 lbs I would like to lose. I keep trying, but without support, I'm getting nowhere. Time to turn to my fellow Disers. I will begin this morning. Let's get healthy together! Skinny for Mickey!
GOOD MORNING LOOSERS!:goodvibes..lol..
You know I mean that in the very best way! So excited to get started with you you all! Im not gona lie Im not looking forward to exersising:( once i get in a groove Ill do better, but that first morning is the worst for me...I hope you all do great today....keep your eye on the prize:goodvibes and Happy Saturday to you all!
YES! I am IN!

Our trip isn't until Dec, but we have a big family event in Oct. I would LOVE to lose 30 lbs for... Today is a great day to start; I have to get measured for a dress :scared1:

Let's DO IT!!!!!
Good morning everyone!! I am in! I would be happy with 30lbs but would love to lose 40-50 total before our trip at the end of December. I could use a lot of motivation.
I'd like to join in. I want to lose 40 lbs before my trip Nov. 9th. Today's my birthday, so I'm starting Tuesday, after everybody stops feeding me.
I'd like to join in. I want to lose 40 lbs before my trip Nov. 9th. Today's my birthday, so I'm starting Tuesday, after everybody stops feeding me.

Happy Birthday!

Well, I survived day 1. I stuck to my 1200 calories, had no sweets, and walked 3 miles before it got too hot. I don't know about you guys, but it's the next few days where it will get rough while my body tries to adjust to the calorie restriction. I always hate the 1st two weeks of a diet! But the end results will be worth it. I hope that the rest of you who started today had successful days too.
I have been following the Eat To Live program from Dr. Fuhrman, I started on Wednesday and as of this morning I have lost 7 pounds. I have a lot to lose so I am going to break it up into 10 pound goals. Tomorrow we are going shopping and I know my hubby will want to go to a restaurant, so I MUST BE STRONG !!


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