30 pounds by Oct, who's with me??

That is exactly my goals as well! We leave October 2 - and I would love to be 30 pounds lighter! I have so far lost 24 since Feb/Mar. I have 30 Day Shred - haven't tried it yet - but no time like the present!

Go for it, the 30 day shred is a tough old work out but it definately gets results if you stick at it :)
Thanks everyone! I am glad I am not alone!! I also have the 30 day shred, have not opened it yet. I do zumba, zumba toning, body rhythms core class, turbo jam, butts and guts. consistantly. I wish I would of taken my measurements because I dont see the results like I would hope. I started atkins on Monday with my husband, of course I have lost 6 pounds in 5 days but he has lost 9.:guilty: but good for him. I am hoping that atkins will jump start something:thumbsup2 thank you everyone I look forward to hearing your successes and positive thoughts and vibes to keep us all going.

so my positive thought for the week is
" Don't give up trying":grouphug:

I would say 30 day shred is so much more effective than Zumba, my wife does both and 20 days of the 30 day shred produced better results then a few months of zumba. Weve got a pack of 4 dvd's from the 30 day shred series and unbelieveably 30 day shred is the easyiest.
I'd like to join in. I want to lose 40 lbs before my trip Nov. 9th. Today's my birthday, so I'm starting Tuesday, after everybody stops feeding me.

Happy birthday :banana:

You lot have got mt thinking I should join my wife in the loosing weight for Mickey challenge :rotfl: prohaps dropping around 10lb whoud do me good :)

Right I'm in :cool1:
I'm in - I think 30-40 pounds by end of Oct. I don't want double chins and a muffin top in the pictures!

I'm going follow The Pink Method. I started it before but then stopped....now I just need to find the book again! :rotfl:
Hey diser's! October 2012 vacation planned and of course I want to be 30 pounds lighter. Started my plan on Monday and as motivated as I am..... dieting is not easy. I am doing atkins and as a nurse I know its not the best choice but I need results to keep my motivation. I plan to do only the 2-3 week induction and then slowly add my carbs without the sugar. I have been working out 4-5 days a week committed since March/2012. exercise without dieting, I lost 5pounds. Since monday I have "lost" 6 pounds. I know its probably more water weight but its exactly what I need to keep me focused on my goal.

sorry for the story, but as with anything successful, we all need some supporters and those who are in the same boat that can experience the same battle. so who is with me? I have 3 months 3 weeks before we leave and I think.... No, I know I will find the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow.. Besides, we have FREE DINING!!!!! LOL:grouphug:

I'm a nurse too, that's going in Oct and has been doing low carb for 3 months now! I use to suffer from hypoglycemia and since starting, not one attack, also, I use to get about 4 headaches a week, now only 1 or less, plus I have much more energy and I feel full all of the time! I haven't started a regular exercise program yet, but have been swimming a few times a week. I am joined to a gym and plan to get back into it soon! So far, I have been measuring myself weekly and have dropped 26inches overall in 12 weeks and about 21 pounds. My goal is another 20 by vacation time! It encouraging to see others with the same goal. I want to be able to have a few yummy treats on vacation without feeling guilty, especially a dole whip or cupcake!!!:0)
Count me in. I'll take five of those 30 and everyone else can split up the rest. October....no problem!
I'm an old-timer here on the DIS and haven't posted in many moons. Had a whim to check in tonight and stumbled upon this thread. I too need to lose about 20 lbs, and seem to be lacking any sort of willpower. I'll keep up with this challenge and see how everyone's progressing, including myself :-)
I'd like to join in too! I want to lose at least 30 pounds before our October trip.

I love the 30 day shred, but haven't done it in a while. I'm vowing to start tomorrow.
My first bit of effort was to only have water before bed instead of my usual ginger ale, which I'm totally addicted to :-) A small step but a start.
I'd like to join in too! I want to lose at least 30 pounds before our October trip.

I love the 30 day shred, but haven't done it in a while. I'm vowing to start tomorrow.

Me too! And I am gonna FORCE myself to do it every day, even when I feel like I can't even walk! ;)
My first bit of effort was to only have water before bed instead of my usual ginger ale, which I'm totally addicted to :-) A small step but a start.

That's awesome! I thinks it's small changes like that, really can make a difference.
Down a pound this a.m. Of course I'm notorious for yo-yoing so can't get overly excited. How's everyone else doing?
Joining in! My DH and I are going on an Anniversary trip in early November and I NEED to get some of this weight off! I still haven't lost everything I gained on our January trip! :lmao:

I'm a vegan most of the time, but lately I've added in Tuna, veggie burgers, and eggs b/c I find that LC helps me stay less hungry. I have Plantar Fasciitis (running injury) so I haven't been able to run all of 2012, but I can bike with no pain, so NO EXCUSES! My 17 year old son and I have a date to hit the gym M-W-F and when we did this in 2011 we were very successful...well, he has stayed in shape the whole time, it's just me that struggles with it. It's lifelong, so I just need to get back in "the ZONE" b/c I always feel better when I'm exercising, regardless of whether I can fit into a 12 or 14 (the smallest I ever get)

I biked (stationary) 9 miles in 30 mintues this morning, it was a GREAT workout, heart pounding, sweating, breathing heavy kind of workout. Felt amazing. :goodvibes
Count me in!!! We are going to see Mickey on Nov. 30th and I looking to loose 45lbs...... I am so excited to now have this support system. I do so much better.
I am so excited to now have this support system. I do so much better.

I know what you mean. I've tried online "let's lose weight together" threads with not much success. I'm feeling hopeful about this one since it's on a topic dear to my heart...Disney.
So far, so good. Up to 8 pounds lost since Wednesday, I know this weight loss will start slowing down, but it is very encouraging. I am surprised I have not been craving sugar to much, I am a sweets/cookie addict !! Today we went shopping and out to lunch to Buffalo Wild Wings. I had a small salad and a small soft tortilla with lettuce tomatoes onions and plain grilled chicken. I haven't eaten meat since wednesday and I really don't miss it, should have had the tortilla without the chicken. For dinner I will just have a small salad and some steamed veggies.:)Have a good day everyone !!
Count me in-hopefully I remember to keep up with this thread (terribly bad about checking back in)

I'm 5 weeks into the Power 90 videos. I felt like I was losing steam because the scales weren't moving any more. So far I've lost 8lbs in 5 weeks (6 of those came in the first 2 weeks) but I'm hoping that some of this is muscle mass.

I have a trip in December and I'm hoping to have lost 35lbs total by then. so I'd like to lose 27 more pounds by December...or roughly 20 lbs by October.

Power 90 should finish up the end of August and I'm going to attempt P90x. I need to check out this 30 day shred mentioned here.

Good job to everyone keeping at it. Keep going! :woohoo:
So far, so good. Up to 8 pounds lost since Wednesday, I know this weight loss will start slowing down, but it is very encouraging. I am surprised I have not been craving sugar to much, I am a sweets/cookie addict !! Today we went shopping and out to lunch to Buffalo Wild Wings. I had a small salad and a small soft tortilla with lettuce tomatoes onions and plain grilled chicken. I haven't eaten meat since wednesday and I really don't miss it, should have had the tortilla without the chicken. For dinner I will just have a small salad and some steamed veggies.:)Have a good day everyone !!

Great start :cool1: well done you, diets are always hard im trying to cut out little treats like cakes and cookies when im at work, it's so hard :(


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