
I'm sorry you had to deal with those awful people. :(

Thank you for posting the photographs inside Space Mountain! So interesting to see what goes on in there (not that I understand it any better from the photos, but it's pretty cool to get a sneaky peak behind the scenes!).
What a horrible experience! Some people just do not know how to behave. I feel sorry for the little boy if that was his Dad as he doesn't stand a chance, poor child.

Well done for not saying anything and arguing. I think that is definitely the best thing to do as getting into an argument would make you look bad too. Will have to remember that for myself......

Hope the next day was much better for you.
Oh my goodness, what a crazy jerk that guy was!

People truly lose their minds when they get into crowds. I work in a very high volume theater, and people completely forget how to behave. Last night I had to diffuse a fight over someone standing up and dancing and blocking a woman's view. It is a concert lady, stand up and dance! These women were literally ready to have a knock down, drag out fight over this! Ridiculous.

I'm so sorry that this idiot made you feel that way! I'm so proud of how you and John handled it, and I'm glad the CM was able to take charge of the situation!
Just realized you had this update here. What a nightmare to deal with that angry guy (and his family)! I don't know what I would have done in that situation, but I'm glad the CM was able to do what he did and remove them. I guess this is why we never leave right after Wishes (and maybe never will)! I'm glad this has been the only bad moment of your Disney year, though.
What a sorry way to end a magical time. Not only for you but to this guys family. Wonder if he had to much to drink somewhere. I don't think we have ever left right after Wishes, always wait for the crowd to go so ya I agree with you wait the next time.Can't wait for more.
I'm jealous!! Annual passes and you are close enough to really enjoy them!! I can not believe you had to tolerate the harassment of that fool after leaving MK! I guess the only thing I can say about him, is small things for small minds! Not only was HE crazy, but then all the adults step away and leave the child in the stroller behind! Doh...

I am so happy to see that you are having a wonderful Anima Kingdom day and Hoorah for being tall enough to ride the rapids!!
ok Im only at the bottom of page two...chocking back the tears...your boys are adorable...enjoy every second...my two boys are getting big my oldest will graduate this year...and we have a Thanksgiving trip planned...It is amazing how fast it goes by....btw great trip report!...lol..Im loving the details:)
where did you get the pic on your first day?...that camera/battery shop?
Thank you for sharing:goodvibes
Oh my gosh! Blake suddenly looks really grown up! Yay for being tall enough but :( for sitting with John. LOL I would probably be a little sad too. Sounds like your day is off to a good start. Oh and I love the Nemo musical too!! And the puppets are OH SO AWESOME!! And the music is top notch. Yep! It's a good one!
ok so now caought up and omgsoh....what fools im sorry u had to run into a group like that....dont let them taint your special place:)
we had planned on skipping Animal Kingdom...but now maybe we will add it in...ugg..im trying to let my boys pick where we will go...frustrating at times..lol :)
again thank you for sharing your trip with us:goodvibes
I always hope to stay dry an the rapids but the last couple times I was one of the people that got soaked! I hate getting wet so I tend to not go on it anymore.

So glad that Blake liked it.
What a wonderful day!!! :goodvibes: I love the Finding Nemo show and usually we alternate, that one visit, Lion King the next.

We are going in September and my Grandson is going to be in the YES program. His class is at AK, called Wild About Nature. Sounds like a lot of fun! His Mommy is going with him. I will spend the time with my younger grandson. I think he will enjoy the boneyard and going on the dumbo dinos. There is always ice cream if he gets tired of Grandma. lol

I think the playground was the favorite thing at CS for my Grandsons We had trouble tearing them away from it actually! It's a beautiful resort!

Looking forward to more!


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