
Blake didn't do his Mickey pose!! :sad1:

Love this entry so much!!! I can't wait until we go back! It is the little things I miss-the atmosphere, the monorail, the tickets (I always hope for Goofy!:love: ).
Oh my, I can't wait to hear the story of the bad reaction to the triple birthday!

I'm so excited to be reading about the first day of your new Disney year! I could feel the excitement from your descriptions and pictures! I can't wait to ride that monorail in just a few weeks!!

That's too bad about CHH...it is always a disappointment when a favorite is gone from a menu! We really liked the chicken and fish combo basket though, so we will return!!!!

IASW seems like a perfect first ride to me...classic Disney! And I love that clock...Ben thinks I'm crazy but I love seeing it open!
I love the pics of the boys waiting for the monorail, their hands on the pole and them plastered to the window. You can tell just how excited they are! So sweet!
I noticed no Mickey pose too - I love that Blake does that.
I am so glad your year has started off so happy and excited!!:banana::cool1::yay:
The start of a Disney trip, with everything to look forward to, is always magical, but the start of a Disney YEAR is even more so! By the time we get back again, I'm sure we'll be feeling that same excitement over the monorail's arrival. Can't wait to see how everything unfolds...
The start of a Disney trip, with everything to look forward to, is always magical, but the start of a Disney YEAR is even more so! By the time we get back again, I'm sure we'll be feeling that same excitement over the monorail's arrival. Can't wait to see how everything unfolds...

It was incredible! We were all so excited to be there again, even if it had only been a couple of months since the last time. :rotfl: I'm even excited for your next visit! :rotfl: Hope you'll keep doing TRs once the baby is along for the trips!
I'm even excited for your next visit! :rotfl: Hope you'll keep doing TRs once the baby is along for the trips!
I'm sure I will! I love having the records and being able to look back and re-experience the trips! I guess it's my version of scrapbooking, since I just don't get into that. Dug Baby's time at Disney will be well documented! :rotfl:

Love the picture from AoA! A Lion King suite sounds awesome for a 30th birthday/100th Disney Day celebration! I'm so excited for you guys!
NOOO!!! Not a cliffhanger!!

It's so magical to walk out of a ride right into the middle of wishes!! It happened to us on our first night this last trip after riding PPF and let me tell you, watching wishes from right outside PPF is super magical cause the fireworks are all around you! It was amazing and just what we needed to get that magical feeling started for our trip.

Bah!! Hope you update again soon!! I wanna know how it gets scary! I hope it doesn't involve a lost kid! Cause my new mommy heart can't handle stories like that anymore!
Ahhh, you left us hanging!!!!!!!

Those pictures of Space Mountain with the lights on are so neat!!! I never pictured it looking like that! I'm with Andrew...I probably wouldn't have gone on it I had seen that before my first ride!!
That suite does sound adorable, doesn't it? I'm already reconsidering. :lmao: Yeah, this family and plans again.. I would still like to try it at some point, but I can't get over the price for that place. We could stay Deluxe for less! I'm too cheap and keep thinking in terms of how long I could stay at Pop for the same price. :rotfl: Oh well. We'll see.
Totally understand. I have a hard time justifying spending so much more for other places when Pop is great and so cheap! I didn't realize AoA was so much!

Nice evening at MK. Those lights-on photos of Space Mountain are so cool! It looks so different than I would imagine it. Uh oh, something scary's coming?! :scared1:
A scary part? :scared: Space Mountain with the lights on wasn't scary enough?
Although, leaving with a cliff hanger is quite cute!
Oh no! That WAS scary! Some people are just insane. He almost sounded drunk but as alcohol isn't served in MK I guess he was just a jerk! Some people really lose all common sense and verbal filters during late night exoduses I think. We've listened to many belligerent people while waiting for busses. Nothing like this though and never aimed at us. I'd be pretty shaken up too!

What did Andrew think of that all? Did he say anything afterward?
Definately not a great experience, but it sounds like you, your husband and the CM handled it well. Good thing it didn't happen to me, I have a tendency to not take someone talking to me like that very well.
Nothing but up from here though!!!
Some people are absolutely disgusting!! I am so sorry you had to experience that. I am so glad there was a good supportive CM to come to your defense!

I always tell my daughter (and some day it will sink in) that being tired or hungry is no excuse for bad behavior.


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