2011 Annual Goals: What will you accomplish this year?

Thanks, Lisa! Setting the goals keeps me motivated!!

My March goals (I'm going to cut back on scrapping time. . .since we're getting ready for WDW and things are picking up at work):

1. Scrap goal--50 pages: These will be a continuation of late 2010 & 2011, and also pages from DS's Age 1-Age 2 album.
2. Reorganize swap items, scraps, papers--I know I'll want them in order when we get back from our trip.--DONE, mostly
3. Keep Proj Life up to date--DONE
4. Keep up with daily journaling.--DONE

Personal Goals:

1. Lose another 3 lbs before vacation.--DONE
2. Keep eating out down and watch budget.--DONE
3. Get house in order and CLEAN before we leave.--DONE
4. Have work caught up so I'm not slammed when we get back.--DONE
5. Manage stress better--:rotfl2:

I hope we all have a MARVELOUS MARCH!!!

I'm happy with what I accomplished in March, even though it wasn't everything I had planned. Now off to plan goals for April!!
Hi! New to the boards but would love to get in on this challenge.

April Goal:
-Complete at least 50 page kits for a 27 hour crop in May that I am going to for National Scrapbooking Month.

Year Goal:
-Complete at least 200 pages this year
-Complete November 2010 WDW trip book
-Complete two books from my cruise on the Dream in February (one for me, one for my mom)
-Get caught up on current pages for the every day scrapbook
-Get started on Spain book from 2009

-Find local things to do to scrap
-Start a Book About Me scrapbook
-Back up all my photos on my external hard drive and ORGANIZE them!

Keep us posted on how you do... We are all great motivators and cheerleaders here in our cozy little corner of the DIS!!
I feel like I've done nothing this year, but I guess I've done more than I realized.

I will tweak this for sure, but here's my list so far:

Goal for Total pages done: 500

- Finish California Trip report for journalling
- Finish California 2010
- Finish 2010 album DONE
- 8x8 Memorial album DONE
- Update Avandaryl's books through 2010
- Fill in gaps for High School album, split into 2 books
- Scan Mom's Rose Bowl album, put in safer album
- Scrap college
- Start pulling photos and sketching overall album for DsD Grad album (2012)
- Start WDW 2011 album Started
- Start regular life 2011 album

Mini Books:
- Fall Fun 2010 DONE
- WDW 2004 DONE
- WDW 2001 DONE
- 2009 Fall Weekends

Home Decor:
- Wall art page will Illuminations Lyrics for our room
- Canvas art for Dining Room
- Pink canvas layout for Ariel's room
- Paneled wall hanging for Ash's room
- Other wall art/large photographs for girls' rooms

Ongoing Projects:
- Continue with scanning childhood photos, sort for scrapping Some progress
- Use up paper scraps for stash of handmade cards

- Learn how to use PSE for templates
- Come up with better storage system for General Disney embellishments - consolidate to one central place
- Put all loose magazine articles/notes into Idea Binder DONE
- Go through and better organize past memorabilia
My goal is to do 24 layouts this year. I'll set a new goal once this one is met.
I have a tendency for setting goals & NOT completing them (self-sabatage, I think). So I am very happy to report that I've completed my goal for this year-24pages!!!!:cheer2: Here are a few more I didn't list, but have completed.
1) Before he deployed, I was determined to finish his military albulm through his time in Germany
2) I put all the photos I had on zip drives & SD cards on my computer.
3) Bought CM's digital program & ALL the Walt Disney digital stuff they sell. I downloaded all the free stuff they offer & the stuff I bought.
4) Created visual files for the digital things I have & want. This will make it so much easier to figure out what I have & what file its in.
5) Figured out how to add fonts to my computer (Thank you wonderful Disser who helped me) & added ones that will be perfect for my Disney albulms.

1) Get hubby to finish journaling his pages.
2) Download all photos on CDs to my computer
3) Set up an online photo account to store my photos
4) Copy all photos to online account
5) Create a visual file for my fonts.
6) Finish DS1's 1st year book
7) Start DS2's 1st year book
For the year:-

- Use up a lot of swap items!!! Still in the works...getting closer!
- 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Disney books done !!! Still in the works...getting closer!
- Scrap current events Yeah...not yet
- Start back-tracking on past photos to be scrapped (do at least 4-5 pages per month) I am thinking I am so far behind that I will be better off starting with the current and keeping that current and filling in the past when there is time. Nope
- Keep up on the printing of photos!!!! Ah....almost done!
- All this scrapping brings my goal to about 800 I'm not sure I can do it, but I'd really like to try!!! At this point, I have no gift albums to do, so I should be able to get my own done for once! 754 left after mid-April!!

For March:

- Edit and order all photos on computer & make cds almost all done!!!
- Scrap all January, February and March pictures I wish!!
- 2010 Disney albums done (this is the shortest trip, so I'll start with this one to get myself motivated) Nope!
- 2009 Disney albums started Nah!
- Continue to organize all scrap stuff and take inventory... so I know what I have when making pages!!! Uhhhh....dead stop here!
- Finish MK swap Yep!!!!
- 1/2 done with rides letter swap most cut, assembly started
- Finish parks letter swap getting there
- start school swap all cut, started assembly
- start pet swap cutting
- get new puppy yepper!! Soooooo cute!
- book trip to Cape for summer not yet and unsure still
- book DC trip in May may be moving this to September
- start baby book for DNiece coming in May done!
- St. Patty's party!! cancelled


- Print all pictures and keep printing!! almost there!
- Keep house in order and sparkly clean (I feel more creative in a clean and organized environment for whatever reason) yes!!!
- Stick to our once a week family day...has to be a movie, game, outdoor activity, project, etc. I think???
- Exercise at least 3 times a week and eat much better once all the cookies are gone (Included with this is losing 30 lbs by summer) This went out the window...need to get back to business!
- 2 dates per month with the hubs ehhh....maybe??

Not bad...

I'm a little late on this. Life got in the way of Dis!
For the year:-

- Use up a lot of swap items!!!
- 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Disney books done
- Scrap current events
- Start back-tracking on past photos to be scrapped (do at least 4-5 pages per month) I am thinking I am so far behind that I will be better off starting with the current and keeping that current and filling in the past when there is time.
- Keep up on the printing of photos!!!!
- All this scrapping brings my goal to about 800 I'm not sure I can do it, but I'd really like to try!!! At this point, I have no gift albums to do, so I should be able to get my own done for once! 754 after mid-April!!

For Rest of April:

- Edit and order all photos on computer & make cds
- Scrap all January, February, March and April pictures
- 2010 Disney albums done (this is the shortest trip, so I'll start with this one to get myself motivated)
- 2009 Disney albums started
- Continue to organize all scrap stuff and take inventory... so I know what I have when making pages!!!
- 1/2 done with rides letter swap
- Finish parks letter swap
- finish school swap
- finish pet swap
- finish sports swap
- book trip to Cape for summer?
- book DC trip in September


- Print all pictures and keep printing!!
- Keep house in order and sparkly clean (I feel more creative in a clean and organized environment for whatever reason)
- Stick to our once a week family day...has to be a movie, game, outdoor activity, project, etc.
- Exercise at least 3 times a week and eat much better once all the cookies are gone (Included with this is losing 30 lbs by summer)
- 2 dates per month with the hubs
I don't think I even made goals for April, so I'm going to make some for May!

Scrapping Goals:

1. Pics printed that are backlogged--included in this are PL for 3/27 on, Easter, my brother's bday, etc. (I have a master list)

2. Scrap Aug 2009-Nov 2009 in DS's Age 1 - Age 2 album--he's about to turn 3, and I need to not drown in the amount of pics/stuff I have

3. Organize papers/swap items & clean up room!

4. Make notes for April 2011 Disney album

5. Make sign for DNiece's bday

Personal Goals:

1. Lose 5-6 lbs

2. Keep a good attitude and deal with stress--it's testing month & graduation month at work, plus we have a lot of "internal" stuff going on there.

3. Keep house clean--disorder drives me crazy which is then more stressful!

4. More family time!!

Let's have an awesome May, everyone!!
April Goals

1. Complete DD's 9th grade year; keep current this year Finished 10th grade and kept current (all but Prom) for this year
2. Complete DS's 7th grade year; keep current this year Finished 8th grade and kept current this year
3. Complete DS's 2nd grade year; keep current this year done
4. Complete kids' 2010 spring sports pages done
5. Complete kid's 2009 fall/winter sports pages
~ DD ~ XC
~ DS ~ Soccer/Basketball
~ DS ~ football (49er's)
6. Complete March 2011 pages (photos to arrive this week) done
7. Complete May/June 2010 pages (photos to arrive this week) done
8. 2002 album complete 4 x 6 dividers
9. Complete DS14's sports pages ~ individual/team
10. Complete DHS 2008 pages
11. No swaps again! LOL! I had to help!
12. Order photos for May by April 21st. will be done 5/3

ETA: May Goals

May Goals

1. Complete DD’s: 8th – 9th grade years
2. Complete DS14’s: 6th – 7th grade years
3. Complete DS10’s: 2nd grade year
4. Complete boys’ spring sports photos
5. Keep current boys’ spring sports photos (2011)
6. Complete April 2011 pages
7. Complete Jan- April 2010 pages
8. 2002 Album into books
9. Complete DS14’s individual/team sports pages
10. Complete Epcot ’08 pages
11. Complete Epcot ’11 swap
12. Complete DD’s spring 2010 sports pages
13. Complete DS14’s spring 2010 sports pages
14. Complete DS10’s spring 2010 sports pages
15. Goal: 50 pages (hoping for 100)
I didn't make any April goals either!

so for May:

finish up current swaps
work on 2011 WDW trip ~ Magic Kingdom
start 2011 pages
limit scrap shopping to basics and necessaties ONLY

personal ~ just stay afloat!
For the year:-

- Use up a lot of swap items!!! Going to try to do this tonight
- 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Disney books done No more progress...but trying to get back at it
- Scrap current events I've done nothing for 2011! Not good!
- Start back-tracking on past photos to be scrapped (do at least 4-5 pages per month) I am thinking I am so far behind that I will be better off starting with the current and keeping that current and filling in the past when there is time. Still in the plan....
- Keep up on the printing of photos!!!! Almost done
- All this scrapping brings my goal to about 800 I'm not sure I can do it, but I'd really like to try!!! At this point, I have no gift albums to do, so I should be able to get my own done for once! 754 after mid-April!! Still the same

For Rest of April:

- Edit and order all photos on computer & make cds Stand still...waiting for a great deal from snapfish...maybe for Memorial Day?
- Scrap all January, February, March and April pictures Nope
- 2010 Disney albums done (this is the shortest trip, so I'll start with this one to get myself motivated) No
- 2009 Disney albums started No
- Continue to organize all scrap stuff and take inventory... so I know what I have when making pages!!! Thinking this will be done more like June or July
- 1/2 done with rides letter swap ehhh...almost
- Finish parks letter swap done
- finish school swap almost
- finish pet swap getting there
- finish sports swap done
- book trip to Cape for summer? still thinking on this
- book DC trip in September not sure yet?


- Print all pictures and keep printing!! getting there
- Keep house in order and sparkly clean (I feel more creative in a clean and organized environment for whatever reason) tough with all the activities...trying
- Stick to our once a week family day...has to be a movie, game, outdoor activity, project, etc. LOL everyday is family day...at the baseball or softball field!!!
- Exercise at least 3 times a week and eat much better once all the cookies are gone (Included with this is losing 30 lbs by summer) Ummmmm....no....need to get on it...think I probably gained back the 7 that I already lost
- 2 dates per month with the hubs no time lately

Uhhhhh....really slacked this month. I have to get myself in gear! Time to buckle down!
For the year:

- Use up a lot of swap items!!!
- 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Disney books done
- Scrap current events
- Start back-tracking on past photos to be scrapped (do at least 4-5 pages per month) I am thinking I am so far behind that I will be better off starting with the current and keeping that current and filling in the past when there is time.
- Keep up on the printing of photos!!!!
- All this scrapping brings my goal to about 800 I'm not sure I can do it, but I'd really like to try!!! At this point, I have no gift albums to do, so I should be able to get my own done for once! 754 after April!!

For May:

- Edit and order all photos on computer & make cds
- Scrap all January, February, March, April and May pictures
- 2010 Disney albums done
- 2009 Disney albums 1/2 done
- Continue to organize all scrap stuff and take inventory... so I know what I have when making pages!!!
- Finish rides letter swap
- Finish school swap
- Finish pet swap
- 1/2 done with Epcot swap
- 1/2 done with Character swap
- Start outside the parks swap
- Finish Paper Clip swap
- Start ABC swap
- book trip to Cape for summer?
- book DC trip in September?


- Print all pictures and keep printing!!
- Keep house in order and sparkly clean (I feel more creative in a clean and organized environment for whatever reason)
- Stick to our once a week family day...has to be a movie, game, outdoor activity, project, etc.
- Exercise at least 3 times a week and eat much better once all the cookies are gone (Included with this is losing 30 lbs by summer)
- 2 dates per month with the hubs
ETA: May Goals

May Goals

1. Complete DD’s: 8th – 9th grade years moved to June/adjusting
2. Complete DS14’s: 6th – 7th grade years moved to June/adjusting
3. Complete DS10’s: 2nd grade year moved to June
4. Complete boys’ spring sports photos done
5. Keep current boys’ spring sports photos (2011) done
6. Complete April 2011 pages done
7. Complete Jan- April 2010 pages done ~ actually completed all of 2010!!! So that book just needs into page protectors and album!!!!
8. 2002 Album into books done
9. Complete DS14’s & DS10's individual/team sports pages awaiting photos from photographer... figures it would take forever this time!
10. Complete Epcot ’08 pages June
11. Complete Epcot ’11 swap done
12. Complete DD’s spring 2010 sports pages 3/4 done
13. Complete DS14’s spring 2010 sports pages 3/4 done
14. Complete DS10’s spring 2010 sports pages 3/4 done
15. Goal: 50 pages (hoping for 100)Finished 60


Scrapbook 100 pages

1. Complete DD's ~~ 9 & 10th grade years (10th almost done)
2. Complete DS15's ~~ 7 & 8th grade years
3. Complete DS10's ~~ 2nd grade year (almost done)
4. Complete 2008 Disney trip
5. bag/tag Epcot swap (done just need to bag and tag)
6. update yearly goals
7. complete DS15's back logs of sports pages (almost done)
8. Finish 3 member pages for 4-H scrapbook
9. Cut 4-H needs out by 6/3
10. count # of page protectors and order for 2010 book
11. find sale or use 50% of coupon for 3-ring album ffor 2010 book
12. Complete 2008 Opening/Closing page for Disney trip... Opening page DR's "Our vacation" page... Closing page.. collage of photos...
13. Complete boys' soccer spring individual/team photos
14. order 1 pkg of B.Higgins 12 x 12 page sleeves for 3x4 photos
15. spend less than $20.00 this month on supplies (adhesive.. paper stash is good)
16. only order photos for May 2011 pages and 4-H needs
17. complete May 2011 pages keeping 2011 book current
18. make list of missing pages in 2004 Disney book: Opening page/closing page/........ (I think there is 3 filler pages I need)
19. Complete DD’s spring 2010 sports pages 3/4 done
20. Complete DS14’s spring 2010 sports pages 3/4 done
21. Complete DS10’s spring 2010 sports pages 3/4 done
June goals for me (because I've stunk it up at April & May!!):

1. Start & finish DS's age 1-2 book
2. Plan out Disney 2011 book--pull papers, swap items
3. Complete Epcot swap
4. Complete Outside the Parks Swap

5. After planning Disney book, evaluate what else I would need to see about upcoming swap participating.
6. Keep to family budget
7. Cook more

8. Exercise every day
9. Tied to that. . .lose 5 lbs
10. Start & finish 2 Christmas gifts
11. Start & finish 2 friend projects

We are doing a little spring/summer cleaning.. this will no longer be a sticky but the link can be found in the 2011 Scrapbook Challenge OP to updated how you are doing!!!! :)

Keep up the good work everyone!!!!


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