2011 Annual Goals: What will you accomplish this year?

You're making good progress Erin :) Just keep plugging away, maybe you & I can keep each other motivated to get our pictures printed and older albums started :cheer2:
You're making good progress Erin :) Just keep plugging away, maybe you & I can keep each other motivated to get our pictures printed and older albums started :cheer2:

Ohhhh.....let's do that Cheryl!!! I need the motivation! I am hoping to do another snapfish order this week!!!!!!!!! And, I would love to scrap some older stuff...as well as the Disney stuff and current stuff. I think I can do it if I just allow myself the time!
My goals for 2011 ---- get through it!
This will be Megan's last year of elementary school, going to enjoy each minute of it with her! I am so not ready for her to be going to middle school.

scrapping goal:
not sure about page totals, just get caught up, hopefully 500 pages
finish 2009 album by Disney trip completed 1/12/2011
due Disney trip
finish 2010 album
use swap pieces used a few old set from 2006
not to buy new items except cardstock, pattern paper only for needed LO and adhesives did good on this

personal goal:
PATIENCE!!! do pretty good on this most days
walk morenadda, too yucky out!, but trying to jog up my stairs!
eat healtiertrying!

Good luck everyone with your goals!!

so for February

finish tag swap finished 2/6!!!!
finish letter swapfinished 2/17
make gift album for friend finished 2/5!!!
start 2010 album - at least start, get all photos printed, sorted and LO's figured outstarted, all photos printed and sorted

good luck with February everyone!
Well, my goal is to take at least 30 pictures a month. My next goal is to create 40 or more scrapbook pages NOT just after my vacations (even though those will be lots of photos)
February Goal:

Scrap 2008 Disney Trip in everyone's albums.
Start and Finish MK swap- Have my ideas and materials just have to excecute. Want to have this done before the move.
For February:

Finish Sophie's First Birthday book
Keep plugging away at Cruise book - try to get 6 layouts done?
15 cards - Valentine's?
i've had a nice holiday break from scrapping and i'm ready to get back to it.

My annual goal this year is 200 pages. I didn't set a goal last year but i think this is a good number for me. An improvement from last year, but not totally out of reach.

My january goals:
Get caught up on editing and print pictures since october Got most of this done. Still a few left to print, but they are edited!excavate the scrap room which looks like a bomb went off in it I found my desk. Does that count? I just need to sort my scraps and find homes for a few items.
finish the christmas wreath that i started in october but had to put off for gift scrapbooks Minimal progress. Dang it!
16 pages to keep me on track for the year I got 14 done which is not bad. Got distracted by cards, but I will make up the difference this month
finish current cross stitch project (can carry over to feb) Progress made, but if it gets finished in Feb, look for pigs dodging airplanes.
no new scrap supplies (adhesive exception) Justifiable failure. Did you want my mom to have ugly b-day invites? It was only a punch and a DCWV stack. I needed it ;)
my goals for the year:
Finish 2009 wdw trip before we go in sept 1 page down, lots more to go...
do at least one page of dh's alaska pictures each month (i have no motivation for these pics) Don't tell DH. I can't find the album that he put all the pictures in. I'm not even sure I've seen it since the move :scared1:
finish my sisters wedding book for my mom by the end of march Mom hasn't given me the pics so I can't start. Finish date may have to be moved, but hopefully not more than a month or two.
redecorate our bedroom I have ideas!
be a better house keeper still not perfect, but definite improvement.
spend more wisely on scrapbooking supplies even my slips last month were for planned uses
use more scraps used lots of them in Jan. Lots left to use though...

Carry over all of my January goals
Finish organizing the scrap room.
Edit and print pics--don't get behind!
Finish that dang wreath.
20 scrapbook pages.
No new supplies (adhesive exception).
Significant progress on cross stitch.

Improve houskeeping.
Find the Alaska photo album ;).
Finish WDW 2009 before Sept.
30 minutes of exercise 3x a week.
So far so good on my organizing goal!!! I organized almost all of my scraps last nigt and today (need two more binders). Organized some of my heavily used scrap supplies as well as the things I am currently working on (swaps and 2010 Disney trip). So, that's awesome!!! I think I may actually work on photos tomorrow to chip away at that goal also!!! I still have plenty more organizing to do, but it's a start!! And, I am going to swap and scrap tonight and tomorrow!! Loving the motivation I have right now! I feel so happy with all I accomplished today that it has my creative juices flowing!! :woohoo::woohoo:
Scrappy goals:

update Christmas album - January - didn't happen, moving to February
Update school albums - February
Work on sports albums - May
Finish 1990's - November
Make it to Journalling Genius - December

shop my stash

Household goals:

Paint kitchen - January didn't happen, to many snow days. Moving to February
Finish painting master bedroom - February
Finish Living room - March
Paint hall/stairs - April

Order dumpster - Spring
Paint outside of the house - summer
new shrubs in front - summer

purge purge purge - All year
Declutter basement - all year
Declutter loft - all year

Build DH's office and DS13's bedroom - hopefully some day soon

Personal goals:

get better organized
work on my time management
clip more coupons and shop smarter Savings to date $721.87
no more fast food!!! Spent $100.49, saved $322.31
work out more consistently
lose at least 20 lbs
go even greener
pay off credit cards
pay off DH's mini (February) done!!!!!

Family Goal:
Do more fun stuff together
Disney in December
Save money to do Everest Challenge in May at WDW

February's goals:
53 layouts done
Update Xmas album - photos ordered
Update School Albums
Paint Kitchen
No eating out
no plastic bags!! - came close in January
organize February's bills and receipts
work out 840 minutes (30 a day)
Pay off Paypal account
organize and reduce clutter on one shelving unit in basement
Buffy--those savings are amazing!

I think I'll borrow your idea and put the money we don't spend on eating out into a trip jar :) We already save all of our change.

Looking at your food savings I may need to look at using coupons.
Thanks Cheryl!!

Nancy and I get together every Thursday and clip coupons. We email each other the weekly online coupon sites. I have a binder with baseball card page protectors and I have everything sorted by category. It really helps with keeping my stuff organized.

The $700 includes sales at the clothing stores, Kohls cash, buy one get one 1/2 off at Famous Footwear, coupons and reusable bag discounts. Basically anything I would have purchased at full price but didn't, I added to the savings.

For change, if I pay for anything in cash I pay with paper money and all the change goes into the Disney bucket.
you can also do that in your checkbook. I used to round up any amount for checks and debit card purchases to the next dollar. But it got to the point where I couldn't keep track and keep the checkbook balanced. LOL

Our eating out bill in Jan 2010 was $1044, this January was $100. Granted my groceries went up but I still spent $300 less then we did in Jan 2010.
February goals have been added/udpates for January.

February Goals
50 pages this month
Finish kids' 2010 fall sports pages (football, soccer, XC) Working on individual meet/ game pages now so will move this to Feb.
Complete pages for Sept/Oct 2010 Done
Will reorder DS10's birthday photos for family album layout Done
Continue working on kids' school albums ~ have been pulling photos when working on the family albums (seems to go faster that way) Will finish 2 years for each kid by May.
Finish '04 Disney MK day Done
Bring current Jan 2011 pages (photos ordered) Done
Write up the calendar pages and embellish for the 2010 family album Done Sept/December just need to embellish
16 Disney 2008 pages
Complete DS14's 3 years sports seasons (older ones) Done
DS14 & DS10 BB team/individual photo season Done

I'd like to complete 600+ pages this year. Since I'm not doing swaps after I finish the holiday swap this should be very obtainable.

January Goals:
~ Finish kids' 2010 4-H fair pages (this will bring their books back current) Done
~ Finish kids' 2010 fall sports pages (football, soccer, XC) Working on individual meet/ game pages now so will move this to Feb. BUT the individual/team season for fall 2010 are complete.
~ Finish kids' school book pages for 2009 and thru December 2010
~ finish 2004 Disney album (there isn't much left and I have swaps to use to finish this)
~ complete 2010 Christmas Tree photo book (only have 2010 to do and it's current) Done
~ finish 16 pages of 2008 Disney trip (lots left to do here; will pick a park and finish that first in these 16 pages)
~ work on 2010 family album (working backward Dec/Nov) Done

February Goals

~ Finish kids' 2010 fall sports pages (football, soccer, XC) Working on individual meet/ game pages now so will move this to Feb.
Complete pages for Sept/Oct 2010
Will reorder DS10's birthday photos for family album layout
Continue working on kids' school albums ~ have been pulling photos when working on the family albums (seems to go faster that way) Will finish 2 years for each kid by May.
Finish '04 Disney MK day
Bring current Jan 2011 pages (photos ordered)
Write up the calendar pages and embellish for the 2010 family album
16 Disney 2008 pages
Complete DS14's 3 years sports seasons (older ones)

This year:
Will finish transferring older albums into safe albums.. They are in photo boxes; need in albums.. I'm making these blended albums w/ scrapping mats to journal, highlight events, etc.
Will bring DS10's school book current
Will get DS14's school book moving (working backwards ~ from 9th- 6th grade)
Will get DD17's school book moving (working backwards ~ from 11th - 8th grade)
Will keep 2011's family album current
Will complete 2010 album (this doing 2 months @ a time starting in January)Dec/Nov done
Will inventory 2009 family album and complete (this has a lot already done) inventory; found photos already printed will work on this shortly
My goals for 2011 are as follows:

I would like to complete 250 pages
Keep DD's personal album Up To Date
Do Pigeon Forge trip started
Myrtle Beach
Sea Grove
Keep portrait album UTDcurrent
Keep DD's school Album UTD
Start learning Digital scrapbookingstarted
Start Oct 07 WDW tripprinting
Dec 07
Feb 08
Start and keep UTD DD's Girl scout albumcurrent

so for February

finish tag swap finished 2/6!!!!
finish letter swap
make gift album for friend finished 2/5!!!
start 2010 album - at least start, get all photos printed, sorted and LO's figured out started - 19 pages done so farphotos are orderedphotos I have are sorted

good luck with February everyone!

getting stuff done!!!!
my 2011 goals:

  • start (and finish) my wedding album (only been married 27 years)
  • scrap 365 pages this year
  • teach at class at 2 of the weekend retreats I have signed up for
  • limit my scrapbook shopping to one weekend a month
  • use as much of my loose (not collection) pattern paper as possible
  • make a birthday card for all the people on my team at work (20)
Next up March goals...

February goals have been added/udpates for January.

February Goals
50 pages this month Done 85 pages so far.. still time!
Finish kids' 2010 fall sports pages (football, soccer, XC) Done fall 2010
Complete pages for Sept/Oct 2010 Done
Will reorder DS10's birthday photos for family album layout Done
Continue working on kids' school albums ~ have been pulling photos when working on the family albums (seems to go faster that way) Will finish 2 years for each kid by May. Caught up with current school year for all 3 kids!!!
Will have DS10's 3rd grade done in March.. Will get Jan- May stuff done for older kids from 10th & 8th grade
Finish '04 Disney MK day Done
Bring current Jan 2011 pages Done
Write up the calendar pages and embellish for the 2010 family album Done Sept/December just need to embellish
16 Disney 2008 pages
Complete DS14's 3 years sports seasons (older ones) Done
DS14 & DS10 BB team/individual photo season Done
So, let's see what I have accomplished this month (since I won't be around much the last few days of it!!)...

For the year:
- Use up a lot of swap items!!! still the plan!!
- 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Disney books done still working on 2010...but 2011 trip has been pushed back all the way to November, so there's time!!
- Scrap current events yeah...have to catch up here!
- Start back-tracking on past photos to be scrapped (do at least 4-5 pages per month) I am thinking I am so far behind that I will be better off starting with the current and keeping that current and filling in the past when there is time. still have not started this either
- Keep up on the printing of photos!!!! got more of these done...have almost all organized by size and all are edited...need to finish ordering
- All this scrapping brings my goal to about 800 I'm not sure I can do it, but I'd really like to try!!! At this point, I have no gift albums to do, so I should be able to get my own done for once! 777 after February

For February:

- Edit and order all photos on computer getting there...should be done soon!
- Scrap all January and February pictures coulda shoulda woulda
- 2010 Disney albums done (this is the shortest trip, so I'll start with this one to get myself motivated) not yet
- Start to organize all scrap stuff and take inventory... so I know what I have when making pages!!! making progress...need rest of furniture
- Finish Surprise swap done
- 1/2 done with MK swap almost 1/2 way
- 1/2 done with letter swap just started


- Print all pictures and keep printing!! trying
- Keep house in order and sparkly clean (I feel more creative in a clean and organized environment for whatever reason) doing it!!!
- Stick to our once a week family day...has to be a movie, game, outdoor activity, project, etc. I think so...this month was crazy...too crazy to remember
- Exercise at least 3 times a week and eat much better once all the cookies are gone (Included with this is losing 30 lbs by summer) DOING THIS ONE!!! Down 5 pounds so far!!
- 2 dates per month with the hubsyep...did it!!
- Only sign up for a swap when another is complete or nearly completeyeah...not very successful here!!
For the year:-

- Use up a lot of swap items!!!
- 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Disney books done
- Scrap current events
- Start back-tracking on past photos to be scrapped (do at least 4-5 pages per month) I am thinking I am so far behind that I will be better off starting with the current and keeping that current and filling in the past when there is time.
- Keep up on the printing of photos!!!!
- All this scrapping brings my goal to about 800 I'm not sure I can do it, but I'd really like to try!!! At this point, I have no gift albums to do, so I should be able to get my own done for once! 777 left after February!!

For March:

- Edit and order all photos on computer & make cds
- Scrap all January, February and March pictures
- 2010 Disney albums done (this is the shortest trip, so I'll start with this one to get myself motivated)
- 2009 Disney albums started
- Continue to organize all scrap stuff and take inventory... so I know what I have when making pages!!!
- Finish MK swap
- 1/2 done with rides letter swap
- Finish parks letter swap
- start school swap
- start pet swap
- get new puppy
- book trip to Cape for summer
- book DC trip in May
- start baby book for DNiece coming in May
- St. Patty's party!!


- Print all pictures and keep printing!!
- Keep house in order and sparkly clean (I feel more creative in a clean and organized environment for whatever reason)
- Stick to our once a week family day...has to be a movie, game, outdoor activity, project, etc.
- Exercise at least 3 times a week and eat much better once all the cookies are gone (Included with this is losing 30 lbs by summer)
- 2 dates per month with the hubs
March Goals

Will complete 75 pages this month

1. Complete DD's ~ 10th grade yr & keep current 11th grade have photos/just need to finish
2. Complete DS's ~ 8th grade yr & keep current 9th grade have photos/just need to finish
3. Complete DS's ~ 3rd grade yr & keep current 4th grade Done
4. Complete DD's back sports pages x 4 seasons Done; actually did all the team/individual photos.. will focus on individual game highlights as I find them.
5. Complete kids' spring 2010 pages (Track/Soccer/Soccer) push back to April as they are in the April order for the most part
6. Complete the final few games of Winter 2010/2011 Basketball seasons Done
7. Complete 2008 Epcot days
8. Complete 4x6 Dividers for 2001 family album (blended scrapbook)
9. Scrap July/Aug 2010 family album Done
10. Scrap Feb 2011 pages Done
11. Organize 2008 DHS days to order later in March
12. Scrap 2010 Prom DD's book & family book (photos already printed)
13. finish Jan - Jun 2010 calendar pages (should be done by end of Feb; but just in case)Done
14. buy page protectors and put 2004 Fla/Disney trip into album
15. Continue with my 3rd month swap free :woohoo:
16. Have April photos ready to print by Mar 15th and utilize my 50 free prints
17. search for print sales for other prints
I completely tanked in February. The only thing I got done was the Xmas album up to date except 1 year.

Need to reassess, reevaluate and move forward for March.


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