2009 Annual Scrapbooking Challenge--Updated thru DEC (12,025)

Tracy, I'm hoping to update this thread this week while DH is gone so I will add your numbers in each month.

Great number btw!

thanks. you don't have to add all of them if it's to much trouble. I just wanted to show how much I got done LOL.

adding me for September is good enough.

Thanks again
Well, I may have to shoot for Master scrapper instead of my goal of Princess. I was going well earlier in the year, but these last few months have not been good. :rolleyes:
I completed 16 cards this weekend. They had glitter and everything, so I think they each qualify as a page! :) (LOL)
I think we had a card challenge but I don't remember who posted it.

I want to add a separate craft challenge next year. Any suggestions as to how to do it?
I think we had a card challenge but I don't remember who posted it.

I want to add a separate craft challenge next year. Any suggestions as to how to do it?

Instead of calling this thread the scrapping challenge make it a crafting challenge- do the first post with scrapping, the second with cards (morgansmom just extended the Nov challenge into Dec) and the 3 post with other completed crafts. We can have monthly/bimonthly challenges for each and then compile the totals into the right threads.

I will work on updating this over the next week to see where we are at.

Brooke and I will be working on the 2010 thread soon.
Just hopping on to see how everyone did this year! I forgot to double check my totals before I traveled here to my Mom's house, so I will update my totals for the year when I return next week. I finished over 20 pages this month, so woohoo to me (most of them just this week!)! I had a huge pile of pages that just needed titles and/or journaling, so I got those done and in the books, so that helped bump up my total for December. Plus I pushed hard and pumped out some pages for my Dad's books.

I spent a lot of hours over the past few months organizing and planning the pages for the rest of the DL albums, so I should be able to crank out pages pretty well for the start of 2010, at least.

I will aim for 250 pages for 2010!!! That is 20 pages per month. I figure some months I will crank out 30 or 40 and other months will be spent planning, sketching, and organizing. ..................P
I never got around to participating in the November or December challenges - just too busy with all the holidays and birthdays and such. But I did continue to scrap and finished out the year with a total of 200 pages completed. I'm quite pleased with that total but hope to get even more done this year.
YAY NEE!!!!!

Pjlla, do you know what your numbers were for Nov and Dec?

Updated to here, Just waiting on final numbers from pjlla.
Oops.... sorry to be holding things up here! November was a big goose egg, but December was good with 45 pages!! Now on to 2010!!


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