2009 Annual Scrapbooking Challenge--Updated thru DEC (12,025)

Brooke it was not my intention to take over but I can if you need me to! Sorry if I acted bossy. LOL :flower3:

I think there were a few errors in the monthly threads that transfered over to here. I just want to make sure everyones pages are accounted for.

I will take over and we can reevaluate once you are done for the school year. I know you are super busy trying to gear up for end of the year stuff.

OK headed out for the day, field trip with a bunch of preteens, oh the joy!!! LOL

No worries!! Thanks, Buffy, for helping me out!!
Thank you Bamb and SIOH for doing this!
Where do I go back to check what the goal is that I set for myself? I cant seem to find where to check.
Thank you!
Add 20 pages for me! Hopefully more to come this weekend.
can someone tell me what this is? it looks fun!

basically we start a new challenge every month to log how many pages we do, the person who gets the most starts the next thread for the following month.

Here we log the totals at the end of the month to track our progress for the year. Some girls set goals at the beginning of the year and this helps them keep track.

You are more then welcome to join!! Just look for the thread that says "It's June Already", then you can post your page numbers.

and :welcome:
OK, updated through April. Please Verify numbers if you want.

I ended up bumping the May thread because I suck at math sometimes and had to correct my total. It may be a good time to add the May numbers to the total ;);) now that it's easily accessible on page 1.
Sadly, I didn't complete any pages for April, May, or June!! I did work on some, but they aren't completed yet. But I have completed 22 pages so far this month and I am on a roll! I haven't been joining the monthly challenges, since I haven't had any scrapping time, but I didn't want to forget about the yearly challenge! ..................P
Updated through June, just waiting on July's final numbers.

We are running a little behind as of now, we need to kick it up a notch if we are going to make it to 15,000!!!
My total thru June is actually 110, not 120. Just wanted it to be accurate before adding in July's total.

I don't seem to have done so many this year:sad2: Maybe its too much swapping:rotfl2:
My total thru June is actually 110, not 120. Just wanted it to be accurate before adding in July's total.


I will fix that straight away!

I think we're good there! Everybody should be in for July.

Ok, I will update on Sunday

I don't seem to have done so many this year:sad2: Maybe its too much swapping:rotfl2:

You and me both! I feel like I have done squat. I'm going to print pics tomorrow. I figure I can at least work on 365 on the plane to FL.
Well, I haven't been on this board forever :wave2:
As you can see I haven't posted on Dis for awhile.

Anyway, I joined the Sept page challenge and Rebecca suggested I post my total here so far I'm at 237 for the year.

I don't know if you want to add all my totals since I arrived late (as always LOL)

18 January
50 February
23 March
38 April
48 May
15 June
31 July
05 August

09 September so far. My goal is to do 36 MORE LOL I leave for Disney on Sept 30 so we will see how that goes :cheer2:
Tracy, I'm hoping to update this thread this week while DH is gone so I will add your numbers in each month.

Great number btw!


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