20041218-cruise-friends-memories Part 2

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Karen - congrats on 7900. So who is going to claim #8000. Looks like it will come this week!

Can I tell you how happy I will be once school starts in 3 weeks? Between sleepovers every single night, play rehearsals, dance shows, movies (went and saw The Notebook) and school shopping, I haven't had a free second.


Anyway, you guys were busy since Friday, I had to read 10 pages just to get caught up!!!!

Great newsletter Mary!!!!

Oka, I have now been at work two hours, I need to get something done!

Hi everyone. Happy Monday.

Virgil, I hope you are feeling better. I have had migraines for years. MIL and DD also have them. It usually knocks me out for a few days even with the meds. I feel for you and everyone else out there that gets them.

I can not believe how fast time is going. 4 and a half months today till we cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DS is potty trained for the past month and he will be going to the children"s program for 3 year olds. He is so excitied. I am excitied that he is potty trained!!!! He still loves his crib and we have tried several times to transfer him into a little tykes car bed and he won't do it. I say to myself he will not be 18 and in a crib ( eventhough I have visions of that with his feet hanging between the bars.) Hopefully by the time we cruise he will be in a bed or it will be when we return from the cruise as he will have no choice on the boat for 10 days.

Lisa, when you get a chance I am intrested in hearing about the G. Scout theatre camp. Thanks

Well off to work for 6 hours. Talk to you all later. Gail
Good Morning Guys! I, too, am on my way out the door to work. I'm glad I checked in, though. It gave me a great laugh to start my day.
That is so funny what the kids say .......I'll have to remember those. I can actually picture Alicia saying that! LOL

I am very very greatful that I don't get migraines! My mom does, and lots of other people that I know...I am a wimp when it comes to any pain I have from the neck up. I think I would have to shoot myself if I had a migraine! I feel so sorry for you guys.....

Who has claimed 8000??? Or did we ever think we'd really get this far? It may not be me who pirate: 's it this time...maybe I'll already be gone.

Diana.....don't you want to wait and hear the story in person? I will say this much, they had machine guns, and I thought we were going to die. Obviously, we didn't. Looking back on it now, it's a funny story.....it wasn't at the time, though!

Okay....outta here. Hope to do my work quickly, ad get back here early.

Originally posted by scuba diver
DW is always thrilled when I come home with pictures of DS with a shark swimming around him.

Jim, your wife and I are going to have a conversation about this. Obviously, she has lost control. I'm sorry, I have to wonder about people that aren't at least WARY of sharks. There was just an incident in Russia a few weeks ago, a diver got his leg mostly bitten off. Lately most of the attacks seem to be when swimmers are surrounded by a school of fish. You've got to think that the practice of feeding sharks by some dive ops is a very, very bad idea. Kind of like feeding alligators.

Only the first two sentences were tongue-in-cheek, in case you couldn't tell.

Yes, Ohiominnie, I have a wiseacre for a daughter. I guess we are a whole family of them. It's Verizon, by the way.

Yay for Ethan! Oceaneer's Club, here he comes! Boo for migraines. I used to get them too, guess I outgrew them.

Also looking forward to the start of school. This summer has been fun, but I have gotten very little done. Gotta love 'em.

Stacey, I would imagine that everyone is curious about Guatamala now. But I can wait. I'm sure it will be a better story with gestures, facial expressions, and accents!
Originally posted by ohiominnie
Probably won't be reading it for awhile. It's my dad's, so he took it home with him. :) We're getting the puppy Friday and I'm afraid the only thing I'll have time to read is "Puppies for Dummies." :)
Ya there's never enough time to get it all in. Hope your reading the newspaper though.
Happy Monday All!!

We had fairly productive weekend. We ended up buying DH a new car ( truck actually ) It was a fairly painless process once he finally decided what he wanted.

I have been pouring over the excursions trying to decide what we should do. Too many choices!! We have been on the 7 day Eastern before and did excursions in St Thomas and St Maarten, so we may not do too much there. I do want to do the Tramway in St Thomas though. DS wants to swim with the Dolphins in Antigua and DD wants to do the Pirate Extravaganza in St Lucia (mostly because its on a ship that was used in Pirates of the Caribbean) I was leaning towards the horseback riding. DH wants to relax, lol. Of course we have to shopping everywhere!!
Do we still book at 60 days out or has that changed??

Mary, the newsletter was great. I must not ever given you all our information but Sam and I will be celebrating our 15th anniversary on Thurs. Aug 5th!

DS has soccer camp all week and DD and I are tying to work on her room. She needs a desk and I am having trouble finding one we both like. Those of you teen daughters, do they keep their rooms clean?? Hers is a disaster!! I guess mine wasn't so great when I was that age either.

We just had a brief, but huge downpour. It rained extremely hard for about 20 minutes, but has passed on by.

Hope everyone heading to Florida has great weather!
A refresher on milestone posts.

Virgil pirate: got #1000 on Christmas night 2003

Barb (jilljill) princess: got #2000

I :cheer2: took #3000

Gail :daisy: grabbed #4000

Stacey :flower1: got #5000

Vicki :sunny: got #6000

Lynda :wizard: and Cash grabbed #7000

gaRry :firefight has had 10,000 on call since early on.

So who will add to the ranks and grab #8000 - less than 100 posts away!
I think I had 4444, but STACEY STOLE IT! If I am still here at work, I'll try to steal it back cuz if she is online she will try to be a pirate again!!!!!

Originally posted by seaulater
I think I had 4444, but STACEY STOLE IT! If I am still here at work, I'll try to steal it back cuz if she is online she will try to be a pirate again!!!!!

Now I guess we know why Stacey can be such a pirate: , with her Guatamaula ordeal in her past. :teeth:
Originally posted by tinkfan
Mary, the newsletter was great. I must not ever given you all our information but Sam and I will be celebrating our 15th anniversary on Thurs. Aug 5th!

Tina - thanks for letting me know. I have added you and Sam to the newletter. I don't have any of your birthdays either so if you drop me an e-mail or pm I'll add them to the list.
A girl goes to work and you all run wild with the posts. I had 3 pages just since yesterday. I have to keep up on what is happening so I can let GaRry know. He won't have a computer while he is at WDW. no chance of him pirate: #8000.

Barb & Virgil sorry GaRry missed your stops, :moped: I think his truck has the route memorized he does it so often.

Pam - Mel's is a museum with relics from various ship wreck recovery dives. Several years ago GarRy and I were in Key West and had the oppurtunity to "invest" in a dive we should have done it, we could have cruised regularly with our earnings. He hit a genuine gold mine wiith that recovery. I guess GaRry wants to see what he could have had a part of.

I feel for the migraine suffers. I've had a my share and hope I have forever rid myself of them (mine were hormonally induced - no hormones-- no migraines)

DD is at the county fair for the evening. Our county has the "best in the state" it really is quite nice as far as fairs go.
Cedar Point!! DD has been twice this summer with friends. She would go weekly if she could. I prefer WDW and my pal ::MickeyMo !!

Hope everyone has a great day! Only two more work days until WDW!!!!!!!:jumping1:

Originally posted by Cruisin'goose
Barb & Virgil sorry GaRry missed your stops, :moped: I think his truck has the route memorized he does it so often.

Hope everyone has a great day! Only two more work days until WDW!!!!!!!:jumping1:

I guess I will have to tell him about Mapquest for his next trip so he doesn't miss our stops. A girl's gotta try to get extra trips - no harm in begging :teeth: :earseek: .

3 more 'sleeps' at home then it's a quick flight to see ::MickeyMo & ::MinnieMo . You would think I haven't been there in years.

Vicki, if I remember correctly my dad grew up with Mel Fisher or at least knew him and his family. I'm not sure, I think I may have to ask. Sorry to hear you didn't 'invest' in the dive. Was that when he found the Atocha? He had a small museum at the beach a few years ago, we never did go - don't know why.
Originally posted by Cruisin'goose

Pam - Mel's is a museum with relics from various ship wreck recovery dives. Several years ago GarRy and I were in Key West and had the oppurtunity to "invest" in a dive we should have done it, we could have cruised regularly with our earnings. He hit a genuine gold mine wiith that recovery. I guess GaRry wants to see what he could have had a part of.

That sounds like something Jay and I would LOVE to see....how come I've not heard if this before? I have to get my books out and read them again.

Two more days...hard to believe. Hard to believe that I'm going in to that heat!!! I hope it does rain...I may look like a drowned rat, but at least I won't be roasting!

I came home from work and took a nap...and I'm still tired.

Going to read the other boards, and then I'll come back and tell my Guatemala story. That ought to help put the insomniacs to sleep.

One insomniac still here. Not much longer though.

Mel's Museum sounds like something we would enjoy. All three of us sat tonight and watched a History Channel special about the finding of one of the mini Japanese subs that sank the day of Pearl Harbor.
I just read one of my books about different ports of call...and we will definitley go to the museum! That sounds so cool. I do remember reading abou Mel Fisher some time ago.

Okay...Guatelmala story:

Years ago, on one of our first trips with our diving buddies, Jay and I went to Belize. We spent a few nights on the mainland before heading to Ambergris Cay for 10 days.
We stayed on the mainland in a really neat little place, they had separate cabanas for each of us...it was way in the jungle. We could sit in the mornings and watch wild parrots flying...at night, Jay saw his first ever fireflys.
Anyway...we had decided to go to Guatemala, to see the Mayan ruins at Tikal. We had an Australian guide who drove us where we needed to go. Normally the drive thru the jungle to Tikal would probably only be 45 minutes or so, but the road was narrow, one lane, dirt and full of huge potholes. We drove really slowly. We had passed a Guatemalan Army base and Dick had told us not to even raise our cameras, they don't want pictures taken. About a half hour later, as we wandered on this tiny road, four men stepped out of the jungle, in the middle of nowhere, with machine guns drawn. My first clue that this was not some tourist re-inactment was when Dick said "Crikey, mates...this has never happened before!" and turned white as a sheet. Right before that, I had been wondering if there was a rest stop with facilities....suddenly, I didn't need to go anymore.
So these bandits (we found out they were bandits later, I thought they were with the Army) ordered us out of our van. Jay had been in the front seat with Dick, myself and the 3 other couples were in the back seats. (an interesting side note: this was the first and LAST trip that any of the other wives ever went on...since then, I am th only wife who has continued to go)
We piled out of the van...scared beyond scared. I had visions in my head of being made to lay in the dirt and having them come and plant a bullet in the back of each of our heads. I was wondering how long until my parents and Megan would find out what had happened to us, if ever.
They wanted to look at all of our passports, we complied. They searched the van, then searched it again. Then looked at our passports again. They put all of the men on one side of the van, and all of us gals on the other. You KNOW what I was thinking was about to happen.
Then one of them climbed back in the van...thru the side door, and I heard a noise "Click. And again...Click." I thought to myself, "Here it comes, they're ready to pull the trigger".
The guy in the van came out with the two collapsable coolers with our buddies' beer. He said something to the other guys, and
one of them said "Get back in your car and go".
We all stood there for a second, not believing that they had told us we could go, and for a moment, I thought one of our friends was going to argue with them over taking the beer...but our guys were all stone-silent.
It was a pushing and shoving match with Dick the driver getting behind the wheel, and the 7 of us that were riding in the back trying to get in quickly before they changed their minds. No polite "After you....no, please I insist" It was dog-eat-dog.
Dick roared the engine to life, ready to speed down the road as quickly as we could.........but then.....
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