20041218-cruise-friends-memories Part 2

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This must be sleepy night. It's hump day, that's why.
You would think that I'd be so excited that I couldn't sleep, since I get to go away...no work, no cooking (not that I do anyway), no laundry, etc.....but I'm exhausted. Just getting ready to go wears me out.
Now I know I will have to start packing for the cruise in October!!

We went for Mexican food....of course. Can't seem to talk our friends into anything else. Sometimes pizza. What ever happened to a good old hunk of Nebraska corn-fed beef? We never go out for steak. So the first place DH and I are eating is at our favorite restaurant that serves an excellent filet.
Our big treat tonight was that we went to Dairy Queen after dinner. Woo Hoo!! I'll be in search of a good creme brulee.

And then I sit and wonder why I need to lose weight :confused:

I'm going to get to a month before the cruise and panic. And then I'll be mad at myself for not getting down to business and losing weight waaay back in March!

Guess I'll quit for now before this turns into a book. Should have done one sentence at a time for the numbers!

Hi Lynda & Cash!

The worst part of my day was taking Molly to the doggie resort. She cried. And she kept looking back at me.

Cash probably thinks I'm mean, because he always gets to go with you!

I feel so guilty:guilty: but she's probably loving it. Like a big doggie sleepover!
If I keep telling myself that, I may believe it.
It's really a pretty night out tonight. I could hear an owl while I sit here at my desk. Went out to see if I could locate it, but I couldn't. Pretty loud owl, since I could hear him all the way in here. 'Specially me being half deef an' all!!
Yes, I meant to say "deef". You know, like GaRry thinks all of us way out west still ride horses to work & go to school in a one room school house.

Never mind.

My brain is obviously fuzzled tonight.

Hitting the hay. (Actually, it's one of those Sleep Number beds)
Didn't want GaRry to think I slept in a barn!
My mother used to ask us if we were born in one....wouldn't you think she, of all people, would know ???

Outta here....sorry. Can't keep my eyes open.

Fooled ya...still here.

Thought I'd clarify for the young people in our group.....if we left a door open, one of our elders would always say "Close that door. What, were you born in a barn?". Didn't understand it then, still don't.
Maybe it was one of those Nebraska things.
This time I really am going.....just wanted to say:

Come on guys! I'm setting someone up for a T.O.P.!!!

Congrats to whoever gets it!
Originally posted by justmestace
Hi Lynda & Cash!

The worst part of my day was taking Molly to the doggie resort. She cried. And she kept looking back at me.

Cash probably thinks I'm mean, because he always gets to go with you!

I feel so guilty:guilty: but she's probably loving it. Like a big doggie sleepover!
If I keep telling myself that, I may believe it.
Cash understands, believe me!
I have two other dogs and really have to take one of them out once in a while and poor Cash gets left behind...He's become quite a velcro dog since I started going out more. The other two don't mind so much...In fact one of them, Carrie, hates to go anywhere...
Don't worry, your baby will forgive you...
Penny, the old lady of the pack is a real Civil Engineer... She's part Border Collie and part Lab... I got her as the last of the pound dogs I fostered and, since she was such a sweetie, I kept her. I didn't realize what an impact she would have on my landscaping plans. Because of her escape tricks I had to tow about a ton of boulders across the yard (about an acre) to place at the bottom of the fence to keep her from digging out. THEN, when I felt satisfied that she was trapped she promptly dug out again. It took at least three layers of larger and larger-sized rock to keep her in the yard but I think I've now succeeded. What she was doing was digging a hole and letting the rocks on the outside of the fence drop into the hole, then dragging them into the yard. Little by little she would clear a hole big enough to get through and poof away she went....
When I went to WDW in January I worried myself half to death over whether she'd dig out again so I bought a couple of bags of bones for the neighbor to give her and Carrie to gnaw on. It seems to have worked. She's here and I can't see any disturbances around the fence line. Now the daffodils are coming up in the planters I built around the fence line to reinforce and disguise the Penny-barrier...:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Carrie, on the other hand, is a real nut case. She's the other half of my first Cash and Carrie pair.....Her brother, the first Cash, died as a puppy and, although I was told by the vet that her extreme shyness and other neurotic behavior would probably get worse, I didn't put her down. What a coward.... Now I have a 2-year-old half golden retriever half ? that runs from everyone but me, barks at the least little thing and acts completely nuts if near children. But she has the cutest little smile and, after I've been out shopping, runs up to me and rubs herself around my legs like a cat as if I had been gone for years... sigh, I'm stuck. Luckily, she's civilized when I take her to the vet but, of course the vet thinks I'm nuts for describing her as possessed...
Ollie I found at the bottom of a pile of colorful kittens near Christmas several years ago. I had a run of bad luck when my big Max (160# black lab) and Clipper (100# boxer/yellow lab) and Ace (black kitty (16 yrs) all died within 6 months. I was footloose and fancy-free but it was so quiet here...I got Ollie to train the puppies (C and C) to be cat friendly. She trained 'em all right.
Now I have these cruises lined up and finding someone to tend the zoo is a pain.... Bless my nice neighbors! I haven't been able to find any other solution to the pet-sitting problem especially with Carrie's tendancy to be unpredictable around kids. I absolutely do not want the neighborhood children chewed up....::yes::
I've been reading some disturbing things on the Resort board about the Radisson shuttle and how they're handling reservations for it...How far is it to the port/ship from the Radisson, anyway? :confused:

And post #3090 and TOP

Ten to go?
Who was it that claimed #4000?:bounce:

WAKE UP! ! !
Anyone know how the MAGIC got its name?:wave2:
Nine to go
Who was it that claimed #4000?


How did the Wonder get its name?
Who among the throngs that surround me wants to post # 4000?

WAKE UP !!!!

Seven to go.

Was Castaway Cay the same private island that Disney had with Premier Cruise Lines?
Who is it that wanted #4,000?


Who is it that wants to take DCL to CA? Eisner?.....or Disney?

Six to go.
WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!......Nobody's listening...

Anyone here own a brick in the walk?

Five to go....
Where is everyone?

I'm making lists of things to take that will be useful on both a cruise AND a land stay.

Not many blank lines on this page still empty....
Now for the shoes....how many lines to go?

Who wanted post #4000? I remember reading it when Mary hit #3000...

Four lines to go.
Does anyone use dive booties?
Counting is such a lonely job...

How many throwaway cameras will I need to take for a 3/4/4/3 trip?

Who is out there?
three to go....
black tennies

Cash's booties
Does the deck get very slippery?
Anyone know how many pics they shot last time they did an underwater excursion?
I've picked up one but I think that may not be enough...Any fish in CC in December?
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