12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 14

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Merry Xmas all!

Just wanted to thank everyone again and also to say sorry for not being around lately. We took Autumn to see her surgeon in chicago on thursday. things were not good. She is having surgery 2 days after xmas. i was so hoping for a little bit more time. he wanted to do it on friday already but we asked or should i say begged him to wait til after xmas. we opened all our gifts on the 23rd so she would have some extra time to play with her gifts, since we maybe gone for weeks.

hugs to all
Thank you for keeping us up to date. We will keep Autumn, and all of you, in our prayers. I hope that you have a fantastic Christmas! I am emailing you the picture of Autumn with Captain Jack. :)
Prayers for Autumn for surgery this week. I saw her out and about a number of times on the ship; she must have been feeling pretty good.

OK, so here is what I am trying to decide tonight. The kids haven't been good the past week. Today when we told William that Santa wouldn't leave him anything if he didn't stop acting up he shrugged his shoulders and said it didn't matter. He was bad last year & still got presents from Santa. ACK!!! Part of me wants to put the presents in the closet & have them come downstairs to the gifts from their aunt & uncle and a note from Santa. :(
Lisa, I hear you have a big closet. Could the packages be used during the year as rewards instead? God, knows that I love William like he was family but, gosh that is cynical of him.

I told Mike how I felt & he said not to put them in the closet. The note would have a warning & that he wanted them to think about it first, then tell them where to get the gifts. One of them will be in the closet anyway. The WDW item with a note under everything else for Kaitlyn with clues. :lmao: I don't want her to spot the box then open it & ignore everything else. ;)
I think that I will have Santa leave him a warning letting him know that he heard what he said. :rolleyes1
Hey everyone!
Jill - please send Autumn a special hug from me!! She is such a sweetie!!

Well the compnay is gone for tonight....two bikes are put together....DH is snoozing on the couch, Samantha is singing carols to herself in bed.....Haley is out....HOPEFULLY she will go to sleep soon...I need to put the Ariel salon together.
Hi again,
Chilling and watching It's A Wonderful Life. I'm such a sap. I love it.

Lisa, don't know what I'd do.
Merry Xmas all!

Just wanted to thank everyone again and also to say sorry for not being around lately. We took Autumn to see her surgeon in chicago on thursday. things were not good. She is having surgery 2 days after xmas. i was so hoping for a little bit more time. he wanted to do it on friday already but we asked or should i say begged him to wait til after xmas. we opened all our gifts on the 23rd so she would have some extra time to play with her gifts, since we maybe gone for weeks.

hugs to all

:grouphug: Keeping you all in our prayers.
thanks every one i appreciate the prayers and hugs

i am so stressed words cant explain it. the doctor even called me yesterday to say she has chemical menengist(sp). just another thing to add to it all. he figured she has had it a few weeks. he was surprised to hear she did so well on the cruise.

her spirits are high though, she just says its ok, i will feel better afterwards, i wish i could have her outlook.

time to go watch a movie with the girls

hugs to all
Just checking this morning while I wait for Sophia to wake up and see what Santa brought (she is not an early riser) to find the boards back up for Christmas!

I probably won't be back here today, and I know I have already said it as have others . . . but I truly hope the Holidays bring you all peace and happiness, and that you get to spend some quality time with family and friends.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

the presents are open, DH left to do rounds at the hospital, and we're playing here. Didn't get up until almost 9; not bad considering midnight Mass went until almost 1:30.
I really wish that I could have slept past 6:30. OY! Since DS fell asleep before 7 pm I knew that he would be up early but I didn't move DD to her bed last night with the hope that she would sleep past 7. Well, instead of camping out in the family room where we wouldn't hear them upstairs, the boys hung out in the living room trying to guess what was in the boxes under the tree. I gave up on falling back to sleep before 7 and then sent William up to wake Kaitlyn up. It took us until almost 9 to open everything. Santa left the kids a note that he knows it has been a rough year for them but they need to help out around the house more & not fight with each other. They have taken what he said to heart so far today. How long will it last...who knows...but it seem to hit home with DS. He didn't say a single word about the number of gifts he got versus Kaitlyn, which I expected from an 8 yo. Kaitlyn started to question where her castle was but stopped & enjoyed everything. She stopped to play with alot of her gifts so Mike & I were able to wake up over time. There was a note with clues from Santa for Kaitlyn under the last gift. She found the hiding place and her reaction opening the castle box was priceless. Both of them have been playing with it ever since. The entire reason for Santa putting the box in the closet. She would have opened the box when she saw it & the rest would have remained unopened for a couple weeks. This thing is amazing with the lights & secret passageways and I am very happy that Santa decided on this one. :thumbsup2

It will be time to start cooking dinner soon and I will get some things together to take to VA with us. I hope that everyone has a blessed day and enjoys the memories of the past year...especially the DDD cruise. :wizard:
Merry Christmas all

(i don't like all the white on the new boards; hard to read) Take it back Santa....

Anyway...back from church....Table cleared...and set....

Stuff starting to cook... DH making deviled eggs...

I'm really not too excited this xmas... (the cruise was our big present)

We made a quick trip Sat night up to see Dh's dad in PA. (i waived Karen but didn't have time to stop)

DD got enough money from her gp's to get a better IPOD (Has only a shuffle right now) I tried to talk her into 30g video but i think she wants a nano.

I think she should get 4gb at minimum...(2 just sounds so small)

My Df gave dd a gift card to Old Navy... I stopped at the outlet one in Gettysburg where she got a lot of stuff for that $50. (of course she spent an additional $60 of our money but still got alot) I really feel sorry for people who say they spent over $200 on one outfit for their kids.

For our $110 we got

a black tank
a teal cami
a navy/teal striped track jacket (most expensive item at $25 but it looks nice)
a sweater
two cotton hoodies
two tee's
a pair of yoga type pants
a hairband thingy
a long sleeved polo
another hoodie type shirt

Gotta go help out....house burning down... DH has already set our cutting board on fire.... don't ask...
Jill, we will keep Autumn in our prayers. I really admire her courage.

Kristina, hope your house is safe.
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