1 day to go Photo-Countdown

TO save Bandwidth..the picture will be updated on the first message.....

35 days to go
I CANNOT wait to see you !!!!!:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Thanks for the wonderful picture, Patrick!
Princess Steve! :) Dang! There were a lot of awesome pictures taken last year! This one ranks HIGH on my list. :teeth:
Awwww Steve that is so adorable !!!! Can't wait to meet you !!!!


:bounce: :bounce:
Aw, isn't that just the sweetest picture?!?! :teeth: It's one of my favorites!! Thanks, Patrick! I just love this idea!! :teeth: :teeth:

Obviously that picture was taken of some HoneyCub imposter!!!!

Help! Help! Officer!! Arrest that princess-wannabe!!


and nobody better start quoting Shakespeare (i.e. methinks.....) ;)
Think that was taken in one of the Animal Kingdom shops during the thrill rides tour last year. I couldn't help myself. ;)
<center>34 days and Counting</center>

I added a thumbnail View for the old Photos...If you missed them, just click on the thumbnail.

Sorry guys, these were just too cute to resist :)
Aw, I think I'm gonna cry. This night was so much fun! :) I miss you all so much! Can't wait 'til we're all together again! :teeth:

Can anyone tell me who the girl is next to Dayna?? No one seems to know who she is.:confused:
Yes Patrick, I can see them all!

By the way, didn't they give y'all plates that night?!?!?!?!:eek: ;)
Lol...this is great, Patrick. I look forward to these photos every day.

I guess that this will be a primer for the Turkey Leg DIS mini-meet...lol.

I hope that you can see the pictures Patrick IL.. Have you tried another computer?

Barb, I think that I wrote her name on my trip report, but I can't remember it now.

Ray :)
Thats a good suggestion Ray, I will look when I get home...may be its something with the viewer or programing here.
Thanks for the thumbnails Patrick. What a great idea!!! ;)

That way I won't have to miss any of your countdown shots when I'm away next week. If you run out of bandwidth, let me know and I'll host the photos for you.
Yikes, I better work on NOT making that face this year! LOL :teeth: Great pic of Ray and Frank and Dayna though. ;) :)
It's "My Tommy", in his tiara!!!!! Now that's a picture that really makes me smile. It's one of the funniest stories from DIS-CON...........Tommy goes to the men's room wearing his tiara!!!!!!:p :p :p :p :p :p Needless to say, he did get some "unusual" looks from the other occupants of the restroom!!!!!! :teeth: :teeth:
Great memory...that was a great look on his face when he came out of the men's room....too bad we didn't see the look on the other guys.... :)


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