~ºoº ASK QUESTIONS! PART 2!! ºoº

It's shedding needles but it's still fake.

TNP..........What tops your tree?

A paper star topper my oldest daughter (age 23) made in Kindergarten. She tries to steal and destroy this regularly as she says it is ugly and only a mother could love it.

TNP:What is your favorite season of the year
Tax season.

TNP..........When do you eat breakfast on Christmas? Is it normal breakfast or special?

Well we are havig Christmas breakfast today Eggs right from the chickens, sausage & mickey mouse pacackes. Tomorrow will just be bagels on the way to the airport.

TNP: Using oly the ones available on the DIS what is your favorite smiley that you have never had the opportunity to use?

TNP...........What are you doing this evening? Anything traditional?

Both my husbands parents and my Dad are Irish so traditionally in both our families is Corned beef, cabbage & red potatoes for dinner on Christmas Eve.
Right before bed we will read the story of the first Christmas & Twas' the night before Christmas as a family.

TNP: What is the BEST as in most memorable gift you ever got for Christmas
TNP: What is the BEST as in most memorable gift you ever got for Christmas

I wish something great stuck out but I can only remeber two presents that were beyond what I hope for. Legos. When I was a kid my granparents got me one Christmas some clothing that I wanted really bad because it was the current trend (Gotcha) and the lego Airport, which was the ultimate city set at the time. The year before they got me the ultimate space set. I don't remaber the name but it was a spaceship that broke into three subparts.

TNP.........Best Birthday present you ever recieved?
My Grandfather gave me his old 8 track player and a huge collection of 8 track tapes. All my friends were getting cassette players but I was a happy kid before this I had never had anything but a transistor radio in my room. That same year my Mom gave up her sewing room and decorated it and I had my own room for the first time in my life. A very good birthday for me. Age 10.

TNP: What kind of pets do you have?

Probably for many people. I know that Christmas Day, was a travel day for many. I was one of the many. And I was quite surprised as to how many cars were out on the roads that day.

What is the meaning of life?........For I am still in a great quandary regarding this topic.
the one from my mom , the 12 pack of samples of perfume from sephora

what was the best gift you got?
AFTER new years eve, probably new years day..who knows, i just am glad that christmas is OVER!!

what are your new years eve plans?
Family game night with my in-laws who are here from out of state.
There will be champagne as well. And hopefully a Marx Brothers marathon in the background.

So my question is: what's your favorite family game?
I don't have a family. However, I really do like the board games Monopoly and Clue. I like the Ouija board too.

Do you believe in the paranormal realm?
I don't have a family. However, I really do like the board games Monopoly and Clue. I like the Ouija board too.

Do you believe in the paranormal realm?

Nope but I did love the Ghostbuster movies!

TNP.........what book are you currently reading?
TNP.........what book are you currently reading?

I'll say Dune because I started it 3 months ago and have read many books since but haven't fiished Dune.

TNP...........What is the oldest park map you have?


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