“Wow, Disney is Far Far Away” A Single Mom’s Road Trip to Disney: June 2013 TR

Your kids are so adorable!! LOVE that skirt, too! I am also a single mom, planning on a road trip to WDW next year. Great TR so far- can't wait for more!!
Joining in.

So sorry to hear about your loss. I have a great respect for those in the Military.

You're kids are adorable and it's so cute the way your daughter holds your son's hand.

Typing up your report in advance is a great strategy. If not for that there's no way I would ever do a trip report.

Having just stayed there not long ago, I absolutely loved POP. :lovestruc

I just find myself smiling a lot reading this. Thank you for sharing :goodvibes
Your daughter looks gorgeous! What a fun surprise! I wish my 10 year old was interested in such things, but I will take what I can get!

Thank you! She was really surprised. She enjoys getting her hair, make up and nails done as it doesn't happen often. She did have that theme for her birthday this year.
I love the pink skirt too! So sweet and girly.

Looks like the start of a great trip! So nice that you can share the magic of Disney with your kids.
Joining in.

So sorry to hear about your loss. I have a great respect for those in the Military.

You're kids are adorable and it's so cute the way your daughter holds your son's hand.

Typing up your report in advance is a great strategy. If not for that there's no way I would ever do a trip report.

Having just stayed there not long ago, I absolutely loved POP. :lovestruc

I just find myself smiling a lot reading this. Thank you for sharing :goodvibes


Thank you for your kind words. It's definitely going better putting it in MS Word first. I've got almost 5 of our 7 park days done.

I'm glad you are enjoying the report.
I love the pink skirt too! So sweet and girly.

Looks like the start of a great trip! So nice that you can share the magic of Disney with your kids.

Thank you! I think she would have slept in that skirt that night if I'd let her.

It is great to have somewhere to go where we can all have fun together. I think I love it there as much as they do.
I was curious as to what would be her reaction to the finished product. This was her 2nd time doing it and her outfit was significantly different. She was really happy about it. I could tell she was trying to be more grown up. I love the last photo in particular. She was trying to contain herself.

We got the rest of the stuff into her cinch bag and went up to pay. I was planning to give the Fairy Godmother in Training my change as a tip, but she had disappeared. I waited a couple of minutes and asked if there was any other way to leave the money and they said no. So we went on. Another addition to the lessons learned list. Have the tip ready. Last year our FGIT, escorted us to the cash register and stayed with us so she was there when I got my change.

We headed over to Castle Couture for the photo session. There was a bit of a wait so I stood in line and let dd look around at the merchandise under the condition she would stay in sight so I would not have to get out of line when it was her turn. Standing there alone with ds, I got questioned as to why I was there. I just pointed at dd and let the guy know I was waiting. It took a while as I was behind a family with 3 girls and after each girl had their individual session they also took pictures of the girls together in different poses. Fortunately ds kept himself entertained with the Kindle. I was glad I let him bring it. I’d hope it would keep him entertained at BBB, but this was where he was using it.

Once we got in, I asked dd to take a couple of pictures with the sash before taking it off. She did ask to remove the ring.

I think she took about 30 pictures and once I edited with photopass, I had about 50. When she scanned my card, she asked me about buying the CD. I proudly told her I’d paid for it prior to leaving home. Got a thumbs up and pat on the shoulder for that. Honestly for me, just having these photos alone make the CD worth it for me.

I had about 450 photos after editing, which is a small amount compared to some I know. We had more last year, but there were several meet and greets we didn’t do this year that we had done in 2012. Still, I felt I’d gotten my money’s worth with photopass and will continue to pre-purchase if we are going for at least 5 days in the future.
Once that was over, we looked around in that store some more then we sat down and changed dd back into her flip flops so she would be comfortable walking.

Then it was time for something I’d been looking forward to, but didn’t think I’d get to do. We headed over to the carousel. I had read every source I knew of before we left home hoping to read this ride would be open, but everywhere I read told me it would be closed. Not sure what happened, but it was open. I was so thrilled. I love post BBB shots I’ve seen on the carousel. Last year, Tropical Storm Debby was pounding and I wasn’t able to get it. I was so grateful we had CRT reservations. No CRT this year, but we did have clear weather.

On the way though we noticed the castle had turned pink. “Mom it matches my skirt!” I took this picture.

There was a bit of a line when we got there, but we never wait long for it. She decided this picture would have a silly face. This wouldn’t be the first time my little child was the one with the normal face and the big one had a silly face.

We took another ride on It’s a Small World. She was still getting compliments on her outfit as we made our way through the queue. She loved it, and I was glad for her since last year she spent that whole evening under a poncho and umbrella. She didn’t tire of it, even when people called out from a distance away, “I love your skirt!” She did tire of me snapping pictures though.

This was her, “really mom…enough pictures,” look.

After we got off the ride, everybody was hungry. It was 7:20 and we usually eat around 6:00. We were going to head over to Columbia Harbor House as that is our favorite place, but I had read the menu for Pinnochio’s Haus online and thought it looked good. I asked Ariana if she wanted to try it. She saw they had pizza and agreed. And that is what she got, the Pepperoni flatbread off the adult menu. Ds got the cheese pizza meal. I got spaghetti and meat balls. We all had apple juice to drink.

Six thumbs up on this place. The food was great. Everyone agreed on that. The CMs were great too and it didn’t feel cramped. I was able to keep ds in the stroller near the line without feeling he was in the way. We’ll definitely eat here again on future trips.

People had started to gather for the MSEP once we came out of the restaurant. At first dd asked to grab a spot, but that wasn’t the plan. I had a surprise that called for us to get up early and if we stayed for that parade, then the castle show and the fireworks, we wouldn’t get to bed until 11:00. She said she would leave after the parade and we did sit for a while. Then it started to rain. I started to get our rain gear out, but then rescinded the offer to stay and told dd we were leaving. She agreed saying, “You’re right, we do have two more times here (at MK).” It was no more than a sprinkle by the time we got the rain gear out for the walk to the front, so we put it back under the stroller and headed for the bus.

Once we were back and ready for bed, I let dd know why I preferred we get to bed early. She was happy.
The outfit is very cute. It's princessy without being too childish. It strikes the perfect balance! Love the picture of the pink skirt and pink castles. It really exudes the joy she was feeling in that moment.
Joining in! It is adorable how close your kids are. I'm glad your daughter had such a great experience at BBB!
Joining in! I'm loving your report so far -your kids are adorable, great travelers!
The outfit is very cute. It's princessy without being too childish. It strikes the perfect balance! Love the picture of the pink skirt and pink castles. It really exudes the joy she was feeling in that moment.

Thanks, it was literally pieced together from a few different sources, but I had fun putting it together.

She was really happy. I was happy for her. Last year was a great experience with CRT and all, but I was happy for her to be able to tour the park after her makeover, get on the carousel and walk around freely. Last year I immediately had to cover her beautiful dress with a poncho. Tropical Storm Debby didn't stop us from having fun, but we sure didn't miss her this year.
Joining in! I'm loving your report so far -your kids are adorable, great travelers!


Thank you for your kind words. I tried to start them each off traveling as babies in hopes they would become good travelers. I'm grateful they like the road.
Day 4 of the trip, 2nd Park Day: What? Really? A Misunderstanding Threatens the Magic

Our day started out great. The alarm went off and I got myself ready, then put sunscreen on the children. We had plans.

We all love Crystal Palace and I was glad I found the money for it this trip. Its cool to get into Magic Kingdom early and walk down Main Street with just a few people. Dd still had her hair up and chose to wear the backup pettiskirt Id brought. I found some very reasonable skirts on etsy this trip. Last year they were all $40 and up, and by the time I asked about getting it in my daughters size, it went up to $50, but I got this one in my dds size for $25. I found another lady who sold hers for $23, but her work load meant it wouldnt get to us in time, but I told her Id be back. This one was inspired by Sophia the First. The plan for today as wed agreed on the bus was to go to Tomorrow Land after breakfast.

All smiles here, but right before that, we had a misunderstanding while walking up Main Street. Lesson learned to add to the list: If you are not sure what you heard, ask the person to repeat it. We had waited outside with other people who had early ADRs. Some had reservations at CRT and dd asked if wed be eating there today. I told her I could not get reservations this trip. I had tried, but nothing was available. She touched my shoulder and said, Well, Im sure you tried your best. Awww, that was nice. This touching moment would be short lived. Then she said what I thought was, Tomorrow, then? I said, No, I couldnt get in for any day this week. She crossed her arms and said, Why did we even come here? I was livid. She is still working on regulating her behavior in some areas and still has a tendency to act without thinking and could say some stuff that made her sound like a different child at times, but even knowing that it hurt. We were on our way to the photopass guy and she sat on the curb. I figured she'd still get into the photo so I took ds out of the stroller and told the guy I wanted to get our picture taken. She did run over at the last second and pose for a few.

After that, dd said, Why cant we go to Tomorrow Land today? Confused I said, What do you mean? That is where we are going after breakfast. She threw her hands up and said, But you just said no! Eventually we figured out when I thought dd said, Tomorrow then? and I thought she was asking about eating at the castle, she had actually said, Tomorrow Land? confirming we were still going over there after breakfast. We were both really relieved to get that straightened out. I couldnt imagine why shed think the trip was ruined because we would not be eating at CRT and she was totally confused as to why Id say no Tomorrow Land 30 minutes after saying that was where we were going after breakfast. I was relieved I had not had some over the top reaction to what I thought shed said. Just that decision to calm down and get the photopass picture out of the way opened the door for clarity. Whew!

I got us checked in without issue. I just had to let him know we had two adults and one child instead of four adults like the ADR said. I did make it for four because for some reasons putting in four was the only way the time showed available. He changed it no problem. Then we got the pager and waited.

Another reason we love the early morning breakfasts is the chance to see the animals that are not as visible later. Last year we saw some bunnies. This year, we saw a family of ducks.

We were called in after a few minutes and met Vincent, our server. He was great. He was the best server I think we have had at Disney. He was attentive and really nice. Its a close one between him and the lady at Garden Grill in 2012. He seemed really happy to be there. Its not something I require from servers. As long as they are attentive and polite, were good. But Vincents demeanor really added something to the experience. His tip reflected that too. He was a little confused by the notation we had 2 adults and one child. He looked at dd and asked if that was right. I told him it was because shes 10. He looked surprised. She had only been 10 about a month.

Up next, our breakfast in 100 Acre Wood
Wonderful trip report so far!

And its so refreshing to see someone being honest about their kids age. I know a lot of people would be tempted to let the server think their child be charged for the kids price in that situation.
Enjoying your TR!!!! Can't wait for more. I have always enjoyed traveling with my kids as a single mom. It really allows us the time to enjoy each other without the hustle & struggle of everyday "life".
I love it!!!! What a special trip you made for those kids! We drove from PA in January but there was 2 of us driving. The electronics do help, a lot! I'm so glad you all are enjoying the vacation and I can't wait to read more!!!!!


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