“Wow, Disney is Far Far Away” A Single Mom’s Road Trip to Disney: June 2013 TR

Fellow NC Diser joining in. :)

My DH has far less vacation time than I do, so my DD and I often times take trips with just the two of us. We love visiting Disney World and have driven 1/2 the time and flown the other half.

I have a very similar picture of DD at the Florida sign from our trip this past April.

I am enjoying your TR and look forward to reading more.

:wave: fellow North Carolinian

:welcome: to my trip report.

We still prefer flying, but I feel good about having done the drive. I'd certainly do it again if I had to.
First Night in Disney

Dd decided she wanted to see Downtown Disney, so we headed out.

There were quite a few of us going. It was an uneventful ride. Once we took a look around and figured out where we needed to return to once we were ready to go back to Pop, I put ds in his stroller and we headed inside. We were excited to be trying something new. We’d have a few firsts on this trip.

We spent the first few minutes just looking around. Dd kept saying, “There’s so much.” “It’s so big,” Big isn't even the word. She had no idea there's way more to it than just the Market Place where we were. Ds kept saying, “Mom, look at that.” “Mom do you see that?” We stopped at a Pin Trading store. Dd pointed it out because she knows how much I love pins. I looked, but didn’t buy anything.

We went to the carousel next. I had read the one at Magic Kingdom would be closed, so I was glad to let them ride this one, even though it was $2.00 per person.

These of course were much smaller so I just stood in between them.

Not sure why dd made this face, but it (making silly faces for pictures) would become a trend.

Next was the train ride. Ds loves trains. Dd graciously agreed to take the ride with him so that I could take pictures.

Our next stop was the Lego Store. They were amazed at the structures. A guy that worked there said they are done by master builders and shipped in to them.

After playing in the Lego store for a while we were hungry. We looked around and chose a place.

Here’s what we all had. Ds had the child version. I pulled out some juices I had brought from the room for us to drink.

We walked around a bit more just taking the place in. We went to the World of Disney store and stayed in there for at least an hour. Huge…just huge. Dd found the Minnie Mouse toy she had wanted since the 2012 trip. Ds found a Christmas train with Mickey Mouse in it. I went to pay and figured, I’d charge it to the room since I hadn’t withdrawn our spending money from the bank yet. Well, the door locks were not the only things that had been changed. It was here I found out that the process for charging purchases to your room had changed and you needed a four digit pin with your card. It is supposed to be set up at check-in, but no one mentioned it then. Thankfully I had my debit card as ds had become really attached to that train.

After I paid we decided to head out. It was getting dark, which meant it was close to 9:00 so we headed back to the bus stop. We had just missed a bus to Pop. I literally saw it leave. So we had a bit of a wait. I got nervous because of how many times I’d read about ridiculously long waits when returning from Downtown Disney. Another bus arrived in about 15 minutes though. We loved Down Town Disney and I hope to have more time for it on future trips. Boy a person could really spend a lot of money there, but I enjoyed just walking around looking at everything in the Marketplace. And they are open very late. When we got back, there was a full line of people waiting to get on the bus to head over there.

Once we got ds back into the stroller, I went to the front desk to take care of setting up the pin number in case I needed to charge something to the room. They apologized for it not being done at check-in. That’s an item for the lessons learned list. Then I went over to the resort store for some bowls.

I’d brought cereal along for breakfast in the room, but in all my planning and lists, I’d forgotten bowls. Once I realized there were no plastic or paper ones I could grab in the food court, I came back through to the store to look. They had some cute Disney bowls for $4.00. I got two of them.

We headed back to the room after that so we could get some rest. The plan for the next day was to make rope drop at Magic Kingdom. We fell asleep listening to Stacy talk about Disney’s must dos.
I'm reading too! Seems like you have some great kids; the picture of them walking in the parking lot holding hands was adorable. Can't wait to hear more!
I'm reading too! Seems like you have some great kids; the picture of them walking in the parking lot holding hands was adorable. Can't wait to hear more!



Thanks, I'm really into walking behind them snapping pictures right now. They really love each other. They have their moments when they annoy each other too of course...typical siblings. They are closer than I expected given their age difference. Dd is usually willing to do quote little kid things to be with him.
Day 3, 1st Park Day: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. 4. 3. 2. 1 Woo Hoo!

It probably seemed like forever since we’d left home. But the alarm went off at 7:15 and when I turned it off, ds was already up. He was still laying right next to me and playing on my Kindle Fire. We’d done baths the night before so I got dressed and put sunscreen on the children. Then I made the first of 3 attempts to wake dd. Doesn’t seem to matter how much sleep that child gets, she is never ready to get up. Finally I got wise and asked her if she remembered where she was. She sat straight up. As soon as ds was dressed, he hopped into his stroller. I double checked the bag and off we went. We got to Magic Kingdom in plenty of time for a great view of the opening show.

Once we were inside I talked about heading back to the new portion of Fantasy Land before it got too crowded. But my child is a creature of habit. Our favorite two things in Magic Kingdom were calling her and no way was she walking by them no matter how much she was looking forward to going Under the Sea with Ariel. So, we saw Philharmagic, then did our first ride of the day.

After that we did start to make our way back to the new Fantasy Land. But who could pass by the Tea Cups with just a small line. We hopped in the line for our 2nd ride of the trip. Dd took a seat on the little wall and her shadow followed.

This line never takes long through. I love getting their smiles on the ride.

After that we picked up fast passes for the Under the Sea ride, we headed over to go and meet Ariel. This was her first time meeting Ariel in fins. All the way down the queue, ds talked about seeing the mermaid. When the time came though, he decided against it. Dd enjoyed it. I’ll post the photopass shots because they are better than mine.

Once we got out of the meet and greet it was time to use something we’d picked up outside of the Philharmagic Theater. It’s important to note where that machine is as I saw people near the ride looking for it and it is quite a walk between the two.

There was basically no wait going through the fast pass entrance. I’m not sure the regular line was long at this point of the day, but I wanted those fast passes just in case knowing we had plans to leave around noon for a break.

We really enjoyed the ride. I liked the imagery, and how the projections made you feel you were under water. Dd wanted to ride it again later in the week. After we left there, we took some time to get hydrated and I reapplied sunscreen. Refueled we headed into the Story book Circus area.

There was just a couple of things I wanted to do here since we don’t do roller coasters and when shown the pictures online, the children didn’t want to meet the circus versions of Minnie, Donald, Daisy and Goofy. We headed straight to Dumbo. I didn’t want to try the play area (and risk not being able to get out) because the line was not long. So we opted to just continue to move through. The ride was pretty much walk-on. I snapped a quick picture of the children before I hopped in with them.

We went over to the Casey Jr. Water Play area. The children love the splash area at Epcot and I was excited for them to see this. And it was plenty hot even though it was cloudy. Dd was all in.

Ds, to my surprise, decided against it.

After dd got pretty much soaked, we started heading back towards the front. It was getting close to the time I wanted to head back to the resort for a break. We redid our favorite two things on the way out. Just can’t seem to pass by Small World and Philharmagic. We should probably be in a 12 step program. The children love those and for me, those are my “I’m really here,” attractions. We made our way to the bus stop. We were all alone. I look at this and realize how much my daughter is growing up. I can’t believe sometimes the length of her legs. Ds decided the busses were a bit loud, so whenever we were at the stop, he covered his ears.

Once we got back I kept my promise for some pool time. I told dd we could only stay in the pool for an hour. She was shocked, but I had good reason. We were returning to Magic Kingdom later, but she already knew that. Once we got changed to head down to the pool I told her I did have good reason for limiting pool time today. I’d tell her, but first I needed something from the red bag. You might remember the red bag was holding some surprises and that I found some money for a few extras on this trip. I will say I was grateful dd was just as excited not knowing there would be any.

Here’s what she’s reading.

She has lots of thick hair and I’d need plenty of time to get it dry before we went back to Magic Kingdom. Pool time was great and I started about 10 minutes before that hour was up letting her know we’d need to head back to the room soon. She needs extra time to wrap her head around transitions all of the time due to ADHD, but when she’s really having fun, it’s tougher, even if she’s going to something else she loves.

Once we got back and I got her hair dry, she made the decision to dress in the room instead of waiting until we got to BBB. That turned out to be a good decision.
Loving your trip report!:) I lived in Charlotte for 5 years when I was growing up, but I live in Seattle now. Your children are so cute, and they seem to get along so well. Your daughter is really sweet with your son. You are so organized - I'm envious! Can't wait to read more.
I'm a single mom too and have often thought about a future trip with my girls. Although my kiddos are MUCH older than yours (14 & 11) I still think a road trip and one to Disney are a must do! Our drive will be about 22 hours but it's still going to be awesome some day! Congrats to you for keeping the Disney dream alive and thank you to your family for the service to our country.

Can't wait to read the rest!

Your kids did really well with the drive! Mine do pretty well. Last Summer we did our Disney trip during the last week of May. We drove from Oklahoma. It's prob an18hr drive. Give or take an hour. Not too bad. We didn't go to Downtown Disney. I hadn't allocated time for that and we go on a very strict budget. Part of which is very limited souvenir buying. I figured it would be better to skip than dangle lots of things we couldn't buy in front of the children. The shops in the Parks do that quite well as it is. Great start to report!
Loving your trip report!:) I lived in Charlotte for 5 years when I was growing up, but I live in Seattle now. Your children are so cute, and they seem to get along so well. Your daughter is really sweet with your son. You are so organized - I'm envious! Can't wait to read more.


Thank you. She loves being a big sister. Another update coming soon.
I'm a single mom too and have often thought about a future trip with my girls. Although my kiddos are MUCH older than yours (14 & 11) I still think a road trip and one to Disney are a must do! Our drive will be about 22 hours but it's still going to be awesome some day! Congrats to you for keeping the Disney dream alive and thank you to your family for the service to our country.

Can't wait to read the rest!



Thank you for your kind words.
Your kids did really well with the drive! Mine do pretty well. Last Summer we did our Disney trip during the last week of May. We drove from Oklahoma. It's prob an18hr drive. Give or take an hour. Not too bad. We didn't go to Downtown Disney. I hadn't allocated time for that and we go on a very strict budget. Part of which is very limited souvenir buying. I figured it would be better to skip than dangle lots of things we couldn't buy in front of the children. The shops in the Parks do that quite well as it is. Great start to report!


I understand. Generally photopass is our souvenir and dd gets one other thing, but my mom gave them some money before we left. I was glad because my son has really changed. He went from barely noticing the shops to wanting to collect vehicles. He was really good about it when I said I couldn't buy something.
Day 3, 1st Park Day, part 2: Mommy, so many people like my skirt

We all got dressed and on the bus to MK with plenty of time. She got several compliments on her outfit on the bus and walking from the bus towards the entrance and more once we got onto Main Street. She looked at me and said, “Wow, mom. People really like this skirt.” She had fun twirling in it. She said it was just poofy enough. Thanks ebay.

When we got to the castle it was about 4:15. I asked her what she wanted to do for the next 30 minutes and she noticed the “Dream Along with Mickey” show was about to start. I was all for it. I love the show and ds had not seen it on our 2012 trip because he was asleep each time we watched it. I decided to get a “before” shot while we waited because there was hardly anyone around.

Crowds gathered as the show time got closer. I do love this show.

Once it was over, it was definitely time to head to BBB. We walked around the castle to the back since it was still roped off from the show. Unlike our first trip here, which was smack in the middle of Tropical Storm Debby, it was very busy. I’m sure the storm last year resulted in lots of cancellations. Dd actually got in early last year. There were so many people once we checked in, I had to stand holding ds and dd sat on the floor. I had to keep moving around because I was in the way.

There were several people coming trying to get an appointment that day. I saw them turn away at least 5 people. There was one girl they took, I think because she was with her cousin who had an appointment. I remember standing there thinking “this won’t be pretty,”, but they got the little girl in at the same time as her cousin.

They eventually called dd back and there was nowhere to sit once we got into the salon. I stood with ds until dd’s Fairy Godmother in training asked some people to make room for us. It was just enough room for me to sit really still holding him. I was really grateful for photopass.

She was having a wonderful time. Even ds was enjoying watching what was going on. I guess the photopass photographer noticed because he took this shot. They took a shot of him watching the makeover last year too.

Then she was done. I thought it was adorable, a really fun look. I wondered what she would think.

Your daughter looks gorgeous! What a fun surprise! I wish my 10 year old was interested in such things, but I will take what I can get!


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