“Les poissons, les poissons!” A vegetarian and a carnivore EAT! *30/4 COMPLETE!!*

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Where'd you go??? missing your reviews, Hope you don't let this thread tril off.
Great reviews:goodvibes
Libby, I am finally all caught up on your reviews. You started well, with not only one of our favourite off-site restaurants (Friendlys) but my favourite meal there, the Honey BBQ Chicken Melt. How delicious is that sandwich :thumbsup2

The Confisco Grille breakfast looked (and sounded) great. We are staying at RPR for a few nights in August and my DS is a huge Spidey fan so we will most definitely have to try this. Did you book it before you went or just through concerge at your hotel? We still haven't tried Bubba Gumps despite many, many visits so this might make it onto the list in August too.

Glad you are enjoying Disney (now you finally made it). We were there at the same time as you and, if it's any consolation, we went to Epcot through the week and it was still absolutely heaving. It usually is during the F&WF.

Can't wait to read more of your reviews.

Mmmmm the honey bbq melt is the best sandwich ever!! I didn't get a chance to try any other food at Friendly's but I doubt anything could beat it!!

I really recommend the Spidey breakfast. I emailed before we went and the lady gave us a time slot exactly the same as I had requested so it was perfect. Hope you get to try Bubba Gumps too, we loved it!

Aww there at the same time as us! Thats cool! We went to Epcot again on the Wednesday and actually found it soooo much quieter it was amazing!

Glad you're enjoying my reviews :) xxxx
Well I know lots of people that do enjoy it. I don't really care for it, but I've only been there once. It is chain-y, but the interior is very nice. I'm a bit of a food snob because my best friend is Italian, and her parents are both chefs. Her mom owns a gourmet restaurant. I guess it's just not "authentic" Italian to me, haha. I'm used to the Europeans' stereotype that American food is cheap and caloric (pretty true) :rotfl: But when I'm traveling, I find that anything other than fast food just seems better because I make a lot of what I eat.

Ahh see I absolutely love America and all things American so you will rarely find me being negative! We do get nice authenticish Italian food over here but I'd heard so much about Olive Garden I just had to try it and really loved it!! Can't go wrong with deep fried lasagna haha!!

I cook a lot too so also really enjoy eating out and especially in other countries :) thank you for reading and commenting! xxxx

What a perfect evening at CG :cloud9:
I would love to try the 'veggie unplugged' I've never heard of that before so thanks for sharing :thumbsup2

Oooh yeah you've gotta try it Linda, it's so exciting not knowing what they'll bring! I think it was Ben's fave part of the evening :) xxxxx

I've been following along, but finally jumping in with comments. Loving your reviews! I really want to go to CG someday; that and Flying Fish are on my signature restaurants wish list! Oh, I'm an American and I like Olive Garden. :rotfl:

Hiya! :) Oooh I'd like to go to Flying Fish too! I think Yachtsman will be on our list for next time, really want that roasted garlic on the rolls mmmmm!! We'd have to go back to CG and Narcoosees though....too many signatures, not enough time!!

Hehe yayyy Olive Garden!! :thumbsup2 xxxxxxx
Oh, how we LOVE Cali Grill!!! Libby, you are not the first to post a negative review about the goat cheese ravioli! Many have said while they love the combined flavors of goat cheese and tomato, this ravioli is just too overpowering for them. This is why I avoided ordering it during my dinner there, though I was oh, so tempted to order it! I had sushi instead and that was incredible! And like you, I ordered the filet for my main...divine! Next time, try the pork tenderloin with goat cheese polenta. DH ordered that and I thought it was the best main on the table, even better than my filet, if that can be imagined! And THAT was the RIGHT amount of goat cheese!

Love the anniversary flowers and the eyelashes! Again, you and Benj are adorable! Keep up the great reviews!

Oh good I'm so glad I'm not the first! It was so overpowering :( Such a shame because I was unnaturally excited for it!! I don't think I ever read a review that mentioned how strong it was, and I read a LOT of reviews!! Never mind. Yes I probably will try the pork next time, that was my 2nd option but the steak was just phenomenal so it'll be hard to choose! I was so happy Ben got the goat cheese polenta with his meal as I was able to try it, and it was gorgeous!!

Hehe thanks, love my falsies :D Got more coming up! xxxxxx

Joining in! Really loving your report. It's so interesting to get a Non-American's view on our restaurants...like Friendly's and Olive Garden.

Hi! Thank you so much! Glad you're enjoying them, I was worried you guys would find them boring as they're just 'normal' to you, but very exciting to us!! xxxxxx

Just wanted to say a quick thank you for this trip report. My friend and I are heading back to the World on Thursday (1 day to go!!) and like you, we're 1 veggie and 1 carnivore. Your report has been invaluable, especialy the cali gril review - as someone who can never make up her mind the vegetarian unplugged looks perfect!!

Aww thank you so much, I hope you had/are having a lovely time and my reviews helped you! I'd be interested to know if you went for the veggie unplugged if you went to CG? popcorn:: :goodvibes xxxxx
Love your reviews so far!! Can't wait for the rest!

Thank you so much! :) xxxx

Beautiful roses and very sweet. :goodvibes

We loved Cal Grill.

Poor Olive Garden is taking a beating. :laughing: I can tell you they keep a very clean kitchen. And my kids love it. My foodie DH on the other hand isn't a fan. Their kids Mac n cheese is SO good; creamy and cheesy and just the right portion for me.

Hiya, thank you so much :)

Ahhh I know it's funny with all the OG comments it ;) it's interesting to read though! Not everyones cup of tea but we'll def be going back!! :) xxxx
Anniversary Gift Hamper from Benj :)

We spent the morning at Typhoon Lagoon and only had a snack of chips and dip which was not worth photographing! Around 1pm we left and headed back to SSR, via The Springs because we needed to pick up an additional part of my anniversary gift that couldn’t be delivered with the roses!! EXCITING!! We split up – me going to buy us some lunch at the Artists Palette (in next post!) and he went over to the Concierge desk.

After buying our lunch I walked outside where we’d agreed to meet and Benji was there, carrying a LARGE object that I could only see the back of and he told me not to look at the front as it wasn’t wrapped. So we had to walk all the way back to Congress Park with him holding the object away from me so I couldn’t peek hehe! We passed a couple of ladies who were like “ohhh you shouldn’t have” which made us lol.

When we got back to the room, I closed my eyes while he set the object down and arranged it and then told me I could open my eyes :rotfl:

And what did I see!?!?!?! THIS!!!!



It was a huge Mickey shaped gift basket filled with GOOODIIEESSS the first of which I noticed was CHAMPAGNEEE!!!! And then I saw the MOST AMAZING Mickey head champagne flutes that are just so delicate and pretty and beautiful. And there were chocolates, two big bars and lots of little ones, and two packets of biccies!






And then, once we’d unwrapped all the cellophane, cooing in delight at each new item we revealed, I noticed the plaque at the back that was helping the item keep its shape was none other than an AUTOGRAPHED Mickey and Minnie plaque!! Wishing us Happy Anniversary!!!


Isn’t that stunning? I’m a very lucky girl :) He arranged it all with Disney Florist and was really pleased at the way it had turned out. We ate the biscuits and choccies throughout the week and saved the champagne to have before our dinner at Narcoosees :)

The Verdict

OBVIOUSLY a Wedding dress!!!

Artists Palette

So, as mentioned previously I stopped at the Artists Palette in SSR to grab some lunch for us.

There were lots of options and I was tempted by the sandwiches but none of them were veggie so I went for the Mediterranean vegetable flatbread which looked looooveeelllly. I paid OOP for the flatbread cause it was only $7 or $8 and we were going back to the room where we had drinks and stuff anyway. The flatbread was given to me in a plastic takeaway container which was fab as it was still warm when I got back to the room. If a little soggy!

Once we were back in the room I reheated the flatbread in our mega wide microwave to bring it back to life a bit while Benj grabbed some Pringles and beer. Lunch of champions!


Ahhhh it was very pleasant sat out on the balcony with our little feast, me thanking Ben over and over for my stunning gift and he basking in the success of his surprises! Heres our lunch!



Once we’d finished the flatbread which was gorrgeeeeouuusss, I knew just what would finish the lunch nicely for me. Yep you guessed it, my boxed up California Grill dessert!! It went down a treat let me tell you ;) (this was when I'd finished by the way, the whole thing was in there at first!)


The Verdict

The flatbread was lovely but nothing too special so it gets a blue dress :)

Tune In Lounge

We headed to Hollywood Studios after lunch and a chill out, about 4pm. This was our first time to Hollywood Studios but we had a whole day planned there for later in the week – this was just a flying visit to do a few attractions and see Fantasmic! As it was the only night we could do it!!

We managed to do a couple of things, the great Movie Ride first and The Little Mermaid show




We also did One Mans Dream which I absolutely LOVED and wouldn’t leave until I’d read every single plaque hehe and then we watched the film which was also really cool. Not everyones favourite but definitely one of mine!

It was getting on for 6.15 after we’d done those attractions and Fantasmic! was on at 7.30 so we headed over to the Tune In Lounge to put my cunning plan into action :thumbsup2

Obviously, we weren’t going to queue an hour for a 30 minute show without any alcohol. After all, I needed to prep for the Lapu Lapu I was planning to have at ‘Ohana!! I had read that the stadium does have a beer stall but I figured WOW how long was that queue going to be and also you could only take one drink at a time so we’d have to queue twice! Plus, I don’t even like beer that much. Obviously I’ll force it down as I guess many would, but given the choice I’d take pretty much anything else ;)

So, I then read online during one of my many planning browses that the Tune In Lounge (the little bar next to 50’s PT) sold it’s drinks in takeaway form! BING! And the idea was planted. We’d get a couple of super cool drinks from Dads Liquor Cabinet and avoid the crowds at the beer stall!



Once we reached the Tune In Lounge we headed inside where it was pretty quiet save for a few couples enjoying drinks at the bar.

Sneaked photos of the 50’s PT check-in area!



We perused the menu and exchanged some enjoyable banter with the barman before choosing our drinks.




I chose a Mowie Wowie which came with a rainbow flashing light cube which was pretty much the best thing ever :)


Benj got a Marg which was very enjoyable as always!

I set my ice cube to SUPER RAINBOW FLASH and we strolled over to the stadium. On the way we both needed the toilet so we nipped in but there was a queue for the ladies and once I came back outside, Ben had been into the shop to buy us both a cookie! Wooooo I got a peanut butter cookie, what a treat! Just to tide us over you understand ;)


Phewfffff was it busy walking towards Fantasmic! It was only like 6.40 by this point, eeeek. I was determined not to queue for the full 2 hours though cause that really seems ridiculous…especially in October! But once we got through to the stadium it became clear some mentals had actually done that. We were directed along to the left side and down toward the front, about half way up and on the end of a bench which was great for getting away quickly. Our seats were actually really good, we discussed how clever Disney have been with ensuring everyone could see the show, I really don’t think there were bad seats? We were more than happy with ours, I could see every single little speck of action :lovestruc

While we waited for the show there was so much going on that the time really did fly by! There was a huge group of Brazilian teens in the middle that started Mexican waves and that kept going for aaagggesss and it was really fun!

Fantasmic was absolutely amazing and I am so glad we made the time for it, obviously it was made even better with our lovely drinks!

The Verdict

The drinks were delicious, portable and the experience of buying them was so much nicer than queueing in that huge stadium for a beer! We will always get our drinks from here when we watch Fantasmic.

A pink dress!


Once Fantasmic! had finished at 8pm we had an hour and 15 minutes to get over to the Polynesian…I was so hoping it would be fine!! At first we walked up and tried to get across but nobody was moving at all so we nipped down and walked right across the front row and up at the very far right side, we were out in no time! So a top tip if you’d like to get out of Fantasmic! a bit quicker!

Once at the busstops we headed to Number 12 to the Polynesian. We managed to beat most of the crowds and the bus was pretty empty so it was a pleasant journey.

We got off the bus and were immediately wowed by how beautiful the resort is! love all the flame torches everywhere! We headed into the lobby and Ben was immediately saying how much he loved it and how he’d love to stay there hehe, goes back to my earlier comments on how different our ideas of luxury are! Don’t get me wrong I loved the Poly…but if we’re talking deluxe, I only have eyes for the Grand Flo :lovestruc

We followed the signs for ‘Ohana and headed upstairs. I was so unbelievably looking forward to this meal after reading so many reviews and I was so excited to be there! All the decoration was fabulous! We checked in and got given our buzzer, we were about half an hour early after our super quick crowd dodging! So we headed to the bar of course.


I knew what I was having but I graced the menu with a quick glance anyway :D I’ll have the most expensive drink on the menu please! The infamous Lapu Lapu, served in a pineapple woooo! Benji got a slightly more sensible cocktail that was still very feminine which made us chuckle hehe. Have no notes about it but I’m guessing it was a fruity number!





No sooner had we ordered our drinks that our buzzer went off, again!! So Ben waited for them while I went to tell our greeter that we’d be just a couple of minutes! She said it was fine so I went back to him and we paid and carried our MASSIVE drinks and followed her into the restaurant.

General ‘Ohana snaps





We got led aaallll through the restaurant to a really great table for 4, one row away from the window which I was more than happy with :) One side of the table was also next an aisle so I knew they’d find it easy to bring us food hehehehe

Our server came over and she was absolutely lovely :) She was really cheery and friendly and just lush. She explained how it all works (even though I could have told her!) and we said Benji was a vegetarian. She said he’d be getting his own meal woooooo!

First things first, the bread! Coconut and pineapple. It was really lovely but we only had a bit (!) as we knew there was sooooo much food to come!! I was going to ask for some butter since I knew it didn’t come with it but I really didn’t want to fill up on bread so I left it.


Next, she bought out 3 dipping sauces (peanut, chimmichurri and sweet and sour) and the salad.



We both tucked in and as I’d been expecting, the salad was delicious! The dressing is honey and lime and it just works perfectly. And obviously everything went down so well with my massive drink!! The Lapu Lapu was actually really nice, lots of people say it’s strong but I didn’t think it was overpoweringly strong, maybe I just drink too much ;)

Salad plates!


Next, we got our noodles and broccoli! Now I must say, I think the noodles were my favourite thing out of the whole meal!! I’ve read a lot of people say this and I never thought I’d like them that much cause they’re just noodles, bu they are so good!! They were really plain but had this peanutty sauce on them that was just NOM. I ate looaaaadsss of them. Benji could have these too obviously.


Next, my appetizers woooooo! Pot stickers and chicken wings! Now these were good. And they were all for me!!! MWahahhahahha. The pot stickers especially were just so more-ish, I was cursing my stomach for feeling full and not allowing me to eat them all!!


Lucky Benji!!! This was Ben’s appetizer, a selection of pita chips with red pepper hummus and baba ganoush. YUM!! I think he pretty much ate all of these, they were so good! I didn’t try any though sadly as I was struggling to work my way through my own feast!


Then it was time for the big boys. The MEAT. The first skewer to reach me was the steak so I got a couple of pieces and then put all my other bits on my plate so I could kind of eat it all together. The steak was beautiful, perfectly medium rare to suit most tastebuds :) As I was finishing my two pieces, another skewer came around…steak again! Go on then! So another piece of steak. Was thinking I’d possibly had my fill of steak at this point…

As all this was happening on my side of the table, exciting things were being placed in front of Benji, namely this beast!!




Which was fried tofu, rice, stir-fried veggies and soy sauce and a kind of sticky, sweet mayo type sauce all over it. Let me tell you, this was amazing!! If you are veggie or are accompanying a veggie to ‘Ohana, please tell them not to worry as they will be fed extremely well!! Benji couldn’t believe his luck! I tried some and it really was good, the sauce was lush and the rice was really sticky which I love.
Back to the carnivore side, I was thinking it might be nice to have some meat that wasn’t steak (I know right!!) but all the skewers coming round were of the steak variety!! Finally, a chicken came round, followed swiftly by shrimp and then the pork. They’re like busses!! I took em all even tho I was pretty much stuffed :( The longer the meat stayed on the plate the more it cooked though as it was so hot so it got a bit tough and I wanted to eat it even less then! The shrimp were my faves even though they were a bit of a faff, they were a lot lighter than the other options. But, the pot stickers and the noodles were my overall faves!!



At 9.30 music suddenly blared into the room and I nearly jumped out of my skin!!! We had totally forgotten that just because Wishes wasn’t on tonight…Hallowishes would be!! AWEEESOMMEEE and cause we were sat mega close to the window we could see the castle and all the fireworks perfectly! It was actually perfect. We got so excited as we were doing MNSSHP just a couple of days later! It looked so cool and we couldn’t wait to see it for ourselves from Main Street. The music on this show is amazing!



Once the fireworks were finished we realized we had pretty much reached our limit for food :( I had bravely forced down another couple of chunks of meat and a few final mouthfuls of the delicious noodles. Ben had done extremely well with his veggie dish too and it was nearly all done.

Our server came to clear the dishes away and as we waited for our dessert we watched the entertainment that was taking place right in front of us. All through the meal this lovely little guy had been serenading everyone with his little guitar which made for lovely background music as we chatted. At this point in the meal he stopped singing and called all the kids to come and practice hula dancing, it was so cute and funny!! We refrained from getting up cause we were so disgustingly full but it was really fun to watch.




As we were watching, the cutest thing happened! A little girl came over to stand by our table to watch the fun and I could feel her staring at me so I smiled at me and she turned to her Mum and went “Mommy is that Ariel!?” haha! It was so cute!! I hastily put my massive alcoholic beverage down and pretended it wasn’t mine ;)

Halfway through the entertainment our server bought our dessert over…wow, this really did live up to all the hype!! She poured the caramel sauce all over so the ice cream started melting and it just looked so good that we had to dig in immediately to fill the tiny bit of our stomachs that wasn’t actually stuffed.

Banana bread pudding with bananas foster sauce!!


We ate a couple of mouthfuls but could eat no more :( Our server came over a little while later to clear our plates and give us the bill and she gave us two flower garlands, wooooO! I was hoping we’d get them hehe :D All paid (2x TS credits, bargain!!), we thanked our server and staggered out of the restaurant to have a little wander around the resort.

Obligatory photo in the lobby! Check the garland!!


We headed to the busstop and had to wait aaaagggeeees for a bus back to DTD for some reason :( We were sooooo full and tired it was not fun!!

Ben looking very very very full and tired.


We took some silly photos to pass the time. I love this photo!!


FINALLY the bus came and we hopped on, fell asleep, woke up with a start at DTD and walked back to SSR. In bed by 11.30 and straight to sleep after a very very very long day!!

It's the twins again!

As we were watching, the cutest thing happened! A little girl came over to stand by our table to watch the fun and I could feel her staring at me so I smiled at me and she turned to her Mum and went “Mommy is that Ariel!?” haha! It was so cute!! I hastily put my massive alcoholic beverage down and pretended it wasn’t mine ;)

See...I'm not the only one thinking twins!! Out of the mouth of babes....


Fantastic TR. Never been to Ohana but I think I'll have to try it now!
Great reviews! I'm so looking forward to our O'hana reservation in June now. I was there a few years ago, but it will be DH's first time. So cute that you were mistaken for Ariel. I know that added to the little girl's magic. :love:

BTW, I share your Olive Garden love.
The basket Ben surprised you with was just beautiful! I loved the autograph from Mickey & Minnie. Congrats again to the very happy couple. :goodvibes

I'm glad you both enjoyed 'Ohana. It's so yummy there, and even the veggie. dish looks absolutely amazing!

BTW, thanks for the tip regarding the bar near 50's PT.
I think I've only commented once before because I just caught up! It looks like you had a GREAT experience with food so far!! OH MY, literally 30 seconds after I saw that Ohana stir fry pic, I made an ADR for June! :rotfl2: I cannot wait!! Can't wait to hear more!
Mmmm O'Hana looks so yummy but I know dh and ds would not eat a bite of food there :( and they say I'm the picky one.....
Mmmm O'Hana looks so yummy but I know dh and ds would not eat a bite of food there :( and they say I'm the picky one.....

The will bring something else for kids if they prefer - they offer the usual kids fare hot dog, mac and cheese, etc. My DD has opted for that both times we have been. They also served her just ice cream for dessert.

Doesnt help with your DH though.
Absolutly loving every bit of your dining report! Fantastic job! :goodvibes

So glad that you loved CRT and Cali Grill. They are two of my favorites for sure!

Can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2
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