Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Love all of your answers and such lovely pictures, too! :) PollyannaMom, you reminded me of when I was in college and even a younger adult, how much I loved blue raspberry icees! Glad you also had a similar experience with that type of treat. Back in 2014 or so, at Carnation Cafe in Disneyland, I enjoyed a similar drink as well. Blue frozen foods will always bring me a smile to think of how much kiddos at church camps I worked and volunteered at especially but also preschools loved blue otter pops! I remember even cutting a last blue otter pop into pieces so each child still at camp could have a last treat. I sure loved those kiddos God trusted me to get to care for and spend time with.
Happy Monday - the start of another week :wave:

I’m grateful every morning that God blessed me with my life, so that’s what I choose to spell with things I’m grateful for ❤️

M - Mom - I love my mom and me being a mom
Y - Yard - I love our yard - front & back

L - Laughter - I love a good laugh with people
I - Ice Cream - I love ice cream, especially in the summer
F - Family - I love my family - we’ve handled some very stressful times together
E - Eyes - I love my sight - it’s not perfect, but that’s ok, I’m just glad I can see.
B - Beauty Products - love me a spa day even if it’s a home version

E - Eyes - mine aren’t grate but I’m grateful for what I got and the eyeglasses that help me see

A - Apples 🍎

C - Cats 🐈‍⬛

H - hair color - no grey here move on 🤣🤣

E - Envelopes

S - Sun 🌞 nice sunny days - preferably warm ones!!!
Good Morning:grouphug:

Love today's topic, thank you dear PollyannaMom:hug:Thank you, Slo and WDWEPCOT:hug:for your touching shares. I so agree with your associations :)

L is for Lord Jesus, my Savior. I pray to be of kind witness to Him through each day of Life from Him.

O is for Only. As in I only choose forever Jesus. Doing my best to live as called being grateful in all.

V is for Vision and Voice two additional blessings from God, I pray to not take for granted ever. God willing Vacations such as in May to Disneyland to come.

E is for Each day that Day by Day as the Hymn/song says I might indeed, "see Thee more clearly," "Love Thee more dearly," and "Follow Thee more clearly."

For this lovely thread with thanks to God extra for each of you, a bonus answer :)

G is for God. First, Forever, and Always. His gift to me also of my Grandparents. Guideposts magazine that I enjoy reading.

R is for Reading, a blessing of simple joy that I pray to not take for granted.

A is for Amazing Grace. My belief that He sure saved and saves me in every moment.

T is for Today! What a privilege and gift.

I is for Imagination and dad enjoys his ice cream :)

T is for Trees especially, Evergreen and other Christmas Trees.

U is for each of dear U in this thread :)

D is for Dad. God has absolutely graced me with my dad and this time the two of us share together for and with Him. Day by Day.

E is for Energy and my gratutitude that because of His Mercy to me, I have more each day ad I continue to heal.

I can't believe I didn't immediately think of boats and my bed! I'm very keen on both. :D
I nearly wrote blue eyes - since I am very appreciative of mine - and, then, I got distracted by the idea of blue flowers!
And I agree about pretty blue water.


P.S. I hope it was a good trip to Arizona?

The blue flowers in your pic remind me a lot of bluebonnets. I think what you shared is a different flower, because the petals are pointing downward and there's less white.


Arizona was good. Really fast, to the point that it really wiped me out. I could never be a regular business traveler! The visit helped DD17 narrow down her collegiate options and we were able to pop into one national park along the way. So, it was worth it!
The blue flowers in your pic remind me a lot of bluebonnets. I think what you shared is a different flower, because the petals are pointing downward and there's less white.

View attachment 836961

Arizona was good. Really fast, to the point that it really wiped me out. I could never be a regular business traveler! The visit helped DD17 narrow down her collegiate options and we were able to pop into one national park along the way. So, it was worth it!
The flowers I posted are grape hyacinths - very similar to the bluebonnets.

I'm glad you had a good - if tiring! - trip. A college visit and a National Park sounds good to me. I like a college town.
F - I can't always remember names, but I never forget a FACE.

A - Since I just got back, I'll go with ARIZONA. A change of scenery is always nice and I'm grateful for how different Arizona feels from home. It was short, but a nice little getaway.

M - I think it's safe to say that we all joined because we're Disney fans. What would Disney be without some MAGIC!

I - Both kids had their significant others over for dinner last night. I was really drained, so I'm grateful that the INSTANT POT made making a meal for all just that much easier.

L - As the Beatles put it, all you need is LOVE.

Y - All of YOU! I've been on the Disboards for quite some time, but only recently started contributing on the Community Board. It's been so nice interacting with all of you :)
Today's Topic (Mon, 2/26) - spell a word with things you're grateful for

Ex: (smile) ~

Ice Cream Stands
Egg Sandwiches
I really wanted to 'like' your OP for today's topic, but I couldn't ...the egg sandwiches!!! 🤣🤣 The rest really do make me smile!! 🤣 (I know it was an example.)

I'm in a bit of a hurry today, so just a short word

Yellow daffodils (The "host" I planted came out well. Now, I want to plant a lot more for next year.)
The flowers I posted are grape hyacinths - very similar to the bluebonnets.

I'm glad you had a good - if tiring! - trip. A college visit and a National Park sounds good to me. I like a college town.

They're very pretty! After Googling them, I think my grandmother used to grow a variety back when we all lived in NJ. I love blue, but we're a zone 9b, so they won't do well here.

We actually saw two schools! University of Arizona has more of a college town vibe since Tucson isn't massive. Arizona State, on the other hand, is a mix of campuses spread out over the Phoenix area...which has some of the urban sprawl vibe we get in Houston. The main campus is in Tempe, but we learned if you go there, you could have classes on all five of the campuses. Which is bizarre to me, but that's how they do things. The good news, we've now officially whittled down her 14 acceptance options to ONE 😍
They're very pretty! After Googling them, I think my grandmother used to grow a variety back when we all lived in NJ. I love blue, but we're a zone 9b, so they won't do well here.

We actually saw two schools! University of Arizona has more of a college town vibe since Tucson isn't massive. Arizona State, on the other hand, is a mix of campuses spread out over the Phoenix area...which has some of the urban sprawl vibe we get in Houston. The main campus is in Tempe, but we learned if you go there, you could have classes on all five of the campuses. Which is bizarre to me, but that's how they do things. The good news, we've now officially whittled down her 14 acceptance options to ONE 😍
That's great news. So you can start planning ahead more.
M- being a mom, watching my daughter be a mom, and all the mothering friends and family I’ve been lucky to have in my life
O- online, being able to connect with family, friends, and everyone so easily
N- November-the month of our next Disney trip!
D- Disney, of course! from the early days of Walt on TV, MMC, the movies, the parks, a constant background in my life
A- artichokes! I love them and they’re in season now
Y- Young at Heart. Love this song, sang it to my MIL on her 65th birthday, and strive to live it

And why I am I grateful for Mondays? A new start every week. Being retired, it is easier to be grateful for Mondays :)
M- being a mom, watching my daughter be a mom, and all the mothering friends and family I’ve been lucky to have in my life
O- online, being able to connect with family, friends, and everyone so easily
N- November-the month of our next Disney trip!
D- Disney, of course! from the early days of Walt on TV, MMC, the movies, the parks, a constant background in my life
A- artichokes! I love them and they’re in season now
Y- Young at Heart. Love this song, sang it to my MIL on her 65th birthday, and strive to live it

And why I am I grateful for Mondays? A new start every week. Being retired, it is easier to be grateful for Mondays :)
I love that song - and the whole attitude! I always bring to mind The Bluebells' version.
Blue things...
The ocean
My favorite Eeyore hoodie. It's tattered and torn now, but when I'm having a bad day or need to feel extra-cozy, I reach for Eeyore!
Stitch. Cracks me up!

V- Vanilla- the extract, the scent, anything vanilla (pudding?)
A- Automobiles- Can you imagine having to walk everywhere, all the time? Where I live there is no public transportation except one bus loop hourly, so I appreciate being able to get around.
C- Cheese- I love almost all cheeses, and tend to live on cheese and crackers when life gets complicated
A- Aunts, especially my great aunt Petie. No more aunts anymore :( the downside to getting older.
T- Tomatoes? Tortillas? Tomatoes ON tortillas?
I- Independence. I was laid up for months this year with a bad knee (and then surgery) and had to depend on my family members for the silliest little things, including moving my leg out of bed so I could use the bathroom. I truly appreciate having my independence back!
O- Olive cream cheese. I love the saltiness of olives in my cream cheese, spread on a bagel in the morning. Also, a favorite sandwich growing up was cream cheese with sliced green olives, grilled. Salty/savory/smooth goodness. YUM.
N- My Nook! I know I've mentioned this before, but my eyesight is to a point where I can't read in bed anymore. I love to tuck in with the lights off and read a little on my Nook before falling asleep.
S- Sunshine. It's been a wicked grey winter up here, and I'm ready for the uplifting feeling of a sunny day (and the warmth, let's not forget the warmth!
I LOVE olives!!! I think I’m going to need to try this.
O- Olive cream cheese. I love the saltiness of olives in my cream cheese, spread on a bagel in the morning. Also, a favorite sandwich growing up was cream cheese with sliced green olives, grilled. Salty/savory/smooth goodness. YUM.
I loved all of your vacations choices, but the cream cheese and olives made me think about how much I loved potato chips and vanilla ice cream as a kid. Eventually it became potato chips and cottage cheese. (Healthier?) :)
Sorry for messing this post up and having my reply end up in the box!
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