Something About Nothing............ #14

Glad to hear all missing from posting are doing grand!!!!

Laziest day ever.........did some cleaning, moved around seom decorations on the trees.....told to leave them all alone they`re fine.....they really are nice. Did some baking, made some sausagemeat stuffing which we slice like meatloaf, gorgeous!!! Now just finished a Bob Hope movie and Tom is still snoozing......

Been a miserable day outside, glad to be in and cosy with my husband!!!

Couple of hours till dinner......time for a snack and a pot of tea I think.
You never know, it would be nice to say hello at some point. Our dates are so up in the air right now for next year, but we`re in no rush to decide.

We have a "movie room" that`s not really a movie room, but we have the huge screen in there, it`s not the same as the movies but it`s better. And we don`t have to worry about others bothering us with crunching, slurping, whispering, rustling and generally being annoying!! I am the Grinch at the cinema if there are people around us!!

Hope you got back to sleep.......

Slept like a top last night, it was around 1am when we went to bed and slept till just after 8 this morning, went down and made a pot of tea, brought it back up and we had a cuppa in bed, something we don`t usually do.

But, showered and dressed, ready for breakfast, Tom just wants cereal, so only me for French Toast this morning with some bacon. Won`t need a large lunch so just make a caesar salad and dinner tonight we both fancy a steak so, steak it is.

Bit of housework today and have nudged Tom into uploading our trip pictures, he just hasn`t felt like it up till now, I have some baking to do so that`ll pass our time today....and call my mum!!! Always a long call, then we might get some black and white movies on this afternoon, feel like watching something with Bob Hope...maybe The Ghost Breakers or Cat in the Canary, both classics.

Have a lovely Sunday........:sunny:



:santa: 🎄 :santa:
Schumigirl, I just love your emoji's. I spit my coke out when I read the road rage one, LOL.
I had to laugh at the "movie room " remark of slurping, etc........
We don't go to too many movies, maybe 3 or 4 a year and we always go on "off" nights. We don't go on weekends or right after a movie comes out. That way there is usually us and another person or two in the threater, nice!

We finally got our snow, up to 2 or 3 inches. Everything is covered in white. We all have to relearn how to drive on ice and snow, but up here everyone has had plenty of practice with that!

Roger and Robin had a good day at their craft fair at the High School yesterday. It's a really big fair with lots of fun items to buy. I had a busy day and driving in the snow storm didn't help. I didn't even look at the items for sale this time. Saved me a lot of money!!! :)

We are having steaks tonight too! I pulled out Tbone steaks this time, but I like Ribeye steaks better. We got a pretty good assortment with our l/4 cow purchase. I love buying meat like this, and we will do the same next fall. I usually don't know what we will have for supper until I get in the freezer, or whatever we are in the mood for in the am. My daughter plans each meal for the week and I admire her for that. She doesn't take after me with my "whatever I feel like today" planning, LOL. I will have baked potatoes and some corn we froze this fall.

Today is my football watching day and I am all settled in my recliner with my diet coke by my side (and chocolates within reach, lol).

have a good Sunday:)
Good Sunday afternoon everyone :wave2:




Had great seats, unexpected mummy dust, selected from standby
Nice pictures of your Grinch show and parade.

& his twerking minions. You won’t see that at a WDW parade lol
LOL…love the photo of the twerking Minions…Universal is original like that.

What did make my heart skip a beat was seeing a 5 -6 foot nurse shark leisurely float a few feet past us
Yep…..think that would have made my heart do a few flops too.

am sitting here totally stunned. On Friday night my university won its conference championship. The early predictions were that we would go to the New Orleans bowl. That’s not going to happen. Instead we are going to the Fiesta Bowl. We are blown away.

Congratulations to your University on the big win. It is a big deal to get in one of the upper bowl games for sure.

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to get together with my sisters to do that!!!! My mom - I love her - but she is NOT a baker!!!!! It is not in her wheelhouse. I love doing it - and give all mine away as gifts. I don't and haven't ever bought gifts for others. They get a tin of Xmas baking.
My mom was not a baker either, but her twin sister was an awesome baker. Sadly she is the only one left in the family.

That is so sweet of you to give your baking away. Getting a tin of your baking is a nice gift to your family and friends.

I enjoy baking from time to time and like giving it away also. Always keep back a little for hubby to have treats.

We had an amazing trip.....Sapphire and Royal Pacific were fantastic as always!!! We were so happy to see everyone again and welcomed like family which is lovely, they do look after everyone so well. I think we managed to catch up with everyone we wanted to.
So good to hear you had a nice trip and were able to meet up with Ruth and her daughter.

It was a quiet night last night. I was tuckered out. We paid bills, did one phone call to brother-in-law - loosely planned Xmas. I was voluntold I'm hosting Christmas day :rotfl: You gotta love family drama. I just roll with it - so yes I can and would love to host Christmas day. I love being able to do it - it's just that our house is small. We will make the most of it - and enjoy any family members who decide to come over :rolleyes1
Hope it all works out for you. You sound like a wonderful cook. I bet they are all looking forward to having Christmas at your house.

Has the brother in law who told you to host Christmas at your house ever hosted at his house?

I caught a cold, which I never do, and am just now starting to get over it.
It’s a bummer to get sick after a nice vacation. Hope you feel better soon. Sending get will prayer your way.

Yes, my husband has a cold, thankfully he`s not too bad and isn`t the manflu type of guy, but I do like to take care of him when he`s not 100%.
Sending get well prayers for Tom. Hope feels better soon.

Thanks! That's sweet. If you haven't noticed, I have been doing my best to make up for lost time. Between moving away from Fl, health problems, and the pandemic, I wasn't really sure I'd ever be making it back to the theme parks, so super happy it's working out now.
Sending you good wishes that this year is a better year for you. Sound like you need things to look up for you.

Mac hope you and your family are doing well.

Prayers to all who were affected by the Tornados that touched down in Clarksville and the surrounds. Devastating loss of life and property.

Kicked back and enjoying a quiet Sunday.

Made a some brunch so might have a nap later.

I drove up to Indianapolis for the day yesterday and did some walking around The Fashion Mall at Keystone.

There is a Pottery Barn Store there and a William and Sonoma and I always like looking in there.

There are over 121 shops and restaurants in that Mall. So plenty to look at. I did pick up a few things.

A couple of years ago when I was shopping at Mall at Millenia I found a tin of Fortnum’s Chocolate Biscuits at Willams Sonoma and I bought them for my hubby and he really liked them. So I bought a tin of those for him yesterday. They also sell a nice selection of various teas and other food items.

Of course they have wonderful bakeware and various cooking accoutrements. It was busy. But I always like looking in there.

The Mall is located up near Carmel which is where the Heart Hospital was that my mom was in a number of years ago. I remember going over to the Mall with my sister K a couple of times, but we never really went walking through the whole mall. I also wanted to check it out as an overnight trip for the ladies in the family for a Christmas shopping trip next year. There is a hotel connected to the Mall so that would be a nice option.

The Mall is about 3 hours drive from where we live.

I have filled out a few Christmas cards and have a package ready to send off to my older sister D. So need to get to the post office tomorrow.

I have a few gifts to wrap. I have had the majority of Christmas shopping done and wrapped for a while. I‘am trying to stay ahead this year a little.

Christmas Eve is two weeks away. Seems like the month of December is flying by. We will have a house full on Christmas Eve. Looking forward to seeing all the family.

Going to look at possible days that might work to get the girls together to bake cookies if they want before Christmas Eve. Will see if any work.

I walked through Costco the other day and they had large bags of halved pecans for a little over $ 10.00. I had been paying much more for bags a quarter that size at Walmart. So we have plenty of pecans to bake with if we want.

Need to get over and work on finishing trip report. Life does have a way of getting in the way of somethings getting done.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.
Schumigirl, I just love your emoji's. I spit my coke out when I read the road rage one, LOL.
I had to laugh at the "movie room " remark of slurping, etc........
We don't go to too many movies, maybe 3 or 4 a year and we always go on "off" nights. We don't go on weekends or right after a movie comes out. That way there is usually us and another person or two in the threater, nice!

We finally got our snow, up to 2 or 3 inches. Everything is covered in white. We all have to relearn how to drive on ice and snow, but up here everyone has had plenty of practice with that!

Roger and Robin had a good day at their craft fair at the High School yesterday. It's a really big fair with lots of fun items to buy. I had a busy day and driving in the snow storm didn't help. I didn't even look at the items for sale this time. Saved me a lot of money!!! :)

We are having steaks tonight too! I pulled out Tbone steaks this time, but I like Ribeye steaks better. We got a pretty good assortment with our l/4 cow purchase. I love buying meat like this, and we will do the same next fall. I usually don't know what we will have for supper until I get in the freezer, or whatever we are in the mood for in the am. My daughter plans each meal for the week and I admire her for that. She doesn't take after me with my "whatever I feel like today" planning, LOL. I will have baked potatoes and some corn we froze this fall.

Today is my football watching day and I am all settled in my recliner with my diet coke by my side (and chocolates within reach, lol).

have a good Sunday:)

lol....that`s like us, we go to the cinema in the afternoon if we do go at all, usually there are about 4 other folks max!!! Suits us down to the ground. Yes, we call that room the movie room, just a much larger screen than usual and we watch most things through there movie wise. Other things we just watch on one of the other tv`s. We do have a lot of tv`s around the house......ironically I`m not the biggest tv watcher, but Tom is a tv fiend!!!

Yes, I do like a good giggle too!!!

Glad the Craft Fair went well, they do produce the most amazing products, I love the gifts you gave us! And you have snow now!!!! Our weather has been very mild, albeit grey and miserable, at least snow is pretty for a time.

I love filets....Tom is the big T Bone fan or a good NY Strip! Yes, we buy bulk and keep that in the chest freezer, ideal and you get all you want from the cow/sheep/pig.....we like all meats!! Like you I don`t plan my meals, I wake up and we decide that day what to have usually, occasionally I`ll make the base sauce for a dish the previous day if I know we`re having curry or lasagne for example, time to enhance the flavours. But generally, not a clue what we`re going to enjoy from one day to the next.

Hope you enjoyed your steaks and enjoy that recline with your haven`t forgotten the email I said I`d write to you about a subject, I don`t seem to have had two minutes without doing three things at once, or going out, but I do want to get everything correct.

Have a lovely day....:)

Good Sunday afternoon everyone :wave2:

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Nice pictures of your Grinch show and parade.

LOL…love the photo of the twerking Minions…Universal is original like that.

Yep…..think that would have made my heart do a few flops too.

Congratulations to your University on the big win. It is a big deal to get in one of the upper bowl games for sure.

My mom was not a baker either, but her twin sister was an awesome baker. Sadly she is the only one left in the family.

That is so sweet of you to give your baking away. Getting a tin of your baking is a nice gift to your family and friends.

I enjoy baking from time to time and like giving it away also. Always keep back a little for hubby to have treats.

So good to hear you had a nice trip and were able to meet up with Ruth and her daughter.

Hope it all works out for you. You sound like a wonderful cook. I bet they are all looking forward to having Christmas at your house.

Has the brother in law who told you to host Christmas at your house ever hosted at his house?

It’s a bummer to get sick after a nice vacation. Hope you feel better soon. Sending get will prayer your way.

Sending get well prayers for Tom. Hope feels better soon.

Sending you good wishes that this year is a better year for you. Sound like you need things to look up for you.

Mac hope you and your family are doing well.

Prayers to all who were affected by the Tornados that touched down in Clarksville and the surrounds. Devastating loss of life and property.

Kicked back and enjoying a quiet Sunday.

Made a some brunch so might have a nap later.

I drove up to Indianapolis for the day yesterday and did some walking around The Fashion Mall at Keystone.

There is a Pottery Barn Store there and a William and Sonoma and I always like looking in there.

There are over 121 shops and restaurants in that Mall. So plenty to look at. I did pick up a few things.

A couple of years ago when I was shopping at Mall at Millenia I found a tin of Fortnum’s Chocolate Biscuits at Willams Sonoma and I bought them for my hubby and he really liked them. So I bought a tin of those for him yesterday. They also sell a nice selection of various teas and other food items.

Of course they have wonderful bakeware and various cooking accoutrements. It was busy. But I always like looking in there.

The Mall is located up near Carmel which is where the Heart Hospital was that my mom was in a number of years ago. I remember going over to the Mall with my sister K a couple of times, but we never really went walking through the whole mall. I also wanted to check it out as an overnight trip for the ladies in the family for a Christmas shopping trip next year. There is a hotel connected to the Mall so that would be a nice option.

The Mall is about 3 hours drive from where we live.

I have filled out a few Christmas cards and have a package ready to send off to my older sister D. So need to get to the post office tomorrow.

I have a few gifts to wrap. I have had the majority of Christmas shopping done and wrapped for a while. I‘am trying to stay ahead this year a little.

Christmas Eve is two weeks away. Seems like the month of December is flying by. We will have a house full on Christmas Eve. Looking forward to seeing all the family.

Going to look at possible days that might work to get the girls together to bake cookies if they want before Christmas Eve. Will see if any work.

I walked through Costco the other day and they had large bags of halved pecans for a little over $ 10.00. I had been paying much more for bags a quarter that size at Walmart. So we have plenty of pecans to bake with if we want.

Need to get over and work on finishing trip report. Life does have a way of getting in the way of somethings getting done.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

Good to hear from you Robbie and glad things are going well.

Thank you Tom is doing much better today, it`s so unlike him to be poorly, but it`s that time of year. Sounds like you have a lovely festive season ahead of you for the family, very special times indeed.

I love Fortnum & Mason tea, it is just head and shoulders above some other places we purchase fresh tea from, they do have very lovely products and make lovely gifts too. I do admire you`re organised for Christmas.....I thought I was until Friday and had a panic moment that was quite waited till it was over and said we`ll get it all done next week, he`s right of course.

Have a lovely week Robbie.

Steaks were boootiful!! My filet was rarer than usual, but the meat was so gorgeous, Tom said it was too rare for him so he didn`t ask for a piece, I did cut a bit of his T Bone, lovely.

I made some Bailey`s ice cream last week....put in down the sink. I do enjoy alcohol in many forms, but in desserts, it`s a big no no. So, won`t be making that again, I did make some millionaire shortbread today, most will be dropped off in Kyle`s offices tomorrow, but kept a couple of slices back for us. It`s so sweet though, one little bit is enough for me, they will love it.

Christmas movie time again....not sure what he`s chosen for us to watch, but will wander through and see in a minute, this has just been the nicest of lazy days.
So my night just took a turn for the worse. B and I were going out to dinner and have been involved in a minor car wreck. No one is hurt and I don’t think there is any damage to the car. It’s hard to tell because it is dark and raining. We are currently waiting for police to show up. Update later.
I need to learn to trust my gut instincts. B wanted to go to our favorite Chinese restaurant. It’s on the other side of town, about a 15-20 drive. Normally that’s not a problem, but tonight was dark and rainy. I almost suggested we go someplace closer but didn’t.
I told the officer that I was in the left most lane and the other driver was to my right. We were both turning left when we hit. Somehow he translated “when we hit” into “I hit her.” I’m not being charged with the accident, but it still annoys me that he says I admitted fault. Thankfully the only damage was some scrapes on the side of my car.

I’m home now and trying to calm down. I think I will continue to stab some cross stitch fabric. Maybe it will be therapeutic.
Oh no, so upsetting Charade. I am glad you and B were not hurt, and minor damage to the other car and none to your car. Hugs. Last thing you wanted on such a dark and stormy night.


Epcot in the rain. We just got back about an hour ago. Will see the new water show in three more days. Both of us took a long hot bath. Felt good, as we did have rain jackets and neatly, little one’s backpack had a rain cover. That and my sneakers were as advertised and keep rain off and both dry. But after eating in a cold feeling quick service place, we decided to call it a night. Have snacks and fruit and soda in our room if we feel peckish tonight. Both have our pajamas on.

Hope all have a restful night. And the soggy trash cans are at the curb to be picked up in the rain, as soggy commute tomorrow for those that are on the roads. Thankfully, not me and the men are surviving without us.
I need to learn to trust my gut instincts. B wanted to go to our favorite Chinese restaurant. It’s on the other side of town, about a 15-20 drive. Normally that’s not a problem, but tonight was dark and rainy. I almost suggested we go someplace closer but didn’t.
I told the officer that I was in the left most lane and the other driver was to my right. We were both turning left when we hit. Somehow he translated “when we hit” into “I hit her.” I’m not being charged with the accident, but it still annoys me that he says I admitted fault. Thankfully the only damage was some scrapes on the side of my car.

I’m home now and trying to calm down. I think I will continue to stab some cross stitch fabric. Maybe it will be therapeutic.

Charade, glad you and your daughter are both ok. Minor damage to your car will be fixed, scrapes can be easily sorted out. I do understand your annoyance at the suggestion you admitted fault, I assume the insurance will sort it all out.

Hopefully your cross stitch will bring some calm to the evening and hope you can shake that awful feeling off. Gut feeling is usually the right one.

Charade, just sending hugs
Don’t fret about the car.
I am glad it’s minor damage but you both are fine.

Absolutely true.....minor damamge will be fixed, as long as no one is hurt is all you want to hear.

Very mild going to bed last night, quite cool out there this morning I think, supposed to be having some nasty weather next few days, but we will forge on and get the shopping done that we want to buy. I can get some online, but we have lots of little unique stores around that have personal gifts for people, much better to support small local businesses where we can. So it means going out into the cold......

So, this morning I do have a list and will try and stick to that (no chance) we need some fresh groceries and then back home as soon as possible, still haven`t written out those Christmas cards that need posting away and I just realised I haven`t posted the ones for New York!! I still have a few days, so will get that sorted today too.

Tom asked for stuffed chicken breasts tonight, I`m sure I have some Brie in the fridge and we always have lots of jars of cranberry sauce and there`s always bacon!! Poached egg for breakfast though.

Monday again and two weeks till Christmas!!! How`d that happen.......



Have a lovely Monday :santa:
Hope you`re doing ok this morning Charade, something like that can shake you up.

Heard from one of my goddaughters, her and her family arrived in Orlando Friday and they planned a Volcano Bay day`s closed for now due to low temps 🥶 they move over to Anna Maria Island on Thursday or Friday and they do like their water parks. I think they`re going to do the parks instead again.

Beautiful, sunny but chilly here, we went out a walk up behind us for some sunshine and air, it is cold though.


Time for lunch and a huge pot of tea!!!
Ah that Monday feeling with a cooler day and such a beautiful sunny start to the day. Well, for me. I’m up. Little one is not going to be up for another hour or so. We definitely are not early arrivers, though once in a while, I’ll go early and meet up with her later. One nice thing about each having mobile phones.

Most Marvelous Monday to all.
Still annoyed about the events of yesterday, but I have calmed down some. I went out this morning to view the damage in daylight and it’s worse than I originally thought. I thought I just had a few paint scrapes, but……..



And I really need to wash my car.

I have filed a claim with my insurance company and made arrangements to drop my car at a body shop on Thursday.

Hope everyone else’s day is going better than mine.
I blinked and it was Monday - and it's been a hot minute since I've stopped in!

Had a very busy couple days last week at my homecare job - then after work Friday - I tossed the suitcase in the truck and we hit the highway to head to the city for some shopping and spend some time with the kids!

We finished up our shopping on the weekend :cool1: I just have to stop and pick up gift cards yet for their stockings - but other than that - it's all done! I'll have a couple nights of wrapping - and finish up baking this week - and then I'll be done and ready for Christmas. I have one package I'll send out tomorrow to my family. I just have to pick up some lotto tickets for some Christmas cards for my sisters - then I'll mail that out tomorrow.

We finally decorated the tree last night after we got home from the city. Youngest ds was working out of town all last week - and left again today to work out of town again - so last night was the only night to get it done. I still have a few corners to decorate up - but it finally looks like Christmas in our home.

Christmas Eve is two weeks away. Seems like the month of December is flying by. We will have a house full on Christmas Eve. Looking forward to seeing all the family.

Going to look at possible days that might work to get the girls together to bake cookies if they want before Christmas Eve. Will see if any work.
December ALWAYS flies by!!!
I’m home now and trying to calm down. I think I will continue to stab some cross stitch fabric. Maybe it will be therapeutic.
I'm thankful that you are both ok. The damage - as frustrating as it is - is minor in the big picture of things. If that were me and if you were both in a turning lane - the other person is EQUALLY as much at fault! I would fight what the police are stating as you were " at fault". But that is just me.
Time for lunch and a huge pot of tea!!!
Your scenery pictures area always amazing! I hope your teapot is always full and hot today ::yes::

Well, I should go shuffle more papers. I need to be organized as I picked up quite a few shifts at the homecare job - with our full-time gal going on holidays.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
That’s what car insurance is for. Glad you were not hurt, and can get the car fixed in a few days, Charade. Sending more hugs.

MK was busy, walked around, rode a couple of rides, and back to change into warmer clothes, as want to see the fireworks tonight. Snacking, relaxing, and freshening up.
Glad you are ok Charade!

I'm back on after a phone switch. Passwords didn't migrate so I had to use the old phone to get every single one.

Goddaughter came over this weekend and made lentil soup for us, 6qts worth.
Leftovers became Italian wedding soup tonight with a few additions.
Nice on a chilly night.
Went to an ugly sweater/ cookie decorating party yesterday and had a great time.


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