Parks dress code?

The concept of professional dress changes over time. These men are all dressed professionally for an office in the 1970s but would look out of place today.

Lookin' sharp, fellas, like only someone who shops at Sears can!
I do understand the arguments for inclusivity and the problem that people have with my argument that a person of a more modest nature should be able to go to the parks and enjoy them without being made uncomfortable. I get that they can simply stay home if things make them uncomfortable believe me. I get that. But I also argue that they shouldn't be forced to choose not to go and unfortunately for some cultural and religious differences and beliefs, that is the choice that has to be made. So my argument is that for those people there is no consideration made for their feelings or beliefs. Like one poster stated there will never be inclusivity that welcomes everybody. There is so much diversity that there will always be differences that just cannot be overcome.
That is why Disney decides what rules to impose on their property.

But why should we accommodate the tastes of certain "Anglo based" religions and not Islam? If we're going to start worrying about the modesty standards for one religion, then surely we have to worry about the standards for all religions.
Exactly why we don't.!!
Disney sets the rules and people can decide to attend or not.

The thing is though is that it's nobody's business what anyone else wears to Disney World - except Disney's. We've already established that they have a dress code. That is their prerogative and also their prerogative to enforce it (or not). They have this in place to try to make most people feel comfortable - however that can never work for everyone as people have different ideas of what is appropriate. The dress code represents what Disney thinks is appropriate, and I do agree that they should enforce that as written. This applies to any establishment as well as they can dictate their own dress codes. If you don't agree with that dress code then you have the option to not go to those places.
And that is all that matters. ;)

I'm just an old hippie chick. Free, loving and compassionate...not militant. Although in my day we weren't nasty or hurtful. I attempt to carry this into my life today. I'm no prude although Im sure this would surprise some and they would strongly disagree. I believe in being considerate and respectful. If visiting i.e. a Muslim county I dress appropriately also when visiting a Catholic church in Europe, etc. Just because you HAVE the right...doesn't MAKE it right! Too many encourage division not inclusion...consideration or respect. JMO Peace out! ✌🏼🌼

I know Americans tend to favor longer, looser swim trunks, but speedo-style suits help prevent wedgies!
Please, no speedo's in the parks.!! lol (that includes waterparks)
In the sense that others must conform to what you think, no, there isn't any difference at all.
There are social norms. When you deviate from them, expect to get picked on to conform. It’s how things work socially. There is a cost for not conforming.
I guess I'm just so wrapped up in enjoying my vacation, that I don't really notice what other people are wearing at Disney. Occasionally, I will take notice when someone is wearing shoes that seem really uncomfortable for all the walking, but that is about it.
I guess I'm just so wrapped up in enjoying my vacation, that I don't really notice what other people are wearing at Disney. Occasionally, I will take notice when someone is wearing shoes that seem really uncomfortable for all the walking, but that is about it.
I only notice the family tees. It’s hard to miss them. Of course, if a woman is letting it all hang out, it’s hard not look. :)
And how does “professional dress“ affect a person’s ability to do their job?

To me, that’s an incredibly antiquated idea. 🤦‍♀️ Over the years I’ve worked with some really well dressed incompetent idiots.
It doesn’t. But I’m not going to hire them to find out.
I have been on dozens of trips to WDW and I have only ever been offended once by something someone was wearing at the parks.
There are social norms. When you deviate from them, expect to get picked on to conform. It’s how things work socially. There is a cost for not conforming.
Getting picked on does not mean that one must conform. The person doing said oogling, could not give a darn.
It doesn’t. But I’m not going to hire them to find out.
That's why you dress nice for the interview and maybe for the first day, then dress comfortably every day after. I don't mind dressing nicely for an interview. It's sort of a special occasion where you're meeting new people for the first time. But after that? I'm here to work, not to impress you with my wardrobe.

The only suit I have is the one that I wore for my wedding. I have one extra collared shirt. That's the extent of my "professional" dress options. If you can't stand me wearing t-shirts and jeans to work, well, your loss!
How does what someone is wearing affect your dining experience? Is your food not as good, or service lacking because someone else in the restaraunt is wearing park attire or a tank top? If it doesns't bother you how people are dressed at the parks, why do you care about the restaraunts? The only concerns I have about other people at a restaruant is 1, do they stink and 2, are they letting their kids run amuck, which actually does affect other people dining at a signature restaraunt.

I'd prefer not to see that as well, but you know what? I just look somewhere else. It's not hard.
So it will be alright for me to wear shorts and a worn out Metallica t-shirt to V&A?


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