DVC must stop rentals.....

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I guess I'm trying to figure out a way to ensure true personal use continues IF Disney wants to cut down on spec rentals. I'm certainly not proposing that you can't have guests when you travel or book trips for friends if you aren't around. But booking as many studios as you can for Christmas/Thanksgiving/Easter and then renting them at the equivalent of $35/point (or whatever the math is) isn't in the spirit of the program.

I don't have a dog in this fight personally. We don't rent our points and beyond the weird thing going on with cabin availability in January we can usually book what we want thanks to my mom being super vigilant about Disney dates. I was just curious about what would be acceptable to the board.

I agree that sucks, but I'm not at all sure how Disney would know that its my best friend Sarah and her family and not Stranger Jim from the interwebs that I rented a spec reservation for. Even a name change isn't a good indication, because maybe I originally did book that Thanksgiving trip for myself and then decided not to go and gifted it to my best friend Sarah and her family. And then I book another trip and I can't go on that one either, and gift that to my cousin Sue who lives not far away and can go on short notice. As many of us know for the past couple of years - some years be like that.

Like you, no dog. I've rented points out once in twenty some years (I'll likely do it again soonish - maybe next year - we banked all this years points with no intention of going in the foreseeable future). We have never stayed in studios (we do like BWV two bedrooms, so the studio problem could affect us), book eleven months in advance when we stay at WDW (home is BWV), and use our points in the easy to book February at HHI. I haven't even been to WDW in five years (HHI and Aulani)

They could make renting less attractive for renters. They could not allow perks to people staying on DVC points - any perks - without a membership card. No extra magic hours, no access to the dining plan. They could make members staying on their own points get first choice on room requests and first check in - leaving the renters in the cold until 6pm for a room that overlooks the dumpster. This would affect member's family and guests that don't travel with the member as well, but it wouldn't be economically harmful to them, just a pain in the back end when you gift points for your son's honeymoon and he gets a lousy room at 7pm. But if it becomes known that DVC renters are treated poorly by Disney, there will be some market impact. They could allow for a limited number over the lifetime of the contract of "affiliated member cards" that you could give to children or your parents or someone. Once you assign them they'd be non-transferable and need to be renewed every year, but you could give them to your adult kids and best friend Sarah so when they travel without you they aren't treated like renters. But with so many onsite perks disappearing....... removing the ability to book Fastpasses unless you are a member or CRO guest 60 days out isn't very useful without Fastpasses nor is not being able to book Magical Express.

They could, but they won't, go to the effort to employ people who watch Facebook groups and other outlets for "commercial renting activity." They won't because it doesn't hit them in the pocketbook enough and so there isn't any revenue to be made to offset the staffing costs, and it isn't the biggest contributor to availability issues - that's simply that there are a few times when more people want to go and stay in a limited supply of rooms and that people who make their plans a year out have an advantage.
I wonder if Disney could slow down rental activity by requiring “names “ are identified as friends and family or Associates on contract on MDE. That would be just one small minor control to make rental slightly monitored .I wouldn’t want a strangers name that I was renting to added as a friend or family or Associate.
. I doubt any legal actions would really ever happen unless your renter really destroyed the property discovered during a surprise room check.

Makes me think twice about storing my Disney Visa Credit Card on MDE …haha !

I wonder how many friends or Associates we can list.?.
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I think a better solution would actually be to lower the point value of certain resorts when trading, but I honestly think that’s not a poplar opinion 😅
They could do this, but backwards. They can adjust the chart for points that aren’t from your home resort. So, RIV could charge 10% more for non-RIV points, but it can’t single out SSR.

It would be an elegant solution for a really premium option, like if DVC had a little on the Star Wars hotel.
I am a new member who was looking to rent some points to stay 2 more nights on my "welcome home" stay in january. At first it looked like a good deal but the more I read about renting the more I am against it. We pay a lot to go to WDW and cannot get the date/room/view I want because there is a renter who got it and it's a bargain for them. Even the rooms deteriorate more because some of them trash the room, they don't pay the dues why would they care? and we owners have to deal with it. All of this is because brokers advertise it as saving up to 50% so they can make money at our expense
I am a new member who was looking to rent some points to stay 2 more nights on my "welcome home" stay in january. At first it looked like a good deal but the more I read about renting the more I am against it. We pay a lot to go to WDW and cannot get the date/room/view I want because there is a renter who got it and it's a bargain for them. Even the rooms deteriorate more because some of them trash the room, they don't pay the dues why would they care? and we owners have to deal with it. All of this is because brokers advertise it as saving up to 50% so they can make money at our expense
If renting is a bargain, why did you buy and not just rent? (Also, as long as we are discussing strategy, did you consider booking cash and stalking/waitlisting those nights?) We’ve owned for over 10 years, and I would say my ownership ended up being the bargain. As you get used to the cadence of booking at 11 and 7 months, it won’t feel as cumbersome.
If renting is a bargain, why did you buy and not just rent? (Also, as long as we are discussing strategy, did you consider booking cash and stalking/waitlisting those nights?) We’ve owned for over 10 years, and I would say my ownership ended up being the bargain. As you get used to the cadence of booking at 11 and 7 months, it won’t feel as cumbersome.
I am not complaining about buying the membership which I like and know it is a great deal for my family. We own for personal use and the points we think can afford for many years (it may change at some point in the next 48 years) I just complain that some times owners don't get priority over renters or have to be stalking to get few rooms from people who are walking reservations. My thought for now is that if I am going to rent my points I would do it maybe something near cash rates I'm not gonna give away my points for nothing. I don't know when this "save money renting points" started but I do not like it
At least 10. I’ll be booking 3 more for April this week too as don’t know if we are doing March or April next year..or both.

To clarify, some of these are just two night trips because we split stay a lot.

Again, we book a lot of shorter but frequent trips and my adult children go yearly as well..and then really good friends.

About 6 are duplicate nights that will get canceled if I end up solo or the group doesn’t end up as large as it could.
Okay. In all my years I have never done anything like this. I just don't agree with grabbing up rooms you aren't going to use. To each their own though.
We've neither rented points or rented out our points, so have no direct stake in the argument. We like knowing that we can rent, should the need or desire ever arise. For every point rented out, there is an owner using their points as they deem appropriate within the rules. Every owner enjoys the same booking opportunity at their home resort and at other resorts as their restrictions may allow. Owners who rent their points out do not have any additional opportunities to leverage reservations.

This whole debate seems more about courtesy amongst owners rather than compliance with the rules.
I am a new member who was looking to rent some points to stay 2 more nights on my "welcome home" stay in january. At first it looked like a good deal but the more I read about renting the more I am against it. We pay a lot to go to WDW and cannot get the date/room/view I want because there is a renter who got it and it's a bargain for them. Even the rooms deteriorate more because some of them trash the room, they don't pay the dues why would they care? and we owners have to deal with it. All of this is because brokers advertise it as saving up to 50% so they can make money at our expense
How do you know it is renters trashing units?

DVC is designed to operate at 100% capacity all year. If some units are damaged we have no visibility as to the status of the one doing the damage. There are certainly slob/entitled DVC members.
I am not complaining about buying the membership which I like and know it is a great deal for my family. We own for personal use and the points we think can afford for many years (it may change at some point in the next 48 years) I just complain that some times owners don't get priority over renters or have to be stalking to get few rooms from people who are walking reservations. My thought for now is that if I am going to rent my points I would do it maybe something near cash rates I'm not gonna give away my points for nothing. I don't know when this "save money renting points" started but I do not like it
Actually, it's not renters who got priority over owners. No one got priority. The owner who rented out the reservation had the exact same opportunity as any other owner and chose to use their points in this manner.

I wish you luck as a new member and hope you get many happy years out of your ownership. But if you allow issues like renting to get under your skin, your head is going to explode over walking, lock-off premiums, point reallocations, website issues, 50% borrowing limits and long hold times for member services. It's best not to allow those things to bother you because none of them are within your control. You will enjoy your membership so much more if you direct your focus on how to use it to make you happy.
Okay. In all my years I have never done anything like this. I just don't agree with grabbing up rooms you aren't going to use. To each their own though.

Except I might use them. Booking at 11 months out ensures that when trips get finalized we have what we need for the year.

The whole point for me sharing was to show that owners like me, with a lot of points, can have a lot of reservations at one time, and not be someone who rents.

The lack of rooms at 6 months out can also come from owners who secured rooms early on for the same reason I do.

Your situation is exactly why I do book rooms at 11 months for potential trips. I don’t want to be left without something.

Stopping renting…which they can’t do…unless it is commercial.. isn’t going to make a dent in the overall scheme of things…

Even spec renting could be hard if all someone does is to rent one or two hard to get reservations a year to help off set dues…
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If members ( all of us) can't book at 11 months out to secure a room for their dates and then try to switch at 7 months if you want to maybe we shouldn't be owners. I always book 11 months at home because we never know which dates will work but we make sure we have something around our times. If you want something inside 7 months you need to take what you can get, If it's not your home that's your fault not renters.
I am not complaining about buying the membership which I like and know it is a great deal for my family. We own for personal use and the points we think can afford for many years (it may change at some point in the next 48 years) I just complain that some times owners don't get priority over renters or have to be stalking to get few rooms from people who are walking reservations. My thought for now is that if I am going to rent my points I would do it maybe something near cash rates I'm not gonna give away my points for nothing. I don't know when this "save money renting points" started but I do not like it

And, it is certainly okay not to like that DVC ownership comes with the ability to rent your points, as long as you are not doing it as commercial renting.

But it does allow it and we all know that going in.
Except I might use them. Booking at 11 months out ensures that when trips get finalized we have what we need for the year.

The whole point for me sharing was to show that owners like me, with a lot of points, can have a lot of reservations at one time, and not be someone who rents.

The lack of rooms at 6 months out can also come from owners who secured rooms early on for the same reason do.

Your situation is exactly why I do book rooms at 11 months for potential trips. I don’t want to be left without something.

Stopping renting…which they can’t do…unless it is commercial.. isn’t going to make a dent in the overall scheme of things…

Even spec renting could be hard if all someone does is to rent one or two hard to get reservations a year to help off set dues…
I feel this isn’t a productive conversation, but your speculative booking means people who actually want to go, can’t. That’s just a fact.

It is what it is. Don’t like, sell my points, I know I know.
I feel this isn’t a productive conversation, but your speculative booking means people who actually want to go, can’t. That’s just a fact.

It is what it is. Don’t like, sell my points, I know I know.
That's not what it means at all. When someone drops a day club level, I grab it! And then you can grab my Kidani savanna view. It's not like me booking at Kidani doesn't mean you couldn't have booked at SSR. You didn't for the same reasons I didn't.

The system, by design, has rooms that are in hot demand, like club level or OKW 3BR or whatever. The distribution will never be equal, unless they equalized the chart. Even that would be tough because of the legacy charts that have such low-point rooms. So, they'd have to equalize the resorts too, which definitely isn't allowed.

It's fussy and takes work, and it's not for everyone, but that's how the system works. There are other timeshare systems that charge booking fees and change fees and stuff, if that's what you are into. I like messing with my reservations, and I'm always watching for something better. So yea, I have a ton of reservations I'm messing with all the time. You can book at 11 months and call it a day if that works better for you.
I feel this isn’t a productive conversation, but your speculative booking means people who actually want to go, can’t. That’s just a fact.

It is what it is. Don’t like, sell my points, I know I know.

So it’s not just about renting then…it’s also about not wanting or liking other owners to use their points to secure rooms until they are 100% confident of travel plans..

Certainly valid opinion. But, I didn’t take any room from anyone because every other owner had the same chance as me to grab it.

Again, I don’t ever book rooms for times I know I won’t go but yeah I use the system as intended…to secure rooms at 11 months for trips I hope will.
One more comment because members seem to push this idea of “you knew it when you bought.” I did as much research as I thought I possibly could before buying. Did I know people could rent their points? Of course. Did I know about rental boards that encourage spec renting? No. There are just some things you won’t even know to research as a new member. It wouldn’t even occur to me that people spec rent or over-reserve multiple rooms at a time, because that is something I wouldn’t even consider. So I resent being told I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to book my home resort at 7:02 at 11 months. Brokers certainly won’t tell you this. 😉
So I resent being told I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to book my home resort at 7:02 at 11 months.
In all fairness, I have never seen an entire resort completely booked up two minutes after online booking began for the 11-month window. Certain rooms and certain views? Most definitely! But you should be able to book something at your home resort at 11 months. It just may not be your first choice.
In all fairness, I have never seen an entire resort completely booked up two minutes after online booking began for the 11-month window. Certain rooms and certain views? Most definitely! But you should be able to book something at your home resort at 11 months. It just may not be your first choice.
Except if I cannot afford anything larger than a studio (and they were full due to spec renters). 🤷🏼‍♀️
Yes, I book trips for times we may decide to go at 11 months and then as people decide closer to the trip I cancel or adjust.

Not saying this to upset others but to show that someone like me, retried now and traveling about 6 times a year myself plus times my family or friends go without me, I hit much more than 10 at one time.

It’s why I have 900 points and 3 UYs.
Just today, a good friend planned a last minute end of June trip and I snagged her one night.
Almost in the 1K club!
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