Firing of Mandalorian actress

My husband is a United States Marine. His conduct outside of work can ABSOLUTELY be used to discharge him dishonorably (i.e. fire him).
I doubt they would discharge him for saying his pronouns are beep/bop/boop or posting a meme about how the Nazis dehumanized Jews.
Which post? And why was it worse than what others have posted?

It's not necessarily "worse" - it's just that she refused to take the steps that Disney felt were needed to smooth things over and others did. Every situation is unique.
It's not necessarily "worse" - it's just that she refused to take the steps that Disney felt were needed to smooth things over and others did.
Maybe. Or maybe those others were never asked to smooth anything over, because they weren’t targeted by unreasonable people.
Maybe. Or maybe those others were never asked to smooth anything over, because they weren’t targeted by unreasonable people.

Well, they either did it of their own volition or after a "conversation" was needed with the higher-ups. They took care of it though instead of playing the victim. I guarantee you that other tweets have gotten noticed by the executives and they are handled as needed. Why would it be any different?
It’s just weird to me that people are defending this but keep giving different reasons why. First her posts are extreme and unforgivable but when asked for specifics then it becomes about a pattern or a lack of apology.
It’s just weird to me that people are defending this but keep giving different reasons why. First her posts are extreme and unforgivable but when asked for specifics then it becomes about a pattern or a lack of apology.

It's all of that. Making comparisons to the holocaust is usually seen as pretty extreme. It's her tone really. If she made a well-reasoned argument for her positions then nobody would bat an eye, but she is purposefully being provocative and then trying to explain what she meant by it. She's done it again and again - pushing buttons then acting surprised when people get upset about it. If she really wanted to heal political divisions then she could have said something to the effect of, "I hope we can all learn not to judge each other so harshly for our differet points of view, as that only makes things worse." She says that and nobody gets all fired up about it. Instead she only contributes to the divisions by being flip or derisive or whatever you want to call it. Personally I wouldn't use the term "unforgivable" but she will need to take the first step.
Disney you tubers are a flutter with tales of Kennedy in hiding. All Star Wars YouTube vids are getting summarily thumbs downed. This is not over by a long shot.

DIS crapped the bed on this one.
How can it be extreme when people do it all the time?

Well, I think you're just splitting hairs here. People do use extreme hyperbole al the time with the the intent of garnering attention and being provocative. Nobody's saying that other people don't do it - they are just as prone to potential consequences of such as anyone else is.
Disney you tubers are a flutter with tales of Kennedy in hiding. All Star Wars YouTube vids are getting summarily thumbs downed. This is not over by a long shot.

DIS crapped the bed on this one.
Youtubers aflutter! Videos thumbs-downed! Will Disney survive another Star Wars online fan kerfuffle?!? :scared:
Nobody's saying that other people don't do it - they are just as prone to potential consequences of such as anyone else is.
See, there’s the crux of the matter. To a lot of people, it appears that certain people get away with saying extreme things, but others don’t. The rules should apply equally, but they don’t.
See, there’s the crux of the matter. To a lot of people, it appears that certain people get away with saying extreme things, but others don’t. The rules should apply equally, but they don’t.

Well, look, a lot of comparisons have been made, but they have all been isolated incidents or handled more quickly and with an apology. It's not all equal, but also life's not fair. What I would suggest to everyone is to just try not to be offensive to begin with and don't dig in your heels over things that don't really matter. We can only control our own actions.
See, there’s the crux of the matter. To a lot of people, it appears that certain people get away with saying extreme things, but others don’t. The rules should apply equally, but they don’t.

.....but other people who do this don't work for a company that has language in legal agreements noting that the individual can be FIRED.

People aren't giving lots of different reasons as to why this happened - you keep asking the same question and people are giving the same reason with different words:

Continued pattern of behavior that went against corporate culture - and don't ask me for proof or examples - I don't work for the legal department of Disney.

I'm a reasonable human being using logic based on months worth of social media evidence and her own words. She said she disagreed with the general sentiments of vaccines, the virus, and political leanings. She voiced her disagreement several times over - mocking transgendered pronouns, paralleling the holocaust with the current political divide, suggesting that people who wear masks are being controlled by the government. She said these things - and that is absolutely fine. She has every right to say those things. No one can tell her she cannot say those things or that she's not allowed to speak her mind. She absolutely can and is free to do so - yay America!
BUT she can't say those things and continue to maintain employment somewhere that asks employees to maintain a certain public image. That's why she was fired.

The theme for Conservative Polical Action Conference (CPAC) this year is against cancel culture - no one likes this idea that you can lose your job for what you say.
CPAC also cancelled one of its speakers bc of his anti-semetic tweets.

.....she got fired because she wasn't someone that they wanted representing them because of things she was free to say.
.....but other people who do this don't work for a company that has language in legal agreements noting that the individual can be FIRED.
Actually some of them do.

Apparently, it’s not about whether you say offensive things, but whether you say things that offend certain people.


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