Are you sending your kids to school next month?

So, basically, you are looking at school as babysitting and the parents have more rights to say what a teacher has to do (risk getting COVID) than that teacher herself?

Excuse me? My kids don't need a babysitter. They are 13 and 17. Our district asked us to commit to one of three choices. We were told our choice was binding. I chose in-person instruction. The district then decided to take away those choices.

Teachers are eligible under FFRCA to get paid family leave. Districts are also allowing teachers to teach remotely if they chose to do so. There are teachers who want to return to in-person instruction and those who don't. There is room for everyone.

No need to be so judgmental.
70% of the people called about contact tracing in my community refused to answer the questions.


I don't know if anyone I know has been contacted about that but I have seen several people I know claim if they are contacted they will refuse to answer the questions. I am truly ashamed and embarrassed by many of my community members.
I’ve read something similar in my area. Anyone care to enlighten me why people are so afraid or suspicious of contract tracing? Is it because they don’t want people they know to have to quarantine and miss work? I can sorta see if they are trying to protect someone who is struggling financially and needs to work. I don’t agree with it, but I can understand if this is their reasoning.

The people I have seen post it I am pretty confident, though don't know for 100% certain, are extremely right/libertarian and refuse on philisophical grounds and it has nothing to do with financial reasons. Two in particular work for themselves with little to no contact with others.
I’ve read something similar in my area. Anyone care to enlighten me why people are so afraid or suspicious of contract tracing? Is it because they don’t want people they know to have to quarantine and miss work? I can sorta see if they are trying to protect someone who is struggling financially and needs to work. I don’t agree with it, but I can understand if this is their reasoning.
Privacy concerns is a big one. In my state it's voluntary with tight controls over who can get your information and what they can do with it and how long its in the system and apps are prohibited from being used by the health department and the governments as a means of contact tracing. The decision was to make it voluntary with the idea that mandatory would make people be more tight-lipped.

People are nasty to each other at times. If I'm needed to answer a contact tracers questions you bet your butt I will but I also understand concerns over giving over that information.

We actually were talking a bit about this last night over dinner with my mom. She was telling me how the probate attorney for my grandmother's estate is positive and a closer friend and her husband is positive. The closer friend posted on FB about it to alert people with the intent to be basically her own contact tracer. She said "I am positive and so is (her husband's name) if you know if you were in contact with us keep watch". OMG the flood of nasty awful comments was crazy. Now she was outing herself but was doing it from a place of concern. People were saying "well if only you wore a mask, did you wash your hands, were you out having parties, etc?" This close friend has a husband who is out in the workforce both of them have been wearing masks since late April (months before a mandate here), they don't really see anyone and limit their outtings, etc. People couldn't wait to blame them for getting it as if it can't happen to anyone. Taking precautions lessens the risk of getting it but it doesn't mean it's your fault if you got it anyways. She got it from her husband and her husband it's unknown exactly where he got it from. She deleted her post and apologized profusely for having said anything at all.

I suspect the reasons may be varied, could depend on where you live, etc.
"I literally don't know a single person who stayed at home consistently all summer."

I'm in NYC. We haven't gone anywhere since March. I don't know anyone who has gone anywhere since March.
I assure you that a huge percentage of folks from NYC are not doing that. I live in Nc and have been back and forth to our family beach home in SC and since March it has been nothing but New York plates all over the Carolinas. Well and Michigan too. Lots of Michigan right now. The beach was literally turned into a little New York. Non masking New York. :( I even met several people who were trying to rent long term to get away from regulations so that they could “have fun” this summer.
I assure you that a huge percentage of folks from NYC are not doing that. I live in Nc and have been back and forth to our family beach home in SC and since March it has been nothing but New York plates all over the Carolinas. Well and Michigan too. Lots of Michigan right now. The beach was literally turned into a little New York. Non masking New York. :( I even met several people who were trying to rent long term to get away from regulations so that they could “have fun” this summer.
You realize that NYC and NY aren’t the same, I don’t know of anyone in NYC who even owns a car.

ETA I forgot Staten Island, the folks I know who live there have cars.
You realize that NYC and NY aren’t the same, I don’t know of anyone in NYC who even owns a car.

ETA I forgot Staten Island, the folks I know who live there have cars.
You're correct that many people don't own cars who live in the city proper but people can still rent cars. If you don't have a car and you want to do a weekend getaway for example how else are you going to get there? Rental cars being one of them. I think it's probably difficult to know exactly where someone lives just by their plates other than typically speaking rental car agencies register cars in a higher percentage in certain states.

I'd say either way it's hard to 'prove' per se that someone is or isn't from the NYC area simply because of a plate. I know during stay at home orders people running for the hills so to speak away from NYC to escape restrictions. I don't see why that behavior would completely go away albeit maybe lessened as more understanding of the consequences of the virus has been known.
My brother lives in Woodlawn Heights and we just had this conversation the other day. The NYC public school system serves just about a million homeless kids across the system. ONE. MILLION. kids that don't have a stable home to quarantine in. Or a place that they can get a meal and feel "normal". It's a terrible predicament to try and figure out how to keep kids safe, while still serving such a huge at-risk population.
You realize that NYC and NY aren’t the same, I don’t know of anyone in NYC who even owns a car.

ETA I forgot Staten Island, the folks I know who live there have cars.
Exactly!!! You can drive 4 hours and still be in NY. NYC and upstate New York are like different states. People don’t realize that NYC and other parts of NY are diffent worlds
Excuse me? My kids don't need a babysitter. They are 13 and 17. Our district asked us to commit to one of three choices. We were told our choice was binding. I chose in-person instruction. The district then decided to take away those choices.

Teachers are eligible under FFRCA to get paid family leave. Districts are also allowing teachers to teach remotely if they chose to do so. There are teachers who want to return to in-person instruction and those who don't. There is room for everyone.

No need to be so judgmental.

How does that work for high school - if none of the Chemistry teachers want to enter the building, then do they get the Foreign Language teacher who did come in to teach it? Teachers will be forced to go in, don't believe what your district says about it being voluntary.

The people I have seen post it I am pretty confident, though don't know for 100% certain, are extremely right/libertarian and refuse on philisophical grounds and it has nothing to do with financial reasons. Two in particular work for themselves with little to no contact with others.

People who refuse to answer contract tracing questions are basically ashamed that they actually put themselves at risk and got caught, IMO. My cousin is one of them. They exposed her 85 year old mother with cancer to COVID.
You're correct that many people don't own cars who live in the city proper but people can still rent cars. If you don't have a car and you want to do a weekend getaway for example how else are you going to get there? Rental cars being one of them. I think it's probably difficult to know exactly where someone lives just by their plates other than typically speaking rental car agencies register cars in a higher percentage in certain states.

I'd say either way it's hard to 'prove' per se that someone is or isn't from the NYC area simply because of a plate. I know during stay at home orders people running for the hills so to speak away from NYC to escape restrictions. I don't see why that behavior would completely go away albeit maybe lessened as more understanding of the consequences of the virus has been known.
Well, no one is driving from NYC to NC or SC for a long weekend, 10 - 12 hour drive, especially when there are so many closer options like LI, NJ, CT, RI... And folks were running for the hills because they were terrified of getting sick, not to escape restrictions. It was pretty scary.
Well, no one is driving from NYC to NC or SC for a long weekend, 10 - 12 hour drive, especially when there are so many closer options like LI, NJ, CT, RI...
I think you know what I meant...the premise of renting a car to go on vacation because you don't own a car. I even gave the benefit of the doubt that just because someone has a NY plate does not in fact mean they are from NYC. The weekend trip was in reference to going anywhere that doesn't have public transit when you do not in fact own a car :)
And folks were running for the hills because they were terrified of getting sick, not to escape restrictions. It was pretty scary.
You only have to do a bit of digging back in March to find stories about people leaving NYC when the restrictions were getting tight, going to places that weren't as strict. There were countless discussions on this. This also played out in various places around the nation where there is high transience with vacation or secondary homes. I know there was a thread on it as well here. No sense in hiding that people did that. Oh I'm sure people were escaping the tight quarters but that's far from the only reason. Let's not pretend that people didn't do it back then or that people aren't capable of taking vacations or leaving their own small worlds where they live now even in hard hit areas :) I'm saying as well many other places (so not just NYC) it's realistic to consider it.
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I think you know what I meant...the premise of renting a car to go on vacation because you don't own a car. I even gave the benefit of the doubt that just because someone has a NY plate does not in fact mean they are from NYC. The weekend trip was in reference to going anywhere that doesn't have public transit when you do not in fact own a car :)
You only have to do a bit of digging back in March to find stories about people leaving NYC when the restrictions were getting tight, going to places that weren't as strict. There were countless discussions on this. This also played out in various places around the nation where there is high transience with vacation or secondary homes. I know there was a thread on it as well here. No sense in hiding that people did that. Oh I'm sure people were escaping the tight quarters but that's far from the only reason. Let's not pretend that people didn't do it back then or that people aren't capable of taking vacations or leaving their own small worlds where they live now even in hard hit areas :) I'm saying as well many other places (so not just NYC) it's realistic to consider it.
A lot of people in this area have vacation homes, a lot of my friends do, however, the vast majority have them within a 3 hour drive. My daughter is currently spending the summer 3 hours north in lake george, her best friend has been at her house on cape cod for months. Ds17 is an hour south right now at his friends shore house (just for the day, no overnights this year). All of these vacation homes were under the same exact restrictions, just in less populated areas, so at most they wouldn’t have to stand in long lines to get into stores. Then there are those like my aunt and uncle who have homes in Florida where they live 6 months and 1 day out of the year. Most of them were in Florida anyway. In this area, people tend to escape a lot of weekends, but don’t go that far.
A lot of people in this area have vacation homes, a lot of my friends do, however, the vast majority have them within a 3 hour drive. My daughter is currently spending the summer 3 hours north in lake george, her best friend has been at her house on cape cod for months. Ds17 is an hour south right now at his friends shore house (just for the day, no overnights this year). All of these vacation homes were under the same exact restrictions, just in less populated areas, so at most they wouldn’t have to stand in long lines to get into stores. Then there are those like my aunt and uncle who have homes in Florida where they live 6 months and 1 day out of the year. Most of them were in Florida anyway. In this area, people tend to escape a lot of weekends, but don’t go that far.
People did escape from places that were having stay at home orders to places that didn't or places where the restriction was less strict. That's not up for debate. I said I don't know why that mentality would be any less these days aside from we know more about how the virus spreads but that does not necessarily mean people will make a different choice.

The poster who started the conversation was responding to this statement: "I'm in NYC. We haven't gone anywhere since March. I don't know anyone who has gone anywhere since March." and they were going under the premise that a NY plate was NYCers going from the city to other places. My counterpoint was that just because a person's plate said NY did not in fact mean they were from NYC but neither does it say that they aren't.

Your point was that you didn't know anyone (though you clarified Staten Island) didn't have a car therefore it couldn't be people from NYC. My counterpoint was make of it as you will but the fact that someone in NYC doesn't own a car does not in fact mean they are staying only within NYC regardless of just a few hours away or states away it does not mean that they are only staying within the confines of the NYC area which was the statement the other poster made.

Either way this conversation has well morphed away from what the premise was so I'm just going to leave it at that and carry on respectfully :flower3:
People did escape from places that were having stay at home orders to places that didn't or places where the restriction was less strict. That's not up for debate.

Actually it is up for some debate. I think some left NYC not to escape restrictions but rather
To escape being on lock down in a city apartment. No yard, parks closed, etc... If they were working from home anyway, kids were schooling virtually, it made sense to go to a vacation home, to visit grandparents, get a rental, or whatever that would provide at least a yard.

My friends have a mountain cabin. They normally go for frequent long weekends to escape the heat. This summer as soon as the heat hit, they were working from home anyway so it was the perfect summer to just flee the city and stay most of the summer. They weren’t fleeing restrictions just going for cooler temps and a change of scenery since they’d been pretty shut up in their house since early March.
Actually it is up for some debate. I think some left NYC not to escape restrictions but rather
To escape being on lock down in a city apartment. No yard, parks closed, etc... If they were working from home anyway, kids were schooling virtually, it made sense to go to a vacation home, to visit grandparents, get a rental, or whatever that would provide at least a yard.

My friends have a mountain cabin. They normally go for frequent long weekends to escape the heat. This summer as soon as the heat hit, they were working from home anyway so it was the perfect summer to just flee the city and stay most of the summer. They weren’t fleeing restrictions just going for cooler temps and a change of scenery since they’d been pretty shut up in their house since early March.
I didn't say that no one didn't leave for other reasons. That was never in my comment. There were people who left for looser restrictions that is not up for debate that's what the comment was about. You may have left for a different reason that also is not up for debate nor was I saying people didn't do that :) Of course there are a variety of of which back then was to escape for looser restrictions, I'd anticipate travel right now due to that even in hard hit areas. Another reason was more space so they could go out in a yard or more of a house to move around in, another was because they wanted to go to a place that had less cases (which led to a lot of controversy too). You and the other poster are giving examples for things I never said didn't occur :flower3:
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