So.... That Latest Dining Video...

Just watched this after seeing this thread. Seemed fine to me. My biggest annoyance lately has been the use of the phone as a mic. Get a better camera and/or mic, you're not an amateur vlogger just starting out.
@DisArmyWife215 I've thought that, many times, but since I know NOTHING about vloggig, and the type of tech available/needed, etc. I would always end up forgetting about it. But I HAVE thought of it, for SURE!
Making excuses for it?

Some of us don't see the egregious behavior that others do. I would only be "making an excuse" if I thought he did something wrong in the first place. :)

To me, it was clearly out of line. Everyone has their own opinion, and that’s fine.

The last thing I’ll say on this topic is that it will certainly be interesting to see if he addresses this on the show this week!
This might get me kicked out of here- I had never watched a DIS Unplugged video before now. (At least that I know of.)

From an outsider, this didn’t come off as a great look and did not sell me in watching more of their videos.

It’s really too bad. That stormtrooper could have *made* that video. Could you imagine if the group had been interrogated and escorted away?

If I was a stormtrooper or Kylo Ren, I would absolutely interrupt every person trying to take a video.
IMO Pete was having a bad day and did cross the line a few times as a result. Fortunately Steve pushed back and Deni defused, so I think that Pete largely came across as a grumpy old man instead of a total PITA.

Do I think this vid deserves the level of criticism or censure it’s apparently getting? No - mountain out of molehills anyone? A lot of ppl seem to enjoy being angry all the time and are miserable if they can’t be offended by something. Of course they’re not terribly happy when they are offended by something either, so I think in general, there’s just a lot of bitter angry ppl looking to offload.

We should probably all take heed of the lesson and remember that for every finger we point, three more are pointing back at us. And yes, I do include myself in that statement. 😁
I have not watched the video, but I do have one strong opinion that has absolutely nothing to do with the video...

It's "Reese's Cups" and "Reese's Pieces", not "Reesey Cups" and "Reesey's Pieceys". Cut it out with that nonsense.

Again, has nothing to do with the video. But needed to be said, nonetheless.
Yes! A friend of mine pronounces it Reesey Cups and it drives me batty. We live 20 minutes from Hershey, so there’s no excuse.
So I watched this again and two things I noticed 1) the interaction with the storm trooper wasn’t ridiculously cringe worthy, it was just very hypocritical and just a tad narcissistic but 2) the faces he made while Steve was talking were hilarious and I’m a big Steve fan. I think Pete was just kidding there.
Never watched one of these so was curious to see it. Only vid I can find from someone named 'Pete' is from Epcot where he ate lunch. Any idea how to find the vid being discussed here?
@jbehr12 In reference to your #2 - For me, it was a question of - timing can be EVERYTHING. Just like sometimes it ain't
the message, but HOW you deliver it. Pet'e's TIMING (much as I love him, and laugh with him, and we share a very saracastic and ascerbic sense of humor!), was WAY off. Totally misgauged. IMHO. And I, too, have totally done that. Most of us probably have. But that's when (and why) I said he needs to "check himself" and apologize to Steve (and Corey, if he re-examines, and feels the need - I am still out with the jury on that one)
@jbehr12 In reference to your #2 - For me, it was a question of - timing can be EVERYTHING. Just like sometimes it ain't
the message, but HOW you deliver it. Pet'e's TIMING (much as I love him, and laugh with him, and we share a very saracastic and ascerbic sense of humor!), was WAY off. Totally misgauged. IMHO. And I, too, have totally done that. Most of us probably have. But that's when (and why) I said he needs to "check himself" and apologize to Steve (and Corey, if he re-examines, and feels the need - I am still out with the jury on that one)

I see where you’re coming from, the fact he did that directly after the Stormtrooper interaction and after giving Fisco crap for his sketti comment (which I think was partially deserved even though he defended himself well), made it look like strike three in a sense and the fact it was right when Steve started talking was the worst part. But I do think with Pete and Steve’s overall back and forth narrative it would have been a smaller deal if it wasn’t following an entire video that reeked of cynicism and narcissism.

I still think the way Craig used to treat Steve (he has eased up a LOT in the last few months and I actually enjoy them together now) was much more cringe worthy/malicious and spanned numerous videos. This seems more like an isolated joke that was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

At the end of the day though I don’t really know any of them so I can only explain how I see these videos.
I see where you’re coming from, the fact he did that directly after the Stormtrooper interaction and after giving Fisco crap for his sketti comment (which I think was partially deserved even though he defended himself well), made it look like strike three in a sense and the fact it was right when Steve started talking was the worst part. But I do think with Pete and Steve’s overall back and forth narrative it would have been a smaller deal if it wasn’t following an entire video that reeked of cynicism and narcissism.

I still think the way Craig used to treat Steve (he has eased up a LOT in the last few months and I actually enjoy them together now) was much more cringe worthy/malicious and spanned numerous videos. This seems more like an isolated joke that was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

At the end of the day though I don’t really know any of them so I can only explain how I see these videos.
@jbehr12 Thank you for so calmly and eloquently talking things over with me. If there were a "bow" emoji, I'd use it. :) In lieu of that, please accept. :flower3:


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