So.... That Latest Dining Video...

This video is on the front page of Reddit Cringe. I don't think I ever saw a DisUnplugged video with so many downvotes outside of Fiasco reviewing jambalaya by himself which was so bad the Dis scrubbed it from the internet.

The one comment is true

Pete - Complains about Disney cutting streetmosphere and entertainment
Pete - Complains when streetmosphere and entertainment interact with him
I don't think I ever saw a DisUnplugged video with so many downvotes outside of Fiasco reviewing jambalaya by himself which was so bad the Dis scrubbed it from the internet.
Haha, I didn't know that was removed.
This video is on the front page of Reddit Cringe. I don't think I ever saw a DisUnplugged video with so many downvotes outside of Fiasco reviewing jambalaya by himself which was so bad the Dis scrubbed it from the internet.

The one comment is true

Pete - Complains about Disney cutting streetmosphere and entertainment
Pete - Complains when streetmosphere and entertainment interact with him

Reddit cringe has gone from showing actual cringeworthy videos to now becoming cringeworthy itself due to what they declare as cringeworthy videos.

In other words, cringe is lame. ;)

No but really, I think the comments in reaction to the video are the true embarrassment.

I'm sure Pete has a thicker skin than can withstand the moronic ramblings of the internet.
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Reddit? More like Didn't Read it. Hope Pete doesn't bother with it either.

Thumper's Dad said it best....
The people who make comments on Reddit are looking for something to be mean about. It's the whole point of the site so it doesn't surprise me that they trashed Pete. 20 seconds of research before posting would have told them why the 'grown man' was there and that he wasn't just some guy but a highly respected creator of a multi million user website not a sad keyboard warrior like them.
One distinction did briefly get lost on Pete, which he probably realized later.

Pete mentioned he really dislikes the shtick of CMs using made up nonsensical words for bathrooms or discounts, talking in circles with words that are never actually used in Star Wars. I totally get that.

This was interacting with a Disney character spontaneously in the park. This was an opportunity to capture Disney magic for an audience at home. It’s like Mary Poppins walked up and he shushed her.

I think Pete’s great dislike of the first thing made him react too abruptly to the second. I bet he sees that now.
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All other reactions aside, not for nothing, that's a terrible spot to do a final thoughts. The walkway itself isn't very wide, so you're going to have people close to you anyways (regardless if they are loud or not). Mics are obviously going to pick that up. It's a ramp, so you're going to have people with an ECV and stroller coming your way. Just seems like that is a prime spot to have a lot of noise interference while doing a video. I think across from the Droid Depot, near the walkway that connect Galaxy's Edge to Toy Story Land, would have been a better spot. But v0v
I'm the type of person who would rather witness streetmosphere than participate. I don't go to character meals, or stand in line to meet them either. I love that that stuff is in the parks, but completely relate to people who don't want to be involved. It's not an unusual personality trait.
Maybe Pete was a tad more prickly than usual but it was nothing noteworthy.

Reddit r/cringe isn’t familiar with the Dis so they’re way off the mark.
I have not watched the video, but I do have one strong opinion that has absolutely nothing to do with the video...

It's "Reese's Cups" and "Reese's Pieces", not "Reesey Cups" and "Reesey's Pieceys". Cut it out with that nonsense.

Again, has nothing to do with the video. But needed to be said, nonetheless.
Maybe Pete was a tad more prickly than usual but it was nothing noteworthy.

Reddit r/cringe isn’t familiar with the Dis so they’re way off the mark.

OR, their lack of familiarity actually helps them, as they’re able to call bad behavior out context-free instead of saying “that’s just the way his personality is” and making excuses for actions.
Maybe Pete was a tad more prickly than usual but it was nothing noteworthy.

Reddit r/cringe isn’t familiar with the Dis so they’re way off the mark.

While lots of the Reddit posters are uninformed (thinking Pete/Deni/Steve/Fiasco are a family, etc.), I have been watching and listening to Pete & the Dis team for years. I’m very familiar with Pete’s personality and snark. It’s nothing new to me. I felt his behavior in this video went beyond - it was entitled, rude and out of line, and I think lots of people are making excuses for it.
I just watched the video for the first time and I took the mocking of Steve as just a joke... like maybe they have some private joke between them because maybe Steve thinks CA's food is so much better. I didn't take it seriously. I do think it was a bit rude what he said to Fiasco about "sketti" but then again you couldn't see him in that section so maybe he was being funny there as well. It did kind of strike me as a tad rude though. I like how Fiasco stood up for himself. And, the stormtrooper - I haven't been to Galaxy's Edge so I thought it was cool how they interrupted but I guess as a vlogger it can get frustrating. Thing is, you choose to vlog - you can't get mad at a cast member doing his job. All in all, I still love Pete and I think he's most of the time just joking... that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
While lots of the Reddit posters are uninformed (thinking Pete/Deni/Steve/Fiasco are a family, etc.), I have been watching and listening to Pete & the Dis team for years. I’m very familiar with Pete’s personality and snark. It’s nothing new to me. I felt his behavior in this video went beyond - it was entitled, rude and out of line, and I think lots of people are making excuses for it.

Making excuses for it?

Some of us don't see the egregious behavior that others do. I would only be "making an excuse" if I thought he did something wrong in the first place. :)


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