I am a Goofy runner and none of my photos have shown up yet. The person I ran with only did the half and several of hers have. My assumption is they are sorting the "half only" ones first.

Some of the pics have already appeared in my account. I don't expect all of them to appear for both runs until the end of this coming week.
My pics keep appearing at random and in no particular order.

Breakfast for me will be a banana in the room. Buttered bagel when I arrive on site. Luna bar in corral.
Breakfast for me will be a bagel with peanut butter in the room and then I’ll take a kind bar with me to the corral.
Anyone having Garmin/Strava issues? Yesterday Strava started using only my moving time from my Garmin data instead of total time.
Anyone having Garmin/Strava issues? Yesterday Strava started using only my moving time from my Garmin data instead of total time.

Check your settings in your Strava account according to my husband although not sure how helpful that is.
I have a few pictures up in my PhotoPass but it seems slower this year than usual.

Breakfast is a bagel in the room, and then an iced coffee on the bus.

Bring on 26.2 tomorrow! And no more 3 AM alarms!
Check your settings in your Strava account according to my husband although not sure how helpful that is.

After some googling I figured it out. I had to go in and change the run type to “race”. I guess even though I do not have auto pause turned on, strava thinks I should throw my standing around in character lines time out the window.
Congrats on the half marathon today! For folks running tomorrow, sounds like it is going to be a hot one, so be careful, stay hydrated, down shift a bit but most importantly have a wonderful race! When it gets tough just stick with CFM (continual forward motion) even if that motion is a shuffle! The finish line will be yours to cross and then the toughest challenge will be trying to stay standing with that big ol medal(s) weighing you down!

Good luck and have a great marathon!
I’m hoping those running tomorrow are in bed, but god luck!

Also can I just say that it’s not good when the liquid cheese and chips are the only edible things in the snack box!
I’m not sure who thought chia seeds and banana were a good swap.

Yup yellow and it was disgusting. As were the sport beans.

I was in the front row of F and the ladies manning the E corral were fabulous. They kept turning people away even when people were trying to rush the corral a few minutes after the start. I give them a lot of credit for continuing to check everyone and send them where they belonged!

It is a difficult job, but there were F bibs in E, and a few people jumping over. They kept grabbing, but it was a lot to keep up with.

Had a great half - didn't see any DISers though! Stopped for about 10 or 12 pictures. Lines were super short from the front of corral B. Longest I waited was one minute for Incredibles.

Had a big breakfast at Boma and have been at Animal Kingdom since. I could use a nap.

Not so lucky farther back. While Sebastian was only 15 minutes, Chip, Dale, and clarice were 22+ based on my mile marker vs. character photo time stamp. I’m sure if I were in the last coral there would be no opportunity to stop.
Congrats to all of you that have finished your races!!

Good luck to the marathoners tomorrow...TIP: there’s usually a stop where you get a wet sponge or washcloth, in ESPN. Don’t just toss it aside - hang onto it and keep getting it re-soaked at the remaining water stops!

And of course, have fun! :)


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