26 Nights, Triple Celebration Trip...NYC, RPR & HHN....and Irma has a go...A 2017 Trip

I am absolutely loving your trip report :wave2: Your pictures are fantastic - as are your descriptions - I could read all day! We experienced HHN for the first time ever last Sunday - and it was a blast!

And I loved your visit to Tiffany's for your gorgeous ring! I do hope you are enjoying it! I work for Tiffany (though not in New York) - and it looks like you had a wonderful experience!!!
Can I have more of a crush on Tom?!? Show him this picture of Davy. :)

Lol.....Alice you always make me smile.......and make Tom`s day too ::yes::.........we love the picture of Davey, he was young there...........Tom still wants a top like that!!!!

These "girls" look like they have a mans face stuck to them lol! It's pretty comical, but they could have done a better job replicating them! o_O

They were awful!!! I was surprised as the standard is usually so high there........but this was laughable......even the TM struggled to hide their disdain.......yep, could have been much better........
I don't like rude people. I'm going to just say it. Rude Americans! I'm American, but I try not to be a rude one. We had such an unfortunate encounter at a Jerry Seinfeld show with a woman who insisted on looking at her phone with the brightness cranked up all the way during the dark show:sad2: People asked her nicely to put it away, but she just yelled threats and obscenities at everyone, including me. DH and I were sitting next to her:( She even threatened to beat me up outside the show. Oh well, these people always make me thankful for who I am.

I like Cowfish. They have amazing cocktails. Your visits with guests in the lounge and in the parks sounds lovely. The pictures of IOA are really good.

Oh she was beyond rude........but that woman you encountered sounds similar........yes, you`re correct....it also makes me so happy I`m not like that. I often wonder how people cope day to day sometime.........thankfully I do believe they are still very much in the minority and most people still are basically nice and do have compassion for others.......

It was a fabulous day, company was lovely and Cowfish was perfect.....we were just exhausted. Glad you`re still enjoying reading along........nice to see.......:)

I am absolutely loving your trip report :wave2: Your pictures are fantastic - as are your descriptions - I could read all day! We experienced HHN for the first time ever last Sunday - and it was a blast!

And I loved your visit to Tiffany's for your gorgeous ring! I do hope you are enjoying it! I work for Tiffany (though not in New York) - and it looks like you had a wonderful experience!!!

:welcome: cynditech.............Thank you so much for the lovely comments!!!! I do appreciate it..........and I`m so glad to hear you enjoyed HHN.......some of my comments may be a bit down on it, but it`s a fabulous event, even if it missed the mark for some this year......but it is so much fun.........

You work for Tiffany :worship: :worship: I would be my best customer.............:rotfl: I have to say every experience in Tiffany is always lovely........even if you`re just buying a charm or something small, or making a larger purchase, they treat you so nice.......doesn't always happen in some stores........(Chanel in London being one).....but that's another story......lol........

So nice to have you join us and hope you enjoy the rest of the report......it will finish eventually......promise.......:wave2:

We didn't quite sleep till midday......but 8am was the latest we have ever slept in Orlando. I don't think either of us moved the whole night through......very unusual for us......although sometimes when I have a really good sleep I wake up feeling worse.......but not today......both of us felt amazing........so a very quick shower and check of the weather channel.......yep......was gonna be hot again today.......no surprises there........

We were soon up in the lounge for breakfast where our late appearance was noticed........we really were creatures of habit........so coffee and a mix of fruit, cinnamon bun and meats, alongside the usual copious amounts of coffee and we were set for the day. We spoke about the sheer exhaustion that hit us both last night........one of the Concierge staff mentioned we hadn't really stopped since we arrived.......and of course we had tramped round NY for a week before we arrived here........so we thought we`d have a relaxing day again...........

Shona and Barry popped in before they headed off to Disney.......couldn't talk them out of it lol........but we said our goodbyes and we had really had enjoyed meeting them........and was glad they had loved RP and Universal so much. So as they left we headed back down to pick up my bag and headed down to front desk..........we mentioned our room key was still showing as expired in EP line. None of them knew what to say as they had never come across it before happening as often.......so they reissued the cards again and hoped that worked. We did too.

So we set off for the day. Walmart first as I wanted to buy a floppy hat.......and then we had decided to go to Celebration. We like it there too......it`s so pretty to walk around in......and folks who have read my previous trip reports will remember that's where I go to the dentist that we visited twice after my infamous crown came loose.....2 years running........but not today!!!

Us being us we drove straight past the Walmart we usually go to.........too busy talking........but we went in the one down past LBV outlets........not as keen on this one, but they had floppy hats so I got one.....despite it being quite tight on my head!!!! Really........but, as long as it didn`t blow away I`d be happy. But to be honest it was only $10 so if it lasted the morning I`d be surprised.........I would get a proper one another day.........

Celebration is just past Kissimmee and we drive through old town to get there........you can also go the I4 and come in that way too.........but it doesn't take long to get there. We know where to park today and love the free parking that is prevalent over there........seems we pay to park anywhere we go in the UK. But it was shady area and we were right in this lovely town centre.

We love the feel here.......it is genuine old town America.....maybe not as much as it once was, but it has a lovely feel. There`s not a whole lot to do other than saunter round the lake, have a look at some of the quaint little shops and have a seat in the rocking chairs around said lake. But it`s so pretty........and a little early for the gorgeous ice cream that Kilwins sell........





Walking along there are many folks just passing their morning.....and they chat.......it is so friendly and we could pass all day talking to folks, we really could......it must be lovely having this lake to go around as your morning walk.......although my friends son and his girlfriend are looking to buy a home here.......she loves Celebration he finds it a bit creepy.......says there a whole lot of weirdness going on under the facade......lol......he`s so funny.......and has watched too many movies!!!


The town itself is so colourful........everything looks so vibrant and well cared for.......and we kept saying we would love to visit at Christmas.......but I think by the sound of it everyone and their Grandmother has the same idea........maybe wouldn't be as peaceful then.......






This was relaxing. But so darn hot.....and as it was so open it felt even hotter........but beautiful. We did go in a few shops, but today didn`t buy a thing, except a little wine stopper for a friend.......we don't have a need for such a thing of course........our wine doesn't last that long......:P

We did plan to have lunch here today, but to be honest nothing really appealed to us......so we walked slowly back to the car and tried to decide where to eat............thing is we had so much choice........I think we came up with every option there was to imagine.......including lunch at the sports bar in Gaylord Palms as it had been years since we were there.....but eventually we decided on an old favourite........Teak Neighborhood Grill.

Of course common sense dictates we should eat somewhere over this side as we were here........but we don't think like that........so we drove back towards Universal and momentarily thought of going to Sal`s for pizza........but no, Teak it was.

We have loved this place for many years........before it was popular with tourists and even once before it was Teak I believe.........it`s a local place generally but they do get tourists more regularly now than they did back in 07/08.......and it never disappoints on quality..........


This is busy today........Friday lunch time seems to be fairly busy always........at night it can be so noisy with live music, so we tend not to go at night anymore........but it is fun!! Today was no different it was busy and fairly noisy........I think we got the last table.


We get our menu`s but, I already know what I`m having.......dull as it may be, it`s always the same for me.......Donut Burger no cheese........this time though I forgot to ask for a side of jalapenos to be added.........I did miss that on it as I love sweet and spicy together.........with sweet potato tots. Tom went for the Cronie burger.......this was a french doughnut coated with cinnamon-sugar, maple-pepper bacon, smoked Gouda cheese and an egg. I was surprised at this choice too, as he likes Cinnamon, but didn't think he would have chosen this.

I also ordered a cocktail as well as us both getting strawberry lemonades.........it was so nice!!!! I could get used to cocktails during the day........


Our food was a little while today as they had two large groups in.....she did tell us and asked if we were in a rush......nope, we had nowhere to go.......it seemed to be leaving celebrations with both groups.........and I think 90% of the noise came from them.......but they were having a nice time......so we sat and chatted as usual and time passed so quickly as usual!! The food wasn't as long as what she thought and it was soon on the table.......



And a close up of the lush glazed donut........


It was so good........mine was perfect......well, apart from missing the jalapenos.........but even without that it was pretty darn good!!! Burger coked perfectly and tasted so meaty........

Tom`s was perfect burger wise.........but he wasn't overly keen on the donut......it was a little hard, but that was the style of donut........and maybe a little sweet for him, but he did enjoy it, just wouldn't order it again........but he does like to try many things on menu`s.........but overall we loved our lunch........it`s such a lovely place and very friendly.........but, we paid our check after declining dessert........one day we would manage it.......and went outside to take our usual pictures of the bandstand out front.



We drove back home and went to our room.......it was almost time for us to Skype Kyle......I was so looking forward to chatting to him again today......we just put the Ipad on and the calling sound went straight away.........yay.......so we chatted and caught up.....he had been a little under the weather last few days.......of course I felt bad I wasn't there......he had been a bit headachy and feeling just off.......but he was fine now......still enjoying his new job which was so good to hear........and he had a busy weekend planned, so I knew he was doing fine......we chatted a bit longer then said our adios till another day.......

We grabbed our ooey gooey caramel pie and went up to the lounge to get some cutlery to eat it between us.......it was so nice.......so sweet and so rich......and right now I wished we had one each......but in all honesty I couldn't have finished one all to myself......Tom of course could have........he has a real sweet tooth.


It was nice sitting in the lounge tonight. It was a little busier with it being Friday, but nice all the same.

Taylor was up again and came over to say hi before he moved to the other hotel.......always nice to chat to him.........he asked if we were going to be enjoying the food tonight as it was one of their most popular nights.......Asian style........we told him no, we were eating later, not sure what yet, but we may take some salad when it came out..........

The food was Asian Kale Salad.......Beef and brocolli with teriyaki lo mein noodles.........



We did have tiny little taste of the beef......it was nice.....didn`t touch the salad as I hate Kale.........but the olives and those chili`s that were a little hot were lovely.......just had some cheese and biscuits too.........so it was a nice little appetizer as it would be much later before we ate dinner.

We sat and had a few glasses of wine and again, it was lovely being topped up as soon as one was finished......I told Andy I would miss this so much when I got back home.......he said he was sure Tom would look after me the same way with wine........lol.......suppose he does actually........but this was lovely. So relaxing........Andy had asked us what movie we wanted on earlier and I think tonight it was the first Potter film.......I like that one most I believe.......they do have loads of movies to choose from.....Jaws, Men in Black, Shrek and many more Universal movies........plenty of choice.

We were so comfortable on the sofa, but eventually we had to make a move and go down to get changed and get our lanyards for HHN tonight........
FRIDAY CONT..........

We went down to get changed and freshen up and met the turndown man.......he was replenishing towels and shampoo........we thanked him as he was leaving....and popped the bottles of water he left in the fridge. Quickly got freshened up and headed down to the boat dock........there was one waiting and we quickly got searched and scanned and we were on the boat straight away........considering it was a Friday it wasn't too bad.

We got off at Citywalk and went straight to guest services. We had to pick up a gift voucher that had been left for us and we kept forgetting to go get it......so tonight we made sure we picked it up or the trip would be over before we remembered.........all I needed was my name and ID.......no problems it was handed over......nice!!

So now on to HHN..........

We had made partial plans to meet Todd (Metro West) at 7pm outside Mel`s Diner......but he wasn't sure he was going to make it, so we said we would arrange another night........so we didn't rush to go in tonight.......we have known Todd since 2008 and always met up every year.......so we would catch up for sure. So in through hotel guest entrance........one TM recognized us again and asked how many more nights we were visiting.......told him not sure as we weren't overly impressed this year.......he sighed and said most people were saying the same thing.....sad really.......but we were still determined to have fun......

We had a quick bathroom visit and then walked through Festival of the Deadliest.........I liked this zone......but it wasn't scary or even in the top 10 of scare zones........but as always the SA gave it their all and the make up and costumes were amazing. Still not convinced on the pole dance theme.........but the girls were so good........






This next guy was so good..........even after he spooked me the first time........he spooked me again......he was fabulous!!! And this was one of the things that made HHN so good.......SA that make your night..........







And on to our favourite zone........Trick R Treat seemed to have the best theme this year........even when it was light out it was still fun.....and you could get some nice pictures without having to worry about pictures without using the flash.......definitely frowned upon in the face of SA.........


Tom had told me to pose beside that particular position...........I wondered why of course as there was nothing around when I walked in........the next picture tell why.........he had signaled to the SA I was a target............



I honestly got such a scare by this guy........he was so quiet creeping up on me........I did like it though......gets the old adrenalin going.........he did have some fun though.........





Not too many pictures of Tom tonight as he seemed to be in charge of the camera...........


Cute little Sam with his candy looked so cute.........


Until he spooked me as I turned away.......it would have been a fabulous picture, but I apparently ran too quick and it`s very blurry.........shame as it was a good one.

We headed out of this zone and headed towards some houses.......I glanced towards the ET ride and I saw this hand give us a massive wave.......I saw straight away it was Todd!!!!! YAY.........he had made it after all.........he had been looking out for us and of course we thought he wasn't there, so I was so glad to have run into him.......it`s funny how a few more seconds one way or the other and we would have missed each other........but we were so glad to see him.......

We had a good old catch up and said we would all do some houses together.......but not before our usual picture together.......


We really should have asked someone to take a picture of all three of us......but heyho.......would do that next time.........

We headed back round to do Shining and AHS as Todd hadn't used his EP on those tonight yet........so we went back through the excellent scare zone.......

We had a little bit of a queue in one of the two houses as the lines merged far too early tonight......but I can`t remember which......maybe The Shining??? Anyway they were both really good again and we had a lot of fun doing them......

We had a lovely time catching up as always and time went far too quickly tonight.......we were heading to Dead Waters again and Todd had already done that one tonight.......so we said our goodbyes......eventually of course......we chatted for ages outside Fallon.......but we had hoped to meet up the following weekend again.......we could have spent all night chatting though........but we eventually set off and did Dead Waters again........we actually did The Fallen again first, this was getting better.......and the SA again did a fabulous job.......a few scares tonight, but just wasn't going to be a favourite sadly........but......Dead Waters again blew us away.........I'm not sure what exactly it was with this house.........it just clicked with us......and seemed to be a favourite overall with this years crowds.........it had everything........and loads of scares tonight.........we were howling with laughter all the way round.........if it wasn't for thehuge line we would do this one again........but the regular line was well over an hour.......not going to stand in that queue........

We walked back and decided to have a quick blast on RRR..........I was surprised to see as many people going on.......usually we don't bother with the rides during horror nights, but as we were passing. But we got on straight away....this is so much scarier in the dark, well it is for me. We get on the front row which is fabulous.........the view from the top of the climb is amazing......I just wish they let you sit there just a few minutes longer.......but soon we were whooshed down and it was excellent........and felt so much faster at night.......but soon we were off and heading back through the throngs.......it was busy tonight......but not as busy as last night felt........

We walked back out the park and did get the boat as there one there......we had thought we would eat in Orchids Sushi Lounge tonight........this really does have some of the best sushi around. There are a few fabulous Sushi places around Universal, some of them excellent......but Orchids was so good and we always enjoyed it.

It was fairly quiet tonight again........we sat in a very comfy seat and had a look at the menu although we knew what we would be having I think.......

Jen was looking after us again tonight and Tom asked if she could do him a cocktail that Jake`s did......it was called Joanna`s Affliction and he really enjoyed it........she said she would be able to do that........I opted for a Royal Mai Tai..........wow that was strong!!!! And Tom`s was exactly as he liked it.......strong!!!



We had studied the menu and decided on the little salad with the ginger dressing I loved.......Tom wouldn't touch it as it had ginger in it......but it was a tiny dish.........and our usual favourites.....Mexican Roll that was particularly spicy and Dynamite Roll.........

There was singer in the lounge tonight......he was a little loud, more suited to Jake`s really....but he was quite good and soon he was finished his first set.......just in time for our food to arrive........



They were both gorgeous.........we really enjoyed them and toyed with the idea of having another plate.......but to be honest it was quite filling.......I had meant to have the deep fried cheesecake but we really didn't think we could eat that either.........

So we paid the check and went down to Jake`s Bar..........there is always a fantastic atmosphere in this bar........staff are lovely and always give you a warm welcome.........

We tell her we are just having a drink tonight and head for a seat at the bar..........I know what I`m having without looking........Tom`s new cocktail........it is nice........I had been given four birthday drink vouchers when we checked in, so would use two tonight......made the drinks sweeter somehow........we did enjoy them.


It was lovely just sat chatting and having cocktails........all very civilized.........and the bar staff are fabulous......chatty and so friendly.......we did like it in here.......

We must have sat another hour or so.......we each had another drink.......I had another of the same and Tom opted for a beer........they do have a few he likes........but eventually we thought it might be time to head for bed........it was around midnight by now and although we didn't feel overly tired we didn't want to be exhausted tomorrow........so we went upstairs and watched some Modern Family and drank some Snapple.........and eventually fell asleep.

I said to Tom had he thought about tomorrow as he had mentioned earlier he knew what we were doing but wouldn't tell me........very mysterious......I had even mentioned it to Todd and said I hoped my surprise wasn't us going home early.......that would have been a surprise!!!! lol.........

So I had to wait till morning........and I was ever so curious...........
.so Tchoup Chop it was.

Did you hear it's closing at the end of the year?

And it was!!! Oh my goodness..

Wow what a drink!

This might sound weird to Americans.......but I cannot dry my hair with a hairdryer in the bathroom.......in the UK we don't have electrics plugged in for bathroom use.......so although I know the US system is wired so hairdryers and straighteners can be used in bathrooms......I would never do that.

That is strange, I never knew that.

.the views back over the park are lovely........

Yes that's one of my favorite views!

she turned and said my mommy knows you from her ipad.


who behaves like that. We stopped and asked a TM who had seen it happen if we should go back, but she said no worries you didn't do anything wrong.........this girl didn't look intoxicated in any way......we kept walking and hoped we didn't run into her again........I`m always amazed at the anger people have so quickly..........

That's so crazy! The girl who tried to push me down also didn't appear to be intoxicated in any way, and I was amazed she did that.
Did you hear it's closing at the end of the year?

Wow what a drink!

That is strange, I never knew that.

Yes that's one of my favorite views!


That's so crazy! The girl who tried to push me down also didn't appear to be intoxicated in any way, and I was amazed she did that.

It really was a drink and a half.........and so tasty.....and strong!!

Yes, I heard it was closing......it`s a shame but whatever they put in it`s place will be fabulous I`m sure.

Oh I remember reading that......how awful.......you do have to wonder what makes some people work at times.........

Glad you`re still reading along..........:)
Great updates! I love all the pictures of your adventures each day. We liked Kong but can see your point of not really doing multiple times. I have yet to do the Jurassic Park ride, my daughter and sister did it and I chickened out. I will need to try on our next trip.

I loooove all the HP attractions, the attention is sure in the details. Moaning Myrtle bathroom is so awesome! Keep all the fun updates coming!

Today was going to be a hot one.......and we didn't mind missing the parks at the weekend as they can get incredibly busy........so we planned to give them another miss today.......plus I had a real little mystery on my hands........

Tom is an open book.......never hides anything, but when he plans a surprise I always know nothing about it.......although he did say there was actually nothing planned for today, but I`d enjoy it.........I had even mentioned it to Todd last night thinking he may spill the beans to him........I said I knew it wasn't going to be jewelry as I had already received my special ring from Tiffany in New York, so as to anything else I was stumped.

Then I think I worked it out........he was going to take me back to Mandara Spa at Portofino Bay. We had gone first for my 40th many years before, and a couple of years later we went back........and we had loved it. My cousins were over at the same time that year and had kids the same age as Kyle, so he went with them for the afternoon and had a fabulous time with them, and we got truly pampered with every treatment I could see I thought we would like.........we had just never got around to going back as I go to Spa days with friends now and again......and as he had said it wasn't a planned event......that would be it I`d bet.

So I gently woke him up and told him it was time to get up......strangely he didn't appreciate this information :rotfl: it was only around 7.15 but I was awake.......so had my shower and as I came out to dry my hair......I asked him what I should wear today........thinking that would be a clue and if he told me to take a swimming costume I`d know........

But, he didn't........he said wear anything really........oh. Well, so much for that..........he told me with a smirk I`d soon see and he hoped I wasn't going to be disappointed and built it up in my head as something ultra special........lol......

So up for breakfast as I was now hungry, but first I went down and put in 2 loads of laundry, that would take 45 minutes.........

Young Kholby was in again and we chatted to him........nice young man, very artistic and has a great sense of humour........we ate our usual......I had white toast, butter and smuckers grape jelly.......simple breakfast but I was loving it......Tom had his croissants and honey...then we had some fruit and coffee. We took our time and when laundry was due to come out we headed down to get it. The laundry room in T3 is on the 2nd floor and a little hidden if you don't know where it is. There was no one there when I went back down, I always worry about being late and holding up machine time for someone else.......but not today, it was still quite early.......I put them all in the dryers and came back upstairs........we just mooched around while we waited.....this was a lazy morning........eventually laundry all sorted and we were ready to leave..........

First was down to desk where we go into the safety deposit box.........we chat to the young girl who asks what our plans are for the day......I tell her I have no idea.......she looks intrigued too..........she tells me I`ll have to tell her what the surprise is.......Tom smiles and again says he hopes I`m not disappointed.......

So we get in the car and he heads for Walmart.......and drives past........heads for LBV area.......now I`m really thinking where on earth are we going.........but at LBV he just turns back and heads on to I4 coming back towards Universal........but doesn't turn up for the hotels.........continues on with a smirk on his face as I get more confused........now I`m getting annoyed because I haven't worked it out........then he says why don't we have some lunch in Mall at Millenia before we head off somewhere else.......I say fine.....I only want something small as we are eating at Ocean Prime tonight.........so we pull in and park.



The whole Mall is so quiet.........and I do check it is actually Saturday.....


We head straight to Macy`s and again don`t really see anything....but plan to come back on Wednesday for my usual make up haul....they have the free gifts available then.......it`s not a lot, but you do get a load of free stuff to try which is always nice.........and then we decide to go to the pizza place for lunch.......I`m starving at this point.........the food court is decent here and has a great deal of choice........most are excellent!! But Sbarro pizza is our choice today.......

But first we go into Cheesecake Factory and Tom is going to get a slice of Linda`s chocolate fudge cake as well as.........I do like it in here........




So much to choose from.......I don't have any as I can`t eat a piece on my own........but I could have just got a slice and ate what I wanted......maybe next time.........so Tom got his slice to go and we went upstairs to get pizza. Despite being a Saturday it wasn't overly busy.......we got our pizza and found a seat away from a group of unbelievably loud children..........maybe I was getting old and grumpy after all.........

We got Pepperoni for Tom and ham and pineapple for me.........



This was so nice..........and enough for me.........but Tom still had his task that Kyle had told him he must have.........I do believe these slices aren't as big or as wide as they used to be.....they used to be much bigger........but they were still whopping.......and Tom said just as tasty as they always were.........


And he managed it..........cleared the whole thing!! Everyone who knows me knows I don't eat chocolate cake, so couldn't even share this with him.....it is so rich and incredibly filling......Kyle used to have a slice as his lunch instead of a sandwich........and kept him going all day........I did wonder if he could eat two of them now as they were smaller...........

We head to the bathroom and then I come out and Tom says why don't we have a look in Tiffany`s.........I ask the simple and unnecessary question.......why?

Turns out he really has been planning this year for our trip.........although I had got my beautiful Tiffany ring in NY for my birthday........Tom was planning for me to get a new Platinum wedding band and a new platinum and diamond engagement ring...........I was shocked........I truly hadn't expected the birthday gift in New York, but never in a million years did I expect another two rings from Tiffany as an Anniversary present. It`s not often I`m stuck for words......but I was today and honestly thought I was going to burst into tears right in the centre of the mall. Tom said come on lets go before I did.

He had been looking online for a few months at all the choices and knew that was he wanted to get me for an anniversary present......well it was 25 years I suppose.........many had asked what we were doing for our 25th........I told them New York was really a double celebration.......other folks had asked if we were going to renew our wedding vows.......I genuinely hate that idea and find it all so unnecessary.........our vows were still unbroken and as far as I was concerned why renew something that isn't broken........heck I had even heard of some doing it after a few years????? No reason to for us........so this was his surprise......and he laughed when he mentioned my conversation with Todd last night when I said well I know it`s not jewelry........all the time thinking......well it is actually.......but couldn't tell Todd as we were always together.

So into Tiffany we went and I think I was still in a state of surprise, but soon smiling like the cat that got the cream ::yes::.........as always you get a lovely welcome........the man asks if he can help with us anything today.......usually we go through the back where the charms and cheaper jewelry is.......but I told him we were looking for platinum and diamond rings........he smiles and introduces us to Atil who will help us. He was so nice as always in there........I really do love this store, well all the Tiffany stores as they do make you feel special.......of course it`s not the most value oriented store, but we felt very comfortable in them all.

We tell Atil what we are looking for and Tom explains he has seen a few online he thinks I may like........and briefly explains about getting my other ring in New York and had wanted me to get the bigger one, but hadn't felt as comfortable on my finger...........he had already noticed it and told me he knew the ring I had got.......he had a few ideas and brought over a good selection for me to choose from........meanwhile we were given a lovely glass of Champagne again....I could definitely get used to this while shopping........wouldn't be the same after this anywhere else.......lol.......this was taking quite a while though......there were so many options and I thought it would be easier to choose the platinum wedding band first........that was relatively easy......I didn't want one that too wide and I just wanted a plain band........so I had that chosen and sized.........then we had some more champagne..........Tom of course was driving so he only took a few sips of his glasses......I had to drink the rest of course.........lol........I do like a good champagne......and this stuff was nice.....

The diamond one was more difficult.........there was so much choice, but I knew the style I liked and what would suit my hand, didn't want one that was too gaudy......and I had to get one that felt comfortable........and eventually after much trying on and changing of minds I settled on one. And ironically it was the bigger diamond setting that Tom had thought I would choose in New York Tiffany........he was happy I had picked that one too.........they looked prefect together and felt right. It`s not technically an engagement ring but a wedding band, but it went well. I did however tell Tom I did think it was an awful amount of money to spend after what he had bought me in NY........but lovely man that he is he told me I was worth it.......now, no throwing up :D......I know, too much schmaltz......lol.....I try to keep the soppy stuff to a minimum.........but he truly is the most amazing husband!

We were over the moon with our purchases.......we were offered more champagne at this point but declined as I had enjoyed three and a half glasses..... the glasses weren't huge......but big enough!!!! One problem though......one of the rings was slightly too small........so it had to be sized correctly.......unlike NY where they can do it there and then, it had to be sent to their place that sized them.......so he asked if we could come back Wednesday and pick it up......we told him no problem but we would come back and collect both then.......but I was so happy........and very blessed.....I did joke with Tom, what was he getting for our 25th anniversary.......he simply gave his stock answer.......the bill!!! Of course..........

We paid, well Tom paid and we thanked Atil for taking good care of us and for helping choose such perfect rings for me........he said he would email us if they came back early......but we told him we planned to come to the mall on Wednesday anyway, so it would be fine.

So I was going to be all platinum now with my rings..........I did however wonder what to do with my original wedding and engagement rings........Atil had said the diamonds were too good to just sit in a box, so why didn't I get them incorporated into another piece of jewelry........so we would think on that when we got home and see a local guy who does lovely individual designs for you. But would do that another time........

We came out and I again thanked Tom for such lovely gifts......he said again I deserved it....and I agreed, again........lol.......

Although we didn't pick them up till the following Wednesday we took this picture when we got back on Wednesday.........this is the rings I got for my 25th Anniversary.........I don't think pictures do them justice......but you get the idea.......:hug: I love them!!!


So now we waited to Skype Kyle........it was a bit early.......and I checked and he had left a message to say Skype later.......ok.......so what would we do now.......Tom suggested walking into Citywalk and get the watch I had seen but wasn't sure about.........I had seen it at night and wanted to see it in the daylight.........so might as well.....but it was boiling hot out......it hit 94f this afternoon, so we decided to take the boat.......any energy saved is good.......and such a pretty journey.





It was bloomin hot.......so we quickly marched, well as fast as we could march up to the Fossil Store.


The same young man who showed me it the other night was there and he remembered the one I was looking at.......took all of 3 seconds to decide I did like it. That was one thing Tom liked about me when I shop for something......I don't faff around.......and I had been looking for a new watch for a couple of years but hadn't seen a particular one I liked......I had seen a Michael Kors watch I thought I liked, but I tried it on in NY and it hadn't felt good.....so I didn't get it....but his one was perfect.....and I did like Fossil. They were also doing free engraving that day.......I had never thought about getting it engraved but why not.......so you could get 3 lines....so top line I chose a heart shape.........second line was 25/50 and bottom line 2017.......simple really......and it did look good......so we left there happy with another birthday purchase for me........I was a happy bunny today........


It was so hot, we didn't want to hang around today........there was a very short rain shower.......lasted all of five minutes.......this was the only real rain we had this visit so far..........but we were on the boat going back so didn't get wet........

Back up to room I checked out my new watch........it was slightly different to what I would usually choose....but I could se this one to tell the time....my other had a white face with white hands........not ideal for me in certain lights.......lol.......but this one was perfect.......it has a blue/grey face with rose gold effects.........


Back in our room we thought about tonight.......it was just after 3.30, and Kyle Skyped us then........he looked great as he had just had a haircut.......he looked so smart......not that he doesn't look smart all the time........but we had a lovely chat and caught up. This Skype was amazing........we told him of our escapades so far today......he just laughed and said he guessed it would be Tiffany again........he knows his dad well........after twenty minutes or so he said he was going, so we arranged when we chat next and off he went.........

Tom thought he may go for a snooze as our dinner reservation wasn't till 8.15. I wasn't in the least tired, so I said I would take my ipad up to the Club Lounge and he could snooze in peace. Good idea.

So I went up and there was no one in except me and the staff.........always a nice time up there. Chatted away while they got the lounge ready for food service.......tonight I thought would be slightly busier being the weekend........but, as soon as it was 4.30 the lovely Andy brought me over a lovely chardonnay........and of course asked if Tom was joining me....I said he was having a sleep and should be up later........told him he would be having wine as we weren't going to be driving tonight.........

He didn't appear till much later though........and I had just decided to have a little taste of the food on offer tonight....it was Rosemary Chicken with pasta and was nice actually.......had a little salad too.........but not enough to ruin my appetite for later........Tom tried some too as he felt hungry.........and as good as his word as soon as Tom walked in he got his chardonnay from young Andy........this was nice.

Chatting to Andy I mentioned we never usually made the dessert hour, maybe once or twice.....and I had enjoyed the crème brulees they had last year......he said I had missed them as they were on last night.........but, he said he`d be back........he did indeed disappear, I didn't notice he was gone at first, then one of the other staff said he was gone a little message .........just as we were about to leave he came in looking a little flustered.........bless him.......he had gone down to the Luau where he knew they had the crème brulees on the menu and brought us some up for later........I was so touched :hug:....and just thought it was so kind of him as it was just a passing conversation..........well, he had tripled his tip for tonight.......and indeed he had them wrapped up and we could just put them in our room fridge for later.........touches like that make the place so special.........we thanked him profusely and said he hadn't needed to do that........he just said well, you like them........awwww.......

So down to our room and we try not to touch them till we come back........the look lovely.......but in the fridge we go along with the water turndown has left again........the room is so cosy when they draw the drapes, but I open them slightly so I can see as it`s still fairly light outside........and we love the view.......

We get showered and changed and head down to go get and ODC. Although they are free except for a tip between the hotels, we use them as cabs too. We were going to Sand Lake Road where Ocean prime is and is usually around $20 plus tip......they`re handy and reliable........the guy gives us his card to call us back, but Lori in OP always arranges one of the companies they use to take us back home.

Takes five minutes to get there...........we love this place and it has the most amazing staff.........


Lori does a double take when we walk in.......and immediately hugs us.......as does Dan who used to be a waiter and last year was promoted to floor manager........we are delighted to see them both and are incredibly warmed as they remember us too.....Dan really does greet us like an old friend......he is a lovely man who is perfect in his role, very much a people person.....and a fabulous sense of humour...........

We tell Lori we are a little early and are going in to the bar for a drink first.......she says just come through when you`re ready.......we tell her we will.......


The bar area is vibrant........any night of the week it`s the same, you can get a limited bar food menu in here too and they do a happy hour which I heard was excellent.. ...........we get a seat at the bar and I order my favourite cocktail there.......Berries and Bubbles........Tom ordered a whisky one.......both lovely........




They are both Lush!!!!! But we are hungry now.........so we pay the check in here and head through for our meal.

takes us to our table and we are in the back area which is lovely, he says he`ll come for a chat when he has a moment............the main restaurant can get noisy, so this is perfect........our waiter is Brandon and our water waiter is Shay. He dutifully did keep us topped up with water all night.........


We order our wine first, of course........and it is the same one we order very time in here.......next time we may try something different as they have the most extensive wine selection here.......but we love this one.......and it arrives with some lovely bread.......


We decide to share a Lobster Roll Sushi appetizer and for entrée I go for my usual 10oz filet medium rare, and Tom orders a special they have, it was kinda like Tournados Rossini.......an old favourite of his........and we would share the Jalapeno Potatoes.......we adore them........


This was divine.........we could clearly pick out the taste of the lobster which can sometimes get lost.......but this was a real treat........and we enjoyed every last piece of it.......I`m glad there was an even share or we could have to have had a discussion of who got the extra piece.........

We enjoy our time sat in this restaurant, it`s a very friendly place and food is so good........we just enjoy the atmosphere a lot in here....

Our entrees arrived and they looked gorgeous........




We both cut in at the same time.........mine felt perfect.....very soft and definitely cooked as requested. I am really fussy with steak and only eat if it`s right....I hate well done or over done steaks..........however when I tasted it........it wasn't warm on the outside.......it should have a warm red centre, but be sizzling hot on the outside and it usually is.........this was cool. At the same time Tom said his was way over done.......and it really was.......this had never happened to us here, steaks had always come out perfect..........we called over our waiter and he immediately saw Tom`s was indeed well done and I said mine was cool........he apologized and took them both away and said they would be redone.........we felt bad as I don't like complaining......but they weren't right.

The manager came over, wasn't the usual manager Michael that we had met before, he said they were being cooked fresh and would be here as soon as possible......told him no worries we were in no hurry, but he did apologise again..........then Dan came over to chat and he was mortified they weren't perfect for us.......again we told him it was fine, we knew the replacements would be. perfect........so we chatted to him for a while and caught up on each others news.......always a pleasure to chat to him........

Soon our steaks came back and they were indeed perfect......after they were placed down the manager came over to check everything was perfect this time. We assured him it was. These things happen sometime.........

We enjoyed every bite......and the wine was being topped up as we went along........truly was a lovely meal........

We did plan on having dessert her tonight, which was why we shared an appetizer.......we were torn. We told our waiter to give us 15 minutes or so before we ordered........just wanted to be sure we were ready for it.......

We did eventually both choose crème brulees..........we did enjoy this, again done correctly......and these were perfect.


They were fairly large, but we were glad we had ordered one each as they were gorgeous and we demolished every piece........

We were so full up, although I was thinking of those little ones nestled safely inside our fridge in the room.....lol......but we paid the check and got up to say our goodbyes to Lori and Dan.......we would look forward to seeing them again and enjoyed a chat with them both before we left........Lori had indeed arranged a car to take us home and it had just arrived......so we waved them off and headed home.

We didn't feel like another drink tonight, instead we went up to our room and did indeed tuck into the collection we had given to us earlier......they were very small so we didn't feel too guilty eating them all up.......in fact we loved them!!!

We watched some tv and went to bed around midnight, reflecting on another lovely day. It really had been.
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Great updates! I love all the pictures of your adventures each day. We liked Kong but can see your point of not really doing multiple times. I have yet to do the Jurassic Park ride, my daughter and sister did it and I chickened out. I will need to try on our next trip.

I loooove all the HP attractions, the attention is sure in the details. Moaning Myrtle bathroom is so awesome! Keep all the fun updates coming!
Great updates! I love all the pictures of your adventures each day. We liked Kong but can see your point of not really doing multiple times. I have yet to do the Jurassic Park ride, my daughter and sister did it and I chickened out. I will need to try on our next trip.

I loooove all the HP attractions, the attention is sure in the details. Moaning Myrtle bathroom is so awesome! Keep all the fun updates coming!

Oops......don't know what happened to the first quote.......

Thanks so much........

Oh you have to do JP........it` so much fun......and over far too quick.........we wish it sooooooo much higher.......lol........

Yep the detail is amazing in both parks for Potter......I tel everyone to make sure them or their kids don't miss Moaning myrtle.........

Glad to read you`re still enjoying my ramblings.........:D
Just caught up on a couple of days!

I'm amazed by how much you're able to see and do in a day....fantastic!

(also, couldn't see the ring picture--hopefully you can add it)

My birthday is very soon, maybe I need to have my DH read this thread, lol!!!!
Just caught up on a couple of days!

I'm amazed by how much you're able to see and do in a day....fantastic!

(also, couldn't see the ring picture--hopefully you can add it)

My birthday is very soon, maybe I need to have my DH read this thread, lol!!!!

Not sure what I did with the ring picture?? Will add another if I can.........thanks though, as I can see it on my laptop, but not ipad?? I hate technology.......lol....yes we do keep busy....but it never feels like it at the time.......

I`m so glad you`re enjoying it.......and yes....have him glance at this thread.......you never know.......:thumbsup2
Thanks for telling me about the picture J`aime Paris.........

Have tried again with picture of rings thanks to DS who has come in just at the right time......

I can see it now on both laptop and iPad, hope you can see it too..........:thumbsup2
Thanks for telling me about the picture J`aime Paris.........

Have tried again with picture of rings thanks to DS who has come in just at the right time......

I can see it now on both laptop and iPad, hope you can see it too..........:thumbsup2

Yes, can see them now! Thanks for showing them, they are stunning!

Fabulous, beautiful, gorgeous!!

I'm gonna go stalk the Tiffany website now, lol!
Yes, can see them now! Thanks for showing them, they are stunning!

Fabulous, beautiful, gorgeous!!

I'm gonna go stalk the Tiffany website now, lol!

Thank you.......I’m glad you can see it and liked them!

I really do love them all, but am particularly attached to the one with bigger diamonds.........:D

I do love that website.......lol.......

We slept so well last night, those beds are incredibly comfortable........and this year we hardly heard a sound coming from the rooms either side.......occasionally a child would be yelling in the corridor, I assume still going for EE.........but that was about it..........I did look out early a few times and saw quite a lot of people still heading out for EE.......we had never done it.......had planned to a couple of times, but never saw the need for us. It is a good perk though........

We were up reasonably early again this morning........I did wonder at that point what it would be like to sleep till at least 10am...........

Showered and dressed, we headed up for breakfast. It was quiet this morning too........we got our usual table, staff joked they need to get a reserved sign for us....lol......but we ate quickly this morning as we were a little later than usual........as we were leaving we stopped to speak to Kholby.......he said well this is goodbye then.......I looked and asked him where he was going........he looked blankly back at me.......it was one of those moments........I said we didn't leave for another 8 nights........he laughed and said he was sure we were leaving tomorrow.........so we would see him on Thursday after all when he was back in.......

After we got our sun cream on we headed out for the short walk to the parks. Today was IOA. And it was getting hotter I was sure........

Soon as went outside and headed through the pool, the lifeguard was being told it was going to be a scorcher.........we already thought this year was incredibly hot, but we`d manage.........the walk was peaceful and we passed no one this morning.......we also saw less pedicabs this year than usual, they tend to sit on the paths to try and entice you not to walk. But not sure we saw any now I come to think of it.

IOA was just open as we walked in......and yes, it was hot........the TM`s were telling people in conversation how hot today was going to be.......one lady to the side of us said in a very dismissive tone well yeah it`s Florida I would hope so.........no need for that, they were only trying to help.

So, in we go ready to start another adventure for the day........we loved this part of the day......all the rides in front of us.......


We again go down to the water side........it`s a little favourite place of ours.......not many people usually are down there, especially so early in the morning.......and it is beautiful.........but, boy is that sun bright.........






We go on the Hulk around 4 times this morning........all on the front row........it was so quiet.......but, after 4 goes......I was done......Tom went back on another twice, and I went and sat in the shade beside Cafe4......this is somewhere I wouldn't eat in........but it always looks clean........but it`s nice and cool and has some shade.......eventually Tom decided to come off and we head round to Dr Doom........

The place is deserted.



Young Javier is working the queue....or non queue as we go down towards him.......he shouts for us to stop and he`ll take some pictures of us......he`s a nice young man........ we`ve known him for a couple of years


He tells us there`s actually no one waiting to go on the ride apart from the ones on the ride right now........so we wander through the regular line telling him we`re on for at least 10 goes on Doom....he laughs telling us he forgot how much we enjoy that ride...........and I honestly can`t remember the last time we did the regular line........a good few years anyway..........but it does have some nice displays, but it`s not essential to enjoy the ride you see the full line........





We do actually enjoy this 10 times.........and we didn't have to go all the way back around.........there was a few more people on the ride at this point, but it was quiet. One of the reasons we always tell people not to buy EP ahead of time, you just may not need them and this morning was one of them.......of course it could get busier as the day went on, but this was a quiet area so far. We finally decide we have been whooshed in the air about the right amount of times this morning.........so headed out for other things.........

Although we have only done 2 rides, but many times, we are thirsty and are determined not to get dehydrated so we buy a bottle of water each and go down behind the stall where it`s always quiet and take our time drinking it.........it`s pretty down here too and nice views........apart from my main moan this year........Duelling Dragons slowly disappearing in front of our eyes.......



After we had drank our water we headed round to Toon Lagoon.........we didn't take too many pictures here as it was so bright! I know how lame that sounds, but today we felt the heat more than we had so far.........still lovely though........


We stop off at Kong next.........and the TM scanning tells us, yep.......our room keys are showing expired.........this was getting ridiculous.......we again showed him the dates and he said no problem.....we told him this was the third time.......he said we wouldn't have nay problems though on other rides as our dates were valid....he was nice and we got chatting about HHN.......he thought it was awful this year too.......big disappointment.......and the young lady to his side said the same thing.......she did love Ash v Evil Dead.......I always think of Keisha when I hear someone likes it lol........she`s a big fan too.......but we were hearing this time and time again from everyone........we had never heard such apathy on horror nights before.

Kong we did once. But we had the annoying people on the vehicle that thought it fine to try and take flash photography pictures of everything.......they did announce for him to stop.......he didn't. But, apart from that it was just the same old..........it`s definitely a ride you have to try at least once.......


Next up for us is Jurassic Park........always a favourite ride and today we would prefer to get drenched........but this area of the park is still fairly quiet and it`s now around 10am........


This is such a pretty little area too........there are some pretty little water features........


JP is again quiet........we go on four times, but we only get the boat to ourselves once.......I do like getting an empty boat.......on that ride we chose the second row....the very front isn't ideal if you are tall.......I`m 5"8 and I feel it tight on the knees.......Tom really bashed his knee one year on the very front row, so we avoid that one now.........but for the other rides it was just where we were sent.......and none of them particularly soaked us.......maybe the last one a little......but it was so welcome.......

After our soaking we wander around to Potter. I tell Tom I`m not going on FJ this morning.........I had done Hulk a few times, and worry it can be too much for brain being rattled around.......although the Hulk wasn't rough, it still gives you a good old wake up call.......so I would do the castle tour as it had been a while since I did that alone.........




It still impresses me every single time.

You just have to tell a TM if you`re not riding and they`ll allow you through with your camera or bag......otherwise you have to put anything like that in a locker.......go to the rear of them.......it`s usually quieter further back..........












So much detail.

It`s quite busy in this area with child swap and other folks milling around........but by now Tom is off the ride and we go down to the exit and into the shop......there are so many things to purchase here.......and we do manage to resist........


I do apologise to the wizard behind as the flash goes off just as he looks up.......he very kindly, and very politely tells me he`s used to it in here......but is thankful that some muggles are so polite........lol....but I did think a friend of mine would love this mask......she collects things like that, and despite not being a Potter fan I think she`d love it........but not today...........

We head off at this point further around the park...........
OMG - I imagine that was quite the surprise going to Tiffany again lol! The rings look beautiful together :) I actually picked that same diamond one last year for our 25th wedding anniversary - it's my favorite!!! They look fantastic on you!
OMG - I imagine that was quite the surprise going to Tiffany again lol! The rings look beautiful together :) I actually picked that same diamond one last year for our 25th wedding anniversary - it's my favorite!!! They look fantastic on you!

You have the same one!!! It`s gorgeous isn't it :cloud9: .........it just felt right when I put it on with the wedding band.........I have such chubby fingers, smaller rings don't really suit my hand.........lol.......

Thank You.......I really do love them......hard to beat Tiffany. And it`s not every day you have a 25th Anniversary and 50th birthday.........:D

Glad to have you still reading along...............:wave2:
We walk round to Hogsmeade.......and it`s fairly quiet.......apart from some evenings a few years back when it was empty this was the quietest we had seen it, certainly this trip......and as always there is so much to photograph.........we see the Frog Choir sing, this is always so good......and you`ve got to feel for them in those costumes.......they do look so hot, and the sun was blazing right down on them where their stage is.........but as always they put on an amazing show.........

Hogsmeade itself is beautiful. It is small but perfectly formed..........




I hear a woman telling her husband she has heard Moaning Myrtle walks around the park here.........eh no she doesn't. So I get chatting to them and tell them that they can hear her in the bathrooms..........she had no clue about this......someone had told her they saw Myrtle and got a picture with her.......told her no, that didn`t happen here as Rowling wouldn't allow it. But she was grateful for the info.........they had come from Disney for the day......to see both parks and wanted to be back in Disney by 3pm???? OK. But, they were nice people who had been given wrong information.


We do go in the 3B`s for a look around. We don't eat in here.......or the other Potter restaurant. I can get chicken and ribs anywhere and the description of some of the food classed as British.......doesn't appeal to me at all.......so we never eat in them.......but we do like a drink in the Hogshead Bar........



Some folks don't know you can get Butterbeer in here, and usually involves a much shorter queue than the cart outside.......much more civilized and it`s out of the sun........we prefer Pumpkin Fizz as Butterbeer isn't our favourite drink.........and we do enjoy one between us as one each is too much to drink...it`s quite filling.......but very nice! TM are so nice everywhere.......they chat and are incredibly friendly and have a lot of knowledge on all things Potter........and some folks don't know you can actually see the 3 Broomsticks in here.........




So well themed......and I still maintain, every time we walk in to both Potter areas we are truly blown away by the intricate details on everything.......and every year we see new things that we`ve missed previous visits.......

We don't take a huge amount of pictures as people are sitting eating, so we go on to the famous HoneyDukes candy store........colourful and everything is so tempting.........we have bought many things from here over the years.......one of our favourites is Lemon Sherbet candies........and they`re so popular as gifts too.........but today we go looking at the fudge.........and I can`t believe again we don't buy any butterbeer fudge........now this we do like.......but, we keep saying oh we`ll get some next time when we`re hungry!!!!


There is so much to choose from though........and I always fancied trying the pumpkin pasty.......but never got around to it.......but Tom is quite convinced in his convictions.......Pasties should have meat in them!!! Fair enough.......So he wasn't as fussed as I was to try........one day I would get one though.......


We come back outside to the sun without buying anything today........there`s no conductor to take pictures with today so everyone is just waiting there own turn.......Tom wants me to take my cap off.......but my hair did get wet on JP and looked awful.....lol.....so cap stayed on.......I never bring a brush or anything with me as, well, it`s park time.......hair shouldn't be perfect.......but this was messy........


We decide to get the HE over to The Studios now.........and of course go to the station......and again, love the enthusiasm of the TM in the parks........


And again as we go forward to get our tickets scanned, there`s a group trying to get on the train without having Park to Park tickets......and trying to claim they were told by Universal staff on the gate they could with the ticket they had.......didn't believe them........but some people will try anything.......they didn't get on and grumbled about horrible staff at Universal.........I so wanted to correct them......but I didn't. Smiled at the TM and shook my head.......this happens a lot apparently. We had seen it happen almost every year at some point, cant imagine dealing with this every day........

We walked through the line and now I was grumbling like an expert........yes, I was mighty annoyed at Duelling Dragons coming down.......even Tom who loves the ride probably more than I did rolled his eyes as I started complaining about the destruction of the best ride in the park.........so I unashamedly took a load of pictures and would gaze at them wistfully in the future I`m sure.......lol.....yes, very sad and a little deranged sounding!!!!!

This was my sad face..........




Having EP now means you don't have to go along the long way........just a quick hop up the stairs here..........


You can see how mobbed this place was today........lol.........



I do still get a thrill seeing this train.........we still have some unique steam engines running around our country and we do enjoy a run out on them now and again........so seeing this is always cute........and today, yay.....we get the carriage to ourselves........now we`re not antisocial.......but I do like the carriage empty.......

So we set off and in no time at all, just a few minutes we are in Kings Cross..........we do enjoy this little journey......and you do have to go both journeys as it`s slightly different both ways.........definitely not one to miss.

It`s so cool when you walk through to the exit, and smells a lot nicer than the real King`s Cross...........then the blast of heat hits you again.........




This is where we have a dilemma........where to eat lunch......it`s a little early yet, but we consider Louie`s that we do love......or do we wait and go somewhere else........We don't like Finnegans so won`t eat there and Lombards wasn't great last year, so we will give that a miss this time........so we decide to head round and do the Mummy and then have an ice cream in Ben & Jerry`s ........that will keep the hunger away...........

But, I do love this area.........another really pretty area with so much character.........





Even although this zone is a disappointment during HHN it looks ok during the day.........


And although I hate Richter Burger yuk.......I love this picture!!!






Looking forward to this next year...........


We do go round and go on the Mummy four times........love this ride so much.........and it does seem to get faster somehow some days........we always ask for the front row on this ride........love it!!!

Gotta love Ben & Jerry`s..........we much prefer this to the ice cream in Potter........Potter stuff is nice enough and one to try......but this.......is ice cream!! Tom has the same but with a huge amount of caramel sauce over the top.........wish I had thought of the sauce.......lol......but it was nice.........




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