Las Vegas Shooting

If we are stuck with lethal weapons in our midst, I'd prefer restrictions on the nature of the firearm. Handguns are too easy to secrete - I could sneak one into Disney World and go on a spree. I believe fully automatic firearms are banned in the US already?

I think a lot needs to change, but I am a Canadian living in NZ and neither of these countries share the firearms mentality that the US does.
I think there should be restrictions on the type, and the quantity-what need does anyone have for 17 guns?
I think a lot needs to change, but I am a Canadian living in NZ and neither of these countries share the firearms mentality that the US does.
I think there should be restrictions on the type, and the quantity-what need does anyone have for 17 guns?

I guess at the very least someone should have noticed the stockpile. One or two guns, maybe, but 17? That's just suspicious.
I think assuming a foreign connection is premature. Gathering computer information is standard in pretty much any investigation.

Well you thought the same about the girlfriend too. But no matter what I say, I'm pretty sure you'd disagree with it.
Domo, I agree with everything you have posted, and I don't think that anyone but the mods can tel you what you can or can not post. I hatre when people try to silence someone because they don't agree with them. Please, keep posting. You are making great points!

Thanks moon, that's very kind of you :)
Domo, I think you are out of line for these boards. I understand your passion but take it elsewhere!
WHAT!?!?! Who are you to try to silence anyone, tell them to "take it elsewhere" or try to control discussion?

Anyone who tells another to just shut up has no arguments so they want to silence the other's POV
I think I will bow out of further conversation on this thread. As you can see, I'm already registered..and not at Tiffany's.
The maths is rather simple: less guns = less gun crime. The trick is to UNIVERSALLY control firearms. One of the arguments I hear a lot is if we remove firearms from the general populace, only criminals will have them. What we need to focus on is ensuring that criminals don't have access to firearms either - as I said, the Met has quite rightly declared, "If you try to smuggle firearms into our country, you will get caught".

America is on the other end of the spectrum. Firearms are EVERYWHERE. Owning a gun is as normal to most as owning a car. And we again see an example of the link - more guns, more gun related injuries, be it intentional or accidental.
Domo you are making too much sense
WHAT!?!?! Who are you to try to silence anyone, tell them to "take it elsewhere" or try to control discussion?

Anyone who tells another to just shut up has no arguments so they want to silence the other's POV

I've got plenty to say, which may not be what you think, but I don't think it is appropriate here.
I've got plenty to say, which may not be what you think, but I don't think it is appropriate here.

I say go for it, pour your heart out! As long as you don't insult anyone with intent and cross the mods, you're in the green :)
I guess at the very least someone should have noticed the stockpile. One or two guns, maybe, but 17? That's just suspicious.

Hindisght is 20/20. You think its suspicious because of what he did, but there are many people who own that many guns who are not psychopaths, criminals, murderers or planning mass murder.
I know hunters, competition shooters, collectors and enthusiasts who have just as many. There is nothing suspicious about them.
Most anti-gun people have no idea that they interact with people like that everyday in this country because most of them don't go on killing sprees.
I say go for it, pour your heart out! As long as you don't insult anyone with intent and cross the mods, you're in the green :)

I appreciate that, but I am sincere when I say I don't think it is appropriate.
Hindisght is 20/20. You think its suspicious because of what he did, but there are many people who own that many guns who are not psychopaths, criminals, murderers or planning mass murder.
I know hunters, competition shooters, collectors and enthusiasts who have just as many. There is nothing suspicious about them.
Most anti-gun people have no idea that they interact with people like that everyday in this country because most of them don't go on killing sprees.

This is true... it's a cultural thing. Over here there are two uses for a firearm - target shooting (usually using an air rifle or air pistol) and hunting (usually with a shotgun or .22). As such you never really need more than one. However, I recognise that some people outside of the UK may have dozens of weapons. I don't understand why, but it's not my place to.
Well as long as we're in the spirit of respecting everyone's opinion...

I don't think making a bunch of gun laws is going to bring about significant change.
Criminals don't abide by the law...
Crazies don't care about anyone..

Plus, the US doesn't do an adequate job of enforcing our current laws, so why have more?

We have laws against drunk driving, yet many people break that law. Repeatedly. 5,6,7 or more times. How are these people even out of jail?
Drunk drivers break the law and kill people. And they continue to drink....and drive...

We have laws against illegal drug use, yet many people use drugs. Sell drugs. Abuse drugs. Get kids hooked on drugs.
People die from drug overdose. Narcan is a household name, since it's used so often. Yet this is a billion(s) dollar industry. Caught with a small amount of marijuana, recreational use? That's a slap on the wrist.
I thought we were fighting a war on drugs. That's a joke!

We have laws to protect at risk women and their children, yet so many sad news stories tell a tale that the system failed them
We have laws against child pornography and other "dark things" that twisted people can get involved in on the internet
We have laws aimed to protect minorities, that seem to continually come up short

Sorry for the tangent, my point is...we need better ENFORCEMENT of laws, and way STRICTER PUNISHMENT if there is to be MEANINGFUL CHANGE.
And it's your place to correct me?

My post wasn't about DIS policy. It was about respecting a fellow poster right to post whatever he wishes as long as the mods feel is within the guidelines (they get to decide that).

Also, if you had respectfully told him you thought his posts were against policy it would have been different. But that wasn't the case


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