Point renters

I'm just wondering if you are upset that you can't book a resort that isn't your home resort at 7 months?
No, we just returned from WDW 2 weeks ago. As I said in my OP, my frustration stems from social media. I constantly see people posting about the benifits of renting dvc points and how much money the saved doing so. Then there are replays from others asking about it and where can they go to get information on renting.
Call these on line site whatever you want it's all semantics. They are a conduit for people wanting to rent dvc points and stay at delux accommodations at a cheaper price. They are everywhere on social media eventually it's going to make the 7 month window useless. It needs to change.

Say what you want, I like to call them lifesavers for those owners that for whatever reason can't use their allotment of points in a given year.

The strong rental market was the primary reason I was able to convince my wife to even consider buying into DVC. Otherwise, it was a no go, b/c she has no desire to go even every other year. I'm certain I'm not the only person that would not have bought (or would not have bought as many points at a minimum). Guess what that means...your contracts would be worth way less. Now, if you use all your points...then that's a bad thing. But if you are like most of us that do not expect to keep these contracts until they expire -- then having a robust resale market is a VERY good thing.

Now if you have a beef with commercial renters (i.e., OWNERS that do nothing but rent out reservations -- particularly HARD TO GET SPEC rentals), then I can completely understand your position.
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Call these on line site whatever you want it's all semantics. They are a conduit for people wanting to rent dvc points and stay at delux accommodations at a cheaper price. They are everywhere on social media eventually it's going to make the 7 month window useless. It needs to change.

it will only make the 7 month window useless if a bunch of owners decide to start renting out their points. In other words -- if DEMAND for rental points is through the roof, it doesn't matter one bit unless there is SUPPLY of points to match.
No, we just returned from WDW 2 weeks ago. As I said in my OP, my frustration stems from social media. I constantly see people posting about the benifits of renting dvc points and how much money the saved doing so. Then there are replays from others asking about it and where can they go to get information on renting.

it sounds like you're more mad that people that aren't "in the club" are allowed to hang out "in the club."

By that same token, owners at the "premium" DVC resorts (e.g., VGF, Poly, BLT, BWV, BCV) should be annoyed that the commoners at SSR can also book the premium places.
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it sounds like you're more mad that people that aren't "in the club" are allowed to hang out "in the club."

By that same token, owners at the "premium" DVC resorts (e.g., VGF, Poly, BLT, BWV, BCV) should be annoyed that the commoners at SSR can also book the premium places.
That would be incorrect, as I said in my OP, I'm fine with people renting points I think there would be something in place to allow memebers to take advantage of the 7 month booking window prior to non memebers (ie renters)
That would be incorrect, as I said in my OP, I'm fine with people renting points I think there would be something in place to allow memebers to take advantage of the 7 month booking window prior to non memebers (ie renters)

So then you're mad that there are brokers out there that have made the rental process more efficient and safer for both the renter and the rentee? Presumably b/c now less points are going to waste?
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That would be incorrect, as I said in my OP, I'm fine with people renting points I think there would be something in place to allow memebers to take advantage of the 7 month booking window prior to non memebers (ie renters)

If Disney could pull off what you propose, then my VGF points would lose significant value on the rental market (VGC points would really be worthless). This is because all rental points from all DVC resorts would be identical.

Not only would this devalue the premium points -- it would also be impossible for Disney to police. Unless you can come up with a workable solution to solve this "problem" -- *****ing about it does nothing.

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And as an owner -- you have the ability to walk a reservation at 7 months -- so that gives you a distinct advantage over the renters.
That would be incorrect, as I said in my OP, I'm fine with people renting points I think there would be something in place to allow memebers to take advantage of the 7 month booking window prior to non memebers (ie renters)

11 months was outlined in the sales documents. 7 months is outlined in the sales documents. Renting is outlined in the sales documents.

No where was there anything about getting any sort of guarantee to have anything more than that. It's essentially stating that your points at a different resort are more important to use at another owners home resort than their own points are to use as they wish and as are spelled out as allowed (ie, renting is allowed).
As I said in my original post, my concern is the on line rental sites. They are getting more and more popular on the social media posting sites. I have no problem with memebers renting to friends / family. My problem is giving complete strangers the same privileges as paying memebers. I realize it's almost impossible to police the situation.
Renting is renting, where it's to a stranger, friend or family unless you're renting at a reduced rate. As noted, it's a contractual guarantee. One person's usage plan is not the same as another's, some may be more emotionally attached than others. It's really no different than telling someone what they can and can't do at their home, the rules of the HOA and the laws of the state are the determining factor. An owner who rents takes risk.

it will only make the 7 month window useless if a bunch of owners decide to start renting out their points. In other words -- if DEMAND for rental points is through the roof, it doesn't matter one bit unless there is SUPPLY of points to match.
Which is the inherent nature of DVC in general. Renting may affect the 7 month availability but lots of things do including increased knowledge of the membership. SSR has been the single largest item that has had an affect on the 7 month window to date likely bigger than all other items combined.
I think it's simply absolutely impossible to police the way OP wants to have it policed, and any attempt to do so would likely trample on various owners' rights, and probably create expense that would be paid for via dues.
Now, I don't think the issue is as huge as people think it is. I think most people who own the smaller/popular resorts don't rent that many points - they use them and they use them mostly at home like I do. When we've run surveys in the past, BWV and BCV owners almost always stay at their home resort - and I'd guess the same is true for VGC, VGF and the Poly (BLT I'm less certain of). But there isn't any doubt that if I don't use my own points, I'd rent them through a broker, and rent them with the eleven month window, because I pay a lot in dues as a BWV owner and I have more capital tied up in those points than someone who purchased less expensive points, I believe I have a right to the profit. I made the "investment" - its mine to use or profit from.

I think you hit the nail on the head, Crisi. People who bought points at BWV, BCV, VGF, and Poly are typically folks who did so because that is where they want to use their points. With the popularity of F&W, a lot of folks are scooping up BWV and BCV to use during an 8-week period. This means that at 7-months, those resorts will probably already be booked and there will be little to no availability for anyone, owners or renters.

Now, consider the folks who scooped up HHI and VB points for cheap, working on the assumption that they can be used at 7-months to book a stay at WDW. Or folks that bought AUL because that is what the guides were selling and told them, "don't worry...you can use them to book any resort at the 7-month window". Those people could also be fighting for a reservation during a peak DVC time at the 7-month window. I get the frustration, but I think a lot of people (not those here on the DIS) bought in to DVC with the misconception that they could just pick up the phone and book a room and just use their points to pay for it.

In reality, there is ZERO difference between a renter booking a room and an owner using it for themselves. If a room is booked on points, then it is "occupied". It doesn't matter who is in it, the room is taken. Of course there is going to be competition at 7 months...there's like a bazillion points floating around out there and when everyone wants to use them at the same time, there are going to be some very disappointed people. Blaming the renters is pointless. The OWNER books the reservation.
I think it's simply absolutely impossible to police the way OP wants to have it policed, and any attempt to do so would likely trample on various owners' rights, and probably create expense that would be paid for via dues.

I think the key is DVC really doesn't care to get involved other than the 20 per year rule (which is a lot). They see renters as potential new members.
I also think that if something like this was implemented, it would be more beneficial to SSR, OKW, HHI, and VB owners, and take away some value from the other owners at VGF, BLT, PVB, BCV, BWV, BRV, AKV, GCV. Because then most people would just buy the cheapest points they could find.
I think the key is DVC really doesn't care to get involved other than the 20 per year rule (which is a lot). They see renters as potential new members.
I agree they don't want to get involved but I think the main reason is they know they'd lose a legal challenge if they cut it too close.
Looks like we will agree to disagree on the renting of points. I do appreciate your feed back. In the future if you're having problems booking after the 7 month window please remember.......ThunderMountain warned you.
I hope you all enjoy your trips to Disney as much as my family and I do.


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