Mosque shooting

Strike that. (I deleted a return "bless your heart", this is rewritten.)

Sorry if I come across as a bit cranky. I just realized I really don't like feeling as if I'm getting roped into a debate on semantics, when it has to do with something that hits as close to home as this. As far as I'm concerned, this was terrorism, plain and simple. It seems as obvious to me now, as it did to my prime minister when he said this, yesterday...

"It was with shock and sadness that Canadians heard about a despicable act of terror last night in Quebec City.

By current counts, six people worshipping at the Quebec City Islamic Cultural Centre have lost their lives, with many others seriously injured.

This was a group of innocents targeted for practicing their faith. Make no mistake – this was a terrorist attack

It was an attack on our most intrinsic and cherished values as Canadians – values of openness, diversity, and freedom of religion."

If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.

I was just surprised at the snark at a legitimate question asked first by declansdad and then smith02. I certainly didn't see anything disrespectful in either question or response from them. I also haven't seen one reply that implied that it was "just" a mass murder. Not one. It appears that everyone is equally horrified and saddened by the senseless and brutal loss of beautiful,
innocent lives by a deranged hateful madman, no matter what label he has officially or otherwise.​
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Personally I think every terrorist is deranged. Just as I think every act of terror is a hate crime.

Terrorists are deranged, no question about it. My issue is with extrapolating the actions of the person committing the action to a larger segment of the population, as tends to happen with terrorism, but never "mass murder." I've seen no calls, for example, to clamp down on white guys coming from Canada. Shrug. Could be I've missed something though.
Terrorists are deranged, no question about it. My issue is with extrapolating the actions of the person committing the action to a larger segment of the population, as tends to happen with terrorism, but never "mass murder." I've seen no calls, for example, to clamp down on white guys coming from Canada. Shrug. Could be I've missed something though.

While I agree, I haven't seen any replies on this thread that could warrant a response like that.
It's also telling that Facebook isn't littered with Canadian flag profile pictures. A tragedy is still a tragedy, no matter who perpetrated it.

Canadians don't feel the need to flag wave. :)

No matter what side you are on, please stand up and fight for ALL human rights.

Never stop asking questions and demanding answers.
I don't think that for a minute. This tragedy is directly connected to the US. This isn't some random thing that happened.

Believe thst or not, the fact remains it did take place in Quebec. If it had been say Maryland, it would be more prominent in US news. And if it had taken place in say Nigeria we'd barely hear of it.

Incidentally, cultural clashes are nothing new in Quebec, though obviously such extreme examples are rare.
Yes, because when white guys kill a bunch of people it's "just" a mass murder by a deranged individual. No need to tarnish an entire group of people for the actions of one mad man.

Be it terrorism or just some nut, if they're not in any way associated with, representing, or claiming to support some "group", why WOULD you tarnish anyone else?

Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. Adam Lanza was not. They were both white & I think 99% of people (of all colors) understand the distinction.
Believe thst or not, the fact remains it did take place in Quebec. If it had been say Maryland, it would be more prominent in US news. And if it had taken place in say Nigeria we'd barely hear of it.

Incidentally, cultural clashes are nothing new in Quebec, though obviously such extreme examples are rare.

The American media tend to report primarily and mostly US news whereas most other first world countries's media reports on world news, not just their own country's news. Just look at any major Canadian news site or a UK or France site for example.
If you feel strongly that a political comment is necessary, please feel free to post elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
I was just surprised at the snark at a legitimate question asked first by declansdad and then smith02. I certainly didn't see anything disrespectful in either question or response from them. I also haven't seen one reply that implied that it was "just" a mass murder. Not one. It appears that everyone is equally horrified and saddened by the senseless and brutal loss of beautiful,
innocent lives by a deranged hateful madman, no matter what label he has officially or otherwise.​

I initially answered both questions, to the best of my ability and without judgement. Not being a lawyer, or in any way a legal expert, the continued questioning did eventually get under my skin, and I had to question why the question was continuing to be asked, since the folks asking were clearly equally as capable of answering as I am.

If they disagreed with my answers, why not just say so? And then explain why they feel this should not have been called "terrorism".
Thanks. I agree with your examples but they don't seem to be always applied that way.

Glad they caught the turd right away so much of the speculation as to who committed this cowardly act dies right away.

I applaud your use of the word turd. I never hear that word anymore. I'm gonna bring it back!!
I initially answered both questions, to the best of my ability and without judgement. Not being a lawyer, or in any way a legal expert, the continued questioning did eventually get under my skin, and I had to question why the question was continuing to be asked, since the folks asking were clearly equally as capable of answering as I am.

If they disagreed with my answers, why not just say so? And then explain why they feel this should not have been called "terrorism".

Never said I disagreed with you.

I do think acts of terrorism tend to get automatically labelled as such when the act is committed by certain ethnic backgrounds much more than others.
Be it terrorism or just some nut, if they're not in any way associated with, representing, or claiming to support some "group", why WOULD you tarnish anyone else?

Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist. Adam Lanza was not. They were both white & I think 99% of people (of all colors) understand the distinction.

I agree, completely!
It's shameful that it's not getting 24/7 coverage like every time a Muslim is the suspect.

Not saying that it needs 24/7's just blatant that it's not deemed as newsworthy.
It's been the lead on every single tv and radio news broadcast I've seen/heard since it happened, and on the front page of the papers for the past 2 days.

Tonight, because there's really not too much more to say about the killer, the focus has been on tributes to the victims and coverage on the support rallies taking place nationwide.

Personally, what I find shameful is that an incident like this has taken place here, where generations of multiculturalism, the very core of our national values, should mitigate against it. And I'm saddened by the loss of naivete this act results in. :sad1:

It's also telling that Facebook isn't littered with Canadian flag profile pictures. A tragedy is still a tragedy, no matter who perpetrated it.
I don't use Facebook so maybe that's why I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
It's been the lead on every single tv and radio news broadcast I've seen/heard since it happened, and on the front page of the papers for the past 2 days.

Tonight, because there's really not too much more to say about the killer, the focus has been on tributes to the victims and coverage on the support rallies taking place nationwide.

Personally, what I find shameful is that an incident like this has taken place here, where generations of multiculturalism, the very core of our national values, should mitigate against it. And I'm saddened by the loss of naivete this act results in. :sad1:

I don't use Facebook so maybe that's why I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

When the club shooting, and also the truck incident happened in France, Facebook had the option to change your profile picture to be overlaid with the flag of France. That's the only one I can think of, but I'm sure there have been others.


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