Have You Ever Formally Protested or Boycotted Anything?

I don't boycott CFA and hobby lobby I just live in the North East where they seeem to not exist (I don't think I have seen either in the area ever even in bigger areas with more franchises)

When I have seen them on other travel well I don't shop for hobby supplies if I have to travel back with them and if I want something quick enough for fast food tend to go with places I know the menu enough to know what to order already.
The Super Bowl thread made me think of something. I don't know if you'd consider it an active boycott per se, because I certainly am not out there marching or protesting or anything of the sort, however I do not watch college sports, especially football. First, I lived my entire life until a few years ago in an area where it was completely irrelevant, nobody paid attention anyway. So I never got into it. I also have major moral issues with it and all the attention/pressure put on it. I'm a huge NFL fan, but can honestly say that I've never attended or watched a college football game in my life (I've seen snippets on TV if I happen to be in a place that has it on, but never sat to watch one...ever). Living where I do now (Atlanta), I'm very much out of place with the locals, but oh well.
^ I never have, either. I think it's regional. (Although when Doug Flutie played with the Eagles we seemed to hear more about it then.) Full disclosure - not a big football fan. But still, it just doesn't seem to be a big thing up our way, at the college level, anyway. (Oh, sorry, I may be mistaking Klayfish for someone else, not sure where he or she lives.)
^ I never have, either. I think it's regional. (Although when Doug Flutie played with the Eagles we seemed to hear more about it then.) Full disclosure - not a big football fan. But still, it just doesn't seem to be a big thing up our way, at the college level, anyway. (Oh, sorry, I may be mistaking Klayfish for someone else, not sure where he or she lives.)

I agree. My college even dropped Football, even though the program made money for the University. The fundraising Vice President said a big portion of his job was getting donors to allow their money to go for academics, instead of the football team....including the elderly lady who wanted to donate $50,000 so the team could have Filet Mignon on game day. This was 40 years ago and they only needed about $1,000 to do that, he finally convinced the lady to allow the other $49,000 to be used for ACADEMIC scholarships.
I can't watch the NFL. I love to play the game, but what is with this "running game" garbage. PUT THE BALL IN THE AIR. Every play should be a 'Hail Mary" pass. You'd see some 180 to 171 final scores if you did:stir:
Another I just thought of... kinda boycotting a couple places: won't go to Aruba because of how they treated the Holloways and won't ever go to Cuba and give my money to the Castros. There are other places I won't go but we don't fly internationally but we do cruise the Caribbean a lot.
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I agree. My college even dropped Football, even though the program made money for the University. The fundraising Vice President said a big portion of his job was getting donors to allow their money to go for academics, instead of the football team....including the elderly lady who wanted to donate $50,000 so the team could have Filet Mignon on game day. This was 40 years ago and they only needed about $1,000 to do that, he finally convinced the lady to allow the other $49,000 to be used for ACADEMIC scholarships.
I can't watch the NFL. I love to play the game, but what is with this "running game" garbage. PUT THE BALL IN THE AIR. Every play should be a 'Hail Mary" pass. You'd see some 180 to 171 final scores if you did:stir:
Can't comment on the last part, but whoa, and I believe it, on the first. It's amazing to see the money, even at the local level, that's been put into football as opposed to other sports. Huge, high tech football stadiums with all the bells and whilstles, with other fields sort of like an afterthought. If money runs out, oh well, they really didn't need lights or evenly-leveled fields, did they?
I have never been to so many of the places mentioned here - CFA, HL, White Castle. I would like to try CFA because so many say how good it is and I'd like to see for myself (although I do have a good friend who got very sick from there). Not sure I would be a regular customer, I would have to study the issue more, but it's probably a moot point since I don't have any near me. I try to avoid craft stores in general. And isn't White Castle part of a convenience store, or am I thinking of something else? If so, idk. I've seen mold on some of the food at places like Cumberland Farms, so I'd be careful eating food from there. I only skimmed the last few pages, didn't see LLBean mentioned. Anyone actively protesting them, or going in the opposite direction?

No, I love LL Bean, and I assume you are asking because of the list they have been put on.
I am not actively boycotting anyone on that list. I am capable of realizing that there are people who have different political views than mine and I won't hold that against them when it comes to a successful company they run. Those companies employee us regular people too, so a boycott of them effects those people way more than it effects the CEOs.
No, I love LL Bean, and I assume you are asking because of the list they have been put on.
I am not actively boycotting anyone on that list. I am capable of realizing that there are people who have different political views than mine and I won't hold that against them when it comes to a successful company they run. Those companies employee us regular people too, so a boycott of them effects those people way more than it effects the CEOs.
I don't know anything about a list. Just asking because I know it's been a more recent issue than some of these, including the ones I've listed myself. ETA but you make good points.
I don't know anything about a list. Just asking because I know it's been a more recent issue than some of these, including the ones I've listed myself. ETA but you make good points.

Unless a store is doing horrible things to its employees, I don't boycott them.
I don't have an issue with people who want to boycott business for other reasons, but for me I feel that it hurts the local workers in those stores more than anyone else, and those are the people who need those jobs more than anyone else.
Someone mentioned Gillette and not sure if there was a spelling issue (J vs G) or it was a person Jillette who was later referenced, but anyway, it made me think back to when I avoided Gillette products in the 80s, maybe 90s, despite their being a local company, and looked up to see what was going on with them more lately. Seems there was an issue, probably a hoax, where someone thought the company was placing microchips on their products to spy on people?? Not sure what was up with that, lol. But someone believed it, apparently, and seemingly made it a life mission to get others to believe it. Who knows. Also in the 80s, there was a big issue with L'Oreal cosmetics but I believe they stopped their animal testing. In later years companies began putting "Cruelty Free" on their labels which made it a little easier to ascertain which companies cared about the issues, if true. At any rate, I know that many companies changed the ways they operated over the years, at least in terms of animal testing.
I don't eat fast-food unless there are no other options around, so I don't consider it a boycott. I don't shop Hobby Lobby because Michaels and Joanns are close by and they are way out of the way for me, plus the last time I was in one I was treated very rudely, and I don't give my money to people who treat me that way.
Someone mentioned Gillette and not sure if there was a spelling issue (J vs G) or it was a person Jillette who was later referenced, but anyway, it made me think back to when I avoided Gillette products in the 80s, maybe 90s, despite their being a local company, and looked up to see what was going on with them more lately. Seems there was an issue, probably a hoax, where someone thought the company was placing microchips on their products to spy on people?? Not sure what was up with that, lol. But someone believed it, apparently, and seemingly made it a life mission to get others to believe it. Who knows. Also in the 80s, there was a big issue with L'Oreal cosmetics but I believe they stopped their animal testing. In later years companies began putting "Cruelty Free" on their labels which made it a little easier to ascertain which companies cared about the issues, if true. At any rate, I know that many companies changed the ways they operated over the years, at least in terms of animal testing.
I was talking about Penn Jilette - 1/2 of the super-star magic duo Penn & Teller.
^ I never have, either. I think it's regional. (Although when Doug Flutie played with the Eagles we seemed to hear more about it then.) Full disclosure - not a big football fan. But still, it just doesn't seem to be a big thing up our way, at the college level, anyway. (Oh, sorry, I may be mistaking Klayfish for someone else, not sure where he or she lives.)

That was me. And I'm a he (the ugly mug in the hat in my avatar picture) :D. Yes, I totally agree it's regional. I spent my entire life in the Philadelphia area. None of the colleges there had a football team that got any coverage. In fact, the college I went to had a horrible team. They played in the same stadium as the Eagles, and from what I heard they were lucky to draw 1000 people...in a 60,000 seat stadium. Closest big time college program was Penn State, which is 5 hours away. Nobody paid attention, Philly is a professional sports town...Eagles, Phillies, etc... Now I'm in Atlanta, and it's completely opposite. Minimal interest in the Falcons, but insane amount of interest in college teams. I love football. Both of my boys have been playing for years. But I just hate the way college football is and have no interest in watching it.
I can watch college football, but don't watch NFL until the playoffs. Both games just move SO slow for me. 5-10 seconds of action followed by 30 seconds of nothing. Then in the NFL add in all the extra commercials. A team goes 3-and out, punts, commercial, the other team has 5 plays, punts, commercial. Touchdown? Extra point, commercial. Ensuing kickoff, commercial.

I used to LOVE football. Now, not so much. I wouldn't call it a boycott though, I just don't enjoy it. If you don't eat at Chik-fil-a because you don't like their sandwiches, that's not a boycott. If you don't shop at Hobby Lobby because it's out of the way, or you think their prices are high, that's not a boycott.
I've done quite a few marches/protests/rallies for various causes I believe in.

This year, I have boycotted a couple companies for having political views different from mine. I'm not going to give a company my money so that they can give it to someone who is actively working against me. (trying hard not to get political here hehe)
I have never been to so many of the places mentioned here - CFA, HL, White Castle. I would like to try CFA because so many say how good it is and I'd like to see for myself (although I do have a good friend who got very sick from there). Not sure I would be a regular customer, I would have to study the issue more, but it's probably a moot point since I don't have any near me. I try to avoid craft stores in general. And isn't White Castle part of a convenience store, or am I thinking of something else? If so, idk. I've seen mold on some of the food at places like Cumberland Farms, so I'd be careful eating food from there. I only skimmed the last few pages, didn't see LLBean mentioned. Anyone actively protesting them, or going in the opposite direction?
Can't comment on the last part, but whoa, and I believe it, on the first. It's amazing to see the money, even at the local level, that's been put into football as opposed to other sports. Huge, high tech football stadiums with all the bells and whilstles, with other fields sort of like an afterthought. If money runs out, oh well, they really didn't need lights or evenly-leveled fields, did they?

Usually that is because football brings in the biggest chunk of money so they get the bigger slice of the pie. A high school football game here can bring in $50,000 on one Friday night. So a college game really brings it in for one game. At some schools that money is split between all sports with the percentage given out determined by the percentage put in. If the money isn't all put in one pot, football keeps the money they brought in and it gives them a lot to spend. That and alumni donations that are earmarked for football. They aren't really taking from one sport to give to another, in many colleges football supports the other sports.
Can't comment on the last part, but whoa, and I believe it, on the first. It's amazing to see the money, even at the local level, that's been put into football as opposed to other sports. Huge, high tech football stadiums with all the bells and whilstles, with other fields sort of like an afterthought. If money runs out, oh well, they really didn't need lights or evenly-leveled fields, did they?
A little off topic but the reason so much money is put into college football is that it is the sport that draws crowds. Outside of basketball and sometimes baseball I can't think of other sports that draw much of a crowd here. And those crowds bring money and a loyal following to a school better than anything else. My school makes mega bucks just by sharing in the SEC financial pool. Even more than the gate. Personally I love the game better played at the college level. The NFL bores me. Around here college football is a way of life loved by many, NFL not so much.

My husband played rugby in college and the guys had to work hard to rehab a piece of campus land for a field. They had to mow it, clear rocks and other maintenance. After several years of this the football team came in and took it away as their exclusive practice field. Talk about upset! But he still loves his football team. We don't miss a game.


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