~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Day 6 Part 1 ~ AKA The Greatest Stitch Experience EVER!

I was up on my own at 6:15am... For those of you who know me - this is pretty late... I couldn't sleep any longer and I didn't sleep well.

I did my usual Coffee/FB/Dis on the balcony... I noted that softer chairs out there would be nice... Through the course of the week, I added a folded blanket to my chair seat - and it helped - but long mornings like this, sitting out there... It was tough on the behind.

I also noted that I still couldn't order my BoG lunch... It was getting very frustrating for me... I had posts everywhere on the Dis and FB trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I was almost in panic mode - as ordering ahead on Allison's January trip saved us almost an hour in line - and October was turning out to be busier than January.

I showered and got ready for the day.

I woke V up at 9:45am... The first thing out of her mouth was "I get to wear my Villians shirt today!" Back story on this shirt... I had ordered a shirt she found online on Oct 1... A week later, it still hadn't shipped... If it hadn't shipped by that point - it wouldn't get to us on time. So, I did an SOS to my sewing pals on FB - and a friend of mine stepped up and did a "rush order" for me... Which she had to go out and buy supplies for - it was just really an incredible experience - and she went way out of her way to get this done and shipped on time... This shirt arrived the day before we left. And as a side note - the first shirt never shipped at all... When we arrived home, it still hadn't shipped, so I filed a dispute with Paypal and won - my $$ was refunded.

Anyways... Back to the TR...

We took the Shady Shuttle to the end of the drive way and walked the rest of the way to the Poly...


We checked in at 10:45 for our 'Ohana breakfast reservation. Our ADR was for 11:10 and we were seated at 11:20... At this point - I really wasn't holding out much hope for anything - I was just hungry.

We were seated at probably the best table in the room - our hostess joked with us that it was "the worst one" - LOL.


Our waiter was Chaiden - and he was the most fantastic waiter we have ever had at 'Ohana - or almost anywhere. This was also something I wasn't expecting - as typically 'Ohana doesn't have the nicest wait staff - in our experience.

Our food came rather quickly - which was good as we were both hungry.


Mickey came around first...



The whole time, V and I were watching Lilo... One family that we were sitting with outside in the 'Ohana lobby had purchased one of those $70 stuffed Stitches... And at every opportunity - Lilo kept going back to that table to take it... That Stitch was her's. LOL It was sooo cute... The parents would hide it... The kids would hold it and the minute they turned their heads, Lilo would take it. It was adorable.


I was hopeful for a good interaction between Lilo and V with her bag... Sadly - as usual - we were disappointed.


Pluto came around - as usual - he was too cute!


By this time we were done eating and ready to go... We were just waiting on Stitch... We are so used to less than stellar character experiences - and even though Stitch is one of V's favorites - and we've had meh interactions with him - she still wanted to hang around and get her picture taken... And show him her bag. Which was totally fine.

So, Stitch finally came... V showed him her bag... And he loved it... We took our obligatory Photopass picture with him...

My outfit this morning... I am wearing a tee shirt that Josh's dad and step mom got me on their recent trip to Hawaii, it couldn't have been more perfect for 'Ohana... My Vigoss denim capris I purchased in 2015 from Maurices... I am probably wearing my black Vionic flip flops...


V even took a selfie...


And then it happened... The Greatest Stitch Experience Ever... Stitch stole V's bag!




And he ran away... He continued doing Meet n' Greets with other families... And we were kind of - shocked - confused - excited... Very unsure of what to do...

He began taunting Victoria...


And then it became very chaotic - as after Stitch met a few families (with V's bag is in their Photopass photos)... He ran away...



The entire remaining dining room full of people was laughing hysterically as V chased him around the room...




And then it became a bit of an issue, because the Photopass photographer continued to take pictures of The Greatest Stitch Experience Ever - but I didn't bring my Magic Band to get the pictures off his camera for the next families to have their Photopass pictures taken... Our only MB was in V's bag - and Stitch wouldn't let her near him...

Eventually V used some great negotiation skills and he allowed her to get her wallet and MB out of her bag - he was very clear though, that the bag was HIS.


And then he went off to visit a few more families - while V was stalking him for any opportunity to steal her bag back...


After some time - at this point, Stitch has had V's bag for (I am guessing) about 20 minutes... He was tired of V trying to get her bag back... So he sat on her! Her expression here is priceless!



And a video of the squishing...

Other people began to try to get V's bag back for her...


It wasn't long after this, and Lilo came around the corner... V met up with Stitch and explained about his possible consequences with Lilo and his "badness level"... He couldn't get her bag off of him fast enough! It took the help of a guest, a CM and the photographer to get the strap over his ears before Lilo found out.



Stitch then got on his knees to BEG Victoria not to tell Lilo... Which, sadly, I don't have a picture of.

Lilo then - unaware of any badness - took Stitch by the hand and led him to the back room...

And Stitch was elevated to "All Time Favoritest Character EVER - Never To Be Replaced" in V's eyes... This truly was The Greatest Stitch Experience Ever... And this one meal alone was worth the entire cost of this trip, and every trip before it. This, right here, is why we keep going back. I am certain that nothing this great will ever happen to us again - but this epic memory was the best Pixie Dust we could have ever hoped for and never even dreamed of.

V stopped in the Poly gift shop and purchased herself a Stitch pillow pet to remind her of her Stitch Experience, and we headed back to SoG to rest and get ready for our night at MNSSHP.​

Link to Day 6 Part 2

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Love the pj's! You have some mad sewing skills! (Which we already knew, of course).

It's hard as the kids get older and start having their own lives. They are busy and just don't have a clue that we still would love to hear about what they are doing on a regular basis. It's hard to let go!

Loving all your trip updates--so many this weekend, which is awesome. I didn't start grabbing quotes until I'd missed several comments I wanted to make. But I'm loving it all!
but long mornings like this, sitting out there... It was tough on the behind.
Those chairs are really uncomfortable. We brought a pizza back to eat one night and my legs were numb after sitting out and enjoying our dinner!

"All Time Favoritest Character EVER - Never To Be Replaced" in V's eyes
So awesome! Saw your FB posts, and so glad V had an amazing experience. Too funny watching Stitch steal her bag and keep it so long!
The BEST Stitch story EVER! 20 minutes is a long time to play keep away with Stitch. You mentioned taking home 5 mugs,. How many do you have in your collection? I only have 3 mugs that I use at home. I need to expand my collection.
A bummer that you didn't stay until MK closed that night. How great that you managed to catch the last buss back to your resort.

What a great Stich experience.
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As usual - since we are adults - our character interaction is always very anti-climatic... We posed for our pictures and headed on our merry way...

I'm sorry about this :( We've always had great interactions with Dug & Russell. Usually the face characters are the ones that are meh for us.

We got to SM about 10 min early - the CM there was quite grouchy and told us to come back in 9 minutes - HUH? Really? I have to admit - this made V quite cranky - I think it was just the way that this CM said it to us? Not sure... So, we wandered again and came back in 9 minutes... A different CM was there- which was a good thing.

I remember this! The way V told it, it was definitely the way he said it. It was so great finally meeting you!

We did not make it to the 1am close at MK - which was a little bit of a bummer for us - but we were tired.

No surprise we didn't either. We were just too exhausted :(
Those pajamas are really cute. You did a great job on them.
Good for V. for getting to do walking deliveries. I'd never heard of that before but it makes sense if the house is close to the store.
V. had a great character interaction with Stitch. My daughter would have been furious if he'd done that with her. It sounds like V. just played along with him.
All of the pp pictures I've seen are really nice. it looks like you guys had a great day at AK and MK.
We had our first snow on Friday and Saturday. Being Ohio, it wasn't just a coating but a major storm. The interstate was closed due to multiple accidents. It happens every time we have a storm. Luckily, I don't have to drive it. It did take almost an hour to get to work yesterday and Walmart is less than 5 miles from my house. We were able to catch up because it was so slow. Once the storm passed we got really busy. My son-in-law made it home to his street but then got stuck because the neighbor was stuck in the road the city hadn't plowed the cul de sac. The whole whole street had a digging out party. My daughter said that the snow was past her knees. They're still working on the driveway. The snowblower wouldn't start. I only had a couple of inches here.
Have a good day
Awwww.........I LOVE LOVE your stitch experience! We still laugh about our Stitch interaction in Magic Kingdom with Stitch using my son's autograph book pen to "pick his nose." Looks like Stitch still has the nose picking habit! I think it is so hilarious that the bag is in other guest's photos-guess Stitch REALLY LOVED that bag!!! So FUN! We've never done any meals at Ohana...might need to rethink that especially since we'll be across the street staying at SOG! Loved your updates this weekend:)
It sounded like you and V had a great night at the MK, even if you didn't stay as long as you were planning. And SM is my favorite ride too, I can't get enough of it!:goodvibes

Wow. The Stitch Experience sounds amazing!:goodvibes I am so glad you both were able to receive that pixie dust.That is Disney Magic at it's finest.:stitch2::wizard:
Great updates! If you like the Cars section of AoA you really need to go to DL and see Carsland. It is really cool!

Love your Stitch story!!! Such a magical experience! Emma & I love Stitch. So cool that you had a great experience with him.

Love your pillows. Saw the placemats at Target & thought of you. Great job on the PJs! I actually made a gift last weekend. Haven't sewn anything in a while. Lizzy is loving flannel these days so I made her a double sided scarf. It's big- 20 x 78. The sewing was easy but it took forever to do all the fringing. I hope she likes it-I think she will.

Please don't discount Penn State just because of size (disclosure proud alumni). I graduated from a very small high school (just 100 in my class) and went right on to Main Campus no problem. The colleges within the university tend to be close-knit and the vast amount of clubs available make it easy to connect with people with the same interests as you. The opportunities available to undergrads to work in research are great and the vast alumni network is a plus when searching for internships and jobs. I know you have to feel comfortable where you are, but I wouldn't want the size to be the reason. Besides, I think everyone gets frustrated/homesick/sad/says "i hate school" at some point even if you are somewhere you love. No place is home, and those four years are a transition to adulthood. Not an easy thing to navigate. I remind the students I work with that someone may offer them a job someday in a town that is bigger then here, or in a large company, would they not accept it just because it is outside their comfort zone? You make your path your own by what you put into it. Good luck, I remember the wait. I was lucky, at the time Penn State had rolling enrollment, so you found out about 4 weeks after you applied. I waited until March for Cornell.
Thanks so much! I've heard the same thing from a few coworkers about being able to make the school feel smaller. We actually heard it from the academic advisor we met with at the school of a Earth & Mineral Sciences. They also do an orientation just for that school at a nearby resort just before school starts. If she gets in we will definitely attend an accepted day. It is absolutely still on her list.
Those pajamas are absolutely adorable! SO cute. I used to love Gymboree for my girls -- the quality is great and I loved the grow cuffs. I was sad when my girls outgrew their clothes. There is a Gymboree outlet very close to my house and since I have nieces who wear Gymboree, I go in from time to time to pick up gifts for them or things my sister wants for them and I am taken right back to those days of taking my girls shopping and getting them matching outfits. Time needs to slow down....

I was driving home from my volunteer work yesterday and, because I was heading to a Christmas party, took a different freeway home than I would usually take. I passed an outlet mall I didn't even know existed and they have a Disney store! I got so excited! I think I'll take my girls there over the Christmas break....

I also procrastinate big, overwhelming projects, so we have that in common. But it's interesting because once I hit the point where I know I absolutely have to do the thing I've been putting off, I am able to buckle and down and get it done. It's just the starting part that gets to me... LOL

Snow...so pretty to look at...but I don't enjoy driving in it. Stay safe! They are saying we may get our first snowfall next weekend.

Your AK day looks so fun! I collected the four Starbucks parks mugs and we love them. I especially love how they're shaped to stack perfectly. Your Tusker House breakfast looks great. What is mealie pap?

Have a great day!

Thanks - it was super fun to work on something different... I have a hard time going into Gymboree these days... I find that the brand itself is not what it used to be at all - the fabrics are much lower quality and it seems like their lines just aren't as cute as they once were - screen printing instead of embroidery - that sort of thing... I dunno - I love going there, but I rarely buy anything anymore for the Littles... Now if they would bring back their soft quality thick cottons and knits - along with their Matchmatics and line coordination - I would be broke. LOL I hate to say that Target quality seems better lately than Gymboree - even if the variety isn't there. :scratchin

Oooh - let me know how your Disney store outlet is!!! :woohoo: We don't have one anywhere near here, and only 2 stores for that matter.

I am *exactly* the same way... I put everything big aside until the last possible moment, and then I just crank it out. LOL I guess I work better under pressure? :scratchin

It is so pretty out there now - I just love it! I love snow and winter until roughly a week after the New Year - then I am over it quickly. LOL

We did have a great time at AK - even if we were done early... This happened a lot during this trip - and after we got home, I was a bit disappointed in us for this. ::yes::

I googled Mealie Pap for you... It's really good! Here's what's in it... It's definitely NOT W30 approved. :lmao:

°o° 1 small onion, diced
°o° 1/2 cup (or one stick) butter
°o° 2 14.5 ounce cans of sweet creamed corn
°o° 4 cups milk

°o° 1 1/2 – 2 cups yellow cornmeal
°o° 8 oz Parmesan cheese
°o° salt and white pepper, to taste
°o° 2 oz shredded cheddar cheese

I hope you had a nice weekend! :lovestruc

Loved the updates! Love your Goofy themed outfit at AK. Your PP pictures were great. Anxious to hear about your MK night - good job on the FP's!

Thank you - Oops - that reminds me - I forgot to talk about my outfit for those who requested it.

Thanks! :) It was a fun day!

The PJs are super cute!

Your AK day sounds a lot like ours. Our must-dos are always the Safari, EE and FOTLK. We can usually only make it to lunchtime at AK as that park gets too dang hot! We ate at Tusker House once and liked it. We should try it again on a future trip.

I love AnA bracelets. Right now I have four of them - Mickey Mouse, the castle and Disney Cruise Line. I also have a lighthouse; I know it doesn't fit in with the rest but I love lighthouses. I want more but don't know if it will look like too much. I guess I could switch them out. I don't know. I teach and I feel like they can be a distraction. I didn't get any on our Disney trip last summer but I'm dying to get a new one next trip.

We might get snow here today, too. Safe travels!

Thanks!! I am overall happy with how they turned out - I wish the shirt graphic would have been a little more size appropriate, but otherwise - it's cute enough. I think. :)

Exactly... Defintiely our must-dos too, along with PPO breakfast at TH. ::yes:: One day - I hope to not be so full from TH that we can make it to FT BBQ - we've only eaten there once (in 2008) and I'd love to go again... I need to make it a priority. :scratchin

I have a few AnA bracelets that aren't Disney related... Victoria got me a "Mom" bangle a couple years ago for Mother's Day... And I also have a few plain beaded wraps... I highly suggest the beaded wraps - they are less distracting because they fit much tighter on your wrist - and they sort of "tame" the bangles down from being annoying. ::yes:: I am totally addicted to the wraps now after this trip - they are the best!

Thank you - I love snow at this time of year - it's just so pretty!

The pj settle is amazing. I made my 4 nephews fleece pants. Just need to add the elastic to the waistband. I made one of my girls matching shorts. I'm making my other daughter matching pants but I had promised her pants made from a taco fleece. So I made a pattern from pj pants they had. I added what I thought was enough extra in the leg.

I gave the taco pants to sydney Friday, now I have to figure out how to hem them since there is no extra fabric. I might just overcast the edge to make sure it doesn't unravel. She wore them when she went to my bil house to help watch the 3 boys. Now I'm going to make the matching pants. I'm going to dani try them on before I put the elastic in to see how they fit since last night she told me she wants a pair of pants with soccer balls on one leg and neon yellow on the other.

I'm hoping they sleep in today since Friday we got home around 12:30, had to leave house at 6:30 am for soccer. Girls were so tired yesterday.

Thanks! It sounds like you have been super busy too - they will all love them!

Can you make them into capris? That way they could be hemmed... :scratchin Otherwise just zig-zag the edge or serge it, like you suggested. ::yes::

So, did they sleep in???

Your mk evening sounds like it was a lot of fun.

Thanks! It was a lot of fun... I am glad we were able to see Wishes once while we were there. ::yes::

Love the pj's! You have some mad sewing skills! (Which we already knew, of course).

It's hard as the kids get older and start having their own lives. They are busy and just don't have a clue that we still would love to hear about what they are doing on a regular basis. It's hard to let go!

Loving all your trip updates--so many this weekend, which is awesome. I didn't start grabbing quotes until I'd missed several comments I wanted to make. But I'm loving it all!

Those chairs are really uncomfortable. We brought a pizza back to eat one night and my legs were numb after sitting out and enjoying our dinner!

So awesome! Saw your FB posts, and so glad V had an amazing experience. Too funny watching Stitch steal her bag and keep it so long!

Thanks! I am overall happy with how they turned out. :)

Exactly - Allison is pretty good about it - I hope, when the time comes that V is pretty good too. :lovestruc I probably won't give them much of a chance - I'll likely be "that" mom. LOL

Thanks! I am discovering that it's easier for me to do the trip updates on the weekends - as my weekdays I have a pretty strict schedule I stick to in the morning - deviating from that usually throws me off for the whole day. ::yes:: LOL

They are super uncomfortable - I have to admit that even the blanket didn't help much... But it was better than nothing. ::yes::

It was the BEST experience we've ever had anywhere! It totally made our trip and we were on cloud 9 all day from it! :lovestruc

The BEST Stitch story EVER! 20 minutes is a long time to play keep away with Stitch. You mentioned taking home 5 mugs,. How many do you have in your collection? I only have 3 mugs that I use at home. I need to expand my collection.

It was pretty awesome and totally not expected... The funniest part - I think - was when other guests got involved and tried to help V... It was just a riot! LOL

Hmmm... :scratchin At this point, I have no idea... I would have to look. Of the 5 mugs (at that point) I was taking home - only 3 of them were Starbucks mugs... I had the Florida one, then the Orlando one and the Animal Kingdom one... I also had the mug I'd purchased at SoG to drink coffee out of for the week and an Orange bird mug I'd gotten at the outlet (Hmmm... I wonder where that one is? Now that I think about it)... Not only that - but V started buying mugs for herself while we were down there (this is the girl who banned me from bringing any more coffee mugs into the house - LOL)... We ended up coming home with V's entire backpack full of coffee mugs! :lmao:

After I clean the kitchen from the weekend this morning - I'll pull all of my Starbucks mugs out of the China cabinet and take a family photo of them... I am curious how many I have too... If I were to guess - I have maybe 10?

A bummer that you didn't stay until MK closed that night. How great that you managed to catch the last buss back to your resort.

What a great Stich experience.

Yes - I was a little bit bummed about that too... but we did have fun and enjoy the time we had there - so that's the important part. :)

It was super fun!!! I was so happy for V, as I think she was feeling a little underwhelmed with the whole character experience this week. ::yes::

I'm sorry about this :( We've always had great interactions with Dug & Russell. Usually the face characters are the ones that are meh for us.

I remember this! The way V told it, it was definitely the way he said it. It was so great finally meeting you!

No surprise we didn't either. We were just too exhausted

No worries- it happens, especially with teens - the characters are definitely different with that age range. It's been a long time since we've had a really good meet with Dug and Russell - I think our first one was the best and then it just went down hill from there. ::yes:: We still love meeting them though and love having our pictures taken. :lovesruc

Yah - I am pretty sure you are remembering it correctly... Sometimes the details get a little bit blurry after a few months. LOL

I am so glad we had the chance to meet up - it was so fun!!!! :)

I know the feeling LOL... I don't think we ever caught up from our travel day. How about you?

Those pajamas are really cute. You did a great job on them.
Good for V. for getting to do walking deliveries. I'd never heard of that before but it makes sense if the house is close to the store.
V. had a great character interaction with Stitch. My daughter would have been furious if he'd done that with her. It sounds like V. just played along with him.
All of the pp pictures I've seen are really nice. it looks like you guys had a great day at AK and MK.
We had our first snow on Friday and Saturday. Being Ohio, it wasn't just a coating but a major storm. The interstate was closed due to multiple accidents. It happens every time we have a storm. Luckily, I don't have to drive it. It did take almost an hour to get to work yesterday and Walmart is less than 5 miles from my house. We were able to catch up because it was so slow. Once the storm passed we got really busy. My son-in-law made it home to his street but then got stuck because the neighbor was stuck in the road the city hadn't plowed the cul de sac. The whole whole street had a digging out party. My daughter said that the snow was past her knees. They're still working on the driveway. The snowblower wouldn't start. I only had a couple of inches here.
Have a good day

Thank you - it was so much fun to make them... And they are so little - it just makes me squeal with delight when I see them. LOL

Yes - they actually get a lot of business deliveries... There is a winery nearby, and the pizza place has a "special" at the winery - so most often, V is delivering to a winery. LOL Small town life... ::yes::

Oh yes - V was absolutely delighted - a little shocked and confused, but mostly delighted. It was a lot of fun!

WOW!!! It sounds like it was a crazy weekend at your house due to the weather... It makes life interesting I guess. Glad you all made it home safely... Now hopefully you can cozy up in the house and stay warm for the remainder... ::yes::

Thanks Liz - same to you!!! :lovestruc

Awwww.........I LOVE LOVE your stitch experience! We still laugh about our Stitch interaction in Magic Kingdom with Stitch using my son's autograph book pen to "pick his nose." Looks like Stitch still has the nose picking habit! I think it is so hilarious that the bag is in other guest's photos-guess Stitch REALLY LOVED that bag!!! So FUN! We've never done any meals at Ohana...might need to rethink that especially since we'll be across the street staying at SOG! Loved your updates this weekend:)

Thanks!!! It was so much fun!!! LOL - yes, I think he does. ::yes::

That's what I thought too - so many people there will be able to tell the story too due to Stitch wearing the bag in their photos. LOL It was great! I don't think any experience in Disney will ever top this one.

For sure!!! It's so easy to get there from SoG! I do recommend Kona too... It's a quick little breakfast - and quite reasonable. ::yes::

Yay!!! I am glad you enjoyed them - I know there was a lot!

It sounded like you and V had a great night at the MK, even if you didn't stay as long as you were planning. And SM is my favorite ride too, I can't get enough of it!

Wow. The Stitch Experience sounds amazing! I am so glad you both were able to receive that pixie dust.That is Disney Magic at it's finest.

We did - it was really nice... The weather was good and it didn't seem too busy most of the time. ::yes:: SM is just the best there is - you can't beat that theme - except maybe on EE - but they are two totally different ride experiences. ::yes::

It was! It's a story that I don't think anyone would believe if we didn't have the pictures and video to prove it. LOL Exactly what I thought - THAT is why we keep going back - hoping for something like that to happen... It's amazing that ONE character interaction can make a trip!

Great updates! If you like the Cars section of AoA you really need to go to DL and see Carsland. It is really cool!

Love your Stitch story!!! Such a magical experience! Emma & I love Stitch. So cool that you had a great experience with him.

Love your pillows. Saw the placemats at Target & thought of you. Great job on the PJs! I actually made a gift last weekend. Haven't sewn anything in a while. Lizzy is loving flannel these days so I made her a double sided scarf. It's big- 20 x 78. The sewing was easy but it took forever to do all the fringing. I hope she likes it-I think she will.

Thanks so much! I've heard the same thing from a few coworkers about being able to make the school feel smaller. We actually heard it from the academic advisor we met with at the school of a Earth & Mineral Sciences. They also do an orientation just for that school at a nearby resort just before school starts. If she gets in we will definitely attend an accepted day. It is absolutely still on her list.

I know!!!! One day I'd love to see DL! ::yes::

I know that you and Emma love Stitch - I think it was our first trip meeting you and Emma was wearing a Stitch shirt that you made??? I am trying to remember now. LOL Wish you could have been there this time - it would have been fun to meet up again! :lovestruc

Thanks!!! I still need to go get another plaid one before they sell out. ::yes:: Then I need to stuff it. LOL

That sounds really cute! I bet she will love it!

It's great to see you Bernadette! :lovestruc Wishing you happy holidays - and the family too!


Yesterday was a nice relaxing day - for the most part...

The girls and I ran to town before the roads were plowed... I made Allison drive there and V drive home - so they could both get some winter driving in not so great road conditions... We took the Edge (the vehicle Allison has been driving) since it has the newest tires and full towing. LOL Thankfully we didn't need it.

I finished Thomas' PJ pants... Eeep - they are soooo cute!!! I just love this fabric!


And then the entire family's PJs...


So, yesterday afternoon - I happened to glance down at my AnA bracelets and I notice that one of the beads on my favorite wrap was missing paint... As I looked closer - I noticed that a bunch of them were missing paint... I am so sad!!! Today - it's my mission to find the receipt... I keep all of them from each trip, I just have to remember where I put that envelope when I got home... This is the "Believe" wrap I got at the Contemporary.


While I was being lazy... Allison and Victoria went out sledding... Actually, Allison went sledding because Victoria needed "action" pictures for her photography class... I don't think Allison was disappointed - LOL... She looks pretty happy.


Josh made dinner last night - he made soup out of anything he could find in the freezer. LOL It was a mess of meat and veggies. LOL Surprisingly it was very good... We'll be having the leftovers for dinner tonight. The awesome part is now my upstairs freezer is cleaned out... It really needed to be done.

We sat around all night... And I enjoyed the Christmas tree lights... I just love to sit there and stare at it... Is that weird?


Otherwise our night was pretty boring...

Today - as usual - I will work out right away this morning...

Then I will work upstairs all day...

I may try to get a few gifts wrapped...

I may or may not head to town this afternoon to pick V up from school - it depends on if she works tonight.

I hope you all have a great day!!! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you! :)

Can you make them into capris? That way they could be hemmed... :scratchin Otherwise just zig-zag the edge or serge it, like you suggested. ::yes::
She won't wear capri's. Makes it really hard. Shee has a 22 inch waist with a 27 inch inseam. I think I have a 26 inch inseam.

So, did they sleep in???
One slept till about 9:30. The other girl slept till about 11.

Last night wound up being another late night for them since they wanted to stay up to watch the giant's game.
this epic memory was the best Pixie Dust we could have ever hoped for and never even dreamed of.

That is absolutely the best!! I'm so glad this happened and you guys will always remember it!!

Love your pj's that you made...again...I continue to be in awe of your ability to create and make things...and things that people will actually use!!
Love V's experience with Stitch!! That was awesome!

By the way, you make me nervous talking about driving in the snow. I live in the south. When we get a dusting, all the milk and bread are gone from the stores, and schools shut down!
Oh, that mealie pap recipe sounds SO good! Yum!!! Definitely not W30 approved...but it sounds delicious. After having an incredibly bad week with my stomach issues last week (and this morning...apparently I need to add pot roast to the list of foods that cause issues for me...so sad!), I think I have to just give up and admit that I need to make permanent dietary changes. I want to look more into Paleo and how it compare to W30...I think it may be easier for my family if we go Paleo for the majority of everything instead of W30....we shall see.

The pajamas all turned out so cute! And I absolutely love your Christmas tree. It's gorgeous!

We awoke to a very, very light dusting of snow on our cars yesterday morning but nothing on the ground. It was all gone before long. They're saying we may get a combination of rain/snow on Wednesday, and snow on Saturday. As long as the weather doesn't interfere with Alyssa and Andrew flying in on Friday I don't care! I just want them here safely.

Can you believe I didn't get a Dole Whip on my one-day trip to Disney last month? We were so full from cookies, cocoa, and cider that I just couldn't do it.

That Stitch interaction is priceless! I love it!!!! What a wonderful memory!

Have a great day!
I love your Stitch experience. It truly is wonderful.

You are so talented with the pjs. They will be thrilled to have them.

Yesterday, I finally got my tree up. It isn't really pretty, but it is up. I stood in line at the post office on Friday for an hour, but I officially have Marissa's Christmas presents mailed to her. International shipping is so expensive. I will be glad when she is back. 8 more months and she will be home. I had to send her clothes. She has lost 22 pounds (she walks if her destination is 5k or less, to save on transportation costs). The pants there are too short for her. I hate buying pants when she isn't there to try them on. So, I went to Macy's and bought the same brand I bought her before she left, but 2 sizes smaller. Hopefully, they work.

Chelsea got her braces off last week. She is super happy about that. She is also happy that this is the last week of school before winter break. They cancelled school one day last week, due to ice. She was bummed that we didn't get any snow but the rest of Oregon seemed to.

Have a great week.
How great that both the girls got some driving experience in the snow.

The PJ's looks great. You are so lucky that you can make these kind of things.

Crossing my fingers that you will find the receipt for you AnA bracelet and that they will replace it for you with out a problem.

Looks like Allison had fun sledding so V could get some pictures.

How great that you got your freezer cleaned out by Josh making a soup for dinner. I'm so glad it tasted good as well.

Your Christmas tree looks great.

Today I had a really late appointment at the physical therapist which meant that I had to drive in the rush traffic and I'm not used to driving when there are a lot of other cars on the roads. It was challenging because the roads are really narrow, so it's just about room for my car and another normal size car on the narrowest part of the road. But I managed it without wrecking any cars. So that was good.
Your tree looks so beautiful lit up! Mine is in our living room and we spend most of our time in the family room. I sometimes go in at night just to look at it for a while. I do have my Disney tree in the family room so that is usually turned on so we can enjoy it.

Just loved Victoria's Stitch experience. I bet you were laughing so hard. We don't do that many characters now that the grandkids are older. Plus the character meals are so expensive when you have so many. We did do Crystal Palace and the character spot in Epcot last year and Goofy was so fun. The handler was kind of rushing him along after he spent a lot of time with the 3 women in front of us. But he still spent some time goofing around with us.

Universal has messed up my Disney plans by having a special Harry Potter experience with all kinds of things going on the first weekend we are down there. I'm afraid it might be too busy, but I told my husband if it's too bad we can just leave. We are also thinking about extending our vacation a few days. The house we've rented has 4 days open and then we could enjoy a few days by ourselves before our son arrives. I told him maybe if we wait and it doesn't rent she would give us a better deal. I just paid it off, so I'm okay with waiting.

Sorry about your bracelet. I hope you get it replaced.
You are so talented!!!! I love those Star wars jammies :) What a fantastic idea to make the littles to match the grown up ones.

I loved seeing those pics of the greatest Stitch experience EVER on FB, but seeing them again with your captions just made me so smiley and almost teary!! I agree. It is moments like these that keep us going back and feeling the magic in every little moment no matter how old we are!!! Thanks for sharing :)
The Pj pants are adorable! It will make for such a cute picture! ::yes::And your tree looks so pretty with the lights on@ I would want to stare at it too:goodvibes:thumbsup2


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