~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

Time for you to plan a solo trip. I miss when southwest used to let anyone use the credit, not who originally booked it the flight.

I'm sure Disney will make it right.

I wonder how good pandora charms are at making things right? I got a gift of a Minnie headband charm. I keep on forgetting to go in to the store.
We gave my girls their presents early. Sydney needed basketball sneakers. She had a specific pair in mind, so it was her present.
We got Dani a soccer rebound training goal. Gave it to her since it is getting too cold to use it. We tried to put it together yesterday. Two of the pieces were defective. The metal pushin in thing was on the opposite side as the hole it fits in. I tried every which way but it didn't work. So now I have to go return it, actually I want to exchange it since I had a coupon.

Hahaha.... Maybe? :scratchin

I hope so... I haven't heard from them yet.

Not sure??? I'd definitely message them - as much as I love the Disney Pandora items, I do not own any.

What a bummer, hopefully they return/exchange it. ::yes::

Fingers crossed for your bracelet to be replaced!!!

I understand how wildly busy Target must be, as Hallmark has been insane lately, too. But, it sure does make my work days fly by--thank goodness, too, because they're having me work 5 of the 6 days I left until my trip!!! I have no clue how I'm going to get everything done before we leave.

I can't believe this cold already either!! I was hoping to stay home and get things done today, so sure they were going to close our school since with windchill they say it's about -25 outside, BUT no such luck. Here we are freezing away in my classroom where the radiator doesn't work. Sigh.

THanks - I sure hope so!

Yes - it's been crazy, for sure! YIKES!!! I hope you are packed!!!

I know - it's terrible... I think we are staying put for the weekend. We have my family Christmas party to go to tomorrow - but MNDOT is advising no travel this weekend... :scratchin We'll see? Typically, they don't just say that for the fun of it though... ::yes::

Hopefully you can get your bracelet replaced. I think my daughter had the same problem with one of hers. I don't think she did anything about it.
It's really cold here, too. Schools are closed because it's so cold. This is unusual for us, too. Unfortunately, this means that the kids that live in the housing development behind Walmart will be in the store like they were during the last snow day.
Today's our store Christmas party. We have it during work so everyone can come. I think we're having pasta and stuff for a local Italian place. They make the best bread.
Hopefully you can figure out a way to use those travel vouchers before they expire.
Haave a good day \Liz

I hope so... She should say something... I feel like, a person pays sooo much for these items - they should last.

Yes - thankfully it's the weekend, so no schools open to close... If they were open though - I am sure they'd be called off. MNDOT is advising no travel this weekend... Hopefully work wasn't too bad for you with the schools off. And the Christmas party was fun??

I hope so too... I have no idea where I'd go... :scratchin

Thanks - you too - stay warm!!!

I hope they're able to replace your bracelet! It's so frustrating that the paint wore off already. Alyssa had a panic moment yesterday with her engagement ring -- one of the tiny diamonds in the halo setting fell out and she called me in tears. But I knew the ring was under warranty and it's a local jeweler who does repairs onsite so they're replacing the diamond and checking all of the prongs for her for free on a rush order and she'll have her ring back before she flies home tomorrow. Yea!

Alyssa's college break is three weeks this year -- usually it's only two weeks, and so I'll be off work most of the next three weeks. I'll telework two half days next week, and probably two half days the week after Christmas, but other than that I'm off work and focusing on family, Christmas, and wedding planning! Mark and Brie only have a week and a half off from school (darn) but that leaves Alyssa and me plenty of time to focus on wedding plans.

It's bitterly cold and windy here today, too -- temperatures in the single digits with wind chill. It's awful. It's early in the winter season for it to be this cold here. Mother Nature must be in a bad mood...

Have a great day!

Oh no! That is terrible! Glad they were able to fix it. Something similar happened to me... One week before our wedding - I had just gotten out of the shower and I noticed my entire center diamond - prongs and everything we gone!!! I freaked out and called the jeweler and they were able to replace it and fix it in time for the wedding! Thankfully! Two years later, we were packing to move and cleaning behind the bed when we found the prongs and diamond... I must have hit the wall or something in my sleep... Ever since then, I am pretty cautious about my wedding ring - as the center diamond does stick up a fair amount from the rest of the ring. I still have that extra diamond... Since Allison's birth stone is a diamond - I've always wanted to have a mother's ring made out of it... But emeralds (V's birthstone) are incredibly expensive - especially in the size I need to make it not look awkward. LOL Maybe one day? :scratchin

Yay!!! :woohoo: Sounds like an amazing Christmas break for all of you to spend together! Enjoy!!! :lovestruc

Yes - it's supposed to be terrible here this weekend - between the Winter Storm Warning we are in and the plummeting wind chills through out the weekend - MNDOT is advising no travel... I kind of want a cozy weekend with all of us stuck at home anyways. LOL

Have a great weekend!!! Stay warm! :lovestruc

The bitter cold is hitting NY as well. I'm trying to stay inside as much as I can! I hope Disney can do something about your bracelet quickly. Stay warm and have a great day!

I totally understand... Same here... Stay in - watch some Christmas movies... Maybe bake a little... Sounds absolutely perfect to me. LOL

I hope so too!

Same to you! :lovestruc

Sounds like a good idea to stay inside now that you are in for windchill warnings.

I hope you get a lot done today so you can stay inside this weekend.

Crossing my fingers that you get a positive e-mail from Disney about your AnA bracelet.

Definitely the plan for today - I think. ::yes::

I did really well, and I have no plans to do anything or go anywhere - at least today. :scratchin

I hope so too - thanks!

Have a nice weekend Lillian!

I have a lot to comment on as while you were updating I was in WDW lol!! But first the last bit - the Stitch experience - WOW!! What an amazing character interaction, and I loved hearing how the whole restaurant was getting in on it too. Glad you were able to get the photopass pics too (surprised he didn't have a card to scan for ppl who don't have MBs or whatnot?).

But back to the previous day, AK morning is always good and TH looked great! So nice to get in a nap but still a long day with PPO BF then staying out so late!! We did that this trip with two littles (and I walked back to Shades from the Poly, phew!) I def couldn't do that every day. I was up by 5:30 each day too, can't sleep in either! nice time at MK that evening too!

I hope you had a great trip!!! :lovestruc

Yes... It was quite funny how so many people were in on it... I've never seen anything like this - and according to the Photopass photographer - he hadn't either. I didn't even think of him having a card to scan... Eh - it was just as easy for me to watch V chase down Stitch to get her MB. :lmao:

Yes - that walk back to SoG is not one I look forward to at the end of a long day... It's a beautiful walk - the first tine - maybe... Then after that, it's just too long. LOL But the beautiful resort and location still can't be beat! ::yes::

I'd love to hear more about your trip and how it went. :lovestruc Are you doing a TR?


Good morning all - happy weekend!

I am trying to get caught up on replies here, as I took a couple of days off from TR updating this week...

Yesterday - I spent the day running errands and trying hard to finish up the last of my Christmas shopping. I am still disappointed that I don't have one last gift for Allison - she is incredibly difficult to shop for this year - I think I am going to take the easy way out and just give her a couple of GCs which I know she will use... It's just not as fun. I also have to find something else for my dad and for my brother. Then I think I am finished. I hope.

It's going to be a lean Christmas here - which kind of bums me out... I am trying to remind myself that giving gifts is not the meaning behind Christmas and the important part is just being with family and remembering the real reason we celebrate. However, after years and years of being able to give freely - paying for 3 trips to Disney, plus 1 trip to Europe, and a few hunting/fishing trips for Josh, and on top of it all - remodeling our entire main living space, all with cash this year - it's left our fun money pretty depleted... It's totally OK - just not what we are used to. I keep trying to remind the girls of all of our blessings - even if under the tree is a little more bare than usual - and I totally know they understand and don't expect anything at all - it's just a "me" thing. Ya know? I truly enjoy the spirit of giving... :lovestruc

Last night, Josh and I went out to celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary - which was on Tuesday, and we didn't feel like celebrating our anniversary mid-week. We braved the Winter Storm Warning (I love that Josh drives a 4wd truck) and went out for a nice dinner - at a new to us restaurant.... It was very good and I definitely think we'll go back there... I loved the atmosphere and how small it was. Afterwards we came home, walked to our local bar and had a couple of nice drinks & chatted with several neighbors and friends before we walked home... It was a really nice and enjoyable evening... And nice to know that we were close to home, both with the weather and the drinks (I am HUGE against drinking and driving).

Today - as I said, we are in a winter storm warning for the remainder of today... Once the snow is done falling (they are predicting 8-10") the temps are supposed to drop and we will then go into windchill warnings through tomorrow night... Which will then freeze our roads and turn everything to black ice... MNDOT is advising no travel this weekend. Which is pretty sad to me - as it's my mom's family Christmas party tomorrow - something we always look forward to... Though - I always know - this time of year, weather is always a variable - and if it's not safe to travel, we don't chance it. As of now - we are staying put - we will make our final decision in the morning, though I am pretty sure we are staying home.

I plan to clean the house a little bit this morning... I may even go upstairs and finish last weeks order - I only have a little bit left to do there. Then, I'll probably be lazy for the rest of the weekend... It will be nice to truly have an excuse to be lazy. LOL

I may even get a trip update or two finished here - though likely not this morning - maybe tomorrow?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm!!! :lovestruc

You have a lot of great memories to look back at from this year. Maybe you should have a little session during Christmas where you all look at pictures from the trips you have been taking this year together.

Congratulation with your 19th wedding anniversary :hug: Sounds like you had a good time celebrating it.

Wow 8-10" of snow is a lot. Sounds like you are going to have more snow than we have at the moment :)
Sounds like a good idea to not travel to your mom's family Christmas party. Do you have different tires on your cars during the winter or is it the same tires all year around?

Today Ulf and I have been making Roasted almonds that we are giving as Christmas presents to my parents, my grandmother and my aunt on my fathers side. I haven't been outside at all today.

I got a message from the post office yesterday that my Lego Disney Castle is waiting for me at the post office. I haven't picked it up yet. I will have to do it during this coming week.

A new grocery store opened not far from me last week. Yesterday I decided to go and take a look at it. I ended up disappointed. There were NO handicap parking spaces and right outside the door to the store there was a high curb. It was so high that a wheelchair don't have a chance on getting up on the sidewalk and into the store.

When I got home I wrote a message on the stores facebook page telling them how disappointed I was that there were no where to park my huge car so that others don't block me from getting in and out from the car and that there were this very high curb the wheelchair couldn't get up on.

I expected them to answer my post on facebook, but not long after I had posted my post on facebook my phone rang. It was the store calling. In the other end was the owner of the store apologizing that I had this bad experience. He told me that the curb was much lower further away from the entrance because the original plan was to have the entrance to the store there and at the last minute it was changed and sadly no one had told the guys who was making the curb to make the curb low at the new entrance.

He also told me that they had planned to make handicap parking near the curb that was so low that I wheelchair could get up on it, but sadly the parking signs was delayed and they couldn't paint parking space on the ground now because it is so wet outside. I told him a totally understand that they haven't been able to paint the parking spaces on the ground because of the weather, but signs are needed anyway because no one will see the paint on the ground when we get snow. He totally agreed and said that signs would be up as soon as possible.

Before he called me he had gone outside and put some home made signs up to mark where wheelchair users can park and to show where the low curb is located. He hoped people would respect the signs he had made. I thanked him for getting some homemade signs up and for calling me. Now I have to go back to the store one day next week to see how it is.
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I also lost the diamond in my ring, but was able to find it. I had been making my son's toddler bed that had metal springs and I remembered catching it on there. I was so relieved when I found it there as I didn't have insurance. I did later lose the small diamond in my wedding band and never found it. I never did have it replaced as we just filed down the prongs and since it has a filigree look you would never know.

I went out to finish my shopping yesterday, YAY! Then I stopped at Target for a few groceries. I was surprised how busy it was at 11. The cashier told me a lot of people were stocking up on groceries for the big storm. I told her I just figured I'd get mine done while it was still nice out at 9°. She said only in Minnesota would someone say that, LOL.

Last night was my grandson's band concert and we were able to go with no problems. We did see a couple cars in the ditch, but it really wasn't bad driving if you were cautious. I think we only ended up with 3-4 inches. Not sure if we're getting more though. Hope you can make it to your party tomorrow and the roads will be better by then.
Hope you had a nice weekend D with lots of R and R time; its even cold and super windy here so I cannot imagine what it is like your ways. Stay safe.

Are you going to see your Dad over the holidays? How has he been? I finally got a card to him this week.

I know your girls treasure all their trips this year and understand about Christmas. I know some time off from work and spending time with my family means more to me than anything. I miss my Mom and Dad so much around this time. My Dad had some extremely funny traditions with Christmas that are so missed.

Can't wait to see your update here soon! Hope you have a wonderful, SAFE, week ahead.

Hugs and prayers.
So I finally got around to catching up on your TR and reading all about your Stitch experience...how AWESOME! Just LOVE Stitch...and sadly I think he's one of the few characters we did NOT see on our recent trip who we usually try to see at least once. So many reasons that WDW keeps us coming back. I have a few stories from our trip as well that just make it so worth it...and hopefully one of these days I'll get my TR started!
You have a lot of great memories to look back at from this year. Maybe you should have a little session during Christmas where you all look at pictures from the trips you have been taking this year together.

Congratulation with your 19th wedding anniversary Sounds like you had a good time celebrating it.

Wow 8-10" of snow is a lot. Sounds like you are going to have more snow than we have at the moment
Sounds like a good idea to not travel to your mom's family Christmas party. Do you have different tires on your cars during the winter or is it the same tires all year around?

Today Ulf and I have been making Roasted almonds that we are giving as Christmas presents to my parents, my grandmother and my aunt on my fathers side. I haven't been outside at all today.

I got a message from the post office yesterday that my Lego Disney Castle is waiting for me at the post office. I haven't picked it up yet. I will have to do it during this coming week.

A new grocery store opened not far from me last week. Yesterday I decided to go and take a look at it. I ended up disappointed. There were NO handicap parking spaces and right outside the door to the store there was a high curb. It was so high that a wheelchair don't have a chance on getting up on the sidewalk and into the store.

When I got home I wrote a message on the stores facebook page telling them how disappointed I was that there were no where to park my huge car so that others don't block me from getting in and out from the car and that there were this very high curb the wheelchair couldn't get up on.

I expected them to answer my post on facebook, but not long after I had posted my post on facebook my phone rang. It was the store calling. In the other end was the owner of the store apologizing that I had this bad experience. He told me that the curb was much lower further away from the entrance because the original plan was to have the entrance to the store there and at the last minute it was changed and sadly no one had told the guys who was making the curb to make the curb low at the new entrance.

He also told me that they had planned to make handicap parking near the curb that was so low that I wheelchair could get up on it, but sadly the parking signs was delayed and they couldn't paint parking space on the ground now because it is so wet outside. I told him a totally understand that they haven't been able to paint the parking spaces on the ground because of the weather, but signs are needed anyway because no one will see the paint on the ground when we get snow. He totally agreed and said that signs would be up as soon as possible.

Before he called me he had gone outside and put some home made signs up to mark where wheelchair users can park and to show where the low curb is located. He hoped people would respect the signs he had made. I thanked him for getting some homemade signs up and for calling me. Now I have to go back to the store one day next week to see how it is.

Great idea! :)

We did - it was a lot of fun and we did enjoy ourselves. Thanks! :)

We stayed home and baked cookies instead - it was nice... Not exactly what we were supposed to do that day - but still very much family oriented and festive. :lovestruc

Yay!! Glad your Castle arrived! :woohoo:

How awesome that the new store owner called you - that is wonderful. And really great that he made an effort to make it right. I sure hope it's much easier for you to access the store now.

Happy Anniversary! Stay warm this weekend.

Thank you! :lovestruc Same to you!

I also lost the diamond in my ring, but was able to find it. I had been making my son's toddler bed that had metal springs and I remembered catching it on there. I was so relieved when I found it there as I didn't have insurance. I did later lose the small diamond in my wedding band and never found it. I never did have it replaced as we just filed down the prongs and since it has a filigree look you would never know.

I went out to finish my shopping yesterday, YAY! Then I stopped at Target for a few groceries. I was surprised how busy it was at 11. The cashier told me a lot of people were stocking up on groceries for the big storm. I told her I just figured I'd get mine done while it was still nice out at 9°. She said only in Minnesota would someone say that, LOL.

Last night was my grandson's band concert and we were able to go with no problems. We did see a couple cars in the ditch, but it really wasn't bad driving if you were cautious. I think we only ended up with 3-4 inches. Not sure if we're getting more though. Hope you can make it to your party tomorrow and the roads will be better by then.

I am glad you found it! It sure makes your heart skip a beat - ever since then, I always check my diamonds several times per day. I lost one of my baguettes right before Josh left for Iraq - they are a bit large, so not something my ring could do without... And I felt terrible for not wearing my wedding ring while Josh wasn't home... I went out and bought myself a ruby ring (his birthstone) and I wore that as my wedding ring while mine was being repaired (it took over a month!) - now I wear the ruby ring on my right hand - along with a black hills gold ring I got from my foster-parents while I was in high school... Hmmm... Point to that story? I have no idea. LOL Only that I've had to do a couple of repairs to my wedding ring over the years - and I do know that it's due for some maintenance soon - It will need to be repronged eventually.

I know!! It was crazy busy out there for retailers this last weekend - I was surprised! I know it would be busy on Friday with the storm coming - but I didn't expect it to be busy on Saturday - I figured everyone would stay in. ::yes:: It's so much different in the metro though - I always feel like it doesn't effect those people as much as it effects those of us further out. :scratchin On top of that - but when they travel, they are always in a well populated area and don't have as far to go to get necessary things... Glad you got your shopping done though - I hope you had a nice and warm weekend!

Glad you were able to see the concert too - I miss those days! Kids and celebrating Christmas - nothing better!

Hope you had a nice weekend D with lots of R and R time; its even cold and super windy here so I cannot imagine what it is like your ways. Stay safe.

Are you going to see your Dad over the holidays? How has he been? I finally got a card to him this week.

I know your girls treasure all their trips this year and understand about Christmas. I know some time off from work and spending time with my family means more to me than anything. I miss my Mom and Dad so much around this time. My Dad had some extremely funny traditions with Christmas that are so missed.

Can't wait to see your update here soon! Hope you have a wonderful, SAFE, week ahead.

Hugs and prayers.

We did have a nice weekend - we stayed in and enjoyed the warmth of the house... It was nice!

Yes - I think V and I are headed up on Thursday to take him Christmas shopping... I feel terrible that I haven't been able to take him sooner - it's so difficult though, as it's now a 2 person job - so I either have to wait until the girls are off of school for a day or find someone else to go with me - which isn't easy. We'll get it done though. We are also heading up on Christmas day for a while... :)

Awwwh Carol... (((Hugs))) I understand... Christmas can be such a difficult time - and surely we miss those who have gone before us... I hope that this Christmas season is easier for you... Sending you lots of love!

Thanks - Sadly - I didn't get an update done this last weekend and I am not sure I will get one done on Christmas weekend... I should have time for some updates during the week though, as I do have some time off in my schedule over Christmas. ::yes::

Sending you lots of hugs and warmth!!! :lovestruc

So I finally got around to catching up on your TR and reading all about your Stitch experience...how AWESOME! Just LOVE Stitch...and sadly I think he's one of the few characters we did NOT see on our recent trip who we usually try to see at least once. So many reasons that WDW keeps us coming back. I have a few stories from our trip as well that just make it so worth it...and hopefully one of these days I'll get my TR started!

Welcome back!!! I hope you all had a great time? Thanks! It was magnificent, for sure! Hahahha.... Exactly - WDW will keep us coming back for years to come! LOL I hope you do start a TR - I am terrible about replying, but I do try to follow along and read when I can. ::yes::


Sorry I've been MIA for several days here... It was a busier weekend than I had thought it would be, and even though I stopped in to read occasionally - I didn't get to doing any replies or updates...

Saturday - well, I spent some time doing some deep cleaning around the house... I cleaned the chandelier over the kitchen table and did some heavy dusting around the house... cleaned the cupboards... Stuff that needed to be done. I need to find a better cleaning schedule I think. ::yes::

And then I made a mess with baking pumpkin bread - it turned out delicious... However, I should know better - if I make it, I eat it - which isn't always good. Thankfully, the family loves it too - so they are helping. ::yes::

I am trying to remember what else we did on Saturday, and I can't remember... I think we just stayed home and were lazy?



On Sunday - we decided not to brave the cold and go to the family Christmas party... I always feel bad, as this is something I hate to miss. Thankfully we had just seen most everyone at the wedding a few weeks ago - so at least we were able to connect recently.

Instead, the girls and I stayed home and baked Christmas cookies... That was a lot of fun and we were able to get a lot done - well, enough for our family anyways. LOL Again - another instance where I bake something wonderful and I can't keep it out of my mouth. Sigh. We enjoyed ourselves though. :lovestruc








And then yesterday - after working at Target all day, I picked V up from school... She had a bit of Christmas shopping left to do at the MOA, and I was meeting Machteld to swap the rest of our Christmas gifts for BMTL for her to take over with her... It is always fun visiting with Machteld - a wonderful person and we are so lucky to have her wisdom in our lives! :lovestruc

She gave me strict instructions, two items must be opened right away... First was this... :lovestruc Remember a few weeks ago - Josh and Brian with the Berlin wall???


And Myrthe always sends me the most wonderful gifts... She sent me this super tiny nativity from the Netherlands... I am not sure how I am going to display it yet??? I want it to be more of a focal point than it is - which is hard, since it is so little... I was able to get a few ideas from one of my favorite FB groups last night though... ::yes:: Isn't it the most adorable Nativity ever? Look at the little animals in the back...



And another cute puppy photo from last night...


Today - well, I am "technically" on Christmas break from work... However - I took on an extra project... So, I will be working on that over the course of the next 2 weeks... I plan to work on that today and tomorrow for sure - since V is still in school for these two days... If I am lucky - I will finish it in these two days and then I really will have the next 2 weeks off... That would be so lovely - though I don't think it will happen.

I will also work out this morning... It's a heavy lifting day for me... I also plan to keep my mitts out of the cookies and pumpkin bread... I did stock up on good for me food on Friday - so there are no excuses. ::yes::

And that's it - just some relaxing and enjoying the last of the Christmas season... I am not looking forward to taking down the Christmas decor and tree - I love it so much!! I think I will keep it up as long as possible! ::yes:: March? LOL

I hope you all have a wonderful day and that you are staying warm! :lovestruc Prayers and pixie dust to all! :lovestruc

Those Christmas cookies look good. The Mickey ones are really cute. We were supposed to make cookies Sunday but we had an ice storm overnight and no one went anywhere. Tomorrow we have to go out to get food for Christmas dinner. I'm supposed to made the turkey which I haven't gotten yet.
I noticed that the store has been busier than it usually is at Christmas. I don't know if it's because people are shopping between storms or that that Kmart across the street closed recently. We had no nintendo systems or ps4's left on saturday hopefully some came in last night.
I have to get a $20 gift for an exchange. My nieces and nephews decided to do one at the last minute luckily I work in a store. I have an idea hopefully I can find what I need.
Try and stay warm.
Hey there sitting on a conference call and bored. I LOVE your cookies!!! Ours do not look anything like them! HA HA!

Love ya. stay warm always reading along just no time to post like i would want!!
Looks like you had a great weekend baking with the family.

So sorry you weren't able to go to the family Christmas party. But it sounds like a wise decision to stay home with the weather you had.

How great that you could meet Machteld while V did some Christmas gift shopping. How great that you gut a Starbucks mug from Berlin. And the native set is adorable. I'm sure you will find a nice place for it.

Keep the Christmas decoration up for a while. The Christmas decorations looks great.

I can't believe you had -11ºF outside during the weekend. We had summer temperatures here during the weekend. That means 42.8ºF. It's crazy. The nice thing is that all the ice is gone and as long as it stays this warm we won't get new ice on the roads.

Ulf and I bake Chocolate chip cookies yesterday. They turned out delicious.

I drove past the new grocery store today and saw the huge handicap signs standing there on the parking lot and to my surprise no one had parked in front of them or between them. Which is great. Sadly it's not often people respect the Handicap signs. I had to go to the drugstore today so it wasn't convenient to do the grocery shopping at the new store today. But I will go back there and do my shopping there when I only need groceries.

At the drugstore they said that the medicines I needed was written on the wrong prescription paper :furious: I've tried to tell my doctor once before that it was the wrong prescription and it need to be changed so I get the medicine for free after paying $287 once a year. When I got home I wrote an e-mail to my doctor explaining the problem. So now I'm crossing my fingers that it will be done the right way. Some of the medicine is really expensive if I don't get it on the right prescription so it's important for me that I get the right prescription.

I'm celebrating Christmas Eve (that's the evening we open our presents) at my parents house with My parents, my brother, my aunt on my father's side, my grandmother on my father's side (she is the only one still a live of my grandparents) my aunt's two children and Ulf. Ulf doesn't have any family here in Tromsø so the first Christmas we were friends my parents invited him to celebrate Christmas with us. He said no at first but then my mother said, well if you won't come to our house we will all come to your house because no one is supposed to celebrate Christmas alone. Ulf quickly said OK I'll come to our house for Christmas. He has celebrated Christmas with us ever since. And that is almost 20 years ago now.

On Christmas Day (25th December) the same people are having dinner at my grandmother's house. And then Christmas celebrations are done.

I'm guessing Ulf and I are invited to my parents house for New Years eve. We have been invited to them for New Years Eve at least the last 8 years. My parents have the best view of the fireworks that is sent up at the Cable car mountain and the best view of Tromsø city.
I live on the other side of the Tromsø island so I don't have a view of the Cable car mountain or the city.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. I made cookies last week and ate most of them. Ooops. We also stayed in on Sunday due to the twin cities temps being frigid. I just got a new cinderella A&A bracelet as a gift from one of my childcare kids. YAY! This should add to my stack as I bought myself a few bracelets for Christmas. I'm still planning an October DW trip in my mind, but when do I really need to book? I'm ready to book tomorrow, but I'm going with my son's family and they want to wait to book, and he qualifies for SOG
Hi Dee. I see that you are busy this time of year, too. I'm on my way home from a quick trip to see our daughter in Colorado. It has been a busy month and I haven't been keeping up with the Dis.

We are planning some sort of a family Christmas on Friday. My kitchen is still under construction so I'm not sure how things will work but at least we'll be with family.

I love your cookie baking pictures. It is a nice tradition.
Those Christmas cookies look good. The Mickey ones are really cute. We were supposed to make cookies Sunday but we had an ice storm overnight and no one went anywhere. Tomorrow we have to go out to get food for Christmas dinner. I'm supposed to made the turkey which I haven't gotten yet.
I noticed that the store has been busier than it usually is at Christmas. I don't know if it's because people are shopping between storms or that that Kmart across the street closed recently. We had no nintendo systems or ps4's left on saturday hopefully some came in last night.
I have to get a $20 gift for an exchange. My nieces and nephews decided to do one at the last minute luckily I work in a store. I have an idea hopefully I can find what I need.
Try and stay warm.

Thanks - they are way too good... I need to keep my mitts out of them! LOL

I hope you are able to get all of your groceries for Christmas today!

Not sure - we have been so busy this year too - it's been crazy, but fun!

I hope you found what you need!

Stay warm too! We are in a heat wave at the moment - yesterday we were in the 30's. :woohoo:

Hey there sitting on a conference call and bored. I LOVE your cookies!!! Ours do not look anything like them! HA HA!

Love ya. stay warm always reading along just no time to post like i would want!!

THanks!~ LOL They are too tasty - and I can't seem to keep my hands out of the cookie jar - I'll be paying for this next week, I am sure.

I know - me too you!!! :lovestruc

Looks like you had a great weekend baking with the family.

So sorry you weren't able to go to the family Christmas party. But it sounds like a wise decision to stay home with the weather you had.

How great that you could meet Machteld while V did some Christmas gift shopping. How great that you gut a Starbucks mug from Berlin. And the native set is adorable. I'm sure you will find a nice place for it.

Keep the Christmas decoration up for a while. The Christmas decorations looks great.

I can't believe you had -11ºF outside during the weekend. We had summer temperatures here during the weekend. That means 42.8ºF. It's crazy. The nice thing is that all the ice is gone and as long as it stays this warm we won't get new ice on the roads.

Ulf and I bake Chocolate chip cookies yesterday. They turned out delicious.

I drove past the new grocery store today and saw the huge handicap signs standing there on the parking lot and to my surprise no one had parked in front of them or between them. Which is great. Sadly it's not often people respect the Handicap signs. I had to go to the drugstore today so it wasn't convenient to do the grocery shopping at the new store today. But I will go back there and do my shopping there when I only need groceries.

At the drugstore they said that the medicines I needed was written on the wrong prescription paper :furious: I've tried to tell my doctor once before that it was the wrong prescription and it need to be changed so I get the medicine for free after paying $287 once a year. When I got home I wrote an e-mail to my doctor explaining the problem. So now I'm crossing my fingers that it will be done the right way. Some of the medicine is really expensive if I don't get it on the right prescription so it's important for me that I get the right prescription.

I'm celebrating Christmas Eve (that's the evening we open our presents) at my parents house with My parents, my brother, my aunt on my father's side, my grandmother on my father's side (she is the only one still a live of my grandparents) my aunt's two children and Ulf. Ulf doesn't have any family here in Tromsø so the first Christmas we were friends my parents invited him to celebrate Christmas with us. He said no at first but then my mother said, well if you won't come to our house we will all come to your house because no one is supposed to celebrate Christmas alone. Ulf quickly said OK I'll come to our house for Christmas. He has celebrated Christmas with us ever since. And that is almost 20 years ago now.

On Christmas Day (25th December) the same people are having dinner at my grandmother's house. And then Christmas celebrations are done.

I'm guessing Ulf and I are invited to my parents house for New Years eve. We have been invited to them for New Years Eve at least the last 8 years. My parents have the best view of the fireworks that is sent up at the Cable car mountain and the best view of Tromsø city.
I live on the other side of the Tromsø island so I don't have a view of the Cable car mountain or the city.

We did have a great weekend - even though it didn't go as planned - we still enjoyed ourselves. ::yes::

It sounds like the grocery store is at least trying, until they can come up with a better solution.

I hope you were able to get your medications figured out - it's terrible that it has to be so complicated.

That is so wonderful that Ulf has been included in your family Christmas for so long - I agree - no one should be alone at Christmas! It sounds like you have some wonderful traditions with a wonderful view for New Years! :woohoo:

Sounds like you had a great weekend. I made cookies last week and ate most of them. Ooops. We also stayed in on Sunday due to the twin cities temps being frigid. I just got a new cinderella A&A bracelet as a gift from one of my childcare kids. YAY! This should add to my stack as I bought myself a few bracelets for Christmas. I'm still planning an October DW trip in my mind, but when do I really need to book? I'm ready to book tomorrow, but I'm going with my son's family and they want to wait to book, and he qualifies for SOG

We did! I know - I am having the same issue... I can't seem to keep my hands out of them! I will be paying for it over the next few weeks, i am sure.

Cool about the AnA bracelet gift... That was so nice!

I am hoping for a WDW trip in Oct - however, I am just not sure it's going to happen... No great specials from SoG yet - and I've been watching. I would book with SoG any time you see a price you like... If you book at any price and you later see a special for any of your dates - you can always call and have it applied to your stay. :)

Hi Dee. I see that you are busy this time of year, too. I'm on my way home from a quick trip to see our daughter in Colorado. It has been a busy month and I haven't been keeping up with the Dis.

We are planning some sort of a family Christmas on Friday. My kitchen is still under construction so I'm not sure how things will work but at least we'll be with family.

I love your cookie baking pictures. It is a nice tradition.

I hope you enjoyed your time with your daughter - as I am sure you did. :lovestruc

I know what you mean - I haven't been able to keep up as well here as I'd like.

I hope every thing goes smoothly on Friday - despite the kitchen chaos! Merry Christmas Sue - if I don't see you again before then. :lovestruc


Good morning everyone - just a quick check in... Life has been so busy and I am trying hard to get as much done upstairs as soon as possible, so I can spend most of the girls' Christmas break with them - with out any guilt of not working.

My eating has been terrible... With Christmas cookies and pumpkin bread in the house - I've been very weak in my ability to resist... Trying again today. LOL

I hope you all have a wonderful day - and if you don't happen to check back before the holidays - have a Merry Christmas! :lovestruc

I have not been good about my eating, either....but the wonderful thing about a new day is that it's just that -- a new day and a new chance to try again. And sometimes I just have to try again hour by hour! LOL I had my youth group girls from church over last night for Christmas stories and goodies by the fireplace...cocoa, cookies, and way too much sugar...I didn't eat much of it but what I did eat was definitely too much. So today is a reset day for me.

The cookies you and your girls made are so cute! I'm hoping my girls will make cookies this afternoon after Brie gets home from school. Today is the last day of school and then she's on break starting tomorrow.

I spent Monday and yesterday sightseeing in DC with Alyssa and Andrew...it was so cold! But we still had a great time. He is a really nice young man and he makes her smile and laugh. He fits in well in our family and we're excited to claim him. We all wish he could have stayed longer but he flew out last night to spend Christmas with his family. I know Alyssa misses him.

I'm so glad you found the prongs and diamond from your ring! You must have hit it hard on that wall to break off the prongs! I don't wear my ring to bed anymore -- my prongs wore down really badly several years back and one of the baguettes fell out....that's when the jeweler told me not to wear the ring to bed because rubbing against the sheets/bedding wore the prongs down. I've had to have all of the prongs of my center stone built up at least once. I think it's time to get my ring in for an inspection soon....

Have a great day!
Your cookie weekend looked fun. A nice tradition that you can enjoy with your girls. I have boys and they're pretty boring when it comes to things like that :rotfl:I made 3 loaves of cranberry bread, sugar cookies and fudge. I did them ahead since I usually run out of time. Unfortunately, I've been getting in to them too often! Weighed this morning and the pounds showed up :confused3 Today I started back keeping my food diary just so I can try to maintain control. It's all fun but I'm kinda looking forward to life after the holidays.
I hope you get a lot done today so you can spend Christmas with the family without any guilt about all the things that should have been done.

Don't be too hard on yourself about your eating. It's not what you eat at Christmas that matter the most. It's what you eat on a daily bases that matters. :hug:

I got a mail from my doctor today that said he had tried again to give me the right prescriptions and that he wanted me to give him feedback on if it was right or not. So tomorrow I will go to the drugstore to check and hopefully get the medication I need before the new year starts.

Today the sun has turned. Now the days will only get lighter until we have the sun back on the 21st of January. The dark period isn't hard at all. Now we are half way throughit and the days until the sun returns will go so fast when we have Christmas and New Years to keep us occupied.

The weather here is crazy. I've had to use a fan i my bedroom so I don't melt away during the night. Today it's 49.1ºF outside. That is summer temperature here in Tromsø. The good thing about it is that we don't have any ice on the roads. The last time we had it this warm in December was in 1984 then it was 49.46ºF

I don't know if you heard but there were a terror attack in Berlin on Monday. The news here as been full with news about it.
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Just stopping in to catch up and say hello. It's been crazy busy and I just can't keep up. Everyone is now home for the holidays and I just could not be happier.

Stitch certainly gave V an experience she will never forget. Love those magical moments. Happy Anniversary to you and Josh!

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, safe New Years!!!
How on earth did I miss this earlier? All caught up now. Love your Stitch story! We had a similar experience with a country bear on our recent trip. So magical when you become part of the entertainment.
I have not been good about my eating, either....but the wonderful thing about a new day is that it's just that -- a new day and a new chance to try again. And sometimes I just have to try again hour by hour! LOL I had my youth group girls from church over last night for Christmas stories and goodies by the fireplace...cocoa, cookies, and way too much sugar...I didn't eat much of it but what I did eat was definitely too much. So today is a reset day for me.

The cookies you and your girls made are so cute! I'm hoping my girls will make cookies this afternoon after Brie gets home from school. Today is the last day of school and then she's on break starting tomorrow.

I spent Monday and yesterday sightseeing in DC with Alyssa and Andrew...it was so cold! But we still had a great time. He is a really nice young man and he makes her smile and laugh. He fits in well in our family and we're excited to claim him. We all wish he could have stayed longer but he flew out last night to spend Christmas with his family. I know Alyssa misses him.

I'm so glad you found the prongs and diamond from your ring! You must have hit it hard on that wall to break off the prongs! I don't wear my ring to bed anymore -- my prongs wore down really badly several years back and one of the baguettes fell out....that's when the jeweler told me not to wear the ring to bed because rubbing against the sheets/bedding wore the prongs down. I've had to have all of the prongs of my center stone built up at least once. I think it's time to get my ring in for an inspection soon....

Have a great day!

Exactly! I hope you recover quickly from the goodies... That sugar hangover is never any fun! Believe it or not, I actually avoided all of the cookies and pumpkin bread yesterday - I was pretty impressed with myself. Now, let's see if I can do it again today? :scratchin LOL

Did you get to make cookies yesterday?

Fun!!! That was so nice of him to spend a day of his break with you all... And how FUN to go to DC - I've always wanted to explore there - I've never been and I know DH wants to go too... Maybe one day? Wishing Andrew safe travels home today. :)

Interesting... My jeweler has never said anything like that to me. :scratchin I do know that I need my prongs built up soon... Maybe this summer?

Thank you - same to you!

Your cookie weekend looked fun. A nice tradition that you can enjoy with your girls. I have boys and they're pretty boring when it comes to things like that I made 3 loaves of cranberry bread, sugar cookies and fudge. I did them ahead since I usually run out of time. Unfortunately, I've been getting in to them too often! Weighed this morning and the pounds showed up :confused3 Today I started back keeping my food diary just so I can try to maintain control. It's all fun but I'm kinda looking forward to life after the holidays.

Yes - sadly - it's been several years since we've done cookies... I've kind of avoided it with my eating lifestyle... And clearly - I still have issues with them. ::yes:: Mmmmm - all of your baking sounds delicious too! It's so hard to stay out of it when it's right there! Here's to being a little more strict with ourselves and making it through the last few days of the holiday season - we can do it!!! :woohoo:

I hope you get a lot done today so you can spend Christmas with the family without any guilt about all the things that should have been done.

Don't be too hard on yourself about your eating. It's not what you eat at Christmas that matter the most. It's what you eat on a daily bases that matters.

I got a mail from my doctor today that said he had tried again to give me the right prescriptions and that he wanted me to give him feedback on if it was right or not. So tomorrow I will go to the drugstore to check and hopefully get the medication I need before the new year starts.

Today the sun has turned. Now the days will only get lighter until we have the sun back on the 21st of January. The dark period isn't hard at all. Now we are half way throughit and the days until the sun returns will go so fast when we have Christmas and New Years to keep us occupied.

The weather here is crazy. I've had to use a fan i my bedroom so I don't melt away during the night. Today it's 49.1ºF outside. That is summer temperature here in Tromsø. The good thing about it is that we don't have any ice on the roads. The last time we had it this warm in December was in 1984 then it was 49.46ºF

I don't know if you heard but there were a terror attack in Berlin on Monday. The news here as been full with news about it.

I did get almost everything done... I am definitely taking off now until after Christmas... I'll work a day or two next week. ::yes::

Thanks Lillian for being one of my biggest cheerleaders! :lovestruc

Hopefully your prescription is right this time... And your dark days (literally) go quickly so the sun comes back out... I cannot imagine how difficult that must be? However- it sounds like your weather is kind of nice... We warmed up considerably after the weekend... We were experiencing -40° with the wind chills all weekend, and yesterday - we were up to +43°... 80°+ difference in just a few days! I didn't mind - I did errands yesterday with just a sweater and a vest on - if I could do that all winter, I would be much happier - I detest wearing coats (V is the same way) - they are just so bulky! LOL

I did see a little bit about it on FB, I admit I haven't followed it at all... I am trying to keep my brain off of the world news... After all of Allison's experiences and knowing V will be on her way in a few short months - I just cannot let my mind wander there right now. I am super sad for everyone involved and praying for an end to this!

Just stopping in to catch up and say hello. It's been crazy busy and I just can't keep up. Everyone is now home for the holidays and I just could not be happier.

Stitch certainly gave V an experience she will never forget. Love those magical moments. Happy Anniversary to you and Josh!

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, safe New Years!!!

Hi Lynee! I know the feeling! So happy to hear that your family is home and you get a chance to enjoy everyone - just as it should be! :lovestruc

Yes - he did! It was a lot of fun!

Thank you! Next year will be a biggie and we need to find a good way to celebrate! I vote for a nice vacation! ::yes::

Thank you - same to you! Merry Christmas!

How on earth did I miss this earlier? All caught up now. Love your Stitch story! We had a similar experience with a country bear on our recent trip. So magical when you become part of the entertainment.

Hi - Welcome!! :lovestruc

Thanks - it was a lot of fun and truly an incredible experience! Definitely brought Stitch up to one of my favorite characters, as well. ::yes::

That's cool about your Country Bear experience... Where did you meet them at? I can't say that I've ever seen them... :scratchin Exactly - I love being a part of the entertainment - I'd do it more often if they would give me the opportunity. ::yes::

Again - welcome - I hope you enjoy the rest of my TR! Thanks for following along! :lovestruc And happy holidays! :)


OK all - again - a super quick update for you all this morning...

Yesterday was a great day for me, all around... I worked out in the morning... I worked upstairs all day... I avoided the cookies and bread ALL DAY! :woohoo: Definitely the boost I needed right now!

I am almost done with what is on my schedule - which is good... I've decided to set it down now until after Christmas. :woohoo:

Today is V's first day of holiday break... Her and I are headed to Dad's this morning to take him Christmas shopping... I am looking forward to spending the day with him - however - I am not looking forward to bucking the crowds... I am hoping that today will be better than tomorrow though. :scratchin Wish me luck that we can get everything done that we need to get done.

It will be a long day of driving for V and I... We will have to make our way through rush hour in the metro going both directions - which will add a lot of time on to our already long driving day... Wish us luck that it isn't too terrible. ::yes::

I plan to do a really nice long update tomorrow - with a TR update as well. ::yes:: So, please watch for that... I figure a MNSSHP update is the perfect update to get you in the mood for Christmas! :lmao: RIght?

Sending prayers and pixie dust out to everyone... Again - if I don't see you before, have a Merry Christmas! :lovestruc

Good luck with the driving and shopping today! And have a wonderful time with your Dad.

The girls got one batch of cookies made yesterday. The rest really need to get done today -- two more batches of cookies, two batches of Rice Krispie treats, and I'm hoping to talk Alyssa into making a batch of homemade toffee. We shall see. I did get the Christmas cards addressed last night...need to get stamps today...didn't order enough Christmas cards. Sigh.....

I got the placemat throw pillows made for my Mom last night. The first one wasn't bad -- I thought I had figured out the trick to sewing it closed...not so much...the second one didn't go so well. LOL Fortunately, I opened the seam at the bottom of the placemat to stuff them, so when the pillow is sitting on the couch you won't be able to see the horribly crooked seam that closes it back up. LOL!!! But they turned out cute and I think she'll love them.

Have a great day!


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