Does everyone know your name??? 18 nights at RPR & HHN....A 2016 Trip Report......

We were in Orlando in August and September in the past and it can get so hot! I also feel the same way about Spider-Man love it! Transformers not so much. We don't have any Cheesecake Factory's by us either so when we see one we go! It is cool so many people recognize you from your reports. I sure am enjoying your adventures. Thanks for all the good info and trip highlights.
Great pics Schumi! I'm enjoying your TR so much. I agree with the Energizer Bunny comment. You definitely cover some ground while you're there! lol Looking forward to reading more!:yay:
We were in Orlando in August and September in the past and it can get so hot! I also feel the same way about Spider-Man love it! Transformers not so much. We don't have any Cheesecake Factory's by us either so when we see one we go! It is cool so many people recognize you from your reports. I sure am enjoying your adventures. Thanks for all the good info and trip highlights.

It was so hot this year, we have gone from July to November and thought July was the worst, until this September.....but we made the most of it........

It was so funny being recognised and so often this was greatly amused by it all......

Glad you`re still reading along.........:)

Great pics Schumi! I'm enjoying your TR so much. I agree with the Energizer Bunny comment. You definitely cover some ground while you're there! lol Looking forward to reading more!:yay:

Thank you so much!! I`ll take the energiser bunny comment any day.......not my usual you enjoy reading the rest..........:thumbsup2
We got back into the room and dropped off our purchases and saw that our purchases from yesterday had been delivered while we were`s like getting little gifts you forgot about. We kept the delicate Christmas ornaments wrapped up carefully, but checked the other things and they were all there and intact. I still had more to buy and be delivered and definitely didn't want to go over the weight limit for luggage, but I tended to forget that when buying.

We had gone into Tiffany earlier at the Mall and had such a good look, but just didn't see anything I really loved......Tom was disappointed I didn't get anything but I prefer to have something jump out at me, rather than just get something for the sake of it. But, I`m sure I would make up for it in other ways........

We went up to the lounge for a coffee and again, it was fairly quiet........we sat for a while and chatted to some staff again and got talking to a few people who were also staying.......this is where we get so comfortable and could sit and chat all night.......always enjoy chatting to folk.

But, as is usual with me, I began to get hungry........that's a kind of theme with went down and got the car and headed down to Red Lobster.

I mentioned last year, we used to go to the one opposite the round hotel at the top of IDrive, but a few issues there sent us to the one down the bottom opposite the Convention`s much nicer, busier and less touristy we find. We plan to eat here and then have some pool time.......but already as we drive down the sky is looking rather ominous......we wonder if we`ll ever get to do the dive in movies.......

We go in and get seated straight away, we both notice we get the exact same seat we had last year........not a complaint as I can see them make the cheese biscuits........lush!!!

I`m never quite sure why folks laugh at going to Red Lobster, have had a few people say oh you don't go there...............OK, it`s cheap and cheerful but we always have good food......ok it`s not upscale like some places, but we always enjoy everything we have there........just find it odd........

We order a strawberry lemonade and I order a strawberry lobsterita.........I love this drink......I ordered it in New York when I was with my mum and she was mortified at the size of did tell her it was mum doesn't drink so she found it amazing there was a drink so large........she did tell me I`d never finish't she know her own daughter???

It`s a strawberry margarita basically made with Sauza Gold Tequila and it is large!





He then brings us those amazing cheese biscuits......and like the bread from Longhorn, we try not to eat too many of them, they are seriously gorgeous and very addictive, buttery and garlicky and always served warm.......they will replenish them if you eat them all, so we try to leave one untouched on the tray........we try! But, we do manage to say no to another tray when we do empty the first tray........


Last year, we ate so much in here we were stuffed and felt overly full when we left!!! So we decided not have an appetiser tonight and order light...ish.........

Tom goes for 2lb of snow crab with no fries or anything, and I have Shrimp and Scallops with the lush sweet potato is all gorgeous and we enjoy every single morsel. I did ask to have no rice on the plate, but it was there, not an issue, I just picked any off the food which wasn't much.



It was all so nice......I did get a taste of the crab legs and they were sweet and tasty, I did share a scallop and a shrimp of mine.........I can the maple bourbon mash is one of the most delicious sweet potato dishes I have ever eaten.......

We have no room for dessert, but we had planned to go to the pool anyway, so didn't want a whole lot of desserts inside us.......but when we pay our check and leave we notice our plans will change is chucking it down outside......because we were in a booth with no view of the window we never noticed it rain.......ugh!!


It looked pretty darn miserable outside, so as we were driving back up to the hotel and truly amaze at the many people who are wandering around in this downpour up and down IDrive.........anyway, we decide we will walk over to Sapphire Falls through the Ballroom area, that way we wont get wet at all.........when we had gone over the other night to have a drink in Strongwater Tavern it was incredibly mobbed and we hadn't made it, so we hoped it would be a bit quieter tonight.

Tom drops me off and goes to park the car, I wait for him and then we wander through the seemingly deserted back corridors of the hotels.........we see workmen inside the massive ballroom.......I knew this was huge, but didn't realise how huge it was........they can also split it into two huge rooms and still be massive.......but we keep walking.....I always go to turn the wrong way at one point......thank goodness Tom has a better sense of direction than I do.......We pass no-one at all after the workmen in the is kinda eerie back here, especially at night but once we hit the Sapphire Falls part it gets brighter and lighter..........

It takes us all of 10 minutes to reach Strongwater Tavern and we are glad to see it`s quieter tonight.......much quieter, there are actually tables to sit at. This is such a nice bar, we are welcomed when we come in and Angie asks if we would like a comfortable seat, we say we do and she takes us to the comfy sofas facing the huge picture windows......nice view of the rain tonight would have been lovely to sit outside, but not tonight.

We tell Angie we need some time with the drinks menu, she says no problem she would come is a huge many rums and cocktails to choose from.........

We eventually decide and look forward to trying them, the ones from Amatista were nice and we had been told these were even nicer......they juice all their own fruit every day and you can taste the freshness I have to say......



I have to say I cant remember what they were called, but Tom`s is the first one that had a grapefruit base, mine was berries.........and boy were they strong!!!! Really strong........I even contemplated not having a second......just for a minute though.......

Angie came over to check they were ok, she said if they weren't we could choose something else, but they were gorgeous.......and fresh, so fresh. Angie offers to take our picture and of course we say yes..........


We did opt for a second drink after a while, I went with the same one as it was so nice.......I could feel my face getting the warm glow as it was incredibly strong, but ordered a rum chaser which came with a lager type drink......I wish I could remember which one but even I enjoyed the lager, it was very tasty and I don't really drink lager or beers.....It was lovely just sat doing nothing but chatting, holding hands and watching the world go by again.......our kind of night.




It is such a nice bar to sit in, so comfortable a friendly environment.........the manager Mike came over at this point and asked if everything was ok with our drinks, and were we enjoying the night and service, nice touch when they do that........we had briefly met him the week before when we had been given the tour of the hotel, nice guy.We told him Angie had been lovely and helped us choose some nice drinks. He was glad to hear we had good reports of the staff and the bar itself.

We definitely planned to come back another night and eat some of the food and maybe sit at the bar next time, everyone that got food seemed very happy with it and it did look good!!!

But for tonight we couldn't have eaten anything else, and we had enjoyed the bar and the drinks this evening.......we left and walked back to RP through the back rooms again. It was still raining so we were glad we hadn't waited to see if it went off and had some pool time. This had been nice.

We were back in our room for 11pm........the cocktails had made me sleepy, so a little TV time and lights out, we had enjoyed another fabulous day.
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We awake early and realise we have now been here a week. A full week already..........time really does fly when you`re having fun.....and we were truly having the best time.......even though our boy was missing......he had been adamant we enjoy it and not wish he was there, but any parent will tell you easier said than done........

But, we slept great last night.......maybe the cocktails helped, but we never stirred the whole night. We had plans for the day today and wanted to get up and enjoy some pool time before the sun took over the pool......we are quite odd and almost vampire like the way we recede from the sun in the pool.......but saves us basting on the sun screen........

We go for a quick shower and head up to breakfast..........opt for some cinnamon bun today and fruit, Tom has more or less the same and add in a donut or two......they are very small of course........breakfast is always something we enjoy and like to take our time with.......grabbing something in the room is not something we would do, doesn't appeal we do like to have a civilised breakfast, and of course having Shrek on while you eat is always nice.

We go back down to room and Skype Kyle briefly, he is busy today so we chat quickly and catch up on what is going on back home.......not much thankfully........and we then go down to the`s early enough there is still some shade on most of it.......we get some loungers in the shade again and one of the pool staff commnet its unusual to see folks actively avoid the sun at the pool........we are a bit different of course......we both burn so easily but do like to be in the water, so when we do go in when it`s sunny it`s brief.






It is so lovely having the pool to ourselves....there are a couple of folks soaking up the sunshine over the other side, but for now pool is empty except for when we go in........

There is a nice hot tub at RP. We never use it as I don't like them very much, but its a little off from the pool and some folks don't know it`s there.......


We eventually get in the pool and it`s glorious........we don't totally have it to ourselves the whole time, but it`s only one other person in with us and we get about an hour or so milling around........





We enjoy our morning and rather reluctantly leave the pool to go get showered and changed to head out for the afternoon to another beautiful little town we like to visit too. We do think twice about it though as it is baking hot again. But, don't want to go to a mall again, so Mount Dora it is.
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We go back to our room and have our second shower of the day.......our packages from yesterday have already been delivered and will sort them out later........we get dressed and head down for the car. We stop off first at the front desk and say hi to a few people we haven't seen yet. And get a few bits from the safety deposit box behind the desk. Doesn't take long and we go back outside and feel the blast of heat hit us......we don't have any sunscreen on us today, which was silly as Mount Dora is quite open.

It`s been a few years since we have driven up there, it is a beautiful little place and so full of character and charm.....this is another place I could happily buy a home and live there........It takes about 30 minutes to drive there and we recognise the road by a familiar landmark........


First few years we visited, we used this as a guide at times for our travels......sounds silly now but we knew where we were when we recognised certain landmarks in different areas, and this was what we recognised in this area. Not very pretty though........

We get parked on the main area of the town.......there is parking available in a few places, but we want something central so we don't need to walk in the open for long.......


We do however wander a bit. It`s hard not wander around the quaint little shops and an amazing array of lunch options too........but first we take some pictures of something that Mount Dora is famous for.......The Orange Blossom Cannonball.........





It`s an amazing train to`s been in a lot of famous movies like the 3.10 to Yuma and many more. I wasn't a cowboy movie fan, but experts can recite them all.........we went on it a few years ago and it is a beautiful journey.....carriages are open and you can either stay on and return straight away, or you can alight and spend some time in one of the places its stops and catch a later return journey......Tavares, where the train travels to is another nice place to visit. I think it cost around $30 an adult. But, we watched it steam off this time and planned we would do it another time.........

Walking back into the central area we find a little mews area, where we discover the perfect little wine store.....this is like heaven to me as they immediately offer tastings of a large selection on display......very friendly little store and crammed with wines, beer and little gift ideas..........




We do purchase a rather lovely bottle of wine that we sampled, well I sampled.......Maggie`s Attic was genuinely a nice little place where they were happy to have you just look around and will happily chat about wines for hours.......we spent at least an hour around these little stores, heavenly way to pass an afternoon......and so peaceful.....there was hardly anyone around which was so nice.


At this point it was quite late and we hadn't eaten lunch we headed out into the honestly blazing heat......


We found a little French style café and noticed everyone was sat was just a little too hot for us to be sat out especially while eating, so we asked if we could go inside and she said of course......I think everyone eating was local and one couple asked where we were visiting from.......guess we do look like Tell them Scotland and it always starts a conversation with so many saying they would love to visit, again, everyone is so nice and we enjoy a chat.

We sit inside and are brought some iced water and she says to take our time and give her a shout when we are ready to`s a simple place to eat, nothing fancy but pretty.........the menu is nice and Tom is overjoyed as there is a large selection of sandwiches........





After a generous read of the menu Tom eventually chooses his sandwich which is black forest ham and cheese and I opt for a chicken salad........and by now we were really hungry......I think it was around 3pm by now and we had only drank some water when we arrived.....



I had a raspberry vinaigrette dressing and it was nice, bit sharp, but nice. And everything was very fresh and tasty.....and filling. Which was what we needed by then.

We sat for a while and took our time, then eventually paid the check and wandered back to where the car was the blazing sun......those leather seats would be hot!!



We get back into a very hot car and thankfully we had very good aircon and it immediately cooled down. We set off back to the hotel and had a nice little drive back admiring the scenery and countryside that so many don't see. But, as we near the Universal area we see a car on fire on the other side of the carriageway........emergency services were putting it out and you could see 3 young lads who obviously had got out of it thankfully merrily filming it on all there phones......but what followed was a massive tailback of cars........I was so glad we were going this made the local news that night and it was a long tailback. We turned off before we saw the end of it........

This is a toll road, but I think you only go through one toll each way........maybe 2 I honestly forget........

But we get back to the hotel and check out the bottle of wine we bought.........before we put it in the fridge to chill....


It was nice.

We now have our third shower of the day and head to lounge before going back to another HHN.
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.not a complaint as I can see them make the cheese biscuits........lush!!!

I dream about those biscuits! I too love red lobster. I think the sea food is actually pretty tasty so I'm with u on that one! Those crab legs looked huge!

Love the updates... I'm still reading along :)
We go up to the lounge and as we are staying onsite tonight, we both have some wine........I think the hot meal tonight was mac and cheese with looked delicious, and we did have a taste and some salad, just a little though as we were eating at Cowfish later.......

It was quiet at first in here, then a whole load of people appeared from nowhere.....and were fairly loud....we moved down the other end of the lounge and spoke to a woman and mentioned I hoped they didn't follow me.......we sat in the middle of the room and had some wine a snack........the same lady I spoke to and her family were leaving but she said I hope you don't mind me saying but my daughter knows you......I looked at her daughter and she said you`re Carole and Tom......turns out she was LowesChevy form the Dis.......she had a pre trip report going so I knew who she was was so nice meeting her and her family too......we had a chat and they were heading off for dinner I think.......but always nice to chat and they were very nice.......

At that point we saw two brothers who visit from Boston every year for HHN.......I said to him, I remember you from last year.....he had just said the same thing to his brother, he recognised us too.......they stay 4 nights and do the parks and HHN constantly over 4 down time apart from happy hour in Club Lounge......was nice to see them again....we chatted over the din as it had gotten unusually loud as they seemed to be a group of people that had been booked together....... they were from a company. We decided at that point to leave, as had a few other regular folks.....

Tom said he had to start counting how many folks recognised me this

We first went to our room and sorted out our package that had been delivered today......Tom had got the largest Potter stein mug ever........I was worried it wouldn't survive getting home........few other things wouldn't need packaging up, but I was starting to think I would need to curtail my shopping of larger items.......

We see a lovely sunset tonight.......


We get on the boat and get chatting to a couple from Texas after I nearly trip and land on the poor was a big guy and said very kindly it wouldn't have been a problem.......nice couple and we always find the boat ride so short when we get talking to people like that......but, we were soon in Citywalk and we headed to Cowfish. We really liked it here last year and had looked forward to coming back again.......

There was no queue tonight and we went straight up and settled in a table in a couple of minutes.......this place has such a nice view of Citywalk from upstairs.......





I think this picture of me is weird......looks like I have a vapour coming out of my head.......



We both opt for strawberry lemonades is hot again, and we just wanted to make sure we had plenty of non alcoholic fluids in us......and we adore this drink...........

This restaurant is loud and fun........not a place for a quiet conversation or a romantic dinner......but food is good.......Tom opts for the Swine Burger and I decide to have the Geisha Sushi........both were delicious.......



We did enjoy our food and again, it`s a fun place to eat with a great atmosphere.........there is an outdoor eating are which overlooks Citywalk


We leave and head in to HHN again. I think we missed the hotel guest entrance tonight, but there was no queue as it was after 8pm by this time.........

It is busy tonight, busier than we thought it would be. But we headed round to do Halloween house, passing through the 2 scare zones of Vamp 55 and Lair of the Banshee...........


We loved the Vamp scare zone was the best we had seen it, I got so many scares and poor Tom tried to catch them all on camera and missed a lot of


Where she came from I have no idea..........but she scared the bejeesus out of me.......Tom of course was enjoying every second.........





I had previously answered someone that we never saw the Halloween house queue above 30 minutes, but tonight it was slightly longer at 50 minutes........I had forgotten how long the regular queue was we did use EP.


We got on in minutes, and every time this happened we thanked our lucky stars for EP. Just wouldn't do it without that.....especially when the heat again tonight was incredible........We honestly couldn't remember a hotter September from previous years.......but we made the most of it as always.......drank plenty of water too......

House was excellent again tonight, so many Michaels and so many scares.......we got it lucky tonight and seemed to catch them all.......came out of that house exhausted but whooping with laughter.......we were sorry the queue was so long or we would have done it once without EP just for fun......but almost an hour was too long.

We head to do the Chance 3D house........and honestly this house is such a disappointment. Chance is an amazing icon and they could have done so much more with her than they did.......I gave my thoughts on the HHN thread, but needless to say we wouldn't be doing this house again........was just disorientating and no real scares......and probably the longest we stood with EP......a whole 10 minutes. But always fun to see those who think they need to wear the glasses

Obligatory Mel`s Die in picture


We want to do Bill and Ted. Havent done in a couple of years as it got so poor after a couple of Excellent years in 07/08......we get in line and we are fortunate they are just about to let everyone in........always a fun atmosphere in the seats........but holy moly....they need to put some air on in was truly airless and incredibly hot, and of course they sit you so close together.......

Apart from a couple of good jokes, seriously there was 2 funny was about Avatar opening in 2029 or similar........then there was the tribute to Bowie and Prince which were good. Dancing was good and some of the music was good.......but the rest was truly awful. They do need to retire this show and bring in something new, or seriously sack the writers and get some new`s tired and needs to be retired. Such a shame as I said, it used to be funny, political and always on point.

Just before the end we see a guy in the row in front of us stand up to leave......he comes closer to us and next thing he just falls forward towards us and the people in front........poor guy just faints. Security and first aid are down in seconds and they carry the poor guy out.......his friends follow and say he had complained of being too hot, wasn't drinking as he was the designated driver of their group. It was ridiculously hot in there tonight.....only felt the air a couple of times. But, hoped he was ok. We left as show was finished by now and vowed that was our last visit to that show.

We got some water and headed towards Exorcist and AHS........was quite late now and we were feeling tired as it had been a long day, so we didn't spend too long in scare zones tonight, we would keep that for another night, but we did get a couple......first up was Dead Man`s Wharf..........this is such a short zone but extremely well done




Wasn't helped tonight by what seemed like hundreds of strollers with little kids in them......unbelievable amount of little ones we don't spend long at all, again, will do it another night......

But we headed round to Survive or Die zone........we had such fun here tonight.......the guy up on the podium called out to me and I spun SA female stood beside me and I didn't see her......I moved my elbow and bashed it in to her......I turned around and immediately apologised and asked if she was ok......she winked at me.......then she shouted up to the guy I was far too polite to join was obviously letting me know she was fine, but I felt bad.....I always worry I accidentally knock them........

Anyway, we turned I felt this person tap me on the shoulder.........very gently......but I turn and there is this hot hot SA........sorry Tom, but this guy was so hot!!! Even Tom said he could see what I meant.........


But, he tapped me on the shoulder and beckoned me to come stand beside him for pictures........well, I was`ll post the family friendly one but we did get about 6........he had gorgeous teeth too.......


My night was made. Tom laughed and said it was funny to see me blush like that.......what a fabulous SA and amazing character that can make a woman of 49 smile and blush!! I liked him.

The interaction with SA has only improved last few`s fabulous they will positively encourage you to take pictures with them.......I love it!!!

But we wandered on a bit and got some more pics, but we were getting weary now.......


SA are brilliant. I honestly cant praise them enough........and one of them tonight was a friend of ours......I still don't know which part he plays as he wont say.......but he did say he saw us.......he didn't say we had got a picture with him or not but we probably wouldn't have recognised him anyway..........

Now we went round to do Exorcist and AHS....after that we wanted to go. We stopped in first on the Ghost Town house, just because we were was fun, but not one we would ever queue for, did get a couple of frights though....Exorcist was 1 hour and for EP there was a 2 minute queue.....this house was fun tonight......didn't notice the smell in the Regan room which was good........lots of scares tonight again.

AHS was easily the best of the rest after Halloween for scares tonight.......Tom always puts me in front so he can see all the scares I get.........he loves that part. Tonight we had some little kids again, it was almost midnight at this point and you could see them grouchy and whiny......I told a TM we wanted to hang back a bit and wait till they had gone was fine as we weren't holding up the queue........when we did go in, it was worth waiting for......I think tonight was the best this house was for us.......the line although still moving, wasn't flying past things so you could see a bit better......and get some excellent scares. Not a Lady Ga Ga fan but her dopplegangers were brilliant. The regular queue for that when we went in was 100 minutes and we had no wait. Worth every penny for EP.

We don't stand for Chance is mobbed and we will see her another night.....we do hear her having a go at the people who bring strollers and little kids.....we hear a few people mention this at the exit.....


We started to set off at that point, as always through the cool of the store........saw my favourite mask......


We walked back to the boats and couldn't believe how the temps were still so feet at this point were blazing hot, so I was glad to see a boat waiting for RP. We got on just before they set off......I think it was around 12.30/1am, probably the latest we had been up yet........and it showed.....we were exhausted. We literally stumbled off the boat and straight up to bed.

We had loved today and HHN had been wonderful, very busy but with EP it was easy.

We thought we may sleep late tomorrow as we had HHN all over tomorrow night.
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Awesome pictures. Maybe I'll do HHN one of these days. I am not a big fan of being scared. But I will say they do a great job of decorating and the characters are just as great too.

Thanks for updating, even if you were a bum sitter today.
Next time you visit Mt Dora, if you are there when the sun is setting, I suggest eating on the deck at Pisces Rising. Beautiful lakefront views of the sun setting and good food. My aunt lives a block up from the lighthouse if you've seen that on your visits.
Looks like you had a great day.

We did, we so far had the best days and nights ever, despite the rain hitting a few times.......gotta roll with it really.........:thumbsup2

Awesome pictures. Maybe I'll do HHN one of these days. I am not a big fan of being scared. But I will say they do a great job of decorating and the characters are just as great too.

Thanks for updating, even if you were a bum sitter today.

HHN is excellent. The characters are amazing and to watch them is fascinating how they never lose character......glad you're enjoying it..........

Next time you visit Mt Dora, if you are there when the sun is setting, I suggest eating on the deck at Pisces Rising. Beautiful lakefront views of the sun setting and good food. My aunt lives a block up from the lighthouse if you've seen that on your visits.

That looks a gorgeous place! We have been along to the lighthouse and the park in 07.......cannot remember seeing it, but we must have........I have real pictures form back then, might find it's right in the middle of but will definitely eat there it looks so nice, we plan to go back and ride the train again, so we can make a real day of it and definitely stay for sunset...........and we can visit your

You certainly grew up in a beautiful area PC :thumbsup2
I dream about those biscuits! I too love red lobster. I think the sea food is actually pretty tasty so I'm with u on that one! Those crab legs looked huge!

Love the updates... I'm still reading along :)

Glad to see you're still reading Rachel.......the crab was a decent size for snow crab and so nice.

I have a few boxes of the mix I bought from Walmart this year.......but there is a recipe online that is exactly like those........quick Google will find it........gorgeous!
OMG that guy was hot! I'm totally getting a khal Drogo vibe off him!

Great pics and loved the HHN pics!
I love Red Lobster as well, it is always my request at Birthday time. Fun HHN, love your pictures. The food and drinks from all your stops look really good yum yum.
Mount Dora looks so quaint! Have to find time to do that road trip sometime! Also enjoy your reports on the City Walk restaurants- we can never seem to get ourselves out of the parks and try them.
Your pictures of Hhn and the SA are great!

Thanks mac......they were brilliant with the poses again this year........:thumbsup2

I love Red Lobster as well, it is always my request at Birthday time. Fun HHN, love your pictures. The food and drinks from all your stops look really good yum yum.

Yay..Another RL fan........Thanks, glad you are enjoying the pics.....and the food pics too.......:)

Mount Dora looks so quaint! Have to find time to do that road trip sometime! Also enjoy your reports on the City Walk restaurants- we can never seem to get ourselves out of the parks and try them.

Mount Dora is one of our favourite places to visit, and so close too.......Yes, it`s sometimes easier to stay in park and eat, but we do like to wander a bit........glad to read you`re enjoying it too......:thumbsup2
Wow, you were productive yesterday :thumbsup2

I love how you manage to find so many fun things to do around the Orlando area. I can barely get my must do list done with the 9 days we usually visit...guess I'll have to add more days next time :scratchin We meant to get to Strongwater this trip but didn't make it and only had 3 nights of HHN which wasn't enough.

I'm loving all the SA pics, you had a great time...I can tell.


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