Twice As Nice & Double the Fun: an offsite October PTR where “2” is the magic number

They get in but not by my choice-except for Ellie (monster) - she actually comes up for daily naps on a lap around 3-4pm if we are home. Sleeps for about 30 minutes then she goes out again.
What a good looking guy.....those short little legs are seriously adorable!

Our two kittens will be indoors only: God bless dog owners, I can't imagine having to head out in the dead of winter to take an animal for a walk :cold:. I don't know how ya'll do it.

He's very much an inbetweenie. He was supposed to be a mini but has the length of a full size and the legs of a mini. His chest almost hits the ground when he's standing and well he's a squater because I got him fixed before he started lifting his leg, so if there's snow I imagine it's quite cold for him.

He hates going for walks, so he doesn't get any because I refuse to drag him around, been that way since I got him at about 16 weeks. He does often take his sweet time in the heat or the cold. On the flip side my mom walks her dog twice a day, sometimes more, and if he could have a walk every time he went out he'd be a happy camper.
They get in but not by my choice-except for Ellie (monster) - she actually comes up for daily naps on a lap around 3-4pm if we are home. Sleeps for about 30 minutes then she goes out again.

That is seriously the coolest pet story ever.

He's very much an inbetweenie. He was supposed to be a mini but has the length of a full size and the legs of a mini. His chest almost hits the ground when he's standing and well he's a squater because I got him fixed before he started lifting his leg, so if there's snow I imagine it's quite cold for him.

He hates going for walks, so he doesn't get any because I refuse to drag him around, been that way since I got him at about 16 weeks. He does often take his sweet time in the heat or the cold. On the flip side my mom walks her dog twice a day, sometimes more, and if he could have a walk every time he went out he'd be a happy camper.

Your poor little pooch is just not made for long walks! Those little legs have way too much to carry.

No way! A chicken that takes a nap in a lap?! Ok, now I want a pet chicken too.

And just like that, @Monykalyn has started the newest trend :p.
Just dropping in to share a kitten pic:


That is Violet. Dash was busy living up to his name :rolleyes1 while his sister was using my dining set as a jungle gym. Don't let the closed eyes fool you: there was no sleep in that little feline. She just didn't like the flash of the camera.

We spent a good first night (much better and more peaceful than I expected actually): the house was still standing this morning (cue the sigh of relief!), and the babies seem to be getting nicely adjusted to their new home. I did learn the hard way not to leave my breakfast unattended.....I took a break from my bowl of Shreddies to throw in a load of laundry, only to return to find Dash on the kitchen table happily slurping up my cereal milk.

I can honestly say I have fallen hopelessly in love with those two little balls of energy. I hated to leave them this morning to go to work. Because I am fortunate to live so close by, I think I'll go see them on my lunch and indulge in a little playtime.

36 days until our October trip pirate:, and exactly 100 until our December vacation! :santa: Tomorrow we hit double digits on the latter! :cheer2:
ooh so cute. Was talking to my neighbor who got a little puppy and these last couple of weeks, said he forgot how much work it was to take care of the little guy. Yep, all little fur balls are work. so glad your two are fitting right into your home. And so nice to have the peace of mind while on vacation. Yep, in the 20's for me, 24, and I guess 100 or so for December. I haven't started the count for December yet.

Hope you had another good night with your two. Love that Violet closes her eyes when a flash goes off.
ooh so cute. Was talking to my neighbor who got a little puppy and these last couple of weeks, said he forgot how much work it was to take care of the little guy. Yep, all little fur balls are work. so glad your two are fitting right into your home. And so nice to have the peace of mind while on vacation. Yep, in the 20's for me, 24, and I guess 100 or so for December. I haven't started the count for December yet.


I, too, had completely forgotten what it was like to have a kitten in the house (Jake was three when we adopted our beloved I also had a busy preschooler, so perhaps that's why the kitten didn't seem too bad?) and it definitely has been more work than I had remembered! Dash eats CONSTANTLY.....I can't believe how much that little body can hold. I am forever refilling water and food dishes, and a litter box for two definitely gets more action than a litter box for one :rolleyes1. They also haven't learned the "shake your toes off before you leap out" lesson yet :rolleyes2 so my vacuum is getting a good workout :rolleyes:.

Steve called me just a short time ago to let me know we've had our first housewares casualty: one of the kittens managed to knock a photo frame off our night table and it didn't survive the fall. Thankfully the glass didn't break but the frame is toast. I am sure this is just the first of many....its a good thing they are cute!

Oh they are so adorable. Babies are the most fun aren't they? Glad they are loving their new home.

Here is my Charlie Brown. He's three years old now and we love him to bits. :)



I can't believe your little guy is three already!! I remember when you were posting about the excitement of his homecoming here on the boards and it seems like just yesterday!

That top pic is beyond can just see the spunk in his face :cutie:.

Hope you had another good night with your two. Love that Violet closes her eyes when a flash goes off. the meme!! :rotfl2:

Since you have had a chance to meet Violet up close, its only fitting for you to also meet Dash:


Violet is behind him, snoozing away, but he was not feeling sleepy. If she is resting while he is still wakeful, he's never far from her side. It's funny, but the staff at the pet store that was housing them for Fixed Fur Life said that SHE cried for HIM anytime they were separated. We find just the opposite: she's okay running amok on her own, but if he can't find her......oh, its pitiful. Such a sad little cry. He might be the bigger and stronger of the two, but he's also got the softest heart I think.
Steve called me just a short time ago to let me know we've had our first housewares casualty: one of the kittens managed to knock a photo frame off our night table and it didn't survive the fall. Thankfully the glass didn't break but the frame is toast. I am sure this is just the first of many....its a good thing they are cute!

Funny! I'm always telling my cats- "We can't have any nice things around here!" My two boys did nowhere near the damage as all my cats! But you're right- their cuteness, purring, and cuddles mean much more than a few knicknacks!
Since you have had a chance to meet Violet up close, its only fitting for you to also meet Dash:


Violet is behind him, snoozing away, but he was not feeling sleepy. If she is resting while he is still wakeful, he's never far from her side. It's funny, but the staff at the pet store that was housing them for Fixed Fur Life said that SHE cried for HIM anytime they were separated. We find just the opposite: she's okay running amok on her own, but if he can't find her......oh, its pitiful. Such a sad little cry. He might be the bigger and stronger of the two, but he's also got the softest heart I think.
They're so darn cute! My dogs are the same way. From the same litter, have never lived apart. They're pitiful when they need to be separated for grooming, vet appts etc.. It breaks my heart to think about (hopefully many many many years from now) when one will have to learn to live without the other :sad:
BTW, thank you for the mention of the CiCi's Groupon. I am not a fan, but the kids are, so I'll be a good sport and bought a Groupon for one of our lunches. Can't really complain about a $16 lunch.
I also just checked Groupon again and grabbed a Congo River package for 4. $36 USD for the four of us for a round of golf and a bag of food each to feed the gators. I thought it would be fun for one of our down days. We've golfed the Universal mini golf courses at least 5 times and I just want something different (and cheaper) this time. I remember you mentioning it in your reports so it seemed like a great deal! :)
Funny! I'm always telling my cats- "We can't have any nice things around here!" My two boys did nowhere near the damage as all my cats! But you're right- their cuteness, purring, and cuddles mean much more than a few knicknacks!

I went home to check on the little buggers at lunch, and they innocently sidle over for some lovin' from their momma, and 10 minutes later they're on an all-out tear. Rolling, jumping, biting each other's tails, and it was like a tornado was whipping through my main floor. Jake had come over to join me for lunch at the house, and he almost jumped out of his skin when our stone Discovery Cove photo frame hit the floor. I had one of those "what have I done?" moments :scared:.

By the time I left, they were sound asleep like a pair of angels :littleangel:. They know exactly how to wrap me around their little paws.

They're so darn cute! My dogs are the same way. From the same litter, have never lived apart. They're pitiful when they need to be separated for grooming, vet appts etc.. It breaks my heart to think about (hopefully many many many years from now) when one will have to learn to live without the other :sad:

I can't imagine that point in time, but like you, I know that's a tough situation we'll have to face sometime down the road. It kills me to think of it. At that point, the first person who says "its only an animal" might get Gina's fury like they've never seen it before.

BTW, thank you for the mention of the CiCi's Groupon. I am not a fan, but the kids are, so I'll be a good sport and bought a Groupon for one of our lunches. Can't really complain about a $16 lunch.
I also just checked Groupon again and grabbed a Congo River package for 4. $36 USD for the four of us for a round of golf and a bag of food each to feed the gators. I thought it would be fun for one of our down days. We've golfed the Universal mini golf courses at least 5 times and I just want something different (and cheaper) this time. I remember you mentioning it in your reports so it seemed like a great deal! :)

Dining doesn't get any cheaper than a Cici's Groupon. And hey, the money saved there is money to be spent somewhere else :).

I didn't even see the Congo River Groupon! Any other day I would have snatched it up in a heartbeat, but our central air conditioning system (which is an older unit) decided to give up the ghost today. Repairs are not looking good (our heating and cooling tech has been at the house all afternoon) so we may be out $2-$3K for a whole new system. It appears it may need a new compressor, and if that's the case, the unit is old enough that it wouldn't make sense to dump $1000-$1200 in to a compressor when something else major might be next. I'm totally gutted. That significant of an upgrade was definitely not in the budget for this year.

He's determined to check every wire and connection first, though, so say a prayer for us if you think of it. I can deal with a repair bill, but a replacement is a whole different ball of wax. phone upgrade, any other unplanned extras, and even a spring trip (not yet planned, but on the wish list since we'll have those AP's) all hang in the balance. I hope to know more by the end of the day.

Those markings around Dash's eyes make him look full of wonder... or mischief...
A very handsome boy.

Oh, its me!!! :rotfl:

He was actually pretty cute today. He and Violet were wrestling like two wild bears and he wrapped his paws around her neck and gave her a sharp bite. She mewed a bit (and promptly bit him back :rotfl2:) so he stopped, licked her furiously in apology, then went right back to wrestling :p.
I didn't even see the Congo River Groupon! Any other day I would have snatched it up in a heartbeat, but our central air conditioning system (which is an older unit) decided to give up the ghost today. Repairs are not looking good (our heating and cooling tech has been at the house all afternoon) so we may be out $2-$3K for a whole new system. It appears it may need a new compressor, and if that's the case, the unit is old enough that it wouldn't make sense to dump $1000-$1200 in to a compressor when something else major might be next. I'm totally gutted. That significant of an upgrade was definitely not in the budget for this year.
Yup, it's official, the Bo-Binas are leaving for Orlando soon. Something major has broken down, so it must be so...:rolleyes1
I thought the same thing that bankr63 just said. Your appliances and car repairs just have the worst timing with your trips! I'm sorry to hear about your air conditioning unit. Any chance it could be put off until Spring if that would help a little? We are getting close to cooler weather. I'm saying a prayer for good news for you.
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ohh Good thoughts your way for good news on the AC! Cute lil devils those baby kitties are! Our labs tail is at juussst the right height to sweep things off end tables.
My redhead chicken (Autumn) is molting again. Looks like someone started pulling feathers out of a down pillow. She doesn't look as bedraggled as she did last year but she lost all her big tail feathers so she looks awkwardly off balance. Trying not to laugh at her as I think it hurts her feelings...

Nearly double digits for the second trip too! Means closer to trip reports reading for the rest of us:D:D
Yep, my labs were brother and sister. Poor boy was failing and vet told us, can be a week, a month, months, but probably within the year. 7 months later, we lost his sister. Boy died four days later. Both broke our hearts after having them for almost 14 years. Pets become part of our family. After saying goodbye to our dog after 13 years, we are too busy for any pet right now. So I much appreciate seeing other pets. Best, we get play with neighbors' pets. When our kids are moved out, I assume we will take a dog in, and I have a funny feeling, I will have grand fur babies long before real ones.

Hmmm, almost time to look at Groupon and LS.

Sending good thoughts your AC will not be expensive to fix. I had the pleasure of having to replace our ancient AC unit, but since the new one was so much more advanced, I needed a new furnace too. That was an expensive year.


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