BREXIT......How do you feel Brits? Excited??

I'm certainly not qualified to speak on this topic, but I think your point is a valid one. We hear all the time, "the majority wants ___, so why hasn't the government made it happen?". And the simple truth is most people - including, unfortunately many of our representatives - haven't the slightest clue what additional ramifications (good and/or bad) are involved.

It is a risk, of course it is.

But for many of us, who actually do have a brain some comments on here have been highly offensive........not yours I will hasten to add.........

To a princess daddy, didn't look for your post....................I don't think anything has been reactionary and most people do have an understanding of how the EU rules and laws have affected UK citizens for a long time now.

This isn't just a 2 minute wonder that a few country bumpkins have sudden to decide we don't like them's far more complicated than that.

Is there an uncertainty.......of course there is. But most people are heartily sick of the carp we've had flung at us by unelected people for decades.

Europe will still trade with us, make no mistakes there........we got an email today from Mercedes who we buy our cars from.......stating nothing will change from them.

But please don't assume most people in Britain have no understanding of what this involves. I think the vast majority do.
Economics isn't an exciting topic and that's unfortunate because it really matters. Maybe they talked about it and no one listened, maybe they didn't bother because they thought the subject was snoozers for a crowd. It's much easier to get the folks in the seats roaring over other subjects.

Do you think everyone in Britain ignored what was said on numerous debates and didn't read all the information that Was out there?

You assume no one listened.

Not a nice generalisation at all.
I never understood giving up even part of your sovereignty to join a politico-economic superstate myself so I understand those that wanted to leave. I would never vote for the US to join the North American equivalent of the EU for sure.

I would never trade sovereignty for economic certainty. YMMV.
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Do you think everyone in Britain ignored what was said on numerous debates and didn't read all the information that Was out there?

You assume no one listened.

Not a nice generalisation at all.
Not directed at you at all, and I apologize if it came off that way. I was answering another post.
My opinions only:
I do believe that there are plenty of folks who understand the economics of the situation in the UK and probably some that don't.
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Not directed at you at all, and I apologize if it came off that way. I was answering another post.
My opinions only:
I do believe that there are plenty of folks who understand the economics of the situation in the UK and probably some that don't. And that goes on both sides of the equation. I would say in the US there are far less that understand much about it. I lived overseas multiple places for many, many years. I get why economic issues matter.
My retirement account has suffered today. ::yes::


I have to admit it's been eye opening reading some views.

Yes, of course there are people who don't necessarily understand economics........not my strongest point I have to say, numbers kind of scare me a little. Words I understand. But like most people I made an effort to understand the implications and benefits of leaving. It may be tough to begin with, well, when we do eventually actually exit, but long term I think it's for our benefit. Others see it differently of course.

I think unless you have lived in the UK and had to deal with the issues the EU have caused over the years, it's hard to understand the strength of feeling against it.

My husband has work colleagues in Holland and they have always spoken of wanting to do the same thing along with Norway. Today it was being reported in our media that indeed, these countries are starting to talk about this more.
Not directed at you at all, and I apologize if it came off that way. I was answering another post.
My opinions only:
I do believe that there are plenty of folks who understand the economics of the situation in the UK and probably some that don't. And that goes on both sides of the equation. I would say in the US there are far less that understand much about it. I lived overseas multiple places for many, many years. I get why economic issues matter.
My retirement account has suffered today. ::yes::

You know, I was fascinated by this statement, and just went to check mine. I'm actually UP in every single fund I have mine invested in. Made quite a bit today. Scratching my head over that one. LOL. But, it's true. And, the market is just about to close, right? A good day. I was pretty sure I'd taken hit, but I didn't at all. Quite the contrary. Phew/

I have to admit it's been eye opening reading some views.

Yes, of course there are people who don't necessarily understand economics........not my strongest point I have to say, numbers kind of scare me a little. Words I understand. But like most people I made an effort to understand the implications and benefits of leaving. It may be tough to begin with, well, when we do eventually actually exit, but long term I think it's for our benefit. Others see it differently of course.

I think unless you have lived in the UK and had to deal with the issues the EU have caused over the years, it's hard to understand the strength of feeling against it.

My husband has work colleagues in Holland and they have always spoken of wanting to do the same thing along with Norway. Today it was being reported in our media that indeed, these countries are starting to talk about this more.
Lots of issue to be discussed to be sure.

And just to add on a more personal note, we lived in the England, and my kids went to a very small village school there. They remember those years fondly and still occasionally mention how much they liked attending school there. :flower2:

I have to admit it's been eye opening reading some views.

Yes, of course there are people who don't necessarily understand economics........not my strongest point I have to say, numbers kind of scare me a little. Words I understand. But like most people I made an effort to understand the implications and benefits of leaving. It may be tough to begin with, well, when we do eventually actually exit, but long term I think it's for our benefit. Others see it differently of course.

I think unless you have lived in the UK and had to deal with the issues the EU have caused over the years, it's hard to understand the strength of feeling against it.

My husband has work colleagues in Holland and they have always spoken of wanting to do the same thing along with Norway. Today it was being reported in our media that indeed, these countries are starting to talk about this more.

That is also my feeling. There may be a few rough years while everything adjusts but long term I feel it will be a good move. I also think others will follow the UK's lead. I personally feel that the EU is a failed experiment and member countries will all attempt to regain their sovereignty in time. There have been a lot of failed political experiments throughout history and we always adjust and re-center after the initial pain. I don't think this will be any different but of course only time will tell.
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I haven't read the entire thread so someone may have mentioned this, but the scientific community in Britain is devastated. They've received billions of dollars in scientific funding from the EU and have been making a lot of scientific breakthroughs. That's going to stop now.
I don't believe that people didn't understand what they were voting for. You don't have to have a degree to understand the economics of it all. On that note, if you do some research you will find economist that believe that it will sting for a little while, but overall no damages long term.
I haven't read the entire thread so someone may have mentioned this, but the scientific community in Britain is devastated. They've received billions of dollars in scientific funding from the EU and have been making a lot of scientific breakthroughs. That's going to stop now.

Maybe the money we won't be paying into the EU every year will balance this out.

The U.K. Pays in Billions every year, billions to the EU.

No I don't have the facts in front of its Friday night I have a glass of wine in front of me, but I don't believe this will stop research going ahead.

There will be lots of scare stories out there right now, naturally.
This may not be the appropriate place to pose this question but why is this not a political discussion? Maybe the DIS policies only bar US politics. The talking heads on American TV are already tying this to our next election
This may not be the appropriate place to pose this question but why is this not a political discussion? Maybe the DIS policies only bar US politics. The talking heads on American TV are already tying this to our next election

Seems to be pretty civil. It's not like talking about religion or guns, where I've seem discussions just break down into virtual fistfights.
It'll be interesting to see what the stock markets do on Monday after people have a chance to digest everything.

The good news is the Dow is only down just over 300 points from what it was at the beginning of the week.
It'll be interesting to see what the stock markets do on Monday after people have a chance to digest everything.

The good news is the Dow is only down just over 300 points from what it was at the beginning of the week.

One of the most interesting things is that while our economy/stock market (I have no idea of the right term) when down - I think 5% when I looked this morning - it was actually other EU member states that were worse off, Spain and Italy for example were down over 10%. Also in the exchange rate against the Australian dollar we're down to 1.82 from 1.9+ but that's not far off what it was when I was there last year and against the US dollar we've maintained 1.37/8 all day down from 1.48 so it could well be worse.

As someone on the radio said we Brits have survived 2 world wars so we can certainly survive this!
I wondered why it wasn't considered politics as well.

That said, I enjoyed reading everyone's views. It seemed very complicated to me as an outside observer so happy to have a bit of insight from those who participated in the referendum.

Believing as I do that no one exists in a vacuum, do hope that in the long term this is a positive event overall.
One of the most interesting things is that while our economy/stock market (I have no idea of the right term) when down - I think 5% when I looked this morning - it was actually other EU member states that were worse off, Spain and Italy for example were down over 10%. Also in the exchange rate against the Australian dollar we're down to 1.82 from 1.9+ but that's not far off what it was when I was there last year and against the US dollar we've maintained 1.37/8 all day down from 1.48 so it could well be worse.

A lot of the US "economic experts" predicted a much more dire impact on the US stock markets the day after if the Brexit vote passed. Turned out to be a relatively manageable 3.39% drop. If you only go back 10 years, that's only the 13th largest single day drop.

But we'll have to see what happens next week.
A lot of the US "economic experts" predicted a much more dire impact on the US stock markets the day after if the Brexit vote passed. Turned out to be a relatively manageable 3.39% drop. If you only go back 10 years, that's only the 13th largest single day drop.

Darn! Thought we were way more important than that :rotfl2:
Unhappy and scared. Disappointed but if Scotland thinks they should get another vote no way they voted to stay in no do overs.


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