~~ Sew the crowds in WDW were frightful, but the weather was so delightful ~~Nov 2015 COMPLETE! ~~

Ah man, now I want to go to Boma just for the Simba waffles. They must taste better if they have Simba on them, right?
I totally relate to those last day blues; we left on November 15th and I'm still missing Disney World!! Planning for our next trip in 2017 keeps me happy, though. I read on an earlier report of yours that you had a sweet 16 trip, so that's what I'm planning for my daughter in 2017! I loved reading your trip report - thanks so much for sharing with all of us.
Just checking in. I ended up with Jury Duty of this week (thankfully, I am now done) and I am so far behind with everything!
The pictures look great!! The gingerbread house at the Grand brings back so many memories.
Hopefully, I can go back and re-read what I missed. I skimmed everything just to see what you did.

Have a great day!
What a great report. I learned some new things I'm going to try next time I go. I know that sad face, saying goodbye is so sad
You had a lot of "firsts" on this trip. It is always fun to discover new things. We haven't seen the flag retreat, either. I'll have to add it to the "next time" list.

Was the alligator in the water that the log boats ride through, or in the water between the Splash area and Tom Sawyer's Island?

I would guess they would remove the alligators at night.

I feel sad for you. I hope you get an opportunity to see each other soon.

It was really neat to see that – it’s something I”ve always wanted to see, but I was never there at the right time.

I wish I would have taken a picture of where it was… It wasn’t in the “Splash track area” – but it was in the next pond over – technically still IN the Splash ride… Close enough, where I think it could hop out and get into the track area easily?

I would think they would remove them at night too – this guy was pretty small, but if he were any bigger… They might shut the ride down to remove him? :scratchin

I hope so too… It’s very sad.

I never did make it over to the GF this trip to see the Gingerbread House. I had every intention of getting there but just ran out of time.
I must seek this out next trip! Looks like so much fun.
Yay! I loved getting to do some rides with you guys.
We split up because you guys hadn't eaten yet and I had just come from dinner at the Plaza. We did talk about meeting up for Wishes but I wanted to watch them from the Hub and you guys wanted to see them from Fantasyland.
It was right after Wishes. We were texting about meeting somewhere on Main Street to say one more goodbye but you guys wanted to wait till the crowds cleared out and were going to hang in TL for a bit. I decided it would be easier for me to make my way to you since I was alone. So I did some creative dipping and dodging (even cut through Cosmic Rays) to meet you all by the TTA.

Like I said before it was so much fun hanging out with you guys even if it was only for a bit. I would definitely be up for another trip someday! I'm bummed that our January trips don't overlap at all.

Yes – you should try to make it to GF some day to see the Gingerbread house… Just the smell alone… Mmmmm…

I thoroughly enjoyed all of our time together Ariana! It was so fun seeing you again!

Oh that’s right…. I’d forgotten about that! I’d never be able to write TRs if I didn’t take notes. LOL You did great meeting up with us – thank you for doing that!
What a great last full day. I love all the pictures. I've never heard of the photobooths in Tomorrowland before. It looks really fun.

It was great!

I’d never heard of them either – thankfully Suzi had… They are definitely a must-do now!

You have really cranked this TR out quickly!! This was such a great trip for all of you. Incredibly special friendships forged through Disney!!! Will you and Josh be headed to Knoxville anytime in the future?

Yah – I feel badly, because it wasn’t as detailed as some of my TRs… Maybe I’ll come back and fill in some of the details when I have the time over the next few weeks?

We were supposed to come for Christmas – but we have some other things going on in our lives right now, where I don’t think we will be able to make the trip this year either… We will get there for Christmas eventually. :lovestruc

Beautiful pictures of the castle. Your bus line looks huge. Did it take you long to Get to the resort from Magic Kingdom? I really want to try AKL, but my mom thinks it's too far from everything. Your last day looks busy, busy. I love the picture in front of the gingerbread house. I'm going to have to make it a point to stop there.

Thanks! It does take quite a while to get to AKL from MK… Probably a good 20-30 minutes drive time? I could be very wrong here, but it sure felt that way at the end of a long day… Plus having to drive around Kidani before they drop of Jambo, makes the trip seem much longer.

Yes, you will have to see the gingerbread house one day – it’s magnificent!

Awww...what a great last day/night there! How awesome you get to turn around and do it again so soon though! I think I need to plan a girls only trip with my daughter in the future to Disney. We did a NYC trip last week to see the Rockettes (awesome show btw) and although it was an experience navigating the streets of NYC and the NY Subway and NJ Transit system, we managed and now I think I could do it again easily enough. Still...it's no Disney, not by a long shot!

Yes – it’s awesome to be able to go back – but a little stressful too. ::yes::

You should – it’s a lot of fun! Memories I wouldn’t trade for the world!

Yay! I can't wait to see how that will turn out!

Wow - it's huge! I love how they list the ingredients next to it.

Great picture of you all! How special that you were all able to spend time in Disney together but how sad how it has to end. A very special trip for all of you though.

My gosh.Wow. These bus lines look worse then MK during Spring Break, and that was CRAZY! AoA also has their own bus...which was very helpful...

Again I love all our PP photos form MK. You, Suzi, and Bradey really got good use out of it! Also the castle pictures are great, making me miss Disney really bad...

Me too!

It was really cool… I guess they build it with wood first – like any other house, then the gingerbread is just “siding”… Makes sense to me. Wonder if they have to pull permits? LOL

We had a great time and a great trip – I have high hopes that we will get to do it again one day!

The bus lines were crazy… I didn’t enjoy that part at all.

Thanks – we tried hard to get our use out of it.

Hahaha!!! Let me know you see yourself. That would be awesome! What time were you at BoG?

We were at BOG at 2:05. DH had the roast beef sandwich also and declared it delicious! I think we started the morning in Adventureland and then over to Tomorrowland and Fantasyland. After lunch we went back to the resort and came back for the Fireworks that night. It was crazy crowded!

If I remember correctly – we were there much earlier than that. Around noon maybe?

Yes the crowds were a bit nuts this whole week… Definitely not the “low crowds” that are typical of WDW in November.

That gingerbread house is phenomenal, putting it on my list for my visit next year!

Yes, you should – it’s incredible!

Ugh, just spent an hour quoting everything....replying to everything....and poof! Its gone

So I am not going to do it all over again.

I just want to say that I had an amazing trip with you and I have fully enjoyed your retelling of it. Although its been quite fast...this TR will be over in 15 pages vs the 103 they usually are??? But alas...all great things must come to an end.

I feel so lucky to have this opportunity not only for the great memories we made, but for the chance to meet a few DISers I wouldn't have normally met.

Ariana - You have become a good friend through all this planning and I truly enjoyed meeting you. I hope we can get together again sometime! Anytime you want to come see Maine, let me know!

Bernadette - It was such a pleasure meeting you and I am so happy we met up a few times throughout the week. We aren't that far from eachother.....maybe a DISmeet is in order this summer??

Monica - It was awesome bumping into you a few times as well. When we spotted your bag it was fun to say "Oooh, I know her!" Thank you for all the wonderful pictures you took of us!

I felt like I was walking around with a celebrity all week with D by my side :) She is just such a warm, caring person and everyone loves her!

Sad our trip is coming to a close. I wish I had the time to devote to a TR of my own, but I just don't. I will look at our pictures often and I hope hope hope we can somehow fit in our annual birthday trip this coming year. I miss you and Mo something fierce

Awww… Swoozie…. I love you! I am sorry that this TR is so short… I have hopes of coming back to add in a few more details once I finish it up… I just wanted to make sure I finished it in plenty of time for my January trip.

It is one of my greatest hopes that we will be able to WDW together again in the near future (before my AP expires)… I had so much fun with you and with Bradey… But I also know – squishing in another trip in that time frame is a bit much for all of us to pay for… But a girl can dream – right?

I love you and miss you!!! :lovestruc :hug:

Yes D, I am dizzy from trying to keep up with you! Love your TR! So many memories, and a lot of firsts! I have been reading the history of the Osborne Lights, glad you got to see them in all their glory, something I would have loved to have seen. Interesting changes coming to the parks. Avatar Land, Star Wars, etc.

You posted a lot of beautiful pics; I love pictures and making all the memories come to life.

The crowds D - my goodness the crowds. I am sort of thinking its because of F&W? It will be interesting to see how it is in January for you. I think it will be less crowded, but are the parks open as late?

I have read so many various opinions about F&W, not sure if I would want to spend that much money; at least you got to try.

I started to get all lumpy in my throat reading about your goodbyes. Beautiful friends!

I will try to keep up with your ending and your PTR!

And BTW - awesome job on your Thanksgiving race.

Sorry that I had to move it along so quickly Carol… I felt like I Had so much to tell, and not enough time to tell it – I may come back and add more details so some of the stuff – since I have time before my January trip.

Yes – the crowds were awful! I am not sure that F&W were that big of a part of it? Disney did offer FD while we were there – but we did not use that discount, we used a R/O discount. But to be honest – there was not a lot of availability even before they offered FD… So, I guess Nov might not be the best time to go anymore?

Yes – it was hard to say goodbye to everyone! I love these girls so much!
Thank you! It was fun!
Thanks for stopping by Carol – it was good seeing you, as always! I hope your family is doing well! :lovestruc

Looks like a lovely trip with seeing so many nice friends! I love how we can make friends in different ways now.

I liked hearing your opinion on F&W I want to try it once for sure I'm one of those 'try everything once people'. But I think it will be either with out DD or when she is interested in it too (so like 20 years). I just don't think a toddler at F&W is the way to go for me.

It was a great trip and great to see so many old friends. I don’t think I met anyone new this time? Which is strange for me… :scratchin

I agree – everyone should try it out once for sure… Someone else may love it – I know many do – and you never know if you’re one of those… I am not. LOL

Awww, thanks Suzi! Meeting up with you guys was the best part of this trip I'm so glad we had the opportunity! I really hope there are many more meet ups in our future!

I agree! It was awesome!

Seriously?!?! I am really shocked!
What?!?! Do you live in a bubble when your in Epcot?!?!
Another NEVER did?!?! SUZI you must take this poor child with you more often...
I am BUMMED i did not even go into a starbucks! I WANT THESE!!!
Can you post a pic of what she did with the cups?!?
Liars... your all liars. i was NOT included on their really fun outfit.
In their defense--- I was just lucky i had clothes.. for us all!!
Ya know.. Even IF we knew we were in the same park we would have NEVER found each other the crowds were insane here too! Plus with everyone looking up everyone was just bumping into each other like CRAZY!!!
What i would do for a plate right now!!!
How about screaming yelling like a mad women that people started to stare at me?
She cheats when you ride with her.. Just take note on that....
I believe i tried to make our FP coordinate with yours but alas we were late to the party.

I don’t think I live in a bubble… but I haven’t been to Epcot at night since our 2008 trip, and even then, it was just to see Illuminations… So, I’ve missed out on a lot of things that happen in the evenings.

The Starbucks mugs/ornaments are awesome! However – I do have to say that the price of them sucks… They are $12.95-$14.95 in the parks… I happened to go in to our Starbucks yesterday and looked at their ornaments… Yah - $6.95… So, Disney charges double. :( But… they are cute with little Mickeys and Tinks all over them. :scratchin I have “sucker” written on my forehead…

I’d love to have any Disney food right now. LOL

LOL – we did NOT hear you, which totally bums me out. Where were we when you saw us?

Glad I didn’t ride with her. LOL

Such a bummer, but at least we got to see you a few times. I love you Mo-Mo! :lovestruc And I do hope that we are able to do Disney together again one day soon! :hug:

Thank you Suzi!!! It was the highlight of my trip meeting you all party: I can tell you are a Fun, Energetic Disney Lover. I hope our paths will cross again some day.

I loved seeing you too!
I spent my lunch hour on Monday and Tuesday reading all of your updates and I've got to say that I loved them all! It was wonderful to see the friendships that you have made through the Dis and your love for Disney. You all looked like you were having the time of your lives.

Welcome – and thank you! :lovestruc

I love all of my Dis friends – they are amazing! And it’s so fun to see them in person.

I still have one more update to do – and the conclusion…

The breakfast looks yummi. I can totally understand that you got full.

It was sooo good. Oh yah – I was FULL!

Ah man, now I want to go to Boma just for the Simba waffles. They must taste better if they have Simba on them, right?

No, I agree with Swoozie, the Mickey waffles are better. More nooks and crannies – trust me, this was a topic of conversation that morning.
I totally relate to those last day blues; we left on November 15th and I'm still missing Disney World!! Planning for our next trip in 2017 keeps me happy, though. I read on an earlier report of yours that you had a sweet 16 trip, so that's what I'm planning for my daughter in 2017! I loved reading your trip report - thanks so much for sharing with all of us.

Welcome!!! I agree – I love planning new trips, my life just isn’t the same without one on the horizon. You will have so much fun doing a Sweet 16 trip… You should read my TR on that one (it’s in my siggy) – that was a FUN trip! :lovestruc
Just checking in. I ended up with Jury Duty of this week (thankfully, I am now done) and I am so far behind with everything!
The pictures look great!! The gingerbread house at the Grand brings back so many memories.
Hopefully, I can go back and re-read what I missed. I skimmed everything just to see what you did.

Have a great day!

Ick for jury duty – glad it’s over now though… Kind of a rough time of year to have it though.

Thanks – I love the Gingerbread house – I am glad that it was set up for our trip and we were able to see it.

I hope you can… I hope to add more details to my posts once I finish up… I feel like I skimmed over stuff too in an effort to finish up before I leave on my January trip.

Thanks - you too!
Nah...not really. I still like the Mickey better. More little nooks and crannies for the syrup

I couldn’t agree more~! :

What a great report. I learned some new things I'm going to try next time I go. I know that sad face, saying goodbye is so sad

Thanks! I really enjoy sharing my trips here! It is so hard saying goodbye – but hopefully we will get to see eachother soon. :lovestruc

AKL is a beautiful resort. It was really nice to have Boma right there for breakfast.

It is such a beautiful resort – I agree totally. I do hope that I get another chance to stay there one day.

And having Boma right there was awesome! So convenient! :lovestruc


I still have one more final update left – and the conclusion, as well. But I don’t think that will be happening today.

Have a great day everyone!

you should try to make it to GF some day to see the Gingerbread house…

Well I've actually seen it twice before on previous trips so I wasn't too bummed that I missed it on this one.

Glad I didn’t ride with her. LOL

Ha ha! In my defense I really was trying to aim us to get all the high targets. The control stick for the spinner in our car was just ultra sensitive. Every time I touched it we would jerk half way around! Believe me I didn't want to do that because it meant my score was lower that time through too!

No, I agree with Swoozie, the Mickey waffles are better. More nooks and crannies – trust me, this was a topic of conversation that morning.

OK I'll take your guys word for it! I will probably be kicked out of the waffle club but I'm not a fan of syrup. I only like butter on my waffles. But you still do need the nooks and crannies for the butter!
The Starbucks mugs/ornaments are awesome! However – I do have to say that the price of them sucks… They are $12.95-$14.95 in the parks… I happened to go in to our Starbucks yesterday and looked at their ornaments… Yah - $6.95… So, Disney charges double. :( But… they are cute with little Mickeys and Tinks all over them. :scratchin I have “sucker” written on my forehead…

WOWZA! I can't believe it!!! Yet i would have gotten a couple too they are THAT cute!

I’d love to have any Disney food right now. LOL

You and me both.. I am missing some disney food right now!!!

LOL – we did NOT hear you, which totally bums me out. Where were we when you saw us?

I know you didn't ignore me on purpose.. I must joke.. Always.
honestly in the tunnel going into MK!!! I have a very LOUD family too!!! LOL

Glad I didn’t ride with her. LOL

Don't do it...

Such a bummer, but at least we got to see you a few times. I love you Mo-Mo! :lovestruc And I do hope that we are able to do Disney together again one day soon! :hug:

Love you too!
so do i..
I've enjoyed your TR even though it has been speedy. It's fun reading others people experiences at the same time I had mine. I like how different things can be. I'm also really excited for your next TR. My birthday is January 24th and I've warned my husband that we will go for my birthday one of these years!! He tells me I will regret it because I don't like being cold and I'm sure even in Florida I'll be cold being outside in January but cold at Disney is better than warm at work LOL
Yes the crowds were a bit nuts this whole week… Definitely not the “low crowds” that are typical of WDW in November.
I must admit that I never believed the crowd calendar predictions of low crowds in November. You were there on Veterans Day and that is a holiday. The time you went was during both Food and Wine and the first Christmas party. And then it was free dining and the final Osborne lights. It was really crowded when we were there in October, too, and there wasn't free dining until our last full day. I think more people are coming to Disney than years ago. You'll probably find it crowded when you are there in January if you are going anytime near the MLK weekend.
Well I've actually seen it twice before on previous trips so I wasn't too bummed that I missed it on this one.
Ha ha! In my defense I really was trying to aim us to get all the high targets. The control stick for the spinner in our car was just ultra sensitive. Every time I touched it we would jerk half way around! Believe me I didn't want to do that because it meant my score was lower that time through too!
OK I'll take your guys word for it! I will probably be kicked out of the waffle club but I'm not a fan of syrup. I only like butter on my waffles. But you still do need the nooks and crannies for the butter!

Ahhh – got it! LOL – I forget, Disney at Christmas isn’t a new thing. LOL

Oh I agree – I need the crannies for the butter AND the syrup. :thumbsup2

WOWZA! I can't believe it!!! Yet i would have gotten a couple too they are THAT cute!
You and me both.. I am missing some disney food right now!!!
I know you didn't ignore me on purpose.. I must joke.. Always.
honestly in the tunnel going into MK!!! I have a very LOUD family too!!! LOL
Don't do it...
Love you too!
so do i..

Yes – they are adorable! But expensive! Glad I got them though…

Yup – love Disney food! YUM!

Hehehe… We probably didn’t hear you because there was a really loud family there? :scratchin

Love you – miss you! :lovestruc

Love the Disney Nails


Thanks! I am now missing 3 of them… I’ll get them done again before my trip in Jan… Not sure if I will do the Black/white dots or the red/white dots this time? :scratchin

I've enjoyed your TR even though it has been speedy. It's fun reading others people experiences at the same time I had mine. I like how different things can be. I'm also really excited for your next TR. My birthday is January 24th and I've warned my husband that we will go for my birthday one of these years!! He tells me I will regret it because I don't like being cold and I'm sure even in Florida I'll be cold being outside in January but cold at Disney is better than warm at work LOL

Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed it… I know – I feel bad that it was a quick TR… but a quick TR is better than no TR at all. IMO. LOL.

I do hope that you go for your birthday one day… And I am sure that Disney in January isn’t that cold… It’s much better than January in MN – I can guarantee that. ::yes::

I must admit that I never believed the crowd calendar predictions of low crowds in November. You were there on Veterans Day and that is a holiday. The time you went was during both Food and Wine and the first Christmas party. And then it was free dining and the final Osborne lights. It was really crowded when we were there in October, too, and there wasn't free dining until our last full day. I think more people are coming to Disney than years ago. You'll probably find it crowded when you are there in January if you are going anytime near the MLK weekend.

I am not sure I believe in them much anymore either – they used to be pretty accurate, but now that everyone uses them, I think they sway the crowds even more. :scratchin

We will be there for MLK weekend – and crowds will be pretty bad then… Oh well, we can handle it. :thumbsup2 I hope. LOL


Sorry all – again no update today… I am headed to my Dad’s. Have a great weekend all! :lovestruc

Well call me late to the party. In my defense I had just returned from my trip when you started yours and I'm still trying to get caught up with work and the holidays, etc.

Looks like you all had an amazing time. I will put The Wave on my list for next trip. We loved eating at Boma and we enjoyed F&W but I purposely timed it for a weekday during lunch for eating and we didn't have bad crowds. Totally stayed away on the weekend!

(I need to delete my countdown, because it automatically reverted to counting down to the same trip for next year, but since I don't have a trip it's still wishful thinking!)
Great TR, D~! You zoomed through this report and I have yet to start mine - and I was there before you! I had better get moving...
Well call me late to the party. In my defense I had just returned from my trip when you started yours and I'm still trying to get caught up with work and the holidays, etc.

Looks like you all had an amazing time. I will put The Wave on my list for next trip. We loved eating at Boma and we enjoyed F&W but I purposely timed it for a weekday during lunch for eating and we didn't have bad crowds. Totally stayed away on the weekend!

(I need to delete my countdown, because it automatically reverted to counting down to the same trip for next year, but since I don't have a trip it's still wishful thinking!)

Welcome back!!! Nah – no one is ever late here! Thanks for stopping by – I am glad you have you reading along!

I hope you had a good trip!!! I know the feeling – I still feel like I am catching up, I was caught up at one time, and now I am behind again. LOL

We did – and The Wave is awesome! Definitely recommend! Good idea – maybe F*W isn’t so bad during the week? It wasn’t even the crowds or the lines that really bothered me – in the end – it was the $$ spent – I just didn’t think it was worth it. :scratchin

I hope you are able to plan a trip soon! ::yes::

Great TR, D~! You zoomed through this report and I have yet to start mine - and I was there before you! I had better get moving...

I know – I feel badly about it… but it’s so hard to have 2 reports going at once… I have no idea how other people do it? And with a trip so close on the horizon – I just had to get it done fast. I do feel like I didn’t do justice to the trip, and I feel like maybe this TR wasn’t enjoyed by my readers as much as my other reports… So, I feel badly about it, but hopefully everyone understands. :lovestruc


Look for my last update this morning and also the conclusion of this TR. :lovestruc

Day 7 Part 2

After closing the door to room #5454, we made our last trek through the lobby of Animal Kingdom Lodge Jambo House… Drinking it all in one last time. For me – it was the trip of a life time at a resort that I’ve always dreamed of staying at, and it was hard to leave – not only the resort, but Suzi and Bradey too.




Our ME bus arrived right on schedule. We were the very last resort to board (which was really nice) – so we went directly to the airport.



Suzi and I discussed it on the ride, and decided – even though we were flying out of Side A, we would get off the bus on Side B and walk across… We were a little nervous that the security lines would be long and difficult due to the attack on Paris a few days prior.

Thankfully, the lines were super short, and easy. Suzi and Bradey went through without any trouble… but because I’d forgotten to take off my belt, I was treated to a short pat down. Determining that I wasn’t a threat – I was permitted through.

We reassembled our bags and redressed, and boarded the tram to our gate. Took a few selfies…



It was at this point, when we were pulling away from the terminal – I looked up and realized we were on the wrong tram! Uh-oh… Not good. OK – no biggie… We had time, we’ll just ride it back and hop on the right tram.


We rode it back… We were herded OUT of the secure area (I asked if we could avoid going through security again – nope)…

OK – round TWO…

Got in line again…

Went to the same lady that looked over our documents the first time… She had sympathy for our situation and quickly let us through for the second time.

The others weren’t as sympathetic… Sigh.

Again – Suzi and Bradey whizzed right through.

This time, I remembered to take off my belt…

But something – must be all the bling on my capris (?) set off the machines… So not only did a get a MORE rigorous pat down… They also swabbed my hands. Bradey was starting to think I was a criminal. LOL

Determining – again – that I wasn’t a threat, they let me pass.

THIS TIME – we boarded the CORRECT tram… So… Lesson to all of you… Make sure you get on the right tram at MCO. ::yes:: Thankfully we had plenty of time, had we been short on time, we could have easily missed our flights.


We stopped for some hydration and snacks in the airport for our respective trips home.

Our gates were right next to each other – with Suzi and Bradey’s departure approx. 30 min before mine.

Finally – it was time for them to line up.

I said my good-byes to Bradey. And I gave Swoozie one last hug… And a bawled like a baby. I am bawling now just thinking of it… Miss her like crazy, and praying somehow we can make another trip somewhere to see each other again… Preferably somewhere warm – but I don’t care, as long as Swoozie and Mo-Mo are there. :lovestruc It’s amazing how friendships can form and become so solid. These girls are my kindred spirits and I am so lucky to have them!

I took a few photos of Suzi and Bradey waiting to board… But they were all the backs of their heads – and you can barely see them, so I won’t post. It was taking a long time though.

Just as they were going down the thingie (the term excapes me at the moment) – I was lining up. I was A55, so I had a decent #. I grabbed an aisle seat 3 rows back. I looked out my window and there was Swoozie’s plane – they hadn’t left yet… So, I kindly asked the stranger next to me if I could take a picture of my BFF’s plane… And she scooted aside for me.


Bye-bye Swoozie and Bradey… I love you both!!!!


I watched their plane back away from the gate… Tried not to cry again. Then it was my turn… Flying off in another direction – further and further from my friends… The ones still in Disney and the ones in the air with me… It was so sad – truly.

I had a short flight to Atlanta, where I had a stop-over… No deplaning for me… We sat there for 1.5 hours, I kept my seat, but I did use the bathroom while we were on the ground – thankfully I did, because I ended up having to use it later in the flight too – and I have a FIRM rule – no bathroom breaks while flying. LOL I guess I drank too much? Not sure – because I try NOT to drink too much before a flight… It was just long with the stop over.

The flight from ATL to MSP was a bit bumpy… Our row was full and I kept myself busy reading the magazines I had with me. At least this flight wasn’t as bumpy as the flight Mo-Mo and I were on from MHT to MDW in June – I hope nothing ever tops that one!

We landed right on time at 5:30pm.

I grabbed my carry-ons and booked it to baggage claim.

I had to wait a bit for my bags, but Josh was parking and coming in to help me…. He wasn’t there when my bag came – so I grabbed it and proceeded walking… I met up with him about half way. I missed him and the rest of the family so much!

I was starving – so we stopped at Ruby Tuesday’s on the way home. I hadn’t eaten anything since Boma that morning, and even though I was sick of “eating out” – being hungry trumped that. I had chicken and a baked potato.

We arrived home – hugs and kisses from everyone all around! I missed my girls and my boys so much!!!!

Link to Day 7 Part 3 – Final thoughts

Last edited:
Final thoughts

This was an amazing trip!

Intially, I was very apprehensive about this trip. Disney has always been something I have shared with my girls… I was terrified to experience this place without them. They “grew up Disney”… I have been struggling so much lately with the thought of them growing up and leaving home… And this was just another thing for me to do to leave them behind in my life…. They are absolutely MY WORLD – MY LIFE – MY EVERYTHING… So this was HARD.





Even though – when I left home, I was excited… I cried. I always cry when I leave my family… I am weird… but I am that lady next to you on your flight, crying at takeoff. Not because I am scared to fly –but because I am leaving home and leaving my family.

The only thing – ONLY thing – that kept me “OK” on this trip, was that I knew I had 2 more trips with each of the girls planned in the very near future. Had this trip taken place after those trips – I think I would have felt very different about it – there would have been a “finality” there. Does that make sense?

That being said… There is NO ONE out there that I would rather do a trip with – without my girls – than Suzi and Mo… They are my Disney BFFs, and they understand. Both of them have much younger kids than I do, so they are not at the place in life that I am at right now… But I was elated and very honored that they would choose to share this precious family time with ME… They didn’t have to, and it just really meant a lot to me.

Obviously – most of my time on this trip was spent with Suzi and Bradey… Both of them were great travel companions! I feel that we all worked well together, and we were all very open to doing things that the others wanted to do – or didn’t want to do… And very respectful of alone time too. I never had a problem splitting up from them, and I don’t feel like they had a problem with doing the same to me… Even though that didn’t happen often. We were all there to enjoy ourselves and have a great time – whatever that may be for each person. I feel that mentality is vital for people who travel together – family or not.

The only – only – regret I have about this trip, is that we don’t have another one planned… Whether at WDW or elsewhere. I don’t think it will remain that way for long… but it makes saying good-bye all the harder. We all have commitments this coming year, which will make getting together difficult for us… For me, it’s Allison’s graduation right at our Birthday Trip time, and her leaving for Europe right after that… My month of May/June is pretty much gone.

I have a lot of changes coming up with my family over the next year +, and it will be a difficult time for me – I know that. Disney soothes the soul, and I am hoping – since I have an AP – somehow I will be able to sneak in a 4th trip on it… Obviously – finances play a huge part in that… but we will see.

So… Suzi and Mo… I love you with all of my heart… Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your lives, your families and your trips. The both of your friendships mean the WORLD to me, and I am so very fortunate to have you in my life! :hug: We often say, “we wish we lived closer” – and one day – that may be… but until then… My love to you always. :lovestruc

Ariana… I have truly enjoyed this opportunity to get to know you better and to see you again. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of this trip planning, and I had so much fun with all the time we spent together. I hope that one day we are able to do it again! :lovestruc

Bernadette & Monica… Again – I had so much fun with both of you! It was great to see you and spend time together. I am so glad that both of you were able to meet Suzi and Mo too. I do hope that our paths cross again and again over life and trips. :lovestruc

(Bernadette... Where are you in this pic??? I thought you were there? did you take this one?) :(


It just goes to show, friendships can form in any place at any time… I cherish each and every friend I have here and elsewhere! I am so very lucky!

Thank you again – everyone – for following along on this Trip Report… I know it was a little rushed, and in the end – I feel horribly that I didn’t do this trip the justice it deserved. I hope you all understand. And just because the TR was done quickly, does not dull the effect it had on me and the friendships that were solidified during it.

As an added note… I still have my PTR going in that section, which encompasses my upcoming January 2016 Graduation trip with Allison, and also my upcoming October 2016 Graduation trip with Victoria, so please feel free to join me over there – the link is in my siggy.

Much love – Always…

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