~~ Sew the crowds in WDW were frightful, but the weather was so delightful ~~Nov 2015 COMPLETE! ~~

It looks like you had a really nice morning. You really had a lot of Dis meets on this trip. That must have been a lot of fun.

I love the girl's picture. Peanut and Monica are wearing coordinating outfits. I'm glad that you finally met up, even if it was for a short time.

I notice you didn't have any rain on this trip. In fact, the weather looks like it was really nice.

We did! I love my Dis meets - I always have so much fun meeting the people I talk to every day. :)

Thanks - that is one of my favorites from the trip!

Yes, no rain at all - not a drop... The weather was absolutely perfect the entire time! No complaints at all there.

Wow,....so many great updates!!! I love how many Dismeets you had...even if they were short! And how amazing that you saw all kinds of people with your adorable bags!!

I agree about F&W...I was so excited to try it and while I did try some things that were good...it was super expensive in the end, and kind of tedious with the crowds to navigate and find the things you really wanted to try...sigh...

Thanks!!! I love doing Dismeets - they are one of my favorite parts of my trips!

I was very excited to try it too, and glad I did... but I don't think I will ever do it again. I'll just enjoy WS food, if I happen to be there at the same time.

I can't believe you are wrapping up this trip report already.

I love the outfit you wear to MK.

I was trying to remember how long the osbone lights were on the streets of america. I like it better when it was on the houses they took down to make the stunt show.

I know - I wanted to do a fast TR, but I wasn't expecting it to be this fast. LOL I just have so much to do for Allison's trip yet - I'll feel much more relaxed about it if I can go back to the PTR section for a little while before we leave.

Thanks! I think it may have to be taken in for my next trip though? It was a little big on me there - and I am hoping it will be much bigger by January. :scratchin

I couldn't tell you that... I know they have been there for a while though.

The lights looks amazing! I am so bummed I'll never see them. That was one of the reasons we planned on going in November and now we'll never have a chance. Your photo pass pictures are great. It looks well worth it. So sorry you didn't get to spend as much time with Mo and her family as you had hoped. It is nice that you were able to meet up with so many friends though. I can't believe you'll be wrapping up your trip already. It sure went by fast.

They were amazing... I am glad I was able to see them once in my life... However - it's probably better for you, since you don't know what you are missing? I know, I probably would have been better off not seeing them at all? LOL I am sorry that your trip didn't go as planned... I am still hoping that they will find a place for the Osborne lights.

Thanks! I do try very hard to stop as often as I can... I know that after a while - it gets old... even my girls get sick of it. LOL But I love having so many pictures when we get home... And I use them all the time. MM is really the best souvenir that there is.

Yah - we were all really bummed that we didn't get to spend as much time together as we would have liked... Lots of tears and regrets from all of us over this... Maybe one day we will do it better and have an easier time planning. I hope.

Yes, I've been working hard at getting it all written, so I have time to relax a little bit before I leave again in January. I am honestly hoping I'll have this TR wrapped up by the end of the weekend. ::yes::

I keep looking in the background of your park photos to see if I am there! My DH and I were in the Magic Kingdom that day and ALSO ate lunch at BOG!!

Hahaha!!! Let me know you see yourself. That would be awesome! What time were you at BoG?

the Osbourne lights look amazing. It's a shame that they won't be there anymore. I don't like some of the changes Disney's making. I agree about the prices of the samples at the F&W Festival. The last time we went I just got the Belgium waffle. I think it's great that you've gotten to meet so many Dissers on this trip.

They were! I know - it is such a shame. I agree - I don't like some of the changes either. What Disney really NEEDS is a new park. I sure hope they have that in the works - they need to disburse some of these people somewhere.

Yes - in the end, I just don't think it was a good value - not that anything in Disney is... but this just seemed to be way out there. It's a cool concept - but I think that next time, I'll just stick to the regular WS restaurants.

All caught up and so glad you had such a great time. Sorry about all the bus woes. We have always either taken our own car or rented one in Disney because we just find it's easier to drive to the parks than deal with the bus. We only use the bus option when part of our group decides to leave the park or go elsewhere and the rest of us stay behind and catch the bus back. It works great.

Your next trip you'll be at SOG though right? We did use the bus service there once or twice and found it was nice and not crazy packed. Hopefully you'll have the same experience.

Sad to see the trip come to an end but it sounds like it was really nice. Definitely missing Disney but should be planning our next trip in just 3 weeks or so. Definitely gonna miss seeing the Osborne lights though. :(

Welcome back!

Well, the reason I go to Disney - one of them - is that I don't have to drive... So, as much as I would like a car - I just prefer the bus... I just wish it wasn't quite so bad.

That makes perfect sense, and it sounds like a very viable option.

Me too... But I have to leave on the next one shortly - so I am really in prep mode for that trip too. I am hoping to have this TR wrapped up by the end of the weekend.

Looks like a great morning.
I didn't try the Scoolbread at Epoc because it has too much yellow cream on it and I'm not that fond of the yellow cream. In Norway the bread is more flat and doesn't have that much yellow cream but it has a lot of icing and coconut sprinkle

It was.

Oooh - I LOVED the yellow cream.... I was so happy to discover more on the inside - which I wasn't expecting. It was delicious.

Ok! Finally all caught up!

Tusker House sounded like a fun time! This is my favorite picture Too cute!!

Aww! I love Chip and Dale with their Christmas accessories on!

I love that show too - it's fantastic!

What a nice souvenir for the trip! I love how they have one for each park.

Gosh. I had been reading about this all of November. Since my grandparents live in FL and are Disney APs, they would go to F&W a lot, they said it was crazier then ever this year...

Yummy, this is on my must do list!

I love this whole ride! Adorable and fun for everyone!

Amazing! This is on my Disney bucket list to do one day!

Gosh I bet the line was long...

That's insane.

What a great picture of the three of you!

One of my favorites! Glad everyone enjoyed the ride.

You guys were able to try so many things at F&W. But I agree - waiting in those lines would not be too fun after a while. That bread sounds delicious though!

:Sounds like a good plan.

That is great you were able to see them. I never have and now I probably never will, but they always looked amazing.


That is great you were able to meet up with her - how special she must be to you.

This picture is absolutely adorable!

That would be so cute!!!!:

Nice! Glad she was able to come with you guys!

Great updates!!!

Thanks - I love all of our C*D pictures... And I am pretty sure I am doing a C&D theme for this next trip. :woohoo:

I was super excited to meet up with everyone that I was able to - it was a great trip for meets, and really awesome that so many of my friends were there with out their families... That way they could tag along with us when they wanted to, and go their separate ways when they were ready. It was really nice.

Nicole is very special to me - she is just a great friend, and I am so lucky to have herr in my life! ::yes::

Thanks! We did have a lot of great pictures this trip!

Glad you are enjoying the updates... Almost ready to wrap this TR up... Hopefully by the weekend. :thumbsup2

I'm finally caught up! I love the picture with all of you and your beautiful park bags! You do such gorgeous work. It sounds and looks like a great trip!!!

Thanks! It was a great trip and it was so fun to meet everyone and see everyone again! I was so lucky to have so many friends there at the same time!

Wow! I have so much to reply on, it is a good thing I took notes

The black & white striped shirt: you are way to critical of yourself, I think it looks great!

Bruce photos: One of my cutest photos from our family trip last year my 6 year old nephew (who loves sharks) laid down across the teeth with leg and arm hanging out to make it look like Bruce was biting him!
Food & Wine: My two favorite items, I think ? are available year round: the Cronut and Orange slushy from France (I may have had a couple :love: of each) and I understand about finding your water, I was so excited to have a Diet Sunkist when returning home. Which reminds me of how much I miss the orange choice for a Dole Whip! and my last thought on this day is I was so sorry to waste you, Suzi and Bradey's time at Voices of Liberty! the CM I asked where to find it apparently thought they only performed at the outside theatre.... time at Disney is precious and it was very generous of you all to spend some of yours with a new Dis friend:thanks:

I ran into Bernadette on my way out of MK so it was nice to see her once again:flower:

You are welcome to borrow my Chip & Dale bag, they both loved it the day I met them in Epcot!!!

My famous Gingerbread House UPB: have any of you heard of Lynn, the Teddy Bear lady at the GF? I always sit and talk to her when I pass thru and on my 2nd day she insisted I carry my Gingerbread House bag every day (I believe I packed 4 of my bags!) I was sitting outside the GF that day also when the Chef himself stopped and briefly chatted, he was impressed with it! A Disney photographer stopped me to take pictures of it and I had so many compliments and discussions about it my whole trip. Thanks D~ for this amazing conversation starterpixiedust:!!!

Hahahaha... I always take notes on my trips - I would never remember anything if I didn't. LOL

Thanks! I packed that shirt away as soon as I got home... I may wear it again - but only with something over it.

Yah - those Bruce photos were awesome! Some of my favorite (I had a lot of favorites. LOL)

Don't worry about it... We only looked for you for about 10 minutes, and then we moved on. I am glad you understood though - I felt bad leaving with out being able to contact you to let you know we were continuing on. :lovestruc

That's awesome that you were able to meet up with Bernadette again - she is so nice! I just love her and her family!

Ok Monica - if your offer is serious - I may just take you up on it... I know I won't have the time to make another one before this trip, and it would be great to have that theme. :)

That is awesome about the Gingerbread house bag!!! :woohoo: We saw Lynn while we were there... I remember hearing snippets about here, here n' there... Do you know her story? I don't remember it. I wanted to say hello to her, when I saw her, but I was a little scared to.

You are very welcome! :)

Hi there,

I love Photopass Joe. He is such a great guy. Last September, I was tripped in Muppets 3-D and messed up my knee pretty badly. I ended up in a wheelchair for the second half of our trip. On one of our DHS days, I spent an hour or so wheeling myself around the shops near the front gate. Joe noticed me struggling a bit with the ramps up onto the sidewalk and came over to help. We ended up talking for close to half an hour until DH and DD came back from riding at the back of the park. He then did a fantastic photo shoot with all of us. Such an awesome experience.

Thanks for sharing your trips with all of us. We won't be back until next December, so you're making that wait a little easier to deal with.

This is an AWESOME story!!!! I hope you wrote Guest Services about him for that - because that is just an amazing story of a CM going way above and beyond. :lovestruc Photopass Joe is awesome... And I always feel so badly for those guys... Most of those photographers have to stand out in that hot baking sun all day without shade... It must be very tough on them, especially in the summer months.

I hope your knee is better now?

I love sharing my trips here - it allows me to relive them again and again. :lovestruc

Thanks for following along - I hope you'll continue to do so. :)

I am so glad you talked about TH. I was actually considering adding it to our must try list for next year, because of how much you loved it. I may reconsider now. I am thinking maybe we should give Boma a try for our AK day. Last time we did Sanaa and LOVED it, but we really like to try new places rather than repeats.

School Bread...simply my fave Disney snack. I may have to choose now to use it as one of my very few "cheats" for my first Gluten Free trip to the World...

If you've never done it - I think it's a must do at least once... but now that we've done it a few times, and I've experience much better places - I really have no desire to go back there again. But the girls love it - so we will continue to go.

Mmmmm.... I will be living off of school bread on this next trip - I guarantee it.

That chip and dale picture is awesome!!! Love me some chip....dale is alright :P

Thanks!!! I love it too - I am glad the photographer caught that one, it was great!

Yay all caught up here too! I had so many comments but forgot most of them by now of course. Just a few things.

I was seriously worried about you guys on your Via Napoli night. I did lunch around the Food and Wine booths that day and it was crazy crowded then. I knew you were in for a mess trying to get to the restaurant. So glad you made it in and out OK.

I think I may be done with Food and Wine myself. While I really enjoyed the dishes I tried, I ended up getting sick. I have a sensitive stomach and all those strange foods did not combine well for me. Makes me kind of sad.

It was so wonderful to spend a bit of time with you guys! I only have a few extra photos different from what you've posted so far from the trip with you guys so I will go ahead and post them here.

Flying high on Dumbo:

And that's it. Can't wait to read the rest of the TR.

Thanks for adding all of those pictures Ariana... I know I have most of them... but I knew I was getting to my photo limit.

Yah - that was rough in Epcot that night - it was crazy. And lots of wine drinkers too, who by then, had had a LOT of wine. I was happy to be leaving.

It was - I loved spending so much time with you... I feel like when we met in Knoxville - it was so short... So, I was happy to spend more time with you! We'll have to do it again one day! Maybe you and I can work on a solo trip together or something?

I absolutely love seeing all the different park bags you've made. So cute!

Thank you! I enjoy seeing people enjoy them too!

Day 6 Part 2

With our luggage packed... Which is both a relief and very sad...

We decided to head back to Magic Kingdom, via the Poly and Grand Floridian... Not only to say goodbye to Disney... but to find our friends and say goodbye to them. The last full day is always a sad day.

So, a bus to MK, then the monorail to the poly...


Where we had the biggest Dole Whip ever! It was awesome! However, upon eating it - we discovered, not only is it tall, but it's hollow too... LOL A little deceiving - but good.


Then we hopped the monorail again, to the GF - so we could finally see the magnificant Gingerbread House... And it did not disappoint! It is beautiful and amazing!





Finally - we hopped the monorail to the MK.... We really liked the new carpet in the blue monorail...


We spotted a Photopass photographer at the entrance, and decided this was our last chance for a picture here - so we waited in the extra long line...



We arrived just in time to see the Flag Retreat ceremony - which I have never seen before... It was awesome!




Suzi took a great picture of me on the bridge to Liberty Square…


We had a FP for one last ride on BTMRR – Bradey’s favorite…


Then on our way by Splash… Someone was talking about an alligator in the water. What?!? I rode that ride earlier today – I wonder if it was there then? Probably… So, sure enough – I looked over the railing and there is was. I wonder if Disney removes them right away? Or if they do it during the night?


And we were off – to our favorite ride… TTA…


We stopped for quick Photopass pictures in the little photobooths in Tomorrowland (in the dump shop of Space Mountain)… These were a lot of fun and we laughed forever about these that night!



Love this one of Suzi and Bradey!


We met up with Ariana, and we were able to ride 7DMT together with our FPs…


I love the castle walls lit up at night… They are so pretty!

After 7DMT, Ariana left… We said our final goodbyes to her, because we weren’t sure if we would see her again tonight. It was so sad to say goodbye… I love these girls so much!

After Ariana left us, we met up with Bernadette again… And we were hungry.

In search of food we went… We decided on CHH, since we hadn’t been there yet this trip. I usually get salmon here, but I wasn’t in the mood for it tonight and I ordered something REALLY out of the ordinary for me… Lobster Mac n’ Cheese and a Berry Cobbler. It was pretty good… And since it was the end of our trip – I was trying to get in one more “hoorah” before we left… In all fairness – I like the salmon better, but for Mac n’ Cheese – it was pretty good. So now I know.


If I remember correctly – Suzi had the tuna? That looked good too.


After this, we hit Voyage of the Little Mermaid…

We decided to find a spot behind the Castle to watch wishes… IMO – not the best location, but it wasn’t bad, and the crowd there was non-existent, so that was a huge plus. I wouldn’t hesitate to watch them from there again.

From this vantage point – most of the fireworks are over BEAST’S Castle and not Cinderella Castle – just so you know. (Some of these pictures are mine and some are Suzi’s – the better ones are Suzi’s. LOL)





At some point, we were able to connect with Ariana again… I didn’t notate when this happened? Maybe she can tell you all?

Then back to TTA for one last ride. Tired feet… I never had any problems with soreness really – but this last night, I did start to get tired.


As we were walking through the FP area for Wishes, looking for Mo while exiting the park… Tom grabbed on to me as I walked right past him. Yay for Tom!!!




We said our goodbyes to Mo and family – tears and crying ensued… Seriously. It was awful to have to say goodbye to her and the family… I have no idea when I will see these girls again and they are a huge part of my life… So sad that we didn’t get to spend much time together, as we had hoped. And now we knew for sure, that we wouldn’t all be together again for a very long time. It was just so sad.


We left the park on a very sad note… Grabbing my one last Disney Starbucks ornament (the hot ceramic mug) on the way out…

The bus line was insane again…


Thankfully the buses were coming pretty quickly, and even though we had to stand on the way home, it wasn’t nearly as packed – I don’t think? But we finally made it on to the 3rd bus.

We made it back to the resort and in bed by 11pm.

Link to Day 7 Part 1

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We arrived just in time to see the Flag Retreat ceremony - which I have never seen before... It was awesome!
You had a lot of "firsts" on this trip. It is always fun to discover new things. We haven't seen the flag retreat, either. I'll have to add it to the "next time" list. :)

Then on our way by Splash… Someone was talking about an alligator in the water. What?!? I rode that ride earlier today – I wonder if it was there then? Probably… So, sure enough – I looked over the railing and there is was. I wonder if Disney removes them right away? Or if they do it during the night?
Was the alligator in the water that the log boats ride through, or in the water between the Splash area and Tom Sawyer's Island?

I would guess they would remove the alligators at night.

We said our goodbyes to Mo and family – tears and crying ensued… Seriously. It was awful to have to say goodbye to her and the family… I have no idea when I will see these girls again and they are a huge part of my life… So sad that we didn’t get to spend much time together, as we had hoped. And now we knew for sure, that we wouldn’t all be together again for a very long time. It was just so sad.
I feel sad for you. :( I hope you get an opportunity to see each other soon.
so we could finally see the magnificant Gingerbread House.

I never did make it over to the GF this trip to see the Gingerbread House. I had every intention of getting there but just ran out of time.

We stopped for quick Photopass pictures in the little photobooths in Tomorrowland

I must seek this out next trip! Looks like so much fun.

We met up with Ariana, and we were able to ride 7DMT together with our FPs…

Yay! I loved getting to do some rides with you guys.

After 7DMT, Ariana left… We said our final goodbyes to her, because we weren’t sure if we would see her again tonight.

We split up because you guys hadn't eaten yet and I had just come from dinner at the Plaza. We did talk about meeting up for Wishes but I wanted to watch them from the Hub and you guys wanted to see them from Fantasyland.

At some point, we were able to connect with Ariana again… I didn’t notate when this happened? Maybe she can tell you all?

It was right after Wishes. We were texting about meeting somewhere on Main Street to say one more goodbye but you guys wanted to wait till the crowds cleared out and were going to hang in TL for a bit. I decided it would be easier for me to make my way to you since I was alone. So I did some creative dipping and dodging (even cut through Cosmic Rays) to meet you all by the TTA.

Like I said before it was so much fun hanging out with you guys even if it was only for a bit. I would definitely be up for another trip someday! I'm bummed that our January trips don't overlap at all.
What a great last full day. I love all the pictures. I've never heard of the photobooths in Tomorrowland before. It looks really fun.
You have really cranked this TR out quickly!! This was such a great trip for all of you. Incredibly special friendships forged through Disney!!! Will you and Josh be headed to Knoxville anytime in the future?
Beautiful pictures of the castle. Your bus line looks huge. Did it take you long to Get to the resort from Magic Kingdom? I really want to try AKL, but my mom thinks it's too far from everything. Your last day looks busy, busy. I love the picture in front of the gingerbread house. I'm going to have to make it a point to stop there.
Awww...what a great last day/night there! How awesome you get to turn around and do it again so soon though! I think I need to plan a girls only trip with my daughter in the future to Disney. We did a NYC trip last week to see the Rockettes (awesome show btw) and although it was an experience navigating the streets of NYC and the NY Subway and NJ Transit system, we managed and now I think I could do it again easily enough. Still...it's no Disney, not by a long shot!
hanks - I love all of our C*D pictures... And I am pretty sure I am doing a C&D theme for this next trip. :woohoo:
Yay! I can't wait to see how that will turn out! :)
Then we hopped the monorail again, to the GF - so we could finally see the magnificant Gingerbread House... And it did not disappoint! It is beautiful and amazing!

Wow - it's huge! I love how they list the ingredients next to it.
We said our goodbyes to Mo and family – tears and crying ensued… Seriously. It was awful to have to say goodbye to her and the family… I have no idea when I will see these girls again and they are a huge part of my life… So sad that we didn’t get to spend much time together, as we had hoped. And now we knew for sure, that we wouldn’t all be together again for a very long time. It was just so sad.

Great picture of you all! How special that you were all able to spend time in Disney together but how sad how it has to end. A very special trip for all of you though.:goodvibes
The bus line was insane again…

My gosh.:scared1: Wow. These bus lines look worse then MK during Spring Break, and that was CRAZY! AoA also has their own bus...which was very helpful...::yes::

Again I love all our PP photos form MK. You, Suzi, and Bradey really got good use out of it! Also the castle pictures are great, making me miss Disney really bad...:guilty:
Hahaha!!! Let me know you see yourself. That would be awesome! What time were you at BoG?

We were at BOG at 2:05. DH had the roast beef sandwich also and declared it delicious! I think we started the morning in Adventureland and then over to Tomorrowland and Fantasyland. After lunch we went back to the resort and came back for the Fireworks that night. It was crazy crowded!
Ugh, just spent an hour quoting everything....replying to everything....and poof! Its gone :(

So I am not going to do it all over again.

I just want to say that I had an amazing trip with you and I have fully enjoyed your retelling of it. Although its been quite fast...this TR will be over in 15 pages vs the 103 they usually are??? But alas...all great things must come to an end.

I feel so lucky to have this opportunity not only for the great memories we made, but for the chance to meet a few DISers I wouldn't have normally met.

Ariana - You have become a good friend through all this planning and I truly enjoyed meeting you. I hope we can get together again sometime! Anytime you want to come see Maine, let me know!

Bernadette - It was such a pleasure meeting you and I am so happy we met up a few times throughout the week. We aren't that far from eachother.....maybe a DISmeet is in order this summer??

Monica - It was awesome bumping into you a few times as well. When we spotted your bag it was fun to say "Oooh, I know her!" Thank you for all the wonderful pictures you took of us!

I felt like I was walking around with a celebrity all week with D by my side :) She is just such a warm, caring person and everyone loves her!

Sad our trip is coming to a close. I wish I had the time to devote to a TR of my own, but I just don't. I will look at our pictures often and I hope hope hope we can somehow fit in our annual birthday trip this coming year. I miss you and Mo something fierce :(
Yes D, I am dizzy from trying to keep up with you! Love your TR! So many memories, and a lot of firsts! I have been reading the history of the Osborne Lights, glad you got to see them in all their glory, something I would have loved to have seen. Interesting changes coming to the parks. Avatar Land, Star Wars, etc.

You posted a lot of beautiful pics; I love pictures and making all the memories come to life.

The crowds D - my goodness the crowds. I am sort of thinking its because of F&W? It will be interesting to see how it is in January for you. I think it will be less crowded, but are the parks open as late?

I have read so many various opinions about F&W, not sure if I would want to spend that much money; at least you got to try.

I started to get all lumpy in my throat reading about your goodbyes. Beautiful friends!

I will try to keep up with your ending and your PTR!

And BTW - awesome job on your Thanksgiving race.
Looks like a lovely trip with seeing so many nice friends! I love how we can make friends in different ways now.

I liked hearing your opinion on F&W I want to try it once for sure I'm one of those 'try everything once people'. But I think it will be either with out DD or when she is interested in it too (so like 20 years). I just don't think a toddler at F&W is the way to go for me.
Ariana - You have become a good friend through all this planning and I truly enjoyed meeting you. I hope we can get together again sometime! Anytime you want to come see Maine, let me know!

Awww, thanks Suzi! Meeting up with you guys was the best part of this trip I'm so glad we had the opportunity! I really hope there are many more meet ups in our future!
I have NEVER done this ride before!

Seriously?!?! I am really shocked!

These are cool! I'd never seen these before either.

What?!?! Do you live in a bubble when your in Epcot?!?!

I've never seen this sign all lit up at night before

Another NEVER did?!?! SUZI you must take this poor child with you more often...

And the "You Are Here" Starbucks mug ornaments to prove it!

I am BUMMED i did not even go into a starbucks! I WANT THESE!!!

Can you post a pic of what she did with the cups?!?

By the time we all realized we were wearing red - Mo was already coming through the gates.

Liars... your all liars. i was NOT included on their really fun outfit.
In their defense--- I was just lucky i had clothes.. for us all!!

standing near Mo during this time... Sigh - we could have met up again.

Ya know.. Even IF we knew we were in the same park we would have NEVER found each other the crowds were insane here too! Plus with everyone looking up everyone was just bumping into each other like CRAZY!!!

We decided to have breakfast at Mara. This time, I went all out... Ordering a full order of Mickey waffles and sausage on the side.

What i would do for a plate right now!!!

Mo saw us walking into the park and was yelling to us, but we never heard her. We felt so badly about this.

How about screaming yelling like a mad women that people started to stare at me? :rotfl2:

Ariana is pretty competitive on this ride and chose to go alone for this reason. LOL

She cheats when you ride with her.. Just take note on that.... ::yes::

Mo and family had FPs for Splash - and by this time, the standby wait was up to 45 minutes...

I believe i tried to make our FP coordinate with yours but alas we were late to the party.

And now we knew for sure, that we wouldn’t all be together again for a very long time. It was just so sad.


I miss you and Mo something fierce

:flower3: :hug:
Monica - It was awesome bumping into you a few times as well. When we spotted your bag it was fun to say "Oooh, I know her!" Thank you for all the wonderful pictures you took of us!

Thank you Suzi!!! It was the highlight of my trip meeting you all party: I can tell you are a Fun, Energetic Disney Lover. I hope our paths will cross again some day.
I spent my lunch hour on Monday and Tuesday reading all of your updates and I've got to say that I loved them all! It was wonderful to see the friendships that you have made through the Dis and your love for Disney. You all looked like you were having the time of your lives.
Day 7 Part 1 ~ Departure day

I hate writing about this day… It just makes me sad all over again…

I was up at 5am… To enjoy my last gorgeous sunrise as AKL was waking up with my coffee/FB/Dis…



I showered and got ready… Today was a no-nonsense headband/ponytail day… It was also a 2 cup of coffee day – I couldn’t let that view go to waste.


Suzi was up at 6am.

We did our last minute packing.

I took a few final room photos…




Then we brought our luggage down to ME at 7am. My bag weighed in at 47lbs.

We decided that we wanted to walk around the resort a little more before our breakfast reservation at Boma – which we were very excited for!

Our room… Top floor – corner…



And lots of pictures of everything… Everyone… And, of course – a few selfies thrown in for the heck of it. ::yes::















And then it was time for breakfast… Mmmmm… Boma…


We arrived at 7:50…

I filled my plate with all sorts of the best (worst) goodies I could possibly find… This girl was going out with a BANG! Ok maybe not literally? :scratchin Or maybe literally?


Some of my favorites were… Mmmm the bread pudding – this tasted (to me) just like caramel rolls… After I bit into my second portion of it – I had to tell myself to stop, because I could get pretty good caramel rolls at home. Had I not told myself that – I guarantee you, I would have gone up for 4ths and 5ths – even though my belly was quite full at this point already.

(These are not all my plates, I don’t think – I hope – Suzi uploaded her pics to my Photobucket account – so I am praying that some of these are her’s)



Oh yes – here’s my 2nd serving of bread pudding… Mmmmm…. I’ll fully claim this plate.



Yah – my tummy was NOT good at all. That was a really dumb decision D~… You are flying this afternoon, after all – and you all know that it’s better if I don’t eat before a flight.

After we paid our bill… Bellies full… We went back to our room.

We sat on our balcony one last time, trying to drink it all in until the last possible moment… It was truly a beautiful resort and a beautiful stay… I cannot say enough great things about the resort itself.


At 9:45am, we closed the door to room #5454 for the last time. Carry-on bags in hand, we lugged them down – sad faces on – to the lobby and into the ME line…


Link to Day 7 Part 3

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