Something's Starting Right Now! A year of working for Disney-*UPDATED Dec 11/2015-page 8*****

Yayyyy, great post! It was the perfect balance of playing in the parks and stories about work! I am glad someone else our age fully appreciates the AWESOMENESS of Phineas and Ferb! I watch that show almost every morning while I have breakfast! :laughing:

Sounds like work is going well for the most part, but that 10hr day does sound LONG for sure :eek: I guess if you load up lots of hours in one day like that, you get more time off in the rest of that week? Maybe?
I think it's weird too that they encouraged you to put the tray of stuff down on the table/chair while setting..the restaurant where I work currently would frown upon that too for sure. Oh well, I guess Disney can make up their own rules!

Yikes, sounds like it's one thing after another with that apartment!! Hopefully all those issues have gotten sorted out by now! :hug: I can imagine how stressful it must have been to go through that with so little sleep and long work days and then you come "home" to patchy/nonexistent Wifi and a boiling/freezing apartment and getting woken up at all hours by noisy roommates! Bruuutal.

Love that you Canadian arrivals all hang out together! That's so fun!! And also can't WAIT to see/hear/participate in the O Canada opening ceremony thing at Le Cellier! Yay Canada!
So the fact that you met bolt on the day I was in epcot makes me very sad!! He's one of those characters I really want to meet
Hope you had a wonderful holiday Katt!

Oh you can believe that will happen, lol.

5:45am???? :faint: That's harsh for a non work day. Heck, that's harsh for a work day.

So fun to see all the, well, fun of being in Disney 24/7. And YAY SLUSHIES!!!

Ah so nice you got to see Amanda. And fiancé!! Very cool. Congrats to her.

One thing is becoming perfectly clear. Even though it's Disney, it's definitely still work.

YAY for O Canadia!!!

Lol yay!!

Yeah, that was rough, but hey, it ended out well anyways, more time to play!! These last few weeks we've been rope dropping on days off & because that's at 8 we're on the 6:30 bus lol!

Lol, yeah, it can be fun, but honestly sometimes it's nice to get "out of the bubble" and that includes out of the "housing" bubble. Ugh lol.

I'll be sure to pass it along to her!


A year long working at Disney! How awesome! :dance3: Canada is a pavilion that I just haven't spent much time at, so maybe I'll have good reason to stop in on our March trip this year to see you! :)

Glad to follow along on your journey!

It is awesome!

Hahha, exactly! Come say hi! Glad you're here to follow along!

Love reading about your year long Disney vacation with some work thrown in once in awhile!!! :rotfl2:

Lol, yeah! There is a lot of work I just spend more time talking about the fun, I figure it's more interesting!

Yayyyy, great post! It was the perfect balance of playing in the parks and stories about work! I am glad someone else our age fully appreciates the AWESOMENESS of Phineas and Ferb! I watch that show almost every morning while I have breakfast! :laughing:

Sounds like work is going well for the most part, but that 10hr day does sound LONG for sure :eek: I guess if you load up lots of hours in one day like that, you get more time off in the rest of that week? Maybe?
I think it's weird too that they encouraged you to put the tray of stuff down on the table/chair while setting..the restaurant where I work currently would frown upon that too for sure. Oh well, I guess Disney can make up their own rules!

Yikes, sounds like it's one thing after another with that apartment!! Hopefully all those issues have gotten sorted out by now! :hug: I can imagine how stressful it must have been to go through that with so little sleep and long work days and then you come "home" to patchy/nonexistent Wifi and a boiling/freezing apartment and getting woken up at all hours by noisy roommates! Bruuutal.

Love that you Canadian arrivals all hang out together! That's so fun!! And also can't WAIT to see/hear/participate in the O Canada opening ceremony thing at Le Cellier! Yay Canada!

Bahahaha, yeah, that show is great!!

Lol, no, it doesn't really work like that, you usually just get your 2 days off in a week, and we're supposed to be working 30 hours a week. I know I took an er this week, so I only had 20 something but this coming week I have over 40 thanks to holidays. Ugh lol.

Yeah, it was not fun, there are moments and days that housing is great and all but mostly it's just a hassle, I REALLY miss having my own place/good roomates! Lol.

Friends are definitely easy to make here! Bahahaha, oh my god it's the most AWKWARD thing of my life....

So the fact that you met bolt on the day I was in epcot makes me very sad!! He's one of those characters I really want to meet

Bahahahaha I really should have messaged you!!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday Katt!


BAHAHAHAHAH that actually made me laugh out loud in the parks when I first saw it...PERFECT christmas post!
Hi Katt! I'm finally back on the DIS and getting caught up everywhere. It was great to see you again last month. I'm really enjoying reading about your training!
Hi there!
So, I'm not familiar with how things work when you work for the Mouse. ;) I was reading your stuff and you eat in the park a they give you a food allowance or do you eat at a discounted rate or is your paycheck just AWESOME? LOL I feel like eating there that much would cost as much as a student loan! :scared1:
I've loved reading about your experience!
I think we probably crossed paths on 12/5 and 12/6 more than the two times we actually saw each other. I also had lunch at BOG on 12/5 and then on the 6th I'm pretty sure I was at HS and MK at the same time you were. Funny that we didn't bump into each other more time!
That's so great that you got to hang with Danielle and posse. That's something I think would be one of the coolest parts of working/living there. There's always someone on vacation to meet.

Awww YAY "4 Keys Card". Made even better if you thought you were in trouble, lol.

AWWW MAN!!!! Like seriously... WHY COULDN'T SANDY CLAWS BE OUT LAST YEAR?????? I called for it, but noooooooooo, bring him out the year I'm not there. Not fair. Great picture though.

Oh God I remember the Tornado warnings. That's no joke.

Day off and MK on my birthday... I approve. :)

Awwwwwww that older couple on Space. I am ridiculously in love with that.

HA, lots and lots of wine. :drinking1
Wow, you've really kept yourself busy. Loving your IG posts lately! I wish my study spots were as cool as yours lol And that's so sad Baemax and Hiro might be going away soon. I was really hoping to meet them :( Yay for the Kitchen Sink and the Four Keys card! :thumbsup2

Hope everything is still magical and swell in Florida! Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
Just got all caught up. YAY for amazing Disney days! I actually just got an AP :woohoo: for my Bday so I'm sure I'll be seeing ya around.

I think it's amazing that you saw Bolt! My DS is NOT a big Disney guy, but he loves Bolt & Wall*e and you never see them or any merchandise. :sad2:

I love the idea of loosing both shoes for more options prince-wise, brilliant. Cinderella's a thinker. I just love her. :love:

I didn't know Sandy Claws was at MVMCP now I think I'll have to catch one. Jack was LOVELY at MNSSHP a total gentleman.

I'm glad you're managing so well despite the bumps in the road. Keep us posted on your continued adventures.
Glad you had so much fun with Danielle. Based on reading her TRs I bet she could charge people to hang out with them at Food & Wine :lmao:

Congrats on losing the "earning my ears" ribbon and great job getting a "4 Keys Card" on your first day after earning said ears! :thumbsup2

"we ended the day with a couple of cocktails over at the Yacht Club" - sounds lovely and quite refined :goodvibes

Love all the character shots with you girls in your Christmas sweater and ears. Glad things worked out with seeing FoF and that lunch was good. (I've only ever done breakfast at CP)

Glad the meet with Sandy Claws was worth it and sounds like fun at the party - plus made even more seasonal with the cold weather!

Your Sanaa lunch sounds really nice - fully second your recommendation of it and it is a great spot for lunch if it is an AK day for you as easy to get to and, at least we found, easy to get an ADR

We just finished catching up on OUAT - can't believe we have to wait until like March for new episodes!

That bus driver sounds lovely :sad2:

Very cool that you got BOG last minute and your meal sounds great! Love wine flights

Great picture of the three of you with the Kitchen Sink, kinda, almost empty - sounds like a fun evening, plus FREE BEER!

That does stink they aren't having more Big Hero 6 characters in the park. Maybe for the Halloween Party or something they can roll them out

That crying photo with the Tremaines is tremendous! and then you outdo it by riding the carousel with them!

Ack, now I am kinda annoyed that you got to see FOF while it was raining and they cancelled it while I was there even though it totally stopped and the sun came out before 3pm ... le sigh :lmao:
Interesting -- did you say there is a cast member training room above the Garden Grill restaurant? I'm trying to visualize that.

When I was at Be Our Guest in October, we didn't request a specific server, but we got Shelly, and I remembered your praise for her in other TRs. So I was glad to get to meet her as well.

It looks like you know lots of CMs in Entertainment, and I'm still rooting for you to network your way into your dream job eventually.:thumbsup2
From the look of you parade picture on 12/6, we were standing right near you!

I have been to that fudge shop. Everyone who works there sounds like professional singers! So much fun!

I am enjoying reading about your day to day activities! It is definitely work and that can get grueling. I am glad you you get to enjoy yourself as well!


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