WISH Away the Pounds January Challenge -- Jumpstart the New Year -- Everyone Welcome!

Morning all! We managed to get out the door a bit early today, got DS to school 11 minutes early, met DH in Concord and was here at my school by 7:55 am! So I read my plans for the day AND I have a few minutes to chat here.

Today's weigh-in was nothing short of a disaster. I don't usually try to be so dramatic about things, but I'm really bummed. I actually GAINED weight in January AFTER the holiday eating and have not managed to budge a single pound of it for the entire month. Honestly, if it didn't seem like such a cop out, I might start blaming the scale (that being said, I am not above trying a new battery at the next possible chance). A few of my pants do feel a tiny bit more snug than I expect, but for the most part everything is still fitting well. I had a great week, watched my Points and my carbs (no bread, popcorn, rice, potato, crackers, pretzels, snack bars, etc since Sunday), weighed and measured a LOT of my portions, stuck with as many Simply Filling foods as possible, got some exercise (although admittedly not enough), drank my water and green tea and of course, as usual, TRACKED everything. And what do I have to show for my efforts????.... the EXACT SAME lousy number as last Friday. :sad2:

Okay.... pulling on my big girl panties and shouting loudly to the world...."I will NOT GIVE UP!" I will try harder this week, plan better meals, and DEFINITELY get more exercise (and buy a new scale battery :lmao: ).... NO EXCUSES!

Who's with me????????????????


P Let it go!!! It's just a number!
How do you feel physically, mentally and emotionally?!?! How much "weight" have you dumped from the basement organization project?!? Is that helping you mentally and emotionally?!?
Listen, I am right there with you. I have been stuck between 171.2 and 174.6 for months. I'm ok with it, my body needs to be there right now because of my training. I hate that number, but it's just a number! It doesn't define us!!

But I hear you on the battery thing. I'm thinking of getting a new one too. My scale has been slow to turn on lately so I think it's time for a new one.
P Let it go!!! It's just a number!
How do you feel physically, mentally and emotionally?!?! How much "weight" have you dumped from the basement organization project?!? Is that helping you mentally and emotionally?!?
Listen, I am right there with you. I have been stuck between 171.2 and 174.6 for months. I'm ok with it, my body needs to be there right now because of my training. I hate that number, but it's just a number! It doesn't define us!!

But I hear you on the battery thing. I'm thinking of getting a new one too. My scale has been slow to turn on lately so I think it's time for a new one.

Thanks! I really needed that encouragement today. It IS just a number and I'm still strong and healthy and at a healthy weight. I just hate being STUCK here.

And yes, the basement project is REALLY encouraging me. I find it a bit less stressful to go down there now! You can actually walk around and move things! For a bit of time it was just shifting one pile to another pile, just to even BEGIN cleaning! Now I have space to put out a work table, take pictures of stuff I want to list for sale, etc. It is a refreshing feeling, because it has been more years than I want to admit since the basement has felt under control!

I'm going to have DH pop out the scale battery later and bring it along when he comes to pick me up. As long as I am heading to Concord anyhow, might as well stop for a new battery.... and I'm going to take another look at basement shelving units at Lowe's while I'm there!:thumbsup2 Not sure I want to spend the money, but it may be a wise investment..................P
See, you are good! and you are strong and healthy!

Look at the shelves but don't buy just yet. You are shopping for shelves for the amount of stuff that you have now. Wait a few more weeks to see how much more you purge. You may not need as many shelves as you think.
Good morning, everyone! I am OVERJOYED today. Well - NOW I am overjoyed. Today is all about PERSPECTIVE!

I started this morning not so great. It was freezing last night in my apartment, and I'm not sick - I just feel GROSS. The week of a show is always filled with late nights, lots of stress and little sleep. But, I got up, did my workout and then got on the scale... It was as expected - I lost .4 pounds, which is definitely what I expected. But, when I got out of the shower, I remembered it was time to measure myself - I take measurements every two weeks.

Now, it is has been SO cold, that I haven't seen what my body looks like in AGES. :rotfl: Honestly - I was surprised!

Then, I went into Weight Watchers to record everything, and it showed me my numbers, as well as the graphs for last year when I lost all this weight. Well - it turns out that I'm only 2 pounds away from my skinniest last year, and my waist, hips, arms, and thighs are smaller than they've been in 5 years!!!!

I honestly did an off scale happy dance!

It's funny because when I'm trying to stay on plan, I have to remind myself that one day here or there off plan isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but that they do add up. Now, I have to remind myself that when it comes to weight loss, a small loss may seem like nothing, but it adds up, too!

I feel more than ever that this is the year I will finally reach my goal. I was so confident, I put on a sweater that I haven't worn in forever, and it fit so much better than it ever had before! Then, I marched into work, and had a long talk with my boss/father about how February is the month I'm going to find a new job!

So, even though the scale was not my friend, I feel AMAZING today. I am SO ready to start February!!!

Tomorrow is FILLED with holidays! It is Take your child to the Library Day, G.I. Joe Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Working Naked Day (hey, if you have to work on a Saturday, you should be allowed to be naked LOL ) and of course - Spunky Old Broads Day - a day for any woman over 50 who do not let their age get to her! :lmao:

It is also Hula in the Coola Day, which is an excuse to throw a luau and LAUGH at the cold! Oh, how I wish! It's also National Freedom Day - to honor when Abraham Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery.

Congrats, everyone, on completing the month strong! If it wasn't for you wonderful people, I would not have lasted this month, so thank you! :grouphug:

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the January WATP challenge! :yay: Kudos to you for sticking with your goals and making your dreams come true. :cool2:

This is the final weigh in day so please be sure to PM your final number so I can update our statistics one last time.

araes2102 (Amanda) will be hosting the February challenge so keep your eyes open for the thread to be posted soon. In the meantime we can continue to chat here until then.

Lisa, thank you SO much for hosting this month! You've been terrific! Welcome, Amanda!

Break a leg willonlyflytodisney! That is what you say before a play right?:thumbsup2

Haha, yes! That is what they say! Thank you! :)

I am down for the month!:cool1:
At this rate it is going to take me all year to reach my goal, but I am optimistic.:goodvibes

WTG! :woohoo: Every little bit adds up! :)

Okay.... pulling on my big girl panties and shouting loudly to the world...."I will NOT GIVE UP!" I will try harder this week, plan better meals, and DEFINITELY get more exercise (and buy a new scale battery :lmao: ).... NO EXCUSES!

Who's with me????????????????

You are a rockstar. I am constantly impressed each and every day but everything you do just being YOU! So, I'm sure that will start to be reflected soon on the scale. And I'm sending some hopeful vibes that its just the scale. :)
wow some amazing things happening here!!! I can say that I am down a LB for the month.. however on Wed I started the new WW program and will have Saturday's as my weigh in day so I'll use my number from today to start Feb with and my first offical WW WI will be 2/8 .. the new program looks great but there is alot of carbs (fruit and breads) in it so I'll be trying to modify and blend with what I know about atkins (my body can't have very many carbs a day so it'll be interesting) I am going to try and stick to my 26 points and make sure I am not over 26 carbs as well per day.. Hubs and I found we like going to the gym - who knew - and as a WHOO HOOO on Wednesday I was able to push myself and do 10 push ups twice!!! (week one I could only do 8 both times) well they are not true push ups - I do the wimpy kind where you are on your knees with your legs crossed at the ankle but hey I did them!!! going to PM Lisa now and see you all on the Feb thread soon!! Michelle
Yup.... high school students (and most teens) can really get caught up in DECISIONS and they are great at making mountains out of mole hills. Nice of you to be there for her.

Lisa..... super big THANK YOU for hostessing January and getting our year off on the right foot! :flower3:

Prayers and fingers crossed that the next weigh-in looks better for you!


Morning all! We managed to get out the door a bit early today, got DS to school 11 minutes early, met DH in Concord and was here at my school by 7:55 am! So I read my plans for the day AND I have a few minutes to chat here.

Today's weigh-in was nothing short of a disaster. I don't usually try to be so dramatic about things, but I'm really bummed. I actually GAINED weight in January AFTER the holiday eating and have not managed to budge a single pound of it for the entire month. Honestly, if it didn't seem like such a cop out, I might start blaming the scale (that being said, I am not above trying a new battery at the next possible chance). A few of my pants do feel a tiny bit more snug than I expect, but for the most part everything is still fitting well. I had a great week, watched my Points and my carbs (no bread, popcorn, rice, potato, crackers, pretzels, snack bars, etc since Sunday), weighed and measured a LOT of my portions, stuck with as many Simply Filling foods as possible, got some exercise (although admittedly not enough), drank my water and green tea and of course, as usual, TRACKED everything. And what do I have to show for my efforts????.... the EXACT SAME lousy number as last Friday. :sad2:

Okay.... pulling on my big girl panties and shouting loudly to the world...."I will NOT GIVE UP!" I will try harder this week, plan better meals, and DEFINITELY get more exercise (and buy a new scale battery :lmao: ).... NO EXCUSES!

Who's with me????????????????


Yeah-- I'm there. Not off to a great start today though. I got a call this morning from DH asking me to get tickets to Motley Crue because Alice Cooper is playing with them. After playing around with the seating charts and finding the presale code I proudly got the tickets---for the wrong venue. Husband was Mad. So I had to call and cancel and then got the right tickets lol but now I don't have time to go work out before work. I've also got some serious cramps and I found out last night my daughter is pregnant...she said 11-12 weeks. I don't want to get my hopes up for another month because she's miscarried. Anyways going to make a Mom foodbox, prenatal vitamin and pregnancy book run before work instead. This will be good if she is able to have a baby because then they could give her a hysterectomy and she'd be done with the other crap--the cyst crap-- she has. I did hold on to my pound! Through Hurculean effort, and almost 2 pounds as it was 155.0 lol. Well- I better go get ready in my crappy little bathroom...I tell you you get used to the awesome showers at the gym--unlimited hot water and a jacuzzi. I might go just sit in the jacuzzi and use the shower lol--I do have cramps. cya
I am happy to hit my goal for the month and to get rid of those 3 pounds I gained last year, this time for good! I am slowly starting to lose the weight I gained when we moved.

Buffy That's awesome you will be starting in M with Lisa! She is an awesome corral buddy. I'll be in J with a few other WISHers. I'll try to remember my WISH visor during the weekend and I'll at least have my bondiband on for the race. And I'm scream teaming with Lisa for the 10K.

Sorry I couldn't post more this month (or do a better job with replies). February is going to be even more nuts so I may have to go back into lurk mode again. Great job this month everyone!
Hey everyone :)

I haven't really had any extra time these last couple days to check in. So, I decided to jump on, send my weigh in to Lisa (maintain for the month :thumbsup2 ), and get motivated for February. I have to track my food faithfully and get back to a regular exercise routine. Have to!

Have a great night and see you all next month!

Buffy That's awesome you will be starting in M with Lisa! She is an awesome corral buddy. I'll be in J with a few other WISHers. I'll try to remember my WISH visor during the weekend and I'll at least have my bondiband on for the race. And I'm scream teaming with Lisa for the 10K.

I'm so happy Lisa is with me. I'd be lost without her!!!

I don't have any WISH stuff other than my Bondi Band so I'm going to just buy a lime green shirt for the 1/2. I think the family is going to wear Super hero or Power Ranger shirts for the 5K and I think I'm wearing my Haiti 180 shirt for the 10K, not sure yet because that's not a tech shirt.
I'll let y'all know what I'm wearing as soon as I figure it out.
Morning all! I told myself not gabbing here on the DIS or on FB until I got some stuff accomplished this morning.... so here it is lunch time and I am finally on!

I did buy a new battery for my scale and it seems to have made a tiny difference, so I'm feeling a bit encouraged by that.... plus my weigh-in today (even with the old battery) has me down over a pound since yesterday, FURTHER CONFIRMING my hypothesis that I eat TOO LITTLE on Thursdays! :headache: Definitely something I need to work on (that is, getting past that mental block that I will sabotage an entire week if I eat my full PPV on Thursday....:rolleyes1 ).

And despite the snow on the ground, I hung laundry OUTSIDE today! :laundy: It was very "brrrrrr" but the sun felt good on my face and it is nice to save a bit on the electric bill!

So far this morning (after I let myself relax and read for a bit) I cleaned out 4 drawers (filling a bag to donate and tossing the trash), washed/hung out a load of jeans and sweatshirts, hung a horseshoe that I've been trying to figure out how to hang for YEARS now (WOO!), cleaned the downstairs bathroom, and did my menu planning for this coming week. Plus I had a nice long Skype chat with DD.

Time to make lunch! I'll BBL to chat more!...........P
See, you are good! and you are strong and healthy!

Look at the shelves but don't buy just yet. You are shopping for shelves for the amount of stuff that you have now. Wait a few more weeks to see how much more you purge. You may not need as many shelves as you think.

Overall that is a great suggestion... I'd rather not buy shelves just to store more crap.... but that being said, I definitely need some for the Christmas boxes. I've always just stacked them and I'm tired of having to move every one if I need something from the bottom box! Looked a bit at Lowe's last night and of course, the metal/wood heavy duty shelving I want is about $80 for one unit. It would be more than big enough, but too much $$.

Good morning, everyone! I am OVERJOYED today. Well - NOW I am overjoyed. Today is all about PERSPECTIVE!

I started this morning not so great. It was freezing last night in my apartment, and I'm not sick - I just feel GROSS. The week of a show is always filled with late nights, lots of stress and little sleep. But, I got up, did my workout and then got on the scale... It was as expected - I lost .4 pounds, which is definitely what I expected. But, when I got out of the shower, I remembered it was time to measure myself - I take measurements every two weeks.

Now, it is has been SO cold, that I haven't seen what my body looks like in AGES. :rotfl: Honestly - I was surprised!

Then, I went into Weight Watchers to record everything, and it showed me my numbers, as well as the graphs for last year when I lost all this weight. Well - it turns out that I'm only 2 pounds away from my skinniest last year, and my waist, hips, arms, and thighs are smaller than they've been in 5 years!!!!

I honestly did an off scale happy dance!

It's funny because when I'm trying to stay on plan, I have to remind myself that one day here or there off plan isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but that they do add up. Now, I have to remind myself that when it comes to weight loss, a small loss may seem like nothing, but it adds up, too!

I feel more than ever that this is the year I will finally reach my goal. I was so confident, I put on a sweater that I haven't worn in forever, and it fit so much better than it ever had before! Then, I marched into work, and had a long talk with my boss/father about how February is the month I'm going to find a new job!

So, even though the scale was not my friend, I feel AMAZING today. I am SO ready to start February!!!

You SHOULD be overjoyed!! Congratulations on making some GREAT progress on this journey!! And DOUBLE congrats on taking the bull by the horns and talking to Dad about finding a new job!

Tomorrow is FILLED with holidays! It is Take your child to the Library Day, G.I. Joe Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Working Naked Day (hey, if you have to work on a Saturday, you should be allowed to be naked LOL ) and of course - Spunky Old Broads Day - a day for any woman over 50 who do not let their age get to her! :lmao:

It is also Hula in the Coola Day, which is an excuse to throw a luau and LAUGH at the cold! Oh, how I wish! It's also National Freedom Day - to honor when Abraham Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery.

Okay.... I totally skipped the "Ice Cream for Breakfast" celebration.... although I mentioned it to DD, but she said they don't put the handles on the fro-yo machine until lunch time! :confused3 And I am NOT doing my housework naked.... if I caught a glimpse in a mirror it would be :scared1: !! The closest I can come is the luau.... which will consist of me braving the cold and snow (although today is really not bad) and using the grill for tonight's beef tenderloin!:thumbsup2

Congrats, everyone, on completing the month strong! If it wasn't for you wonderful people, I would not have lasted this month, so thank you! :grouphug:

We have a wonderful group here!

You are a rockstar. I am constantly impressed each and every day but everything you do just being YOU! So, I'm sure that will start to be reflected soon on the scale. And I'm sending some hopeful vibes that its just the scale. :)

Thanks for your encouragement. I actually read you post OUT LOUD to myself and it was definitely a boost.

wow some amazing things happening here!!! I can say that I am down a LB for the month.. however on Wed I started the new WW program and will have Saturday's as my weigh in day so I'll use my number from today to start Feb with and my first offical WW WI will be 2/8 .. the new program looks great but there is alot of carbs (fruit and breads) in it so I'll be trying to modify and blend with what I know about atkins (my body can't have very many carbs a day so it'll be interesting) I am going to try and stick to my 26 points and make sure I am not over 26 carbs as well per day.. Hubs and I found we like going to the gym - who knew - and as a WHOO HOOO on Wednesday I was able to push myself and do 10 push ups twice!!! (week one I could only do 8 both times) well they are not true push ups - I do the wimpy kind where you are on your knees with your legs crossed at the ankle but hey I did them!!! going to PM Lisa now and see you all on the Feb thread soon!! Michelle

I have been doing a combined low carb/WW hybrid for a while now (although admittedly off and on) and I recently tried to combine the Simple Start with this.... and that definitely made it a bit more difficult, but still doable. The first thing you will need to embrace is a love of vegetables! Next I would suggest finding some low carb/high fiber bread and/or wraps to make life a bit more interesting and easier. (You are in New England, so check out Market Basket for Joseph's products.)

The biggest stumbling block I have found in combining all of this is dairy.... Simple Start only allows fat-free dairy (unless you count it for your daily 7 PPV).... which automatically makes it higher carb than full fat dairy. So if you want milk, creamer, cheese, or yogurt, you need to decide if it will come from your carb count or your 7 PPV.

A few foods that might save you....

veggie burgers.... to be SS they need to have 2 gr of fat or less, and of course for carbs, the best you will probably do might be 3-5 net carbs. The best one I have come up with is Boca burger "grilled vegetable" veggie burger.... 1 gr fat, 7 grams carb, 4 grams fiber. Not the BEST veggie burger out there, but definitely an option.... and for a volume eater like myself, I'd rather have two of those than one tiny beef burger.

eggs/egg whites..... help yourself! I suggest you dig up a bunch of egg recipes.... crustless quiche, fritattas, egg salad (without mayo), maybe even an egg custard made with Splenda or stevia.

fat-free salsa.... can dress up so many things!

fat-free/low sodium broths.... can be the base for lots of great vegetable soups and stews.

You will need to experiment a bit. And perhaps, after two weeks on Simple Start, you will be ready to start counting PPV to make things a bit easier for you (as far as carbs is concerned). PLEASE PM me if you need help! :hug:

Yeah-- I'm there. Not off to a great start today though. I got a call this morning from DH asking me to get tickets to Motley Crue because Alice Cooper is playing with them. After playing around with the seating charts and finding the presale code I proudly got the tickets---for the wrong venue. Husband was Mad. So I had to call and cancel and then got the right tickets lol but now I don't have time to go work out before work. I've also got some serious cramps and I found out last night my daughter is pregnant...she said 11-12 weeks. I don't want to get my hopes up for another month because she's miscarried. Anyways going to make a Mom foodbox, prenatal vitamin and pregnancy book run before work instead. This will be good if she is able to have a baby because then they could give her a hysterectomy and she'd be done with the other crap--the cyst crap-- she has. I did hold on to my pound! Through Hurculean effort, and almost 2 pounds as it was 155.0 lol. Well- I better go get ready in my crappy little bathroom...I tell you you get used to the awesome showers at the gym--unlimited hot water and a jacuzzi. I might go just sit in the jacuzzi and use the shower lol--I do have cramps. cya

First of all.... CONGRATS on the impending bundle of joy.... prayers of COURSE going out for health for your DD and the baby.

Next.... hope the cramps head out soon. I'll tolerate every single hot flash to avoid that for the rest of my life! :thumbsup2

Glad the scale made you smile!

I am happy to hit my goal for the month and to get rid of those 3 pounds I gained last year, this time for good! I am slowly starting to lose the weight I gained when we moved.

Buffy That's awesome you will be starting in M with Lisa! She is an awesome corral buddy. I'll be in J with a few other WISHers. I'll try to remember my WISH visor during the weekend and I'll at least have my bondiband on for the race. And I'm scream teaming with Lisa for the 10K.

Sorry I couldn't post more this month (or do a better job with replies). February is going to be even more nuts so I may have to go back into lurk mode again. Great job this month everyone!

We understand and I'm glad you are hanging with us for February!

Hey everyone :)

I haven't really had any extra time these last couple days to check in. So, I decided to jump on, send my weigh in to Lisa (maintain for the month :thumbsup2 ), and get motivated for February. I have to track my food faithfully and get back to a regular exercise routine. Have to!

Have a great night and see you all next month!


See you in February!!!

I'm so happy Lisa is with me. I'd be lost without her!!!

I don't have any WISH stuff other than my Bondi Band so I'm going to just buy a lime green shirt for the 1/2. I think the family is going to wear Super hero or Power Ranger shirts for the 5K and I think I'm wearing my Haiti 180 shirt for the 10K, not sure yet because that's not a tech shirt.
I'll let y'all know what I'm wearing as soon as I figure it out.

I am DOUBLE jealous! I want to be there hug you both, wish you luck, and cheer likea maniac!! Is there a live stream of the race? Maybe I'll wake up at the crack of dawn and watch!!

WOOHOO on the fun T-shirts!


Okay.... beds made, 3rd load of laundry going along, lunch (for myself) made and half consumed)....now off to tackle another pile in the basement! If I'm not out by 6pm, call out the National Guard!! :rotfl2: ..............P
See, you are good! and you are strong and healthy!

Look at the shelves but don't buy just yet. You are shopping for shelves for the amount of stuff that you have now. Wait a few more weeks to see how much more you purge. You may not need as many shelves as you think.

Overall that is a great suggestion... I'd rather not buy shelves just to store more crap.... but that being said, I definitely need some for the Christmas boxes. I've always just stacked them and I'm tired of having to move every one if I need something from the bottom box! Looked a bit at Lowe's last night and of course, the metal/wood heavy duty shelving I want is about $80 for one unit. It would be more than big enough, but too much $$.

Good morning, everyone! I am OVERJOYED today. Well - NOW I am overjoyed. Today is all about PERSPECTIVE!

I started this morning not so great. It was freezing last night in my apartment, and I'm not sick - I just feel GROSS. The week of a show is always filled with late nights, lots of stress and little sleep. But, I got up, did my workout and then got on the scale... It was as expected - I lost .4 pounds, which is definitely what I expected. But, when I got out of the shower, I remembered it was time to measure myself - I take measurements every two weeks.

Now, it is has been SO cold, that I haven't seen what my body looks like in AGES. :rotfl: Honestly - I was surprised!

Then, I went into Weight Watchers to record everything, and it showed me my numbers, as well as the graphs for last year when I lost all this weight. Well - it turns out that I'm only 2 pounds away from my skinniest last year, and my waist, hips, arms, and thighs are smaller than they've been in 5 years!!!!

I honestly did an off scale happy dance!

It's funny because when I'm trying to stay on plan, I have to remind myself that one day here or there off plan isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but that they do add up. Now, I have to remind myself that when it comes to weight loss, a small loss may seem like nothing, but it adds up, too!

I feel more than ever that this is the year I will finally reach my goal. I was so confident, I put on a sweater that I haven't worn in forever, and it fit so much better than it ever had before! Then, I marched into work, and had a long talk with my boss/father about how February is the month I'm going to find a new job!

So, even though the scale was not my friend, I feel AMAZING today. I am SO ready to start February!!!

You SHOULD be overjoyed!! Congratulations on making some GREAT progress on this journey!! And DOUBLE congrats on taking the bull by the horns and talking to Dad about finding a new job!

Tomorrow is FILLED with holidays! It is Take your child to the Library Day, G.I. Joe Day, Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Working Naked Day (hey, if you have to work on a Saturday, you should be allowed to be naked LOL ) and of course - Spunky Old Broads Day - a day for any woman over 50 who do not let their age get to her! :lmao:

It is also Hula in the Coola Day, which is an excuse to throw a luau and LAUGH at the cold! Oh, how I wish! It's also National Freedom Day - to honor when Abraham Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery.

Okay.... I totally skipped the "Ice Cream for Breakfast" celebration.... although I mentioned it to DD, but she said they don't put the handles on the fro-yo machine until lunch time! :confused3 And I am NOT doing my housework naked.... if I caught a glimpse in a mirror it would be :scared1: !! The closest I can come is the luau.... which will consist of me braving the cold and snow (although today is really not bad) and using the grill for tonight's beef tenderloin!:thumbsup2

Congrats, everyone, on completing the month strong! If it wasn't for you wonderful people, I would not have lasted this month, so thank you! :grouphug:

We have a wonderful group here!

You are a rockstar. I am constantly impressed each and every day but everything you do just being YOU! So, I'm sure that will start to be reflected soon on the scale. And I'm sending some hopeful vibes that its just the scale. :)

Thanks for your encouragement. I actually read you post OUT LOUD to myself and it was definitely a boost.

wow some amazing things happening here!!! I can say that I am down a LB for the month.. however on Wed I started the new WW program and will have Saturday's as my weigh in day so I'll use my number from today to start Feb with and my first offical WW WI will be 2/8 .. the new program looks great but there is alot of carbs (fruit and breads) in it so I'll be trying to modify and blend with what I know about atkins (my body can't have very many carbs a day so it'll be interesting) I am going to try and stick to my 26 points and make sure I am not over 26 carbs as well per day.. Hubs and I found we like going to the gym - who knew - and as a WHOO HOOO on Wednesday I was able to push myself and do 10 push ups twice!!! (week one I could only do 8 both times) well they are not true push ups - I do the wimpy kind where you are on your knees with your legs crossed at the ankle but hey I did them!!! going to PM Lisa now and see you all on the Feb thread soon!! Michelle

I have been doing a combined low carb/WW hybrid for a while now (although admittedly off and on) and I recently tried to combine the Simple Start with this.... and that definitely made it a bit more difficult, but still doable. The first thing you will need to embrace is a love of vegetables! Next I would suggest finding some low carb/high fiber bread and/or wraps to make life a bit more interesting and easier. (You are in New England, so check out Market Basket for Joseph's products.)

The biggest stumbling block I have found in combining all of this is dairy.... Simple Start only allows fat-free dairy (unless you count it for your daily 7 PPV).... which automatically makes it higher carb than full fat dairy. So if you want milk, creamer, cheese, or yogurt, you need to decide if it will come from your carb count or your 7 PPV.

A few foods that might save you....

veggie burgers.... to be SS they need to have 2 gr of fat or less, and of course for carbs, the best you will probably do might be 3-5 net carbs. The best one I have come up with is Boca burger "grilled vegetable" veggie burger.... 1 gr fat, 7 grams carb, 4 grams fiber. Not the BEST veggie burger out there, but definitely an option.... and for a volume eater like myself, I'd rather have two of those than one tiny beef burger.

eggs/egg whites..... help yourself! I suggest you dig up a bunch of egg recipes.... crustless quiche, fritattas, egg salad (without mayo), maybe even an egg custard made with Splenda or stevia.

fat-free salsa.... can dress up so many things!

fat-free/low sodium broths.... can be the base for lots of great vegetable soups and stews.

You will need to experiment a bit. And perhaps, after two weeks on Simple Start, you will be ready to start counting PPV to make things a bit easier for you (as far as carbs is concerned). PLEASE PM me if you need help! :hug:

Yeah-- I'm there. Not off to a great start today though. I got a call this morning from DH asking me to get tickets to Motley Crue because Alice Cooper is playing with them. After playing around with the seating charts and finding the presale code I proudly got the tickets---for the wrong venue. Husband was Mad. So I had to call and cancel and then got the right tickets lol but now I don't have time to go work out before work. I've also got some serious cramps and I found out last night my daughter is pregnant...she said 11-12 weeks. I don't want to get my hopes up for another month because she's miscarried. Anyways going to make a Mom foodbox, prenatal vitamin and pregnancy book run before work instead. This will be good if she is able to have a baby because then they could give her a hysterectomy and she'd be done with the other crap--the cyst crap-- she has. I did hold on to my pound! Through Hurculean effort, and almost 2 pounds as it was 155.0 lol. Well- I better go get ready in my crappy little bathroom...I tell you you get used to the awesome showers at the gym--unlimited hot water and a jacuzzi. I might go just sit in the jacuzzi and use the shower lol--I do have cramps. cya

First of all.... CONGRATS on the impending bundle of joy.... prayers of COURSE going out for health for your DD and the baby.

Next.... hope the cramps head out soon. I'll tolerate every single hot flash to avoid that for the rest of my life! :thumbsup2

Glad the scale made you smile!

I am happy to hit my goal for the month and to get rid of those 3 pounds I gained last year, this time for good! I am slowly starting to lose the weight I gained when we moved.

Buffy That's awesome you will be starting in M with Lisa! She is an awesome corral buddy. I'll be in J with a few other WISHers. I'll try to remember my WISH visor during the weekend and I'll at least have my bondiband on for the race. And I'm scream teaming with Lisa for the 10K.

Sorry I couldn't post more this month (or do a better job with replies). February is going to be even more nuts so I may have to go back into lurk mode again. Great job this month everyone!

We understand and I'm glad you are hanging with us for February!

Hey everyone :)

I haven't really had any extra time these last couple days to check in. So, I decided to jump on, send my weigh in to Lisa (maintain for the month :thumbsup2 ), and get motivated for February. I have to track my food faithfully and get back to a regular exercise routine. Have to!

Have a great night and see you all next month!


See you in February!!!

I'm so happy Lisa is with me. I'd be lost without her!!!

I don't have any WISH stuff other than my Bondi Band so I'm going to just buy a lime green shirt for the 1/2. I think the family is going to wear Super hero or Power Ranger shirts for the 5K and I think I'm wearing my Haiti 180 shirt for the 10K, not sure yet because that's not a tech shirt.
I'll let y'all know what I'm wearing as soon as I figure it out.

I am DOUBLE jealous! I want to be there hug you both, wish you luck, and cheer likea maniac!! Is there a live stream of the race? Maybe I'll wake up at the crack of dawn and watch!!

WOOHOO on the fun T-shirts!


Okay.... beds made, 3rd load of laundry going along, lunch (for myself) made and half consumed)....now off to tackle another pile in the basement! If I'm not out by 6pm, call out the National Guard!! :rotfl2: ..............P
BernardandMissBianca said:
Absolutely! We have a March thread going now. It's never to late to join that one, I'd link it but I'm on my phone.
There will be a new thread in April. Hope to see you there!

Hi do u have the April thread up already so i can join


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