WISH Away the Pounds January Challenge -- Jumpstart the New Year -- Everyone Welcome!

Good morning all! :goodvibes

Susan, glad that you are feeling better! :flower3:

Kimberley, love the pictures! Maybe his mate will show up and you will have swan babies to watch in the spring. :cool2:

QOTD 1/29/2014
It's Wahoo Wednesday! What are you most proud of this week?

My :woohoo: moment was my 12.5 mile run on the indoor track Saturday. Princess Half here I come! princess:

That's really a tough question for me as so far there is not a lot to be proud of this week. But I think it is in times like this that it is important to sit back and find something positive to stay motivated. So: My thing to be proud of is that I packed an apple as a snack every day! Not a huge thing, but snacking on apples prevents me from getting something else, so it is a small step in the right direction!

Even though things should be easier this week, I am still not back into a real diet mood. I did track yesterday, but then ended up finding lots of candy when I got home... So hopefully today will finally be a day that is fully OP! I only have about three months before my cruise and I am determined to board the ship weighing less than when I boarded the Disney Wonder last time! :thumbsup2 I really need to be serious!

I am contemplating getting a fitbit - anyone have any experience with it? I would love to get the WW activelink that Lisa loves so much, but that is not available in Germany and I asked WW but they say there are currently no plans to introduce it in the near future. I am thinking of getting the fitbit one as I don't want a wristband, but I like the sleep feature it has.

I am also thinking of trying out something that WW introduced here in Germany just this month called something like "my simple start". It is a two weeks meal plan. I am normally not big on following a meal plan, but think that this would help me to adjust back into WW mood and also hopefully bring some results that motivate me!

Magdalene, a lot of folks at my meeting had a good start with Simple Start so you may want to give it a try. The nice thing about it is that they have meals plans for you. I noticed that they are doing that with power foods and Simply Filling now so you may want to check those out on the WW site, too.

I do like my ActiveLink but if I ever lose it I will be switching to a FitBit myself.

I have faith that you can get back on track! :flower3:

I have cleared out my PM box in anticipation of everyone's final result PMs on Friday. :cool2:

Finish strong! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
My :woohoo: moment was my 12.5 mile run on the indoor track Saturday. Princess Half here I come! princess:

WAAAHOOOOEYYY!!!!!! Great job!!!!

waivers and bib numbers are up!!! Did you get yours yet? I'm mid 25,000 for the GSC and 9500's for the 5K. DS17 is in the 100's damn Speedy Gonzalez, he will be done before the rest of us even start.
My :woohoo: moment was my 12.5 mile run on the indoor track Saturday. Princess Half here I come! princess:

Sounds great!! :thumbsup2

Magdalene, a lot of folks at my meeting had a good start with Simple Start so you may want to give it a try. The nice thing about it is that they have meals plans for you. I noticed that they are doing that with power foods and Simply Filling now so you may want to check those out on the WW site, too.

I do like my ActiveLink but if I ever lose it I will be switching to a FitBit myself.

I have faith that you can get back on track! :flower3:

Thanks for the encouragement!! I think we don't have "power foods" in Germany (yet), it seems that WW here is always a little behind as compared to the US. But I do like the idea of having a meal plan to follow. I noticed that it even comes with a weekly shopping list, so I can get all set without too much thinking! The only thing is that I need a to get something else for when the plan requires me to eat 100g of shrimps as I am allergic to those! :scared1:

Why would you switch to the FitBit? One thing I would like about the ActiveLink is that it translates directly into activity points (at least that is what I understand) and I do have trouble to figure out what the minimum level of activity is that I need to do anyway before I start earning activity points... I think therein lie some of my problems with WW. I tend to overestimate or underestimate my activity points and it seems that for me this has a huge influence on weight loss success or failure. That might be why I am losing better when I don't do any exercise...:confused3
Morning all and Happy Wednesday! I did read everything and am relatively caught up, but I am at school working on a painfully slow laptop and have to go retrieve my students again in 8 minutes, so no time for replies for now.

I will answer the QOTD and say that my "Wahoo Wednesday" actually happened yesterday when I passed my WW Simple Start certification with flying colors! Not a huge deal, but glad to be done with it!! And it did give me a boost of confidence when I presented it last night to my newbies.

I will make it a priority to be sure to pop on here at some point this evening. Dinner is in the crockpot, so that will be easy. The men will be heading to robotics probably around 5:15pm and I have a MOUNTAIN of clean laundry that needs to be folded and put away.... not sure how it got away from me so badly! Plus this week is inventory for WW so I'll have to brave the cold and head up to the playroom where I keep my at-home stock and do a quick count.

I am working here at school tomorrow and Friday as well, so between several hours of WW on Monday, my certification and meeting on Tuesday, my inventory hours later today AND three days of pay from school, it looks like I may have a little extra $$ to stash away for my "someday" trip to Europe!... YUP, I've finally started saving for it.... because if I DON'T, someday will end up being NEVER and that would be very sad!

I've got 4 minutes to hit the bathroom and grab my kids from computer class! TTYL......................P
Hello all! Happy hump day!

Hope everyone is enjoying Curmudgeons day! Tomorrow is National Inane Answering Message Day! It is actually one of my biggest pet peeves (as someone who worked at an alumni fundraising office) when people have answering machine message that go on FOREVER!!! Like the ones where the kids are recording it, but they keep forgetting what they have to say and the messages goes on for minutes... :furious:

My apologies if any of you have answering machine messages with your kids on them, but I'm sure they don't go on for forever!

Anyway, tomorrow is the kid for me to be okay with people with long answering machine messages haha

My PB&J on a tortilla was actually pretty successful! Though, I think I need to be mindful of how much PB and J I put on the tortilla, because I think I used a little more than the tablespoon I usually use. Gotta go back to measuring it if I'm going to switch to tortillas.

I'm SO happy with the switch, though. It makes me feel so much better to not be spending so many points on bread, and it allows me to have a little more flexibility in my day. Yay! Plus, its just as filling! :)

willonlyflytodisney I hope the heat is fixed soon! And no, usually get up around 6:00. But I had developed such a bad habit of playing CCS. So today when I woke up so early I had no excuse to not go to the gym. :)

What great initiative! WTG! :woohoo:

QOTD 1/29/2014
It's Wahoo Wednesday! What are you most proud of this week?

Hmmm. It's been a tough week, and I'm most proud of the fact that I've stayed on track eating wise. I made a healthy chicken pot pie soup this week and I've been really good about not eating more than a serving of it, even though its less than I usually eat, simply because it is a less healthy meal than what I usually get. So, I'm happy about that. :)

My :woohoo: moment was my 12.5 mile run on the indoor track Saturday. Princess Half here I come! princess:


I will answer the QOTD and say that my "Wahoo Wednesday" actually happened yesterday when I passed my WW Simple Start certification with flying colors! Not a huge deal, but glad to be done with it!! And it did give me a boost of confidence when I presented it last night to my newbies.

That definitely IS a HUGE DEAL! Definitely an inspiration for your newcomers!!! :woohoo:
I guess eating and drinking less at night has been my best accomplishment this week although last night I struggled with it and I'm back up a pound today...I'm going to swim today and go see Philomena as a reward for being down at least a pound so far this week. I gotta hurry to fit all this in though so bye for now, Susan
Bad day at my house. I forgot to take my workout clothes to work which ended up being a good thing because I had to rush Sugar (our 15.5 yo daschund) to the vet. This morning she was fine, but when I got home from work she was missing huge chunks of hair off of her back. The vet thinks it's a bacterial infection. Or could be an auto immune disease causing a bacterial infection. Anyhow, it was really stressful, and now I am sort of crying and having a martini. And pizza. And fries for dinner. The wagon is a long way off tonight, but I am ok with that. I know that Sugar's days are limited. We got her when DS was starting second grade, so he grew up with her. Thanks for letting me share.

Prayers that Sugar is improving. And I hope you enjoyed your "medicinal" martini!

I posted this because I find that as I put weight back on I become guilty of "letting myself go." And I think it then becomes a big spiral downhill.

I know the feeling.... a few pounds come back... then you're back to wearing your "fat" clothes (you know, the ones you save for around the house and for when your bloated.... but now they are your "every day" clothes), then because you feel lousy about the way you look, you eat into those feelings and then here come a few MORE pounds... and pretty soon even the "fat" clothes are tight and you are in the store buying pants in a size you SWORE you would never wear again. Stop the spiral NOW!!

I think I am really guilty of this. Or was. I see old tendencies sneaking in there again so time to nip things in the bud and take better care of myself.

Take care of YOU first every day! DH can take care of himself, DS isn't there to worry too much about, and you can't take care of Sugar if you aren't taking care of yourself!

One of our favorite things to do is find the cat!

Suppose I should add that to my Disney bucket list!

Thanks for all the info on Maine. We were looking at Boothbay Harbor for a couple nights. Have you ever been there? Although, the whale watching boat from there doesn't get the best reviews. I'll look into all the places you suggested. Thanks again

I don't think I've ever been there. If you don't mind a detour into MA, I know that there are some great Whale Watching tours from Gloucester and from Cape Cod. I imagine there are some wonderful ones in Maine too, but I don't have any info.

Did you clean under the bed? Schools here are cancelled for tomorrow due to extreme wind chills (-20), so I started to "spring clean" DSs rooms. I started with those stinking Legos! I know you feel my pain. We have too many and it's out of control. Luckily we are to the point of being done with Legos But, I did find some dust bunnies under DS7's bed along with socks, a shirt, a pair of jeans, and 3 pairs of underwear

Yup.... I pulled everything out from under my bed... and for the most part it got dusted and vacuumed and everything except a few board games got put back! There just wasn't much that didn't belong there. The board games will go to the playroom except for the 3 I'm going to get rid of.

DS has a "captain's" bed with drawers under, so no stray socks there, and DD has a trundle bed under her bed, so again, nothing hiding there except for dust!

Tomorrow my school is cancelled, so I think it will be the best Fun at Work Day . And, maybe I'll make the kids blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I still have tons of blueberries in my freezer from my grandma this summer.

How were the pancakes??

QOTD~I multi-quoted Rose's question but it went MIA. I think I do pretty well. As far as clothes go, I am wearing much better fitting clothes. And, I feel good about myself in the clothes. I always wear makeup (not a lot). I never wear fingernail polish because it seems to chip instantly (I have soft nails). I actually do not do much with my hair as far as coloring or anything. I keep a simple cut that is easy in the mornings and I can also pull back when working out. I do need a trim, though, so thanks for the reminder

No school tomorrow=cleaning days! I did a bunch in DS7's room but need another hour in there. Then it's to DS10's room. I am cleaning it with no help from him because he will not get rid of anything. So in order to purge some stuff and deep clean, he cannot be anywhere near me!

We are going to watch a family movie tonight since the kids can stay up a bit later, so I am going to run. Have a healthy day!


Hope you enjoyed your family movie time. What did you watch?

Aww, thanks so much! I hadn't even heard of Run Disney when I started the BL challenges here over 3 years ago. Then I read about Corinna (another WISHer) running the DL half and Rose running the Wine and Dine and I was inspired. I wanted to run the DL half as my first half, but then Tink was announced and I knew I had to do it! I got so much help and support from the ladies here. And I've made some amazing friends along the way. You can definitely do it!
Oh my GOSH! I miss Corinna! I haven't heard that name in a while! Is she around the Dis still? Tell her I said HI!!!

Hi, all! I am slow to write again, but I am still here - and going strong! I lost enough this week to make my January goal! Now to keep it off through the end of the month - and keep going.

That's great!!

I felt a little throat tickle Thursday night after my rehearsal...and sure enough, it moved into full-blown cold over the weekend. I spent almost five hours in bed on Sunday afternoon and then slept another eight hours last night. Unheard of. I'm coughing a bunch and am hoping this doesn't go into bronchitis-land. Ugh. Tomorrow is my commute day, and we'll be back in the single digits by the end of the day. I'm so done with winter!

So the cold has slowed down my exercise, for sure. Between the headache, the sore throat, and the exhaustion, I haven't done much in the past few days except slug around the house. I got on the bike Friday before dinner, and I've stayed true to points, so I'm hoping my formal WW weigh-in tomorrow is still a good one. Fortunately, my next half is still far enough away (March 15) that I think I'll be fine having missed my 6-miler this weekend.

Sending good vibes to everyone out there who needs 'em - I'm thinking of all of you, whether it be a furry loved one, busted heat, or a job that doesn't catch your full potential. I'm glad you're all here to share with us!


Hope you are up and about and feeling like yourself soon! Stay warm!

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
I don't think I will need a bathroom break, I didn't need one during my 11 miles, but we will see when I do my 14 miles next week.
I don't plan to do much in terms of stopping for characters unless the lines are short. I do want to get pics of the mile markers.
Any ideas on when we will get corral info?

Lisa, I made sure I put the right date in my calendar for the WISH meet.
I wish I had gotten a shirt. ERGH!!! Next time! I do have my WISH head bands though.

I don't know how you could resist stopping to meet characters! I would have to have some segments where I RUN like the dickins so that I could stop and meet the characters! I love characters!

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

Overall I tend to be an organized person. I think it DEFINITELY HELPS with weight loss.... meal planning, tracking my foods, etc! That being said, I often let "perfection" get in the way of "good enough" and don't end up quite as organized as I would like!

BUFFY!!! you will do great!!! you are well prepared!

I've fallen behind in the chatter. so sorry. I've been busy, ending up working yesterday, and now I need to pack for my trip! so last night I spent trying on clothes to see what was fitting now. and it amazed me that earlier in the day I was feeling great about my progress (compliments from co-workers) then trying on clothes I got really bummed about my steroid belly and that not everything I thought would fit did. the emotional roller coaster. it's too late to fret over it now, it won't change in a week! so today i'll workout and try not to beat myself up for not being where I wish I was. it WILL happen... I'm just not patient

Enjoy your trip! Sorry that you aren't at your best right now.:hug:

QOTD 1/28/2014
Are you organized or disorganized? How do you think your organization or lack there of effects your weight loss/health living plans?

my lack of organization in planning my meals hinders my progress

oh yea, and I think my WI Friday will be crap too...I've had to adjust my meds to avoid an electrolyte shock with the temperature difference in FL and not I'm retaining a lot of water. I knew this would happen, but if I don't change it now i'll feel horrible when I get there...so it's the right thing to do

Do you have any thoughts on HOW you could plan your meals better? Maybe some of us here could share ideas about it?? Just say the word if you want some chatter about meal planning!

Good luck on the scale Friday.... maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Feeling much better today - probably from feeling all the WISH love from you all. Seriously, thank you to everyone for your support yesterday, I really needed it.

I got a bunch of calls from the Housing Department with automated messages last night on how to stay warm, and to confirm my heat was still off. It wasn't, but it was on very low, so I told them it was off anyway haha

I kept my shower on a low, room temperature level for... longer than any environmentalist would care to hear about LOL BUT, when I turned it off, it was actually comfortable in my apartment. Vents that normally don't have heat once it gets too cold, had HEAT! It wasn't much, but it was enough to be just a bit chilly, rather than FREEZING! Baby steps lol

I often walk around my house in the winter chilly (cause I'm too cheap to pay for the oil! :rotfl:).... chilly is do-able!:thumbsup2

Today is a sad day, though, for me. Pete Seeger died yesterday. I know its strange to be so sad when someone like that dies, because I didn't know him, and he wasn't still producing music. But, his music really shaped most of my life and so I'm spending most of the day listening to all my CDs of his.

On a totally unrelated note, today is also difficult because my nieces are selling girl scout cookies again! I have decided that I don't have the money nor the willpower to not eat an entire package of thin mints in one sitting, so I am NOT getting them this year

Step away from the cookies! Find another way to support your niece in her scouting.

This weekend in my search to find a healthier alternative to my favorite thing in the world - bread - I bought a package of whole wheat tortillas. So far, my sandwiches have been awesome, and a whole tortilla is 2 whole points less than 2 slices of bread!! Tonight's test will see if PB&J works in a wrap... will let you all know how the experiment goes!

Good for you for trying something new!

Happy Fun at Work Day! I've decided to make my fun in applying for other jobs so that every day can be fun at work day!

Great idea!!

Tomorrow is National Puzzle Day - which I am very excited about! I love puzzles of all shapes and sizes, so I think I'm going to do EXTRA puzzles tomorrow. It is also Curmudgeons day! That's right - a time to celebrate the Grumpy in all of us! But, if you don't need another excuse to be grouchy, maybe try and make a grump you know laugh!

I'm not big on puzzles, but I have been known to be grumpy! ;)

Hmm... I am very organized with my life, disorganized with cleaning LOL But, my organization definitely affects my weight loss. Sometimes it is little things, like when I know I will be out all day, so I pack lunch and snacks the night before. But, sometimes it is organization that allows me to be flexible for the big things. I woke up this morning to my sister calling to rant about her latest fight with her husband. Needless to say, there went my workout time haha

But, because my schedule is organized, I was able to move things I had planned to do tonight and do them while I let her rant on the phone, and this way when I get home from work, I'll be able to workout.

Honestly, its when I'm disorganized and chaotic that I end up ordering food because I'm starving, and making VERY poor choices. In other words, its why I gained so much weight in college.

I think we can ALL understand the chaos and disorganization that leads to poor food choices! How are you tackling that? Do you have more prepared foods at home? Using the crockpot more??

And good for you for deleting Candy Crush! Maybe that should be my goal for February - to stop wasting time playing it!

I'm glad I ignored the numerous invites to that game!

We never did see any sweepers during that Tink race!

That's cause you're so speedy!

I am reasonably organized although I'm sure I could do better especially when it comes to planning ahead so I have good food choices around when things get hectic. It's a work in progress for sure! :hippie:

It's ALWAYS a work in progress until you say "I QUIT"... and we won't do that, will we??!

My DH prides himself on his grumpiness so I will be sure and let him know tomorrow is his day! :rotfl:

Mine is pretty grumpy himself, a little too often.... but I'm sure it wouldn't help the situation to wish him a Happy Grumpy Husband Day! :lmao:

I'd like to join in this challenge, but I see Im really really late. Any chance this will be continuing in February for new participants??? Id like to lose some weight for my upcoming trips...


Oh how it makes me CRAZY when my posts disappear! Anywho, I wanted to show you this beautiful guy who showed up in our lake last week!

Neither me nor the DH have ever seen swans on our lake before. It seems word has gotten out that CocoLake is the place to be!

Gorgeous!! You are so lucky to have gotten a picture!

No school again! Are you getting snow? Hope the cleaning went well.
I have rubbermaid containers full of Tom's legos. He keeps saying we don't need to keep them, but they were so expensive. I feel like we should save them for if we ever have granchildren.

We never part with Legos! But there are plenty of other toys here that really must disappear!

I am both organized and disorganized. At work and with our finances--very, very organized.

I think I can be a little ocd, so when I am not organized I get a little crazy. But most of the time it's my own fault. I am terrible about getting my lunch and workout clothes ready to take to work, even though I always have a plan for workouts and take my lunch every single day. I think sometimes I almost set myself up to fail when it comes to the weight loss stuff by being disorganized.

Realizing this is a step in the right direction. :hug:

:hug: I am sorry about the steroid belly Molli. I have a glutened belly right now and it is no fun (cross contamination). I hope you are able to relax and feel better about your upcoming trip.

Sorry you got cross-contaminated. Do you know what it was??

Hope everyone is having a great night!

Stay warm!

My :woohoo: moment was my 12.5 mile run on the indoor track Saturday. Princess Half here I come! princess:


I have cleared out my PM box in anticipation of everyone's final result PMs on Friday. :cool2:

Finish strong! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Thanks for the reminder about Friday's weigh-in!

waivers and bib numbers are up!!! Did you get yours yet? I'm mid 25,000 for the GSC and 9500's for the 5K. DS17 is in the 100's damn Speedy Gonzalez, he will be done before the rest of us even start.

Congrats to DS on his "fancy" number! He'll be there at the finish line to give him Mom a hug!

S think we don't have "power foods" in Germany (yet), it seems that WW here is always a little behind as compared to the US. But I do like the idea of having a meal plan to follow. I noticed that it even comes with a weekly shopping list, so I can get all set without too much thinking! The only thing is that I need a to get something else for when the plan requires me to eat 100g of shrimps as I am allergic to those! :scared1:

Don't worry about "required to eat" foods. Simple Start is a list of foods to choose from, but you aren't required to eat any of them in particular.

Why would you switch to the FitBit? One thing I would like about the ActiveLink is that it translates directly into activity points (at least that is what I understand) and I do have trouble to figure out what the minimum level of activity is that I need to do anyway before I start earning activity points... I think therein lie some of my problems with WW. I tend to overestimate or underestimate my activity points and it seems that for me this has a huge influence on weight loss success or failure. That might be why I am losing better when I don't do any exercise...:confused3

Honestly, I always assume that my exercise earns me the MINIMUM number of AP... and even the I rarely eat them. I figure that way I can't get caught up in over-estimating my efforts.

Hello all! Happy hump day!

Hope everyone is enjoying Curmudgeons day! Tomorrow is National Inane Answering Message Day! It is actually one of my biggest pet peeves (as someone who worked at an alumni fundraising office) when people have answering machine message that go on FOREVER!!! Like the ones where the kids are recording it, but they keep forgetting what they have to say and the messages goes on for minutes... :furious:

I had an answering message the other day while making "absent" calls at school. It was LOOONG and LOUD and actually had bad language! Nice way to set an example....NOT! That Mom should be embarrassed!

My apologies if any of you have answering machine messages with your kids on them, but I'm sure they don't go on for forever!

Anyway, tomorrow is the kid for me to be okay with people with long answering machine messages haha

My PB&J on a tortilla was actually pretty successful! Though, I think I need to be mindful of how much PB and J I put on the tortilla, because I think I used a little more than the tablespoon I usually use. Gotta go back to measuring it if I'm going to switch to tortillas.

I'm SO happy with the switch, though. It makes me feel so much better to not be spending so many points on bread, and it allows me to have a little more flexibility in my day. Yay! Plus, its just as filling! :)

WOOHOO on loving the new choice!

Hmmm. It's been a tough week, and I'm most proud of the fact that I've stayed on track eating wise. I made a healthy chicken pot pie soup this week and I've been really good about not eating more than a serving of it, even though its less than I usually eat, simply because it is a less healthy meal than what I usually get. So, I'm happy about that. :)

Wanna share the recipe???

That definitely IS a HUGE DEAL! Definitely an inspiration for your newcomers!!! :woohoo:


I guess eating and drinking less at night has been my best accomplishment this week although last night I struggled with it and I'm back up a pound today...I'm going to swim today and go see Philomena as a reward for being down at least a pound so far this week. I gotta hurry to fit all this in though so bye for now, Susan

Great job on the pound!


Okay friends.... I think I"m caught up! Time for some dinner! Then of course, laundry to fold... but I'm going to watch a documentary on Netflix while I fold.

Sorry I missed replies yesterday. :)

QOTD 1/30/2014
Are you ready for February? Do you see it as a continuation or a fresh start?
Sorry I missed replies yesterday. :)

QOTD 1/30/2014
Are you ready for February? Do you see it as a continuation or a fresh start?

I am so ready for February! For me it will be a new start as January was difficult (but I knew that going in). I am looking forward to a great month. I like February as it usually means more daylight again, so it will be easier to fit in exercise. Since we are having such a mild winter here, I am seriously considering getting the bike ready again to use it to go to work!
WAAAHOOOOEYYY!!!!!! Great job!!!!

waivers and bib numbers are up!!! Did you get yours yet? I'm mid 25,000 for the GSC and 9500's for the 5K. DS17 is in the 100's damn Speedy Gonzalez, he will be done before the rest of us even start.

I am 128XX for the half and 66XX for the 5k. I will be happy when I see the corral placement list.

I know you packed your waivers but don't worry if you can't find them as you can also print them at the Expo -- there is a little line sometimes but no big deal. It will be here before we know it! princess:

Sounds great!! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the encouragement!! I think we don't have "power foods" in Germany (yet), it seems that WW here is always a little behind as compared to the US. But I do like the idea of having a meal plan to follow. I noticed that it even comes with a weekly shopping list, so I can get all set without too much thinking! The only thing is that I need a to get something else for when the plan requires me to eat 100g of shrimps as I am allergic to those! :scared1:

Why would you switch to the FitBit? One thing I would like about the ActiveLink is that it translates directly into activity points (at least that is what I understand) and I do have trouble to figure out what the minimum level of activity is that I need to do anyway before I start earning activity points... I think therein lie some of my problems with WW. I tend to overestimate or underestimate my activity points and it seems that for me this has a huge influence on weight loss success or failure. That might be why I am losing better when I don't do any exercise...:confused3

I figured if I lost my ActiveLink that I would get a FitBit that would translate to other info besides APs which only relate to WW. I think you are correct that it is much harder to calculate APs correctly when you are paper tracking because the paper tracking doesn't account for your Base Line so it is easier to overestimate how many APs you earned.

You can so easily eat way more calories than you could ever reasonably burn with activity. I think that controlling your food is going to get you much farther than relying on activity to make a significant difference -- and that obviously works for you. Of course, activity benefits you in so many other ways so I think that you can't discount its importance in a healthy lifestyle but for weight loss I think the food is the key.

I have a love/hate relationship with my ActiveLink but I have increased my activity 109% in the past year and that is primarily why I added it -- to increase my overall activity level. I think it is also why I've kept off all the weight I lost this year but I think the losses are from the food control more than anything.

I might have a totally different perspective on this if it wasn't at the tail end of my half marathon training and that annoyed feeling I get that the miles run don't equal pounds lost! :rotfl:

I will answer the QOTD and say that my "Wahoo Wednesday" actually happened yesterday when I passed my WW Simple Start certification with flying colors! Not a huge deal, but glad to be done with it!! And it did give me a boost of confidence when I presented it last night to my newbies.

Congratulations on your certification training success, Pamela! :thumbsup2

Hello all! Happy hump day!

Hope everyone is enjoying Curmudgeons day! Tomorrow is National Inane Answering Message Day! It is actually one of my biggest pet peeves (as someone who worked at an alumni fundraising office) when people have answering machine message that go on FOREVER!!! Like the ones where the kids are recording it, but they keep forgetting what they have to say and the messages goes on for minutes... :furious:

:lmao: This is one of those holidays that will have to be changing to Inane Voicemail message day. Some day people will be saying "what's an answering machine?" :confused3

I guess eating and drinking less at night has been my best accomplishment this week although last night I struggled with it and I'm back up a pound today...I'm going to swim today and go see Philomena as a reward for being down at least a pound so far this week. I gotta hurry to fit all this in though so bye for now, Susan

:woohoo: for being down a pound, Susan!

Sorry I missed replies yesterday. :)

QOTD 1/30/2014
Are you ready for February? Do you see it as a continuation or a fresh start?

I say it's both -- keep on keeping on but a feeling of moving forward and not worrying about what did or did not happen in January. :hippie:

Have a great day all and don't forget to PM those final numbers tomorrow. Can't wait to see our colors change again! :yay:
Sorry I missed replies yesterday. :)

QOTD 1/30/2014
Are you ready for February? Do you see it as a continuation or a fresh start?

A little of both! After 6 years on this journey it is always kind of a continuation.... but I've struggled with my weight more this January than I have in a few years, so I am READY for a fresh start!

I am 128XX for the half and 66XX for the 5k. I will be happy when I see the corral placement list.

I don't know anything about these things... is that good??

I know you packed your waivers but don't worry if you can't find them as you can also print them at the Expo -- there is a little line sometimes but no big deal. It will be here before we know it! princess:

SO WISH I could be there with you all!

I figured if I lost my ActiveLink that I would get a FitBit that would translate to other info besides APs which only relate to WW. I think you are correct that it is much harder to calculate APs correctly when you are paper tracking because the paper tracking doesn't account for your Base Line so it is easier to overestimate how many APs you earned.

You can so easily eat way more calories than you could ever reasonably burn with activity. I think that controlling your food is going to get you much farther than relying on activity to make a significant difference -- and that obviously works for you. Of course, activity benefits you in so many other ways so I think that you can't discount its importance in a healthy lifestyle but for weight loss I think the food is the key.

I have a love/hate relationship with my ActiveLink but I have increased my activity 109% in the past year and that is primarily why I added it -- to increase my overall activity level. I think it is also why I've kept off all the weight I lost this year but I think the losses are from the food control more than anything.

What's that old saying...."you can't outrun a bad diet"?? I think it takes people a long time to realize that!

I might have a totally different perspective on this if it wasn't at the tail end of my half marathon training and that annoyed feeling I get that the miles run don't equal pounds lost! :rotfl:

WOOHOO on nearing the end of this intense prep period!!

Congratulations on your certification training success, Pamela! :thumbsup2

Thanks. It really wasn't a big deal, other than in my head! :rotfl: But it was required for the job and I'm pleased that I passed with flying colors.

I say it's both -- keep on keeping on but a feeling of moving forward and not worrying about what did or did not happen in January. :hippie:

Great way to put January behind you if you struggled!

Have a great day all and don't forget to PM those final numbers tomorrow. Can't wait to see our colors change again! :yay:

WOOHOO for a final weigh-in and a new month!

Okay friends.... I'm home today. When I checked in at 5:30 this morning she didn't need me, so I started on my "at home dance" and get going with housework, etc. And then of COURSE, she called at 7:10 and said she could use me... but by that point I would have been late, DS would have been late, and I didn't like the position she was calling about, so I passed. But I will make the most of my day AND still make a few $ by getting my WW inventory completed today!

I tackled laundry mountain last night and got it 90% done and put away and then I finished up the last 10% early this morning when I didn't need to get showered for work. So that is off the plate for today (although I do have a load in the dryer right now.... so it really is never totally off the schedule, is it?!).

I'm feeling encouraged about tomorrow's weigh-in and will make SURE that I find some TM time today.

Off to waste....errr... I mean SPEND some time reading over the Budget Board and then off to continue working on my task list for today!.................P
Woohoo!!! Got my corral placement for the 1/2 and I'm in M out of A-P! I'm very happy with that.
I am soooo nervous but so excited. I am ready for this.
Sorry I missed replies yesterday. :)

QOTD 1/30/2014
Are you ready for February? Do you see it as a continuation or a fresh start?

Totally. Fresh start.

I am so ready for February! For me it will be a new start as January was difficult (but I knew that going in). I am looking forward to a great month. I like February as it usually means more daylight again, so it will be easier to fit in exercise. Since we are having such a mild winter here, I am seriously considering getting the bike ready again to use it to go to work!
You should. I love it. For me doing a few trial runs first helped with the anxiety that I might be late. Now I know exactly how much time it takes. It's saving gas money too.

Well, went to swim and the lanes we're busy so I did my usual weights on my ankles treading water thing while waiting for a lane. Finally decided to share a lane with someone, she said she was almost done, then a third person jumped in without even asking and she just really irritated me, not staying on her side, stopping to take long breaks and talk to people...if you're going to lap swim on a busy day you need to just get in and do it and try to watch out and be courteous to who you are sharing with. Honestly I don't know why people bother to swim if they keep taking breaks during-- it ruins the cardio aspect of it which--y'know that's why you swim. Anyway managed a half hour of side stroke plus the 6 minutes or so I got treading water. Made it in time for Philomena and found out when I got there my wallet was in my backpack lol. Went home, had dinner and caught the 6:30 and still was able to get my meds from the pharmacy at work and see my friend for a minute. Really liked the movie, it was classic catholic evil and Judi Dench was as usual wonderful. Well I'm gonna go work out. I've kind of had a problem with one of the men there lately, I've really been trying hard to avoid him but it's difficult. Last time I stayed on the treadmill with my eyes shut for an hour just trying to outlast his workout-- it worked but I don't have the time today.
Woohoo!!! Got my corral placement for the 1/2 and I'm in M out of A-P! I'm very happy with that.
I am soooo nervous but so excited. I am ready for this.

You ARE ready!!! I'm so excited for you. Wish I could be there to cheer you (and DS) on!!

Well, went to swim and the lanes we're busy so I did my usual weights on my ankles treading water thing while waiting for a lane. Finally decided to share a lane with someone, she said she was almost done, then a third person jumped in without even asking and she just really irritated me, not staying on her side, stopping to take long breaks and talk to people...if you're going to lap swim on a busy day you need to just get in and do it and try to watch out and be courteous to who you are sharing with. Honestly I don't know why people bother to swim if they keep taking breaks during-- it ruins the cardio aspect of it which--y'know that's why you swim. Anyway managed a half hour of side stroke plus the 6 minutes or so I got treading water. Made it in time for Philomena and found out when I got there my wallet was in my backpack lol. Went home, had dinner and caught the 6:30 and still was able to get my meds from the pharmacy at work and see my friend for a minute. Really liked the movie, it was classic catholic evil and Judi Dench was as usual wonderful. Well I'm gonna go work out. I've kind of had a problem with one of the men there lately, I've really been trying hard to avoid him but it's difficult. Last time I stayed on the treadmill with my eyes shut for an hour just trying to outlast his workout-- it worked but I don't have the time today.

Sorry about the swimmer with lack of etiquette. Some people think the world revolves around them! But glad you got your workout in!


Wow.... things are QUIET here! Where is everyone? Hope everyone is okay and not out sick!! Missing you all! Hopefully we will have lots of chatter here tomorrow on weigh-in day..... or else I might be forced to talk to myself! Anyhow, working tomorrow and have to leave the house early to take DS to school for an early morning class and then dash DH to Concord to drop of his car (30 minutes each way from the schools) and then hopefully have me at my school by 8:10 am!! Not sure it is going to work.... I may end up late!

Anyhoooo... that is my round-about way of telling you all that I may not be around much tomorrow until the evening.... so ta-ta for now!............P
Sorry I missed replies yesterday. :)

QOTD 1/30/2014
Are you ready for February? Do you see it as a continuation or a fresh start?
I am ready for February. It has got to be warmer. :goodvibes And the days are getting longer.:goodvibes I don't want to look at it as a fresh start because in my brain I have started this pattern of--well there's always next month...Anyhow, as long as I am even down 1 pound for January I will take it at this point. I have made a start this month of getting back on track, but I am still struggling a little bit. I think the fact that we are still so much in limbo...still in the apartment....still no long term plan of what we are going to do...is not helping matters. But enough excuses! So I am going to see February as a continuation--building on what I have started working on in January. :)
I am so ready for February! For me it will be a new start as January was difficult (but I knew that going in). I am looking forward to a great month. I like February as it usually means more daylight again, so it will be easier to fit in exercise. Since we are having such a mild winter here, I am seriously considering getting the bike ready again to use it to go to work!
More daylight really does help, doesn't it? :) We probably won't get our bikes out for another month or so. It is still way too cold, but I definitely would if I could!

You can so easily eat way more calories than you could ever reasonably burn with activity.
This is so true.
I have found that since the menopause thing, I cannot skip my workouts or I put on three pounds. I don't feel like I am eating more, but maybe I am kidding myself. And I feel so sluggish without the workouts. It really has become a watch what you eat and make sure you are exercising a bunch thing for me.

Woohoo!!! Got my corral placement for the 1/2 and I'm in M out of A-P! I'm very happy with that.
I am soooo nervous but so excited. I am ready for this.

Susan--hope you had a good workout!

Hope you have a good day tomorrow Pamela. :)

Good luck with those weigh-ins tomorrow! :)
Hi all! Sorry for being MIA - I'm directing a production of Hansel and Gretel at a high school and it goes up tomorrow and Saturday! EEK!

So, I've been up at the school all night, working all day, oy vey.

I woke up this morning officially sick. The no heat finally caught up with me. =/ So, I decided to take today off from working out and I will work out on Saturday instead. I know it hasn't been the best week and I have a plan to make up the day, so I feel comfortable with it. :)

We'll see what the scale says tomorrow! I will also be tracking inches tomorrow, so we'll see where I am right now! I am trying not to put a lot of pressure on it, because overall this has been a really good month for me, and a really CRAP week, so I'm okay with whatever the scale says.

Aaaaand I'm already falling asleep. Sorry for the fly by post, but I'm EXHAUSTED - and that's just from dealing high schoolers!!! Seriously - today I had to console a girl who had so much trouble picking a sandwich to order for dinner, that she burst into tears. It is days like this that I am so happy high school is looooong over. =P

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow's weigh in and Happy almost February!!!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the January WATP challenge! :yay: Kudos to you for sticking with your goals and making your dreams come true. :cool2:

This is the final weigh in day so please be sure to PM your final number so I can update our statistics one last time.

araes2102 (Amanda) will be hosting the February challenge so keep your eyes open for the thread to be posted soon. In the meantime we can continue to chat here until then.

Thank you, Rose, for coaching last week! :flower3:

And a big WATP thank you to all of our coaches and participants who helped to make this challenge a great one. ::yes::

Woohoo!!! Got my corral placement for the 1/2 and I'm in M out of A-P! I'm very happy with that.
I am soooo nervous but so excited. I am ready for this.

Yep, we're going to be corral buddies for the 1/2 which will be nice to help us pass the time! princess:

Totally. Fresh start.

You should. I love it. For me doing a few trial runs first helped with the anxiety that I might be late. Now I know exactly how much time it takes. It's saving gas money too.

I'm so impressed that you are riding your bike this time of year, Susan! :cool2: We are only a few hundred miles away from each other and it is definitely not biking weather here. You go girl! :yay:

Wow.... things are QUIET here! Where is everyone? Hope everyone is okay and not out sick!! Missing you all! Hopefully we will have lots of chatter here tomorrow on weigh-in day..... or else I might be forced to talk to myself! Anyhow, working tomorrow and have to leave the house early to take DS to school for an early morning class and then dash DH to Concord to drop of his car (30 minutes each way from the schools) and then hopefully have me at my school by 8:10 am!! Not sure it is going to work.... I may end up late!

Anyhoooo... that is my round-about way of telling you all that I may not be around much tomorrow until the evening.... so ta-ta for now!............P

Hope that you had a productive day at home yesterday, Pamela. :flower3:

It is quiet here -- I have not received ONE PM yet with final numbers. :rotfl: I think between winter doldrums the end of the challenge and illnesses it is extra quiet. :scared:

I am ready for February. It has got to be warmer. :goodvibes And the days are getting longer.:goodvibes I don't want to look at it as a fresh start because in my brain I have started this pattern of--well there's always next month...Anyhow, as long as I am even down 1 pound for January I will take it at this point. I have made a start this month of getting back on track, but I am still struggling a little bit. I think the fact that we are still so much in limbo...still in the apartment....still no long term plan of what we are going to do...is not helping matters. But enough excuses! So I am going to see February as a continuation--building on what I have started working on in January. :)

More daylight really does help, doesn't it? :) We probably won't get our bikes out for another month or so. It is still way too cold, but I definitely would if I could!

More daylight is a big plus for sure! :sunny: We are gaining daylight at 2 minutes a day here -- that will be an extra hour in a month! :yay:

Hi all! Sorry for being MIA - I'm directing a production of Hansel and Gretel at a high school and it goes up tomorrow and Saturday! EEK!

So, I've been up at the school all night, working all day, oy vey.

I woke up this morning officially sick. The no heat finally caught up with me. =/ So, I decided to take today off from working out and I will work out on Saturday instead. I know it hasn't been the best week and I have a plan to make up the day, so I feel comfortable with it. :)

We'll see what the scale says tomorrow! I will also be tracking inches tomorrow, so we'll see where I am right now! I am trying not to put a lot of pressure on it, because overall this has been a really good month for me, and a really CRAP week, so I'm okay with whatever the scale says.

Aaaaand I'm already falling asleep. Sorry for the fly by post, but I'm EXHAUSTED - and that's just from dealing high schoolers!!! Seriously - today I had to console a girl who had so much trouble picking a sandwich to order for dinner, that she burst into tears. It is days like this that I am so happy high school is looooong over. =P

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow's weigh in and Happy almost February!!!

Good luck with the play this week-end! :cool2: Don't be afraid to give your body the rest it needs to recover from your illness -- rest is am important part of working out, too. :flower3:

I've had a great time hostessing this month!
Lisa, thank you very much for being such a wonderful hostess this month!!!

I absolutely hated my scale this morning. I am up 4 pounds from last week. Does not make sense at all. However, I have not been that good, so being up a little would not have surprised me. I am going away this weekend, so won't weigh in for my February start weight until Tuesday. Maybe things have cleared until then.

I am determined to try to track everything this weekend. I also packed my running shoes! Hopefully the weekend will not be too bad!

Hope everyone else has a much better weigh in today than me! See you in February!
Thank you for hosting Lisa!! :)

Have a great weekend Magdalene!

Break a leg willonlyflytodisney! That is what you say before a play right?:thumbsup2

I am down for the month!:cool1:
At this rate it is going to take me all year to reach my goal, but I am optimistic.:goodvibes
Thanks to everyone for participating in January. It was not my best month, but I stuck with it.
Everyone should be proud for kicking off the New Year by working to make healthy changes and taking care of themselves.:grouphug:
I am ready for February. It has got to be warmer. :goodvibes And the days are getting longer.:goodvibes I don't want to look at it as a fresh start because in my brain I have started this pattern of--well there's always next month...Anyhow, as long as I am even down 1 pound for January I will take it at this point. I have made a start this month of getting back on track, but I am still struggling a little bit. I think the fact that we are still so much in limbo...still in the apartment....still no long term plan of what we are going to do...is not helping matters. But enough excuses! So I am going to see February as a continuation--building on what I have started working on in January. :)

Great way to think about it! And maybe this is a time that is meant to have a bit of "life limbo" to it.... perhaps great things are on the horizon and you need to be ready to roll with them!

More daylight really does help, doesn't it? :) We probably won't get our bikes out for another month or so. It is still way too cold, but I definitely would if I could!

Lucky you! I couldn't even IMAGINE thinking about taking out bikes until at least mid-late March.... and perhaps even mid-late April!

Hope you have a good day tomorrow Pamela. :)

Thanks! It's early, but so far so good.

Good luck with those weigh-ins tomorrow! :)

Hi all! Sorry for being MIA - I'm directing a production of Hansel and Gretel at a high school and it goes up tomorrow and Saturday! EEK!

Congratulations! Prayers for the production! Let us know how it goes!

So, I've been up at the school all night, working all day, oy vey.

I woke up this morning officially sick. The no heat finally caught up with me. =/ So, I decided to take today off from working out and I will work out on Saturday instead. I know it hasn't been the best week and I have a plan to make up the day, so I feel comfortable with it. :)

Love a good PLAN! Feel better!

We'll see what the scale says tomorrow! I will also be tracking inches tomorrow, so we'll see where I am right now! I am trying not to put a lot of pressure on it, because overall this has been a really good month for me, and a really CRAP week, so I'm okay with whatever the scale says.

Good attitude!

Aaaaand I'm already falling asleep. Sorry for the fly by post, but I'm EXHAUSTED - and that's just from dealing high schoolers!!! Seriously - today I had to console a girl who had so much trouble picking a sandwich to order for dinner, that she burst into tears. It is days like this that I am so happy high school is looooong over. =P

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow's weigh in and Happy almost February!!!

Yup.... high school students (and most teens) can really get caught up in DECISIONS and they are great at making mountains out of mole hills. Nice of you to be there for her.

Good morning all! :goodvibes

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the January WATP challenge! :yay: Kudos to you for sticking with your goals and making your dreams come true. :cool2:

This is the final weigh in day so please be sure to PM your final number so I can update our statistics one last time.

araes2102 (Amanda) will be hosting the February challenge so keep your eyes open for the thread to be posted soon. In the meantime we can continue to chat here until then.


Thank you, Rose, for coaching last week! :flower3:

SUPER BIG Thank you to ROSE!!

And a big WATP thank you to all of our coaches and participants who helped to make this challenge a great one. ::yes::

I second that!!

Hope that you had a productive day at home yesterday, Pamela. :flower3:

I definitely DID!!

I've had a great time hostessing this month!

Lisa..... super big THANK YOU for hostessing January and getting our year off on the right foot! :flower3:

Lisa, thank you very much for being such a wonderful hostess this month!!!

I absolutely hated my scale this morning. I am up 4 pounds from last week. Does not make sense at all. However, I have not been that good, so being up a little would not have surprised me. I am going away this weekend, so won't weigh in for my February start weight until Tuesday. Maybe things have cleared until then.

I am determined to try to track everything this weekend. I also packed my running shoes! Hopefully the weekend will not be too bad!

Hope everyone else has a much better weigh in today than me! See you in February!

Prayers and fingers crossed that the next weigh-in looks better for you!


Morning all! We managed to get out the door a bit early today, got DS to school 11 minutes early, met DH in Concord and was here at my school by 7:55 am! So I read my plans for the day AND I have a few minutes to chat here.

Today's weigh-in was nothing short of a disaster. I don't usually try to be so dramatic about things, but I'm really bummed. I actually GAINED weight in January AFTER the holiday eating and have not managed to budge a single pound of it for the entire month. Honestly, if it didn't seem like such a cop out, I might start blaming the scale (that being said, I am not above trying a new battery at the next possible chance). A few of my pants do feel a tiny bit more snug than I expect, but for the most part everything is still fitting well. I had a great week, watched my Points and my carbs (no bread, popcorn, rice, potato, crackers, pretzels, snack bars, etc since Sunday), weighed and measured a LOT of my portions, stuck with as many Simply Filling foods as possible, got some exercise (although admittedly not enough), drank my water and green tea and of course, as usual, TRACKED everything. And what do I have to show for my efforts????.... the EXACT SAME lousy number as last Friday. :sad2:

Okay.... pulling on my big girl panties and shouting loudly to the world...."I will NOT GIVE UP!" I will try harder this week, plan better meals, and DEFINITELY get more exercise (and buy a new scale battery :lmao: ).... NO EXCUSES!

Who's with me????????????????



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