Is this realistic?

Don't get too frustrated. It could just be that you ate something higher in sodium and are retaining water. The run not going as planned could have something to do with your discouragement from the weigh in. I know when something is getting me down I have a harder time relaxing while running. Just keep at it. Go at YOUR pace, if you need to repeat a week, or move backwards, don't sweat it, just do it. This is your life, your pace, no need to push yourself to the point you just get frustrated and give up.
Don't get too frustrated. It could just be that you ate something higher in sodium and are retaining water. The run not going as planned could have something to do with your discouragement from the weigh in. I know when something is getting me down I have a harder time relaxing while running. Just keep at it. Go at YOUR pace, if you need to repeat a week, or move backwards, don't sweat it, just do it. This is your life, your pace, no need to push yourself to the point you just get frustrated and give up.

Thanks! I figure as long as I keep moving then I'm doing something right! lol

Yesterday I tried yoga and it was just too much on my wrists. So, onto something else. I am looking into Zumba for my xbox. does anyone have any opinions? It looks like fun and it is something my kids would probably want to do with me. :) Tomorrow is W3D2...
Thanks! I figure as long as I keep moving then I'm doing something right! lol

Yesterday I tried yoga and it was just too much on my wrists. So, onto something else. I am looking into Zumba for my xbox. does anyone have any opinions? It looks like fun and it is something my kids would probably want to do with me. :) Tomorrow is W3D2...

Yes, yoga can be very hard if you have wrist issues of any kind. Sorry to hear that it didn't work for you.

As for Zumba - my wife and her friends love it, but they have not done it on/with the Xbox, but it would probably be just as fun.
Yes, yoga can be very hard if you have wrist issues of any kind. Sorry to hear that it didn't work for you.

As for Zumba - my wife and her friends love it, but they have not done it on/with the Xbox, but it would probably be just as fun.

My wrists are due to an old overuse injury. Most of the time they are fine, but overextending them and putting all of my weight on them is just not a good idea.

I'm not really ready to exercise outside my house just yet. Plus I live in a rural area and the only Zumba classes are ones that I can't make it to due to work. I think Zumba looks like a lot of fun and hopefully that will keep me doing it. I kind of get bored quickly.
Does your community offer exercise classes through the parks department? I took yoga through mine and it was very inexpensive. Now I am a member at the local ymca and the classes are included in my membership.
Could you see if you could rent Zumba from like a redbox first?

At my gym, it's super popular. I don't go to it but I also don't like dancing in an over crowded room. It's also why I hate our area martini bar on Saturdays.
Does your community offer exercise classes through the parks department? I took yoga through mine and it was very inexpensive. Now I am a member at the local ymca and the classes are included in my membership.

I live in a very rural area so it takes about 30-35 minutes to get to any place like that. After work I just want to get home to my family. I wish there was something like that closer to home.

Could you see if you could rent Zumba from like a redbox first?

At my gym, it's super popular. I don't go to it but I also don't like dancing in an over crowded room. It's also why I hate our area martini bar on Saturdays.

I never thought of renting it. Great idea! I'm not a fan of huge crowds either and watching fit people exercise while I'm huffing and puffing is not my idea of fun. lol I'm determined to push through some of my hangups, but I really need the convenience and comfort of my own home. :rolleyes:
I never thought of renting it. Great idea! I'm not a fan of huge crowds either and watching fit people exercise while I'm huffing and puffing is not my idea of fun. lol I'm determined to push through some of my hangups, but I really need the convenience and comfort of my own home. :rolleyes:

I understand feeling awkward in front of fit people. The last two weekends I've been doing sprints with a handful of my coworkers. I'm easily the slowest and most out of shape. But they are still encouraging and understand when I sit out on certain things (like bear crawls)

I have found when at the gym, most people are rather nice and encouraging. Yes, there are some nasty people out there but they obviously hate themselves enough if they are projecting that to other people.

(Bad story time: When I first starting going to the gym last year, I got on a piece of a cardio equipment where you enter your weight so you have a better understanding of your calories burned. Two bored skinny housewives thought I couldn't hear them through my headphones and said to each other, "If you weigh that much, why would you put it in, thats disgusting" I responded something super snarky bad about at least my soul isn't disgusting. I never did see those two ladies again.)
Thanks! I figure as long as I keep moving then I'm doing something right! lol

Yesterday I tried yoga and it was just too much on my wrists. So, onto something else. I am looking into Zumba for my xbox. does anyone have any opinions? It looks like fun and it is something my kids would probably want to do with me. :) Tomorrow is W3D2...

I have it... It's a really, really frustrating game. And it requires a Kinect. If you don't have one, it won't work.

If you're looking for a dancing game that's fun, nice learning curve, easy to use, and uses a nice mix of pop music and older pop-classics, check out Dance Central. I like 2 and 3, probably 3 the best. Set up a playlist and dance away. That game also requires a Kinect, though.
I understand feeling awkward in front of fit people. The last two weekends I've been doing sprints with a handful of my coworkers. I'm easily the slowest and most out of shape. But they are still encouraging and understand when I sit out on certain things (like bear crawls)

I have found when at the gym, most people are rather nice and encouraging. Yes, there are some nasty people out there but they obviously hate themselves enough if they are projecting that to other people.

(Bad story time: When I first starting going to the gym last year, I got on a piece of a cardio equipment where you enter your weight so you have a better understanding of your calories burned. Two bored skinny housewives thought I couldn't hear them through my headphones and said to each other, "If you weigh that much, why would you put it in, thats disgusting" I responded something super snarky bad about at least my soul isn't disgusting. I never did see those two ladies again.)

I love that response! :thumbsup2 People can be so rude. I know that I probably worry more about it than I should but I've always been an introvert and although I am much better than I used to be, there is always a part of me that will worry about what other people think. :crazy2: I'm a work in progress.

I have it... It's a really, really frustrating game. And it requires a Kinect. If you don't have one, it won't work.

If you're looking for a dancing game that's fun, nice learning curve, easy to use, and uses a nice mix of pop music and older pop-classics, check out Dance Central. I like 2 and 3, probably 3 the best. Set up a playlist and dance away. That game also requires a Kinect, though.

I will look into that too. I just want something fun that gets me moving. I love music so I figured that something like this would work.
Ok, W3D2 today. It went GREAT!!! :cool1: I was a little concerned because of the cramping from my last run, but I think I figured that out... I started consciously lifting my thighs higher and taking some of the effort off of my calves. Big surprise (not really:sad2:) no cramping!! I think I was just letting my calves do all the work and they were not happy! lol I felt so much better that halfway through I bumped the speed up (still slow, but it is progress!) a little. So today I did 1.2 miles. Doesn't sound like much but last Sunday I only did 1.4 miles and todays workout was 10 minutes shorter! Sundays are my "long" run days. I was excited to see the progress. So now as I sit at work I feel great. I love the feeling that I have after I finish running. And I'm starting to think that 10 miles may not be as ridiculous as it sounded initially. :upsidedow

I had a funny dream last night too. I RAN everywhere in it. Everywhere. And people were stopping me and asking why I was running. I was doing it because it felt good. lol Craziness.
If you find Zumba to be too "much", Zumba Gold is aimed at the "older crowd" and people who are more sedentary. The music is the same, but the steps are simplified and not as high impact. I used to do zumba like crazy, but haven't in a year or so, so got the Zumba Gold DVDs for Xmas and am easing back into it.

I've just been reading your story, and couldn't help commenting as you sound so similar to me with how determined you are to make this work no matter what!

18 months ago I decided to aim for a Disney 10k (registered for the 2014 Disneyland Half Weekend). I thought it would be plenty of time to train (my main concern at the time was budget), but I have really struggled with injury. I followed the C25K program until the 4k run before I had to stop due to pain in my shins. Earlier this year I was finally diagnosed with a condition called compartment syndrome, and have just this week had surgery to try to overcome it. Yes, it was a bit of an extreme measure just to be able to do the Disney run, but I'm THAT determined!

I can't wait to get started again and have all my fingers and toes crossed that the surgery works. I just wanted to share my story to let you know that if you're determined enough (which it seems like you are), motivation will not be a problem :goodvibes Just keep doing what you're doing :thumbsup2
If you find Zumba to be too "much", Zumba Gold is aimed at the "older crowd" and people who are more sedentary. The music is the same, but the steps are simplified and not as high impact. I used to do zumba like crazy, but haven't in a year or so, so got the Zumba Gold DVDs for Xmas and am easing back into it.


I pretty much modify everything I do right now. So I guess I would just do what I can and go from there. I don't want to injure myself so I may go slower than I actually need to but at least I will *hopefully* remain injury free!

I've just been reading your story, and couldn't help commenting as you sound so similar to me with how determined you are to make this work no matter what!

18 months ago I decided to aim for a Disney 10k (registered for the 2014 Disneyland Half Weekend). I thought it would be plenty of time to train (my main concern at the time was budget), but I have really struggled with injury. I followed the C25K program until the 4k run before I had to stop due to pain in my shins. Earlier this year I was finally diagnosed with a condition called compartment syndrome, and have just this week had surgery to try to overcome it. Yes, it was a bit of an extreme measure just to be able to do the Disney run, but I'm THAT determined!

I can't wait to get started again and have all my fingers and toes crossed that the surgery works. I just wanted to share my story to let you know that if you're determined enough (which it seems like you are), motivation will not be a problem :goodvibes Just keep doing what you're doing :thumbsup2

Compartment syndrome is scary! Now that is determination! Good luck with your recovery! pixiedust:

For the calves have you tried calve compression sleeves? They help so much for me.


For the calves have you tried calve compression sleeves? They help so much for me.


I haven't tried them. Right now I'm trying to avoid putting any more money into it until I know if it is something I am going to keep up with. I will keep it in mind though. Right now when my calves start cramping I just start lifting my upper leg higher. It seems to be working.

Well, I did get up this morning and run but I didn't finish. :sad2: A victory that I even got out of bed at 4 am, but after 30 minutes I was just done. I had 10 minutes left and just couldn't do it. :( But I will keep moving. I am thinking that I need to work out more frequently during the week because currently the only consistent thing about my workout schedule is running. I think I need to add 3 cardio days so that I am working out at least 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. It is just hard because that would mean working out at 4am 2 days a week. :crazy2: Something I need to think about...
I have a stressful day ahead of me today so I figured I would get my workout done early. I started W4D1 (week 4?? when did that happen?) today. I was hoping it would be a good stress reliever but it didn't work out exactly as I planned. :rolleyes2 At first I felt really good so I tried bumping up my speed some for the run portion, but keeping the walk slow. Then my right calf and shin started cramping. So I slowed down a little but that did not help. I got off the treadmill and walked around a little and that relieved it but as soon as I started up again it came right back. So I got mad (easily frustrated today :blush:) and quit. I know that my water intake has not been enough for the last few days (too much corned beef :faint:) so I don't know if that is part of it or not.

I'm thinking of trying it again tonight after the stressful part of my day is over. I didn't finish my last workout either and I don't want this to be a pattern I slip into. Would it be a bad thing if I tried W4D1 tonight in full? I'm not sore, exhausted, tired.... just frustrated.
I have a stressful day ahead of me today so I figured I would get my workout done early. I started W4D1 (week 4?? when did that happen?) today. I was hoping it would be a good stress reliever but it didn't work out exactly as I planned. :rolleyes2 At first I felt really good so I tried bumping up my speed some for the run portion, but keeping the walk slow. Then my right calf and shin started cramping. So I slowed down a little but that did not help. I got off the treadmill and walked around a little and that relieved it but as soon as I started up again it came right back. So I got mad (easily frustrated today :blush:) and quit. I know that my water intake has not been enough for the last few days (too much corned beef :faint:) so I don't know if that is part of it or not. I'm thinking of trying it again tonight after the stressful part of my day is over. I didn't finish my last workout either and I don't want this to be a pattern I slip into. Would it be a bad thing if I tried W4D1 tonight in full? I'm not sore, exhausted, tired.... just frustrated.

Make sure you're in the right shoes. The right pair of running shoes make all the difference!
I'm thinking of trying it again tonight after the stressful part of my day is over. I didn't finish my last workout either and I don't want this to be a pattern I slip into. Would it be a bad thing if I tried W4D1 tonight in full? I'm not sore, exhausted, tired.... just frustrated.

Sorry that you had a bad morning, but we all do so don't let it get to you. Do what you can and move on.

As for trying again tonight - no harm in trying, but depending on the cause you might face the same problem. Be prepared to bag it if you experience the same pain/cramping.
We all end up with days we just aren't going to do what we set out to get done.

I would definitely look into getting fitted for shoes.

Also make sure you are stretching prior to working out.


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