WISH Away the Pounds -- Jolly June AND JULY Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!

Hi Zim

Thanks for coaching. In response to your QOTD, I ran 5K today (I'm worn out, so not actually feeling too healthy at the moment) but I know it was good for me long term!!! Finished in 39:08, so 66 seconds better than the last time I ran it 2 weeks ago.
What was something healthy you did for yourself TODAY - I'll count tomorrow given I'm posting late!

I walked 7 miles this morning, made a menu for the week & went grocery shopping, and tracked all my points on WW so far.

Your pic was very nice! And how great that you are in smaller clothes! Where in PA are you from?

Hi Zim

Thanks for coaching. In response to your QOTD, I ran 5K today (I'm worn out, so not actually feeling too healthy at the moment) but I know it was good for me long term!!! Finished in 39:08, so 66 seconds better than the last time I ran it 2 weeks ago.

Congrats on the 5k. That's a great time!


Good afternoon all :)

It's awfully quiet here. I squeezed in 7 miles walking this morning even though it was supposed to be 8. It rained pretty good the last 3 miles so we called it quits a mile early.

We are having a pretty lazy day around here. DSs & I will be having a movie night tonight while DH is at work. I am also planning to be in bed EARLY!! I haven't been sleeping enough & I am feeling it.

Hope everyone is getting a break from the heat like we are. It is so nice out today.

Enjoy the weekend.

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday.

This week just kind of got away from me. But I am holding my own with the weight and might even see a loss in July if I don't go too crazy next weekend. If not, I am happy to be holding my own.

The knee is much improved. I even did yoga with an extra folded up mat under it when we were on our knees. Today we were supposed to run 6 miles but we went out to a free concert last night, so decided to put it off until tomorrow.

Welcome to the new folks!
Hi Zim

Thanks for coaching. In response to your QOTD, I ran 5K today (I'm worn out, so not actually feeling too healthy at the moment) but I know it was good for me long term!!! Finished in 39:08, so 66 seconds better than the last time I ran it 2 weeks ago.

Congrats! That's great to hear. I keep reading articles that go back and forth on running versus walking. They're both healthy of course, but I hear of knee issues and injuries. But once I get to a point with walking I itch to run! Maybe it's partially an issue of bad shoes I'm sure.

I walked 7 miles this morning, made a menu for the week & went grocery shopping, and tracked all my points on WW so far.

Your pic was very nice! And how great that you are in smaller clothes! Where in PA are you from?

7 miles! That's GREAT! My walk is about 4 miles - how long does it take you to do 7? I sometimes think I should be walking faster but I walk to music, I can't walk without my music. I live in Gettysburg! Great place, except the past couple weekends for the 150th anniversary - yikes the tourism was off the charts!

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday.

This week just kind of got away from me. But I am holding my own with the weight and might even see a loss in July if I don't go too crazy next weekend. If not, I am happy to be holding my own.

The knee is much improved. I even did yoga with an extra folded up mat under it when we were on our knees. Today we were supposed to run 6 miles but we went out to a free concert last night, so decided to put it off until tomorrow.

Welcome to the new folks!

Glad to hear your knee is improved! Holding my own, that's what I did last week, as on vacation I simply couldn't be as good monitoring what I was eating to what we were exerting!

QOTD - Do you listen to music while exercising? Do you have favorite songs that are a MUST to get you psyched for exercising??

And thanks for the help with quoting, I think I've got it!! :yay:
7 miles! That's GREAT! My walk is about 4 miles - how long does it take you to do 7? I sometimes think I should be walking faster but I walk to music, I can't walk without my music. I live in Gettysburg! Great place, except the past couple weekends for the 150th anniversary - yikes the tourism was off the charts!

QOTD - Do you listen to music while exercising? Do you have favorite songs that are a MUST to get you psyched for exercising??

And thanks for the help with quoting, I think I've got it!! :yay:

My sister & I walk together in the summer (I'm a teacher so I'm not working & she's a sahm). We walk 4 miles T/Th and it takes us about 56 minutes. We realized that we walk faster when we aren't talking, but we seriously talk the whole entire time lol. 7 miles yesterday was 1 hour 43 minutes with a stop at our cars for a drink & to grab umbrellas. The rain slowed us down the last 3 miles. We are walking the Biggest Loser half marathon in Erie on Aug 17 so we are in training mode :)

You know, it's so sad I haven't been to Gettysburg. I live on the Ohio border right over from Youngstown, OH (Sharon, PA). I've lived here my whole life (other than college) and as a teenager girl I chose to stay home when my parents went. We want to take DSs (10 & 7) but haven't made it there yet. Maybe we'll shoot for this fall or spring next year. Do you go to Niagara Falls often? Growing up, we went almost every year. We've taken DSs a couple times but need to get our Passports or Passport cards for Canada. Although, the American side is fun, too.

QOTD-when I walk or run on my own I do listen to music. Nothing in particular comes to mind, but anything upbeat. Also, the spinning class I go to rocks the music. It's so fun, but I haven't been for awhile since I've been doing my walking as cardio.


I have to run so I'll be back later!

Calling myself caught up here. :goodvibes

Eliza, thanks for coaching last week! :flower3: I was reading and enjoyed your questions.

Hi everyone,

I haven't checked in in a while. I've been really busy lately and also haven't been doing very well with my weight at all and have been feeling unmotivated so was staying away from the thread.
I don't know what it is but I just can't get back on track. I lost 42lbs in 6 months and since June I've just been stagnant... haven't been gaining or losing (thank God for all the exercise I'm still doing or I'd have gained back 20 lbs by now!!). But this morning I stepped on the scale and saw 180 again (which is up 6 lbs from my lowest) and that sort of gave me a kick in the butt. I do NOT want to go back up into another "decade"!!

Still can't figure out how I'm going to get back on track but I know that I have to. A lot of people lose their appetites in the summer heat but it's making me want to snack constantly.

So that's it... just came on to mope I guess

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and doing better than me with your weight loss/maintenance efforts!!

:welcome: back! Sometimes the best way to start is to pick one thing that you will that is on plan and then add to it as you succeed. Thinking of doing everything all at once can be overwhelming sometimes, even when you've been totally OP. You can do it! :yay:

Hello, I'm new here! I have been contemplating joining the board for some time. I have 25 lbs. to lose. I've been doing great with my exercise lately, this morning jogged 2.45 miles which is the best I've done in quite a while. What I really need to do is improve my eating habits. I've been compensating for the increased activity with increased calorie intake and that has got to stop. Starting again today I'm tracking my calories and activities.

:welcome: This is a great group!

Have you used a calculator to see how many calories you are burning with your workout? Sadly, it will not be as much as you would think it would be. Knowing the amount of calories you burn in a workout also helps sometimes with resisting the siren's call of the treats, too. You can do it! ::yes::

Just found the WISH board and thought about waiting until August to join a challenge, but I think waiting to start has gotten me where I am... So if I can, I'd like to join in for the last 2 weeks of July. Do I PM tomorrow? It'll be a very small goal, but hopefully a good way to start!

:welcome: Yep, no time like the present to get on board with us.

I've been on vacation and just set my goal for the last few days of the challenge myself. A few extra days can make a big difference on where you start from in August. :cool1:

Weigh-In Day Reminder!

Good Morning everyone! It is Friday - so the weekend is about to start soon! And I really need a weekend now. Work has been truly horrible this week...

And Friday is also our Weigh-In Day. Please send me your weight. I will be away this weekend, so I won't get around to update the first page until Sunday evening.

I hope that I will get lots of happy PMs from you!

My weigh in wasn't so great. I had exactly the same weight as on July 1st. Which is ok. Yesterday I also had a really really bad eating day. First I could not resist the pizza at lunch in the work cafeteria and then when I was cooking dinner I was so hungry that I started to snack through the fridge...Feeling better today, so hopefully that was just a one day occurrence. But I am travelling this weekend, so not sure how well I will be able to make good choices... So, all in all I am happy with at least maintaining so far. And actually I expected a higher weight on the scale as it has been very hot over the last days and I can feel that I am retaining water. I actually expected the scale to be higher (I often know when I am going to be heavier just from how I feel in the morning). So in the back of my mind I am having this little hope that once it cools down, I will see a sudden downward jump. I know from my clothes that I have lost quite a bit of weight. I had to sort out two bras because they are just too wide now.

Next week is going to be better and I am really looking forward to getting back into my usual routine!!

It is frustrating when the scale is not showing the changes in your body but obviously you are losing inches -- pixiedust: for a whoosh soon!

I feel your pain! I have the same number since the end of June but I'm happy with not having any gain. I'm ready for a whoosh, too!

Thank you for being our hostess with the mostest for June and July! :flower3:

Good morning I finished my first week of AP prep courses. Two more weeks to go.

It has been too hot to do anything. I went to yoga last night and that has been about it for the week. Dh went to mow the lawn early yesterday got half way through and had to come in take a shower before he went back out to finish and he only did the front.

I hope everyone who is in the heat tries to stay cool.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Wow! Sounds hot at your house, Dona. You are always so busy you deserve a few lazy, days of summer. :thumbsup2

I think a trip to :smickey: has to be in there somewhere!!

:welcome: to our new friends and congrats on taking that next step to getting healthy!

Fought with myself to NOT step on the scale today as I'm taking a new road to my weight loss. Historically, I've found if I start getting TOO focused on it, the losses come to a screeching halt. So, at least for July and August, I'll only be weighing in twice, (at the start and end of each month), and see how it goes. Wish me luck and to all of you on your continued progress!

I think your strategy is an excellent one, Kim! ::yes::

Hi guys! Ok, about to embark on my first coaching week... let's see how I manage. Before I ramble TOO much I'll do a QOTD!

What was something healthy you did for yourself TODAY - I'll count tomorrow given I'm posting late!

For myself, I managed to eat a pretty healthy fast food meal with some friends today: A Roy Rogers grilled chicken sandwich - I tossed the bun and heaped salsa, mustard and pickles on top. It was delicious! No fries, just a baked potato with Pete's Hot Sauce and a little sour cream for consistency.

Forgive me if I repeat a coaching question - I've been pretty busy this month and haven't had a chance to follow very closely. Just spent a week in Niagara - managed to stay about even on weight, and I'm thankful for that. Best complement that week was my beau asking if I had bought new shorts - nope, these are just a pair I couldn't fit in before!

So feeling pretty good starting out this week of coaching. Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!! As I learned last month it's never too late in the month to join in on the healthy bandwagon here. Everyone is very helpful, positive and for me it's a great way to be accountable.

My next post - hopefully to follow this one shortly, will be my attempt at figuring out the quoting on here, I still have yet to grok that. Have a great weekend, I'll be posting every day so jump on when you can and give updates!

Here's a pic from Niagara last week. I'm heading into the 170s (it's been a while!) and feeling very good about it - good enough to don the tank tops! Thank goodness, because even Canada was HOT!


Thanks for coaching this week, Zim! It is always nice to have new coaches! And no worries on repeating questions.

QOTD: Usually Sunday is a rest day for me which means no workout at all but I did a 1.5 mile walk around my hilly neighborhood this morning to make sure that I hit my ActiveLink goal today. :goodvibes

Hello all! I am having computer issues and trying to multi-quote and reply on my phone is very time consuming. Our desktop is old and we were told that it will cost as much to update and improve it as buying a new computer, so we've been looking EVERYWHERE!! I finally ordered a laptop last night from Tiger Direct and it should be here next week. Yay!

I still may have the desktop cleaned up but not updated to Windows 8 and let the kids use it for getting on the internet to play games or look up how to draw Bigfoot. Yes, DS10 is looking that up right now on the tablet. :confused:

We are supposed to be getting storms tonight or in the morning and I am hoping it is not in the morning. DSis and I are walking 8 or 9 miles at 7:30 and I do not want to put this off until tomorrow evening or Sunday. We are walking The Biggest Loser WalkRun series half marathon in Erie (PA) on Aug 17. I don't know which former contestants from BL will be there yet, but I hope to hear some speak at the expo. Walking a half marathon counts, right?!?!

I am off to hang out with DSs and finish watching Kung Fu Panda. Have a great night!


Jill, walk, run, crawl, it all counts for a half marathon -- you can do it! :yay:

Hope your computer woes are quickly over. I cannot do replies at all on my phone -- too hard. :lmao:

Hi Zim

Thanks for coaching. In response to your QOTD, I ran 5K today (I'm worn out, so not actually feeling too healthy at the moment) but I know it was good for me long term!!! Finished in 39:08, so 66 seconds better than the last time I ran it 2 weeks ago.

Woo hoo! :woohoo: Congrats on your great time improvement!

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday.

This week just kind of got away from me. But I am holding my own with the weight and might even see a loss in July if I don't go too crazy next weekend. If not, I am happy to be holding my own.

The knee is much improved. I even did yoga with an extra folded up mat under it when we were on our knees. Today we were supposed to run 6 miles but we went out to a free concert last night, so decided to put it off until tomorrow.

Welcome to the new folks!

Good job on the loss. Take it easy on that knee -- you don't want an injury before going to see Mickey! :smickey:

Pamela, I lost your quote but wanted to say hope all your party tasks are almost done so you can enjoy the party! :goodvibes

QOTD - Do you listen to music while exercising? Do you have favorite songs that are a MUST to get you psyched for exercising??

And thanks for the help with quoting, I think I've got it!! :yay:

I do listen to music when I am running or walking. I need to update some of my playlists because my tunes are getting old. One of my newer ones that I like now is "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore.

It's official at WW I came back from vacation weighing the same as when I left so I consider that my big accomplishment for the month of July so far! :cool1: But I am still hoping to lose a couple of pounds for the rest of the month so onward and downward.

Also, I just finished my second ActiveLink challenge on WW. I met my goal 91% of the time and increased my activity by 46% in the past 6 months. That is worth the $5 a month right there! I knew in my heart that my training for half marathons was not enough activity and this proved it and I have been able to increase my activity even and show a good loss for the year, especially in this last month of training before the Dumbo Double Dare! :dumbo:

Have a great Sunday all!
Lisa--that is pretty impressive! Congrats on coming back from vacation without a gain. :) I totally agree that it takes more than training for a race to lose. I had really started to increase my activity before I fell, and I am finally getting back to that point again. I love getting sweaty in the summertime.:beach:

We ran 6 miles this morning. I feel good except my piriformis has decided to spasm. Oh well, it does that sometimes. Hopefully ibuprofen will help.

So a little off topic, but we are 'unofficially' listing our house.:scared1: And I think once I get over the initial panic ;) will probably go ahead and put a sign in the yard. Right now we are just working with our agent--kind of like, if you have someone you think might be interested....This has been coming for over two years, but things have just not gone smoothly. If DH does not get a transfer, then we will go ahead and buy something else in town. Eventually we will pick an end date for how long we want to try for the transfer. He has been looking for about two years, but in a very specific location. We have greatly opened up the location and he has had a couple of promising conversations. I miss my kid. I am tired of being so far away and having to drive through some of the nastiest mountains on the east coast to see him. This is partly what has been stressing me out so much, so it is nice to talk about. I don't even want to be in this house--and haven't wanted to for a long time, but I feel safe here and it is very affordable. I don't want to go into an apartment, but I don't want to be here either. Change is hard, but I know it is what we want. It is just very scary! If I had a blueprint and knew exactly what was going to happen when I would be so much happier.:lmao: That would be the control freak side of my personality. Anyhow, I know this (imagined?) stress is not helping my weight/food choices. So, time to put on the big girl panties and take some action.:cheer2: Even DS wants us closer. But he did tell Mike that if we end up in the same city I was not allowed to bug him all the time.:rotfl: Thanks for letting me share.

I hope everyone has a good Sunday. I am going to clean a bit. And try not to have a panic attack that I told the real estate agent that she can show the house. ;) NO STRESS EATING! :)
QOTD - Do you listen to music while exercising? Do you have favorite songs that are a MUST to get you psyched for exercising??

If I'm at the gym, I just listen to whatever they're blasting out, but recently I have been using my iPod when running outside on my own. I have been listening to some of Shania Twain's more upbeat stuff and it seems to improve my time (as does Nickelback, Train and Rob Thomas!!!) Think I might try to put myself a specific playlist together later for my run to diet class tomorrow night.

Had a bit of a lazy day today, been out to the local shops to look at some new running shoes, but didn't really see anything that takes my fancy!! Did find one store that will do a free running gait assessment though, so am going to go back next weekend.....probably will end up with some NewBalance Shoes. Wanted Brooks but they are very hard to get in the UK.

Also did a bit of batch cooking for the freezer ths morning - made a huge veggie chilli then portioned it for work lunches as OH doesn't like it!!
What a long weekend it's been. Came down ill yesterday and have been in bed trying to will it to go away :sick: Seems to be settling down a bit, so hopefully tomorrow will be nicer. I have to admit, the time to nap has been lovely. Must have needed it?

QOTD: I run much better with music! My tempo is more even and I can comfortably run faster. I find I can also run longer because my mind is occupied. I don't have a particular song I need, but "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" always makes me happy and I run lighter :goodvibes

Speaking of freezer cooking, I need to catch up. Ours is just about empty. I know if I don't soon, the temptation to eat snack-meals instead of real ones will get really strong... Any favorites you'd like to suggest? I have a usual roundup, but change is good :)
Morning all and Happy Monday! Sorry I wasn't around this weekend. I was at an outdoor swim meet with no wi-fi and when we got home each evening it was STRAIGHT to work around the house!

Thankfully last week's heatwave has ended and we have cooler temps and even a bit of rain in this week's forecast. Why am I grateful for rain? Because maybe, just maybe, the painter will be able to fit me in this week if he can't paint outside and I will actually get my two stairwells painted before next weekend's party!

I've declared my outside projects officially checked off the list. Sure, I have lots more I'd like to get done, but with the party just 5 days away I've got to say "good enough" and move to the inside cleaning and stuff! My parents are coming up on Wednesday and my Dad will be able to work outside for me if I ask.

Eating over the weekend was mostly really good with just a splurge at dinner last night thrown in. DH and DS went to a comedy show so DD and I splurged on a homemade mac and cheese for dinner (NOT lowfat... testing a recipe to use for the party and it was so yummy) and a bowl of ice cream to end our weekend!! But counted, journaled, and enjoyed.... now time to move on and forget about the rest of the ice cream in the freezer!;)

If I can fit it in, the weather will DEFINITELY be more conducive to outdoor exercise this week! But with the ENTIRE HOUSE needing a thorough cleaning this week, plus regular swim practices (including doubles Tues, Wed, and Thurs.... skipping today's), DH out of town a few days, and party food stuff needing prepping, it will definitely be a SQUEEZE to fit in some regular walk/runs. Just need to keep reminding myself that I am worth it and that it IS just as important as everything else I am doing this week!

I'll try to take a minute here to read and reply before dashing off!.............P
I think a trip to :smickey: has to be in there somewhere!!

Normally I would totally agree, but since I just got back around 45 days ago, it won't make it onto the list!

:welcome: to our new friends and congrats on taking that next step to getting healthy!

Fought with myself to NOT step on the scale today as I'm taking a new road to my weight loss. Historically, I've found if I start getting TOO focused on it, the losses come to a screeching halt. So, at least for July and August, I'll only be weighing in twice, (at the start and end of each month), and see how it goes. Wish me luck and :cheer2: to all of you on your continued progress!

Sounds like a good plan for you!! Nice to know that you can figure out what works best for your individual situation.

Thanks for all the welcomes!! Also glad it almost the weekend, this week has been looong... Busy night tonight as well, but at least busy with fun things. Hoping to go hiking on Saturday as the weather has been so lovely! And here is my verbal commitment to make time for the run I'm scheduled to do today

I love the 50 list idea! Book - Le Petit Prince in French. Adventurous - Eat something exotic you've not had - maybe snails or durian or those halfway incubated eggs? Face a fear - As a pet shop if you can hold an animal you're scared or? Find a poetry slam or open mic night to perform in front of people? For others - Volunteer for a charity race or fundraise for one and participate yourself.

I turn 30 in about 7 months, I feel a 30 before 30 list coming on... :)

DO it... make a list! Even if it is just "fluff" stuff!

So far my list includes only about 11 items, but I will continue to add to it.... but I also need to make an effort to start DOING some of the stuff!!:lmao:

Hi guys! Ok, about to embark on my first coaching week... let's see how I manage. Before I ramble TOO much I'll do a QOTD!

What was something healthy you did for yourself TODAY - I'll count tomorrow given I'm posting late!

THanks for sharing the picture. I was actually of thinking of adding "visit Niagara" to my 50 before 50 list. It is something I've always wanted to see, but no one here ever seems to want to go with me.

Well... since it is really early I'll answer the QOTD for yesterday.... I ate SUPER HEALTHY and OP all day to allow an evening splurge without guilt!

Your lazy lasagna sounds like my lazy stuffed cabbage. I make it into a casserole instead of boiling the cabbage & rolling them all. I think I'll try the lasagna with zucchini this week. Do you mind sharing what you did?

Browned ground beef in a large skillet.... drained and rinsed and set aside. Saute thinly sliced onions, red bell peppers, zucchini, and chopped garlic in the skillet. Add beef back to skillet, top with 1 can of favorite spaghetti sauce and 1 can of diced tomatoes.... throw in a palm-full of Italian seasonings. When heated through add 2-4 Tb. of parmesan cheese and 1/3 brick of lowfat cream cheese (DD hates ricotta). Also toss in a handful (or two) of shredded mozzarella. Allow cheeses to melt, stir to combine. Serve over regular pasta, whole wheat pasta, or "zucchini noodles".

I can't give precise measurements or PPV, as I didn't measure anything myself. I also used less meat and added some rehydrated TVP as part of my protein. And if were just for me I might have added a can of kidney beans, since I really like beans, but no one else here is a fan, so I skipped it. Plus I didn't want it to seem too much like chili.

:thumbsup2 I wish DH understood this concept! I am a get up early & get stuff done type of person. He is a lounge around in bed and do some stuff periodically throughout the day. It drives me crazy sometimes (well, most of the time)!

I've had those same issues..... but I try hard to remember that DH is a night person.... he is ready to start his "to do" list at 4pm.... just about the time I am ready to quit for the day! It makes things really difficult and tense when I try to get him to work on "my" schedule.... and it is a PITA that we can't just work together on projects sometimes. And honestly, I am just naturally a bit more of a "go-getter" about household stuff than DH. If he were entertaining friends and the house was messy and the yard wasn't mowed, he probably wouldn't even notice and would assume no one else noticed either! But I am just too type A for that!

Love the lists ideas! I think I'll work on mine this week.

Let me know if you come up with anything good!!

Ooooohhhh...good suggestions! I actually read Le Petit Prince in French class in high school many moons ago. I loved it.


Hello all! I am having computer issues and trying to multi-quote and reply on my phone is very time consuming. Our desktop is old and we were told that it will cost as much to update and improve it as buying a new computer, so we've been looking EVERYWHERE!! I finally ordered a laptop last night from Tiger Direct and it should be here next week. Yay!

I still may have the desktop cleaned up but not updated to Windows 8 and let the kids use it for getting on the internet to play games or look up how to draw Bigfoot. Yes, DS10 is looking that up right now on the tablet.

I hate having computer issues!! Good luck getting them resolved.

We are supposed to be getting storms tonight or in the morning and I am hoping it is not in the morning. DSis and I are walking 8 or 9 miles at 7:30 and I do not want to put this off until tomorrow evening or Sunday. We are walking The Biggest Loser WalkRun series half marathon in Erie (PA) on Aug 17. I don't know which former contestants from BL will be there yet, but I hope to hear some speak at the expo. Walking a half marathon counts, right?!?!

I am off to hang out with DSs and finish watching Kung Fu Panda. Have a great night!


Love to hear more about the speakers!

Hi Zim

Thanks for coaching. In response to your QOTD, I ran 5K today (I'm worn out, so not actually feeling too healthy at the moment) but I know it was good for me long term!!! Finished in 39:08, so 66 seconds better than the last time I ran it 2 weeks ago.

Good job!!

I walked 7 miles this morning, made a menu for the week & went grocery shopping, and tracked all my points on WW so far.

Yeah for a productive morning!!

Good afternoon all

It's awfully quiet here. I squeezed in 7 miles walking this morning even though it was supposed to be 8. It rained pretty good the last 3 miles so we called it quits a mile early.

We are having a pretty lazy day around here. DSs & I will be having a movie night tonight while DH is at work. I am also planning to be in bed EARLY!! I haven't been sleeping enough & I am feeling it.

Hope everyone is getting a break from the heat like we are. It is so nice out today.

Enjoy the weekend.


Hope you got your good night's sleep last night!!

Hope everyone is having a good Saturday.

This week just kind of got away from me. But I am holding my own with the weight and might even see a loss in July if I don't go too crazy next weekend. If not, I am happy to be holding my own.

The knee is much improved. I even did yoga with an extra folded up mat under it when we were on our knees. Today we were supposed to run 6 miles but we went out to a free concert last night, so decided to put it off until tomorrow.

Welcome to the new folks!

Glad you are seeing knee improvement! That will go a long way in how you feel about your runs and other exercise, if you can look forward to them without worrying about the pain!! Thumbs up for a loss for July!!:thumbsup2

QOTD - Do you listen to music while exercising? Do you have favorite songs that are a MUST to get you psyched for exercising??

And thanks for the help with quoting, I think I've got it!! :yay:

I do have a few playlists (one on my phone and one on DD's iPod) that I like to use, but I don't always remember to grab earbuds. I am not SUCH a dedicated walker/runner that I must be outside (especially in bad weather) and really like to get absorbed in a show or movie on the TV while on the TM.... it makes the time fly!

Pamela, I lost your quote but wanted to say hope all your party tasks are almost done so you can enjoy the party! :goodvibes

Thanks.... down to the wire now!!

It's official at WW I came back from vacation weighing the same as when I left so I consider that my big accomplishment for the month of July so far! :cool1: But I am still hoping to lose a couple of pounds for the rest of the month so onward and downward.

Also, I just finished my second ActiveLink challenge on WW. I met my goal 91% of the time and increased my activity by 46% in the past 6 months. That is worth the $5 a month right there! I knew in my heart that my training for half marathons was not enough activity and this proved it and I have been able to increase my activity even and show a good loss for the year, especially in this last month of training before the Dumbo Double Dare! :dumbo:

Have a great Sunday all!

SUPERB, WONDERFUL, and BRAVO!!! So proud of you!!

Lisa--that is pretty impressive! Congrats on coming back from vacation without a gain. :) I totally agree that it takes more than training for a race to lose. I had really started to increase my activity before I fell, and I am finally getting back to that point again. I love getting sweaty in the summertime.:beach:

We ran 6 miles this morning. I feel good except my piriformis has decided to spasm. Oh well, it does that sometimes. Hopefully ibuprofen will help.

Glad you are back to enjoying your exercise!

So a little off topic, but we are 'unofficially' listing our house.:scared1: And I think once I get over the initial panic ;) will probably go ahead and put a sign in the yard. Right now we are just working with our agent--kind of like, if you have someone you think might be interested....This has been coming for over two years, but things have just not gone smoothly. If DH does not get a transfer, then we will go ahead and buy something else in town. Eventually we will pick an end date for how long we want to try for the transfer. He has been looking for about two years, but in a very specific location. We have greatly opened up the location and he has had a couple of promising conversations. I miss my kid. I am tired of being so far away and having to drive through some of the nastiest mountains on the east coast to see him. This is partly what has been stressing me out so much, so it is nice to talk about. I don't even want to be in this house--and haven't wanted to for a long time, but I feel safe here and it is very affordable. I don't want to go into an apartment, but I don't want to be here either. Change is hard, but I know it is what we want. It is just very scary! If I had a blueprint and knew exactly what was going to happen when I would be so much happier.:lmao: That would be the control freak side of my personality. Anyhow, I know this (imagined?) stress is not helping my weight/food choices. So, time to put on the big girl panties and take some action.:cheer2: Even DS wants us closer. But he did tell Mike that if we end up in the same city I was not allowed to bug him all the time.:rotfl: Thanks for letting me share.

I hope everyone has a good Sunday. I am going to clean a bit. And try not to have a panic attack that I told the real estate agent that she can show the house. ;) NO STRESS EATING! :)

So much to do and to think about! Take care of the OTHER parts of life, like food and exercise, so that when things like moving, jobs, and kid stress take over, at least you know that your eating is under control!! It will make EVERYTHING feel better!

Also did a bit of batch cooking for the freezer ths morning - made a huge veggie chilli then portioned it for work lunches as OH doesn't like it!!

Good for you!!

What a long weekend it's been. Came down ill yesterday and have been in bed trying to will it to go away :sick: Seems to be settling down a bit, so hopefully tomorrow will be nicer. I have to admit, the time to nap has been lovely. Must have needed it?

QOTD: I run much better with music! My tempo is more even and I can comfortably run faster. I find I can also run longer because my mind is occupied. I don't have a particular song I need, but "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" always makes me happy and I run lighter :goodvibes

Speaking of freezer cooking, I need to catch up. Ours is just about empty. I know if I don't soon, the temptation to eat snack-meals instead of real ones will get really strong... Any favorites you'd like to suggest? I have a usual roundup, but change is good :)

Hope you are feeling much better today!

For the freezer, when I have time, I make chili (both my regular beef and veggie chili and my chicken chili), meatloaf, grilled chicken, fried rice.


Gonna call it "caught up" and done for now! Off to wash windows!...........P
My sister & I walk together in the summer (I'm a teacher so I'm not working & she's a sahm).

Maybe we'll shoot for this fall or spring next year. Do you go to Niagara Falls often? Growing up, we went almost every year.

It's great to have a walking buddy, extra incentive right there and definitely a good trade for some tunes. I've got all sorts of music in my playlist, basically any song I could get my hands on that had the right speed. The latest band I've added is Mumford and Sons. They are an Irish band and all the songs are very upbeat and perfect for walking.

Sadly, it will not be as much as you would think it would be. Knowing the amount of calories you burn in a workout also helps sometimes with resisting the siren's call of the treats, too.

I do listen to music when I am running or walking. I need to update some of my playlists because my tunes are getting old. One of my newer ones that I like now is "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore.

It's official at WW I came back from vacation weighing the same as when I left so I consider that my big accomplishment for the month of July so far! :cool1: But I am still hoping to lose a couple of pounds for the rest of the month so onward and downward.

Also, I just finished my second ActiveLink challenge on WW. I met my goal 91% of the time and increased my activity by 46% in the past 6 months.

Yes, I know the calorie burn thing all too well. I love to do the wii zumba and they always tell me I've burned like 650 - 700 calories in an hour. That's hard to believe, so I round significantly down!

I'll definitely check out that Macklemore song, thanks! And congrats on not gaining during vacation! I think that's all you can ask for on vacation, as I don't know about you but I couldn't bring myself to calorie count. Also congrats on the Activelink challenge! Sounds like you're doing an incredible job keeping up the activity level, very inspiring!

We ran 6 miles this morning. I feel good except my piriformis has decided to spasm. Oh well, it does that sometimes. Hopefully ibuprofen will help.

So a little off topic, but we are 'unofficially' listing our house.

Hope the ibuprofen did the trick... congrats on listing (sorta) :) your house! That sounds very exciting and my fingers are crossed that your DH gets the transfer he wants.

If I'm at the gym, I just listen to whatever they're blasting out, but recently I have been using my iPod when running outside on my own. I have been listening to some of Shania Twain's more upbeat stuff and it seems to improve my time (as does Nickelback, Train and Rob Thomas!!!) Think I might try to put myself a specific playlist together later for my run to diet class tomorrow night.

I have a little Nickleback and Train on the playlist as well, great songs to exercise to!

What a long weekend it's been. Came down ill yesterday and have been in bed trying to will it to go away

I don't have a particular song I need, but "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" always makes me happy and I run lighter

I think I have that song, I have to put that on my list, definitely. Hope you're feeling better!!

If I can fit it in, the weather will DEFINITELY be more conducive to outdoor exercise this week! But with the ENTIRE HOUSE needing a thorough cleaning this week, ... it will definitely be a SQUEEZE to fit in some regular walk/runs.

Remember when you're running around your house cleaning that you're burning lots of calories that way too - no need to feel guilty that it's taking time away from "official" exercise - you may even manage to work out some muscles that don't see as much burn. Could be a good change of pace!

Niagara Falls was nice, but I would recommend for a longish weekend, not a whole week. We were hard pressed to come up with things to do after a while. Not that we couldn't find a new miniature putt putt or haunted house or museum to go through. The natural parks were priceless, and there were quite a few places to explore. If you go, just don't take the first "tour" offered... walk around first - they have deals everywhere based on what you want to do...
7 miles! That's GREAT! My walk is about 4 miles - how long does it take you to do 7? I sometimes think I should be walking faster but I walk to music, I can't walk without my music. I live in Gettysburg! Great place, except the past couple weekends for the 150th anniversary - yikes the tourism was off the charts!

My parents took me to Gettysburg when I was about 11 or 12. LOVED it!! :love:

QOTD - Do you listen to music while exercising? Do you have favorite songs that are a MUST to get you psyched for exercising??

I absolutely do! I can't imagine running without it, especially for the longer distances. :scared1:

I recently added a bunch of new tunes that I can't even tell you what the names are. :confused3 I just Googled the top 100 running songs, listened to a a few bars of each song and downloaded the ones I liked the most. Some of my faves are Bruce: Born to Run, R. Kelly: The World's Greatest, Kelly Clarkson: What Doesn't Kill You, and pretty much anything by Bon Jovi. :banana:

It's official at WW I came back from vacation weighing the same as when I left so I consider that my big accomplishment for the month of July so far! :cool1: But I am still hoping to lose a couple of pounds for the rest of the month so onward and downward.

So jealous! Still trying to shed those "pasta pounds!" :lmao:

So a little off topic, but we are 'unofficially' listing our house.:scared1: And I think once I get over the initial panic ;) will probably go ahead and put a sign in the yard. Right now we are just working with our agent--kind of like, if you have someone you think might be interested....This has been coming for over two years, but things have just not gone smoothly. If DH does not get a transfer, then we will go ahead and buy something else in town. Eventually we will pick an end date for how long we want to try for the transfer. He has been looking for about two years, but in a very specific location. We have greatly opened up the location and he has had a couple of promising conversations. I miss my kid. I am tired of being so far away and having to drive through some of the nastiest mountains on the east coast to see him. This is partly what has been stressing me out so much, so it is nice to talk about. I don't even want to be in this house--and haven't wanted to for a long time, but I feel safe here and it is very affordable. I don't want to go into an apartment, but I don't want to be here either. Change is hard, but I know it is what we want. It is just very scary! If I had a blueprint and knew exactly what was going to happen when I would be so much happier.:lmao: That would be the control freak side of my personality. Anyhow, I know this (imagined?) stress is not helping my weight/food choices. So, time to put on the big girl panties and take some action.:cheer2: Even DS wants us closer. But he did tell Mike that if we end up in the same city I was not allowed to bug him all the time.:rotfl: Thanks for letting me share.

I hope everyone has a good Sunday. I am going to clean a bit. And try not to have a panic attack that I told the real estate agent that she can show the house. ;) NO STRESS EATING! :)

I SO know where you're coming from! ::yes:: As much as I couldn't wait to get out of CT, it was still a pretty scary thing to move away from everything and everyone I'd ever known. But now, almost 18 years, (and another marriage later :rotfl2:), there is no doubt in my mind and my heart, that it was the best thing I ever did. I now have a fantastic bunch of friends, a beautiful home, the world's best DH, weather that I wouldn't trade for anything, (even the hurricanes) :scared1:, and only 3 hours away from :mickeyjum!! So I guess this is just my long-winded way of saying putting on those big girl pants and jumping off the cliff can sometime turn out SO much better than you could have everr imagined! :banana:

It's Motivational Monday (I read that somewhere earlier in the thread. Give us you're favorite motivational quote!!

I read one the other day I really liked - a proverb - "Fall down seven times, get up eight."

And something I was thinking about the other day. Sometimes I forget we are all in this together. And by that I mean: when I see that slim, fit woman jogging around our lake I think to myself "Oh if only it were that easy for me!" It's almost as if there is a passive aggressive tendency to isolate those who you feel have "made it". And they can come back and get your encouragement when they've found those lost pounds again... When in reality they are fighting just as hard as those who want to lose a few pounds and those who want to lose a lot. It's not an Us and Them thing. Everyone who has decided to make healthy lifestyle changes and choices are all in the same boat! Maybe it's just me, what are your thoughts?

Good luck this week on making YOUR healthy choices! And again another welcome to the new people, I hope you post often and get involved, it's a great means of keeping up the healthy outlook!!

It's Motivational Monday (I read that somewhere earlier in the thread. Give us you're favorite motivational quote!!

I read one the other day I really liked - a proverb - "Fall down seven times, get up eight."

And something I was thinking about the other day. Sometimes I forget we are all in this together. And by that I mean: when I see that slim, fit woman jogging around our lake I think to myself "Oh if only it were that easy for me!" It's almost as if there is a passive aggressive tendency to isolate those who you feel have "made it". And they can come back and get your encouragement when they've found those lost pounds again... When in reality they are fighting just as hard as those who want to lose a few pounds and those who want to lose a lot. It's not an Us and Them thing. Everyone who has decided to make healthy lifestyle changes and choices are all in the same boat! Maybe it's just me, what are your thoughts?

Good luck this week on making YOUR healthy choices! And again another welcome to the new people, I hope you post often and get involved, it's a great means of keeping up the healthy outlook!!

I know exactly what you mean. ::yes:: I was down on Fort Lauderdale Beach yesterday morning and you can't believe all the hardbodies that were out there running. Talk about feeling like a moose! :scared: I always wonder, were they just genetically lucky and always look that way or did they have to work hard for their figures? And if it was the latter, at what point did they say, yes, I made it! Or do they still think they look awful and need to keep working? :confused3

I like to keep motivational pictures on my desk so I have no choice but to look at it all week. The current one is a picture of girl in great shape that says, "You can't outrun a bad diet." So true......:thumbsup2

It's Motivational Monday (I read that somewhere earlier in the thread. Give us you're favorite motivational quote!!

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" Rings true EVERY SINGLE TIME!


Getting stuff done, but not nearly at the pace I intended! DS's room is picked up.... just needs vaccuming, dusting, window washing, and clean sheets.

DD's room.... has barely been begun.:rolleyes2 I see a long evening ahead.:(

That being said, I got a bunch of stuff done before the family was even up and moving. I washed all of the windows on the front of the first floor (inside only) using a new homemade window cleaner recipe, plus I took out the screens and scrubbed the sills. I rehung the dining room curtains that had been washed and ironed. I also washed the downstairs bathroom window, scrubbed the sill, and rehung the clean/ironed curtain. I scrubbed down two doors (are our hands always filthy????) and touched up some paint in the mudroom and did a coat of paint on the second side of the front door. I cleaned out a bottle to use for my new homemade "SHOUT" (although my label maker has died suddenly :sad: ). Laundry is moving along (although the weather is not good for the clothesline) and we just had lunch. Knocked a few things off my list at least!

Forgot to mention the newest grocery item I am loving! I bought some veggie meatballs a while ago and finally got around to trying them on Saturday. They were very yummy and SUPER low cal! They are Dominex "Italian style vegetarian meatballs" and they are just 90 calories for 5 meatballs (slightly larger than traditional Swedish meatballs.... smaller than regular Italian). I wish I could remember if they came from Shaw's, Hannaford, or Market Basket, but I need to find them again! Sure, they don't taste like regular meatballs, but if you like veggie burgers and such, I think you would enjoy these!

Time for some fruit, a glass of water, and more CLEANING!.................P
Forgot to mention the newest grocery item I am loving! I bought some veggie meatballs a while ago and finally got around to trying them on Saturday. They were very yummy and SUPER low cal! They are Dominex "Italian style vegetarian meatballs" and they are just 90 calories for 5 meatballs (slightly larger than traditional Swedish meatballs.... smaller than regular Italian). I wish I could remember if they came from Shaw's, Hannaford, or Market Basket, but I need to find them again! Sure, they don't taste like regular meatballs, but if you like veggie burgers and such, I think you would enjoy these!

Time for some fruit, a glass of water, and more CLEANING!.................P

Pam - I looked up Dominex products and they do look yummy! AND Publix down here carries their products so lucky me! :banana: They also carry the Gardein vegetariarian products which are also super yummo. :lovestruc

We have a small Italian market down here (4-5 stores I think) called Doris'. The food is unreal! :love: Ever since we came back from Italy, we get most of our food there every week. It's definitely more $ than Wal-Mart, but now that our taste buds have been spoiled, we don't want to go back to eating cardboard. They have an unbelievable section of prepared foods like chicken parm, marsala, meatballs, all kinds of pasta, homemade mozzerella, pecorino, etc., and desserts like you would not believe. :scared1: I discovered eggplant rollatini yesterday. I'm not a big fan of eggplant unless it's very thin and preferable crunchy, but this stuff was just :worship:. I'm sure all the cheese didn't help my waistline, but I did cut the roll in half and have a small amount of orzo with spinach and shrooms with it. I could have died a happy woman right then and there....:rotfl2:
Well I've earned bragging rights tonight. Just back from slimming class and I have now officially lost 4 stones in weight (for you US people that's 56lbs - us British do it different!!!). Sooo pleased with myself. Came home and did a little 2K run before dinner to celebrate!!

FONT="Comic Sans MS"]QOTD:

It's Motivational Monday (I read that somewhere earlier in the thread. Give us you're favorite motivational quote!!

I think my favourite regarding weight loss and fitness is 'It's a marathon, not a sprint!'

Hope you're all doing well and feeling motivated. Even if you can just be good for 'today' and see how you feel when tomorrow comes, you will have achieved something.
Remember when you're running around your house cleaning that you're burning lots of calories that way too - no need to feel guilty that it's taking time away from "official" exercise - you may even manage to work out some muscles that don't see as much burn. Could be a good change of pace!

Niagara Falls was nice, but I would recommend for a longish weekend, not a whole week. We were hard pressed to come up with things to do after a while. Not that we couldn't find a new miniature putt putt or haunted house or museum to go through. The natural parks were priceless, and there were quite a few places to explore. If you go, just don't take the first "tour" offered... walk around first - they have deals everywhere based on what you want to do...

Sorry I missed seeing this yesterday. I agree that intense housework and yard work can be a great change of pace for exercise, but sadly my "real" exercise has been lacking greatly lately. It is pouring buckets here today, so housework will have to count though! I am NOT going out this morning in this downpour!

If we did Niagara it would be just a long weekend. Wish it wasn't such a long ride 8-ish hours). Thanks for the heads up about the deals!

Well I've earned bragging rights tonight. Just back from slimming class and I have now officially lost 4 stones in weight (for you US people that's 56lbs - us British do it different!!!). Sooo pleased with myself. Came home and did a little 2K run before dinner to celebrate!!

Hope you're all doing well and feeling motivated. Even if you can just be good for 'today' and see how you feel when tomorrow comes, you will have achieved something.

Wowza and WoooHooo! Huge congratulations on hitting a milestone like that!


Morning all! Rainy rainy morning here! No run/walk for me today, since I don't want to drive the 45 minutes home soaking wet (I'm in town at DD's outdoor practice:rolleyes: ). Not sure how they are even able to breath with this rain pouring down!

Already ran a quick errand to Home Depot, but will skip the planned dash into the market since it is an absolute downpour right now. But I'm happy to let it rain and rain today, as long as it doesn't rain on Saturday!

T TYL............P
hey everyone! i'm sorry to be so MIA this month...lots and lots going on. we leave tomorrow for 3 days at the parks then our cruise!!! woohooo!!! I didn't quite make my weight goal; but i'll be back and in full swing when we return!


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