WISH Away the Pounds -- Jolly June AND JULY Challenge -- Everyone Welcome!


New lowest weight on the scale!!! It seems that I actually do lose weight when I eat all my additional points. Very happy about that. It still only is 0.6 pounds below my July 1st weight. But it is the right direction. And it is so exciting as I am slowly getting to the big 70kg barrier - I have not been below this since the late 90!

I can also tell from my clothes that I lost weight. I can fit very well in nearly everything in my wardrobe. Just a few things which I bought with the intention of losing weight and then fitting into them are still a bit tight. And I might even have to say goodbye to a few things that I love...

It seems so unfair: being successful at losing weight is so motivating - but it is in times when the weight does not go away that one would need that motivation...

:cool1: :thumbsup2 :banana: :woohoo:
Good afternoon :)

I'm just doing a quick check in. I walked 4 miles this morning with my sister. We had a birthday/swimming party at 11 for my friend's son. We've been friends since 1st grade and he now lives in Seattle, so we only see each other every so often. It was 90 degrees, so it was a great day for a pool party. We had a good time and came home tired lol.

I'm off to go through DS7's closet since I just found a container of clothes he can fit in from DS10. After that, I'm hoping to get the dining room swept and mopped. Oh, and did I mention I have more laundry to do? Where does it come from?!?! Then, I'm going to try dusting and some other light cleaning. Yesterday we shampooed our carpets. Ew...they we dirty :( Can you tell I'm trying to get some cleaning in since we've been running around so much? :)

I'll be back tomorrow to check in and see how everyone is doing. Have a nice evening.

Hi everyone,

I haven't checked in in a while. I've been really busy lately and also haven't been doing very well with my weight at all and have been feeling unmotivated so was staying away from the thread.
I don't know what it is but I just can't get back on track. I lost 42lbs in 6 months and since June I've just been stagnant... haven't been gaining or losing (thank God for all the exercise I'm still doing or I'd have gained back 20 lbs by now!!). But this morning I stepped on the scale and saw 180 again (which is up 6 lbs from my lowest) and that sort of gave me a kick in the butt. I do NOT want to go back up into another "decade"!!

Still can't figure out how I'm going to get back on track but I know that I have to. A lot of people lose their appetites in the summer heat but it's making me want to snack constantly.

So that's it... just came on to mope I guess :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and doing better than me with your weight loss/maintenance efforts!!
Woot! Lowest Monday weigh in since the middle of June. I was not perfect over the weekend, but this is a great place to start from. The sun is shiny and it is warm and steamy, so that has definitely helped.

Hope everyone has a great Monday. My goal after work is a mile or so on the treadmill and then I am going to a strength class. Between my back and my knee, I might not be able to do some of the stuff, but I am feeling very flabby, so I am going to go and do the best I can.

Have a great Monday!

WOOOOOHOOO! Heading in the right direction! Hope your knee is recovering well.

QoTD - no alcoholic drinks here, not really a fan. I will probably have a glass of red wine or a Kahlua and cream once every 3 years.
Right now my go to drink is water or the new Valencia Orange refresher from Starbucks with extra water in it. It tastes a lot like tang but better, and it breaks up the monotony of plain water.

Found another funny quote today.
DD opened her fortune cookie a few days ago and it's a good one. I collect fortunes so I'll have a lot of them. I need to go through my jar.

Keep your goals away from the trolls.

Trolls could be the saboteurs in your life. The ones that don't support you. Trolls could be those inner demons that tell you, you can't do this or you are not worthy. Trolls could be those who seem to think because they are fit, they are better than you.
Do not let the trolls get to your goals

Dang trolls! Always after my goals! :rotfl2:

Buffy, I love the quote! Thanks for posting this!!

I finally dared to return to the scale. I am still 100 grams up from my July start weight. But I do consider this as the same. So am very happy about that! Hopefully I can get the scale moving again this week. Today I have been good so far - had a nice salad for lunch.

alcoholic drink: a glass of dry white wine or a prosecco (sparkling wine from Italy).
Non-alcoholic: my homemade iced tea which I make with decaffeinated Earl Grey tea and some fresh lemon. And I just realise that I forgot to start a new batch yesterday evening...

Glad the scale is moving! I love the idea of some nice iced tea today! Think I'll brew up a batch this morning! I do love Earl Grey, but try to drink green whenever possible (for the health benefits).

So after talking over my supreme lack of weight loss the last few weeks with the DH, he pointed something out to me. Whenever I've hit a plateau in the past and started to freak out about it, I found if I take a step back, not worry so much about tracking points, etc., and loosen up just a little bit foodwise (not go crazy though ), the next time I step on the scale, it has almost always paid off. I think it really does matter where your head is at! :rolleyes2 So for the next couple of weeks I'll still workout like usual, watch my food, but not make myself crazy about it, and see what happens. I'm just going to monitor how my clothes fit and how I feel as that's always a great gauge for me . Magdalene, I probably won't submit another weight until the 25th, when I go away again for a few days. Thanks!

LISA - loved the FB cruise pics!! Where was the DH born?

ROSE - Here's the plan I'm following for the W&D: 3 days/week

Week 1 - 3 miles (m)/3m/5m
Week 2 - 3/4/6
Week 3 - 4/4/6
Week 4 - 4/4/7
Week 5 - 4/5/7
Week 6 - 4/5/8
Week 7 - 4/5/10
Week 8 - 4/4/7
Week 9 - 3/3/race day

I plan on doing a Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday rotation until I get to the 7-8 miles on the the weekends. Then I'll push it off to Sundays, so I have two days to rest before the lonfer distances. I'll probably also throw in some speed work once in a while. I used Galloway last year and have to sadly admit I think it caused me to overtrain, leading to the IT issues I ended up with. Good luck! :cheer2:

Good job coming up with a plan!


New lowest weight on the scale!!! It seems that I actually do lose weight when I eat all my additional points. Very happy about that. It still only is 0.6 pounds below my July 1st weight. But it is the right direction. And it is so exciting as I am slowly getting to the big 70kg barrier - I have not been below this since the late 90!

I can also tell from my clothes that I lost weight. I can fit very well in nearly everything in my wardrobe. Just a few things which I bought with the intention of losing weight and then fitting into them are still a bit tight. And I might even have to say goodbye to a few things that I love...

It seems so unfair: being successful at losing weight is so motivating - but it is in times when the weight does not go away that one would need that motivation...

Major, major WOOOHOO and a big BRAVO!! SO if you were to SHARE a "trick" or "secret" that is working for you right now, would you say it would be to be sure to eat ENOUGH???

Good afternoon :)

I'm just doing a quick check in. I walked 4 miles this morning with my sister. We had a birthday/swimming party at 11 for my friend's son. We've been friends since 1st grade and he now lives in Seattle, so we only see each other every so often. It was 90 degrees, so it was a great day for a pool party. We had a good time and came home tired lol.

I'm off to go through DS7's closet since I just found a container of clothes he can fit in from DS10. After that, I'm hoping to get the dining room swept and mopped. Oh, and did I mention I have more laundry to do? Where does it come from?!?! Then, I'm going to try dusting and some other light cleaning. Yesterday we shampooed our carpets. Ew...they we dirty :( Can you tell I'm trying to get some cleaning in since we've been running around so much? :)

I'll be back tomorrow to check in and see how everyone is doing. Have a nice evening.


Staying busy I see! Did your carpets dry fast? It is so humid here I would hesitate to clean my carpets now. I wanted to clean my bedroom carpets before the party, but not sure I will have the time now to let them dry. My Bissell carpet cleaner developed a leak a few years ago and I never got it fixed, so now I have to rent a Rug Doctor to do the carpets. What did you use??

Nice work getting in 4 miles early in the day!!

Hi everyone,

I haven't checked in in a while. I've been really busy lately and also haven't been doing very well with my weight at all and have been feeling unmotivated so was staying away from the thread.
I don't know what it is but I just can't get back on track. I lost 42lbs in 6 months and since June I've just been stagnant... haven't been gaining or losing (thank God for all the exercise I'm still doing or I'd have gained back 20 lbs by now!!). But this morning I stepped on the scale and saw 180 again (which is up 6 lbs from my lowest) and that sort of gave me a kick in the butt. I do NOT want to go back up into another "decade"!!

Still can't figure out how I'm going to get back on track but I know that I have to. A lot of people lose their appetites in the summer heat but it's making me want to snack constantly.

So that's it... just came on to mope I guess :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and doing better than me with your weight loss/maintenance efforts!!

I'm sorry that you are going through this. I think we have all experienced those times during our weight loss journeys. Would you like some suggestions that might help or do you want to just work it out on your own??

If I may be so bold, I will say that coming here and just visiting with us for a few minutes every day might be a good place to start!


Morning friends! Big sigh of relief since my one "work day" of the week just passed so I can relax just a bit.

Another steamy day on schedule for us today! But lots to do here, so no slacking just for the weather! I've already done a second coat of touch-up painting in the downstairs bathroom this morning and have a load ready for the clothesline.

I've noticed that my crazy super-hungry days of July 4th week seem to have passed. I just was CONSTANTLY hungry that week! I would eat DOUBLE my usual amount of breakfast and still have a growling belly in two hours. I was hungry for days! But the last few days I've eaten UNDER my points and been just fine. Obviously it is some sort of change in me, because I am just as busy and active and the weather is still HOT. Wish I knew what caused it and what stopped it though. My only clue is that I got an unexpected visit from "Aunt Flo" and it seemed to coincide with the hunger getting better. Stupid hormones. Wish my body would decide which side of the fence I am going to sit on!

Off to :laundy: before I :stir: breakfast and then a bit of :artist: around the house before I have to :drive: to swim practice. I'll be sure to :drinking: plenty of water in today's heat so that I don't :faint: !! Wish I could just :coffee: or :surfweb: but so much to do before DD's party: ! In August though, I will enjoy :beach: before I have to :sad: when I send DD off to :teacher:.

Everyone enjoy your :sunny: day!!...............P
Major, major WOOOHOO and a big BRAVO!! SO if you were to SHARE a "trick" or "secret" that is working for you right now, would you say it would be to be sure to eat ENOUGH???

Thanks! I don't think I ever had a problem with eating too little. I think what is working for me right now is that I finally found a good balance for myself. I see that some of my habits are truly changing. I eat slower, I am used to smaller portions. So I think I am truly profitting from trying to stay on track for quite some time as that has helped to get used to a new lifestyle.
Sooo sorry, just realised that I have been a really rubbish coach this week!!! Hardly been on at all!!!! Now on leave until Monday so promise to try harder!!!

Lots of people missing from this topic since we started, probably due to being busy with other life stuff, soooo, QOTD for today (Wednesday for those of you in different time zones!!) is.........

What will you specifically do to help yourself focus until the end of the month?

I thought I was pretty focussed, but as I've said, completely forgot about my committment to you all...sooooo I've set some reminders in my phone to check in each day as soon as I get home from work.....I'm hoping that focussing on you all will help me focus on myself more!!! (Hope you get what I mean!)

I'm a planner by nature, but been so busy planning other stuff that I forgot this important committment. Not any more.

I'm doing another 5K in the park on Saturday morning, hoping to improve on 40:14, but it's really hot here, so not sure how it will go. I have not done any walking or running since Sunday as I was a bit sore in the hips again, so resting until Saturday.

Food wise, I feel like I'm on the edge of a slippery slope. Was bad at the weekend, and feel like I'm half heartedly chugging along with the food choices this week - not helped by the fact that it's payday on Tuesday, and the cupboards are looking a bit bare!!) First time I've felt like this since starting my journey in January.

Anyway, enough self-pity from me, hope you guys are all doing well, and I'll be back tomorrow to see what you've all been up to!
Thanks! I don't think I ever had a problem with eating too little. I think what is working for me right now is that I finally found a good balance for myself. I see that some of my habits are truly changing. I eat slower, I am used to smaller portions. So I think I am truly profitting from trying to stay on track for quite some time as that has helped to get used to a new lifestyle.

And soon all of those new habits will seem like you've always done them! Thanks for sharing that!

Sooo sorry, just realised that I have been a really rubbish coach this week!!! Hardly been on at all!!!! Now on leave until Monday so promise to try harder!!!

Oh poppycock... no such thing as a RUBBISH Coach! :lmao: We've all been super busy and the thread has been quiet, so NBD!

Lots of people missing from this topic since we started, probably due to being busy with other life stuff, soooo, QOTD for today (Wednesday for those of you in different time zones!!) is.........

What will you specifically do to help yourself focus until the end of the month?

I will continue to remind myself how much I LOVE being at my goal weight and how good and positive I feel EVERY DAY that I wake up knowing I haven't failed myself on this journey! I have lots of upcoming events and vacations that could contribute to a weight gain, but I am already making a "plan of attack" to be sure I don't let that happen

I thought I was pretty focussed, but as I've said, completely forgot about my committment to you all...sooooo I've set some reminders in my phone to check in each day as soon as I get home from work.....I'm hoping that focussing on you all will help me focus on myself more!!! (Hope you get what I mean!)

I'm a planner by nature, but been so busy planning other stuff that I forgot this important committment. Not any more.

I'm doing another 5K in the park on Saturday morning, hoping to improve on 40:14, but it's really hot here, so not sure how it will go. I have not done any walking or running since Sunday as I was a bit sore in the hips again, so resting until Saturday.

Food wise, I feel like I'm on the edge of a slippery slope. Was bad at the weekend, and feel like I'm half heartedly chugging along with the food choices this week - not helped by the fact that it's payday on Tuesday, and the cupboards are looking a bit bare!!) First time I've felt like this since starting my journey in January.

Anyway, enough self-pity from me, hope you guys are all doing well, and I'll be back tomorrow to see what you've all been up to!

If you KNOW you are on the slippery slope then you are halfway to making sure you don't slide down it!


DANG it is hot here! Not really complaining, since I prefer it over winter any day.... but it is hot to be getting stuff done outside. That being said, DD and I have been super productive, despite the heat! DD actually took the initiative and patched the concrete on the front of the garage. I've been waiting for DH to do that for months and he just kept ignoring the problem! I am so proud of her for just grabbing the bull by the horns and tackling something new!

I got the lamppost fixture put back together (which included cutting a new piece of glass for one side from a scrap of picture frame glass I had saved.... it looks great on its pole, but sadly one of the three bulbs won't light up... and I've already checked and there is nothing wrong with the bulb itself. I'll have to have DH take a peek at it when he get home tomorrow.

I also got some weeding done, three loads of laundry hung out (in this weather it dries as fast on the line as it would in the dryer), and a few other miscellaneous things. If we could be this productive every day it would be GREAT! That being said, DD and I are about to melt into a big sweaty puddle soon!

She has swim practice tonight, so I told her to take a break before we leave and rest and hydrate. Hoping DS will come along for the ride tonight and keep me company while I run a few errands.... we'll see.

Just want to share this.... I made a "lazy lasagna" of sorts for dinner last night. I made it without the pasta and then sliced some zucchini really thin and blanched it and used that as the "noodles" for DH and myself (kids had real noodles). It was an excellent two pot meal and didn't involve heating up the oven on a hot night! Plus it was loaded with veggies along with the 90% lean ground beef and TVP, so it wasn't terribly calorie dense.

Morning all! Super quiet here lately!

I'm waiting for the oil change place and the grocery to open at 7 am. If the oil change isn't overpriced (I'm downtown for swim practice so I am not familiar with this shop) I will have them do the oil while I buy groceries. It is amazing what you can get done before 8 am if you make an effort! After my walk Tuesday morning I went to the self- serve car wash (waiting for DD of course) and did a full vacuum and wash on my car!

Ok...shop is open! Hope to have time to pop on later to say hello to everyone! Stay cool! ..............P
Hello, I'm new here! I have been contemplating joining the board for some time. I have 25 lbs. to lose. I've been doing great with my exercise lately, this morning jogged 2.45 miles which is the best I've done in quite a while. What I really need to do is improve my eating habits. I've been compensating for the increased activity with increased calorie intake and that has got to stop. Starting again today I'm tracking my calories and activities.
Welcome aboard sugarnspicex4...it's a bit quiet here lately, but there are still a few of us for support. Well done on the jogging, it's something I've only started recently....doing my second ever timed 5K on Saturday morning.
Just found the WISH board and thought about waiting until August to join a challenge, but I think waiting to start has gotten me where I am... :rolleyes: So if I can, I'd like to join in for the last 2 weeks of July. Do I PM tomorrow? It'll be a very small goal, but hopefully a good way to start!
Hello, I'm new here! I have been contemplating joining the board for some time. I have 25 lbs. to lose. I've been doing great with my exercise lately, this morning jogged 2.45 miles which is the best I've done in quite a while. What I really need to do is improve my eating habits. I've been compensating for the increased activity with increased calorie intake and that has got to stop. Starting again today I'm tracking my calories and activities.

Just found the WISH board and thought about waiting until August to join a challenge, but I think waiting to start has gotten me where I am... :rolleyes: So if I can, I'd like to join in for the last 2 weeks of July. Do I PM tomorrow? It'll be a very small goal, but hopefully a good way to start!

:welcome: to both of you!! We are always happy to have more people joining in here!

If you want your weight loss progress being tracked, make sure you read through the instruction on the first page and then send me your start weight (as of today - or tomorrow or whenever you want to start) and how much you want to lose until July 31st and I will add you to the list! Then you can update next Friday and finally on July 31st before we move over to August and start with a new goal each.

Good luck and we are looking forward to chatting with you! :goodvibes
Weigh-In Day Reminder!

Good Morning everyone! It is Friday - so the weekend is about to start soon! And I really need a weekend now. Work has been truly horrible this week...

And Friday is also our Weigh-In Day. Please send me your weight. I will be away this weekend, so I won't get around to update the first page until Sunday evening.

I hope that I will get lots of happy PMs from you!

My weigh in wasn't so great. I had exactly the same weight as on July 1st. Which is ok. Yesterday I also had a really really bad eating day. First I could not resist the pizza at lunch in the work cafeteria and then when I was cooking dinner I was so hungry that I started to snack through the fridge...:headache: Feeling better today, so hopefully that was just a one day occurrence. But I am travelling this weekend, so not sure how well I will be able to make good choices... So, all in all I am happy with at least maintaining so far. And actually I expected a higher weight on the scale as it has been very hot over the last days and I can feel that I am retaining water. I actually expected the scale to be higher (I often know when I am going to be heavier just from how I feel in the morning). So in the back of my mind I am having this little hope that once it cools down, I will see a sudden downward jump. I know from my clothes that I have lost quite a bit of weight. I had to sort out two bras because they are just too wide now.

Next week is going to be better and I am really looking forward to getting back into my usual routine!!
Good morning I finished my first week of AP prep courses. Two more weeks to go.

It has been too hot to do anything. I went to yoga last night and that has been about it for the week. Dh went to mow the lawn early yesterday got half way through and had to come in take a shower before he went back out to finish and he only did the front.

I hope everyone who is in the heat tries to stay cool.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Hello, I'm new here! I have been contemplating joining the board for some time. I have 25 lbs. to lose. I've been doing great with my exercise lately, this morning jogged 2.45 miles which is the best I've done in quite a while. What I really need to do is improve my eating habits. I've been compensating for the increased activity with increased calorie intake and that has got to stop. Starting again today I'm tracking my calories and activities.

Just found the WISH board and thought about waiting until August to join a challenge, but I think waiting to start has gotten me where I am... :rolleyes: So if I can, I'd like to join in for the last 2 weeks of July. Do I PM tomorrow? It'll be a very small goal, but hopefully a good way to start!

Huge welcome to you both! So great to have some new friends to talk to! Things have been really quiet here, but I'm sure as fall approaches we will get back to our usual level of chatty-ness! Feel free to ask questions, look for food and excise help , and/or just chat about everyday struggles and triumphs!


Happy Friday friends! Here at the Y waiting for DD. I did my 50 minute walk/run early and it is already so humid and steamy! But it's done!

Just 8 days until party day and so much left to do! I will finish what I can for outside projects by Sunday night and then move inside. I've got to tell myself "what's done is done and what isn't ....oh well!" My folks will be here Wednesday to help as well and I can hand off a few outside projects to my Dad if need be, plus DH is taking some time off next week, so I can put him to work.

I'm working on my "50 before 50" list as I sit here. Any suggestions? I've got 11 months and a small budget, so nothing grand like visiting the Alps (although that is on my big bucket list). I'm thinking of breaking the list into categories like 10 things that serve others, 10 'adventurous' things, 10 things to face my fears, 10 classic books to read, 10 "gee, I've always wanted to...." things.

That being said, as I have been thinking about this list, I have been pretty impressed with all of the things I HAVE accomlpished in my life. Nothing earth shattering or Mother-Theresa-esque, but still pretty neat things.

I challenge all of you to create a list of 100 amazing (or semi-amazing or just plain "neat") things you've done in your life. You might be amazed with yourself!:thumbsup2

Have an AWESOME Friday! TTYL...........P
I'm working on my "50 before 50" list as I sit here. Any suggestions? I've got 11 months and a small budget, so nothing grand like visiting the Alps (although that is on my big bucket list). I'm thinking of breaking the list into categories like 10 things that serve others, 10 'adventurous' things, 10 things to face my fears, 10 classic books to read, 10 "gee, I've always wanted to...." things.

That being said, as I have been thinking about this list, I have been pretty impressed with all of the things I HAVE accomlpished in my life. Nothing earth shattering or Mother-Theresa-esque, but still pretty neat things.

I challenge all of you to create a list of 100 amazing (or semi-amazing or just plain "neat") things you've done in your life. You might be amazed with yourself!:thumbsup2

Have an AWESOME Friday! TTYL...........P

I think a trip to :smickey: has to be in there somewhere!! ::yes::

:welcome: to our new friends and congrats on taking that next step to getting healthy! :yay:

Fought with myself to NOT step on the scale today as I'm taking a new road to my weight loss. Historically, I've found if I start getting TOO focused on it, the losses come to a screeching halt. So, at least for July and August, I'll only be weighing in twice, (at the start and end of each month), and see how it goes. Wish me luck and :cheer2: to all of you on your continued progress!
Thanks for all the welcomes!! Also glad it almost the weekend, this week has been looong... Busy night tonight as well, but at least busy with fun things. Hoping to go hiking on Saturday as the weather has been so lovely! And here is my verbal commitment to make time for the run I'm scheduled to do today :)

I love the 50 list idea! Book - Le Petit Prince in French. Adventurous - Eat something exotic you've not had - maybe snails or durian or those halfway incubated eggs? Face a fear - As a pet shop if you can hold an animal you're scared or? Find a poetry slam or open mic night to perform in front of people? For others - Volunteer for a charity race or fundraise for one and participate yourself.

I turn 30 in about 7 months, I feel a 30 before 30 list coming on... :)
Hi guys! Ok, about to embark on my first coaching week... let's see how I manage. Before I ramble TOO much I'll do a QOTD!

What was something healthy you did for yourself TODAY - I'll count tomorrow given I'm posting late!

For myself, I managed to eat a pretty healthy fast food meal with some friends today: A Roy Rogers grilled chicken sandwich - I tossed the bun and heaped salsa, mustard and pickles on top. It was delicious! No fries, just a baked potato with Pete's Hot Sauce and a little sour cream for consistency.

Forgive me if I repeat a coaching question - I've been pretty busy this month and haven't had a chance to follow very closely. Just spent a week in Niagara - managed to stay about even on weight, and I'm thankful for that. Best complement that week was my beau asking if I had bought new shorts - nope, these are just a pair I couldn't fit in before! :)

So feeling pretty good starting out this week of coaching. Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!! As I learned last month it's never too late in the month to join in on the healthy bandwagon here. Everyone is very helpful, positive and for me it's a great way to be accountable.

My next post - hopefully to follow this one shortly, will be my attempt at figuring out the quoting on here, I still have yet to grok that. Have a great weekend, I'll be posting every day so jump on when you can and give updates!

Here's a pic from Niagara last week. I'm heading into the 170s (it's been a while!) and feeling very good about it - good enough to don the tank tops! Thank goodness, because even Canada was HOT!

Staying busy I see! Did your carpets dry fast? It is so humid here I would hesitate to clean my carpets now. I wanted to clean my bedroom carpets before the party, but not sure I will have the time now to let them dry. My Bissell carpet cleaner developed a leak a few years ago and I never got it fixed, so now I have to rent a Rug Doctor to do the carpets. What did you use??

Nice work getting in 4 miles early in the day!!

We actually rent a Rug Doctor or whatever brand Home Depot has. It cleans so much better that the home one we had (I think a Bissell maybe?). DH did the carpets around 4 and we put 2 fans blowing on them. It was around 93 that day with 96% humidity so I was worried about them drying. We left for the afternoon & they were pretty dry by 9:00! We moved the furniture back and they were completely dry by the morning. Wow is all I can say. 2 kids, a dog, and a cat make the carpets so yucky!


Morning friends! Big sigh of relief since my one "work day" of the week just passed so I can relax just a bit.

Another steamy day on schedule for us today! But lots to do here, so no slacking just for the weather! I've already done a second coat of touch-up painting in the downstairs bathroom this morning and have a load ready for the clothesline.

I've noticed that my crazy super-hungry days of July 4th week seem to have passed. I just was CONSTANTLY hungry that week! I would eat DOUBLE my usual amount of breakfast and still have a growling belly in two hours. I was hungry for days! But the last few days I've eaten UNDER my points and been just fine. Obviously it is some sort of change in me, because I am just as busy and active and the weather is still HOT. Wish I knew what caused it and what stopped it though. My only clue is that I got an unexpected visit from "Aunt Flo" and it seemed to coincide with the hunger getting better. Stupid hormones. Wish my body would decide which side of the fence I am going to sit on!

Hungry days drive me crazy! I had one on Tuesday. I wanted to eat everything...and mainly bread & desserts. Luckily it went away!

Off to :laundy: before I :stir: breakfast and then a bit of :artist: around the house before I have to :drive: to swim practice. I'll be sure to :drinking: plenty of water in today's heat so that I don't :faint: !! Wish I could just :coffee: or :surfweb: but so much to do before DD's party: ! In August though, I will enjoy :beach: before I have to :sad: when I send DD off to :teacher:.

Love this!

Everyone enjoy your :sunny: day!!...............P

Sooo sorry, just realised that I have been a really rubbish coach this week!!! Hardly been on at all!!!! Now on leave until Monday so promise to try harder!!!

Lots of people missing from this topic since we started, probably due to being busy with other life stuff, soooo, QOTD for today (Wednesday for those of you in different time zones!!) is.........

What will you specifically do to help yourself focus until the end of the month?

I thought I was pretty focussed, but as I've said, completely forgot about my committment to you all...sooooo I've set some reminders in my phone to check in each day as soon as I get home from work.....I'm hoping that focussing on you all will help me focus on myself more!!! (Hope you get what I mean!)

I'm a planner by nature, but been so busy planning other stuff that I forgot this important committment. Not any more.

I'm doing another 5K in the park on Saturday morning, hoping to improve on 40:14, but it's really hot here, so not sure how it will go. I have not done any walking or running since Sunday as I was a bit sore in the hips again, so resting until Saturday.

Food wise, I feel like I'm on the edge of a slippery slope. Was bad at the weekend, and feel like I'm half heartedly chugging along with the food choices this week - not helped by the fact that it's payday on Tuesday, and the cupboards are looking a bit bare!!) First time I've felt like this since starting my journey in January.

Anyway, enough self-pity from me, hope you guys are all doing well, and I'll be back tomorrow to see what you've all been up to!

It's not a big deal that you missed some time. It happens :) Thanks for coaching.

QOTD~I am going to keep up the exercise and make sure I TRACK EVERYTHING!! I do so much better when I track my ww points. So far so good today!

DANG it is hot here! Not really complaining, since I prefer it over winter any day.... but it is hot to be getting stuff done outside. That being said, DD and I have been super productive, despite the heat! DD actually took the initiative and patched the concrete on the front of the garage. I've been waiting for DH to do that for months and he just kept ignoring the problem! I am so proud of her for just grabbing the bull by the horns and tackling something new!

How nice for her to help out!

I got the lamppost fixture put back together (which included cutting a new piece of glass for one side from a scrap of picture frame glass I had saved.... it looks great on its pole, but sadly one of the three bulbs won't light up... and I've already checked and there is nothing wrong with the bulb itself. I'll have to have DH take a peek at it when he get home tomorrow.

I also got some weeding done, three loads of laundry hung out (in this weather it dries as fast on the line as it would in the dryer), and a few other miscellaneous things. If we could be this productive every day it would be GREAT! That being said, DD and I are about to melt into a big sweaty puddle soon!

Lol...I picture you two melting like the wicked witch!

She has swim practice tonight, so I told her to take a break before we leave and rest and hydrate. Hoping DS will come along for the ride tonight and keep me company while I run a few errands.... we'll see.

Just want to share this.... I made a "lazy lasagna" of sorts for dinner last night. I made it without the pasta and then sliced some zucchini really thin and blanched it and used that as the "noodles" for DH and myself (kids had real noodles). It was an excellent two pot meal and didn't involve heating up the oven on a hot night! Plus it was loaded with veggies along with the 90% lean ground beef and TVP, so it wasn't terribly calorie dense.


Your lazy lasagna sounds like my lazy stuffed cabbage. I make it into a casserole instead of boiling the cabbage & rolling them all. I think I'll try the lasagna with zucchini this week. Do you mind sharing what you did?

Morning all! Super quiet here lately!

I'm waiting for the oil change place and the grocery to open at 7 am. If the oil change isn't overpriced (I'm downtown for swim practice so I am not familiar with this shop) I will have them do the oil while I buy groceries. It is amazing what you can get done before 8 am if you make an effort! After my walk Tuesday morning I went to the self- serve car wash (waiting for DD of course) and did a full vacuum and wash on my car!

Ok...shop is open! Hope to have time to pop on later to say hello to everyone! Stay cool! ..............P

:thumbsup2 I wish DH understood this concept! I am a get up early & get stuff done type of person. He is a lounge around in bed and do some stuff periodically throughout the day. It drives me crazy sometimes (well, most of the time)!

Hello, I'm new here! I have been contemplating joining the board for some time. I have 25 lbs. to lose. I've been doing great with my exercise lately, this morning jogged 2.45 miles which is the best I've done in quite a while. What I really need to do is improve my eating habits. I've been compensating for the increased activity with increased calorie intake and that has got to stop. Starting again today I'm tracking my calories and activities.

Just found the WISH board and thought about waiting until August to join a challenge, but I think waiting to start has gotten me where I am... :rolleyes: So if I can, I'd like to join in for the last 2 weeks of July. Do I PM tomorrow? It'll be a very small goal, but hopefully a good way to start!

Welcome, welcome, welcome! It's so great to have some new "faces" here! Jump on in and ask or offer advice and whatever else you feel. Thanks for joining us.

Good morning I finished my first week of AP prep courses. Two more weeks to go.

It has been too hot to do anything. I went to yoga last night and that has been about it for the week. Dh went to mow the lawn early yesterday got half way through and had to come in take a shower before he went back out to finish and he only did the front.

I hope everyone who is in the heat tries to stay cool.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I hope you had a good first week of prep. And, I hope you are also staying cool. Luckily, we are cooling off now...I have all the windows open and nice breezes are blowing in. In fact, DS7 who was "burning up" earlier just said he couldn't sit in front of the window because "it's cold." I hope you get some relief soon, too!

Happy Friday friends! Here at the Y waiting for DD. I did my 50 minute walk/run early and it is already so humid and steamy! But it's done!

Just 8 days until party day and so much left to do! I will finish what I can for outside projects by Sunday night and then move inside. I've got to tell myself "what's done is done and what isn't ....oh well!" My folks will be here Wednesday to help as well and I can hand off a few outside projects to my Dad if need be, plus DH is taking some time off next week, so I can put him to work.

I'm working on my "50 before 50" list as I sit here. Any suggestions? I've got 11 months and a small budget, so nothing grand like visiting the Alps (although that is on my big bucket list). I'm thinking of breaking the list into categories like 10 things that serve others, 10 'adventurous' things, 10 things to face my fears, 10 classic books to read, 10 "gee, I've always wanted to...." things.

That being said, as I have been thinking about this list, I have been pretty impressed with all of the things I HAVE accomlpished in my life. Nothing earth shattering or Mother-Theresa-esque, but still pretty neat things.

I challenge all of you to create a list of 100 amazing (or semi-amazing or just plain "neat") things you've done in your life. You might be amazed with yourself!:thumbsup2

Have an AWESOME Friday! TTYL...........P

Love the lists ideas! I think I'll work on mine this week.

Thanks for all the welcomes!! Also glad it almost the weekend, this week has been looong... Busy night tonight as well, but at least busy with fun things. Hoping to go hiking on Saturday as the weather has been so lovely! And here is my verbal commitment to make time for the run I'm scheduled to do today :)

I love the 50 list idea! Book - Le Petit Prince in French. Adventurous - Eat something exotic you've not had - maybe snails or durian or those halfway incubated eggs? Face a fear - As a pet shop if you can hold an animal you're scared or? Find a poetry slam or open mic night to perform in front of people? For others - Volunteer for a charity race or fundraise for one and participate yourself.

I turn 30 in about 7 months, I feel a 30 before 30 list coming on... :)

Ooooohhhh...good suggestions! I actually read Le Petit Prince in French class in high school many moons ago :) I loved it.


Hello all! I am having computer issues and trying to multi-quote and reply on my phone is very time consuming. Our desktop is old and we were told that it will cost as much to update and improve it as buying a new computer, so we've been looking EVERYWHERE!! I finally ordered a laptop last night from Tiger Direct and it should be here next week. Yay!

I still may have the desktop cleaned up but not updated to Windows 8 and let the kids use it for getting on the internet to play games or look up how to draw Bigfoot. Yes, DS10 is looking that up right now on the tablet. :confused:

We are supposed to be getting storms tonight or in the morning and I am hoping it is not in the morning. DSis and I are walking 8 or 9 miles at 7:30 and I do not want to put this off until tomorrow evening or Sunday. We are walking The Biggest Loser WalkRun series half marathon in Erie (PA) on Aug 17. I don't know which former contestants from BL will be there yet, but I hope to hear some speak at the expo. Walking a half marathon counts, right?!?!

I am off to hang out with DSs and finish watching Kung Fu Panda. Have a great night!

Hi guys! Ok, about to embark on my first coaching week... let's see how I manage. Before I ramble TOO much I'll do a QOTD!

What was something healthy you did for yourself TODAY - I'll count tomorrow given I'm posting late!

For myself, I managed to eat a pretty healthy fast food meal with some friends today: A Roy Rogers grilled chicken sandwich - I tossed the bun and heaped salsa, mustard and pickles on top. It was delicious! No fries, just a baked potato with Pete's Hot Sauce and a little sour cream for consistency.

Forgive me if I repeat a coaching question - I've been pretty busy this month and haven't had a chance to follow very closely. Just spent a week in Niagara - managed to stay about even on weight, and I'm thankful for that. Best complement that week was my beau asking if I had bought new shorts - nope, these are just a pair I couldn't fit in before! :)

So feeling pretty good starting out this week of coaching. Welcome NEW PEOPLE!!! As I learned last month it's never too late in the month to join in on the healthy bandwagon here. Everyone is very helpful, positive and for me it's a great way to be accountable.

My next post - hopefully to follow this one shortly, will be my attempt at figuring out the quoting on here, I still have yet to grok that. Have a great weekend, I'll be posting every day so jump on when you can and give updates!

Here's a pic from Niagara last week. I'm heading into the 170s (it's been a while!) and feeling very good about it - good enough to don the tank tops! Thank goodness, because even Canada was HOT!

I will reply in the morning, but I wanted to tell you how to quote. In the bottom right hand side of a post are 3 buttons. One is quote. This is just to quote that one person. The next button over has parentheses on it. If you click that it will turn orange. It multi-quotes. One you click that on all the posts you want to quote, click the reply to thread button and they will all show up to reply to. The 3rd button is quick reply which I do not think I've ever used lol.

I hope I made sense. If you are on a phone, that's a whole different story!



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