WISH Away The Pounds - Marvelous March Challenge ~~ All are WELCOME!

Hi Guys

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the support you have given me. I am unable to take part any more as I cannot send PMs with the details.

Got an infraction for speaking my mind, so sorry to say I'm going to have to bow out.

Thanks again, it's been great 'meeting' you all
Hi Guys

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the support you have given me. I am unable to take part any more as I cannot send PMs with the details.

Got an infraction for speaking my mind, so sorry to say I'm going to have to bow out.

Thanks again, it's been great 'meeting' you all

Well-- I can't imagine...please rejoin us when you can.
Why do my legs hurt so much today??? I didn't work out last night but my legs feel swollen and sore like I ran 5 miles.
It's really putting a cramp in my day.

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Maybe you are retaining fluid? How about a warm bath? Hope you feel better tomorrow.

I try to get to the gym when I can-- I prefer going during the day when it's quieter. Riding my bike to work suffices on days I don't have time also.

I tend to avoid fat like the plague, and end up not getting enough. It sounds weird to me to even say it. I need to experiment more with nuts and avocado.

Yay on a new fridge! I'd love to get a side by side but the ones with the freezers on the top are still the most energy efficient.

I'm going for French door with bottom freezer. Sick and tired of my side-by-side that can't even hold a frozen pizza!

This is the way to go. I need to make some tonight, enough to last 3-4 days. I chop up apples, add nuts and brown sugar, cinnamon--mmm!

I'm definitely going to try this.

Sorta caught up anyway lol.

I'm down to 144--6 pounds so far this week. Puzzling. I haven't worked out at all, not even riding my bike since I've had a cold and Misty threatening labor all week. I didn't drink most of the week-- says something about alcohol doesn't it. Food just wasn't a priority for me this week I guess-- it was just all about the kittens. Last night woke up because something was bothering me and started worrying about the little orange one who is having a hard time latching on to nurse. Went and was checking them all out and found out they had fleas on them. I spent a bunch of time online making sure it was ok to put advantage on Misty and decided about 2 hours later it was ok. I had just been using a flea comb on her the last month. I had put advantage on her before I was really sure she was pregnant--it's supposed to be safe but I worried about it. Plus I boiled a bottle and eye dropper just in case I need to supplement the orange one, I have some kitten milk replacement leftover from Triumph. I needn't have worried though, woke up today to a flealess Mama and babies and everyone doing well. She moved the kittens to the larger pet carrier I had in the closet. This has a pillow that fits it and she'll be able to stretch out better to nurse them. When I checked-- little orange was going at it. He still really isn't latched on but he seems to eventually get some substance.

Named them all. The orange one is Sunny, the black and white Stormy, and the Grey Hazy. All weather related, because of mom Misty. Our last name is Day so it'll be cute taking them to the vet lol. Plus I am terrible at sexing kittens-- we've had terrible name fiascos because of my ineptitude.

Fun names!

Well-- have to figure out what I'm doing for dinner, have some big jennio sausages I have to do something with. And I want to pack my gym bag to go to the gym at some point tonight. I have to go help husband take his car to the garage this afternoon.

**Went online and really tried to educate myself on the differences between girl and boy kitties and preee--tty sure the black and white is male and the others are 2 girls.

Found this recipe to try for the sausages:
Change Servings
1 small head red cabbage, shredded
1 apple, cored and diced
3 teaspoons salt, divided
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon butter
1 small onion, chopped
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon wine vinegar
1 pound kielbasa sausage, cut into 1 inch pieces
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Place the cabbage in a large kettle, and add the diced apple, 2 teaspoons of the salt, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water. Bring to a boil then simmer, covered, about 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
In hot butter, saute the onion until golden. Add the onion to the cabbage along with 1 teaspoon salt, pepper, vinegar and sausage. Cook, covered, 20 to 30 minutes until sausage is heated through. To serve, spoon the cabbage onto a heated platter, topping it with the sausage.
I have all the ingredients including a spare cabbage i got last week since they were so cheap! Wish me luck-- have never made anything like it.

Sounds very yummy! I love cabbage!

Hi Guys

Just wanted to say thanks for all of the support you have given me. I am unable to take part any more as I cannot send PMs with the details.

Got an infraction for speaking my mind, so sorry to say I'm going to have to bow out.

Thanks again, it's been great 'meeting' you all

Please don't go away! You can participate without having to PM! Just stick around and chat....please! ..............P
I actually posted this on the wrong thread earlier! Really need to read the whole title first! :rotfl2:

Feeling much better today! Thanks for all your encouraging words!! :goodvibes Got my workout in and now I am at work!

As for QOTD, I generally try to follow my carbs more than fats. However I do try to limit my animal fats, but still prefer real butter to a chemical mixture that looks like butter, I just use a smaller more appropriate portion size. Also I never eat a 2TBS serving of peanut butter, but will have 2tsp instead. I use EVOO instead of a PAM type spray, etc... I also never get "fat free" anything, mainly because the carb count goes way up when they try to get the same "mouth feel" that fats do. I have "light" mayo or yogurt instead, because the fat free stuff always taste metallic to me.

Hope you all have a great night!!
Good Thursday morning everyone.

Didn't do much yesterday. My sinuses and ear were bothering me. I went out and got some medication to help drain everything. My ear doesn't hurt this morning and am blowing my nose every few minutes so I guess I am getting cleaned out.

It should be a great day. Ds has work all day and dh is going to work in his dad's yard so it should be quiet. I will set up my sewing machine in the kitchen and work. I also get an extra workout since the iron will be down in the basement so anytime I need to iron something I have to go downstairs.

Off to have breakfast
Have a happy and healthy day.
Still having leg pain today but not as bad as yesterday. I also don't feel so swollen and bloated.
Trying to get back on track food wise, but I am super hungry today. Need to have a plan to not over eat!!!!
Got lots of errands to run today including trader joes so I need to not be hungry when I get there.

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Good Thursday morning everyone.

Didn't do much yesterday. My sinuses and ear were bothering me. I went out and got some medication to help drain everything. My ear doesn't hurt this morning and am blowing my nose every few minutes so I guess I am getting cleaned out.

It should be a great day. Ds has work all day and dh is going to work in his dad's yard so it should be quiet. I will set up my sewing machine in the kitchen and work. I also get an extra workout since the iron will be down in the basement so anytime I need to iron something I have to go downstairs.

Off to have breakfast
Have a happy and healthy day.

Hope you are enjoying your sewing day! Good job forcing the extra walking!

Glad you got some medication to help your congestion!!

Still having leg pain today but not as bad as yesterday. I also don't feel so swollen and bloated.
Trying to get back on track food wise, but I am super hungry today. Need to have a plan to not over eat!!!!
Got lots of errands to run today including trader joes so I need to not be hungry when I get there.

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I'm sorry your legs are still hurting. I HATE those super hungry days! It feels like I can never get full! I try to keep lots of light options around for days like that.... baby carrots, egg whites, apples (and more apples!), HUGE salads!

Hope Trader Joe's doesn't have too many temptations.


Happy Thursday friends! WOW.... things are CRAZY quiet here today! I'm at work and the morning was nutty, so no time to pop on and say hello!

Did a great workout on the TM last night with incline and speed work, but I am paying for it today with a headache and neck pain. It isn't too bad, but I will be wanting Advil as soon as I get home.

Made up a quick yummy lunch for today. I'll share the "recipe" later. It was SO quick and easy, I need to remember it more often.

I will have a busy evening while DD is swimming, as I need to pick up the remaining goodies for everyone's Easter baskets, plus I need to get candy to fill eggs for the family hunt PLUS I need to buy all of the ingredients for the foods I am bringing to my cousin's house on Saturday and to my SIL's house on Sunday..... so I probably will NOT be back on again today! If I have ANY time after school to be on the computer it will be spent trying to find COUPONS for all of this stuff! Guess I should have planned ahead a bit better!

If I don't get a chance to say hello later, I'll see you in the morning!......P
Looks like we are missing a QOTD for today, so here is a substitute! (Inspired by the teacher room lunchtime conversation!)

Substitute QOTD Thursday, March 28, 2013:

What is the BEST zoo you have ever been to (other than DAK, of course ;))? What makes it great?
Looks like we are missing a QOTD for today, so here is a substitute! (Inspired by the teacher room lunchtime conversation!)

Substitute QOTD Thursday, March 28, 2013:

What is the BEST zoo you have ever been to (other than DAK, of course ;))? What makes it great?

Hands down the Bronx Zoo. :squirrel: I took a bus trip there when I still lived in CT and could not believe that little paradise was in the middle of New York!:eek: The place seemed so huge and the animals were really easy to see in their habitats, (the only time I've ever seen a black leopard - you could just make out the shape of his spots.) Now it's been almost 20 years since I was there, but if it's anything like it was back then, I'd absolutely take the time to go back again.:dance3:
Looks like we are missing a QOTD for today, so here is a substitute! (Inspired by the teacher room lunchtime conversation!)

Substitute QOTD Thursday, March 28, 2013:

What is the BEST zoo you have ever been to (other than DAK, of course ;))? What makes it great?

What a great question. The first thing I though of was our Oregon Zoo--it is wonderful, but then my thoughts went to a zoo on the coast which is family owned--West Coast Game Park. It is gorgeous, the animals are extremely well kept. It is actually a captive breeding facility and along with a huge petting zoo area, you can feed baby animals. When we were there my husband got to bottle feed some baby bears. They also had a baby lion they brought out for us. It was amazing-- the sounds he made. This is a cute article I found on it:

Went to the gym last night kind of dreading the crowd and was pleasantly surprised--forgot it was spring break--no classes, kids, swim team. Nice. Going to go later again tonight, might as well take advantage of it. So today I might swing by the tattoo place to discuss details-- I never have the time to do this so might as well. Only 4 more pounds until I can get it! The cabbage turned out really good, I was surprised. Still at 144. I joked to my husband the lack of exercise this week must have been such a severe shock to my system I just started shedding pounds willy nilly lol.
Looks like we are missing a QOTD for today, so here is a substitute! (Inspired by the teacher room lunchtime conversation!)

Substitute QOTD Thursday, March 28, 2013:

What is the BEST zoo you have ever been to (other than DAK, of course ;))? What makes it great?

Hey there, good afternoon!!! :hyper:

Update on my foot issues. I went to podiatrist today. She gave me a cortisone shot for the nerve running along my toe. In addition she is getting me custom orthotics, gak. I have to get healthy and this is a part of the journey.

Still hanging in there with weight. I had a 1/2lb loss this week. We will see if it holds thru till tomorrow.

I credit the loss to my PT and my exercising. :worship:

Stay strong everyone!!!


QOTD? Well hands down it has to be my local St. Louis Zoo. It is free admission and the location is in a place that you want walk, bike, etc. to other free places. I do love Forest Park in St. Louis.

Best zoo, Roger Williams in RI and Cape May County Zoo in NJ.


Not a stellar day, hell, it hasn't been a stellar week. I need someone to circle the wagon back around and then sit on me until we reach our final destination!
Managed to ward off the chocolate temptations at Trader Joes ( even my most favorite chocolate covered potato chips). In fact, the 8th will be a month of no chocolate, but now I am craving carbs like you would not believe!!! The worst part is I'll eat something thinking that's what I want but then it's not so I go on the hunt for something else. It's been like this all week!! I hate days like this and I hate feeling out of control.
I need a reboot. I can feel it in my body (might be why I feel like I got hit by a truck, the soreness is horrible). I feel like I need to detox somehow.
I may try to go carb free for a few days or a week and see if I can kick the feeling.
I'm also not sleeping well, hence the 2am posting. I'm sure it's all related.
We have a 5k in 2 days, trying to decide if I should do it. DD is doing the 1/2 mile, DS16 and DS11 are doing the 5K. DS12 wants to but he has to pick his pieces to show at the art show so he won't make the start time for the race.
I dunno, I hate self doubt!!

Ok I'm rambling now so I'm going to try to get some sleep.
Night all!!

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Good Friday morning.

I did the taxes yesterday while dh was working at his dad's house. I still need one more paper from ds's college. He sent me a copy of it but it included his grad school stuff which we didn't pay for. I have to figure out how to get the paper for only his undergrad stuff since he is on a full scholarship for grad school

Best zoo, Roger Williams in RI and Cape May County Zoo in NJ.

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We love the Cape May Zoo. It such a sweet place. We visit it at least once a year.

I am asking my friends for PD for my sister. Her house was destroyed in Sandy. She got some money from the insurance but the first quote she got may not cover everything that needs to be done. Even at that she will not have any money for furniture. She is living with my parents but she would really like to get back to her house (It is only 2 blocks from my parents). I only wish that I had won that big lottery last week so I could give her the money to fix up her house.

Off to get some things done. Almost done with break

What is everyone doing for Easter? I have to make home made bread and a chocolate cake for my dad's birthday which is Monday.

Have a happy and healthy day.

We love the Cape May Zoo. It is so sweet
Looks like we are missing a QOTD for today, so here is a substitute! (Inspired by the teacher room lunchtime conversation!)

Substitute QOTD Thursday, March 28, 2013:

What is the BEST zoo you have ever been to (other than DAK, of course ;))? What makes it great?

Well since I have only been to 3 Zoos, with 2 of them in WA and one in Canada. I would have to say the Woodland Park Zoo is it! I don't really go to zoos that often and I don't travel much so I have a limited pool to choose from. But the WPZ is pretty nice. :goodvibes

Today (well yesterday evening for all of you) was pretty good. I got through my workout and have stuck to my diet pretty good considering the vat of chocolate treats at every nursing station I pass by!!! Nurses do love their chocolate!! :thumbsup2 But I will have plenty of time to eat chocolate in WDW after I drop a few lbs!! Excited that I joined the exercise challenge for April, already thinking about reaching that goal!! :cool1:

Hope everyone has a great day today!! Back to workfor me.... but since its my friday..... :cheer2:

Take care all!
Morning all! I'm at work without computer access (I've snuck into the Kindergarten wing to hop on for a few minutes ;) ), so I won't be able to visit much today. Hope you are all well and that the scale is kind to you today. My weigh-in was a bit of a :( but I shouldn't be shocked after my splurge(s) last weekend (although I didn't think I did THAT MUCH damage :confused3).

I'll have to really watch what I eat over the Easter weekend, as I have NO wiggle room left on the scale to stay within my official WW maintenance range.

I'm gong to take 2 minutes to read here and hopefully have a minute to pop on maybe at lunchtime??? Fingers crossed. TTYL.............P
Hi everyone! And sorry that I disappeared yesterday. I had a horrible headache and was barely functioning yesterday. Today is a holiday here in Germany and I am at home, still trying to get rid of the last rest of the headache.

Pam, thank you very much for jumping in with the question of the day yesterday!!

My scale issues continue. The new one arrived, and I compared the two. Yesterday the new one did show a weight that was 1.5 pounds less than the old one. Today I am heavier on both scales, but the difference is only 1 pound. I am really not sure what to believe. I also am constantly gaining weight. All very frustrating.

Anyway - here is a qotd for today:

How difficult will it be for you to withstand all the Easter goodies that the holiday weekend will bring with it? Do you have a strategy?

Mine is to avoid temptation. I already got a small portion of my absolute favourite Easter candy. I will get it out on Easter Sunday and will eat it over the next few days without counting it. The whole portion has about 400 calories, so it won't be a huge damage and it is only available at Easter. So it's a treat that I decided to splurge on!! But that's all I will eat - no further candy!
Sorry I have not been posting lately... been very busy at work and at home. I have been reading along though! Hope to get a few minutes later this am to do some replying :)

We are almost through March and I am still recruiting coaches for April :goodvibes
Please PM me or simply sign up below if interested!

April 1-4 (or March 29-April 4)
April 5-11
April 12-18
April 19-25
April 26-30 (or April 26-May 2)

Go team! :cheer2:

Could one of the previous hosts please send me the spreadsheets so I can get April's thread up and running this weekend? TY!!

Also, I lost another 2 lbs this week! I surpassed my original goal and have lost 9 lbs so far! :yay:
Sorry I have not been posting lately... been very busy at work and at home. I have been reading along though! Hope to get a few minutes later this am to do some replying :)

We are almost through March and I am still recruiting coaches for April :goodvibes
Please PM me or simply sign up below if interested!

April 1-4 (or March 29-April 4) 50sjayne (Susan)
April 5-11
April 12-18
April 19-25
April 26-30 (or April 26-May 2)

Go team! :cheer2:

Could one of the previous hosts please send me the spreadsheets so I can get April's thread up and running this weekend? TY!!

Also, I lost another 2 lbs this week! I surpassed my original goal and have lost 9 lbs so far! :yay:

For the month or since January?
Well I'm down 2 pounds this week. 145. 5 pounds till my tattoo April 16th!
Went and had a consultation yesterday and really like the place and the people. I told them I couldn't have it done yesterday because I needed to lose 4 pounds, (such was the case yesterday) and the guy said if I lost 4 more pounds he wouldn't do it lol. Made me feel pretty good.
So I ate the same things I ate yesterday, drank the same amount of booze, and did an extra 350 calories on the elliptical and was up a pound. It is before my period and I know my water weight is up from the scale but still-- it's so frustrating. I think I get into the thing when I exercise where I just get hungrier and snack more. I did have some wheat thins and cheese late night...


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