WISH Away The Pounds - Marvelous March Challenge ~~ All are WELCOME!

Things are quiet here today!

Did my workout (half strength, half cardio), finishing up folding 2 loads of wash with another ready to fold soon, beds are made. Lunch is soon (I'm hungry!), pick up the kids at 3pm, home to feed them and then out the door at 5:45 for the drive to swim practice. I'll be doing some shopping (Easter and grocery) while she swims, since I already did my workout.... but may leave my sneakers handy in case I have time to walk a lap or two.

BB in a bit to chatter if anyone is around.............P
I PRESUME you mean 14 Points for a full uncooked cup??? I'm proud of you for tackling a cooking challenge! I HATE cooking, I'm terrible at it.... I have no natural knack for it.... but I am forced to do it EVERY DAY! So I feel your pain. Try making the steel cut oats in a slowcooker overnight. It works great!

Yep, 14 points according to the old points tracker! :sad2:


Morning all and a VERY HAPPY TUESDAY to everyone here! Sun is shining, but it is a cold day in the 30's and snow was flying around a bit earlier. Winter needs to say BYE-BYE!!

We're having a cold spell down here too. It's actually supposed to get down into the 40's tonight!:faint::scared1:

Any EASTER BASKET ideas? I'm just tapped out after 17 years of filling baskets! Usually there are a few practical things like toothpaste, hair elastics... plus one book or DVD, maybe some cash and a bit of candy (less candy of higher quality now that they are older)... plus something fun or silly (like a small stuffed animal or a cute flash drive)... but I just cannot think of anything to put in the baskets this year. I hate spending $$ on DVDs because unless it is a CLASSIC, we can always get it from Redbox. No need to OWN movies any more. No one has any books on their request list. Candy is bought already. School supplies are dull.

What about gift cards? Either in hand or online? My nieces and nephews love them!:thumbsup2

Here is also ANOTHER reminder to VOTE FOR LAURA!! THanks............P

Oops! Missed a couple of days, but right on it today!:cheer2:
Just an FYI that the totals on page ONE are updated!! If you haven't sent in Friday's weight and still want to, I'd be happy to adjust your numbers! If your name is NOT bolded (either black or colored) that means I don't have any numbers for you. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes!.........P
Oops! Missed a couple of days, but right on it today!:cheer2:

Thanks for doing it! I really appreciate it!

BTW, don't forget, a serving of UNCOOKED steel cut oats is only about a 1/4 C.... not a full cup. I usually make it in my mini crockpot with 1 C of steel cut oats and 4 C of water (overnight) and I end up with either 3 really BIG servings (depending on how hungry we are) or 4 smaller servings (the usual). And it is plenty.... especially with a bit of fruit.

I'll give the gift card idea some thought. THanks for the idea..................P
Kittens are adorable!!! The grey is my fave!!

Pics will come soon, taking pics of yourself is sooo blech! It was weird and so unnatural.

Easter basket ideas - iTunes cards, amazon cards, Chocolate bunny, candy, lip gloss, hair bands, lotion


Got an appt with my MD for Monday. He'll probably send me to ortho though. But even though I haven't run in a few days it still hurts to do stairs.

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Thanks for doing it! I really appreciate it!

BTW, don't forget, a serving of UNCOOKED steel cut oats is only about a 1/4 C.... not a full cup. I usually make it in my mini crockpot with 1 C of steel cut oats and 4 C of water (overnight) and I end up with either 3 really BIG servings (depending on how hungry we are) or 4 smaller servings (the usual). And it is plenty.... especially with a bit of fruit.

I'll give the gift card idea some thought. Thanks for the idea..................P

I get SO confused with this stuff!:confused: I wish labels would specify cooked or uncooked. :confused3 WW doesn't, it just came up 14 points for one cup!:eek: I've been eating 1/4 cup and it hardly seems like anything and I'm still hungry after, so I've just been eating extra apple and a hard-boiled egg white. popcorn::

I love getting gift cards. It makes the inevitable "what do you want for Christmas" go a whole lot easier!::yes::
I get SO confused with this stuff!:confused: I wish labels would specify cooked or uncooked. :confused3 WW doesn't, it just came up 14 points for one cup!:eek: I've been eating 1/4 cup and it hardly seems like anything and I'm still hungry after, so I've just been eating extra apple and a hard-boiled egg white. popcorn::

I love getting gift cards. It makes the inevitable "what do you want for Christmas" go a whole lot easier!::yes::

As far as the oatmeal goes, here is the breakdown on the two brands I currently have in the house.......

Bob's Red Mill Organic steel cut oats

Serving size: 1/4 C dry (44 g)

Calories: 170

Total Fat: 3g

Total Carbs: 29g

Dietary Fiber: 5g

Country Choice organic Irish style steel cut oats

Serving Size: 1/4 C dry (40g)

Calories: 150 c

Total Fat: 3g

Total Carbs: 27g

Dietary Fiber: 4g

Either way it is a 1/4 DRY.... which could potentially yield a full cup after cooking. I sometimes add apple and raisins or pumpkin to my oatmeal to fill it up a bit more.

I don't have current PointsPlus info in front of me, but my old "Points" system week 1 book lists 1 cup of oatmeal as 2 Points... but it doesn't specify the TYPE of oatmeal. Steel cut has more fiber and is definitely more dense than quick cooking or instant oatmeal. Any brand of instant oatmeal I have EVER bought (most contain sugar) has AT LEAST 3 Points per serving and sometimes 4 Points! HTH.........P
I just realised that I never answered my own QOTDs... :eek: So I better get that done!!

What are the warning signs for you that you are maybe starting to lose your way on this lifelong journey? Is is eating more? Not journaling your food? Skipping workouts? Avoiding the scale? And the more important part of this.... HOW DO YOU GET BACK ON TRACK?

My first warning sign is when I stop tracking my food. I will still be ok for a few days as I do have certain "standard meals" which I know that if I just keep to these, I will stay within my calory range. But then things start to creep in there... And the longer I am not tracking, the worse things get...

I always had problems to get back on track. And I found these threads here a huge help with that. If I read about other people's efforts and success it motivates me to work more for myself!


Do you have an exercise routine or do you just do whatever you fancy whenever you have time?

I always try to develop a routine, but do have trouble sticking to it over a long time. So it might work for a few weeks and then there are plenty of reasons to miss a workout here and there and suddenly two weeks go by without... But generally I think I am a combination of both: have a general schedule, but be flexible to change it when needed.

QOTD? Exercise

Right now I have a minimal routine that I am following from my PT. It is a work in progress.:)

I would say PT is a routine - it is just what your body needs right now!

I am staying on track with maintenance, which is good, but I am going to try and push a bit for a at least a 1lb loss, despite my medical issues.

Hope you will be successful!!

I am calling my PCP today to see if I can get some blood work done. My PT thinks I have anemia.:rolleyes1 We will see.

Have a great DAY!!!!:yay:

Hope your tests go well!

Depends on the day. I found I do better when I stick to my schedule: is it running day, yoga, day, elliptical time, walking time, etc. My favorite though, when nothing else is planned, is to just take the Wonder Mutt and run her around for awhile until she gets "broke tongue".:lmao: You know, hanging out the side of her mouth about 10 times bigger than normal, panting her little heart out, and smiling about as much as she can. :love:

Sounds like a fantastic form of exercise for both of you!! :goodvibes

Pretty much the second thing. Sometimes I plan on cardio, but I'm just not in the mood so I do strength... and sometimes the other way around. Sometimes I head out for a walk but end up running. I've GOT TO GO WITH what I feel like or else I just give up!

Considering how little you enjoy exercise, I am impressed on how diligent you are in doing it!

Morning all and a VERY HAPPY TUESDAY to everyone here! Sun is shining, but it is a cold day in the 30's and snow was flying around a bit earlier. Winter needs to say BYE-BYE!!

Skipped Bible Study today as they were doing a "March Thaw" day with crafts and such (a departure from our regular classes) and it wasn't interesting enough for me to drive the 40 minutes each way to attend. I'm sure it will be a fun day and I would have had a great time (lots of nice ladies), but I have enough to keep me busy here!

Vertigo is still an issue today. I'm going to take a decongestant this morning to see if that helps.

Any EASTER BASKET ideas? I'm just tapped out after 17 years of filling baskets! Usually there are a few practical things like toothpaste, hair elastics... plus one book or DVD, maybe some cash and a bit of candy (less candy of higher quality now that they are older)... plus something fun or silly (like a small stuffed animal or a cute flash drive)... but I just cannot think of anything to put in the baskets this year. I hate spending $$ on DVDs because unless it is a CLASSIC, we can always get it from Redbox. No need to OWN movies any more. No one has any books on their request list. Candy is bought already. School supplies are dull.

Well.... breakfast is eaten, dishwasher is emptied.... time to make the beds and hit the TM (after taking some decongestant to help with the dizziness!).

BBL to chat some more. Planning to update page one at lunchtime, so here is your LAST reminder to send in your weight from Friday!

Here is also ANOTHER reminder to VOTE FOR LAURA!! THanks............P

Hope you got rid of the vertigo - sounds very unpleasant and certainly not good for exercising!!

Thanks for updating the weight page!!
Things are quiet here today!

The thread has been very quiet over the last few days - I hope it isn't due to my coaching!!! :sad:;)

Did my workout (half strength, half cardio), finishing up folding 2 loads of wash with another ready to fold soon, beds are made. Lunch is soon (I'm hungry!), pick up the kids at 3pm, home to feed them and then out the door at 5:45 for the drive to swim practice. I'll be doing some shopping (Easter and grocery) while she swims, since I already did my workout.... but may leave my sneakers handy in case I have time to walk a lap or two.

BB in a bit to chatter if anyone is around.............P

Hope your shopping went successfully!

Kittens are adorable!!! The grey is my fave!!

Pics will come soon, taking pics of yourself is sooo blech! It was weird and so unnatural.

I agree! But then having these before and after pictures to look at gives you a great kick in motivation!!

Easter basket ideas - iTunes cards, amazon cards, Chocolate bunny, candy, lip gloss, hair bands, lotion


Got an appt with my MD for Monday. He'll probably send me to ortho though. But even though I haven't run in a few days it still hurts to do stairs.

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Hope you will feel better soon!

I get SO confused with this stuff!:confused: I wish labels would specify cooked or uncooked. :confused3 WW doesn't, it just came up 14 points for one cup!:eek: I've been eating 1/4 cup and it hardly seems like anything and I'm still hungry after, so I've just been eating extra apple and a hard-boiled egg white. popcorn::

I love getting gift cards. It makes the inevitable "what do you want for Christmas" go a whole lot easier!::yes::

Here in Germany all labels are uncooked and I hate it when I can only find the nutrition for something cooked. How am I going to know how much to cook of something if I have no idea of its nutritional value. For example I always weigh my pasta on my kitchen scale before cooking it (and I have reduced portion size tremendously: used to eat a 125g portion easily, am now down to a regular portion of 65g, if I did not have much to eat that day yet, I might even go for a larger portion - up to 80g and then I feel like I had soo much too eat...)


Hope you all had a great Tuesday! I finally decided to take a rest day from my Ripped in 30 program. Meant to do that on Sunday, but then was much to motivated to get it started. So decided to splurge today and get my rest day in as I was sore all over for the whole day.

But I did have a non scale victory today: My belt jumped into its last hole today when I was closing it without me having to tuck and I could wear it like that comfortably!!!

Unfortunately my new scale from Amazon appears to not want to come to me. The order is still in the status of "will be despatched soon". And has been for a few days now. I don't really know how they measure soon... Hope I can get it before Easter! Am a bit scared that the new scale will show a higher weight than my current one, but I guess then I just need to accept that and readjust my start weight to a higher weight as well!!
Oh - and one question for advice: How do you determine your goal weight? Looking at the BMI there is quite a scale of weights which are considered healthy, so which weight in that scale do you pick as the one?

I am still away from that - and I know that I want to get below 70kg (154 pounds) finally as it is such a magical number. But that only gets me to a BMI of 24.2 - So right at the top. I find it difficult to figure out where my goal ought to be. You have seen pictures of me, I do have a rather boxy shape with small hips, but a wide rib cage.

I really would like to be able to pick a realistic goal and reach that instead of one day just decide to give up on losing weight.

So any tips would be appreciated!!

Do you have an exercise routine or do you just do whatever you fancy whenever you have time?

I have a strict exercise routine. I walk 60 minutes a day Mon- Fri. I do yoga Weds and Saturday. I do a Pinterst workout Tues and Sun. I'm absolutely terrified to deviate from my routine but I always think miss one day, then two, then three.... So I just don't miss day!

Healthy food news:
Raw chocolate tofu pie - delish!
Homemade hummus- super yummy
Homemade cashew milk - good in my morning tea, I couldn't seem to strain it fully to drink it plain.

Made the kids " chili cheese dogs " last night. Tofu dogs, Amy's ( fake ) chili , a sprinkling of cheese on a whole wheat bun. They never knew it was meatless! Victory :)


Floss- I'm no help, I'd love a 24 BMI! I thought you looked great!
I sometimes think that the mud is part of the fun of hiking - if it isn't so much that you get wet feet. Whenever do you get to play in the mud anymore as an adult? ;)

So true!! :lmao:

I would love to experience Epcot during Christmas time - mainly because of the storytellers, it sounds like a wonderful experience!

There is nothing more magical than Christmas in WDW!!! All the decorations throughout the parks and resorts and AMAZING!! And all the countries in Epcot are the best!! I highly recommend to anyone going at that time of year. :santa:

Depends on the day. I found I do better when I stick to my schedule: is it running day, yoga, day, elliptical time, walking time, etc. My favorite though, when nothing else is planned, is to just take the Wonder Mutt and run her around for awhile until she gets "broke tongue".:lmao: You know, hanging out the side of her mouth about 10 times bigger than normal, panting her little heart out, and smiling about as much as she can. :love:

I love that look!!! Puck has one ear up and one down so he looks even more goofy & adorable!! :goofy:

Any EASTER BASKET ideas? I'm just tapped out after 17 years of filling baskets! Usually there are a few practical things like toothpaste, hair elastics... plus one book or DVD, maybe some cash and a bit of candy (less candy of higher quality now that they are older)... plus something fun or silly (like a small stuffed animal or a cute flash drive)... but I just cannot think of anything to put in the baskets this year. I hate spending $$ on DVDs because unless it is a CLASSIC, we can always get it from Redbox. No need to OWN movies any more. No one has any books on their request list. Candy is bought already. School supplies are dull.

I would have to agree about the gift cards, Amazon is always a fav since there is so much stuff for everyone! Another idea is giving movie theater gift certificates. Then they can go with one of their friends! :goodvibes

I did have a non scale victory today: My belt jumped into its last hole today when I was closing it without me having to tuck and I could wear it like that comfortably!!!

:cheer2: YAY!!! I love finding those unexpected non scale victories!!

How do you determine your goal weight? Looking at the BMI there is quite a scale of weights which are considered healthy, so which weight in that scale do you pick as the one?

I really would like to be able to pick a realistic goal and reach that instead of one day just decide to give up on losing weight.

So any tips would be appreciated!!

I always say I want to get down to my drivers license weight!! :rotfl2:
But seriously, I feel that once you reach your "goal weight"(however you pick one)..... stop looking!!! There are so many tables and charts to look at and they seem to constantly be changing!! I would go by how you feel about yourself. I try to make healthy choices with what I eat and then get in exercise frequently. My goal is to be healthy and fit, no matter what number that is.

When I first had a excessive weight loss (100lbs) I was a mess!! I was so freaked out about eating carbs and then got neurotic about my workouts, sometimes spending 2 hours a day, then hating myself if I was tired! It led to some pretty stupid life choices, just trying to reach a number!! Finally it got to where I would get so hypoglycemic that I be on the floor, nearly unconscious, while my DD was trying to feed me some sort of fruit/juice. And I would still resist having the carbs!!:scared1: After a couple of those (no I did not learn after the first time! lol) I got seriously depressed and eventually ended up gaining most of my weight back. :sad2:

Thats why now I just focus on being healthy and making good choices. I am much happier now and I dont look at it like a "diet" that I will one day stop. I have made a lifestyle change that I can still see myself doing when I finally do reach my "goal weight" Its like they say..... Don't worry, be happy!! :woohoo:

I have a strict exercise routine. I walk 60 minutes a day Mon- Fri. I do yoga Weds and Saturday. I do a Pinterst workout Tues and Sun. I'm absolutely terrified to deviate from my routine but I always think miss one day, then two, then three.... So I just don't miss day!

That is true! When I was working out daily and never missed a day, once that stopped, it was so incredibly hard to get back into any kind of routine, which I still struggle with today. I am better at it, but O.M.G. was it hard!

Healthy food news:
Raw chocolate tofu pie - delish!
Homemade hummus- super yummy
Homemade cashew milk - good in my morning tea, I couldn't seem to strain it fully to drink it plain.

Sounds soooooo yummy!! Glad it turned out! :thumbsup2


Do you have an exercise routine or do you just do whatever you fancy whenever you have time?

I would have to say both! lol When I am working, i do a modified bike & floor work combo before work. On my week off, I love to get out for hikes, or take Puck out for some practice/training. Although sometimes I do my bike & floor work, just a little longer. It really just depends on what week it is. As long as its movement, I am happy! :goodvibes


As for today, I am home again tonight. Woke up this afternoon and could not get rid of the pain, so I had to take my actual pain meds. :sad2: Although I was going to be charge nurse tonight and not work with patients, they still make me tired and irritable. No one wants to work for a grumpy boss!! :rotfl: But thats why I have sick time!! Tomorrow will be better, I am just sure of it!!! :thumbsup2

However, the medication could have something to do with my ramblings tonight, lol Hope you all have a great day!! :goodvibes
I have a strict exercise routine. I walk 60 minutes a day Mon- Fri. I do yoga Weds and Saturday. I do a Pinterst workout Tues and Sun. I'm absolutely terrified to deviate from my routine but I always think miss one day, then two, then three.... So I just don't miss day!

Wow, I am impressed!! I am also amazed as to what people use pinterest. Never thought one could use it for a workout!!

Healthy food news:
Raw chocolate tofu pie - delish!
Homemade hummus- super yummy
Homemade cashew milk - good in my morning tea, I couldn't seem to strain it fully to drink it plain.

Made the kids " chili cheese dogs " last night. Tofu dogs, Amy's ( fake ) chili , a sprinkling of cheese on a whole wheat bun. They never knew it was meatless! Victory :)

I love homemade hummus - which also means that I tend to eat too much of it... But well done for tricking the kids into meatless hotdogs!! :lmao:


Floss- I'm no help, I'd love a 24 BMI! I thought you looked great!

Thanks! And I am still not at the 24 BMI, still hovering slightly above 25... And for a long time I would have thought the same, but now I am thinking there needs to be some magic number somewhere. And I certainly have no interest in getting down to a size 0 shape!
Good morning everyone!

I read an interesting article this weekend which has inspired today's question of the day. It was about a study they did with regard to fats - as in the fat you eat with your food.

Supposedly there has been studies that if you feed rats with fat free yoghurt they actually gain weigh because it does not trigger them enough to be full. This study now gave humans (makes more sense to me...) a fixed amount of fat free yoghurt, but they also had to mix some fat into the yoghurt before they had to eat it. From what I understand these were people with a healthy weight to begin with.

It turns out that the people who had to mix in olive oil as well as the people who had to mix in lard did not gain any weight while the people who used other sources of fat (canola oil or milk fat) did gain weight. Actually, the people who used olive oil had the best results.

The explanation to this appears to be the taste. Animal fat and olive oil both contain high level of certain substances which make the food taste better. This causes the body to produce a hormone called serotonin which makes you happy. Chocolate also causes the production of this hormone.

I found this fascinating as I actually use a lot of olive oil(relatively speaking) - and do happily sacrifice the calories for it, because I always felt that it was good for me. And this leads me to my QOTD:

Do you specifically watch how much fat you have in your diet and where it comes from?
Good Wed morning everyone.

This has been a crazy month. We finished Grease on the 17th and then a friend's husband died so I had to deal with a wake and a funeral all on the last week of school before spring break. ALl I wanted was warm weather during spring break but all I have gotten is cold and cloudy weather with some snow on Monday. I so busy this past weekend that I could only count Monday as my first day of vacation.

I have been busy sewing and quilting on my break. Today dh is going on the computer to put in for his retirement and later this week I need to do the taxes.

Monday I had a great victory. I made chili with all soy protein and no one questioned it. My ds was asking about calorie count and when I told him it was all veggie he couldn't believe it.

Do you specifically watch how much fat you have in your diet and where it comes from?

I have been making sure that I have some fat in my diet. I had read something similar a couple of months ago about fat free yogurt. I found it very interesting.

Off to get things done.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Long time no post!
For all of those who remember me from the last two challenge, hello!!

I hope you are all doing fabulous and still getting fit! I hope I can come back to WISH after school ends this semester, the past year has been the most stressful ever, tons of classes and lots of work.

Just thought I'd update some of you who were so encouraging to me last year. I have gained back a couple pounds this semester but I'm working on losing them now; I have my 3rd half marathon in May. I applied for the Disney College Program and have been...ACCEPTED for merchandise for this Fall!! That means I'm heading to Florida for 6 months in August!! I also just signed up for the TOT 10 miler in October, my first Disney race, so maybe I will see some of you!

I realize the accountability and encouragement here was extremely helpful and I've missed it. I've barely had any time this year so only 6 weeks and I will hopefully be able to come read some!

Have a great day!! :)
My first warning sign is when I stop tracking my food. I will still be ok for a few days as I do have certain "standard meals" which I know that if I just keep to these, I will stay within my calory range. But then things start to creep in there... And the longer I am not tracking, the worse things get...

I always had problems to get back on track. And I found these threads here a huge help with that. If I read about other people's efforts and success it motivates me to work more for myself!

I agree with these threads being a big help. Knowing that I am expected to chat about my healthy habits encourages me to KEEP my healthy habits front and forward!

I always try to develop a routine, but do have trouble sticking to it over a long time. So it might work for a few weeks and then there are plenty of reasons to miss a workout here and there and suddenly two weeks go by without... But generally I think I am a combination of both: have a general schedule, but be flexible to change it when needed.

I've had issues like that in the past.... one week without exercise turns into two turns into....:eek: It is SO MUCH EASIER TO stay on track than to get BACK on track!

Hope you got rid of the vertigo - sounds very unpleasant and certainly not good for exercising!!

Thanks for updating the weight page!!

You're welcome! And I tried a decongestant nasal spray... I figured it would work faster than a pill and since my congestion is strictly head congestion I figured it was a better choice. It seemed to help in that I didn't notice the vertigo much for the remainder of the day..... but near bedtime it seemed to be getting worse again.... so I will try the spray again today. Hopefully a few days using it will clear the situation up entirely. I am also going to try breathing some steam (like maybe in the form of a relaxing BATH :lmao: ) and push fluids and such.

Here in Germany all labels are uncooked and I hate it when I can only find the nutrition for something cooked. How am I going to know how much to cook of something if I have no idea of its nutritional value. For example I always weigh my pasta on my kitchen scale before cooking it (and I have reduced portion size tremendously: used to eat a 125g portion easily, am now down to a regular portion of 65g, if I did not have much to eat that day yet, I might even go for a larger portion - up to 80g and then I feel like I had soo much too eat...)

I agree that NI need to be more standardized. Some weigh in grams, some in ounces (some in both). Some give NI for uncooked, some for cooked, some for cooked with other ingredients added!

Thank heavens for a calculator and a good food scale!


Hope you all had a great Tuesday! I finally decided to take a rest day from my Ripped in 30 program. Meant to do that on Sunday, but then was much to motivated to get it started. So decided to splurge today and get my rest day in as I was sore all over for the whole day.

But I did have a non scale victory today: My belt jumped into its last hole today when I was closing it without me having to tuck and I could wear it like that comfortably!!!

Unfortunately my new scale from Amazon appears to not want to come to me. The order is still in the status of "will be despatched soon". And has been for a few days now. I don't really know how they measure soon... Hope I can get it before Easter! Am a bit scared that the new scale will show a higher weight than my current one, but I guess then I just need to accept that and readjust my start weight to a higher weight as well!!

Fingers crossed that the new scale is on its way! And don't worry about the thread being quiet.... I think it is just the natural progression of things. Folks are RARING to go on a new lifestyle in January, but by mid-March many have fallen away from things. It is sad, but we just need to keep strong for those who are still with us!

Oh - and one question for advice: How do you determine your goal weight? Looking at the BMI there is quite a scale of weights which are considered healthy, so which weight in that scale do you pick as the one?

I am still away from that - and I know that I want to get below 70kg (154 pounds) finally as it is such a magical number. But that only gets me to a BMI of 24.2 - So right at the top. I find it difficult to figure out where my goal ought to be. You have seen pictures of me, I do have a rather boxy shape with small hips, but a wide rib cage.

I really would like to be able to pick a realistic goal and reach that instead of one day just decide to give up on losing weight.

So any tips would be appreciated!!

I changed my goal many times and I think that is okay to do, as long as you are NOT continuing to try to achieve something that might be unhealthy or impossible. I think having mini-goals along the way gives you a continued feeling of success.... especially for folks who have a lot to lose. I think that is why the format of this thread is so nice! You can have 100% success every month!

If you are really unsure about a goal, try picking something about 5-10 pounds above it and when you get there, see how you feel. You might feel GREAT and decide that it is just where you should be! Or you might want to "try it out" for a while.... see how you feel after a few weeks/months and see if you are able to maintain it.

My first mini-goal was about 165-ish and I wanted to achieve it before a trip to Disney and I did it. But I KNEW that wasn't my final goal. I always thought that my final goal might be 140... but when I got within 5 pounds of that number, I knew I could go lower and still be healthy. When I got to 135 I stuck with it for a while, but I was still contemplating going just a bit lower. I finally decided to aim for 129, which would make it exactly 90 pounds lost. It took quite a bit of time and work to get to that number and I discovered pretty quickly that I was unable to maintain it. So I bounced back into the low 130's and have stayed there for a few years. I can generally maintain under 135 without too much struggle. Sure, I'd love to hit 130 and stay THERE, but I am not willing to go to the extremes in diet and exercise it might take.

You do NOT have to decide you ultimate goal today.... or ANY DAY! Play it by ear and do what FEELS right and FEELS healthy!

I have a strict exercise routine. I walk 60 minutes a day Mon- Fri. I do yoga Weds and Saturday. I do a Pinterst workout Tues and Sun. I'm absolutely terrified to deviate from my routine but I always think miss one day, then two, then three.... So I just don't miss day!

Healthy food news:
Raw chocolate tofu pie - delish!
Homemade hummus- super yummy
Homemade cashew milk - good in my morning tea, I couldn't seem to strain it fully to drink it plain.

Made the kids " chili cheese dogs " last night. Tofu dogs, Amy's ( fake ) chili , a sprinkling of cheese on a whole wheat bun. They never knew it was meatless! Victory :)


I'd love the tofu pie recipe if you would like to share it! My kids aren't totally anti-tofu, but it needs to be TASTY!

I'm content with my store-bought almond milk and since I am basically lazy in the kitchen I wouldn't bother with homemade cashew milk. And homemade hummus is delicious, but since I am the main hummus eater here, we don't go through much. I buy it on sale and freeze it if I can't use it all before it expires.

would have to agree about the gift cards, Amazon is always a fav since there is so much stuff for everyone! Another idea is giving movie theater gift certificates. Then they can go with one of their friends! :goodvibes

Itunes cards are a usual staple, but DS rarely uses them. Instead he sells them to his sister!:rotfl2: I'll have to look into some other gift cards. I was trying to think of something that might be really useful for DD when she heads to school this fall, but I came up with nada!

I always say I want to get down to my drivers license weight!! :rotfl2:

When I renewed my license a few years ago I told DH that it was the FIRST TIME I had ever NOT lied about my weight on my license in nearly 30 years of driving!! It was a GREAT feeling!:rotfl2:

But seriously, I feel that once you reach your "goal weight"(however you pick one)..... stop looking!!! There are so many tables and charts to look at and they seem to constantly be changing!! I would go by how you feel about yourself. I try to make healthy choices with what I eat and then get in exercise frequently. My goal is to be healthy and fit, no matter what number that is.

When I first had a excessive weight loss (100lbs) I was a mess!! I was so freaked out about eating carbs and then got neurotic about my workouts, sometimes spending 2 hours a day, then hating myself if I was tired! It led to some pretty stupid life choices, just trying to reach a number!! Finally it got to where I would get so hypoglycemic that I be on the floor, nearly unconscious, while my DD was trying to feed me some sort of fruit/juice. And I would still resist having the carbs!!:scared1: After a couple of those (no I did not learn after the first time! lol) I got seriously depressed and eventually ended up gaining most of my weight back. :sad2:

Thats why now I just focus on being healthy and making good choices. I am much happier now and I dont look at it like a "diet" that I will one day stop. I have made a lifestyle change that I can still see myself doing when I finally do reach my "goal weight" Its like they say..... Don't worry, be happy!! :woohoo:

Thanks for sharing all of that!!


As for today, I am home again tonight. Woke up this afternoon and could not get rid of the pain, so I had to take my actual pain meds. :sad2: Although I was going to be charge nurse tonight and not work with patients, they still make me tired and irritable. No one wants to work for a grumpy boss!! :rotfl: But thats why I have sick time!! Tomorrow will be better, I am just sure of it!!! :thumbsup2

However, the medication could have something to do with my ramblings tonight, lol Hope you all have a great day!! :goodvibes

Sorry about your pain. Hopefully a day off will help!

Good morning everyone!

I read an interesting article this weekend which has inspired today's question of the day. It was about a study they did with regard to fats - as in the fat you eat with your food.

Supposedly there has been studies that if you feed rats with fat free yoghurt they actually gain weigh because it does not trigger them enough to be full. This study now gave humans (makes more sense to me...) a fixed amount of fat free yoghurt, but they also had to mix some fat into the yoghurt before they had to eat it. From what I understand these were people with a healthy weight to begin with.

It turns out that the people who had to mix in olive oil as well as the people who had to mix in lard did not gain any weight while the people who used other sources of fat (canola oil or milk fat) did gain weight. Actually, the people who used olive oil had the best results.

The explanation to this appears to be the taste. Animal fat and olive oil both contain high level of certain substances which make the food taste better. This causes the body to produce a hormone called serotonin which makes you happy. Chocolate also causes the production of this hormone.

I found this fascinating as I actually use a lot of olive oil(relatively speaking) - and do happily sacrifice the calories for it, because I always felt that it was good for me. And this leads me to my QOTD:

Do you specifically watch how much fat you have in your diet and where it comes from?

Yes, I really do watch my fats.... and YES, I know I probably don't eat nearly enough. The majority of my fats come in the form of plant fats (EVOO in cooking and salad dressings, and avocado) and nut fats (peanut butter, almond butter, etc). I do go to extremes to avoid added fats most of the time. I couldn't tell you the last time I had butter. I buy almost exclusively 1% milk (although I only use it for my coffee), nonfat yogurt, and 2% fat cheese. I use mostly homemade "PAM" spray (EVOO and water) when I cook, but will occasionally use a bit of EVOO for a stir-fry or something like that. I eat VERY LITTLE animal fat as well... and my tofu is "light".

DH consumes a lot of his fats in the form of coconut oil. I do NOT use it when cooking for the family because DS is allergic, but I will occasionally use just a bit for myself.

I KNOW that I should probably consume a bit more fat.... every part of your body needs fat to function properly, including the brain!

Good Wed morning everyone.

This has been a crazy month. We finished Grease on the 17th and then a friend's husband died so I had to deal with a wake and a funeral all on the last week of school before spring break. ALl I wanted was warm weather during spring break but all I have gotten is cold and cloudy weather with some snow on Monday. I so busy this past weekend that I could only count Monday as my first day of vacation.

I have been busy sewing and quilting on my break. Today dh is going on the computer to put in for his retirement and later this week I need to do the taxes.

How exciting (the retirement, not the taxes!)!!:rotfl2: Sorry your break has been so icky and cold and BUSY!

Monday I had a great victory. I made chili with all soy protein and no one questioned it. My ds was asking about calorie count and when I told him it was all veggie he couldn't believe it.


Do you specifically watch how much fat you have in your diet and where it comes from?

I have been making sure that I have some fat in my diet. I had read something similar a couple of months ago about fat free yogurt. I found it very interesting.

Off to get things done.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Dona, I am so happy to see you popping on here! You've been MISSED!! :hug:

Long time no post!
For all of those who remember me from the last two challenge, hello!!

I hope you are all doing fabulous and still getting fit! I hope I can come back to WISH after school ends this semester, the past year has been the most stressful ever, tons of classes and lots of work.

Just thought I'd update some of you who were so encouraging to me last year. I have gained back a couple pounds this semester but I'm working on losing them now; I have my 3rd half marathon in May. I applied for the Disney College Program and have been...ACCEPTED for merchandise for this Fall!! That means I'm heading to Florida for 6 months in August!! I also just signed up for the TOT 10 miler in October, my first Disney race, so maybe I will see some of you!

I realize the accountability and encouragement here was extremely helpful and I've missed it. I've barely had any time this year so only 6 weeks and I will hopefully be able to come read some!

Have a great day!! :)

SO very, very happy to hear from you and to hear that you only had a tiny gain while away from us! And HUGE Congratulations on the DCP! I can't wait to hear more about it. DD is really looking into it now! It is a few years away for her, but she is anxious to learn all she can about it!

WTG on the upcoming half marathon!!

Work hard for the next 6 weeks and we will see you when you are able to rejoin us!


Happy Wednesday my friends!!! Bright and sunny here, but still COOOOOOLD! Easter will definitely not be a "spring" event here this year.:rolleyes2

Tried something a bit new for breakfast and it was very tasty. I made a batch of my roasted eggplant spread a few days ago and it has been calling to me from the fridge! So this morning I toasted up a low carb roll, spread on a bit of light spreadable cheese (kind of like a Laughing Cow wedge) and topped it with a big healthy scoop of warm eggplant spread (which contains healthy EVOO!! ;) ). It was a nice savory breakfast. I've always liked savory at breakfast (eggs) most of the time, as opposed to sweet (muffins, pancakes, french toast, etc). It was a bit different with coffee, but very tasty.

Vertigo is back this morning, but hopefully the nasal spray will help and I can hit the TM without feeling like I am on a ship in troubled waters!

Looks like we are getting a new fridge, so I need to research my options today. My current fridge was purchased when we built the house 19 years ago and while it still runs fine, it has a lot of other issues (broken door shelves, broken fruit bins, missing freezer shelves). I have lived with these issues because I am:

#1. cheap.

#2. unwilling to send a big item like this to the landfill unnecessarily.

#3. did I mention I was cheap??

But DH got a work bonus and we need to pick a "prize" and one of the things available with the "points" he got was a wide variety of refrigerators! This seems like the most practical thing to "buy" with the points, since they don't convert to Disney Dollars OR to college tuition money! :rotfl: He got a batch of these points a few months ago and was kind enough to treat us all to our choice of things from the catalog. DD and I both got Tiffany jewelry, DS got a PS3 game system and DH got himself an Ipod Touch. While the cash would be MOST appreciated, the gifts are really nice too.

For those who remember my rant about the roof a while ago (shingles flew off during a wind storm), the insurance company actually accepted our claim and they are paying for a good size portion of a new roof! We have our check (which I still need to cash) and the extra deductible money set aside and the roofing guy we contracted with is coming out today for a final "look see" and is scheduled to do the work next week! So YEAH for a new roof!! And double YEAH that we don't have to pay for it all OOP!!

Off to make beds and hit the scrapping table! I will workout while DD is at swim tonight.

BBL to chat...........P
As far as the oatmeal goes, here is the breakdown on the two brands I currently have in the house.......

Bob's Red Mill Organic steel cut oats

Serving size: 1/4 C dry (44 g)

Calories: 170

Total Fat: 3g

Total Carbs: 29g

Dietary Fiber: 5g

Country Choice organic Irish style steel cut oats

Serving Size: 1/4 C dry (40g)

Calories: 150 c

Total Fat: 3g

Total Carbs: 27g

Dietary Fiber: 4g

Either way it is a 1/4 DRY.... which could potentially yield a full cup after cooking. I sometimes add apple and raisins or pumpkin to my oatmeal to fill it up a bit more.

I don't have current PointsPlus info in front of me, but my old "Points" system week 1 book lists 1 cup of oatmeal as 2 Points... but it doesn't specify the TYPE of oatmeal. Steel cut has more fiber and is definitely more dense than quick cooking or instant oatmeal. Any brand of instant oatmeal I have EVER bought (most contain sugar) has AT LEAST 3 Points per serving and sometimes 4 Points! HTH.........P

Thanks for the info! :goodvibes Do you have the protein amounts? Then I can look up the points on WW.

Oh - and one question for advice: How do you determine your goal weight? Looking at the BMI there is quite a scale of weights which are considered healthy, so which weight in that scale do you pick as the one?
Mag - I just went to the BMI scale on WW and picked the low end of it. That way if I go up a few pounds, I'm still good. :thumbsup2

There is nothing more magical than Christmas in WDW!!! All the decorations throughout the parks and resorts and AMAZING!! And all the countries in Epcot are the best!! I highly recommend to anyone going at that time of year. :santa:

Yes, yes, and YES!!! WDW is the absolute BEST place to be for the holidays!!!:littleangel::banana::love::woohoo:

I love that look!!! Puck has one ear up and one down so he looks even more goofy & adorable!! :goofy:

The DH has grudgingly accepted the fact that the I love the dog as much if not more than him! :love: I told him if he greeted me at the door with his tail wagging that I'd probably love him just as much! Lol!:lmao:


As for today, I am home again tonight. Woke up this afternoon and could not get rid of the pain, so I had to take my actual pain meds. :sad2: Although I was going to be charge nurse tonight and not work with patients, they still make me tired and irritable. No one wants to work for a grumpy boss!! :rotfl: But thats why I have sick time!! Tomorrow will be better, I am just sure of it!!! :thumbsup2

However, the medication could have something to do with my ramblings tonight, lol Hope you all have a great day!! :goodvibes

Feel better! And don't sweat the ramblings...it makes for fun reading!:thumbsup2

Do you specifically watch how much fat you have in your diet and where it comes from?

I normally do and have definitely fallen into the "fat free" trap. My mom-in-law gave me a set of these great kitchen pump sprayer can thingies, one each for oil and vinegar. Now, instead of pouring EVOO on my salads or using Smart Balance on noodles, I give it a couple of sprays. I found it gives my food a better taste, I'm not using too much, and I know I'm getting the healthy fats I need. And since I HAVE to have mayo on my sandwiches, since I hate them dry, I use a spray of EVOO instead of the mayo and yum! :dance3:

Long time no post!
For all of those who remember me from the last two challenge, hello!!

I hope you are all doing fabulous and still getting fit! I hope I can come back to WISH after school ends this semester, the past year has been the most stressful ever, tons of classes and lots of work.

Just thought I'd update some of you who were so encouraging to me last year. I have gained back a couple pounds this semester but I'm working on losing them now; I have my 3rd half marathon in May. I applied for the Disney College Program and have been...ACCEPTED for merchandise for this Fall!! That means I'm heading to Florida for 6 months in August!! I also just signed up for the TOT 10 miler in October, my first Disney race, so maybe I will see some of you!

I realize the accountability and encouragement here was extremely helpful and I've missed it. I've barely had any time this year so only 6 weeks and I will hopefully be able to come read some!

Have a great day!! :)

Welcome back, yayyyy, and congrats! Disney School! Yippee!!!!:cool1: I'll be at the Mouse for my second Wine and Dine Half in November with all the other WISH'ers as well. Think it will be a total blast!::yes:::banana::banana:party:

Why do my legs hurt so much today??? I didn't work out last night but my legs feel swollen and sore like I ran 5 miles.
It's really putting a cramp in my day.

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Do you have an exercise routine or do you just do whatever you fancy whenever you have time?

I try to get to the gym when I can-- I prefer going during the day when it's quieter. Riding my bike to work suffices on days I don't have time also.

Good morning everyone!

I read an interesting article this weekend which has inspired today's question of the day. It was about a study they did with regard to fats - as in the fat you eat with your food.

Supposedly there has been studies that if you feed rats with fat free yoghurt they actually gain weigh because it does not trigger them enough to be full. This study now gave humans (makes more sense to me...) a fixed amount of fat free yoghurt, but they also had to mix some fat into the yoghurt before they had to eat it. From what I understand these were people with a healthy weight to begin with.

It turns out that the people who had to mix in olive oil as well as the people who had to mix in lard did not gain any weight while the people who used other sources of fat (canola oil or milk fat) did gain weight. Actually, the people who used olive oil had the best results.

The explanation to this appears to be the taste. Animal fat and olive oil both contain high level of certain substances which make the food taste better. This causes the body to produce a hormone called serotonin which makes you happy. Chocolate also causes the production of this hormone.

I found this fascinating as I actually use a lot of olive oil(relatively speaking) - and do happily sacrifice the calories for it, because I always felt that it was good for me. And this leads me to my QOTD:

Do you specifically watch how much fat you have in your diet and where it comes from?

I tend to avoid fat like the plague, and end up not getting enough. It sounds weird to me to even say it. I need to experiment more with nuts and avocado.

Yay on a new fridge! I'd love to get a side by side but the ones with the freezers on the top are still the most energy efficient.

Alton Brown has a recipe for crock pot steel cut oats. Then you just set it up at night and its ready when you wake up!

This is the way to go. I need to make some tonight, enough to last 3-4 days. I chop up apples, add nuts and brown sugar, cinnamon--mmm!

Homemade hummus- super yummy
I'm definitely going to try this.

Sorta caught up anyway lol.

I'm down to 144--6 pounds so far this week. Puzzling. I haven't worked out at all, not even riding my bike since I've had a cold and Misty threatening labor all week. I didn't drink most of the week-- says something about alcohol doesn't it. Food just wasn't a priority for me this week I guess-- it was just all about the kittens. Last night woke up because something was bothering me and started worrying about the little orange one who is having a hard time latching on to nurse. Went and was checking them all out and found out they had fleas on them. I spent a bunch of time online making sure it was ok to put advantage on Misty and decided about 2 hours later it was ok. I had just been using a flea comb on her the last month. I had put advantage on her before I was really sure she was pregnant--it's supposed to be safe but I worried about it. Plus I boiled a bottle and eye dropper just in case I need to supplement the orange one, I have some kitten milk replacement leftover from Triumph. I needn't have worried though, woke up today to a flealess Mama and babies and everyone doing well. She moved the kittens to the larger pet carrier I had in the closet. This has a pillow that fits it and she'll be able to stretch out better to nurse them. When I checked-- little orange was going at it. He still really isn't latched on but he seems to eventually get some substance.

Named them all. The orange one is Sunny, the black and white Stormy, and the Grey Hazy. All weather related, because of mom Misty. Our last name is Day so it'll be cute taking them to the vet lol. Plus I am terrible at sexing kittens-- we've had terrible name fiascos because of my ineptitude.

Well-- have to figure out what I'm doing for dinner, have some big jennio sausages I have to do something with. And I want to pack my gym bag to go to the gym at some point tonight. I have to go help husband take his car to the garage this afternoon.

**Went online and really tried to educate myself on the differences between girl and boy kitties and preee--tty sure the black and white is male and the others are 2 girls.

Found this recipe to try for the sausages:
Change Servings
1 small head red cabbage, shredded
1 apple, cored and diced
3 teaspoons salt, divided
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon butter
1 small onion, chopped
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tablespoon wine vinegar
1 pound kielbasa sausage, cut into 1 inch pieces
Check All Add to Shopping List

Place the cabbage in a large kettle, and add the diced apple, 2 teaspoons of the salt, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup water. Bring to a boil then simmer, covered, about 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
In hot butter, saute the onion until golden. Add the onion to the cabbage along with 1 teaspoon salt, pepper, vinegar and sausage. Cook, covered, 20 to 30 minutes until sausage is heated through. To serve, spoon the cabbage onto a heated platter, topping it with the sausage.
I have all the ingredients including a spare cabbage i got last week since they were so cheap! Wish me luck-- have never made anything like it.


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