A May Disney trip we're STILL paying off! A young couple's report! NEW 12/6!!!!!


Why you ackin' so cray-cray?
Jul 15, 2012
Hello! Welcome to my first ever Disney Trip Report! Once upon a time, I stumbled upon this site (actually user Disneyfreak508) and was SOO inspired. Like, I thought I knew a ton about Disney...but who knew THERE WAS SO MUCH MORE! Not to mention...a whole community of people just as obsessed with Disney as me. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW CRAZY EXCITED I AM TO GET THIS ROLLIN'

So here are the facts...

Who: Michela and Patrick
When: May 23- June 1
Where: Disney's Pop Century!




Oh hey! I'm Michela. I'm 20 years old and a HUGE Disney fan. I consider myself a kind of expert of sorts, but of course I adore and welcome learning new things. One of my favorite things about Disney is that it seems like there's always SOMETHING new to pick up! I'm going into my junior year of college and am looking into an acting major. Being an actress has always been my dream, and I don't care how impractical it is!


My other dream is to perform as either Belle or Ariel in one of HS's fabulous shows...or just be a Disney princess character actor. Whatevs. But I don't wanna give away too much about me...I'll let you enjoy some character development throughout the report




This is Patrick, my boyfriend of about a year and a half. He's 25 and currently has a degree in meteorology! I took him to Disney for the first time ever last September (September 17, 2011 to be exact!) and basically turned him into a Disney nut! His favorite Disney movies are Up (it makes him cry, how precious) and the Lion King. He can't wait to go back...AGAIN! I actually had to put my foot down on this one and at least make us wait another year. Poor kid.


:tinker:Chapter Links

Day Nine, Part One: Let the frantic park hopping begin!
Day Nine, Part Two: Let's go SPELUNKIN'! Tuh-huh!
Day Nine, Part Three: Where I am just simply obnoxious.
Hello! Welcome to my first ever Disney Trip Report! Once upon a time, I stumbled upon this site (actually user Disneyfreak508) and was SOO inspired. Like, I thought I knew a ton about Disney...but who knew THERE WAS SO MUCH MORE! Not to mention..a whole community of people just as obssessed with Disney as me. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW CRAZY EXCITED I AM TO GET THIS ROLLIN'

So here are the facts..
Who: Michela and Patrick
When: May 23- June 1
Where: Disney's Pop Century!

Everything written in teal will be from me, Michela! I'm the main writer of this trip, but sometimes my little buddy will wanna input some words :hyper2:

And everything written in blue will be from Patrick.


I am look forward to this!!!:cheer2:
I WORKED. Booo. I know, working the day before Disney...laame. I should be doing fun things like baking cookies, or painting my nails and watching a marathon of Disney movies. :happytv:

You know, like normal stuff. But there I was, slaving away and (probably) getting yelled at by miserable unhappy customers. I guess this makes my report that much sweeter. Sayonara sad working life..heellooo my happy place! So yea. Retail. Hooray. At some point during that day I probably clocked out and left. Typical minimum wage job protcol, ya know. But who knows, I can't really remember! I mean this trip happened in MAY people. It's been months...ok?

I'm a last minute packer. Guess what I did when I got home??Arranged all by neatly packed bags by the door. Well, sorta. I actually packed a little in advance for this trip 'cuz I'm soo sick of stressin. Of course I still had a wee bit of packing to do, but no big dealio. I think I consulted my mile long checklist like 40 times before I settled down at base camp. Yes, base camp. As in, we passed out on the living room floor with a bunch of pillows and blankets. And there were sleeping bags. God, why didn't I take any pictures of this??

All of a sudden it was 3:45 in the morning. Or night. You know, the one where normal people are sleepin. Kim Possible's Kimmunicator tone was beep beep beepin and telling me to wake up. (Yes that's my ringtone. RIP KP WORLD SHOWCASE) DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS??? Freakin DISNEY!!

I sprang up off the floor and made a mad dash for the shower. Why can't it be this easy to wake up this early for mundane things, which take up..uhh...most of my life. So anyway. I showered. Did some last minute packing. Woke up a sleepy Patrick (he's just not as enthusiastic, idk). Waited. Changed my outfit..what? Like 42 times? Packed some more. Re packed (I'm a little OCD). Consulted my list. Changed again. Waited. Yeaaaa. You get it. Moving on!

WE WERE HEADED OUT THE DOOR, BABY! And...it was still dark out! Aowww. I think our flight was at 7ish? The ride to the airport was like maybe 25 mins or so.

So who were we flying with?!
Southwest, of course! It's the cheapest and best option for us poor yet adventurous youngins AND they had the best available times! Early arrival, late departure. To maximize time spent in Disney, of coursee.
We pulled up at the doors, said goodbye to my mommy, and hauled our suitcases out of the car.

I don't know about anyone else, but my airport has these rediculously loud rolley bar things instead of welcome mats? I just don't know how to describe them...
You drag your suitcase over it, right...and they just make the loudest noise ever! Like, everyone knows you just walked into the airport. No sneaking in here...
Ugh, whatever.

After that eardrum blowing experience, we quickly scampered up to the bag check/pass printing desk of wonder. Well I more dragged because I was hauling my entire collection of posessions in my suitcase behind me...you never know what you might need! I'm a huuuge overpacker, fyi. I just need options, what can I say? Anyway, luckily bags (under 50 lbs) fly FREE on SW! And mine just happened to be a husky but solid 49. YESS MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

The machine thingy then printed our passes and we were OFF! To security, that is. The line was pretty empty, so we pretty much breezed right through. Well, almost. I think they were having a special "everyone goes through the naked body scanner" day. Ugh. I don't know why I always get selected for these random terrorist tests. Like on one of my last trips to Dis, they brushed my fingers with these weirdtextured gloves to test for...what? Coke dust? Idk. Someone plz explain.

Anyhoo, we grabbed our stuff and walked the 10 feet to our pre-Disney tradition! DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!

.......MC DONALD'S!!! Epic, yes?? The only time we ever really go here is a airports before trips and stuff when we don't really care what we force into our stomachs. I usually always get something light though, like the delicious fruit and walnut salad that consists of grapes, apples, walnuts covered in sugary goodness served with some kind of delightful goop they call yogurt. I like to start with a "clean palette" for Disney food, ya know? But on this trip, I decided to try something new...and that was to order what Patrick got because I was havin' some food envy. Sausage Mc'Muffin, baby!! Cheese only please, and LOTS of ketchup. I even caved on a hashbrown. All delicious. For like 10 minutes. Then I was feelin'all sick and icky and sad. :(

Tip: Save your cals for Disney food!

Finally, some friggen' pics! Sheesh!

That, my friends, may LOOK like egg, but it's not. #justsayin'

Once we got all through security, we had a bit of time to kill. We had "C" boarding passes...which means we were one of the last ones to board. *eyeroll*

That's the one thing I don't like about SW. There's been a few times where I had to sit alone...well with strangers. And these strangers are always creepy. Not to mention being stuck on an aisle seat is justthe worst thing ever. I'm sittin there...trying to fall alseep so that I can just get the flight over with already and be in Disney, and I have
to worry about my head fallin' all over some guy's sweaty beer gut. And then there's the people who constantly knock into my head if I try to doze off on the aisle side.

Sigh. LUCKILY, HOWEVER....we got to sit together! Yay! Please control your applause. The plane was practically empty too, so we had all 3 seats to ourselves! Helloooo window seat! :cool2:

So Patrick is like...beyond terrified of planes. The poor kid nearly has a heart attack everytime we're on one. But he has every reason to have this irrational fear. So, while he was in Europe, he was on this plane that suddenly dropped hundreds of feet straight down. He was pretty sure this was the end for him. Like, the pilots were all sweating and panicking.
And when the pilot freaks out, you know it's serious. Obviously though, it was fine...but he's now scarred! But seriously, everytime we're on a plane he looks like he died of arsenic poisoning. I have to poke him every couple of mins to make sure he's still alive. But he's gotten a little better..

I'm not to crazy about turbulence either, but I've flown a bajillion times so I feel safer on planes nowadays. The thought of just floatin
around in the air in a tube freaks me out a little though. Eh. This flight was good though. They gave us these 100 cal pack cookies that we stowed away in our carry ons for when we got home (not Disney food!) and I attempted to watch Patrick's favorite movie ever-ish...Big Fish. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into it and I was super tired, so I zonked out and stayed that way for pretty much the whole flight, which was fine by me! Yea...real exciting flight experience here...

So after I woke up...we began the transistion into LANDING!
AT THE ORLANDO AIRPORT! OMG! At this point, I was suffering from extreme RLS (restless leg syndrome). And of course it takes like 45 minutes to get off the plane. Everyone moves so casually. Like, "oo look honey, a palm tree!" *stare out window for a century holding everyone up* Le sigh...

Sorry. I'm super impatient. Anyway, we are finally off! And even though I've done this quite a few times, I'm already lost.
Why is it soo hard to make your way around MCO?? This set me off. I also have a short temper. I just wanted to be in Disney already!! After an eternity and some yelling, we found it. YES!! We made our way over to the Pop Century line and prepared to wait. We snapped a few pics and people watched and before we knew it, it was time to board
the Magical Express! Nothing too memorable here. I remember the ride being shorter than usual though...which was awesome! :drive:


I kept my eyes peeled for armadillos, like always.
During a different Disney trip, I remember seeing HOARDES of them. I didn't know what they were at first, but these creatures are CRAZY COOL! Apparently, there's tons just chillen around Florida? I've only seen them during one trip though, so of course my friends back home think I'm crazy. 'Specially when we all went during high school and I hyped
up Armadillo sightings like I drove the Armadillo Tour van or something. And of course...didn't even see one! So anyway, no luck on this trip either.

I suddenly remembered I forgot to register us for
the online check in service...crap! So I quickly did that, even though I was pretty sure it didn't matter as it was already too late.

Finally, we passed under those Gates of Heaven. And I was home. All of a sudden the road signs were a lot prettier. Soon enough we were at our destination, PCR! Once again, neither of us had low bills on us, so we had to skip tipping our driver. Whoops. #embarrassing

We scampered on up to the check in desk. Unfortunately, it was too early
for our online check in to have kicked in. But that was ok, cuz check in was a breeze anyway. A nice and young CM offered us a selection of available rooms and we ended up choosing the 70's building. Room 0404...super easy to remember! Unfortunately, on topmost floor. Which was fine for a while, until closer to the end of our trip (aoww dead feet!). So we were happy. This was both of our first times at the Pop. So far, so good. I've only stayed at the All-Stars and then once at CBR, so I was lookin to
try something new while staying in our price range. We were in a hurry to get out to the parks so we made a mad dash to our room without checking out the resort too much. I snapped like one pic of this awesomely awesome giant foosball scene!

Of course our luggage hadn't quite arrived so we freshened up with what we had on our carry ons, and soon enough were back at the main area/food court place...Everything Pop?! Idk. I know, I'm so detailed and organized. We gave our carry ons to the baggage CM's, and they held onto them til we returned hours later. Schweeetness.

Where were we off to?! STAY TUNED! :dumbo:

Ps...I apologize for the severe lack of pictures! I literally took HUNDREDS! So they'll be here...I swear...
Why, the Magic Kingdom of course!! princess:

It's tradition...a newish tradition! The first time I introduced the joys of Disney to Patrick was September of 2011! See?? He loved it soo much we were back within a year :cheer2: Yay me and my awesome tour guide skillz.

So basically this MK tradition started then. Our first park was MK, and our first ever ride together was the people mover!

So of course that's where we were headed...
We jumped in line for the MK bus..couldn't tell ya if it was long or short :confused3 HOWEVER, IT WAS FRICKIN HOT. So the super cool bus was feelin pretty awesome..once it arrived. And of course we had to take some obligatory bus line pics...


just chillen in line.


cheesy sunglass pic.

annnnd....the instagrammed version. for realz.

{Soo, prior to this trip..I downloaded this awesome app on my iPhone called "Trip Color" and basically it keeps a record of pictures you take with it, marks your place on a map and you can add comments and journal notes and such. Hence the random few instagram pics in the beginning. It's like a little digital trip diary. I was totally gonna go wild with this one, but that lasted literally an hour. It turned out to be too much of a hassel to deal with on our action packed fast paced adventure!}

....So back to the MK!

I assume it was packed. And I say assume cuz I know it was a very busy week...but unfortunately I didn't journal this time around :( So who knows for sure.

We ventured through bag check/bothersome boring stuff and stopped at the front of the park to try and take some "action" photos. Yeaaa...didn't quite work out. I'm a leeeeetle hesitant to post the results, but maybe you guys can learn from our epic failure. Or not.


Yeeeah buddy.


In case you were wondering, we were supposed to be jumping...
At least Patrick looks all normal and posey. I just look like I'm ready to plop down on my "royal throne", if ya know what I'm sayin'. Sigh. We would have made several more attempts if it weren't for..
A. The scorching sun.
B. My embarrassment.

Alright...moving on from that tragedy...phew.

Until next time...
A candid-ish photoshoot...and we get stopped in our tracks! :scared:
So we're traipsing right down the middle of Main Street... :rolleyes1
admit it. You just sung that part, didn't you?? DIDN'T YOU??!

Sorry. So yeah...Main Street. I start taking random pics of Patrick soakin' up the scene. This one sums them all up...


I know, Main Street is confusing to navigate!

Seriously regretting not taking the GPS. It's a miracle we made it to the castle! :rotfl2:

My turn!




In the chaos of all of our picture snappin'.....this happened.


Does somethin' smell funny to you?

A parade. The Celebrate You parade to be exact. Is it bad that I had to look that up? At this point, it was super hot and bright. Not like you can't tell...

Ugh, of course our way into Tomorrowland is blocked! But as sweaty and half blind as we were...it was an awesome "welcome back" start to our day. It's like they planned it....just for us! *sniffsniff* AND YES I SANG AND DANCED.

And also snapped this precious pic of the finale...


WILL WE FINALLY MAKE IT TO TOMORROWLAND?! Who can know for sure? Stay tuned.

Your eyes have not deceived you...


although, Patrick does seem confused...

It has been confirmed that time travel IS INDEED possible, for we have proved it on this very day. And we were hungry for some future food.


And I had one thing on my mind...a sweet cream cheese pretzel from...ummm..HOLD PLEASE.
*the awkward silence continues*
I have ONE picture of this delicious snack. Yes, I know...I'm learning. Sigh.
HOWEVER...courtesy of Google Images, I have found one to share with all of you!



EDIT: Now that I have gotten my hands on the boyfriend's camera...I have a legit shot.


I do remember deleting the one of me immeadiately after it was taken...I was NOT havin' a pic of me shoving food in my face this day.

P.s..the lines were SUPER long at this place.

Anyway, I think after we split a pretzel from heaven, we either got fastpasses for Space Mountain or went on the PeopleMover. Pick one or the other...we did them both! ::yes::

I remember the fast pass distribution line was looooong. Only cuz they were having technical difficulties. None of the freakin' things were printing out tickets. So we basically stood there, melting, until CMs figured how to fix the problem. Well, the sorta figured it out. The distributors were just spitting out SM fastpasses left and right! COME 'N' GET IT. I can't remember if this happened our first day, or later in the trip. Well either way...it happened!

So then we hit our first ride of the trip, as tradition tells us to do. The PeopleMover. I think I was pretty cranky at this point. It was "that time" of the month for me, sadly. And I was irritated with poor Patrick for pretty much no reason. I feel like we sat in angry silence for most of this ride, but our pics say otherwise...



We look pretty freakin' stoked.
I forgot to mention in my last post that at some point in our beginning moments at MK, we payed a visit to the Carousel of Progress...and I NAPPED. Throughout the entire thing. Don't get me wrong, I love the CoP...but I was just so freakin' exhausted from waking up at 3 in the morning and it was just so dark and nice and cool in there.....zzzzzz

Soo while we wait for our fastpasses for SM to be good, we take a stroll through Fantasyland...and avoid the Speedway-Not-Really-Go-Karts-But-Ultra-Decieving ride that I unfortunately experienced for the first time a handful of trips back. Noo sir, I will not let Patrick go through that same, sad experience, even if he INSISTS doing everything.

Well, where do we go??
Teacups, of course! One of our favorite rides EVER! Seriously. And now that I know that the green cup goes the fastest (thanks DISboards!!), I'm super prepared to ride it 43 times in a row on our next trip!


what a sweet action pic!

When it jerks to a stop, I can't even find the door I'm so disoriented...love it! Nothing like walkin' around all wobbly legged and dizzy through Fantasyland!


Once we sobered up, we checked out the new Fantasyland construction. Sooo excited for the new Beauty&Beast restaurant...and the castle!! Unfortunately...I didn't snap pics til our last day...so you're gonna have to wait. (Not like most of you haven't seen it already anyway)

Of course we had to ride this Disney classic!
On our last trip (and Patrick's first ever!!), we waited like 25 minutes or so for Dumbo. And when we finally were let onto the ride...we were left without an elephant. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN, YOU ASK?? Well, a group of two decided to ride in separate Dumbos, throwing off the CM's original count of people to let in. Which meant, we were left without, and forced to exit the ride :mad: The CM working the ride, Chloe, told us vaguely to walk over to Snow White (And she didn't say "Scary Adventures" or anything) and ask for one of those pass thingys that give you a free snack or fastpass for your ride of choice. Soo we go over to the ride/general area and talk to the CM's gathered over there. Apparently, they couldn't help us/were confused, so we were left with no Dumbo and no magical free pass. Sigh...life goes on!

Needless to say, we actually got on this time.


Aww, look at my baby Dumbo.


Flyin' high!

As you can see, it's still super bright!

Once we safely landed, we ventured on over to the ever-so-royal carousel. I was DETERMINED to ride Cinderella's horse...because it was made for me 'n' all, but ALAS....I did not. Having to mount a peasant horse doesn't make a princess very happy so no pics were taken of this ride. I decided to prove myself worthy in other aspects, such as my beastly strength, by attempting to pull the sword from the stone...


clearly, also a fail.

Even my Prince couldn't wriggle it free...


I think it's time to upgrade...
any takers??
#LOLJK :rotfl:

We just couldn't handle the shame, the embarassment...the sheer defeat. We had to go under cognito..completely hide our identities and never turn back!


No one will recognize us now. #muhahahahah

We thought that the opera glasses offered at Mickey's PhilharMagic would be the perfect disguise... :idea:

I mean, come on...we're preactically unrecognizable!


you can't lose with a duckface pic.

Ahhhh. PhilharMagic. Absolutely amazing. All my favorite Disney movies combined into one...I'm a happy girl. AND THAT SMELL. The delicious cherry pie cloud that's puffed in your face...
The Aladdin scene just makes me wanna cry. So beautiful. *tear*

P.s. I HATE the families that won't friggen move all the way down the row. They just plop themselves in the middle and make you awkwardly climb over them. And when the CM's repeatedly yell at them to move, they feel like this is the perfect time to forget how to speak English. #howconvienent

Anyway....guess what??!
We were now well into the time alotted on our fastpasses to SPACE MOUNTAIN!
Let's go!

From looking at our pics, it appears we rocked the mountain twice...but ended up in different rockets/car things #sadface
Here's P's....mine came out blurrrry.


The results of our second ride...


This picture....HILARIOUS. Only 'cuz we didn't even plan this pose. Neither of us had any idea the other was doing it...so when this pic surfaced in the future, we both died.
How perfect!!


Ain't the future just dandy?? You don't even half to walk to the convienently placed gift shop.
Ok..so where I left off we were about to peruse through Space Mountain's gift shop. Well, more like quickly walk through. NO TIME FOR SHOPPING....YET!

However, there's ALWAYS time for random castle photoshoots! Yay!



A salute to the Magic Kingdom.#orsuperbrightsun


That's better.

Then, according to my photos, it was off to Liberty Square! To see whom?? All of the great famous leaders of our nation! A snooze fest for me, but a must do for P who loves all things history and American. ::yes::

His overall opinion? It was "kinda cool", but he didn't think too many of the animatronics were accurate to the looks of our past Presidents and he wishes that more "random facts" were told. However, he would like to add that he loves Morgan Freeman and the "sweet rug" in the pre-show area. :rotfl:

I may or may not have dozed off until the animatronics finale. Whoops!

Movin' on!
We soon moseyed on over to Adventureland. We may have rode Splash on the way through, but who can know for sure! :p
All I know is that we definately did ride it this trip because P's reaction to it was much more positive. On his first ever trip, he was dissapointed by Splash. I KNOW! Whaaa??
Guess he was expecting more? I dunno. He appreciated it more this time around however, so phew!

Time for snack #2! Can you put 2 and 2 together and figure out what we're getting???

If you guessed anything other than Dole Whips...shame on you! Tehe
The first time I ever tried one of these babies was exactly a year ago from this trip. I went to Disney last May with just my mom. She doesn't quite have the Disney stamina that I do, which resulted in a few solo nights out to the parks. Well one night I was frolicking around Adventureland when I saw that the Sunshine Tree Terrace was offering a variety of pineapple treats. I thought a pineapple float was like the best thing ever so I got one, and proceeded to spill it all down my leg somehow on the first sip. What can ya do?? Anyway, I was sold!


And yes I know, it compliments my hair accessory perfectly! :thumbsup2
I got the pineapple juice/vanilla combo. The pineapple/pineapple is just too much pineapple! Not that I've ever tried it though...


And no that isn't a Dole Whip. P settled for plain ol' rootbeer float. While still refreshingly delicious, just not as special!

He ended up tasting mine, of course. And if I recall...he regretted his decision to play it safe.


Next stop: The Enchanted Tiki Room, a FIRST TIME EVER, for both of us! We missed out on our last trip, so it was a must do on this one. So naturally, we headed inside right away. Well sorta. We had to hang out in this pre-show type room for a bit.

A photoshoot ensued of course. However, I won't be posting any of the resulting pics because they just aren't flattering to either of us.

Opinions of the show? HATED IT! It was equal to Country Bears for me. P, on the other hand, would take the Tiki Room over the Bears ANYDAY. The only thing I did like about the show were the tikis with the terryfying razor teeth. I'd literally see it again just to snap a pic of those babies!

So, we exited, and I just HAD to get a pic with the cacti of Adventureland. I love cacti (or as I like to say cactuses) and the desert! Arizona is one of my favorite places ever. Anyway, here they are....



We will soon discover a new obsession that will CONSUME OUR LIVES.....FOREVER!!
What is that, you ask?


So as out slow movin' tour continues throughout the MK, I'm noticing something a little strange....
I kept seeing people of all ages standing at cleverly decorated windows watching classic Disney clips. Soo naturally, I'm like "whaaaa the bleep is this??". Like, this is ALL I see. Everywhere! And I know this phenomenom was NOT around before. People are holding CARDS?? Up to....keyholes?? What is this madness??

Finally, I just can't take it. I MUSSST KNOW! So I approach an older guy and he fills us in on what's up. So apparently Disney is now hiring Sorcerers?? To defeat villains? And be the hero of the Magic Kingdom?? AND YOU CAN COLLECT DISNEY CARDS. LIKE EVERYDAY. OMG. I must play.....NOW!

So we basically run to the nearest recruitment station which I believe was behind the Christmas store. The CM there HOOKS US UP. A pack of cards each, a sweet map and a set of fine instructions. And then he asks us if anything really magical happened to us that day. This kinda threw us off, so we kinda muttered/stumbled out "mmnoIdunnoI don'tthinkwhaaaat?" So we were expecting him to give us something awesome, like I don't know...fastpasses or something. Btut he ends up telling us to "HAVE A MAGICAL DAY!" in a perfectly impersonated Mickey voice! It was totally unexpected and random, but alright!


And then this happened.


Followed by this.


And then we couldn't stop....



WARNING: From this point on there will be NO more rides. NO more shows. NO more ADR's. NO more park hopping.

I'm juuuuust kidding. But seriously, Sorcerers of the MK took a serious chunk of our Disney time. Normally, we hit up the MK maybe once or twice and we're done. But this game kept us comin' back everyday of our trip! We just got sooo into collecting cards and trading and levelling up. We left with literally hundreds of cards and CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK AND GET MORE. NOMMMS. I love how it was all older folks playin' too. :laughing:

We stayed at the MK so late we almost forgot about our beloved upcoming ADR! A first time for Patrick and a 3rd time (and favorite!) for me! We had a reservation at 8:05 and had to BOOK IT! Good thing we could just hop on the monorail!

Just where we we going?

enchantedrosex said:
So as out slow movin' tour continues throughout the MK, I'm noticing something a little strange....
I kept seeing people of all ages standing at cleverly decorated windows watching classic Disney clips. Soo naturally, I'm like "whaaaa the bleep is this??". Like, this is ALL I see. Everywhere! And I know this phenomenom was NOT around before. People are holding CARDS?? Up to....keyholes?? What is this madness??

Finally, I just can't take it. I MUSSST KNOW! So I approach an older guy and he fills us in on what's up. So apparently Disney is now hiring Sorcerers?? To defeat villains? And be the hero of the Magic Kingdom?? AND YOU CAN COLLECT DISNEY CARDS. LIKE EVERYDAY. OMG. I must play.....NOW!

So we basically run to the nearest recruitment station which I believe was behind the Christmas store. The CM there HOOKS US UP. A pack of cards each, a sweet map and a set of fine instructions. And then he asks us if anything really magical happened to us that day. This kinda threw us off, so we kinda muttered/stumbled out "mmnoIdunnoI don'tthinkwhaaaat?" So we were expecting him to give us something awesome, like I don't know...fastpasses or something. Btut he ends up telling us to "HAVE A MAGICAL DAY!" in a perfectly impersonated Mickey voice! It was totally unexpected and random, but alright!

And then this happened.

Followed by this.

And then we couldn't stop....



WARNING: From this point on there will be NO more rides. NO more shows. NO more ADR's. NO more park hopping.

I'm juuuuust kidding. But seriously, Sorcerers of the MK took a serious chunk of our Disney time. Normally, we hit up the MK maybe once or twice and we're done. But this game kept us comin' back everyday of our trip! We just got sooo into collecting cards and trading and levelling up. We left with literally hundreds of cards and CAN'T WAIT TO GO BACK AND GET MORE. NOMMMS. I love how it was all older folks playin' too. :laughing:

We stayed at the MK so late we almost forgot about our beloved upcoming ADR! A first time for Patrick and a 3rd time (and favorite!) for me! We had a reservation at 8:05 and had to BOOK IT! Good thing we could just hop on the monorail!

Just where we we going?


Great report so far I am subbing in.....
I'm joining in. Sounds great so far! I haven't done the Sorcerers of MK yet. Nice to see the pics from someone that has. Can't wait for more updates popcorn::
Just joined in! Loving the report so far!

I'm taking my boyfriend in March, and it will be his first trip since he was a child! Needless to say, I'm super excited! AND I don't know anything about this sorcerers thing, but it sounds like something he would be into!

Looking forward to future updates! :goodvibes


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