A May Disney trip we're STILL paying off! A young couple's report! NEW 12/6!!!!!

Subscribing! I'm 26 so I love reading other Disney-obsessed young people's TRs! God they're addicting! Plus I only live about 4 hrs away from you so you get bonus points for that.

I'm planning a (probably) solo trip in October for the TOT 10 miler so I'll just relive the Disney awesomeness through you until then!
Subscribing! I'm 26 so I love reading other Disney-obsessed young people's TRs! God they're addicting! Plus I only live about 4 hrs away from you so you get bonus points for that.

I'm planning a (probably) solo trip in October for the TOT 10 miler so I'll just relive the Disney awesomeness through you until then!

Isn't it the best?!? Seriously hahah. You don't even know how much time I spend on Disboards. Young people's are my fav too! I wish I knew everyone in real life because none of my real friends are obsessed with Disney the way that I am. But everyone here just GETS IT!

Wooo 4 hours...small world! That's awesome :goodvibes

Feel free to live vicariously through me all you want haha!
Great trip report ... love your pics and comments! This is my disney fix until we go in Oct! Looking forward to reading more.
emma212010 said:
I really want to do Innoventions one of these times! It looks so fun!!!

Yeah! I've never really thought to check it out but I'm glad I did because its definitely pretty neat!
I also purchased a few pins for my mom before we headed into the World Showcase. I sent her this pic of all her faves and she decided on Boo. I might have gotten her Jiminy too, but I can't remember!

Although, I just asked her and she said no!


We headed towards the left side of the World Showcase, towards Mexico. We wanted to play Kim Possible's adventure thingy because we had so much fun with it last time, but it was gone! They were currently in transition to making it Phineas and Ferb themed. Which is cool. I mean, I love Kim, but she's outdated and I like Perry enough...so bring it! And I hear it's pretty much the same haha.


The sun was a real killer!


As you can see, it was so bright I couldn't even see my camera screen enough to get P's body in the picture. Lol.


We headed into the pavilion, and this was taken. Derrrrrp. Guess I was feeling better though!


Yay that's better!


I'm a princess, clearly. Disney, plz hire me?

I LOVE MEXICO! The inside of that pavilion is just so awesome. AND THAT SMELL, MMMMM. And it also houses one of my fave restaurants, San Angel Inn! We went there on our last trip for the first time and we had a great experience! Amazing food and our waiter was fantastic! And I love how you feel like you're outdoors. OHH THE IMMERSION!


I'm sure we probably rode the Three Caballeros, cuz that ride is da bomb. I love the music and the beautiful, fake firework display of magical perfection.

And then we left (sans margaritas) and continued to NORVAY!


Those Norwegians are just so beautiful. And that Nectar of the Goddesses. I believe I was actually sportin' some of it that day in honor of Epcot. I wish I could go back to the day when I first was struck with the tantalizing scent of Norvay. It reminds me of a book I read called "Scent", in which some perfume company finds this rare flower that has the greatest smell of all time. So naturally, they bottle it and sell it worldwide but apparently it turns animals wild and vicious and causes them to rip apart anyone who wears it. So basically it's a must read, LOL. But anyway, Laila is literally comprised of all my favorite things: mountains, wildflowers and watermelon. It basically had my heart and soul first sniff.


Dat troll.

Next was China! Patrick was terrified of this country because last time I literally spent hours in the gift shop. And many of those hours were spent deciding on which color of "bubble sandals" I wanted, lol. They were these cute, plastic sandals with colorful bubbles and starfish and I had the hardest time deciding between the black, coral and yellow soles. Patrick hated them with a passion, but seriously, they were the cutest things ever and I got tons of compliments! I went with the black soles, btw. I also bought a sparkly swan headband and a sparkly colorful anklet. The CMs there loved me. They were all so cute!


I promised him I would try to not spend hours this time. However, I cannot remember if I stayed true to my promise but I don't think I bought anything, so I probably did!

OK, so does anyone remember when characters walked around freely and you didn't have to wait in scheduled lines? One of my clearest memories of the first time I ever went to Disney is of Shan Yu just walkin around and I'm pretty sure it was in Epcot. Was he ever a character? I assume I saw him in China, as that makes sense! I also remember a store that had a lot of swords on display nearby...

Stay tuned as we continue to make our way around the World!
After hangin in China, we went to Germany, where another fight ensued. Patrick has a serious thing for German girls. Probably why fancied me so...lolz.

So he was really excited to explore Germany, which had already put me in a jealous/defensive mindset. Anyway, he mentioned that this one CM in the glass blowing shop was really attractive and apparently that made me really jealous and cranky. I was all like "Ugh, really?? There are way prettier girls than her!" And he kept going on about how cute she was. So I retaliated by saying how excited I was for the hotties in France/Italy. All in all, neither of us were in very good places with each other at that point.

LOL. Looking back I can see how unhealthy/petty our relationship was. We were definitely on the rocks at this point, though. JUDGE ME!

P.S..I'M SORRY THESE UPDATES ARE SO TEXT HEAVY! Plz enjoy this dancing banana as a break...


We carried on. Italy was next, and not the best place to be at the time haha. I don't know if we spent a lot of time there.

The there was The American Adventure, woooooo'MERICA! I think we stopped and traded/bought some pins here and maybe used the bathroom but that's about it!

And then we went to Japan! Another store I can spend hours in! I can't remember if we did this time though and nothing really memorable comes to mind so...MOVIN ON!

Wooooo, Morocco! One of my faves! Absolutely gorgeous theming (and CMs, swooooon) AND ALADDIN <3 <3 <3

Yay finally some more pictures!


Just bein' all sexay in Morocco, nbd.

And then came the beauty that is France!
This is where the biggest fight of the trip happened...
So grab your snacks and get comfy!


So everything was all fine and good. We had both recovered from our last little tiff many countries ago. We looked at some wines and other Frenchy things and carried on to the little bridge that connects France and the U.K.

Yay I love Beauty and the Beast topiaries!

And then we stopped at a photopass photographer on the bridge, and this is where all hell broke loose. So I guess not technically in France, but close enough!

The guy was having us do "cutesy" shots, which aren't really my thing. Especially when surrounded by a bunch of on looking strangers. So basically, he wanted us to kiss, and I wasn't having it. A. because I'm shy/uncomfortable about things like that, and B. he was pressuring/urging us and just not making the situation better. I kept refusing and both him and Patrick were putting pressure on me and a crowd had gathered and I was turning all 50 shades of red. I politely declined over and over and we soon walked away from many "awwwws".

Things were just not going good for us and I had all kinds of mixed feelings going on about him and seriously, PDA type stuff makes me uncomfortable. So call me dramatic or ridiculous but that's just how I felt lol.

Anyway, that didn't sit well with P. He basically flipped out on me and went off on a tangent about how I don't love him/I'm embarrassed to let people know that we were dating/yada yada. I tried explaining to him how I didn't feel comfortable but he wasn't having it. This was kind of the breaking point for us during the trip. All the bottled up anger that had been building for the both of us the past couple of days all exploded out. He expressed what a miserable time he as having with me because I was being such a b**** the whole time (which I agree) and it was just a constant yelling back and forth battle.


And we had a dinner reservation at Le Cellier very soon, so hooray. We went and checked in early (and still very angry) and were able to talk things out while we waited to be seated. Thankfully, we made up for the time being and were able to have a nice and super delicious dinner!

We started out with the famous pretzel bread (and so not worthy and ignored "other breads") and I ordered the heaven in a bowl AKA the cheddar cheese soup! I think P got some kind of seafood salad or something that I wouldn't try so I don't really remember it! I feel like he wasn't crazy about it though.

For our entrees, Patrick ordered the Rib Eye I think, that came with this layered stack of some kind of cheesy -potatoey goodness (I stole some) and I ordered the NY strip steak and I think it came with delicious parmesan-y potato wedges.

I seriously had no clue what to order. Remember, this was before I discovered the Dis! I had been here once before though, and I ordered the burger which I liked enough. My steak was good but it was pretty fatty. I wish I had known to order the Mushroom filet!

Our waiter was a doll. I wish I remembered his name. I'm pretty sure we gave him a pretty good tip!

I don't think we got dessert (so sad!), because we were so stuffed! Either that or I slipped into my 3rd food coma of the week and suffered memory loss for the rest of the night. LOL.

And that's a wrap!



Join me in my next update, in which we venture off of Disney property and explore a different kind of adventure! Stay tuned!
Today we were leaving the Disney bubble. Where were we going?? Universal! Suuurprise! We spent the day before and the morning of trying to figure out the best way to get there for the cheapest.

We really didn't look into it until last minute, so our options were limited. I googled some tips and found out about a pretty cheap Mears shuttle (I think it was like $19 a person round trip?), but when I called the only pick up time they had left was like 6PM. Not gonna happen!

In the end, we just decided to take a taxi. It was pretty pricey (I wanna say $30-something each way, eeek), but in the end it got us there quickly and on our schedule.

So taxi it was! There's always taxis conveniently located right outside the resorts so we didn't have to wait at all! All we had to do was let a CM outside know that we wanted a taxi to Universal (and yes, I felt pretty guilty about this lol)!

We arrived, tipped our driver and headed towards the main entrance without a problem. It was packed! We had two-day park hopper tickets, and we decided to do Islands of Adventure first (for Harry Potter, obvs). We booked it, knowing that there was probably going to be a mad rush!


We snapped like 2 pictures on the way in...we were on a mission!

P was the main planner for our Universal days. He had researched everything and studied the maps for weeks, haha, so I was following him for once! After waiting forever and a day to get through security, we found the WWOHP pretty easily!

It was amazing! A+ for theming here, Universal! I felt like I had been transported right into the books! My younger self would have been in Heaven. I was OBSESSED with HP. Like literally, my life was consumed by it. The day I turned 11, I plastered myself to my window and waited for Ron to come pick me up in a blue Ford Anglia and take me to Hogwarts. When he never came, I went into a serious depression for months. Sad days.

Anyway! Our immediate destination was Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. However, most of the crowds had already beaten us and the line was already pretty long. Time to get used to not being spoiled by fastpasses! The queue here was pretty cool, so I wasn't too upset.


I took this pic and posted it to facebook!

We got our first taste of Universal's horrible locker system, ugh. You're forced to buy a locker for each bigger ride you ride to put your stuff in. The locker rooms for HPatFJ were a madhouse! The little room was so crowded and so unorganized and everyone was pushing and shoving and there was just no order to it, whatsoever. Not to mention, those lockers are TINY! We could barely squeeze in a backpack and a small clutch.

After that fiasco, we headed into the line (which was also confusing).

After we had already waited a good amount of time, the ride broke down (something we would experience multiple times during our visit here, ugh). FANTASTIC! So, we continued to wait, and wait and wait...and wait some more. We reeeeeally wanted to ride this ride and we had already been waiting over an hour to get on so we decided to stick it out. As time ticked by, more people kept leaving the line so we kept getting bumped up. The employees were the most unhelpful people ever. First of all, there was none around. And when you did find one, they had absolutely no information. So, this was getting extremely frustrating. The automated voiceover kept coming on to tell us that the ride was experiencing difficulties but we were free to wait if we wanted. AND THAT WAS IT. We chatted with the people amongst us and continued to wait. I think we had waited about 2 hours at this point and we were still in the greenhouse queue. Eventually, they made the announcement that the ride was working again and everyone cheered!! I felt bad because our new friends who were in front of us had left the line minutes before that.

Since so many people had left the line, we moved right into the castle!


Lemondrop! Now let me in!


Ahhh the inside of the castle was so awesome! And it really kept me from getting too bored. After what felt like an eternity, we were finally at the loading dock! We boarded the ride and we were off!!!!


Only to break down immediately. Our impressions of Universal were getting worse and worse. We literally broke down...UPSIDE DOWN, like 15 seconds into the ride. BOOOOO. And uncomfortable! We were stuck in our awkward upside-down position for like 5 minutes and then the ride started working again. Only to break down like, 87 more times. Sigh. It was so awesome though. I'd have to say it was probably the best ride I've ever been on!

Those dementors are damn scary though.

On our way out, an employee handed us passes to get right back on the ride since it broke down so many times! Score! Our second ride went smoothly!



I look so out of place in my sundress in this wintery scenery, hahah.

Of course one of the top things on my list was to try Butterbeer!

OH. MY. GOD. Now I know many who don't like this drink, but seriously, I think I had consumed around 4 gallons of the stuff before we left. The drink part is basically cream soda (the most delicious, vanilla-y cream soda EVER, however), but the foam that they put on top is what sold me! GUYS, IT IS SO FREAKING DELICIOUS.

At one point, I asked for an extra pump but the "bartender" said that it wasn't allowed. And he was pretty rude about it, too. Wahhh. I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW I'M JUST A LOWLY MUGGLE.


While we were waiting in line for Butterbeer outside at those little stands, another park guest gave us a tip about the line being much shorter inside the Hog's Head. And it was, every time! Thanks random guest!

I came to the conclusion that I liked the frozen Butterbeer better. P liked the regular. We both bought the souvenir mugs because they were cute and not very expensive! (Definitely under $10!)

We then rode the dueling dragons coasters a few times (awesome) and checked out some of the shops. I don't think we bought anything at this time (except gallons of Butterbeer, for me).



Patrick must have a super tiny bladder, because that boy literally needs to use the bathroom 900 times a day. I remember him particularly using the bathroom here quite a lot because right outside the bathroom (where I waited for him) was the extremely obnoxious Mandrake display in the window. MOST ANNOYING DAMN THINGS EVER.

Great update ... Forbidden Journey is the best ride I've ever been on! Have a wonderful time in CA ... can't wait to read more!
Great update ... Forbidden Journey is the best ride I've ever been on! Have a wonderful time in CA ... can't wait to read more!

I think it may just be the best ride I've ever been on as well! And thank you!
We moseyed on out of HP World and headed in the direction of the Jurassic Park section which Patrick was freaking out about. Jurassic Park is like his favorite thing of all time and he was crazily stoked about the ride that was here.



He was running around like a little boy begging me to take his picture with everything. It was really quite precious, haha!



He was very excited about this SUV. Woooo automobiles! Lol.

We went inside the explore the Discovery Center. There wasn't too much for us older kids to do but there were fun dinosaurs to pose with!





We soon exited and were back on course to find the ride (which if I remember correctly, we had trouble finding!)

Of course I had to snap a couple photos of P in front of the Discovery Center before leaving!



We finally found the ride and jumped in line! We waited a pretty good amount of time (boo not being able to use FPs!) and then we were able to board our raft!

This ride is basically like Universal's Splash Mountain. However, it was pretty lackluster and outdated. Not surprising though, because it's an older ride! Patrick was actually pretty upset because this was one of the rides he was most looking forward to and it severely let him down, haha.

This would turn out to be a common theme as our day went on!

At this point we decided to grab some food. We decided on a place called Burger Digs because it was close by and Patrick was super hungry and didn't want to walk around and explore our options. Booo. We both ended up getting burgers, which were nothing too special, just your standard amusement park fare. They had a topping bar so that was nice, I guess. Still, missing out on a day of Disney food cut deep, man. CUT DEEP!! #shudder

Funny story time! Gather 'round!

Okay, so let me start with a quick back story...
Patrick lied to his parents about our trip. Yes, even though he was 25 he still had to lie to his parents about where he was going, haha! They thought that he was in Florida for a job interview for the National Hurricane Society (or whatever it's called!) down in Miami and that he was staying with a "friend", who's, I think, name was Mark. Lol. The story was that "Mark" was a fellow meteorology student and that the two of them were going on a little trip to hit up potential career sites.

Why did he have to lie to his parents in the first place? I'm not really sure, haha. In my opinion, he's an independent adult who should be able to use the money that he earns however he wants. But his parents are extremely frugal. They never, ever take vacations and believe that you should work 365 days a year. I guess that if P told them the truth, they would be very upset with him and potentially cut him off financially (they help fund his education). So, in the end he just didn't want to upset them. I guess, hahah.

So around our lunch, his dad calls to talk about how the interviews are going (lol). The good thing is that P is very good about keeping true to his very elaborate made-up stories. Conveniently, there was a big hurricane on it's way over to the Miami area at the time, so he was able to use that to his advantage.

Well, for as far as we know, his parents bought every word! Patrick is extremely convincing with these made up stories (which he told his parents, a lot!). I almost start to believe them myself. It's kinda scary, haha...

Anyway, P and his dad said their goodbyes and we continued on to explore more of the Islands of Adventure!

Oh my gosh I just stumbled upon your TR so of course I have a million comments!
That’s so scary what happened to Patrick on his plane before, I would be terrified if that ever happened to me too! Kudos to him for getting his butt back on a plane after that.

In our January trip we tried to take jumping photos too and they just don’t turn out! I feel your pain on the epic action shot pictures.

We always wanted to try Sorcerers of the MK but I was afraid that it might completely consume our trip. Pin trading already consumes so much of our Disney time, I’m afraid of sucking up all our MK time fighting villans; but it’s good to know that that you loved it, makes me want to try it out this August.

We finally managed to snag a normal eating time ‘Ohana ADR this time around so we are finally going to feast with the Poly Royalty. After seeing your review of it I am so much more excited. Like you I’m not a shrimp kind of person but I figure it’s a great time to try it, so I’ll be brave like you and go for it!

I think that deer you have a picture of is an Okapi. I remember on one safari our driver was in love with them and gave us a 10 minute spiel all about them.

I love hunting for Hidden Mickeys, it is such a successful feeling when you finally find one you’ve been looking for! Hopefully you and your mum will find some on your next trip.

I’m so sorry you had such a crummy day in Epcot:sad1:! At least there was cheddar cheese soup which could solve all of the problems of the world.

Wait, they make you buy a locker to put your stuff in at Universal?! I haven’t been there for probably 10 years because of their lack of guest consideration. But forcing people to purchase a locker to ride a ride is just ridiculous! Okay, rant over.

I can't wait to get to read more of your TR, and your DL road trip one! So glad I found them.
Oh my gosh I just stumbled upon your TR so of course I have a million comments!
That’s so scary what happened to Patrick on his plane before, I would be terrified if that ever happened to me too! Kudos to him for getting his butt back on a plane after that.

In our January trip we tried to take jumping photos too and they just don’t turn out! I feel your pain on the epic action shot pictures.

We always wanted to try Sorcerers of the MK but I was afraid that it might completely consume our trip. Pin trading already consumes so much of our Disney time, I’m afraid of sucking up all our MK time fighting villans; but it’s good to know that that you loved it, makes me want to try it out this August.

We finally managed to snag a normal eating time ‘Ohana ADR this time around so we are finally going to feast with the Poly Royalty. After seeing your review of it I am so much more excited. Like you I’m not a shrimp kind of person but I figure it’s a great time to try it, so I’ll be brave like you and go for it!

I think that deer you have a picture of is an Okapi. I remember on one safari our driver was in love with them and gave us a 10 minute spiel all about them.

I love hunting for Hidden Mickeys, it is such a successful feeling when you finally find one you’ve been looking for! Hopefully you and your mum will find some on your next trip.

I’m so sorry you had such a crummy day in Epcot:sad1:! At least there was cheddar cheese soup which could solve all of the problems of the world.

Wait, they make you buy a locker to put your stuff in at Universal?! I haven’t been there for probably 10 years because of their lack of guest consideration. But forcing people to purchase a locker to ride a ride is just ridiculous! Okay, rant over.

I can't wait to get to read more of your TR, and your DL road trip one! So glad I found them.

Awww thanks for joining along!

Jumping pics NEVER turn out for me. Maybe I just can't jump, I don't really know. Glad I'm not totally alone! #rage

YESYESYES DO Sorcerer's! It's so fun! I only played the actual game a couple of times, because it is time consuming. But collecting the cards is so addicting, and it takes like 10 seconds of your day + a trip to the MK!

Omg I'm so excited for you to try 'Ohana!!!!!! Try EVERYTHING!!!!!

Hahah yes, I believe you're right about the Okapi!

I love finding HMs...but I always end up forgetting to look! But it's nice to know there's always that giant element of Disney that I still need to explore!

Aww thanks! You're right, that soup could probably stop war.

Actually, I think I was slightly off about Universal ride lockers. You do get a certain amount of time for free while you ride, but if your time goes over, you have to pay like $3. The more annoying part was waiting in line for a locker. The whole system was so unorganized and crowded; people would just bump and shove until a locker "rent" space opened up, and then you basically had to race for it.

If you ever heard of Six Flags parks here in the States, they charge you $1 for a locker for each ride, so I think I got a little confused!
We soon found our way into the Toon Lagoon area. We decided to give Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls a try even though the wait was posted for like 90 minutes or something crazy like that. We were super hot, and a water ride sounded so beautiful at the moment! Plus, we had come to accept the fact that there was no getting around waiting in super long lines all day.

Well, this was one of the worst line-waiting experiences EVER!! First off, we had an extremely stinky group of men in front of us the entire time. They had some of the worst body odor I've ever had to deal with. Like, I'm sayin' I'm pretty sure neither of them had ever experienced a shower in their lives. Ughhh, SO AWFUL.


And then, there was this non-English speaking family behind us who were seriously the creepiest people ever. There were two teenaged girls who literally spent the entire line wait either staring at us or laughing at us (I'm pretty sure they were laughing at us anyway). They also kept brushing and bumping into us and our bags over and over again. It was pretty sketchy, not gonna lie. We both felt pretty uncomfortable, but neither of us are really the type of people to say anything nor did we want to deal with an awkward situation. It was so frustrating, urghh.

And then, there was the line waiting itself! The wait ended up being over 2 hours! It was tortuous. The queue for this ride is also the worst thing ever. It's endless corrals are extremely dark and boring. They coulda put some kind of theme into it, really, or at least some freaking lights. You could barely see where you were going at points. This was one of our biggest complaints about Universal. Their queues are SO DARK! I bumped myself several times while waiting in lines. I'm pretty sure some of them could be pretty big safety hazards!


And also another complaint: the posted wait times. They were always SO inaccurate! The wait time posted way always WAY less than the actual wait time. It was really frustrating!


Anyway, after a seemingly endless and tortuous wait, we finally reached the end of the line! No ride is worth that wait, but Ripsaw Falls was actually pretty enjoyable! We got SOAKED!! And the multiple drops were really fun! We also had the two most adorable little boy brothers in our log. They were so fun to ride with! They loved me, of course!


We skipped out on the rest Toon Lagoon had to offer and made our way towards the Marvel section! First up...The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man!


This was actually a really awesome ride! I was wickedly impressed! It definitely was one of my all time faves here. Annnnnd obligatory 3D glasses photo...


You can see how wet we still were from Ripsaw Falls!

This is literally the last pic I took this day. I guess I thought only Disney is worthy of being photographically documented!


I'm kinda bummed about it though. Again, I apologize for these last couple updates being so text heavy! Thank you for still following along if you are!


We then jumped in an extremely long line for Doctor Doom's Fearfall. Personally, I hate these "lift you up, drop you down" rides. I think they're boring! Well, except ToT, of course! But that's not your typical lift and drop ride! Dr. Doom's was just like every other drop ride I've ever been on and to me it just wasn't worth the wait. Ahh, oh well.

Then we got in line for the much anticipated Incredible Hulk Coaster! Not gonna lie, I was pretty scared for this one, haha.

But seriously, BEST COASTER EVER. Oh my GOD...we were OBSESSED! We literally rode this like 8 times, it was so much fun! Yaaaay Hulk!

And then we decided to hit up the opposite end of the Islands that we missed, The Lost Continent. Oooooh, fancy. We skipped over the Dr. Seuss section. While it was fun to look at, neither of us had much interest to explore it more than that.

The Lost Continent section was one of my faves, visually. Other than that it sucked haha. I was so excited for all of it and it let me down so badly! Haha, that's Universal for ya, I guess.

We checked out the Sinbad Stunt Show...awful. In no way does it compare to Indy. Patrick complained about this one for the rest of the day, haha.The "stunts" were unimpressive and I ended up getting totally soaked, which I wasn't happy about. Even though I was sitting in the "splash zone", I was expecting little splashes, not full buckets!

Moving on!

We then checked out Poseidon's Fury, which I was super excited about. The theming here was just so amazing and I was really hoping for a great attraction! However, not so much. It was just weird. And there was a lot of standing, which I was sad about because my feet were hurting pretty bad. Basically, you stand in a room and watch Poseidon throw some water at his enemy. Woohooo.

After that, we decided to call it quits. We did everything we wanted and all we wanted now was to be back in our Disney bubble!

And now for our final thoughts on Islands of Adventure:

It was a little underwhelming for me. The Harry Potter section was awesome, however, and I also really like the Spider-Man and Hulk rides. Other than those, nothing really impressed me. And of course it just doesn't even compare to Disney, who we all know is just so on top of everything!

Patrick, for being the one who was most excited for this part of our trip, was even more unimpressed than I was. He actually kinda hated it and complained most of the time, haha. It's funny, because he was the main planner of our Universal days and was really excited for it! I actually liked it more than him! While he loved the Harry Potter section and the Hulk coaster, his thoughts were "meh" on everything else. All day it was, "I just wanna go back to Disney!". I really don't blame him though, hehe.


In the end, we definitely weren't in any rush to go back, but we were glad that we had the chance to check it out!

We cabbed back to our beloved home and I'm pretty sure this is the night we decided to order a Disney pizza to bring back to the room. YAAAAY DISNEY FOOD! We got half cheese/half pepperoni. It was delicious, of course, and I'm pretty sure we ate the entire thing except like 2 pieces. YUM!


Stay tuned!
We woke up early again to get ready for our second day at Universal. This time we were gonna hit up the "Studios" side! Today was also the 5th day of our vacation, which means it was more than half way over with!


We cabbed again, and soon enough we were in. We headed off to the right first, so the first ride we hit was E.T. Adventure! This ride was also pretty outdated (but what do you expect from E.T. really, lol). I liked how it was set up like you were riding a bike! The queue here was actually pretty sweet...it was themed so that you felt like you were outdoors at night! The ride was odd though because you went to E.T.'s home planet and there were a lot of creepy aliens and things not actually in the movie.

We also noticed pin booths selling Universal themed pins around this area and we were like EEEEEWWWWWW. Who would ever start a Universal lanyard?? Blahh.

So then we both really had to use the bathroom but we couldn't find any anywhere. We ended up wandering around aimlessly for a bit until we decided to backtrack to the bathrooms we think we remembered seeing back in the kid's section. Well apparently they only have kid's bathrooms in the kid's section and they were just so comically small, it was like using a doll bathroom. Lolzz. Did the trick, however!

Then we rode the Simpsons ride! Well, you know, after waiting in line for a good hour. WORTH IT. Loved, loved, LOVED this ride! Even the "preshow" room was awesome! I don't even watch the Simpsons and I was LOLing out loud at everything! And it was just such a fun ride!

And then Patrick saw this and got really excited and had me take his picture. The one of two pics I took this entire day!


Woop woop Scooby...
Clearly I am not as enthralled by prop vehicles.

Then it was time for Men in Black ALIEN ATTAAAAACK. Seriously, hated this ride. I mean, the theme was cool and it was well done and all that, but it's one of those freakin shooter games. Give me a laser gun and I'm literally useless. Of course Patrick got some ridiculously high score, and being the extreme, go hard or go home competitor I am, I was not happy that he whupped my butt. AND OH YES, HE WHUPPED IT. Like, what is it with all men and these type of games? First time on Buzz and this guy maxed out, and there I was with my -726. #pout

We then went to check out Fear Factor: Live! Woooooooo. Basically, a live action Fear Factor where guests can actually perform. Naturally, I wanted to audition immediately after watching...because it was that spectacular. I mean, you get to wear this super hawt black spandex outfit while getting swung through the air over flaming cars while throwing raw squid to a partner. Why everyone there that day wasn't in line for auditions was beyond me.

BUT OF COURSE, right at the start of the show Patrick had to drop my new iPhone, and we just HAD to be sitting on one of the very highest bleachers, and my phone just HAD to drop like 100 ft and land on the dirt below us. LOL. Buuut a nice employee fetched it and promptly returned it to me and it was basically fine, so I wasn't too upset.

We watched the show (in awe), and we both decided to immediately audition right after! We signed up at a booth and they took us in right away! The first round was a game of simon says, haha. Thankfully we both made the first cut. The second round was answering a bunch of questions like "why do you want to be on the show?" and "what is your biggest fear?". The interviewer warned us not to give answers like, "BECAUSE I'M A WINNER!" and "LOSING!", but people still did anyway. Sheesh. Patrick was cut here. I don't remember our answers but obviously mine were good enough to move on to the next round, lol. We then had to basically sign our lives away and fill out a bunch of papers with our sizes and what not.

So while this was all happening, I guess P talked to an employee about how long they were gonna hold us for the interview process. And allegedly this said employee told him a couple of hours. Well this ended up being a huge problem in a couple of minutes.

Unfortunately, I did not make the final cut (even though I was soooo sure I was in!). Sad times, woooomp. I was also very surprised at their choices of those to be in the show, but I won't get into that. All I'm saying is that it wasn't very fair! Anyway, us losers were asked if we would like to eat a blended smoothie of fish guts, meat and dead bugs. I said no thanks and peaced!

I walked back over to where all the other auditionees' fams and friends were waiting to look for Patrick, but he was no where to be found. I looked around the area for about 5 minutes, calling his name, before I started to get a little frustrated. Like, the audition was almost over, why couldn't he have just waited for me? And the best part was that he had all of our bags, including my phone. I plopped down on some decorative planter rock and waited. And waited. And waited. Everyone else in the area cleared out and soon I was pretty much alone. I started to pace back and forth along the stage entrance. I didn't want to go too far, in case he came back and I missed him. It had been around 30 minutes at this point and I was getting pretty angry. Like, why would he just leave?? Without telling me or anything?? I widened my pacing and strayed a little further out, where I passed a booth of bored looking, young employees. I told them my dilemma and asked if there was a payphone somewhere I could use to call my stupid boyfriend. One of them just let me use their cell instead. So, I called him...no answer. Called again...no answer. I was literally fuming at this point.


The employees were really nice and consoling, though. After a while of continuous calling and waiting, I decided to part ways with my new Universal friends and look for him myself in the other direction. I headed towards the right and passed Fear Factor again to continue the way we would have went if none of this crap had happened. I almost got to the disaster ride when the employee came running after me. Apparently, P had called back. I guess he didn't answer the call or something, or they hung up on one another, because I had to re-call. NO FREAKING ANSWER. I felt like a mom who had lost her 5 year old. We waited some more, and he finally called back to pick up to me screaming at him. I told him to meet me in front of the Fear Factor building ASAP! I thanked the employee profusely for helping me, and we parted ways.

I waited another 15 minutes or so outside of Fear Factor, and he finally appeared. I was fuming!!! I went off on him, yelling about how long I waited and how he should have told me he was leaving and at least left me my phone and yada yada yada. He apologized, and explained that an employee apparently told him that they were going to keep all auditioners for at least another couple of hours, or something like that. UGH. I WAS SO MAD. But okay, it was a miscommunication or whatever it was, and we were together now so might as well forget it and move on. After all, we had been getting along really well these past couple of days (a good change from the rocky start of our vacation) and I wanted that to continue. BLAH HUMBUG.

We then talked about how sad we both were that neither of us got selected to do the show and how we both really thought I'd be in. :( We actually couldn't stop talking about this for like, the whole day haha. We were really upset about it!

Next ride on our list was Disaster! It was kind of like a much better version of the Studio Backlot Tour. Yes, it was now Universal: 1, Disney: 87927382482647826472864726492492716371284432.

The line was suuuuuuuper long for this ride, gahhh. But we finally made it and it was awesome sauce. Basically, you're put onto a subway train type thing while the world around slowly starts to literally get every disaster type thing thrown at it. And the whole idea is that you're making a movie trailer or something, so you gotta react to your surroundings. It was so much fun! And the finished video at the end was so hilarious, haha. Definitely a must do!
Loving your trip report ... I think I have watched one episode of the Simpsons but love the ride at Universal! Can't wait to read more of this report and your roadtrip to Disneyland!


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