Team Donald – Biggest Loser “No Excuses” 2012 Challenge

I make this scrambled tofu and hash browns fairly often because I have the entire meal saved into myfitnesspal so I just have to click it! It's pretty easy to make and it tastes soooo good. I don't really get bored because it has peppers and is quite spicy. I use vegan cheese which is delicious, so I really just enjoy every bit of it.

I have been guilty of sticking to things that are already in my myfitnesspal also. I should really take some time to extend my recipes in there so I don't get stuck on the same old same old.

I guess I've been having a hard time finding different ways to cook my frozen vegetables which have really low calories. I cook them on the stove without butter and I guess I just need to find some kind of sauce to put on them to give them a little more flavor. Luckily I usually have the veggies as a side and something very delicious with it so I don't get too put off by the same old veggies when I have a complete meal.

Bonus: We don't do anything over here for St. Patrick's Day.

Same here.....nothing.:confused3

We used to have a farmer's market on the weekend in our town, but it's become so small that it's basically nonexistant anymore! Pretty sad, especially living in the midwest you'd figure there would be a lot of people, but I guess they just don't want to spend the time going out. :(


Wow, you do sound busy! Karate party? Cool! :goodvibes

I guess another positive is when you take them you are faced with reality and it's like you "have to" work hard and change because these are called BEFORE pictures. No use in before pictures if there aren't going to be any AFTER! :yay: I think sometimes we forget how far we've come because the changes are so small but add up over a period of time.

Very true. I guess I should really get the camera out and take a few pictures of the now. I have some candid shots from WDW last summer to help me keep motivated too.

:hug::hug: I'm so sorry about your Godfather. Good for you, for staying on track! I find that exercise helps deal with life's ups and downs.

Thanks.....been an up and down day today. Still in my calories but not always with the best choices.....:rolleyes1

That's strange, but I guess helpful for everyone else in the apartment.
Once every 2 weeks!? :scared1: Well, I guess I am a girl so I do love to wear tons of clothes so I think my laundry would be into one massive pile within 2 weeks and I wouldn't have anything to wear! :rotfl2:

When I was smaller and could buy clothes more easily (about 5 years ago) I was more likely to buy than wait to wash. I guess the good thing about that now is that there are a bunch of boxes of smaller clothes waiting for me to shrink into them.
Sometimes I think as a vegetarian who is trying to get in shape I'm required to like hummus but the one kind I tried from Walmart was so disgusting. Maybe that brand is just not good...

Jillian kicked my butt yesterday. I went out and played some tennis with my brother (horribly, I am so terrible at sports) then did 30DS. Dang!

Our university is hosting a 5k this month. Debating on whether to sign up. I want to, but I can't convince anyone to go with me and considering it would be the real first "race" I don't want to go alone. -Sigh- I suppose I'll probably just end up going solo. I mean, who wants to pass up a 5k when they can do it? One of my new year's resolutions was to run a 5k this year and I'm already signed up for a half marathon! :lmao:

I remember my first 5K. I did it a Sea World in Orlando. It was my lead up to my first WDW marathon. I did that solo which was fine....but the longer distance, I did with a friend which was really helpful. We trained together and then did the entire distance. I hope you can find someone to join you.

WOW on the 40 pounds! And well said about the non-scale victories!
Thanks!!! :yay:

Keeping your spot in the wagon warm! Glad you found your way back.

I used to feel that way about salads too. They were always better when made by someone else. But I stopped being cheap and started buying better salad ingredients....and preprepped if available...and it makes salad making much easier. I can make myself a huge salad in very little time. I try to prep a bunch of veggies at once..usually enough for 2-3 days. And I buy easier to use organic spring mix rather than head lettuce that needs to be cut or torn and washed. And a container of grape tomatoes that only need a wash, rather than large tomatoes that need to be chopped. Dice up a few peppers, a few stalks of celery and a cucumber all at once....then throw it all in a resealable bowl in the fridge...and you can just toss a scoop on your greens when it is salad time!

I try to veer off of the standard green salad sometimes make it more interesting. Yesterday's lunch was greens with diced apple and goat cheese and a cranberry pomegranate vinaigrette. Tonight is taco salad!


Enjoy your spring break!


Glad you had a chuckle at the end of your week!

Enjoy your busy weekend!

Sometimes I don't try a new recipe because I don't want to deal with figuring out the points.

I try to avoid boredom by mixing things up when time allows (llike today). I tried a new pancake recipe. It was a nice change from the usual egg whies or hot cereal.

I avoid my obsessions by not allowing them in the house! Sweet potatoe chips come to mind first. Out of sight, out of mind.

I am doing the same.....don't buy it I can't eat it.....but I find that sometimes I limit my buying and don't get a variety of things in my diet.

Sorry for your sad news. But good for you for dealing with it in a positive way! That is a huge step! You recognized the emotion and the trigger is hard to change habits that you don't see.

Thanks...the tricky time is ahead on Monday when the service is taking place and I can't be there. But I will make it!!

Enjoy your weekend!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to our resident Irish! Enjoy the tart!


Morning friends! Wearing your green?

I'm up and moving but the family is starting slow today. DS is up and playing something on the desktop. I made a batch of baked oatmeal for the kids and 2 flaxseed pancakes for myself...nice treat! DH will probably have eggs.....again.

Swim meet is tomorrow only, so I see some scrapping in my future today ( after exercise, of course ;) ).


I have never done scrapping. But I am going to try to put together a digital memory book from pictures that I take during my upcoming trip. I have found a couple places to get it published as a coffee table book at a decent price. Will give it a go.

Good Saturday morning everyone

Happy St Patrick's Day

I slept till 7 today which is a big surprise for me. It is very foggy here. It was supposed to clear when the sun came up but here it is almost 9 and it has not cleared up yet.

The local school's show went well last night even with the lead not feeling well. She did a great job and was a true professional.

I have to be back there this afternoon to see about next week's 50 anniversary special. Last night I saw a few friends that I hadn't seen in a while.

My school is celebrating 50 years this year as well. We have been preparing for the big celebration in May. We have been preparing with the school foyer becoming the Time Machine each month this year. Music, Fashion, Toys, etc from different decades that the school has been open. January was the 60's, February the 70's, Right now it is the 80's. Has been really cool.

I have been trying to cut down on gluten. Dh has had some stomach issues and one may be a sensativity to gluten. We don't know exactly what sets him off. We are still trying to figure that out but because of that I am trying to cook healthier meals. We are also eating at home a little more so we can control what he eats.

Christopher Sorry to hear about your godfather. Good work on not eating.

Thanks!! The support from you all is very helpful.

Off to get some things done.

THis is our last week with just us. Next week we join forces with Team Mickey.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Sounds like a packed weekend for you! Karate party sounds pretty interesting! I'm cleaning the kitchen cabinets today too...yes, I hate throwing things out...such a waste...I need to do a better job at looking in the fridge before starting a meal from scratch.

f I lived closer I would at least do the bathroom for you!!

Hmmmm....I would love to be obsessed with healthy foods...sadly I am cream is still my downfall. My go-to meal seems to be grilled chicken and steamed spinach. I also seem to go to liquid egg whites with veggies in a cup in the microwave...great breakfast choice. I have had a sugar craving lately so I had a run in with some jelly beans last night ...again. I didn't have that many and it really filled the sugar hole for me.

Jelly beans are a weakness for me too. Luckily, they are virtually non-existant in the shops here. Used to find small boxes of jelly-bellys but nothing anymore. I have a real love for the black ones.

Coming from an Irish family, St. Patrick's Day has a special place in my heart. I will be making some Guiness car bomb cupcakes for tomorrow's dinner along with my corned beef and cabbage. I'm heading to a ST. Pat's dinner dance tonight for a church fundraiser.

My family is from County Mayo and County Claire. My great-great grandmother grew up in Kilrush and was born in a little town called Core. I still have cousins there and last time I was over we were able to see the house where my great-great grandmother was born. Pretty cool stuff!! I have been in Ireland for St. Pat's Day twice and I really think we celebrate the day in the US in a grander fashion than in IRELAND! We actually had dinner in a wonderful restaurant called Fire (in Dublin, off of St. Stephen's Square) Can't wait for my next trip over!!

Oh Christopher....I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My godfather is current in the hospital and they are not sure when is going on. I wish you peace and I am so happy that you were able to take a walk and sort out some grief rather than eating.

And thank you as well. I hope that things improve for your godfather.

I love hummus...but not all kinds. I love the Saabra hummus with olives :)

Thanks P!! I really need to get my salad juices going....It's a food shopping day so I am planning on some lettuce on the menu. Taco salad sounds yummy too!!!

Gotta love Newsies!!

Good Afternoon!!
Just watching the parade in NYC on my tv and getting ready to actually do something today! I still feel kinda icky so I am still in my pajamas and moving slow....

Have a great St. Patrick's Day Donalds!

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Hiya Karen-how cool that your family are originally from here (well a wee bit further south than me but still same land mass right;)). Glad to hear you are keeping tradition alive with your celebrations:thumbsup2
We got up this morning and my 5yr noticed the frost on the ground and said "thats to keep away the smell of boiled cabbage":rotfl:
Its a line from a story we read that Jack Frost comes out to protect humans from Goblins and the smell of cabbage but it was so appropriate today given the dinner cooking in alot of houses tonight (not mine though-I dont like cabbage):rotfl2:
Hope you have a great day:)

I love how children make associations from one thing to another. We work hard in school :teacher:helping students to do this and when they do so in a logical way that does not make sense in fact, you can't halp but smile.:)

Evening is drawing to a close here. It has been a very quiet day here on the boards. I hope that everyone is enjoying their St Paddy's Day and just busy and we can expect to see more popping in tomorrow or as the week begins.

Talk to you all tomorrow!!

Have you found that as you diet you have become obsessed with a that you yourself eating all the time because you know how the calorie counts or WW points without thinking about it too much? Do you find yourself preparing your food in the same manner without much variety? Has this led to boredom and ultimately sending you seeking something "bad" to fill a need for a different taste? How do you avoid an obsession and having your food become monotonous?

BONUS: In the honor of St Patrick's Day, what do you do to celebrate? Is it a big part of your community or just another day on the calendar?

I fall back on the same microwave meals and hummus. Luckily I haven't grown tired of it but I assume that is coming. I really enjoy searching for recipes and bag-lunch ideas, and I plan on figuring up a weekly menu to insure variety. It is something we talked about at WW this morning. Things always go better for me when I plan/ am prepared.

I didn't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I stared the day with my weigh-in and meeting (lost 0.2) then was off to school. We had auditions at the school of music all day and our fraternity agreed to work them. I ended up working in some activity by giving a potential student and her mother a tour of the campus. And after a make-up flute lesson I went shopping (my favorite form of celebration!). I bought the BL Cardio Max and the JM 30 Day Shred DVDs. So while it wasn't exactly a day of parades in Savannah or drinking green beer it was still a pretty good day!
I have never made my own hummus, but I would love to try! I just get Sabra. 4 points for a to-go cup.

Congratulations on the amazing show of willpower. I am very sorry to hear of your loved one's passing, but we are all proud of your control. You are in my prayers.
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Saturday March 17 Chef Louis from The Little Mermaid

Les... pois... sons, les poissons / How I love les poissons / Love to *chop* and to serve little fish / First I cut off their heads, then I pull out their bones / Ah, mais oui ça c'est toujours delish / Les poissons, les poissons, Hee-hee-hee, ho-ho-ho! / With the cleaver I *hack* them in two / I pull out what's inside, and I serve it up fried / 'Cause I love little fishes, don't you? / Here's something for tempting the palate / Prepared in the classic technique / First you *pound* the fish flat with the mallet / Then you slash through the skin, give the belly a slice / Then you rub some salt in, 'cause that makes it taste nice!

Chef Louis has an obsession with fish which perhaps is better to obsessed with than chocolate or potato chips/crisps. Have you found that as you diet you have become obsessed with a that you yourself eating all the time because you know how the calorie counts or WW points without thinking about it too much? Do you find yourself preparing your food in the same manner without much variety? Has this led to boredom and ultimately sending you seeking something "bad" to fill a need for a different taste? How do you avoid an obsession and having your food become monotonous?

BONUS: In the honor of St Patrick's Day, what do you do to celebrate? Is it a big part of your community or just another day on the calendar?

The last time I went to the Doctor - he said something very interesting to me. I was asking what diet is best, etc. He told me the best thing to do is see how naturally skinny people eat/live. He pointed out that they don't cut out foods - they stop eating when they are full. He told me I had to retrain that part of me. Eat everything but use some control. So that is what I have been trying to do. I will have pizza - but I make my own and load it up with fresh vegies and just a little cheese

In honor of St. Patrick's Day - I cooked my boiled dinner - grey corned beef - not red, cabbage, potatos, carrots and turnip. I also made a Guinness Stew. Had a few pints, listened to some Irish Pub music on Pandora. Looked at my honeymoon pictures from our visit to Ireland.

Father's side hails from Cork and Mother's side from Galway. Fathers side came to American in 1918, Mother's side 1880.

Favorite Irish Blessing - May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows your dead!!!

Good morning Team Donald!!

:shamrock:HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!:shamrock:

Hopefully everyone has remembered to weigh in and has already sent your weight via PM to dvccruiser76. Loss, gain or maintain it is important and helpful to remain accountable so that you can keep yourself (and others) motivated. Remember No Excuses.

How did you do with Healthy Habits yesterday? Do you have a plan to incorporate them today? Here's a reminder of the 4 habits to try for each day.

Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. .

Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.

Let's make this the best week we can!!!

Well, Friday afternoon the first challenge to my will power reared its ugly head in the form of a phone call from my sister. She had that tone in her voice so I knew that bad news was coming. It turns out that my godfather died very suddenly on Wednesday morning of a heart attack while walking his dog.

So of course first instinct is reach for the food. What can I eat to feel better? Because this is how I have reacted to bad/sad news all my life!

Well I am happy to say that the TEAM DONALD me kicked in and sent me on a walk to clear my head. Rather than gorge on chocolate or something else, I found ways to deal with the news while still staying on track for my healthy goals. I also used his death as a reminder of what can happen to me if I do not lose the weight. He was over weight for most of his life and sadly had only reached 65 years of age. I want to see at least 85 so on the wagon I stay!! I say a prayer and for him and his family and keep on keeping on.

Plans for today include doing the:laundy:. Living in a Swiss apartment has some strange rules when it comes to laundry. I am assigned a block of time to use the laundry room and that is the only time I am "allowed" to wash. So I was assigned Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. This is much better than my last apartment which was 1 block of time every 2 weeks. OUCH.

After noon when my laundry time is complete, I will go to the gym for a workout and steam....ahhhhhh! That's my me time!

I need to fix my breakfast and then I will be back to reply to the posts that came in after I went to bed last night!


Sorry to hear about your Godfather. I am happy to hear that Team Donald helped you along. I thought of everyone as I was gasping my way up hills today with DH.

I would have a hard time with you laundry routine. Do you have any "launderettes" in town??

We are heading into some warm weather in the Boston area - should be in the 70's all week. Have a great Sunday everyone.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?
I fall back on the same microwave meals and hummus. Luckily I haven't grown tired of it but I assume that is coming. I really enjoy searching for recipes and bag-lunch ideas, and I plan on figuring up a weekly menu to insure variety. It is something we talked about at WW this morning. Things always go better for me when I plan/ am prepared.

Well done. Taking the time to plan can really help to eliminate the over repetition of the same thing.

I didn't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I stared the day with my weigh-in and meeting (lost 0.2) then was off to school. We had auditions at the school of music all day and our fraternity agreed to work them. I ended up working in some activity by giving a potential student and her mother a tour of the campus. And after a make-up flute lesson I went shopping (my favorite form of celebration!). I bought the BL Cardio Max and the JM 30 Day Shred DVDs. So while it wasn't exactly a day of parades in Savannah or drinking green beer it was still a pretty good day!

Well done on your loss. Every downward movement is worth a celebration! And it looks like you are adding the exercise into your routine now too. :thumbsup2

I have never made my own hummus, but I would love to try! I just get Sabra. 4 points for a to-go cup.

Congratulations on the amazing show of willpower. I am very sorry to hear of your loved one's passing, but we are all proud of your control. You are in my prayers.

Thank you very much. Each day it gets easier....and all the support here is just what I need.

The last time I went to the Doctor - he said something very interesting to me. I was asking what diet is best, etc. He told me the best thing to do is see how naturally skinny people eat/live. He pointed out that they don't cut out foods - they stop eating when they are full. He told me I had to retrain that part of me. Eat everything but use some control. So that is what I have been trying to do. I will have pizza - but I make my own and load it up with fresh vegies and just a little cheese

That's great advice. Each of needs to ensure that we are following what we need making sure it is sensible and balanced. Well done!

In honor of St. Patrick's Day - I cooked my boiled dinner - grey corned beef - not red, cabbage, potatos, carrots and turnip. I also made a Guinness Stew. Had a few pints, listened to some Irish Pub music on Pandora. Looked at my honeymoon pictures from our visit to Ireland.

Father's side hails from Cork and Mother's side from Galway. Fathers side came to American in 1918, Mother's side 1880.

Favorite Irish Blessing - May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows your dead!!!

Sorry to hear about your Godfather. I am happy to hear that Team Donald helped you along. I thought of everyone as I was gasping my way up hills today with DH.
Thank you. I think that someone up above led me to be coach this week so that I would have the accountability to get back to the DIS during this troubling time.

I would have a hard time with you laundry routine. Do you have any "launderettes" in town??

There are only 3 in the whole city. And the cost is about $7 to wash and $4 to dry. Whereas at the apartment it is about $1 for each cycle. At my old apartment I did go to the launderette on occasion. Now I am much happier since I have 2 days per week instead of 1 day per 2 weeks.

We are heading into some warm weather in the Boston area - should be in the 70's all week. Have a great Sunday everyone.



Good Morning team. Hope you have an enjoyable Sunday.

For my Healthy Habit #4 today, I chose to have a lie in (slept in) for an extra hour than I normally do. I then jumped on here to be sure to get the QOTD on before the rest of you were getting up and going.

Plans for my day include a visit to the gym and then finding a spot to really be in the moment for the Mini Challenge.

I will be sure to check in here periodically too to see how the team is doing.

As for my QOTD answer.......I think I have mentioned this before, but like Georges, no more elevators for me. I also am trying to walk home from work at least part of the way each afternoon since the weather has improved. Rather than stand around and wait 10 minutes for a bus, I just start walking and get the bus farther along the route.

Have a great day!!!

Good Sunday morning everyone.

One more show for Annie Get Your Gun. Last night had a good audience but was very light. We think it was because of St. Patrick's Day.

I spent some of the yesterday getting some costumes together for the school's 50. We were able to fit all the women with only a few alterations needed. We do have to make some fancy hats this week but some ribbons, flowers and a glue gun and it should take no more than an hour.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?

The last couple of months I have been trying to get more steps in by walking to the office more than once a day. Yesterday I parked the car on one end of the mall and walked to the other end to get to the hair cut place. Also when I was working on the show I volunteered to be the runner from the front of the building to the dressing rooms towards the back of the building.

Last month I did average over 10,000 step per day. So far this month I have 220,000 steps for the first 17 days.

Nothing much here. I have to go to church, grocery shop and then go to help out the show again. After the show we have to sort the costumes since some have to go back to a rental place.

Have a happy and healthy day.
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?
I got a dog! And I try to be a good doggy mama, so on work days we walk every morning 40-45 min since she will be in the crate during the day, and we do it again at night. On weekends we are out a lot with her to exercise her and us. Ds will take her for short walks alone on weekends, but for the long walks we go together. I am loving this beautiful weather. I work on the 1st floor of the hospital, but if I need to go to another floor, I never take the elevator unless I have a patient with me. If I'm not in a rush, I will park further from the mall or grocery store, but often that is not the case.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Saturday March 17 Chef Louis from The Little Mermaid

Les... pois... sons, les poissons / How I love les poissons / Love to *chop* and to serve little fish / First I cut off their heads, then I pull out their bones / Ah, mais oui ça c'est toujours delish / Les poissons, les poissons, Hee-hee-hee, ho-ho-ho! / With the cleaver I *hack* them in two / I pull out what's inside, and I serve it up fried / 'Cause I love little fishes, don't you? / Here's something for tempting the palate / Prepared in the classic technique / First you *pound* the fish flat with the mallet / Then you slash through the skin, give the belly a slice / Then you rub some salt in, 'cause that makes it taste nice!

Chef Louis has an obsession with fish which perhaps is better to obsessed with than chocolate or potato chips/crisps. Have you found that as you diet you have become obsessed with a food or recipe that you yourself eating all the time because you know how the calorie counts or WW points without thinking about it too much? Do you find yourself preparing your food in the same manner without much variety? Has this led to boredom and ultimately sending you seeking something "bad" to fill a need for a different taste? How do you avoid an obsession and having your food become monotonous?

BONUS: In the honor of St Patrick's Day, what do you do to celebrate? Is it a big part of your community or just another day on the calendar?
I do tend to cook the same foods, chicken or steak on the grill, with roasted vegies and grilled potatoes. I love roasted vegies, and do mix them up sometimes, but basicly brocolli/cauliflower, zuchini are my faves that I always fall back on. I do look at price, and cauliflower has been 2 heads for 3 dollars, so I've had that a lot lately. Brussels sprouts are another favorite. When I get organized and plan, I don't get bored but if I don't have the plan, I can come home from work, look in the fridge, and not want to cook anything. I love to cook a lot so I have leftover for at least another night.
St patricks day before i had ds I lived within walking distance of many, many bars, and we'd walk to one irish bar, party all evening, and stumble home. I can't imagine doing that anymore. Yesterday I put green food coloring in some muffins I made, and we got shamrock shakes in the evening as our celebration. I was thinking of going to the parade in Boston today, but don't think I'm going to. I want to get out and do some yard work and clean up the porches so when I sit on my porch for coffee this week, I'm not looking at all the dirt. :rotfl2:

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Friday March 16 Thumper from Bambi

"Eating greens is a special treat, It makes long ears and great big feet. But it sure is awful stuff to eat." I made that last part up myself.

How have you increased your "greens" since starting the challenge? (for us lets consider "greens" to be Vegetables and fruit in general) Have you got the same opinion as Thumper regarding greens being awful? Do you tolerate them, embrace them, continue to avoid them? Do you notice a difference in your success in a week if you conciously incorporate more "greens"?
I do love vegies, and like some others have said love salads that I don't have to make. I also buy prewashed lettuce/spring mix when I'm doing salads, and basic vegies, tomatoes, cukes, celery, but will add fruit, apples or strawberries, cheese or avocado to mix it up a bit. I do love nuts but ds has allergies, so I don't buy them usually.

Healthy Habits Week 12: We're Going Deluxe![/COLOR]

This we are going resort hopping at the Deluxe Resorts.

For all 7 days:

1. The Contemporary: It is a monarail resort and home to Chef Mickey, The Wave, Contempo Cafe, and California Grill. Best of all? After you indulge in the wonderful food offered here, there is a walking path back to the Magic Kingdom. Exercise each day. The length of time is your decision.

2. The Polynesian: I don't drink alcohol, but I'm guessing you should follow a Lapu Lapu with at least as much water! Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day. In the spirit of Kona coffee, you can count up to 16 oz. of coffee or tea toward your water total this week.

3. The Beach Club and the Yacht Club: I would absolutely love to live in one of these resorts! Why? Stormalong Bay! I could spend hours just looking at it. I can only imgine the calorie burn I'd get from swimming in it. Well, since I don't have a water park in my back yard, I better stick to counting calories. Each day, journal/record what you ate and its portion size as well as one nutriona aspect of it.

4. The Grand Floridian: Wouldn't it be wonderful to dine at Victoria & Albert's or to have High Tea? I would love to meet the Mad Hatter and the Wicked Stepsisters! Why? It's fun! Each day, do something for you. It can be fun, relaxing, short, long, etc., but it has to be something you chose to do.


1. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge: Can you say theming? If it wasn't 90+ degrees and so humid, I could have fallen asleep under the beautiful trees at the Wilderness Lodge and been in vacation heaven. Experience your surroundings. It does not have to be with nature, but you have to be present. Yoga and medititation are great choices.

2. The Boardwalk: I don't know much about this resort, other than that it is on Disney's Boardwalk. However, I do know that as with most general boardwalks, there are shopping opportunities. But, we are going Deluxe and have already spent our budget on our resort room. Alas! There is a solution! The PIN! Use at least 1 coupon this week when you do your grocery shopping.

When you submit your points for the week, include how much you saved using coupons on groceries only. This week, there will be 2 prize winners: 1 from the team with the most participants and 1 from the team who saves the most money!

Please feel free to ask any questions! Have a great week!
I love this CC. Thank you so much for all you do for the hh challenge. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and things are going ok with your med changes.:hug: Thanks for the good wishes for michael. He really is such a trooper. And I need to remind myself of that when I want to kill him sometimes.:rotfl:

Mary•Poppins;44336917 said:
On this note, my brother-in-law was just diagnosed with colon/lung cancer. He has 5 children and is only 48. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. .... and please my Donald friends, if you aren't feeling well, please see your doctor. Don't put that visit off ..... take the time to take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with your family and your bil. It is so devastating and difficult on the whole family. He is young, and has that on his side to fight these awful illnesses. :hug:

Good morning everyone!!

I've missed you all, and said that I would take my 45 min while ds is at ccd to really catch up here.
The other qotd I wanted to answer was Pamela's qotd on 5 reasons to lose weight.
1) to feel and be healthier
2)to set a good example for ds
3)to prevent obesity related illness as I age. I saw my mom go through so much, and so much was lifestyle related.
4)To be active with less aches and pains.
5) to not be a burden on ds as I age. - funny we were talking about our family heritage, and I had 2 great aunts that lived to be over 100, and ds says, I hope you can live to be that old too. sweet.

Christopher-So sorry to hear about your godfather. :hug: You should be proud of how well you are handling it, and not using food to comfort yourself.
And did I see you've done the disney marathon???? How many, do you still run or are you planning to do anymore? Several BL gals are planning on the 2013 half or full. It's a great goal to have.

Karen-Looking like coffee on the porch all week ahead!!!:cool1:

Pamela-I did get my new furniture yesterday and it was from Jordans. It is amazing how many couches they have for less than $400. I'm very happy with it. It looks nice, and the dog is adjusting. Though she and michael were sitting on the old couch on the curb yesterday afternoon. Having a hard time saying goodbye.:rotfl2:

A belate Happy St Patricks day to everyone!! :shamrock:

Especially to LuvpoohandCompany, our resident Irish lassie!! I loved when you posted about good craic. I never knew that's how you spelled it. Ireland is such a beautiful country. My dad's family were from Cork, and my first trip was with my mom and sister for my 2nd cousins wedding in Cork city. It was such an amazing time, and so fun to see the farm where my grandfather was born and meet all our cousins. My other trip was for my best friends wedding in Ballyshannon,Donegal. You Irish know how to celebrate!! Lots of good memories. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

Dona-Wow, you're taking a lot of steps!! That is awesome!!!

Janis-Guinness stew sounds good. I was at Jordans furniture, and got a frozen yogurt, but Richardson's has a guinness flavored ice cream, made with real guinness. I tasted a sample, and it wasn't bad, but I don't really care for guinnes. It's a little heavy for me.

Thank you Christopher for coaching this week Such fun questions you've though of!!:flower3:

Off to pick up ds at ccd. Have a wonderful sunday everyone!!!
QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?

Well, I go to university so I'm usually walking around campus every 50 minutes. All of my classes are on the first floor except one which is on the 3rd floor. I always take the stairs and it's actually gotten a lot easier since the beginning of the semester. Lately I've been trying to do as many jumping jacks throughout the day as I feel like. I read that doing 7000 burns an extra pound, so I figured I could do 7000 in a week. Yeah....right. :rotfl2:

I only get in about 400 a day, but that is a whole lot when you actually do them. I would really love to get a standing desk for my computer. I'm planning on getting a stationary bike that I can use while watching my tv shows.

I beat the stuffing out of myself last night. Did around 400 jumping jacks throughout the morning, went to play tennis in the afternoon then came home and did Jillian Michael's 30DS. Then I was challenged to do another workout on the Wii active and I love a good challenge. Well...:scared1: It's official, I actually cried during the last exercise on the wii. It was leg lifts and my arms were sweating so bad I kept sliding on the floor and couldn't keep my legs up anymore. I felt like a contestant on the biggest loser. I felt angry, hilarious, and happy all at the same time so it was kind of strange.

But! I'm feeling great today, my friend is coming over to workout and I'm subjecting her to 30DS or a run. She will probably kill me. Definitely looking forward to my rest day tomorrow, but I'll still get some walking in.

6 more days and then it's only 2 months until Disney!! :woohoo:
Hope you all have a fantastic day! :banana:
Hiya Karen-how cool that your family are originally from here (well a wee bit further south than me but still same land mass right;)). Glad to hear you are keeping tradition alive with your celebrations:thumbsup2
We got up this morning and my 5yr noticed the frost on the ground and said "thats to keep away the smell of boiled cabbage":rotfl:
Its a line from a story we read that Jack Frost comes out to protect humans from Goblins and the smell of cabbage but it was so appropriate today given the dinner cooking in alot of houses tonight (not mine though-I dont like cabbage):rotfl2:
Hope you have a great day:)
That is tooo cute! I love how kids just pick up certain nephew does ti all the time and I have to figure out where it came from!

Speaking of tradition, my mom called this morning and they just booked another trip to Ireland in the fall for the family reunion (Cavanaugh Clan) in Ferns. I'm just hoping that they want to take me with them :)

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?
Today I will not sit down unless it is absolutely necessary...driving would be one of those times...oh, and finishing this post! I usually choose to park farther away from the mall and such to get those extra steps in!

Good Sunday morning everyone.

One more show for Annie Get Your Gun. Last night had a good audience but was very light. We think it was because of St. Patrick's Day.

I spent some of the yesterday getting some costumes together for the school's 50. We were able to fit all the women with only a few alterations needed. We do have to make some fancy hats this week but some ribbons, flowers and a glue gun and it should take no more than an hour.

The last couple of months I have been trying to get more steps in by walking to the office more than once a day. Yesterday I parked the car on one end of the mall and walked to the other end to get to the hair cut place. Also when I was working on the show I volunteered to be the runner from the front of the building to the dressing rooms towards the back of the building.

Last month I did average over 10,000 step per day. So far this month I have 220,000 steps for the first 17 days.

Nothing much here. I have to go to church, grocery shop and then go to help out the show again. After the show we have to sort the costumes since some have to go back to a rental place.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Keep on stepping Dona!!!
So glad the play was a success :)

I got a dog! And I try to be a good doggy mama, so on work days we walk every morning 40-45 min since she will be in the crate during the day, and we do it again at night. On weekends we are out a lot with her to exercise her and us. Ds will take her for short walks alone on weekends, but for the long walks we go together. I am loving this beautiful weather. I work on the 1st floor of the hospital, but if I need to go to another floor, I never take the elevator unless I have a patient with me. If I'm not in a rush, I will park further from the mall or grocery store, but often that is not the case.

I do tend to cook the same foods, chicken or steak on the grill, with roasted vegies and grilled potatoes. I love roasted vegies, and do mix them up sometimes, but basicly brocolli/cauliflower, zuchini are my faves that I always fall back on. I do look at price, and cauliflower has been 2 heads for 3 dollars, so I've had that a lot lately. Brussels sprouts are another favorite. When I get organized and plan, I don't get bored but if I don't have the plan, I can come home from work, look in the fridge, and not want to cook anything. I love to cook a lot so I have leftover for at least another night.
St patricks day before i had ds I lived within walking distance of many, many bars, and we'd walk to one irish bar, party all evening, and stumble home. I can't imagine doing that anymore. Yesterday I put green food coloring in some muffins I made, and we got shamrock shakes in the evening as our celebration. I was thinking of going to the parade in Boston today, but don't think I'm going to. I want to get out and do some yard work and clean up the porches so when I sit on my porch for coffee this week, I'm not looking at all the dirt. :rotfl2:

I do love vegies, and like some others have said love salads that I don't have to make. I also buy prewashed lettuce/spring mix when I'm doing salads, and basic vegies, tomatoes, cukes, celery, but will add fruit, apples or strawberries, cheese or avocado to mix it up a bit. I do love nuts but ds has allergies, so I don't buy them usually.

I love this CC. Thank you so much for all you do for the hh challenge. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and things are going ok with your med changes.:hug: Thanks for the good wishes for michael. He really is such a trooper. And I need to remind myself of that when I want to kill him sometimes.:rotfl:

I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with your family and your bil. It is so devastating and difficult on the whole family. He is young, and has that on his side to fight these awful illnesses. :hug:

Good morning everyone!!

I've missed you all, and said that I would take my 45 min while ds is at ccd to really catch up here.
The other qotd I wanted to answer was Pamela's qotd on 5 reasons to lose weight.
1) to feel and be healthier
2)to set a good example for ds
3)to prevent obesity related illness as I age. I saw my mom go through so much, and so much was lifestyle related.
4)To be active with less aches and pains.
5) to not be a burden on ds as I age. - funny we were talking about our family heritage, and I had 2 great aunts that lived to be over 100, and ds says, I hope you can live to be that old too. sweet.

Christopher-So sorry to hear about your godfather. :hug: You should be proud of how well you are handling it, and not using food to comfort yourself.
And did I see you've done the disney marathon???? How many, do you still run or are you planning to do anymore? Several BL gals are planning on the 2013 half or full. It's a great goal to have.

Karen-Looking like coffee on the porch all week ahead!!!:cool1:

Pamela-I did get my new furniture yesterday and it was from Jordans. It is amazing how many couches they have for less than $400. I'm very happy with it. It looks nice, and the dog is adjusting. Though she and michael were sitting on the old couch on the curb yesterday afternoon. Having a hard time saying goodbye.:rotfl2:

A belate Happy St Patricks day to everyone!! :shamrock:

Especially to LuvpoohandCompany, our resident Irish lassie!! I loved when you posted about good craic. I never knew that's how you spelled it. Ireland is such a beautiful country. My dad's family were from Cork, and my first trip was with my mom and sister for my 2nd cousins wedding in Cork city. It was such an amazing time, and so fun to see the farm where my grandfather was born and meet all our cousins. My other trip was for my best friends wedding in Ballyshannon,Donegal. You Irish know how to celebrate!! Lots of good memories. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

Dona-Wow, you're taking a lot of steps!! That is awesome!!!

Janis-Guinness stew sounds good. I was at Jordans furniture, and got a frozen yogurt, but Richardson's has a guinness flavored ice cream, made with real guinness. I tasted a sample, and it wasn't bad, but I don't really care for guinnes. It's a little heavy for me.

Thank you Christopher for coaching this week Such fun questions you've though of!!:flower3:

Off to pick up ds at ccd. Have a wonderful sunday everyone!!!

We missed you too Kathy! Oh, you bet I am on the deck every morning this week!!! Everything is swept and the chair are set up. I put the wind chime up yesterday and cleaned off the electric grill! Today I will put up the solar lights and start to plan my window box plantings...and maybe start my herbs! Can't wait for spring!!! I will think of you as I take the first sip!

Happy Sunday! I already have the corned beef in the crock pot with Guinness, have begun the car bomb cupcakes and have laundry well on my way. My dad is coming over to install my bedroom ceiling fan and knobs on my kitchen cabinets. I feel so productive already!

I have been a really bad eater and exerciser this week...maybe vacation mode is too much for me. This week I am still off so I am determined to get to the gym in the morning and then go through my usual day I'm at work....

Off to do more laundry!!!
QOTD Saturday March 17 Chef Louis from The Little Mermaid

Chef Louis has an obsession with fish which perhaps is better to obsessed with than chocolate or potato chips/crisps. Have you found that as you diet you have become obsessed with a food or recipe that you yourself eating all the time because you know how the calorie counts or WW points without thinking about it too much? Do you find yourself preparing your food in the same manner without much variety? Has this led to boredom and ultimately sending you seeking something "bad" to fill a need for a different taste? How do you avoid an obsession and having your food become monotonous?

BONUS: In the honor of St Patrick's Day, what do you do to celebrate? Is it a big part of your community or just another day on the calendar?

A lot of the snacks I eat are repetitive. I count calories on MFP, so I know the calories in Dannon Light & Fit yogurts, string cheese, and fruit. I just mentioned to DH how I love to try new recipes, but I feel like I am in a rut and we eat the sames things a lot. Most of the time, it's because DSs will eat it. They will try new foods, but when they don't like something, I have to make them something else. I really don't want to make 2 meals and since they are 8 & 5, I have to fix them something. If they got their own food, they would eat cereal all the time lol.

We acually do not do anything for St. Patrick's Day. BC (before children), I would go out and drink my green beer, but I'm to old for that now lol. We actually had a busy day, so we just did what we had planned.

Bonus. We do celebrate St Paddys day, surprised right lol
We will be wearing our green and sporting our shamrock as we head out today. Its beautiful here today. The sun is shining and the frost is melting so it should heat up a little for later. Theres a parade in the city centre today and fireworks and music tonight but my youngest was sent home from school on thursday feeling unwell so I dont think we will make it this year :( We will go visit my mum instead because Granny is baking treats for the kids today and apple tart for us which is 8pts ww per slice!! I have budgeted for 1 slice and will skip the cream! Yum [/COLOR]

An apple tart sounds delish! How you enjoyed it!

We used to have a farmer's market on the weekend in our town, but it's become so small that it's basically nonexistant anymore! Pretty sad, especially living in the midwest you'd figure there would be a lot of people, but I guess they just don't want to spend the time going out. :(

Our university is hosting a 5k this month. Debating on whether to sign up. I want to, but I can't convince anyone to go with me and considering it would be the real first "race" I don't want to go alone. -Sigh- I suppose I'll probably just end up going solo. I mean, who wants to pass up a 5k when they can do it? One of my new year's resolutions was to run a 5k this year and I'm already signed up for a half marathon! :lmao:

We actually have a pretty good farmer's market, but it doesn't start until July. It goes until October, which is great, but I wish it was longer. I am going to try to find a produce co-op type thing where you pay a set price at the beginning of summer and each week you get certain things (and it's a pretty good variety). The only problem is the closest pick up for us is about a 20-25 minute drive and we will be on vacation a couple weeks this summer, so I don't know if I can find anyone to go pick up the produce so it doesn't go to waste.

You should totally do the 5k. They are a lot of fun and you'll want to do even more! If no one wants to do it with you, still do it. I actually found that I'd rather be by myself so I can go at my own pace instead of possibly going slower to be with a friend (or my sister).

Someone was talking about "Newsies" the other day.

It opened last fall as a musical at a theater here in jersey and last week it opened on Broadway.

Ds2 saw it in the fall with a friend and loved it. Tomorrow he is taking his gf to see the Broadway version. It should be interesting to see if they changed it anyway.

How was the Broadway show?

:thanks: to all my TEAM DONALD friends for the congratulations on finally reaching ONE-derland after 20 years! :flower3:

I did the work but I would not have been successful after all this time without the help and support of my WISH teammates so I thank you from the bottom of my heart! :love:

This is so exciting! Congrats again!

Sounds like a packed weekend for you! Karate party sounds pretty interesting! I'm cleaning the kitchen cabinets today too...yes, I hate throwing things out...such a waste...I need to do a better job at looking in the fridge before starting a meal from scratch.

If I lived closer I would at least do the bathroom for you!!

I need to check out the pantry, fridge, and freezers before grocery shopping, too. I ended up tackling the bathroom, but I told DH I wish I could afford a maid for every other week. He said, "keep dreaming." Maybe I can bribe him somehow lol.

Hiya Karen-how cool that your family are originally from here (well a wee bit further south than me but still same land mass right;)). Glad to hear you are keeping tradition alive with your celebrations:thumbsup2
We got up this morning and my 5yr noticed the frost on the ground and said "thats to keep away the smell of boiled cabbage":rotfl:
Its a line from a story we read that Jack Frost comes out to protect humans from Goblins and the smell of cabbage but it was so appropriate today given the dinner cooking in alot of houses tonight (not mine though-I dont like cabbage):rotfl2:
Hope you have a great day:)

That is too cute! I'm telling you, 5 year olds say the funniest things. Mine just told DH to never point your finger up because that means you're swearing to God. But, you can point your finger down because a Minotaur lives down there and he makes poisonous soup. :rotfl2: I have no idea where he got that from!

I didn't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I stared the day with my weigh-in and meeting (lost 0.2) then was off to school. We had auditions at the school of music all day and our fraternity agreed to work them. I ended up working in some activity by giving a potential student and her mother a tour of the campus. And after a make-up flute lesson I went shopping (my favorite form of celebration!). I bought the BL Cardio Max and the JM 30 Day Shred DVDs. So while it wasn't exactly a day of parades in Savannah or drinking green beer it was still a pretty good day!

Sounds like you had a fun day!

Favorite Irish Blessing - May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows your dead!!!

We are heading into some warm weather in the Boston area - should be in the 70's all week. Have a great Sunday everyone.


Great blessing! Enjoy the weather. We are in PA!

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?

I always park at the ends of parking lots and walk to the stores. I also walk to anything that is close to my house (stores, school). I wish I could walk/bike to work, but it's a couple miles and being a teacher, I take a lot with me (purse, lunch cooler, books, papers, gradebook, it just depends). Some days I walk during my lunch break. In the summer, I get a lot more extra steps since I'm not stuck at work all day.

Well, I go to university so I'm usually walking around campus every 50 minutes. All of my classes are on the first floor except one which is on the 3rd floor. I always take the stairs and it's actually gotten a lot easier since the beginning of the semester. Lately I've been trying to do as many jumping jacks throughout the day as I feel like. I read that doing 7000 burns an extra pound, so I figured I could do 7000 in a week. Yeah....right. :rotfl2:

I only get in about 400 a day, but that is a whole lot when you actually do them. I would really love to get a standing desk for my computer. I'm planning on getting a stationary bike that I can use while watching my tv shows.

I beat the stuffing out of myself last night. Did around 400 jumping jacks throughout the morning, went to play tennis in the afternoon then came home and did Jillian Michael's 30DS. Then I was challenged to do another workout on the Wii active and I love a good challenge. Well...:scared1: It's official, I actually cried during the last exercise on the wii. It was leg lifts and my arms were sweating so bad I kept sliding on the floor and couldn't keep my legs up anymore. I felt like a contestant on the biggest loser. I felt angry, hilarious, and happy all at the same time so it was kind of strange.

But! I'm feeling great today, my friend is coming over to workout and I'm subjecting her to 30DS or a run. She will probably kill me. Definitely looking forward to my rest day tomorrow, but I'll still get some walking in.

6 more days and then it's only 2 months until Disney!! :woohoo:
Hope you all have a fantastic day! :banana:

Glad you're feeling great today, but don't overdo your workouts! You don't want to get an injury or exhaust yourself! Good luck on all those jumping jacks. I hate them!

Happy Sunday! I already have the corned beef in the crock pot with Guinness, have begun the car bomb cupcakes and have laundry well on my way. My dad is coming over to install my bedroom ceiling fan and knobs on my kitchen cabinets. I feel so productive already!

I have been a really bad eater and exerciser this week...maybe vacation mode is too much for me. This week I am still off so I am determined to get to the gym in the morning and then go through my usual day I'm at work....

Off to do more laundry!!!

Probably a stupid question, but what exactly are car bomb cupcakes?
Enjoy your week off!


I lost a couple quotes.

Christopher~I'm very sorry about your godfather. I'm glad you had the strength to avoid the chocolate and walk instead.

Mary Poppins~I'm sorry to hear about your family member (I'm sorry I can't remember now). I hope everything turns out ok.


Well, I realized that Karate is not for my children lol. The party was a ton of fun, but DS8 is just not an athletic child. DS5 is left handed so everything was backward for him (since the teacher geared everything for right handers). They enjoyed it, though.

I got almost everything done I wanted to this weekend. I'm hoping the rest gets done as the week goes on.

It's so hard to get on the computer when it's so beautiful outside. So, if I don't have time while at work (during my lunch break), I probably won't be on until later at night. I'm hoping this weather stays around and we have no more cold weather days. I can't wait to get out and mulch. I am thinking of using a company like TruGreen for my backyard (it's fenced in and we spend all our time out there). I hate to use chemicals, but DH and I have tried on our own and it's not working. I need to get rid of weeds and grubs and need a hardy grass since the dog tears up our yard. Maybe I'll call around this week and try to find a more environmentally friendly company.

Well, I am off to pack the boys lunches and finally have some time for myself.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?

With all the great weather we have been having - I have been going to a local forest to walk. The road is paved, and it has hills, gasping for breath hills - or there are hiking trails also - but this time of year too much mud. I do take the stairs at work - until my knees start to bother me. I go to the farthest bathroom at work - my building is 1/4 mile long. Dh walked in on me while I was vacuming the other day. I was kind of dancing and vacuming fast - he told me I was going to throw my back out or break a hip. LOL

I got a dog! And I try to be a good doggy mama, so on work days we walk every morning 40-45 min since she will be in the crate during the day, and we do it again at night. On weekends we are out a lot with her to exercise her and us. Ds will take her for short walks alone on weekends, but for the long walks we go together. I am loving this beautiful weather. I work on the 1st floor of the hospital, but if I need to go to another floor, I never take the elevator unless I have a patient with me. If I'm not in a rush, I will park further from the mall or grocery store, but often that is not the case.

Pamela-I did get my new furniture yesterday and it was from Jordans. It is amazing how many couches they have for less than $400. I'm very happy with it. It looks nice, and the dog is adjusting. Though she and michael were sitting on the old couch on the curb yesterday afternoon. Having a hard time saying goodbye.:rotfl2:

Janis-Guinness stew sounds good. I was at Jordans furniture, and got a frozen yogurt, but Richardson's has a guinness flavored ice cream, made with real guinness. I tasted a sample, and it wasn't bad, but I don't really care for guinnes. It's a little heavy for me.

The origianl Guinness stew recipe I had from Cooking Light called for Guinness draught. Not the Stout - but I noticed they have another recipe on there that calls for Stout. I had never eaten a parsnip before I had that stew. I really like them.

Check your dog for ticks - we pulled 6 off of Patches yesterday and 2 today. They weren't attached - just walking around. We do use Frontline Plus, so I was surprised to see so many. Just a heads up. Check yourselves too.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?
The last time I went to the Doctor - he said something very interesting to me. I was asking what diet is best, etc. He told me the best thing to do is see how naturally skinny people eat/live. He pointed out that they don't cut out foods - they stop eating when they are full. He told me I had to retrain that part of me. Eat everything but use some control. So that is what I have been trying to do. I will have pizza - but I make my own and load it up with fresh vegies and just a little cheese

Sounds like we are both following the same ideas. I like that it allows me to see this as a way of life rather than a way to lose weight and then risk putting it all back on when I "eat normally" again:)

In honor of St. Patrick's Day - I cooked my boiled dinner - grey corned beef - not red, cabbage, potatos, carrots and turnip. I also made a Guinness Stew. Had a few pints, listened to some Irish Pub music on Pandora. Looked at my honeymoon pictures from our visit to Ireland.

Father's side hails from Cork and Mother's side from Galway. Fathers side came to American in 1918, Mother's side 1880.

Favorite Irish Blessing - May you be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows your dead!!!

Love this blessing too! I had actually forgotten it until you reminded me:)

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?
I no longer take elevaters or escalators and try to park a wee bit further from the shops. Now that spring is here I'm hoping to walk to school to pick up my son at the end of the day so we both walk home:thumbsup2 Spent some time tidying my garden on Sunday and my mum and I are going to tackle her (much bigger) vegetable garden so we can grow our own veg:cool1: I've commited to wed and sat mornings so that shouls give me a good workout;)

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?

I always have a bowl of fruit on the table and almonds and pistachios to hand when I want to munch. I have also discovered the joy of piri piri hoummous and mini bread sticks but I'm thinking I should change the breadsticks to raw veg to be even healthier. I have also become aware that "low fat" isnt always better as it can simply be loaded with sugar so I'm becoming more label savvy and checking out he ingredient list before I buy (rather than after I've eaten which used to be the case:rotfl2:).
With all the great weather we have been having - I have been going to a local forest to walk. The road is paved, and it has hills, gasping for breath hills - or there are hiking trails also - but this time of year too much mud. I do take the stairs at work - until my knees start to bother me. I go to the farthest bathroom at work - my building is 1/4 mile long. Dh walked in on me while I was vacuming the other day. I was kind of dancing and vacuming fast - he told me I was going to throw my back out or break a hip. LOL

That's pretty funny. Explain that one to the ER doctor lol. "Well doc, I was vacuuming and broke my hip." :lmao:

The origianl Guinness stew recipe I had from Cooking Light called for Guinness draught. Not the Stout - but I noticed they have another recipe on there that calls for Stout. I had never eaten a parsnip before I had that stew. I really like them.

Check your dog for ticks - we pulled 6 off of Patches yesterday and 2 today. They weren't attached - just walking around. We do use Frontline Plus, so I was surprised to see so many. Just a heads up. Check yourselves too.


Holy moly that's a lot of ticks. We've never had a tick on any of our pets, but we do check especially if we are camping or walking in the woods.

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?

I guess it depends on what I'm hungry for. I always have a trail mix for a sweet n salty urge, and string cheese or yogurt for a needed energy boost. Oh, and I've have been known to pop a Hershey kiss with almonds every once in awhile for a chocolate craving. I try to eat smaller meals. So I aim for 300 calories per meal. I fit in a snack in between.


Yay I made it on! Now, I better get ready for the week. Back to the same old routine. PSSA testing is over for us, so I have to get back in those books!

BBL to check in!

Thank you for the suggestion! I guess I just assumed it wouldn't taste much different but I roasted some carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower for lunch today and it was absolutely delicious! Way better than the way I fix it, and I didn't need any kind of sauce. Guess I have a new routine! :goodvibes

Glad to hear that you tried something new and enjoyed it!

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Sunday March 18 Georges Hautecourt from The Aristocats

Georges Hautecourt: Come on, Edgar. Last one upstairs is a nincompoop.
Edgar: Could we take the elevator this time, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: That birdcage? Poppycock! Elevators are for old people. Whoops!
[Hautecourt almost falls back, Edgar catches him]
Edgar: May I give you a hand, sir?
Georges Hautecourt: You wouldn't have an extra foot, would you, Edgar?

Even Georges in his old age makes the effort to take the extra steps getting from place to place. He must realize that even the smallest addition of exercise is helpful. What have you done if anything to change your habits to get those extra steps into your daily routine? If nothing, what can you identify that would be a simple addition that would increase your daily exercise?

First of all, let me say, this is a GREAT one! I tend to forget about this movie pretty easily. That said, we do have a favorite line from the movie that gets quoted a lot in our house......"She's not a lady.... she's nothin' but a SISTER!"

Before I restarted this journey in 2008, my exercise routine was pretty much.... NOTHING! My treadmill had been a dust collector for a few years (although I had been using it fairly routinely when I originally bought it in about 2003-ish). But I had never done ANYTHING for exercise other than walking. So adding hills, weights, exercise DVDs (WATP, BL, JM) and RUNNING has been the biggest change. Do I love it? NO Do I like it? NO.... but I like the results, so I keep at it.

The last couple of months I have been trying to get more steps in by walking to the office more than once a day. Yesterday I parked the car on one end of the mall and walked to the other end to get to the hair cut place. Also when I was working on the show I volunteered to be the runner from the front of the building to the dressing rooms towards the back of the building.

Last month I did average over 10,000 step per day. So far this month I have 220,000 steps for the first 17 days.

Nothing much here. I have to go to church, grocery shop and then go to help out the show again. After the show we have to sort the costumes since some have to go back to a rental place.

Have a happy and healthy day.

That's an amazing number of steps!

DD and I attended her school musical (Footloose) on Sat. evening and I found myself scrutinizing the costumes, wondering who our "Dona" is here.

I got a dog! And I try to be a good doggy mama, so on work days we walk every morning 40-45 min since she will be in the crate during the day, and we do it again at night. On weekends we are out a lot with her to exercise her and us. Ds will take her for short walks alone on weekends, but for the long walks we go together. I am loving this beautiful weather. I work on the 1st floor of the hospital, but if I need to go to another floor, I never take the elevator unless I have a patient with me. If I'm not in a rush, I will park further from the mall or grocery store, but often that is not the case.

Poko has earned her future way into doggie heaven already because she is making you healthier!

I do tend to cook the same foods, chicken or steak on the grill, with roasted vegies and grilled potatoes. I love roasted vegies, and do mix them up sometimes, but basicly brocolli/cauliflower, zuchini are my faves that I always fall back on. I do look at price, and cauliflower has been 2 heads for 3 dollars, so I've had that a lot lately. Brussels sprouts are another favorite. When I get organized and plan, I don't get bored but if I don't have the plan, I can come home from work, look in the fridge, and not want to cook anything. I love to cook a lot so I have leftover for at least another night.

Around here we don't call them leftovers.... I call them "planned-overs"! Sounds more appealing!

I do love vegies, and like some others have said love salads that I don't have to make. I also buy prewashed lettuce/spring mix when I'm doing salads, and basic vegies, tomatoes, cukes, celery, but will add fruit, apples or strawberries, cheese or avocado to mix it up a bit. I do love nuts but ds has allergies, so I don't buy them usually.

I went a long time not buying nuts because of DS's allergies, but we've been buying them/eating them pretty regularly for a year now and he hasn't really been bothered. But we try to be careful not to eat them in the car with him.... the confined space makes him feel "funny". You could buy the 100 calorie packs and take them to work. That way there are no open nut containers at home. We have a designated "nut" cupboard.

I've missed you all, and said that I would take my 45 min while ds is at ccd to really catch up here.
The other qotd I wanted to answer was Pamela's qotd on 5 reasons to lose weight.
1) to feel and be healthier
2)to set a good example for ds
3)to prevent obesity related illness as I age. I saw my mom go through so much, and so much was lifestyle related.
4)To be active with less aches and pains.
5) to not be a burden on ds as I age. - funny we were talking about our family heritage, and I had 2 great aunts that lived to be over 100, and ds says, I hope you can live to be that old too. sweet.

GREAT answers. I think if we all had crystal balls and could see how the obesity affected our futures, we might be more willing to make changes now!

Pamela-I did get my new furniture yesterday and it was from Jordans. It is amazing how many couches they have for less than $400. I'm very happy with it. It looks nice, and the dog is adjusting. Though she and michael were sitting on the old couch on the curb yesterday afternoon. Having a hard time saying goodbye.:rotfl2:

Gotta love Jordan's! Does your town pick up the old furniture or were you donating it or did you have to pay for it to be removed?

Off to pick up ds at ccd. Have a wonderful sunday everyone!!!

Hope your weekend was relaxing and fun!

Well, I go to university so I'm usually walking around campus every 50 minutes. All of my classes are on the first floor except one which is on the 3rd floor. I always take the stairs and it's actually gotten a lot easier since the beginning of the semester. Lately I've been trying to do as many jumping jacks throughout the day as I feel like. I read that doing 7000 burns an extra pound, so I figured I could do 7000 in a week. Yeah....right. :rotfl2:

I only get in about 400 a day, but that is a whole lot when you actually do them. I would really love to get a standing desk for my computer. I'm planning on getting a stationary bike that I can use while watching my tv shows.

I beat the stuffing out of myself last night. Did around 400 jumping jacks throughout the morning, went to play tennis in the afternoon then came home and did Jillian Michael's 30DS. Then I was challenged to do another workout on the Wii active and I love a good challenge. Well...:scared1: It's official, I actually cried during the last exercise on the wii. It was leg lifts and my arms were sweating so bad I kept sliding on the floor and couldn't keep my legs up anymore. I felt like a contestant on the biggest loser. I felt angry, hilarious, and happy all at the same time so it was kind of strange.

But! I'm feeling great today, my friend is coming over to workout and I'm subjecting her to 30DS or a run. She will probably kill me. Definitely looking forward to my rest day tomorrow, but I'll still get some walking in.

6 more days and then it's only 2 months until Disney!! :woohoo:
Hope you all have a fantastic day! :banana:

WOW! I'm super impressed. Keep up the GREAT work! You are an inspiration to me today!

We missed you too Kathy! Oh, you bet I am on the deck every morning this week!!! Everything is swept and the chair are set up. I put the wind chime up yesterday and cleaned off the electric grill! Today I will put up the solar lights and start to plan my window box plantings...and maybe start my herbs! Can't wait for spring!!! I will think of you as I take the first sip!

Do you start you own herbs or buy seedlings? I bought a mixed basket of herbs from our friends' organic garden last year and the year before, but I find I use very few of them. If I don't have a recipe, I'm not always sure how to use certain herbs. I tend to use the basil, sage, chives, and rosemary, and not much else. This year I am making my own mixed basket so I am not paying for the stuff I don't use!

Happy Sunday! I already have the corned beef in the crock pot with Guinness, have begun the car bomb cupcakes and have laundry well on my way. My dad is coming over to install my bedroom ceiling fan and knobs on my kitchen cabinets. I feel so productive already!

I have been a really bad eater and exerciser this week...maybe vacation mode is too much for me. This week I am still off so I am determined to get to the gym in the morning and then go through my usual day I'm at work....

Off to do more laundry!!!

Hope the laundry got all done!:thumbsup2

Well, I realized that Karate is not for my children lol. The party was a ton of fun, but DS8 is just not an athletic child. DS5 is left handed so everything was backward for him (since the teacher geared everything for right handers). They enjoyed it, though.

Good that you got a chance to find this out before dishing out the $$ for lessons!

I got almost everything done I wanted to this weekend. I'm hoping the rest gets done as the week goes on.

It's so hard to get on the computer when it's so beautiful outside. So, if I don't have time while at work (during my lunch break), I probably won't be on until later at night. I'm hoping this weather stays around and we have no more cold weather days. I can't wait to get out and mulch. I am thinking of using a company like TruGreen for my backyard (it's fenced in and we spend all our time out there). I hate to use chemicals, but DH and I have tried on our own and it's not working. I need to get rid of weeds and grubs and need a hardy grass since the dog tears up our yard. Maybe I'll call around this week and try to find a more environmentally friendly company.

I hope you do think twice about this. Is it really SO important that the backyard be weed-free? Do you really want your dog and kids rolling around in those chemicals?? And no matter WHAT the lawn company tells you, those chemicals will reside in your soil for DECADES!

Well, I am off to pack the boys lunches and finally have some time for myself.


Enjoy your "me" time!

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?

Confession time: This is one Disney movie I have NEVER seen!

I have urges like that pretty regularly. Most of the time I try to ignore them. But sometimes (like last night), they get the better of me. I ended my evening last night with a dark chocolate Lindt truffle. It put me over my points for the day and didn't exactly leave me feeling guilt-free.

I do try to have a few less-guilty treats around for just such occasions, but last night the less-guilty stuff just wasn't cutting it. I had already had a FiberOne bar (not something I eat very often.... too much of a Franken-food) and some lowfat microwave popcorn.... then a small piece of a lower fat dark chocolate (sadly it was :crazy2:).... and I couldn't shake the craving. Since it was bedtime I should have just shut off the light and gone to sleep to forget it, but I just couldn't. I suppose one truffle isn't going to cause too much damage. Live and learn.

I do tend to do my meals in small increments when I am here at home. Since I don't always eat in the kitchen (I know, I know.... terrible habit!!), I tend to take my lunch in parts.... first I might eat a hot vegetable. Then return to the kitchen for my salad or main dish, and then come back for my fruit. It tends to spread the lunch out more and make it last longer and get me a few extra steps, returning to the kitchen over and over! But I don't always have time for that.... and if I'm at work I only have 20 minutes for lunch, so it is usually a rushed affair.

This morning I had a cup of coffee when I drove DD to school. Then when I got home I made broccoli. When that was gone I made an eggwhite omelet with light cheese and spinach. When I had eaten that, then I had a bowl of fruit salad. Overall, breakfast took about 30-40 minutes to make/eat, not including that first cup of coffee.

I always have a bowl of fruit on the table and almonds and pistachios to hand when I want to munch. I have also discovered the joy of piri piri hoummous and mini bread sticks but I'm thinking I should change the breadsticks to raw veg to be even healthier. I have also become aware that "low fat" isnt always better as it can simply be loaded with sugar so I'm becoming more label savvy and checking out he ingredient list before I buy (rather than after I've eaten which used to be the case:rotfl2:).

WOOOHOOO on becoming a label reader! I think that is SO important!!


Morning friends! Sorry I didn't get to pop in yesterday. DD's swim meet went just fine, but no PB times for her. For some reason the end of this season isn't going really great. And she swam anchor for her team's "A" freestyle relay and feels like she lost a place for them (came in 2nd in their heat) because of a lousy turn, so she is beating herself up about it. She is trying hard to PROVE that she deserves that "A" relay place and is afraid that she blew it for next year. We'll see what happens this summer.

This was her last regular season meet of the year. Next weekend is YMCA New Englands at Harvard and that is it for the season. It makes me realize that starting this fall everything will be her "last". Her last home team Invitational, her last Bobcat Invitational, her last Regionals...etc. I cannot BELIEVE she will be a Senior. So grab your babies, toddlers, elementary kids, and junior high students and HUG THEM TIGHT! Because the days go slowly, but the YEARS GO QUICKLY and they will be gone before you know it!! :hug:

I have two loads of laundry to fold and with today's nice weather I should have done another load of towels for the line, but I haven't. Tonight's dinner is in the crockpot. I wanted to make a "real" chili using stew beef instead of ground beef, but I couldn't find a recipe this morning, so I am winging it. Wish us the best! :rotfl:

It looks like a beautiful week around here! Temps on Thursday are predicted to possibly hit the 80's! I'm excited to open some windows and enjoy the sunshine.

The girl that DD has been carpooling with to swim this season is officially done swimming (this week's practice is only for the kids who qualify for next weekend's Y New Englands), so I will have to drive DD all week. That said, I think I will plan to do some walk/runs outside while she is swimming this week. The practices will probably be shorter, since they are still tapering and that means it doesn't make sense for me to drop her and go home. There is a nice quiet neighborhood next to the Y and it is a great place to walk and run. So you heard it here first! I WILL be walking/running outside this week during the evenings.

Well.... .off to get something productive done with my morning! TTYL..........P
I need to check out the pantry, fridge, and freezers before grocery shopping, too. I ended up tackling the bathroom, but I told DH I wish I could afford a maid for every other week. He said, "keep dreaming." Maybe I can bribe him somehow lol.
Oh, what I wouldn't do for a housekeeper to do the work I hate....!

I lost a couple quotes.

Christopher~I'm very sorry about your godfather. I'm glad you had the strength to avoid the chocolate and walk instead.

Mary Poppins~I'm sorry to hear about your family member (I'm sorry I can't remember now). I hope everything turns out ok.


Well, I realized that Karate is not for my children lol. The party was a ton of fun, but DS8 is just not an athletic child. DS5 is left handed so everything was backward for him (since the teacher geared everything for right handers). They enjoyed it, though.

I got almost everything done I wanted to this weekend. I'm hoping the rest gets done as the week goes on.

It's so hard to get on the computer when it's so beautiful outside. So, if I don't have time while at work (during my lunch break), I probably won't be on until later at night. I'm hoping this weather stays around and we have no more cold weather days. I can't wait to get out and mulch. I am thinking of using a company like TruGreen for my backyard (it's fenced in and we spend all our time out there). I hate to use chemicals, but DH and I have tried on our own and it's not working. I need to get rid of weeds and grubs and need a hardy grass since the dog tears up our yard. Maybe I'll call around this week and try to find a more environmentally friendly company.

Well, I am off to pack the boys lunches and finally have some time for myself.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!! I can't wait to plant something...anything that won't die if we get a late frost!!
Good luck finding an enviro company...we have tons here in NJ so I hope they made it across the border!

For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?
I'm a 5 meals girl. iI try to snack at 10:30 and 3 to keep things going. SInce I am on break I have been really bad at this...I absolutely lose track of time! I usually have fruit on hand or popcorn.


Morning friends! Sorry I didn't get to pop in yesterday. DD's swim meet went just fine, but no PB times for her. For some reason the end of this season isn't going really great. And she swam anchor for her team's "A" freestyle relay and feels like she lost a place for them (came in 2nd in their heat) because of a lousy turn, so she is beating herself up about it. She is trying hard to PROVE that she deserves that "A" relay place and is afraid that she blew it for next year. We'll see what happens this summer.

This was her last regular season meet of the year. Next weekend is YMCA New Englands at Harvard and that is it for the season. It makes me realize that starting this fall everything will be her "last". Her last home team Invitational, her last Bobcat Invitational, her last Regionals...etc. I cannot BELIEVE she will be a Senior. So grab your babies, toddlers, elementary kids, and junior high students and HUG THEM TIGHT! Because the days go slowly, but the YEARS GO QUICKLY and they will be gone before you know it!! :hug:

I have two loads of laundry to fold and with today's nice weather I should have done another load of towels for the line, but I haven't. Tonight's dinner is in the crockpot. I wanted to make a "real" chili using stew beef instead of ground beef, but I couldn't find a recipe this morning, so I am winging it. Wish us the best! :rotfl:

It looks like a beautiful week around here! Temps on Thursday are predicted to possibly hit the 80's! I'm excited to open some windows and enjoy the sunshine.

The girl that DD has been carpooling with to swim this season is officially done swimming (this week's practice is only for the kids who qualify for next weekend's Y New Englands), so I will have to drive DD all week. That said, I think I will plan to do some walk/runs outside while she is swimming this week. The practices will probably be shorter, since they are still tapering and that means it doesn't make sense for me to drop her and go home. There is a nice quiet neighborhood next to the Y and it is a great place to walk and run. So you heard it here first! I WILL be walking/running outside this week during the evenings.

Well.... .off to get something productive done with my morning! TTYL..........P

Not sure where your quote about herbs went :confused3 but to answer... We did a little experiment last dad started with seeds and I started with seedlings. His seeds took WAY too long to germinate and he missed out on the herbs when he needed them (yes, I supplied my batch :)) My seedlings were great!! And they were from Home Depot!! I ended up with Basil (HUGE amounts), chives, and parsley. My cucumber plant did very well but the pepper plant was a bit of a dud. Remember, I do all of this on my deck! This year I am going to attempt lavendar (for the third time!!) and maybe add oregano to the herbs....still thinking about this!

How was the real chili!!? I am super curious!

I'm in a mood idea why. Maybe just a bad mom just called to tell me that my Godfather was just put on life support. He has straggled with Lupis and heart complications for years and it looks like it is really catching up to him. It doesn't look like he will last the week...

I'm sad but so grateful that I have had him in my life for this long. He was on deaths door 14 years ago so I feel as though the past 14 years have been a blessing.

Yesterday was a bad eating day...corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker...cooked in Guinness, soda bread with butter, fresh carrots, cauliflower "mashed potatoes", and Irish car bomb cupcakes. The cupcakes were the killer - chocolate cake make with a little Guinness, chocolate gnache filling made with Jamisons, and buttercream made with Baileys. Good thing they are almost gone....Brian can eat them or take them to school for the teachers tomorrow...

Back to spin tonight and tomorrow night and maybe wednesday morning. I'm hoping to get my butt outside for some much needed walking...

Happy Monday!
For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?

I try to keep cut up vegetables, a salad, a soup in the fridge at all times. Tonight when I get home from work I plan on making some of the old WW 0 vegie soup. I never really was a snacker - if I was hungry I would make a sandwich or grab the ice cream.
Good Sunday morning everyone.

One more show for Annie Get Your Gun. Last night had a good audience but was very light. We think it was because of St. Patrick's Day.

I spent some of the yesterday getting some costumes together for the school's 50. We were able to fit all the women with only a few alterations needed. We do have to make some fancy hats this week but some ribbons, flowers and a glue gun and it should take no more than an hour.

The last couple of months I have been trying to get more steps in by walking to the office more than once a day. Yesterday I parked the car on one end of the mall and walked to the other end to get to the hair cut place. Also when I was working on the show I volunteered to be the runner from the front of the building to the dressing rooms towards the back of the building.

Last month I did average over 10,000 step per day. So far this month I have 220,000 steps for the first 17 days.

Nothing much here. I have to go to church, grocery shop and then go to help out the show again. After the show we have to sort the costumes since some have to go back to a rental place.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I hope that your final show went well and that your preps for the 50th are well in hand.

I am truly impressed with the number of steps you are taking. I have a pedometer, but I have not remembered to wear it for a LONG time.

I got a dog! And I try to be a good doggy mama, so on work days we walk every morning 40-45 min since she will be in the crate during the day, and we do it again at night. On weekends we are out a lot with her to exercise her and us. Ds will take her for short walks alone on weekends, but for the long walks we go together. I am loving this beautiful weather. I work on the 1st floor of the hospital, but if I need to go to another floor, I never take the elevator unless I have a patient with me. If I'm not in a rush, I will park further from the mall or grocery store, but often that is not the case.

THat is how my sister got all here exercise when she was losing weight. Got not 1 but 2 dogs and they needed 3 walks a day...which meant so did she.

I do tend to cook the same foods, chicken or steak on the grill, with roasted vegies and grilled potatoes. I love roasted vegies, and do mix them up sometimes, but basicly brocolli/cauliflower, zuchini are my faves that I always fall back on. I do look at price, and cauliflower has been 2 heads for 3 dollars, so I've had that a lot lately. Brussels sprouts are another favorite. When I get organized and plan, I don't get bored but if I don't have the plan, I can come home from work, look in the fridge, and not want to cook anything. I love to cook a lot so I have leftover for at least another night.
St patricks day before i had ds I lived within walking distance of many, many bars, and we'd walk to one irish bar, party all evening, and stumble home. I can't imagine doing that anymore. Yesterday I put green food coloring in some muffins I made, and we got shamrock shakes in the evening as our celebration. I was thinking of going to the parade in Boston today, but don't think I'm going to. I want to get out and do some yard work and clean up the porches so when I sit on my porch for coffee this week, I'm not looking at all the dirt.

I do love vegies, and like some others have said love salads that I don't have to make. I also buy prewashed lettuce/spring mix when I'm doing salads, and basic vegies, tomatoes, cukes, celery, but will add fruit, apples or strawberries, cheese or avocado to mix it up a bit. I do love nuts but ds has allergies, so I don't buy them usually.

I love this CC. Thank you so much for all you do for the hh challenge. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and things are going ok with your med changes. Thanks for the good wishes for michael. He really is such a trooper. And I need to remind myself of that when I want to kill him sometimes.:rotfl:

I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers are with your family and your bil. It is so devastating and difficult on the whole family. He is young, and has that on his side to fight these awful illnesses.

Good morning everyone!!

I've missed you all, and said that I would take my 45 min while ds is at ccd to really catch up here.
The other qotd I wanted to answer was Pamela's qotd on 5 reasons to lose weight.
1) to feel and be healthier
2)to set a good example for ds
3)to prevent obesity related illness as I age. I saw my mom go through so much, and so much was lifestyle related.
4)To be active with less aches and pains.
5) to not be a burden on ds as I age. - funny we were talking about our family heritage, and I had 2 great aunts that lived to be over 100, and ds says, I hope you can live to be that old too. sweet.

Christopher-So sorry to hear about your godfather. :hug: You should be proud of how well you are handling it, and not using food to comfort yourself.
And did I see you've done the disney marathon???? How many, do you still run or are you planning to do anymore? Several BL gals are planning on the 2013 half or full. It's a great goal to have.

Karen-Looking like coffee on the porch all week ahead!!!

Pamela-I did get my new furniture yesterday and it was from Jordans. It is amazing how many couches they have for less than $400. I'm very happy with it. It looks nice, and the dog is adjusting. Though she and michael were sitting on the old couch on the curb yesterday afternoon. Having a hard time saying goodbye.:rotfl2:

A belate Happy St Patricks day to everyone!!

Especially to LuvpoohandCompany, our resident Irish lassie!! I loved when you posted about good craic. I never knew that's how you spelled it. Ireland is such a beautiful country. My dad's family were from Cork, and my first trip was with my mom and sister for my 2nd cousins wedding in Cork city. It was such an amazing time, and so fun to see the farm where my grandfather was born and meet all our cousins. My other trip was for my best friends wedding in Ballyshannon,Donegal. You Irish know how to celebrate!! Lots of good memories. Hope you had a lovely day yesterday.

Dona-Wow, you're taking a lot of steps!! That is awesome!!!

Janis-Guinness stew sounds good. I was at Jordans furniture, and got a frozen yogurt, but Richardson's has a guinness flavored ice cream, made with real guinness. I tasted a sample, and it wasn't bad, but I don't really care for guinnes. It's a little heavy for me.

Thank you Christopher for coaching this week Such fun questions you've though of!!

Off to pick up ds at ccd. Have a wonderful sunday everyone!!!

It appears that I may have killed the few people coming along to write. I guess the merge is coming at the right time. I just hope it is not my questions that have sent people running.

Well, I go to university so I'm usually walking around campus every 50 minutes. All of my classes are on the first floor except one which is on the 3rd floor. I always take the stairs and it's actually gotten a lot easier since the beginning of the semester. Lately I've been trying to do as many jumping jacks throughout the day as I feel like. I read that doing 7000 burns an extra pound, so I figured I could do 7000 in a week. Yeah....right.

Wow, I have not done jumping jacks for years. I wonder how long it would take to do 7000 of them?

I only get in about 400 a day, but that is a whole lot when you actually do them. I would really love to get a standing desk for my computer. I'm planning on getting a stationary bike that I can use while watching my tv shows.

I beat the stuffing out of myself last night. Did around 400 jumping jacks throughout the morning, went to play tennis in the afternoon then came home and did Jillian Michael's 30DS. Then I was challenged to do another workout on the Wii active and I love a good challenge. Well...:scared1: It's official, I actually cried during the last exercise on the wii. It was leg lifts and my arms were sweating so bad I kept sliding on the floor and couldn't keep my legs up anymore. I felt like a contestant on the biggest loser. I felt angry, hilarious, and happy all at the same time so it was kind of strange.

But! I'm feeling great today, my friend is coming over to workout and I'm subjecting her to 30DS or a run. She will probably kill me. Definitely looking forward to my rest day tomorrow, but I'll still get some walking in.

Careful with the extra exercise. Make sure you take some time off and rest your muscles.

6 more days and then it's only 2 months until Disney!! :woohoo:
Hope you all have a fantastic day!

I am counting counting too. 12 Days!!

That is tooo cute! I love how kids just pick up certain nephew does ti all the time and I have to figure out where it came from!

Speaking of tradition, my mom called this morning and they just booked another trip to Ireland in the fall for the family reunion (Cavanaugh Clan) in Ferns. I'm just hoping that they want to take me with them :)

Today I will not sit down unless it is absolutely necessary...driving would be one of those times...oh, and finishing this post! I usually choose to park farther away from the mall and such to get those extra steps in!

Keep on stepping Dona!!!
So glad the play was a success :)

We missed you too Kathy! Oh, you bet I am on the deck every morning this week!!! Everything is swept and the chair are set up. I put the wind chime up yesterday and cleaned off the electric grill! Today I will put up the solar lights and start to plan my window box plantings...and maybe start my herbs! Can't wait for spring!!! I will think of you as I take the first sip!

Happy Sunday! I already have the corned beef in the crock pot with Guinness, have begun the car bomb cupcakes and have laundry well on my way. My dad is coming over to install my bedroom ceiling fan and knobs on my kitchen cabinets. I feel so productive already!

I have been a really bad eater and exerciser this week...maybe vacation mode is too much for me. This week I am still off so I am determined to get to the gym in the morning and then go through my usual day I'm at work....

Off to do more laundry!!!

Enjoy your vacation and try to find that balance of vacation and staying on track. You can do it!

Well, I realized that Karate is not for my children lol. The party was a ton of fun, but DS8 is just not an athletic child. DS5 is left handed so everything was backward for him (since the teacher geared everything for right handers). They enjoyed it, though.

I got almost everything done I wanted to this weekend. I'm hoping the rest gets done as the week goes on.

I am impressed. I do not seem to get through my weekend chores that I plan. Sometimes I think I plan too much.

It's so hard to get on the computer when it's so beautiful outside. So, if I don't have time while at work (during my lunch break), I probably won't be on until later at night. I'm hoping this weather stays around and we have no more cold weather days. I can't wait to get out and mulch. I am thinking of using a company like TruGreen for my backyard (it's fenced in and we spend all our time out there). I hate to use chemicals, but DH and I have tried on our own and it's not working. I need to get rid of weeds and grubs and need a hardy grass since the dog tears up our yard. Maybe I'll call around this week and try to find a more environmentally friendly company.

Well, I am off to pack the boys lunches and finally have some time for myself.


Perhaps it is the lovely weather that is keeping people away from their computers. I hope that they are all outside exercising and enjoying being outside to improve their health.

I no longer take elevaters or escalators and try to park a wee bit further from the shops. Now that spring is here I'm hoping to walk to school to pick up my son at the end of the day so we both walk home:thumbsup2 Spent some time tidying my garden on Sunday and my mum and I are going to tackle her (much bigger) vegetable garden so we can grow our own veg:cool1: I've commited to wed and sat mornings so that shouls give me a good workout;)

:thumbsup2 Giving up the elevators and escalators. Amazing how a simple action can effect your health so significantly.

I always have a bowl of fruit on the table and almonds and pistachios to hand when I want to munch. I have also discovered the joy of piri piri hoummous and mini bread sticks but I'm thinking I should change the breadsticks to raw veg to be even healthier. I have also become aware that "low fat" isnt always better as it can simply be loaded with sugar so I'm becoming more label savvy and checking out he ingredient list before I buy (rather than after I've eaten which used to be the case:rotfl2:).

I have been reading labels more frequently in the store now too. A lot of people look at me like I am strange.

Holy moly that's a lot of ticks. We've never had a tick on any of our pets, but we do check especially if we are camping or walking in the woods.

I guess it depends on what I'm hungry for. I always have a trail mix for a sweet n salty urge, and string cheese or yogurt for a needed energy boost. Oh, and I've have been known to pop a Hershey kiss with almonds every once in awhile for a chocolate craving. I try to eat smaller meals. So I aim for 300 calories per meal. I fit in a snack in between.


Yay I made it on! Now, I better get ready for the week. Back to the same old routine. PSSA testing is over for us, so I have to get back in those books!

BBL to check in!


I do not miss all those standardized tests. They were horrible when I taught in Florida. We have some standardized tests here but only for a few year groups and not for all of them. And they seem to take only 2 or 3 days rather than a week and a half.

Glad to hear that you tried something new and enjoyed it!

First of all, let me say, this is a GREAT one! I tend to forget about this movie pretty easily. That said, we do have a favorite line from the movie that gets quoted a lot in our house......"She's not a lady.... she's nothin' but a SISTER!"

I love that quote too......just wan't sure how to tie that into the BL Challenge :rotfl2:

Before I restarted this journey in 2008, my exercise routine was pretty much.... NOTHING! My treadmill had been a dust collector for a few years (although I had been using it fairly routinely when I originally bought it in about 2003-ish). But I had never done ANYTHING for exercise other than walking. So adding hills, weights, exercise DVDs (WATP, BL, JM) and RUNNING has been the biggest change. Do I love it? NO Do I like it? NO.... but I like the results, so I keep at it.

That's an amazing number of steps!

DD and I attended her school musical (Footloose) on Sat. evening and I found myself scrutinizing the costumes, wondering who our "Dona" is here.

Hope your weekend was relaxing and fun!

WOW! I'm super impressed. Keep up the GREAT work! You are an inspiration to me today!

Hope the laundry got all done!:thumbsup2

Enjoy your "me" time!

Confession time: This is one Disney movie I have NEVER seen!

Actually it is rather dark and sinister. Not top of the list for people to watch, that is for sure.

I have urges like that pretty regularly. Most of the time I try to ignore them. But sometimes (like last night), they get the better of me. I ended my evening last night with a dark chocolate Lindt truffle. It put me over my points for the day and didn't exactly leave me feeling guilt-free.
Oh, I can understand the Lindt truffle. Swiss chocolate is a tricky thing for me's everywhere (Go figure):confused3

I do keep some WW Swiss chocolate around for emergencies here. Very tasty and better in the calorie department.

I do try to have a few less-guilty treats around for just such occasions, but last night the less-guilty stuff just wasn't cutting it. I had already had a FiberOne bar (not something I eat very often.... too much of a Franken-food) and some lowfat microwave popcorn.... then a small piece of a lower fat dark chocolate (sadly it was :crazy2:).... and I couldn't shake the craving. Since it was bedtime I should have just shut off the light and gone to sleep to forget it, but I just couldn't. I suppose one truffle isn't going to cause too much damage. Live and learn.

I do tend to do my meals in small increments when I am here at home. Since I don't always eat in the kitchen (I know, I know.... terrible habit!!), I tend to take my lunch in parts.... first I might eat a hot vegetable. Then return to the kitchen for my salad or main dish, and then come back for my fruit. It tends to spread the lunch out more and make it last longer and get me a few extra steps, returning to the kitchen over and over! But I don't always have time for that.... and if I'm at work I only have 20 minutes for lunch, so it is usually a rushed affair.

This morning I had a cup of coffee when I drove DD to school. Then when I got home I made broccoli. When that was gone I made an eggwhite omelet with light cheese and spinach. When I had eaten that, then I had a bowl of fruit salad. Overall, breakfast took about 30-40 minutes to make/eat, not including that first cup of coffee.

WOOOHOOO on becoming a label reader! I think that is SO important!!


Morning friends! Sorry I didn't get to pop in yesterday. DD's swim meet went just fine, but no PB times for her. For some reason the end of this season isn't going really great. And she swam anchor for her team's "A" freestyle relay and feels like she lost a place for them (came in 2nd in their heat) because of a lousy turn, so she is beating herself up about it. She is trying hard to PROVE that she deserves that "A" relay place and is afraid that she blew it for next year. We'll see what happens this summer.

This was her last regular season meet of the year. Next weekend is YMCA New Englands at Harvard and that is it for the season. It makes me realize that starting this fall everything will be her "last". Her last home team Invitational, her last Bobcat Invitational, her last Regionals...etc. I cannot BELIEVE she will be a Senior. So grab your babies, toddlers, elementary kids, and junior high students and HUG THEM TIGHT! Because the days go slowly, but the YEARS GO QUICKLY and they will be gone before you know it!! :hug:

I have two loads of laundry to fold and with today's nice weather I should have done another load of towels for the line, but I haven't. Tonight's dinner is in the crockpot. I wanted to make a "real" chili using stew beef instead of ground beef, but I couldn't find a recipe this morning, so I am winging it. Wish us the best! :rotfl:

It looks like a beautiful week around here! Temps on Thursday are predicted to possibly hit the 80's! I'm excited to open some windows and enjoy the sunshine.

The girl that DD has been carpooling with to swim this season is officially done swimming (this week's practice is only for the kids who qualify for next weekend's Y New Englands), so I will have to drive DD all week. That said, I think I will plan to do some walk/runs outside while she is swimming this week. The practices will probably be shorter, since they are still tapering and that means it doesn't make sense for me to drop her and go home. There is a nice quiet neighborhood next to the Y and it is a great place to walk and run. So you heard it here first! I WILL be walking/running outside this week during the evenings.

Well.... .off to get something productive done with my morning! TTYL..........P

I am moving my exercise outside when possible too. Of course it has decided to rain the last 2 days so I have been in the gym again.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!! I can't wait to plant something...anything that won't die if we get a late frost!!
Good luck finding an enviro company...we have tons here in NJ so I hope they made it across the border!

I'm a 5 meals girl. iI try to snack at 10:30 and 3 to keep things going. SInce I am on break I have been really bad at this...I absolutely lose track of time! I usually have fruit on hand or popcorn.

Not sure where your quote about herbs went :confused3 but to answer... We did a little experiment last dad started with seeds and I started with seedlings. His seeds took WAY too long to germinate and he missed out on the herbs when he needed them (yes, I supplied my batch :)) My seedlings were great!! And they were from Home Depot!! I ended up with Basil (HUGE amounts), chives, and parsley. My cucumber plant did very well but the pepper plant was a bit of a dud. Remember, I do all of this on my deck! This year I am going to attempt lavendar (for the third time!!) and maybe add oregano to the herbs....still thinking about this!

How was the real chili!!? I am super curious!

I'm in a mood idea why. Maybe just a bad mom just called to tell me that my Godfather was just put on life support. He has straggled with Lupis and heart complications for years and it looks like it is really catching up to him. It doesn't look like he will last the week...

Sorry to hear about your godfather. I can sympathize right now for sure.:grouphug:

I'm sad but so grateful that I have had him in my life for this long. He was on deaths door 14 years ago so I feel as though the past 14 years have been a blessing.

Yesterday was a bad eating day...corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker...cooked in Guinness, soda bread with butter, fresh carrots, cauliflower "mashed potatoes", and Irish car bomb cupcakes. The cupcakes were the killer - chocolate cake make with a little Guinness, chocolate gnache filling made with Jamisons, and buttercream made with Baileys. Good thing they are almost gone....Brian can eat them or take them to school for the teachers tomorrow...

Bad eating days can sometimes kick you into gear both mentally and with your metabolism. As long as you don't use it as an excuse to stay off the wagon and have them only now and again.

Back to spin tonight and tomorrow night and maybe wednesday morning. I'm hoping to get my butt outside for some much needed walking...

Happy Monday!

Well Team, things really are slowing down here. I hope that I have not killed the thread as the coach this week.

It has been a little tough being so far away today while my family and friends gathered for my godfather's funeral. But I am doing all right. I have now gotten tot he point of not having an appetite. So I am not sure which is better.....craving things I can't have or not eating enough calories. Hmmmm.:confused:

Time for me to head to bed. Will be back tomorrow!

We actually have a pretty good farmer's market, but it doesn't start until July. It goes until October, which is great, but I wish it was longer. I am going to try to find a produce co-op type thing where you pay a set price at the beginning of summer and each week you get certain things (and it's a pretty good variety). The only problem is the closest pick up for us is about a 20-25 minute drive and we will be on vacation a couple weeks this summer, so I don't know if I can find anyone to go pick up the produce so it doesn't go to waste.

You should totally do the 5k. They are a lot of fun and you'll want to do even more! If no one wants to do it with you, still do it. I actually found that I'd rather be by myself so I can go at my own pace instead of possibly going slower to be with a friend (or my sister).

I've never heard of where you pay a set price and get a variety of things. That is cool!

I plan on doing it, it's been raining all week so hopefully I can get a couple more runs outside in before it comes around.

Glad you're feeling great today, but don't overdo your workouts! You don't want to get an injury or exhaust yourself! Good luck on all those jumping jacks. I hate them!

Yeah, I don't plan on doing that ever again. :lmao: I knew after Jillian that it wasn't going to be pretty.

Well, I realized that Karate is not for my children lol. The party was a ton of fun, but DS8 is just not an athletic child. DS5 is left handed so everything was backward for him (since the teacher geared everything for right handers). They enjoyed it, though.

Glad they had a good time! Poor DS, I hate it when I'm doing some workout videos and they are facing the opposite way so I'm not sure which way I'm suppose to be going!

Well, I am off to pack the boys lunches and finally have some time for myself.


For the QOTDs this week, I thought it would be interested to take a look at some of the characters that play a supporting role, a minor role or even a bit role in a Disney animated feature. Sometimes we can gleam quite a bit of wisdom from one of these characters if we take a moment to think about it.

QOTD Monday March 19 Gurgi from The Black Cauldron

Gurgi was always on the search for Munchies and Crunchies. When you get those urges to eat something right away, what have you got on hand that fits into your plan that you can grab? Do you plan for these sudden urges? Do you spread your meals out in small increments throughout the day to avoid these situations?

Luckily I haven't been struck with the munchies too often, which I'm surprised about. I slowly start to get hungry around my snack time (I try to eat breakfast at 7-8, snack at 10, lunch at 12-1, snack at 3, dinner at 5-6) but I have a clear enough head that I can kind of think about what I want and add it into MFP before making a decision! If anything I crave chocolate so I have some Godiva dark chocolate on hand in the freezer. Usually I have some extra calories and the chocolate is 50 calories. I usually have 1 or 2 of those a day now.

Glad to hear that you tried something new and enjoyed it!

I just fixed them again today! I have become addicted.

WOW! I'm super impressed. Keep up the GREAT work! You are an inspiration to me today!

Thanks! :goodvibes

Confession time: This is one Disney movie I have NEVER seen!

I have urges like that pretty regularly. Most of the time I try to ignore them. But sometimes (like last night), they get the better of me. I ended my evening last night with a dark chocolate Lindt truffle. It put me over my points for the day and didn't exactly leave me feeling guilt-free.

At least it was dark chocolate!

I do try to have a few less-guilty treats around for just such occasions, but last night the less-guilty stuff just wasn't cutting it. I had already had a FiberOne bar (not something I eat very often.... too much of a Franken-food) and some lowfat microwave popcorn.... then a small piece of a lower fat dark chocolate (sadly it was :crazy2:).... and I couldn't shake the craving. Since it was bedtime I should have just shut off the light and gone to sleep to forget it, but I just couldn't. I suppose one truffle isn't going to cause too much damage. Live and learn.

I have some of those moments. I can either go to sleep or eat something and then go to sleep. I've made both decisions. Of course I wake up smiling the next day when I conquered the craving, but, you're right! Live and learn, there's always another day! :goodvibes

I do tend to do my meals in small increments when I am here at home. Since I don't always eat in the kitchen (I know, I know.... terrible habit!!), I tend to take my lunch in parts.... first I might eat a hot vegetable. Then return to the kitchen for my salad or main dish, and then come back for my fruit. It tends to spread the lunch out more and make it last longer and get me a few extra steps, returning to the kitchen over and over! But I don't always have time for that.... and if I'm at work I only have 20 minutes for lunch, so it is usually a rushed affair.

I don't eat in the kitchen either, usually my room which is my bedroom, relaxing room, workout room, homework room, dinner room, you know how they all say that your bedroom should be for sleep only? :rolleyes:

I think that actually is quite a neat way of doing things! I tend to eat too fast.

Morning friends! Sorry I didn't get to pop in yesterday. DD's swim meet went just fine, but no PB times for her. For some reason the end of this season isn't going really great. And she swam anchor for her team's "A" freestyle relay and feels like she lost a place for them (came in 2nd in their heat) because of a lousy turn, so she is beating herself up about it. She is trying hard to PROVE that she deserves that "A" relay place and is afraid that she blew it for next year. We'll see what happens this summer.

Sorry about your DD. I'm sure she did wonderful, I hope she starts to feel better about it!

This was her last regular season meet of the year. Next weekend is YMCA New Englands at Harvard and that is it for the season. It makes me realize that starting this fall everything will be her "last". Her last home team Invitational, her last Bobcat Invitational, her last Regionals...etc. I cannot BELIEVE she will be a Senior. So grab your babies, toddlers, elementary kids, and junior high students and HUG THEM TIGHT! Because the days go slowly, but the YEARS GO QUICKLY and they will be gone before you know it!! :hug:

My original plan was to move out of the state for college. I think my grandmother and mom were pretty happy when I decided to live at home and go to a local university. :thumbsup2

I have two loads of laundry to fold and with today's nice weather I should have done another load of towels for the line, but I haven't. Tonight's dinner is in the crockpot. I wanted to make a "real" chili using stew beef instead of ground beef, but I couldn't find a recipe this morning, so I am winging it. Wish us the best! :rotfl:

It looks like a beautiful week around here! Temps on Thursday are predicted to possibly hit the 80's! I'm excited to open some windows and enjoy the sunshine.

The girl that DD has been carpooling with to swim this season is officially done swimming (this week's practice is only for the kids who qualify for next weekend's Y New Englands), so I will have to drive DD all week. That said, I think I will plan to do some walk/runs outside while she is swimming this week. The practices will probably be shorter, since they are still tapering and that means it doesn't make sense for me to drop her and go home. There is a nice quiet neighborhood next to the Y and it is a great place to walk and run. So you heard it here first! I WILL be walking/running outside this week during the evenings.

Well.... .off to get something productive done with my morning! TTYL..........P

Hope you have been getting your walks in!!

I'm in a mood idea why. Maybe just a bad mom just called to tell me that my Godfather was just put on life support. He has straggled with Lupis and heart complications for years and it looks like it is really catching up to him. It doesn't look like he will last the week...

I'm sad but so grateful that I have had him in my life for this long. He was on deaths door 14 years ago so I feel as though the past 14 years have been a blessing.

Yesterday was a bad eating day...corned beef and cabbage in the slow cooker...cooked in Guinness, soda bread with butter, fresh carrots, cauliflower "mashed potatoes", and Irish car bomb cupcakes. The cupcakes were the killer - chocolate cake make with a little Guinness, chocolate gnache filling made with Jamisons, and buttercream made with Baileys. Good thing they are almost gone....Brian can eat them or take them to school for the teachers tomorrow...

Back to spin tonight and tomorrow night and maybe wednesday morning. I'm hoping to get my butt outside for some much needed walking...

Happy Monday!

:hug::hug: So sorry about your Godfather.

I am counting counting too. 12 Days!!

Well Team, things really are slowing down here. I hope that I have not killed the thread as the coach this week.

It has been a little tough being so far away today while my family and friends gathered for my godfather's funeral. But I am doing all right. I have now gotten tot he point of not having an appetite. So I am not sure which is better.....craving things I can't have or not eating enough calories. Hmmmm.:confused:

Time for me to head to bed. Will be back tomorrow!


The jumping jacks ended after yesterday. :lmao: I guess I'm not THAT dedicated to it. I figure I have enough exercising to do.

Woohoo, 12 days! I wish!

Glad you are doing okay.

Well, okay, I said today would be my off day. :rolleyes1

It poured rain here today and I didn't feel like I did anything so I HAD to get on the TM. I was all antsy and needed to get moving. Did 2 miles, feel great.

Tomorrow will be my rest day, promise. :angel:

I have been watching Star Wars, we'll be at DHS one day for star wars weekend and I'd never seen the movies. They are good, I'm a little lost on the storyline still after the first three episodes, but I totally want to be a Jedi. :darth:


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